Evening Sentinel from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England (2024)

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Evening Sentineli

Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England

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SITUATIONS -Cont'd PROPERTIES FOR BALI I SITUATIONS Confd MISCELLANEOUS SALCS i 'not ten EVENING SENTINEL Wednesday September -26th 1962 PROPERTIES FOR SALE I TAFFORD and the Pottertes are within eaav reach of McLean's fin rest- MISCELLANEOUS SALES OUR Unique Reuphoutery Service Your aid suite made as new no QENERAL QENERAL ART VKWOASTLB SCHOOL OF AS new Maroon Folding Pram eost £10 accept £5: Cumflfolder Push OMART Bov ureenUv rand as EXPERIENCED Wage Clerk (female) AV 7 6IDMOUTH-AVE TO-DAY'S CINEMAS dential development at Redfern Park mg Ork Mr Tunnietlffe Arthur M-i read immedlsiely Knowledge of deposit from 76 Woodhouse Chetr hood and apron £3 6 months old 416 Leak Newd Sneyd Green t-'J NEWCASTLE STAFFORDSHIRE Prtncipal: CLARKSON AJlCA Hera you may currently Inspect a smart Maefalr Detaehad Buncslow with riAUMONT HANLEY Doors Open VT 1250 pjn LCP 650 PJU Wood Bon (Longport) Ltd Bradwell works Longport A PLEASANT 4-bedrmd Family House within walking distance of KanJay's main' shopping: centre largo lounge dinlngrm and hieakfastrm kitchen bathrm bam heater Md eojla mod natesT Tel 29056 after 7 p-m tot- appointment to view Offers i LL- expertly chosen decor1 and furnishings Elvts Presley Arthur O'ConneA Anne Helm Joanna Moor Jack Kruschen Solicitor requires Sbortnana Tyou previous experience desired Leslie BEAVER Lamb Coat superior quality Write: RO 897 seutlnet swan Bank Burslem PART Exchange your old Pumlture fur New on our anbsatable part exchangi scherre Call writ or ring 29199 for Cavendish Furnishing Co Stafford-sL Hanley building trade an Write: RO 918 Sentinel Hanley EXPERIENCED Paint Sprayer Teqd Hi must be eonversent with stove jflamei fintabes of all types: aiso expd Temata Packer for domeetie electrics lnDlianees Anohr Works Manager OP STUDENTS' I WORK A Moon 27 lower-squsre TunstaU "FOLLOW THAT DREAM IU) snowing now onigiuxuiiy antique ana rood modern furniture will mix It show home with a dlffeTonee The print of the Mayfatf- eompleta wltt I 1 Am afcn aaludil II 12550840 Dnn Bsddoe Ellen Oorry Hanley -ww BRIDE'S Dress white Woe floor length diamante tiara circular veil STEWARD and Stewardess (joint appointment) required st UUoxeter DANCINQ AND WHIST KXlfO'8 KAXL STOKX Mtdtond KnterUinmenU tnd Rock 8Ur XnterpriM iwestnt SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29th Direct tram B'i Parade ot the Pope BOB HILLIR BOB KILLIR BOB KILLIR AND HIS MILLER MEN Featuring LYNN COLLINS Mid GORDON SOMERS with BADDELEY ureen iiaaira pew-rd) Modern i Semi -1 955 hafl dbilishavs userr shaver Repairs Saintly Sinners (TJ 320 635 Toe teenaae Snow Sat at 10 am I doors to PradleVa Haae-street Hanley Engineering Ltd Orme-st Dale- Mm lounge dinlngrm Bien t-iueBsn- Phone 51905 before 6 pm MUNICIPAL HALL NEWCASTLE SEPTEMBER 22nd to '28th RE-OPENINO OF- 6CHOOL FOR SESSION 1962-63 Enrol for Oaasea at tbe Exhibition rvicemen cinb: aitrscuve wage including free fist heating and lighting you would prefer a 3-bsdroom house with 3 30 am): Norman Wisdom On Good (29621) i nan Riaralam rm 8 WjC aetacxtsa pw BDRXAU Bookcase Z(t £25 ojn-o Tel 69892 wp ram "-plus tne ah kock rob enow cxo opportwnKy for right aaeuree: Unmeatate nr a vest zoo a living room tor comfortable family use or party giving X7XPERIENCED Machinist reqd fot X-J ladle jersey dresses Apply: I Phcenix Fireplaces HHl-at stoke offer outatAndlne value and attractive JADDELKY Oreen tieis wmww'i-ra mMtmmw mmmru 9 boxrm Apply in writing to: secretary uttoxeter ex-8ervicemen's Club Bradley House plOAT Beaver Lamb W's 1-fength Kj perfeet Write: 6392 Sentinel designs In tiles and marble Deferred terms dosed Saturdav 1 om ths Scandinavian style Viking bouse ma well be your choice Price £2595 freehold We make Uism so easy for you FULL-TIME Courses in Art and Crafts haihrm haU-tUed lounge dinlngrm Bradley -sc utcoxeter Pirte sad Co Ltd: Sydney Works 4utherland-rd Longton Txpuuikcid Hoffman Prssssr read for anyone over School Kevins ace scuH wi- and eoatay garage uiw STORSKiKPSii witn exp in auectricai v3 wholesale routine Apply in writing I PORTABLE Typewriter: Ideal Christmas birthdsy achievement Newcastle wp ClOLBTON Dishwasher with neetec hardly used £45 Hotpoint RoHer Tmn KiOBWrova 2872 WW XT for Ladies' Dress Apply: to buy too Ask stout the £50 deposit scheme call at Redfern Park PlrebiU-lane Walton near torn off A34 EVENING and PART-TIME DAY Oases commence MONDAY OCTOBER 1st in DOUOIB ARTHUR A THE MTLLTONE6 and tot the Tint Tim in Btokt-oa-Trcnt ODEON HANLEY Tat 29318 From 113 LCP 785 Norman Wisdom "TBS OIRL ON THE BOAT" (U) MlUioent Martfa 245 S50 853 "THE CLOWN AND THE KID (U) John Lupton Mike McGreevey Don Keeper 120 420 72s 5 I Firis Sydney works Burner! ana to: Mr- Simpson Provincial Whole's le Co Ltd South Wolfe-at Stoke-on- -A rjawiavtjw inlraavrvT'MTlst Modernised TT House ent hall oresentatlon free Jssta Willi sou 21 Branswlek-et: Newcastle (66721) TbRAMS reserved until required £1 the Mlowint Trent- MOMkui New Recording Qroup CRANE Donvestie Boiler and ext also Oaa Fire for Baggaley 32 by Barker and Shenton's anj weekday except Tuesdsy between 12 nooc tltii narm (HnltMrrnV SCUlery oeo- Palntinc and Drawinc Life PortraKurc noma haUirm (Clrioured LL SUlte) JOHNNY MARTIN AND THE TREMORS 17XPERiENCED BLABBER WSntCO Su must have of Itsllsr narhia rites nirnished flat available -L deposit tree storage Choose yours Queen-st Porthtu ww SOU Life Dressmaking Enwrotdery Long Distance Drivers used to mnvMriant for Hanier Newcastle or Nunwryisnd Hope-si iisniey 730 pm to 1143 pm Between 10 am and 6 pm or contact Waavinc Lieut Furniture Pottery handling tCed fireplaces Apply Upper 3hropshin district Write: RC 921- UECONDrnoNiD wasners xor Remain Uemed Bv Buffet Late Bi Green Newcsstle AT BBS aunuana neiwyn ana uo 39 DarllnKton-st kWoiveVhamntan Tel ModeSinr Letterlnr' and OommerciaJ Art Woodoarvinc Painttnc and It English Bcctrte 59 weekly Hoover SentiKl Hanley A11C 1 BIRCHES Head: For Sale RIdenUefi area p'easant End House 3 bed- I in Bra room auiie utnt oac ww-Leaf Table Doubia Bed complete 2 Oak Surround Phone 48911 ws YjlOR Base PuR-Stse Double Bed eom-C ptete Write: 2 Uttoxeter-rd Blythe Bridge wp Advance Tickets 6-: 66 at Door 26761) or Lichfield House SmaUbrook IiELEFRONisr reqa (young awyi ago 17-19 years preference wnl be EXPERIENOED invoice Typist reqa foe nattarr manufacturers' office MX li 49 weekly Hotpoint 69 weekly: aH £1 denosit rent i-tlled pathrm low piuan suite rUPITOL HANLEY Kj tcmpirx longton Tickets avsatabte from a ueuei Agents COMB ALONG SVBRY SATURDAY TO Rtngway wmingnam 5 (Tel Uidlanc 1171) to appHcanu witn some appro- week Appiy: Midwinter Home 'Aids Ixonmarkat Newcastle sarsce aoaee Many OeearaHnct SUverstnitnlng sad Jewellery Further partteulars at tbe School Telephone: Newcsttle 67427 anc 64017 orlate tralnlnst or Anolv to: 'X OAVOY NEWCASTLE Ud Burslem rTIEAN: Seml-det House containing 1424 sentinel Hamey- TRTfeMTwnno si a Werrlneton-rd '-THE MIDLANDS TOP TEXNAGX BALLROOM tokmalx Petrol PuBW Attendant win (64045) REFRIGERATORS ail makes slightly shoo aoiled rices tefhed good women's fersoonei umcer sngnsa Hectrie Co Ltd Kidsgrove SOT iHirai nusnii an pantry nau 3 bdrms bthrm with wx coal atore sood rate of oav Apply: Branch A Bucknsll superior' Seml-DeU House for Annie WX leer atore and est: sll DleasaatlT and Manager Five Minute Car Wash Ssrvict TO all whom It may concern I "P1PPER and Mixed Drivers Apply Caulklns Transport Logger fTlRENTHAM GARDENS BALLROOM Paul Newman Geraldine Page SWEET BIRD OP YOUTH (X) 215 515 8 20 The Latest Scotland Yard Thriller TOC ROnARX MILE MURDER" (U) ooaveniently appointed: £2150 or DUCKNALLi 41 Chapel-st- TT Ltd Fint- Fenton heads W1W TWunuut 11 Hmua fne aala hsdnBS- 3 OOWn "LiMRST Class sheet Metal worker reqa REGINALD ARTHUR JERVIS of 309 Dawlash-drive BetitUee Stoke-on-Trent hereby give notice that I will not A WW II I I enaw west Oa'e uttoxeter-rd Teen Tel Teen 362 for snDOintment used ta Duclina Apply: --Aoohr: 419 Werfinsloa-rdr BuckoaM WPISTOerk comfortable poafuon five day week Apply: Kims a discounts for cash Otet Ltd TunstaU 88611 Newcastle 64097 REUPKOLSTERINO: Your 3-Plec-Reupholatered better than new with roam cushioning and at the right price Pi reside Chairs from £2 Shepard Castors fitted free Written guarantee with aH mv work Write phone or a Crescwell and Co Ltd Marktt-st to view featuring- Edgar Lustgarten Capitol and i -i be responsible for debta unless penonany Furnaces Ltd Keele-st Tunstail TBCRSDAY SEPTEMBER 87th 1962 sst ALTER DOdd and Co Longton k- i TlUNGALOW rletached tforthvood Empire 4Z5 73U eavoy a incurrea ny me STiiRSTciaas MecnaiHC wantea USHXRXTrE required Please apply Manager Oatunont 13 kwe darton: 3 bednns louagt werrington Destnu Seml-det Buncslow In splendid cond throuchout: Dated this 22nd da of Sentember NEXT WEEK: Leslie Caron David Nlven Apply person to: Shaw's Motors Victoria Garage Sneyd -at Cobridge 1962 with picture window overikg secluded Cerrace and garden all modern con denosit £250 Apply cH: atastar Upholsterer Jackson 232 WALTER Dodd and Co Offer: Hanley VAN Driver (aged 17 to 18) soma shop Hsrveys (Fruiterers) Hirherlsnd' NewoaaUe OLDB' TYME BALL PETER and ELSIE LIGHT WALLACE SETRNA and hie OLDS TYMB DANCE ORCHESTRA TICKETS S6 Table Reservations sing 57541 London-rd fUok Tel 47894 (filmed) A jervis Witnaas: (Slaned) Buckler esxage Apply Evam Harleytnorn "GUNS OF DAKKNXea SUNDAY Empire: Rock Hudson Batttle Hymn iD) also "Crime of Honour" (U IjXJUj-Time Barmaia waotea waggon snd Horses Meir' If Oongieton: Exc seml-det Bunga- Tel Trentham 57448 after 6 om ww EPFHOLBTERINO wssnaue vynioe IV from £12 moauette from £17 Managing Clerk with CoMl Son Iw tn exc cond ingedlngrm kit TJWJLLY quaHfled TV Engineer reoulred XfUNOALOW for sale 5 bedrms targe Savoy: Robert Mttchum Banaioo' aarnes aoacltor atoke-upoo-Trent -a- for outatOa service onvvns eesentiai Satisfaction Parkinson A ognns nonn -VWTALTER Dodd and Co offer VEHICLE Maintenance Fitter reqd must be fully convenant with all It pes of petrol and Diesel engines a-a geraas unrestricted view Appiy: 45 Heath-eve Southiow Werrangton Oopjur alio "Tarawa Beacniwu- ui AddIv to Chief Service Engineer I FROZEN Pood Cabinet as new sale 2 Market-st Kidsgrovs ww GEC Electric Cooker pert condition nearest offer to After 6 pm: 53 Rioardo-at Dresden SOT WW HOOVER Washer good Prince 9 BrUnstey-ave Ash Green Trentham ws RITOHENXTTE Cabinet 5a 9in 3ft lOht as new £12 109 Umgton-rd Trentham i KNITMA8TER KnSUinc Machine 4500 with Rlbmeeter £20 Apply: 130 Bemeratey-rd Morton after 5 om ww LARGE Hut suitable for pavilion approK 60' Tel 44068 ww MODERN Office Furniture mirchased 1960 for sale One Office Desk 48 27 finished In light grey metal eonstruotion and contg filing drawers: Tab 48 27 grey finish metal construction with centra drawer Both these have special hard wearing tops Two Ftang Osbmets finished in grey one 3-drawer one 2 -drawer eiso containing Twtntock filing system pockets: 2 Office Chairs tubujar frame construction with trey upholstery 2 Office Chain tubular frame conatruotlon with wooden seat 1 Olivetti Studio 44 Typewriter in beautir fui condition Ring Kidsgrove 2170 if3 ui-ra renaan ti dbi TV Wo'stanton (Mattb-aven Larter- EUPHOL8TER i Your old suite wx Excellent rate ot pay Please spply: Seml-det Apply lSSOLDO BURSLEM Doris Day Ca Car Orant That Touch of Mink AV made as new no deposit 2 years oetween g-io-so am or s-o pm: nex Knight 81 Huntbaoh-et Hanley Phone 25400 T1URSLEM: 8 MurhaU-st 3-bedroom Personnel Ofncer tampion Bakariea ALTER Dodd and Co Ai Eutmuieolour 545 840: also -s- tt House nau lounge uvingrm Trent Vale SoT Woistanton (Dunsdiue-parade): Exe I ALBERT THOMAS SCOTT of 12 Heath-stnet Chesterton Newesstle-under-Lyme Staffordehiiw OIVE NOTICE that I shall not henceforth be responsible for any DEBTS unless personally contracted by me Dated the 24th day of September 1962 A SCOTT scullery outhouse £700 wx to pay irom as little aa 6- weeuy Wide choice ot Jays 125 Church-st: stoke Phone 48475 rwmn Houflton "Ememncy" (U) 745 GARDENER (expd) reqd Trentham k3 days weekly permanent position 'T7 Tteket Now on Sala for 1 FRIDAY OCTOBER 12th rMR ACKER BILK AND KM PARAMOUNT JAZZ BAND "TICKETS 66 Each Usual Agenta Waitress Appiy: Mansxerrss SwlnnertoB ft Son Ltd Iron- Family House with rsrage-Apply far ditails of the above and other isrnPHOTRXvnv a aianuiseturers DETACHED Bungalow built 1954 3 rood -sited bedrms 1 with 1 with built hi wardrobe lounge targe ampetent sppiicant uui Rsomaney Barlsston Old-rd Trentham market Cafe Newcastle- n-operUei to: WHter Doid and 'Co sultss ramwrad moauette vynlde ISSOLDO STOKX uona uay vary Grant "THAT TOUCH OP MINK" (A) 2 35 535 835: also EMERGENCY (U) 415 715 TTOSOLDO Naked as WANTED Expa upnoisteress xor cutting and making loose coven (X3wara Nixon a 11 a arunawicK-at Neweaatle Tel 67678 from £18 HP terms small INSURANCE Company requires Clerk -expd in Accident Dept (including Witness to the signature of the said Albert Thomas Soott John Rowley AJS9TIO BALLROOM HANLEYi xiicnen wiw iwyourn cooker l-tueo bathrm larder fuel atore det brick nousenoia nervices euauasiHu-iib fSTKBTOM Comer Horton-drlve Beml end curtains rate 53 per motor) oref aged 23-25 thia post TunstaU Tal SHnSB isoucitor) Newcsatie-under-Lyme auss garage large wes lau-out garden seehided area outskirts of Oaa act 5 beds hU lounge t-tlled bathrm' and wx 1-tUed oners etc ooportuniuea lor advancement IH Nature Intended" lAj 245 60 910 t0 910 "Call Oiil Busi-nem- ixt 555 710 710 si the sool leant aeleotad will reeelve REUPHOLBTERY Save middleman's profit re-cover your treasured 3-Dlece a new (or aa little as £10 appiy: new 00 croosea nnage-ra Stafford Tel 5164U WANTED General Farm Worker used to tractor drivlna and milkiric electric Viewing by Off en TRENT CENTRAL TOKB kitchen downstair we and eoala under ON TO-MORROW NIGHT IS training to assume the post of Chief S' over K070U to box ho Dovey News- CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION cover det garage appiy: a' iiorton UIO NEWCASTLE "TIARA TAHITI' (A) 225 555 Clark in a progteaatv modern offlee chain CX Over lOO osttems for your swem wa machine anod eottaea close to work with CARNIVAL NIGHT good commencing salary non-eentrtbutory choice workmanship Brst-elaas and X7IXNTON (ZH CXdncId-st ndnns 39 Leek-rd Weston coyney: Tel W565 845: alao Patrick Allen Zena Walker modern Apply Wbke- pension scneme in- operation coupiea A7 Vac Pee Beet offer over guaranteed Collection ana aenvenei NON-STOP DANCINQ 8 pm to 1130 PUBLIC MEETING THE COMMON MARKET Speaker: HAROLD GURDBN MP iMember for Belly Oak) Chairman: Mr WortMneton WESTON coyney: Recenuy-erected Seml-det Bungalow No 28 neia wood Lane rarm Braoweu neaw Middlewich witn otner ataff All applies tiana will be treated in confidence ax free Phono or writs to-aay ana wr will nlaasad to call evenings at pnone oay BM77 evening 51047 wy TJVR Sale: Mooern 2 -Bedroom House -fODERN DlnnigTOom Suite excellent THE TRAITORS (U) 410 720 REX NEWCASTLE John Merrlval Didi SulHvan The Immortal Monsters" (X) to 555 90 Sat 245 550 855 "The Unfaithful" (X) Wsldon-avo comprising has lounge should give full details of exp education VVANTsD ImmsdiatehT Ouach Patntere Bnd Improvers Appiy: 8toker PuUr Licensed Ban IVERT -THURSDAY NIGHT- IS CARNIVAL NIGHT a- who oatnroom lares sittmsTm THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27th 1962 (Baxl fire) Rlt'etu (smx unit ana fitted xvx oond Drop-Leaf Tattle 4ft Sideboard' 4 Leather Upholstered Chain: your convenience distance no Beak-bam 45 Lowe? Marer-et HanJey SOT Tel 21250 kitcheoette brick garage attractive aw ana oe saaressea to rc any Sentinel Hanley Bros Ltd LadyweU-rd- TunstaU i mi pm TOWN HALL HANLEY cupboard) 2 orarmt i-wea ostnrm and lav earace basa aaroan: Vac Pom sold teparately Trentham 57765 wx 'W rnntPH Oattmm ua Inuhllr Vjvnl gsrden beat offer 152 Cauldon-rd srheUon wa THE NSW MID-WEEK RENDEZVOUS IiriBLUOENT soy required for builders' merchant's Apply by letter: A Foulkes Ltd Burton- on Comm Offers and to view apply: ttior saie dm Bungalow and garage SaflaBdir bo artmiatlnn after 10 pm NYLONS NYLONS I NYLONS I JJ rftntag Table 61 Long fl eld-rd HbjrtahJJI (after 7 njn) mm Trevor Day Bettaney 36 BROADWAY MEIR Ava Gardner Dirk Bogarde THE ANGEL WORE RED A) at 155 520 840: also LesUa Carroo "THE BUBTERANNEANS" (X) In Colour oearms aitungrm and scullery piaee Hanley Chsanaide Hanky Tel 214534 Ws can offer nerfect Seamless Mesh to -avvwur kahmi S9vM arKanar mi REUPHOLBTXRYi Let BM givo you the final estimate of re-oovering your suite from our wide) range of patterns: S-plece suite leatherckjth from £12 moauetto from Wood 45 Albert-terr WoUtantaa Newcastle Tel 52809 Vac Foss on completion To view aarESTON Coyney Buying TTOTEL RUDYARD (Rudyard Lake VANTED two smile Sales Assistants vY for shoe dept preferably experienced Must be smart good wages and prospect Apply in person to Mr Stanyer Taylor Ltd 41-49 Huntbach-st Hanley 8OT WILLIAM Boutton Ltd Engineers of Burslem require a Man of soma exp: for their shot blasting Apply: Wetter Officer retail at 311 The Simark Hosiery Co Ji jg oa accept £4 new Travei-85 HlUchurch-st Hanley SOT 21924 1 a Atarm Cioek in case east £3 10a vv come and view and compare the from 10 am to a pm Wedgwood-lane Olllow Heath Blddutph wa TTIGH Lane TunstaU: Modem Semi JOINER with experience of alterations and bathroom conversion Able to work on own Initiative Prefereably aged 30 to 40 yen 50 hour week average Good rate of pay for suitable value of our detached bouses at Otwald- ENTERTAINMENTS wr laocsot Kit uxu anectne ran Heater ave Weston ooynev price from S2730 Imb VMAn WnllAa TO T3 roPHOLBTERY: Save atoawman '-O APART LAKE CLUB' WESTON XX 3 bdrms tiled bthrm dingrm and Ina-e with foldUis: nartltlan laesa DING 47589 for SSL MWJto VTT KO 0Jtl A iTu TA I Pnone S7752 after Dm s-Si profit We re-cover vour treasureo Leek-rd Weston Coyney Tel 39363 OOYNEY Phone 39615 3-nieee a new for as little a £10 write: oto sentinel naniey TOINKRS read Madew At WanUs Ltd stitwi iBxini smn ITBESTMORE Pram for sale excellent modem tiled kit (Ray burn cooker sink 17ITK Vacant Posssaslon: Modern a saj a nisMfssyaii saw JUL Hotel) Residential ana oommereiai "Cheats Teddy Llcensse Tel Rudyard 80S and 249 Danrtng every Wedneu-day Thursday Friday and Saturday Concert Wednesday Saturday Sunday and other erenlna by arrangement All entertainment tree admission Every Sunday Evening: Engaged Artists High-class catering for parties email and lame at very nuooaMc nrtraa Rnseial tarme for OAP Darby WOMAN for Oenerai Gkanlng reqd Hours 630 pm to 110 chairs £3 Over 100 netterna for your HttU) ones: sac smeu gon open view Hnlaa of Newcastle New Hairdrestlne eonu meosum isngns discs ana seml-det Bungalow 114 Ailerton- Tel 84087 attar pm wx caoK workmanship nret-cisss ww NEW MEMBERS WELCOME rd' Trentham Mortgage 1 m-j TTOUSE for Sale or would let Mount euaranteed Col lections deliveries ires Msrket-Une Neweaatle Ring 67243 JOINERS Appiy: Sambrook (Burstem) Ltd Hamil-rd Burslem TUNIOR Typist for Electrical Whole- isuuihj mwu in 'anw IKaaaan PWimtl A HMMM Cfcnl Phone or write to-da and wa will be Offers: Bennett at uaya fjii 1 Charles-st Haniew (Tel 217034) and UiU Greenhouse 8ft 6ft as new sssi STipea THURSDAY: GRAND TALENT CONTEST Lleased to call venlnas at your eon- Z35li sentinel Longton wp ro oil Prises for alt entries at High-st NewoasUo (Tel 652134) sale offtce centre of Re DOUGLAS EDWIN WAIN deceased 1 rsikosT" late of Church House Farm Chapel qpin Dryer as new £12 or ouick FRIDAY: COME DANCINQ TO THE venianee dietanee no Bee sbsne 146 ahieldon-rd Fenton Stoke-on-Trent Tal 44220 YOUR Next ttuve Anywaero in tne British tales or across- ths world Write: RC 929 Sentinel Hanley WOODCUTTING Machinist Smith et Sons (Joinery) Ltd Normacot-rd Longton Tel 32051 WORKS Study Engineer reqd by targe earthenware manufacturers Oood salary and prospects for future advancement Experience tn the pottery industry an advantage but not easentlalApnllca-tiona In writing stating age experience and- present- salary to: Works study LIOHTWOOD-Rd: superior Seml-Det weH inaintained 2 good sis bed-rooma large boxrm garage view by Write: 2339 Sentinel and Joan Ac Booking now for winter eeeson: Private junctions works parties fee Dent forcet Make Your Date MODERNAIRSS Apply by letter with fuH particuiara to: Mr Simmon Provincial Wholesah Be sura It's Kntahta ExceUent storage died on the 9th dayof September 1962 sasgn SATURDAY: COMEDY AND SONG with Co Ltd South Wolfe-at Stoke-on- SEPTEMBER 27th: Bargain Sale of Poultry Processing Equipment KnigBi ana sons ua with Hhe Hotel Rudyard NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that inriAPE Reoordar as new Detail enadttin and othsrs havina dalmsIX mrttm: 1A07 KxKJna naklaw Longton 1 AeriLTON: Well-bulK Terrace tree Newlande st Bhelton Tei Trent 48700 47504 TUNIOR Assistant wanted (15 to 16 MAJBBTXO BALLROOM mmAV wkxt ivX hdrms bthrm 2 awe soull (sink aawlnat the estate of the abim-named liffTWO Matarntty Suite on unworn Motors- syivesters crewe urccn yean) at the Newcastle branch UUJAH am HARRY HODOI8 SUNDAY Lunch Time: AUDITIONS SUNDAY: Bvantna-: THB ROBERT SISTERS Lucky Members Draw Baas Worthioffton Joules Watneys unit) gan gar ner i pm oeoeaeea or euiming oe Dencnawij jl tm Newesetie 64564 ww miii urew- Menager Grindley as Co Ltd Woodland Pottery Tunstail OEWINO Maehlnea Eleetrie Round lMlS LHI40 MUWD Apply ay latter to: Mr Maddock Johnson Bros (Dyers) Ltd 49 High-st Newcastle Staff FARMS AND LAND BmiJJXSa Plots: Madeley Park Wood nr Baldwins Osto for Detached iJ Bobbin Portables brand new not ODKRlt ewmi-usv: a nearms MBALS-ON-WHSBZS HnIey Dtv) CHARITY DANCE DANCING 8 pm to MIDNIGHT Ticketa 3- on the Day 36 FULLY LICENSED BARS Lata Traneport ail Districts YOUNO- Lady aged 18 reqd for aenersl office work la Normaoot lounge xitcnenette net garage having the custody of goods deeds or TV 6 27 Marina-drive ius-other documents belonging to Urn are Bank requestod forthwith to send Jtafticulsn BARGAIN Bankrupt Stock Ossaranee renuuta a years guarantee a years HP onlv 23ens comnlcte Junior Typist reqd 15-17 years ahorthand nrefd but not assrnllal AppIv: Stephen Heath at Dresden view 13 Oooaaonrave experienced in bought ledger sad Invoicing checking shorthand typing sa Son Ltd Brunswtck-st Newcastle Tel European Sewing Machines 318'Haru- evenings evenings i-uswy at tiovaee Lta Newatesa Traomg "jZLrlXjr oa on new rsuantasd twin Dated thia 21st day of September! wsahera De Luxe Autohrln with 64761 nuura imrtaniii 64771 extension a astate iTenonam lei 57331 wp Itl ODERN Seml-det Inge kii'ette 3 IvX bdrms det 28 Ian-road Newohapelr wy 1962 '-'Itw4n mAtAM minwia KmIm advantage but not essential Premier Mineral Water Co Ltd Rothesay-nL Longton Phons 320578 rjTHE SEWING Machine eiectrie model £7 to RJ9 European 64771 Laboratory AssUtant required applicants should have "O7 level CELLAR CLUB Presents Tenor Sax Star rHESTERTON EX-SERVICE AND Vj SOCIAL CLUB TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY) i 8 PJU GRAND CONCERT Artists: JACK SIMS ANNE BROWN JACK JONES MANNY BAKER Resident Organist: MR HrND 'rr lana rormwa taost too at the gift price im EAR Longton rarx: moo oemi-oet passes In chemistry physics and maths: ox wsTtasor wjvw-- of only £4910- to dear nonnsily DO IT VOURIELP BATLZY Ganges Plutle Gutters Bunkers: Ornamental Iron Gates xi euntainmg nau wunge aimngrm extension 'QEWINO Machine Bargains: Singer a Portable £1210-: Singer 99K Young Lady aged 1718 reqd for clerical duties Must havs aa aptitude for Reply tn writing i sou mwbtu rmnnsrat ivi mn facilities are provided for part-time study with a view to further qualifica ecuHery with sink untt 3 beds bathrm 7ft 6ln opening £710- complete DICK HECBI3T ALL-SMITH DICK HECKSTALL-SMITH at the POTTERY WORKERS' CLUB HXLXaJREST-ST' HANLEY THIS FRIDAY 8-11 pm SJELtSSnr £1810- nearly new 17m sod 19in Administratrix TV at £yfn0 Re-posMaiid wtui imm neacer tarn xio tion and the post hoMa exc orornecta Trentham-rd Longton Tei 39638 ww TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) OLD TIME DANCING of promotion and Apply £2210-: Jones Eiectrie Portable only 18gns All as new with 12 months guarantee A few model from £210- with parties of age 'education and exp (if any) to Conlowa Ltd Brown-at Congieton witn nttings Hugnea Lower-st Newcastle (64645-6-7) fiEWTRAL Ploonna Stockists ot Beiftav JOHN JOSHUA TAPLIN Deceased waanera overnsuled and guaranteed: Autotwins from £18 Powerful Cylinder leTEWClSTLB: -neorma ierracea oy tetter to: cotton Bros (iiongton) Ltdi Crown Works Portland-rd Long- lw Tims House for sal good condition OMnan fill in: Hnmw 111 itt iPtO-Operasive Party: Peature Film Show I Midi nmt oath 7 ALL Persons having claims or ainat the estate of to suit learners Home Aids 39 Broad -st Hanley OVER 25's commenelnf THURSDAY EVENING SEPT 27th An absolute Flooring Materials and Mautenanee YOUNG Man 17-20 years reqd for junervlsina: orders in China ware VP Appiy 26 Earl-at wx ton moae on- rrenc the-above £2910 Ada Coronation £2710-' ti items acc wm lam cuwes-st Buraieca Taimd late Of 6 WadCWOOdl Rrand Malna Bariln CJALE 62 Chapel-lane Harris eahead The Pottery Workers Ohio BUlcrest-et Shelley Potteries Ltd off at Lane Bartaeton Stoke-tm-Trent Fore-1 £1410- gain Dnn: siiin atakawm-Trsnt: 2 bedrms and bath New 15-week Beginners Only Course Dont be shy we're wsMtng to meet you at 8 o'clock at the TOP RANK VICTOR Hanwy Adults omy Aamrssion xrec New LABORATORY Assistant (male 16 years) chemistry snd physics level wUl be expected to attend part-time pottery Apply in writing: SINGER Eiectrie Portable £1910-: your Treadle aa Caroline ESectrtc Caroline-st Longton' (32707) 264 Hth-st Tunatall (87667) rm earase good -OaH after Bumoers ana Hon-sumixTa weworoe TTYDRAULIO Pressure Flags at the XX right pries alao tha New Abbey WaU Blocks in terra eotta and buff sure man Joiner who died on the 3rd day 2-asater Suite moguetto £37 4-eeater of September 1962 are revested forth-1 Bed-settee Part exchange i AU goods longton YOUNG Girt (16-18) reoulred for Light Packing and Manufacturing Apply Works Manager Flexo- SILVESTER STUD GAUMONT ft so ane eremite wi HELTON! 33 Crowther-at far Park) GINGER Portable Bargains only PUNCH Judy Magic Ventriloquism Schools Christmas parties children'! sir soott jonnsoa Fireclay Co Ltd Cliffe Vale SOT wiw sm jssnKwws jw aotn unaer montns guarantee THEATRE HANLEY (SOT 25487) Admission 4- Membership to pwsse win Bros iY Lsas-ru 3 £1210- as new 12 months 3 Terrsced House 2 bedrms bathrm rnnen for earaare Wl writing to us sne unocnagnen ummeotate aewvery open until 8 pm Haneey (2365678) birthdays 14 Qreyswood-rd Trent guarantee Terms available Spares and LADIES' Hair Stylist Friday and Saturday Comfortable position Dated this 24th day of September BscWey Re-ncasesiin Agency A BOSS HULTON COMMUNITY Vale Tel 47180 ONEYD Green: Modern Non-Parlour: 3 Service all Automatic Homes nte ura Buriuge-ra cneii 8OT YOUNG Lady aged 15 years required for stationer's sad High-Class China Shop Apply Manageress Wain wright At Son Ltd 18 Uvsrnool-rd iQMt 15 copetand-st Stoka Tal 47879 PERSONAL -y-'-- I VIBA1IV mm beds tiled scuHery baw toilet no State experience to RC 922 Sentinel 1 Hanley' 54 Marsh-st Hanley (21095) i uniwntn okiiavr un iim TsIVORCE Enquiries Obaenratlons TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS I A completeiy rebuMt by skilled sewine- garage space ai uoo Jf Confidential Reoorta Bsanatl SIXTEEN Designs of Gates 12 types of Walling Blocks Concreting REUS JONCB 8-10 BagnaX Street Hanley SoHcRora for the Executrix XB CENTRE TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) OLD TIME DANCING to THE BEVERLEY PLAYERS 8 pm to 11 pjn Admisaioa 26 UCJK Mr and Mr Myatt Stoke Tel 48394 after 530 pm ws Ladies ana uenuemen as a salei Maoager for an Important oomoany machine mechanics £1610- or A BATHROOM Conversion in Detective Bureau Tel 47780' XB time Onr 500 eomnleted to data eteotne xew pounos extra: ei deooait YOUNG Lady required to operate a SUPERIOR Modern 3 beds bad Northam-rd Birches Head Hanley Plans grant srranged Plstt dr Bhuffle- Home Aids 33 Paradise-st TunstaU: TOURS AND TRAVEL Material Fencing Oarsges Hughes Lower-st Newcastle (64645) STORM Doors Doors Window Frames Conservatories made and fitted to TENDERS similar experience aa advantage but not 07S Tne atrana Longton my Job is to train new Representative If seieeted I would need inttMly 36 months to train vou during which time an adequate Income will be arranged on merit If toawttasr we succeed the CACHES for Privata Hire 29-36 wx WERRINOTON (behind Wmdmlll lac) 5 WandBBlH-view Bunawlow 3 HALL I A DDINO Machines Williams -fJARKET-ST MARKET Reply- in writing with fun particulars of see experience See tot sU Reese's Berlaston Tel 2B91 oouiam (Buuaetsi onon-es nmaii-thorne TtJ 52182 84894 22082- ABOUSH Botbersome Net Curtains have your existing windows Leaded oomplete house front from £410- a xnunswicK-sv Hewcastw TM beds full gss eentral beating View any iDDiiai a SAJM OBORGB BURSLEM Thai Saturdas' Fantaatie Ssoopl The only appearance' in Bnaiand of Holland' top supertrads BRIO KRANB DIXIXLAND PXPRRS Thla band la phenomenal Dont ma order alao Bathroom Ooaverrsione Sink Units Baths Toilets at reduced prices Ring KC Builders 48950 YV3YS Tots Tori: Well worthwhile ultimate reward are high with an CATERING TRUSSTKKtwAsXS A1 anTnss Income in excess of £1500 oar annum wjESTON Coyney: Modern 2-bedroom A ear sickness benefits tte You are SWlNNERTrffs your wine Merchants Phone 25261 for delivery wines cprtiowe ua Brown at Congieton TOUNG Lady aged 1718 required for Clerical Post must bar aa aptitude for figures Reply In writing with particulars of age education and experience (if any) to: Conjow Ltd JL ton Start your Christmas Club 13 years' unconainanai guarantee riee estimates North Staffs Window Leading Co 43 Oak-place Meir 39670 vv SD Buneauow writer 2337 Santtary Supply Co Ltd Oannon-at invited to attend a niwimlnarv dis now at Brookfisld's Toyland Trentham- The Council Invite fixed nrle tenders Hanier Sentinel Longton wp sptrus rTtHE MINNIE 8KERRETT SCHOOL rd Longton The finest Toystoro sa the Potteries ALL Linoleum Law by Experts wooo Block Strip Parauet Floor: Poiy- AATOLSTANrON: 26 AWert-terT modernised Terrace House excellent Of DANCE nanian-ct Newcastle Tel 66036 PHOTOGRAPHY for the above re-painting A SENTINEL Small-advert brings Sneanealtoa can be obtained frjim Eli' the Etagtoeer and Surveyor BrookfleM Divan Bfc oAik oak Dining House Nantwlch 25 replies Pram High Chair a TYPEWRITERS: Portables Standards Electrics various makes: good Hoor Marley Tiles Fitted Carpets Do It Yourself TUei: Banding Machine condition lounge dinlngrm kitchen 3 beds bathrm evenings cussion to consider your poseibilitlaa on Thursday Sept 27th 1962 at The North Stafford Hotel Stote-on-Trent from 1130 am to 630 pm Please Inquire for Mr De-Maine LETTERPRESS Printing Monotype Caster Operative reqd 5-day week TEENAGE SOCIAL EVERY THURSDAY at 730 nm-10 pm Price: 26 "POP Prices paid for Photographic Equipment Longton and election Second-hand Typewriters from and week-ends ww for hire James Floorcraft Ltd Hope-it Hanley 23158) stok Tenders to be received not Ister ZXZ TATO Jasa to-niaht at the Crown and A de Bungalows at Weston Coyney than 5 PJU- October 15th 1962 1 Rlark MT Pram anH nannn -m xri £9: Adding Machines Dictating Machines Photo-copying Equipment Office Furniture dee catalogues free Anchor Longton owing to unforseen eirnunetances Regular EDUCATIONAL Lb Roof Repairs ana BncKworg Fainted' Immediate attention -aXe pieces from £2150 Maximum mortgsge Axon and Brown canteen Apply in writing or tsl ewwrsed "Market Hall" iV nift 7rV 'rVZl Brow rest urmgieion YOUNG Mala- Coat reqd pleasant conditions State age exp and safes reqd and when available -Writer RC 931 Sentinel Hanley YOUTH wtd for farm work tractor and lorry driver Heywood Acton Hl'I Farm Newcastle Whltmor 242 YOUTHS for Car Cleaning good rate of pay alao Casual Workers for Saturday and Apply: Branch Manager Five Minute Oar Wash Service Ltd Klng-st Fenton Vyse Ltd MUton House Gss-st "CiRENOR Refresher Course read for TUDOR EVANS Irenliea Refriaersted Counter TuerKtar Mint Cessions start not Humphries 67 Dsnry-eres BradweU Etrurta Tel 22311 a off Whvf-t Stoke-on-Trent 0 In -Dec next- JL- ucs NFYOUEU Clerk of tbe Council 15 ren'iea You too can hue and Butler and Powell Ltd Showrooms 41-43a Broad-st Hanley Ph 21325 TYPEWRITERS: Good selection Stan derd Portables New Reconditioned ABOUT to go abroad Packing large or small Knight Write: RO 937 Sentinel Hanley A LL Roof Repairs and oenerai LETTERPRESS Printers (TAi reqd for all sixes of machines- exe sept isaia iwa sell articles tne same wev it's so TaarsnoA nAjaoiNO X3L properW Repairs dews 33 lTX CRYSTAL BALLROOM working Apply In writing In Tli mt AnaJlthnrns Tal AQOTVi Exchanges Hires Term Repairs easy Telepnone Head Office Hanley rrVEOHNICAL INSTITUTE BZAM-8T I Stoke-on-Trent 29511 or call at any OVER Zl NIGHT SITUATIONS VACANT GENERAL1 sem*n or br nhons to tne lasnaser 1 inrsnen ana ianitAn renuin- bcaks (renets avaueme) anaing Macnines DtetaUna- Machines (Lessons hv aocoint- pm Admissions' Alterations Batnroom janverswns from plans to completion Property 730 to 11 McCorquodale Printers (Crewe) Ltd Sl Sons Ltd (Removers) Newlands-t Shelton (48700 47504) ALSAGER: In course of erebtion on the Par Heath Estate Crewe-rd 3-bdrmd Det Bungalowa with gar price £3185 To be shortly erected off The EXTERNAL PAINT1NO Burslem TunstaU Newcastle Crewe HHtt mm I bMUIhl POTTERY xkk JAZZ CLUB GEORGE HOTEL AERIAL Rigger' Mate required pref experienced permanent position to Repairs Alco*ck (Builder) 335 mm uongieton stanora or Frsnres-st orewe Tei trewe aze i LONG Distance Driver required by Brason Oa 9597 Town-rd London-rd stoka Tel 44564 Thurs: Zenith Six Tl'i 12 pm attention Send fnr Lists Williams Showrooms 21 Bnwswick-sU Newcet II IT uauiiDU innw ussa Dnn wan innt A Jones ft Sons Ltd Grafton Works Longron req en sxpd suits) applicant write ho 923 Fairway -Alsager 2-odrma Det ana A invitation to enjoy in luxury for the above painting a STRA Fire works from Id to £5 Wssh Bander and Gold Stamper Women orzmnei naiNey (607 ill) Hanley: used to handling Med fireplaces modern Commer lorry SoeeUlcatina can he obtained from I XX Consult the nvro technic exnerts HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION of Small-bore Heating: oil gas or solid fuel Ronald Marsh (Blythe Seml-det Bungalows from £2125 Inquiries Hibberta (Builders) 68 AnOv-enV AlaaBar Tel A 1st err 432 VINYL Ploor Tiles 21 beautiful eotours orrfr -16- John ARE You Redundant' or does your Job lack opportunity Come and talk to me Mr Hewett Rm 1 Mi the Endneer and Surveyor Brook field 1 8ee our full range Trade Inquiries House NantaVjch Fenn Ltd '5 Glebe- eewesjfveiBBSjea er ervass mwsa a Manauxk rsqurea xor tvenem (handUne sales accounts) must be BLACKPOOL Ilhunmatlona Beauty and apectecle beyond compare Nightly Baxter ft son (Tunatall Ltd cuve-st St Stoke-on-Trent Tel 47136 required Ho work China Cup Scolloping Machine exp not necessary Als Mala part-time Teapot Catteri Good wage for suitable applicants AXROGRAPHERS required for high-class work well-paid positions for ALSAGER (Lswton-rd): Detached two bedroomed- bathroom and Stoke-rd Sheiton Thursaay a pm Tenders to be received not later to Oct 28th Attractions i oiaer ana TunetajH Tel 87147-8 Bridge) Ltd Tel Blythe Bridge 2024 a ATOMIC Age Central Heating (gas oil or solid fuel) Oswald Coupe Ltd Uttoxeter-rd Blythe Bridge Tel Blythe Bridge 20 X' au "tkn A UTO-DRY tPamalD Clothe Drver or pm i than 5 pm willing to handle some typed accounts pe-sonaHy and be able to take responsibility and control of 34'staff Applicant should Dieferablv be able to understand WILLIAM Fleet Ltd 58 Pall Mai) Hanley (Tel 22442): Reuoholstery toilet Outside cool and toilet gsrsge RV £50 Price £2450 Anooint- endorsed Painting Technical Institute nasi aiso Reproaucnon Draw-ieat Taote XJ Apply Grapes Hotel Market-SQ Hanier persons capable of producing test wors ment to view: Britannle Assurance TUDOR EVANS Clerk of the Council Carpet Laying Furniture Repairs Loose Covera and Curtains Estimates and AT Tne uno ranop kibiio Arcaae Stoke: Special offer short lengths moaa anew ana nons uawiewmi mulu-une teiepnone switcnoosra ana feneil office machines and If necessary Kb no Hunters-way wx BABY Cots Engiiah and IlsvUan manu- Hieh Chain- eonvertlna- Office Hanley 29348 AN invitation to our 8how House ARM AIDS and Pianist mi Spring Sept 24th 1962 warren-at Longton schemes ere willingly submitted i Bsttleshlp Linoleum assorted colours aunsnrtsa and instruct in use tnereoi AEROGRAPHERS Fully expd Womea read for full-time Annlv: Workshop Building sa zs witn steel framlna and asbestos roof to low chair and table From Nursery naii-prtce rittea carpets a speciauty fitted free Phone 48042 a cottage UDOeney-ra Bucxnaa BLAOftSMTTK reqd for Light and Medium Ensineering Forging Reply Book-keeping required up to trial balance This situation would ault a young man ARONY PARK NANTWICH wee os neaimara it cxwwe: Hlaleretooe-rd Metr Heath la extended from Deajaood Builders Ltd to aM prospective House Buyer Open daily 9 am -8 pm Personnel Officer Empire Porcelain CO double doors £50 Allmsn Bros StaSord-at Hanier 4 see us to- 55 of aood personality and aagm-at oa atoxe-ra eneiton (Builders) Ltd Newcasue-rar suver-dal Newcastle Staffs A Bowker: Pattern Books evail- able Continental and 1963 Crown Weulpaoera 507 Leek-rd Hanley (21202 ERECTION OFA PLANT and "XOfX Seconds -PaSis Create Vll XinNOALOwa contemporary styis Guide free from Dept 61 Town Ball Ideal for your Autumn holiday BLACKPOOL: Vacancies onwsrdi £1 daily (Illuminations Mon Tea-Prl Breakfast 65-) Week-ends special terms Coach parties Oram 25 Alezandra-rd Adj prom TeL 45389 BLACKPOOL Can! The Brvaa 41 Hornby-rd vacancies onwards: Monday tea to Frlda breakfast 65-indusive week-end special terms BLACKPOOL (IlliunirsvUons): Roeelea 244 Oentnl-dr board -rcsldence reasonable terms BLACKPOOL Central: 103 Hornby rd full board from 18- dal amafl car Phone 24981 appearance Excellent prospects with expanding' company for someone keen honest and enthusxtstle Commencing salary per annum Write YOUR out suite made exactly aa new We estimate free of charge We vnxss BsIllnsimnl: Hanle fBStXAt AVWVfr Mi mtm amwwm mjmtu mmmmm Knypersley price £1975 Show House TJATHS White and Ooioured' Wm collect and re-deliver free of charge ath rooms we can now oner deferred terms for would-be on Appiy rraaiey ut 19 giving zutt oetaus to: rc sua nenunei The Counefl imvtte Sxed mice tenders I JL Wise son Klnt-st NewcaiUe Hope-st Hanley Tel awn Haniev for the erection of the above Phone 65693 ataslng aa and exp tot' Cowvtahaw Walker Co Ltd Railway SEtgineeftng Works Biddulph SOT BOY Wsnted to learn Shoe Repairing Apply by letter: Kenyon's 7s Hlgh-at WoUtenton Newcastle BRICKLAYERS read Apply: Pore-man oa Ute JKeny (SOT) Ltd Oollegs of Art Thornton-rd Stoke Phone 44886 v- BRICKLAYERS required housing contract good bonus Hennessey Bros Ltd: Hish-isne Burslem applicants for Bathroom Conversions and Extensions Your council grant Your old 3-pieee suite or easy chain completely reupholstered and re-covered in a vast range of materials to your own Ti UNO ALOW 8 at Market Drayton A AO Runerason co ua 1 Britannia Pottery Cobridge Stoke- on-Trent require: Caster Castens Songem Cup Haadler Apprentice Mould Maker or boy to learn Experience Packer Machine Sorter for Gloat Warehouse Woman for Solptioning Girl 15 years to learn Printing APPRENTICE Trsntferrer (press) for glost and biscuit read by Burgess and Le-gh Ltd Midoleport Pottery Burslem iau iTiEAUTIFUL Sing unit enamel too MECHANIC witn experience tn repairing Typewriters or similar XJ ew of our 2 and 3-bedroom plus deposit with the balance over is wooden oUnnst and taps choice of HI aWIUVW MM WW WVft MWMUWI A mm machines permanent position 5-day Bungalows are still available at Bummer- 18 4 months ana you nave a new Hnua TaJlnb4l 1 ICOIOUTS S13IW'' 1 UUHOCIS personal selection witn no aeposit ana up to 156 weekly camnhells 58-60 Plccsdlllv Hanley IBiinnllaa A fVMUrJ Stk aajl room with comtuete guarantee ana week Apply in parson to: Huter a -I a 1 I wr-a lull Estata Market Drayton at prices rana-lnc from £2525 Apply for satisfaction Plana included estimates PoweU Lta 41-430 Broaa-K staniey no whitawood Cupboards and Ward- moBTS do recviTca nut awr uw parlUunent-rOW BaAley 5 pm October 15th 1962 endorsed I "OLACKWOODfl 39 Parliament-nw details before too tate from aunond Johnson Ltd 37 Uverpooi-rd New- tu robes 7rt ouin rain ka earn MOTOR-CYCLE TesterMechanic urgent'y reqd must be fuBy con- Plant and Tool Store l-s Kaolev 1711 Bib and Brace "DRICKLAYERS (2) Joiners (2) free council grant Waters 42 Carlton-rd Sheltoo Stoke-on-Trent TeL 85104 47891 52684 Apphxnticx ransierrer (macnine) Tel 65391 Overalls Banka ft Bennett Builders Stone BLACKPOOL Pic ton Ssndyeroft Orsnmercial-at (adi promj Fri night to Sun tea £210- Tel 4913 -TILACKPOOL: Board-res Mon to Frl TUDOR EVANS Clerk of tbe Council veiaant with aJ Motor-eyele repairs dean driving licence Only vimwu mm mm mmmmm Leigh Ltd Middleport Pottery Buislem 565 BUNDS: Deans for all typea Tel Manchester Central 1914 OMafENCUKa Shortly at MUton yet Kj another outstanding Edmund John Fibreglaas Sin unit Tops so-rot Water InstaUaUons £9 Siesta Fires £4 Stove Pots £5 Gas Rrlgerators £8 Cookers £4 Boilers 50- EH trie Refrigerators £12 Sinks £2 Bettia £8 Aga Central HeaStng Boilers £15: Gaag required on TJRICKLAYINO BUY Direct save money wrowu iron Gates Ratlins GriUa Staircases Sept 24th 1962 1 AppREirnca iTansttrteni aj Washers -off young women willing T1RICK Hardcore for Hughes JLP 1 on bonus incentives son development or Bungalows ana quotations free Cheacne 61 Sparrow- jlm 156 daily sat tea to sun tea 35- Thompson 22 Springfleld-rd Tat oaoAn App: Mr Tllston Trentflelds futJy-expd esipstaanta anouM apply in diet' Instance to: RO 934 SentlnaL Hanley NATIONAL Employers' Mutual General Insurance Assoc Ltd require a fTAENDERS Invited for clearing grass -u Demontion Woodftouaw-ct wssds from GcrfdenhUl Church I Tel 48710 weeds to learn SwtaiMrtona Ltd vulcaa Pottery Ctouah-st Hanley House tn a most sought after area me MiUfield Estate Bookings now being tsre portnui Fnona nzz37 Estate Baaaeiey oreen TiLACKPOOLi a 1 a brooke 45 fTENTRAL Heatng by Raynex xor uae TeL-: KiasgroveiTJUT your rurniturs iron the Makers yard Apply to Vicar taken on 2 and S-bedroomed seml-dst BUTCHER loan or Youta wanted used to the Apply: James Price most up to oate metaoa censnu and save moner--3c-dwooas 3-5 2756 Junior Inspector or Trainee Inspector heating at the lowest Write or JL Station-rd adj From Monday tea to Friday breakfast inclusive 75- Coach Party inquiries Mr A Doors £1 and £2 Partitions etc Wood Sections 10ft 3ft SO- Garden Swings 70- 200 Cupboard Doors 5- each Insulation Board 3d per sq ft 8 Mason Battleon-cres Trentham-rd Longton Phone 33565 commeree-st Longton (39269) 195 Newcsstjc-st Burslem Phone and det Bungalows and Houses from £2315 Pull parties from Sit Office at Trentflelds Estate Baddelsy Green telephone to Raynex a inwe-et HOUSES TO LET AND WANTED 'ITV APPRENTICE Olost Placer required Apply Barker Bros Ltd Barker st Longton APPRENTICE Transferrer required Apply: John Aynsley Ss Song Ltd Portland Works Longton ARISTOCRAT Florals: Expd part-timt) female Assembler read Anotv: Panton TeL 53425 84062 BUTCHER all-round shop 'term reqd wage £13 plus permanent Apply: Joe Lovett MlUbrook (TeL 54404): 37 Liverpooi-rd New-csstle (Tel 65391-2-3) with insurance experience Excellent conditions ot service Reply In confidence giving full particular to the Branch Manager 2 Brook-at Stoke-on-Trent "VIGHT Watchman required: suit Mi Bates Tel 43430 BLACKPOOL: 3 doom Promenade Vacancies all weeks Mon to Frl EXOHANOE orSa S-J6- JJ TBEP Litter Shed 54ft 24ft House for Modern 2-BedS Non-IJL eambleta with Knuin rara Wat CHIMNEY Cleaning orusn vacuum modern clean hygienic Wllman's Boulton-aL Birches Htaa xst TO-NIGHT'S STAR BAROAINS Special terms Chesterfield House 5 Statarbrldae Cheshire Pasteur same area or near 55 North- Falrview Bungalow Baddeiey Green rd Obbridre wal TBMOOUrrRATION Machines: KevmaUc DEALOOOD offer complete living in the contemporary manner Estate at: Mekr Heath WlndmlU Park Estate house from £2595 bungalows from Wellington-rd Recommended TeL Clover Dairies 29074 riHDANEY Sweep brush vacuum Ascot Works Acot-rd Lonctoc- stoke-on-Trent penslonerr Apply Csverawll-lane Melr CHOICE of Second-hand Radiograms aU perfect condi iHtrantsed: BUTCHER Cutter able to drive Hsrvey Boughey-et Stoke Ubsrator Automatic SSgna Ne-rstead Ette Swton tor S-bed- Beodix DialmsUc oOgnsTserviee De AW79 1 TJLACKPOOL: Vacancies onwards: brd- JU HbMlMriMia Umi aiFFICE Cleaner required duties to BUTCHERY: Young Lsdy Counter AssUtant: expd Mayer Dodd cnapim-ro bongton (39701) iHTMNEY Oteanen Brush Vacuum £2295 Also Blvthe Bridge Soutn-landi Estate house from £2293 Fblllpa Ferguson' Regentone Raymond and Defiant from £10 to £20 ail auto-ehange Cash or terms Ds vision Ltd 2346 Sentinel Longton Ixn-1m (52707) 264 High-st tea to Frl breakfast 78- week-ends special terms Seagull 303 Promenade Kj Prompt attention Home Services snd Sons Upper Market-aq Hanley OANVASSING Team reqd to Introduce wp TurwtaH (876671 i bungalow from The Hollies Hitderstone-rd Metr Heath (Tel Blythe Bridge 3125 or 3440) After ASHWORTH Bros Clough-st Henley urgently -require Handle Maker Cattera Apply Lodge A- Finney and Son Ltd' UUoxeter- rd Lone ton require Wssh Bander: good piece-work rate AT Finney a Sons Ltd duch*ess china Works Longton rec exnd Phone 65437 parties wsicomea ranxrev lei voaoo Fto SVMF! credit aceouma in cnester ana Wrexham areas own transport essential Chimney sweep Bruin ana vacuum: good quick -Boulton 2 House Stake-on-Trent for simitar In BLACKPOOL: Watte 152 Waterloo-rd odd free car nark: Moo -Frl fo Sfarset-at ijonaioD asioo ELECTRIC Washers choice of Hoover English E'ectrie Ada Hotpoint Sarvla and Goblin from £10 to £30 Cash or terms Dsviston Ltd 65 MariEet-at Longton Phone 39733 meronaiKKse ror Particulars from: Oeorge Heath at Son Pod en -st Stoke Phme 48750 vr include assisting In ataff canteen good rates snd eonds Apply Lodge snd Boots Ltd British Pottery Hlgh-et Tunstail PAINTERS- good tradesmen Hald Ltd North-rd Cobridge PANEL Beater also Car Sprayer reqd good wages Brorlnford Motet Brocksford-st: Fenton Tel 39497 PART-Tlme Barmaid Sneyd Arms Sneyd Green PART-Tlme Assistant required afternoons and week-end: Sweets snd particulars: RC 930 Sentinel HsnSey ra I Leek-rd Hanley phone' 22291 £310-: week-end special tmne HraTieiL vn muiiel uirwa i a mm CHIMNEY ciesners lns Mooerni 438 Ylotorla-rrL Hanley Phone China Saucer Pettier TJ 427S2 CARFXIVTXRS) Tcqa large contract bonus scheme in operation trans hours Tel Newcssti 67233 or oooea- ECCLESHALL: Det Houses ncarlng completion from £3300 Det Bungalows with gar £2600: an Allmsn Bros (Builders) Ltd Newcastle-rd SUrerdale Tel Silvsrdalt 245 CiURNlSHED House or BimgaJow md JB OwenT CommerctaT-at for a minimum of six months by lrtT'OTm VSlw three: srana stsw sieotne ciocx 21125 AUTO Machine Cup Handler reqd also xlrl to learn Ridtway worth 55- Mven free with every BLACKPOOL KoHday Plata approved by Heatth Committee: 1 min sea and transport 36 CerUn Gate SA port from Cannock Apply: Manager Eadie Co (W'ton) Ltd West Way riHiMNEY sweep orusn vacuum i piesloo-i mn married no chiMren I mrHjKS marble 'ruttle and tile KJ Beech NevUle-st Oskhlll Phone wrn loeABonunei iisniey wy Tiles Ltd Steventon- Fridge purchased tlua week from Cadman's or Oodjrin shops: no lntereat rates If paid within 12 months off Newport-road High field Estate Church Bank Pottery Tunatall AUTOMATIC Tiia Press Attendants (female) required at our Brownhille XXOCaK wtd tor caan up to £looo fo isarW-nli durslem Stafford (Tel No Stafford 2738) 44833 TlHIMNEY Cleaner Harry Masaey 70 KJ Bssford Park-rd Basford (69939) ERIC Rawlins Estate Agency for Bale or Purchase of ii classes of -SS- Tel 88842 IV VtTetninui sairalua stock at eost BLACKPOOL: Fri tea to Sun lunch 50- Mon lunch to Fri lunch factory: exp not necessary -ui train fiNE only: Hoovermatlc in perfect (lLEANCR reqa nau nay per weea Anolr between 5 P-m sad 7 pm: suitable Apply Personnel oond gararnteed £50 cash or Tobacco Apply Coiclough 7 Sandon-rd Melr PART-Tlme Lady Interviewers required bv laadins Mall Order Company to Amm TiuvneHn AS tMf knn-rd adi fTONCRKTE coal Bunxers easy accsss Property and Businesses clients waiting 25 Gleba-st Stoke TeL 47141 or Bungalow preferably with some whiaaia showmoma lent between 4-6) 33 Allerton-rd Trentham terms Davlston Ltd 65 Market-st mum ni North Pier-Ladkln Tek Kj direct from msmifacturers from ground attacned around 7 mUea rsdiusli" -na rmen das j-tLXANKH rend full Apply: Longton Phone 39733 Tnsnif CO Inn Ttiniinw wish Dept Richards TUes Ltd- Woodlanda-sL TunstaU A VACANCY exists for Young Man 16-! 8 years ss a Works Statistics Tunstan ntue or no mortgsge read lsurH Housekepser North Stafford Hotel £410- Write: ohone call Wain Bros Leek-rd Hanley (23657-8) T3U8H Chairs prices slashed to clear 22508 "TJLACKPOOL: Bed end breakfast 156 work-in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle area 4 hours dailv to ault school noun 'fuH tralnlns: given: average earnings £5 Write: RC 847 Sentinel Hanley ww I TTOBEPLACES: Extsnslva range from Xl tarages Ltoiey site Alsager and Klngaiey-road Talke Pits Apply: sink r- Nurserytand Hope-at Hanley JLS ifon-Fri £3'- wiiaes i URK-TvnUt: Youna Lady 16-18 a CONCRETING MaterUla deUvered In Ork must have aa aptitude for flgurea Vuitut Tet 22035 Buy noose arpaoway £710- Terms and fixing t' state parUos and Price larransed Coloured WaU Tiles Special STUBBS' give satisfaction in Flre-ntace Shoo Cheapest man la town Birchenough Builders Tel Kidsgrove tto £7 weekly Also 2 experienced Ladies requited for general office typing Write: RC 938 Sentinel Hanicy TiMnmnni! Holiday Kj any quanilty daily Into all districts: Trv Otty-rd Fenton essential ana xnowieoge ot inortnana a TT-nS SSTMaSaiai Csmrnlfc IaXitao bongton A' IKS' (Kemoval)! ftQ(Dt 0 X3 IUumlnation week-ends £33- car A WOMAN to put out order in tn Biscuit Warehouse reoulred exp required to aork stanora ana urewe: wsge and expenses weekly plus Phone 8OT 21844 (eveaings) referred AmllT in nrsi meiance ov Plasterboard Asbestos Producta Windows Ashes Stnnehengt WalUng Blocks nark: main road owen ooo Aa CbeL-lt Hanley Expert wper- Mriin rmkrns an In C410-: Sink desireabl but not essential and good letter stating age school other MISCELLANEOUS WANTS 1 HANLEY (Komer-st): Exc Mod'ised Terraos House with haul sittlngrm pantry Uvlngrm sou's with geyser bath with basin and wc Immersion 2 bedrms yard RV £9 'Good order St Annea-rd Tel 45100 vision Long distance Tel 22849 ttj ww imimsL Aseot Hughes Ltd Lower-st Hewcastie position for suitable '-applicant Apply: qualifications and experience to the 6464567 it woca at sons im ircnt rotwry Personnel umcer rfonnsou sutuicr ABTJamJlVmfr lLWBOfIr Plrepnwea Ladywell-rd TunstaU TeL 33b Haniey-rd Smallthorn Tei 1 85485 ALL Children's' Lsdles' Gent's Clothing Underwear Linen bought Write Miss Ootham 20 Knowl-at ud Wllltam Clowes-st Burslem Bumlern IIBREOLASS your Roofspace lor winter warmth and fuel saving LONDON ACCOMMODATION triSTTINO London Then stay throughout £1100 Apply at 0470M TrrcRESiDE Chslrs: Tha-isTgeai seiec- rLERK reauired for builder's office BIST and Liquid Gold Gliders read by Hsmmersley St Co Ltd Suther- Suon'Jed and GUI InsukOson Stoke Louis Taylor St Sons Percy-et Stoke rtrr Karri Hnuaa Hotel 88 A ia rairoana- jj tlon at The Bleep saop Hamey ave Oakhlil Stoke Tel 47878 xlphmw hot 21023 Apply in writing stating age exo oar A-c: Moors snd Son Ltd Stoke A MERICAN Biivine- Asent reus Antlaue mt- iTent Gardens W2 for BB tjomfortabte for particulars T3 ART-Time Assurance Representative required preferably Write: RC 866 Sentinel Haniey PWQOr Sue 74 Jervta-st: Hsnley (Tel 21071) requires Handyman capable of doing minor altera tione ie ioinering deoTatlng TOHOTOCrTHO plat Maker is read by XT the Ceramic Trawler Co- Ltd Jenklns-st Apply la writing giving full detalia of age exoerience ate XTANLEY (Esstbourne-rd) overlooking -A Furniture China- Wedgwood TW AGGALEY8 of NewossUa- Removals I TIRST-Clas Shoe Repairs Take yours central modern Pad 0370 HEATING Inataratlons by Ronaa Marsh mean neatness cleanliness land-ra Longton BILTONS (1912) Ltd Indon-rd Stoke-on-Trent req an experlencesl' Earthenware Packer a pars: Terraced 2 barms ntnrm: Kent ureen rers acnoiar wiwu TOIXtXTTOR-ae teaman read for estab Brsjanorton Bros Ltd Henley -a- 10 Shi pan as ana awiiaen I tn and perfection in Blythe Bridge Klng-etj- Hew-1 Northeote-pl (off Stoke Lone-ton SheRon a JUMBLE SALES Pictures Armour Stiver Bronae Figures Boulton 45 Hope-st Hanley (100 yards from Lewis's) Phone SOT Hayes Cheapslds Hanley Tel 21564 oraut round No experience read i I -s-on uraTul Naw K'setrla Cloek Tel 65936 ji RAwn Jumble Rsie Adderter Green I hdobtrvUi Buiuunga Recreaaon Bisourr Brusher ana Feneiiier org read ore exp not as full tnsining given age between 20-30 years old: satarv £10 per week plus HANLEY: 75 Hazelhunt-st VP 3 bedrme AddIt: WooHlaerort At School Friday 6 pm Adm Bd BERT KelsalL Local and Long Dlftancet worth 35- given tr- with every Removals personal supervision iFridge purchased thia-- week from A Halls Offices and Showrooms in BACON Wrsppers wanted 1000 per week top prices paid weekly ml Pi 11 rMflaa1 WiHawaV 1 1 1 i I naaiann ana Ear aiivwmnva Son SoHottor 1 Adventure-pL- Hanley nowmro-ere jnsuuey in naoiB cicadman'a or Oodwin aboos no interest concrete or timber Jackson's Sectiona! Buildings- Ltd 80 Leek New-rd PnUerie Ltd Lawtey-et Longtoov JUMBLE 8a Stone Division Ranger Seout Hut Statlon-rd Barlaeton 8 Sent 28th Adm 3d XBIANIST read Sat'" Jester A vehicle will be provided to suitable Apply: Mr Harkneas eoUeetlon Ford Green MiMs Smal- rates II Paid witniu I montns -a Tunatall Cobridee Tei 21072 LINDOP (Removaf Service 1 48 Enoch -st Burslem 'Tel 87311: cl TTANLEY (Hlrtde-et): Good type of thorne TeL SOT 54092 imatKCit PoHahlns and Fumture TUMBLE Sale by Alsager Training T3IANI8T Wanted for week-ends good iwneca nouae corKStntng HUgm Interwoven Rnotng oners over £20 fixed free Sheds made to your TTUGHEb Bros (Removal Connectors) IJtj Repairs: high-class work: competitive OUGHT: Ladies- Oent ana ChUdrea'a CBothlns Household BtandeU Ltd 87-97 Uttoxeter-rd Longton pOMPETBNT 'Lady Ctsrk rest wKh -a lets Apply Aiasger arms Alaaarar Ml CMlege St Mary a Churcfi Hail aisasar Fridav Sentember 28th 7 Pm si acuii- Dorms eoainouM ana w-c RV £8: vac pass Anolr A -a-a- nuna ami jinroau EMOiaoni ou I nrlnaa flOOWOOa' isimuan requirements Free estimates Phone Linen Doulton anything useful Writs BiacviT anianers ann selectors reqa Riagway Church Bank Pottery Tunstail BISCUIT Warehouas Selectors reqd rxpertenoe not esse Apply: Wsde Heath Co Burslem i BISCUIT Placer for tunnel oven Contract work good Swinnertons Ltd Baddeiey Green years Estimates free 65 TrlnrtT-st I vwn S9269) ThiPE Filter and Plumber read flrst- Tnvrnilt sal st Josenh'a SchooJs Austerherry and Son Comnsrec Reeoe emu i or immecaaee actenieon a ealL ohone: Mm Hoosoa a Hign-st Hanley Tel 22635 TiVfrLi deposit allowed Ton your old el itui-slam Frldav Sent 28th 650 aouna imiNBi wa routine Apply la writing stating age exp etc to: RC 935 Sentinel Hanley wrazY Homes tne rinonnst sneeauuu: JT etass tradesmen overtime worked MortBta Foreman Grand Hotel Hetaey Newosstls Phone 65223 (after 6 pm Ctaunbers Longton Tel 33417 TTUGHEB Bros (Removal Contractors) aeisau samovai and Storage IX Electric or Gas Washer exchange IV Vinyl Tilea 1511 per yd laid 657011 ST GREGORY'S SCOUTS: Jumble Bs FRIDAY SEPT 28th 530 pm ve Expert jocat long aistanos: neatedifnr mv servu Hoover Hotpoint TI LUMBER 'reqd week-ends central 5 Duke-st Fen ton ra sot XJ Home and Abroad Established 60 siash fop mtm Haeeart clean usea nOMFOBiww ttal requ nwuiui Kj- working conditions Apply In storage Note crrty address: Heath I Pamall English Electric Caroline CHURCH HALL Grlffln-st LONOTON 33425 heabnt experience Write: Firebrick Wad Bits years estimate Trinity-at Housa-iana Bucknau Tel 22716 1 Electric Caroline -St Longton (32707): BISCUIT warehouse Brusher ana Be'ectors urgent'y reqd WUl traia writing in person or by phone to: The Macagsr McCorquodale Printers (Crewe1 Sentinel Longton Potclays Ltd Brickktln-lans Etrurta Harder- Tel 22633 LADDERS superior quality manufacturers' prices vsrnishsd two iieiaeu es Bona (xxnaniafia men-st Tunstau inroori TTaUTMTsKR Imorover local work sultaMe appMoanta Queen Anne China ONGTON: 190 Melrrd Norms cot LOST AND FOUND TjXXTND: Siamese Apply: nemoFaiaj wcai ana long autemc -rnu nt Nvlans annrten-d asms coats Dewey's Vtetnria-rd Fenton riOLF Clubs matched set or otherwise KX 0 913 Bentinei Hanley XT bore heating Write 11 15 Xa Modern Semi 2 rseenUon 1 tiled mm eream Onlv address: 20 1 ft km aae oa Sentinel' Stoka Mirrors Resuver tnas mirror now afete Olaia RenluemenU Ltd Ltd FranoavstA Crewe Tel Crew 4241 Comptometer opgrator (sumiock) 2025 reoulred for earthenware manufacturer's office duties Include XT HolliPfs-st Pen ton OST Thursday Sept KVST 3reendock-st Longton BOILERMAN reqd for automatic stoker three shifts Apply Etaetrig dr Ordnanos Accessories Co' Ltd Broad- kitchen '5 bedrms tUed bathrm garsga 16ft 8ft rood aarden RV 20lhl Batch "1 fR Sbott Private CbiJeetor buy say TJELIABLE lUIl-time 1AOJ ASRIKaat XV rend lmmsdtatehr for TOV Dept uerman 11 war wuua Soring -st Hartahiu stoke Tei nsoaa JU of Foolscap Sheets reward 10- avXeostact Join Rtiev (HmItt) Ltd! I nTCi- £22 VP For further particulsrs PaiO to Cfi or German LJ-ll- aa-J" "aaaaJL nBIUCV Tunatall write rc sentinel ttsaths Drives Sttrfaeed tn Tar- st Hanley Write: 1416 Sentinel Hanley -Tr rwrr -rsiaek Fnodte Doe ti calculation of wages Isnow ledge of iTinfT-Sw 2SUCC7 -m ratio ej f-i ARncir iisiei-BV 1 oiB'gy tl fiauua ARnaCrV from £1096: TTQ' RRMI Write: 74 St John'a-rd St Heuer HanlST msiwdsm or Bitumen: Derbvahlrr' sppiy swamn aoov aisnress rnooe oa i 33313 or Patterson and Hackney Solicitors Market-st Longton PAYK an adraMass Apcy in nrst Garscea Jersev Channel Islands a Ai School NeweasMe Tel 66188 BRITISH Anchor Pottery Co Ltd Anchor-rd Longton req Under-elaxe Enamellers and Glass Blawsrsi Limestone! estimates free distance no REQUIRED immediately Ladies' snoe Asslatant for Ssta only must be inetano atating age experience ana Lees Hew-rd Reward SIMGER Sewing Maehwes wtd any State type pTIco-rAoawia Teieplwne 48700 47504 Tel 21072 salary'-' required to: The saerstary AfOVING For first-class servlef object Johnson 10 LlchneiO-ra Taike Pita Tei KJdssTove 2019 Writ or spply In person to These sew we paid permanent positions ava contact John Riley (Haniev) Ltd Bamwt -ot eauonwan im dibwib 25 Llcbfleld-et Hanley (23209) F1:" 0 or "Jcai ami washsrs now oundiuon from distance overseas: stasia artlc les It hTtam Btanager usees ana nuune ua- nay-market Tunatall Trinlty-ati Hanley Tel 122069 OARTW RIGHT and Edwards require Kj colour Dippers and Woman and Glrla nORTABLE Drills Took Repairs to makes Trade inquiries DRIVER wantea expa neevy goons tone: Apply: Oarr At fTIAPE Recorder good eond price and fmall ICS Complete homes: flnt-ClaSS U-JK- Uairi OsmMna-st Lonston wjauaaas ITasilasi eWaaJ PORTHTLL (42 OaWsnds-ave): Det Bunsalow tarse eat hall -lnae -a write iou cvasunn 42 Broad -St Hanlsy (Tei ITxvTni- Hodklnson Pole Garage nr Uttoxetcr invited K'sctiicsl Rewuuu IBurremj RESIDENT (Woman) for dining room and housework Oood wages and Royal Normal College for the to team Apply: New borough and Sutherland Potteries Longton Tel BOKington itu 25228): 803 Edieston-rd Crewe (Tel naniey WYPEWRITERB Cash for good port- dingnnklt with Rayburn stove 9 Ltd 67 Bourne Bank Burslem Tei 34201 i TaRiVBR Shunter read used to heavy Bdrms luliv Uled nrhrm wHA wx Oct OARTWRIOHT at Edwards Ltd req Kj Handta Casters Good condltiona A able Wis lams 21 nrunswaw- Bind' Aiongnton ua nroaa urn Shrewsbury ven tola A Copt (Transport) Ltd HAW'S The Rellsble Remonil People GA1V oTvsaTndmt 67 Sutherlsnd-rd Longton ItivJai? fl TftdriSS? I stocks brick gar and fuel atore gdn front and at Maseaalla PRESSURE Stabs ana kctm sic deitvered free by Longton Builders' HsrtehiK SOT oALXSMAJi reauirea witn selling exo and pay Apply Newborough es Suther- (39422) TtYPEWRITERS wantea ror casn RIVER required for Wholesale Milk 3 In Typewriters and other Offlee outer awes Leaneu xrom rear: hv Apply Kee tv-Joiwa 8-10 Bagnall-at Hanley Tel 21775 I Man Merchants Ltaw utioxeter-ra uoatvta- Tel M46'i Fl' un- fTemisee eompr I ICannv'a fhwk Distuiaala On Wlnekle Butler at foweii aa snsint Uanlaw Plima BltBS nafl Mwia atawaaia anva i Machines snd Systems or similar Speciality Selling Permanent position -1 a-e ecu very reaming in aseir wstnet Clover Dairies (Staffs) Ltd nswrswsll-lane Meir CjTEEL Shelving all sixes in stock 9 Bailey Debscsi-st (off Leek New-rd) tlT ANTED: Studio Couch or Long Small dD rsauired Writs: 14 10 1 nnnnrrvvvsi 8-5-7-9 Oommerce- salary commission and Apply asmgui EmWKwfj alSTat iMtlB nSa WW tha flnaaa TbRIVEA reqd knnwtadge of Frutt YY Settee Write: 1392 sentinel Hanley -t sri QUICK RESULTS from MONDAY'S SMALL ADS MISCELLANEOUS SALES by letter in eonnoence to: natier Powell Ltd 41-43 Brosd-st Hanley riTROLlTE Glass Wan Lining WJt trade preferred but-not esseirlal wswnKi-a SoecieUsts Modern Oiass Co CiaJHO Happiness ix you enjoy BUSINESSES AND PREMISES Rsnley (25519) PRJMROBE-Grove Neweaatle: Soundly built and well appointed modern Semi-Detached House Arch porch ent hall lounge (bay) diningrm I tUed kltcn coals and wc Ac Compact 1-tiled bathrm and we Sea Compart garden and shed £2400 Including carpels curtain light fitting cooker Apply: Bennett at Days FAI Hlgh-st Newcastle (Tel 652134) and st Cnsrles-at Henley (Tsl 2170341 the aatlafactioa of helping peope nli! e-i 1 iai2ii I T-T01 Dsnmnstrations of all aVectrlcsl Havwood at sons FJtI 4o ironmarketl auaM siMa kiii Apply giving all particular to: wiHiam Prim It Son LtdK Fruit Merchants Oilmen -st Hanley T7STABU8HBD Firm with modern and can show aa energetic and A FAMILY TV and Beotrtoal Bustaess for sale busy: town In the Midlands: established 23 years many Newcastlq Staffs Phone 67343 (3 jSSauA Thee KiOsgrovV ones) and 26 Lawton-ed Alasstev --v a HAIR STY LI 8Ti progressive record In speciality selllne a worthwhiia nermaasnt end remunera- JU aalllna methods require men with TTQOVXR afk II Washsn anmnlatah? A RE you the right colour Why not JV hara a COntlnentale Fashion Tint tive career aa a uiatrict stearins out experience to us trained to earn £20 plus weekly vacancies locally and Apply Thursday 3 Pm to APARTt TO LET AND WANTED I XX nsw wrlngsn csblneta rs-enamelled Adviser will appear to you For rearing nnw su i at the continental Luxury Salon Brldge-Newcastle' Tel 64287 Open all further information send bdef aetata Hanley BED8ITTINGRO0M avallsWe for tady 5mwf1E ls2JJZrKA' in ism house PorthiH Wrtta-1 2 years at -5 Home Aids 5 pm: Mr newett Rm oia about yourself to David Rodd Sale A YA ARD or Building wanted to rent or buy suitable for Plumbing day Thursday etpsetaily for snop Staff Stoke-rd Shelton Stoke-on-Trent T1IRD Cage and Stand £2 Mirror rector Aroente neanng oervice luw- WODI of Stafford Building AT 3 Brunswick sj-wcastta RC 915 Sentinel Hanley T7NOINURING Executivw seeks service TTOOVER Mark III Wsshsr Automatic IV at a haJ auina wut I XX wrlnawr a new S9cns: Hoover- wsinore-st ionaon wi 12 rtpnss MISCELLANEOUS WANTS OERVICES of a Supermarket ManagA (67128): 23 Andrsws-Pl (67972) SU Chemicals Roof Waterproofing Division offer a good opportunity to contractor write an Banteyro-t owwu Green or ohone 23969 CREWE to Let la good secondary shopping area: Modem- Shop Your Malson Pox Luxury Hairdreaser- are required For full deteUs see braskfast Oarsae or off road narking matte rtamonstraUon Model TYOOD Drvera end Salon Equipment an experieneea Rapreaentauvo in tne special dwpisvea announcement on reqd Newcastle srea-Write: 1573 1 Otet TunstaU 88M1mBi 640H7 PoUeries This appotnemsnt wis be XX Drver Banks Mirrors Basins Sentinel Hamey Page 8 RC 909 CITE Fitter wanted Good hours anc Trolleys bo Staffs Halrdrssseri wsBhaia' bbm- 'ana PotterMs lxngion CiARTWRlQHT a vawarda Ltd requira Dippers and Apply: Newborough and Sutherland Potteries Longttd CaKTWRIOHT ft Edwards Ltd require I Cup Apply: Newborough tnd Snthetiand Potteries Longton to CASTERS and Spongers also Girls to train for Casting Grimwadea Ltd 3take Pottery Btck-on-Trent CASTER'S Sponger reqd- for flnrt-c'sss earthenware fancies Carlton Wars Ltc Copetand-st Stoke riHINA Dipper (expd) read alao expd Kj Olost Ptacer for Apply: personnel Officer Rldgway Pottertes Ltd jawley-et Longton COVER Maker for Teapot urgently reqd: aieo O'ost Apply SMgreave Pottery Co Ltd Birrs ve-st ylt Burslem CUP Handier expd Burgess a Leigh Uim Middleport Pottery auretem CUP Maker (expd) for' hand Jolley Apply: Sampson Brldgwood 3rldgewood-st Longton C1UP Sponger (expd) also Trainees for Handling Macaliks twimpsoa irldgwoofl and Sua Ltd Brldgewood-st Longton 't prUP Selectors expd urgently reed Kj Byth Pottery Uttoxeter-rd Long-ion CUP Handlers Handle Spongers Casters Spongers Towers or Women and to Apply: Petsonnel Officer tidgway Potteries Ltd Lawley-at unngton C1UP Maker (Band) single Jolley required Apply: Con-ray Pottery Co Ltd Pans-lane remunerated by salary mmmiaalon exnessea car provided If necessary Premises with spsciou Bvlna aocom detaHa from sole agent: John A Bee ft Co Ud 173 Nantwlch-rd Crewe Tri 3541 936 Santinal Haniev KirlghL '596 Waterho-rd Hanley rates Phone: Percy BUtoa Ltd Equipment uo or oournes sua UEUunu -MortgsgsS' or Reflsonaaxea 3 extra cash for house bungalow or shop owners Uss the money how you Page Mortgage Brokers 1 Bsvenwsys Parade Woodford vs Ilford Ewes CRXscent 1515 SHELTON (Watford-M): Ctonveniently ltd Terraced type Property to thU pleasant toeaeny for sal Acooenmoda-Uon briefly comprise lounge Hvingrm woU 2 bedrms ate RV fJUfford-': Cotton1 'Auctioneers 38 Town-rd Hanley' (Tel 22205) and at TunstaU SHELTON (Csrlton-rd)t Excellent Terraced House comprising front room llringrm scullery outside coals and we 2 bedrms recently extensively r-doc4ed VP Apply: Harold Grindley and Co 2628 Glebe-at Stake Phohe 44208'- contributory penaion scheme Quakflca- 58353- --r I Burrirm Tei B4sUl -'-e OOD Loiainsi for working (29219) Gfix Fart-time Ladv Interview era road t'ons: Aga 27-3 ssjcoessiui oacs ground TAYCEAN Hair Fashions 1' Modon- Armstrong 69 Bethesda-M Hanicy XJOOVKR wssnen ana uieanan wars an os wfiiHjj reconditioned: Washers from £20 satat exoerience in the field tJ rd Newesatle ITel 69933) by the OUS Credit Mali Order FR" Saten Medium sissd Mixed BHslnass £500 3 beds 3 down hath Iatss Workranm To Let Burslem neiajwaiaai ca la haiiinri I Ciesners from cmvis Some knowledge ot miiKMng contact Specialist In Styling Tinting and shop (wmorlslng siUgrm klfette (Lonn) Ltd The Btrand Longton Write: F10 Sentinel Burslem with- Building Contractors Builders' uerchanca industrial Xtlabllshments Prrmuig 15ALON Moniaue for the beat In Hair company a nours osviy to sun scnoo hours nothing to sett fuH tralnin given basic wage £4 plus ton rates of eommisslon average earnings £5 to £7 Local Authorities useful' but not XWSAOENT'S Tobsoeomst's snd 11 Sweets for sale Vine-st- Hanley Aooomj Shop llvgrm soull with bath 9 Bdreaa mitalde we and write full details in 6384 Sentinel Newcastle TDIAL Gifts: JJ1- SINGLE Gent reqa uermsnant Aix Roron "TTaJSvSt FlaUet or Malsonetts Stoke or New- Morphy-Rlchards T5 Care On Tuesdays and Wednesday offer a perm from 296 and 8Set V- Ring 22558 now for your next appointment 26 Hlllcburch-si Hanley DOLL'S Pram HT good cond fi replies J3LAYPEN with floor 5 replies It's so easy to place a small announcement in these columns Telephone Head Office Hanley Stoke-on-Trent 295 1 1 or any Branch Office or Your Newsagent fldence to: Sales Dweetor Evode Can for interview Tnumday Sept -27th 'Stoke Employment Exohange 20 to 3SO pm Limited Common-rd: Stafford Further parties from Rees Jones Write- 11 Sentinel stoke Tunstsu aoooi vw'i 'IIWO NUrstnc Staters urgently requlrelServlce 85093 Jimmmmmm TjXPERIENCED Lorry Driver reqd for muia xrom snsrwin si car parx SLABBERS' Labourer required Ranton Tiles Ltd BursWm (Solicitor) 8-10 BagnaU-at Hanley CJNEYD Oreen: Seml-det resldencf XU collection and dell very of a a wurntahMi Flat in tne conaietoni uum sa: for sals 3 bedrms bath lounge stuffs applicants must be trustworthy smart Youtn in years requuea witn Box 846 Sentinel i Hanley -IHYloit-nnga carpew INSURANCE Reply rea Discs ana dibckwiiiw biumim and energeuc preiersncwtwia oe given congieton faming room kitchen garage gardens back and front- RV £2a Apply: L' Thomas At Co Portland House WANTED Shop for sale or Mtjln Hanley or Newosstls Write stating full detail to RO 916 Sentinel Henley nv---': wwTANTED rent Laree House Shop I ai I I CiU mmlAmt VJJ- mI ENDOWMENT PoUcle bought out- to one used to farm dellveriea Appiy: Sake (Mulera) Ltd Cora Mills Conalaton' Vacant cosy single oivsn miter rooms j-t -f central residential 36kn 20- yd and 27iV at 14711 yd- HanJev 23136 kj some experience in weiaing or snee: metal work Walker Squires Ltd Plnnox-st Tunstail SMART Bov to train' for Mschsnic good Apply: Hanley Motes start Marsh-st Hanley i- riesse contact: Living stone 13 Perry-st Hanley Tel 23903 jVu 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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.