a short measure for routine outcome mon… (2024)

a short measure for routine outcome mon… (1) https://doi.org/10.4081/ripppo.2023.671 · a short measure for routine outcome mon… (2)

Видання: Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 2023

Видавець: PAGEPress Publications


  1. Antonino La Tona
  2. Sofia Tagini
  3. Agostino Brugnera
  4. Barbara Poletti
  5. Edoardo Nicolò Aiello
  6. Gianluca Lo Coco
  7. Lidia Del Piccolo
  8. Angelo Compare


The customization of the intervention using patient feedback is an evidence-based practice aimed at the continuous evaluation, during the course of treatment, of the patient's change at a clinical level. There are few easy-to-use tools for common assessment of psychological distress, designed to be used for screening and during treatment to monitor progress. The CORE-10 is definitely one of them. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation - 10 (CORE-10). A sample of 548 participants (females, N = 463, 84,5%; mean age 23.29 ± 7.21 years) was recruited in the study and filled out a battery of measures. The internal validity of the CORE-10 was investigated through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) which evidenced a good fit to the data, suggesting a unidimensional factorial structure of the measure. Further, the scale had a good internal reliability and was significantly associated with other measures of distress, interpersonal problems, wellbeing, and insecure attachment. Finally, it showed excellent diagnostic accuracy, as well as intrinsic and post-test diagnostics. Given its validity and reliability, the CORE-10 may be adopted by Italian-speaking psychotherapists and researchers to evaluate the outcomes of mental health interventions as well as to track the session-to-session changes over time in psychological distress among patients.

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a short measure for routine outcome mon… (2024)


What is a routine outcome measure? ›

Routine outcome monitoring or measurement is the practice of regularly using outcome measures - or questionnaires - with clients during your therapeutic work together. This allows you and your clients to track the progress of your work over time.

What is an example of an outcome measure? ›

An outcome measure is a measure of a specific result or improvement. Outcome measure examples might include the percentage of patients adhering to their medication regime before and after treatment or a change in a patient's rating level of depression.

What are routine outcome measures in IAPT? ›

These collect information from service users as to how they are feeling, symptom experience, treatment/intervention goals, improvements in symptoms and experience of using the service. The effective use of outcome measures is a key component in CYP IAPT and service transformation.

What is the core routine outcome measure? ›

CORE stands for “Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation”. The CORE system comprises tools and advice to support monitoring of change and outcomes in routine practice in psychotherapy, counselling and any other work attempting to promote psychological recovery, health and wellbeing.

What are routine measures? ›

So, routine outcome measurement is the practice of measuring the impact of services throughout the service or throughout the client journey. So, we aim to measure how clients are going with particular circ*mstances in their life when they enter our service to have a baseline measurement.

What is a main outcome measure? ›

The primary outcome measure is the outcome that an investigator considers to be the most important among the many outcomes that are to be examined in the study. The primary outcome needs to be defined at the time the study is designed.

What are ways to measure outcomes? ›

Data collection tools. Once outcomes and indicators have been defined, the methods for collecting data need to be developed. Outcomes data can be collected through many different methods including surveys and questionnaires, structured and semi-structured interviews, and tailored client assessment tools.

What are the three types of outcome measures? ›

Outcome measures that we use in clinical practice are divided into four categories:
  • Self-report measures.
  • Performance-based measures.
  • Observer-reported measures.
  • Clinician-reported measures.

What is routine outcome monitoring in Counselling? ›

Routine outcome monitoring (ROM) has been referred to by various terms (e.g., progress monitoring, measurement-based care, feedback-informed treatment), but all contain features that can be grouped into three sequential phases: (1) collecting patient data on a regular basis; (2) feeding back data to the therapist and, ...

What is a standard outcome measure? ›

An outcome measure is a validated tool used to assess the effectiveness of a treatment by comparing scores before and after the intervention, as well as during follow-up, to determine if any changes are temporary or lasting.

What are the barriers to routine outcome measures? ›

Commonly reported barriers were lack of time, lack of perceived value, insufficient knowledge, cost, and lack of organizational support.

What is a key outcome measure? ›

The World Health Organization defines an outcome measure as a “change in the health of an individual, group of people, or population that is attributable to an intervention or series of interventions.” Outcome measures (mortality, readmission, patient experience, etc.)

What are basic outcome measures used in healthcare? ›

Outcome measures reflect the impact of the health care service or intervention on the health status of patients. For example: The percentage of patients who died as a result of surgery (surgical mortality rates). The rate of surgical complications or hospital-acquired infections.

What is the cut off for CORE-OM? ›

A higher score on the CORE measures, domains or individual items indicates a higher level of distress or symptom severity. Clinical cut-off for CORE-OM is 10. Therefore, a score below 10 is technically sub-clinical.

Why do we use ROMs? ›

Feedback derived through these standardized instruments may be used to inform goals and objectives, monitor individual progress, and inform decisions related to individual plans for care, treatment, or services” (p. 1). The Roadmap for Mental Health Research in Europe has also supported ROM (Emmelkamp et al., 2014).

What are ROMs in therapy? ›

This is known as Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM). The benefits of ROM are that this regular feedback on progress makes it easier to spot when therapy is not having the desired effects, so that the therapist can adapt or change the intervention accordingly.

What is clinical outcome routine evaluation outcome measure? ›

The CORE Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) is a self-report measure of psychological distress designed to be administered during a course of treatment to determine treatment response.

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