10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (2024)

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (1)

Image: Riot Games

Human Made

Penned by Summer Watts

Summer has been an avid gamer ever since she was a young girl. She graduated from the University of California Davis in 2019, and completed an inte... Read more

Reviewed by Benjamin Barr

Caitlyn, famously known as the sheriff of Piltover, is the highly intelligent and daring peacekeeper that sweeps up the competition in the bottom lane. Her star role in the hit League of Legends show Arcane made her even more of a popular ADC pick. Right before Arcane was released back in November 2021, Caitlyn got a much needed update to all of her skins.

For about a decade since her release in January 2011, Caitlyn only received nerfs and buffs to her gameplay. Her brand new appearance, fresh splash arts, and new in-game voice lines referencing Arcane made her even more of a League of Legends icon than she was before. But which skins truly do this determined and fiery police-woman justice?

In this article, we’re taking a look at the 10 best Caitlyn skins in League of Legends. We’ll go into why each one compliments her unique, stylish, and clever character to a tee.

10 Best Caitlyn Skins, Ranked Good to Great

Currently, Caitlyn has a total of fourteen skins, which will be upped to fifteen when Heartthrob Caitlyn is released on February 8, 2023. Although most of her skins received an update, some of the new splash arts look sharper, and feel smoother in game than the others. In this list, we’ll highlight each skin’s in-game performance first, and their splash art second.

So what is the best Caitlyn skin in League of Legends? Let’s find out.


Arcane Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (5)
  • Date Released: November 22, 2021
  • Cost: 975 RP
  • Chromas: No

Kicking off our list of the best Caitlyn skins in League of Legends is her Arcane skin. This skin looks pretty basic in game, but that’s not a bad thing. She looks just like the character from the show in game, and has a neat recall that alludes to Arcane.

A few more interesting in-game voice lines that tie back to Arcane, or some more creative taunts would make this skin even better. The purple hue that outlines her abilities looks very sharp, and her overall appearance is filled with detail. This skin really adds no negative effects to Caitlyn’s gameplay.

The splash art is where this skin really shines. It seems as though she is looking at something Jinx either invented or destroyed. The colorful and broken glass makes her and the details in her brown leather and purple uniform stand out even more.Her confident pose highlights her Hextech rifle, which looks as though it was just fired. Her strong expression, paired with her flowing black hair is simply stunning.

Although this skin doesn’t boast anything all that special in game, its splash art creates an intricate shot from Arcane that looks incredible.


Resistance Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (6)
  • Date Released: January 4, 2011
  • Cost: 520 RP
  • Chromas: No

This is another skin that looks relatively simple in game, but adds a great theme to her character. If anyone was going to be the leader of a Resistance squadron, it would be Caitlyn. In game, this skin looks pretty slick. The attention to detail in her outfit and her rifle is amazing.

Even though there is no change to her recall, taunts, or abilities, this is a very creative skin that brings out her daring and adventurous side really well. It also adds no negative effects to Caitlyn’s gameplay, which is always a plus.

The background of the splash art definitely has a very cool and ominous Star Wars feel to it. Caitlyn looks fierce and ready to eliminate anyone that stands in her way. Her massive rifle is perfectly resting on her shoulder, and the intensity in her facial expression is very captivating.

This skin definitely makes her look like the intimidating and badass woman warrior that you want on your team.


Officer Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (7)
  • Date Released: October 4, 2011
  • Cost: 975 RP
  • Chromas: No

I honestly can’t think of a more perfect theme for Caitlyn than this. It fits her peacemaking nature and her excellent detective skills extremely well. In game, this skin is very detailed and sleek. It’s basic but brilliant, and puts a donut in her hand instead of tea when she recalls. Her abilities have a neon pink hue to them, which makes them really pop in game.

The old splash art for this skin was painfully outdated, and didn’t really fit Caitlyn’s provocative yet professional look. This new splash art is drastically different, and makes this skin one of the most improved skins out of all the updated skins.

She looks classy but glamorous at the same time, and the donut in her hand adds a whimsical touch that really ties everything together flawlessly. I also love that Vi is clearly in the background. For 975 RP, this is a great quality skin and definitely worth adding to your collection.


Safari Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (8)
  • Date Released: May 9, 2011
  • Cost: 975 RP
  • Chromas: No

In this one-of-a-kind skin, Caitlyn looks like a female version of Indiana Jones. It highlights her daring and adventurous side in a really brilliant and unique way. Although the Outback Renekton skin shares some similarities with this skin, Safari Caitlyn is the only “Safari” skin in League of Legends.

Some of the details in her sublime splash art are depicted a bit differently in game, which is a bit of a downside. For instance, her hair is down and flowing in her splash art, but it’s put in a slick ponytail in game. Her hat is wider and fits her head better in the splash art as well. Despite these inconsistencies, this skin still looks quite sharp in game.

Still, it feels like this skin is missing something. Even though her abilities have a nice yellow hue, and her recall is slightly different, it isn’t really enough. For how unique it is, it really should have some more creativity and work put into its special effects.

The original Safari Caitlyn skin was very outdated both in and outside of the game, and didn’t do this amazing Safari theme justice. This new splash art adds much more detail to the background and Caitlyn’s appearance, and changes up her pose to make it more interesting. Instead of just sitting on a stone wall while holding her rifle, she is caught in motion while escaping from a falling temple. It’s edgy, exhilarating, and perfect for Caitlyn in every way.


Headhunter Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (9)
  • Date Released: September 3, 2014
  • Cost: 975 RP
  • Chromas: No

This skin is especially unique because of how well it highlights Caitlyn’s deadly rifle. None of her other skins make her rifle look this menacing. The way it opens up in the splash art is how it looks in game when she casts her abilities. It looks like a massive death ray that is ready to mow down anything in its path. The vibrant red hue to her abilities emphasizes her lethal monster of a weapon even more.

This skin has many brilliant touches to it in game. The skull on her hip, her recall that shows her scanning the area for enemies, and her bold face markings are some of the major details that make this skin’s Headhunter theme so epic.

When it comes to the splash art, you can’t help but wonder if it was inspired by Predator. It makes her look like the terrifying and deadly monster that’s in the film. The attention to detail in her armor and her rifle is gorgeous, and the bright red color scheme makes her and her rifle stand out beautifully. This deadly huntress theme is executed so well in and out of game, and it couldn’t fit Caitlyn’s personality any better.


Pool Party Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (10)
  • Date Released: August 2, 2018
  • Cost: 1350 RP
  • Chromas: Yes

Halfway through our list of the best Caitlyn skins in LoL is her Pool Party skin! The Pool Party skin line is just plain fun, and Caitlyn’s is especially charming, stylish, and a whole lot of fun to use in game. This skin replaces her classic Hextech rifle with a huge, multicolored water gun. Her Piltover Peacemaker ability fires a stream of water that is led by a cute stingray, and her 90 Caliber Net ability replaces her net with an orange starfish.

Her recall is showy and hilarious, and each chroma comes with a different colored recall. The chromas also affect her outfit — the stingray and starfish in her abilities also turn different colors. The many chromas that come with this skin make it even more appealing and fun to use. The skin feels and looks fantastic in game, and getting takedowns with her overpowered water gun is super satisfying.

This skin’s splash art is so colorful, classy, and straight-up gorgeous. She looks so elegant on her pink flamingo tube, and even though she is relaxing with a drink in one hand, she keeps her gun close with the other just in case Zoe starts bothering her. This is a fantastic skin in and out of game, and a very high quality middle-tier skin.


Battle Academia Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (11)
  • Date Released: March 18, 2021
  • Cost: 1820 RP
  • Chromas: Yes

Caitlyn is the overconfident, straight-A student that will stop at nothing to be at the top of her class in this skin. In addition to some charming new taunts and a jaw-dropping recall, her abilities have a beautiful pink and purple color scheme.

Her ultimate ability also triggers an image of herself focusing on her target right before her shot is released. The many different chromas that it has also make it so creative and fun to play with in game. It’s a very showy and epic skin that feels and looks fantastic.

The only thing that looks a bit off in this skin is the way Caitlyn is holding her rifle in game. Her rifle looks a bit bulky, and and she isn’t carrying it in the stylish and effortless way that she usually does.

The snobby class president look that this splash art gives Caitlyn works surprisingly well. Her extremely long and straightened hair, coupled with her perfectly put-together uniform gives her such a fierce and powerful look.

Her Hextech rifle looks so exquisite and modern in this skin, and matches her school outfit perfectly. All of her fans that are cheering for her in the background further emphasize her celebrity student status. This skin is breathtaking in and out of game, and brings out Caitlyn’s disciplined, confident, and fearless personality in a fresh and dazzling new way.


Snow Moon Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (12)
  • Date Released: June 23, 2022
  • Cost: 1350 RP
  • Chromas: Yes

This skin gives Caitlyn a more dark and sinister look that is extremely unique. It’s icy, elegant, and stylish. It comes with a showy recall, a bunch of gorgeous chromas, and adds a blue and red color scheme to her abilities.

What makes this skin so exceptional is its creativity and attention to detail. In game, you can see every little detail that is displayed in the splash art. It makes Caitlyn look more like a cold, calculating, and lethal assassin than the charming and clever sheriff of Piltover. Her rifle looks more like a needle, but feels so satisfying with every shot.

This skin’s splash art is simply breathtaking. Caitlyn looks like she could be a part of the Coven skin line in this art. Her bright blue eyes, icy white hair, menacing expression, and graceful pose combine with the ominous background to create a stunning scene. Probably the best part about this splash art is her intricate needle rifle, which floats above her hands. Even though it’s a bit creepy, this skin does a fantastic job at reimagining Caitlyn’s image.


Prestige Arcade Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (13)
  • Date Released: June 28, 2019
  • Cost: 150 Mythic Essence
  • Chromas: No

The Arcade skin line is similar to the Pool Party skin line in that it’s simple and fun, yet brilliant in design. Although this skin has a pretty high price tag, it looks phenomenal in game. The old Prestige Arcade Caitlyn skin felt a bit clunky, and lacked attention to detail. The new and improved Prestige Arcade Caitlyn skin looks sleeker, feels much smoother, and matches its colorful and dazzling splash art much better in game.

Perhaps the biggest change to Caitlyn’s Prestige Arcade skin is her rifle size. In the updated skin, Caitlyn’s golden rifle is much smaller, which makes the skin look and feel much less bulky. Her face, and her outfit are given much more detail, and her hat, boots, and legs are gold instead of white.

The gold in the old skin looked more bright yellow than gold, and the new skin has much more of a genuine gold color. Her golden and pixelated abilities look flawless, and her entertaining recall is nothing short of ingenious.

This is definitely one of Caitlyn’s best splash arts. Her rifle is so incredibly detailed, and has the perfect arcade accents. Caitlyn and her rifle share the spotlight beautifully, and the vibrant colors layered throughout make the gold in Caitlyn’s outfit and rifle pop even more. This skin quickly went from being one of the most underwhelming Prestige skins to one of the best after it got an update.


Pulsefire Caitlyn

10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (14)
  • Date Released: May 24, 2017
  • Cost: 1820 RP
  • Chromas: Yes

Finally, taking the number one spot on our list of the best Caitlyn skins is Pulsefire Caitlyn! Although this Legendary skin is almost six years old, it looks just as incredible as it did when it first came out. The time-traveler design of this skin is truly impressive, and simply breathtaking in and outside of the rift. Everything from her massive Hextech gun to her piercing white eyes is pure perfection. It is easily Caitlyn’s best skin to date.

The bonus effects that it comes with such as new taunts and ability sounds make it even more epic. Her beautifully designed armor looks incredible in game, and when she recalls, she is shown jumping into a different portal each time, which is genius.

Her gun is the absolute highlight of this skin, and looks even more spectacular in game. The skin feels extremely smooth and is so much fun to play with. You can’t help but feel confident when your Champion looks this awesome in the game.

The Pulsefire skin line is all about chrono technology, and this skin makes Caitlyn a chrono enforcer who tracks down those who illegally travel through time. It’s the perfect job for a relentless peacekeeper like herself. She has a futuristic, gun goddess look that no other marksman Champion has been able to beat. Although it carries a high price tag, it’s well worth the price for everything it comes with.

Join the High Ground

That’s it for our list of the best Caitlyn skins in League of Legends — thanks for reading! Caitlyn’s updated skins reflect her star role in Arcane by making her look like the daring, cunning, classy, and powerful Champion she really is. Her perfectly themed skins highlight her unique personality in so many different and fun ways. Which Caitlyn skins do you think are the best? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter.

Happy gaming!

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10 Best Caitlyn Skins in League of Legends | High Ground Gaming (2024)
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