GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (2024)

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (1)

In This Issu~

Calendar Classifieds Editorials Features Alumni Sports

November 8, 1990

Pg 2 Pg 2 Pg 3 Pg 5 Pg 7 Pg 9

Not Just a man, It's a band. Exclusive Inte.rvlew with the vocals behind the old and new Dokken.

See Featu res, Page 5

ctive Alumni.

From politics to nursing the. UM-St. Louis alumni make It In the "real world."

See Alumni, Page 7

University of Missouri-St_ Louis


The next Student Gov­ernment Association meeting is scheduled for Nov. 11, in room 22~ of the JC Penny build­ing.

Issue 681

Federal Bud2et

Student Loans, ExemptionsChanged

Scrub! Computers:

(CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition benefits from federal income taxes, reform the federal student loan program and increase the cost of a six-pack of beer.

Multiple Copies, Game Playing Cause Problems

The new budget, which seeks to trim the federal deficit by $500 billion during the next five years, is a mixture of tax increases and spending cuts.

Most significantly for students and colleges, the budget said both undergraduate and graduate students would no longer have to pay taxes on tuition benefits paid for them by employers, or in return for campus work they do. ·

The budget also will also try to reform college loan programs by not giving students loan money until 30 days after classes begin, and by dropping schools with default rates over 35 percent from the guaranteed loan program.

The 30 day delay on first-time loans is meant to keep students from using loan money to pay non-college bills. The new law will also require students without high school diplomas or Graduate Equivalency Diplomas to pass a test to receive federal assistance.

Students with employers who pay for their classes will have some extra pocket change under the new budget. The bill continues the tax exemption for undergraduate students and restores the exemption for graduate students.

The bill makes the exemptions retroacti ve to Sept. 30 Torundergraduates; and for graduatistu'Oents, thechahges­take effect Jan. 1. It is valid until Dec. 31, 1991.

. For the last three years, the government has treated graduate remission benefits as taxable income.

DON'T [EA~ANY' STREJtKS: ~ member of the Political Science Academy washes a car in front of the Blue Metal Building during a recent car wash. The organization earned about $150 for a scholarship fund for political science majors. (Photo by Fred Appel)

by Christine McGraw associate news editor

Small problems have arisen in some of the computer labs on campus concerning multiple copies and game playing.

Rick Blanton, assistant director of Student Activities, said "the com­puters are used a lot It's costing a lot of money to keep the toner in there. We underestimated the use."

The computer lab in University Center uses four toners a month at $60 a piece. Each toner can produce up to 5,OOOpages of text According to Blanton, some of the problems stem from students making multiple copies. Blanton said several proposi­tions had been discussed to solve the problem, including proposals to limit the number of copies made or to charge students for the paper they use.

Blanton also said that he is refer­ring the problem L6 the University Center Advisory Board and is look­ing into the possibility of extra funding through the Student Activities Bud­get Committee.

Blanton said students using the

Touhill Talks To The Community Interim Chancellor Blanche

Touhill presented the 15th annual Report to the Community on Nov. 2.

sity," Touhill said,"continually im­prove our existing educational pro­grams, make sure our programs re­main accessible and nurture stronger partnerships with business and com­munity organizations that require our research and educational expertise."

ing service to the University as a volunteer. Harper, president of his own management consulting firm and CEO of New Age Federal Sav­ings and Loan Association, was in­strumental in establishing the K mart Employment for Youth (KEY) Work Force 2000 program. The program between UM-St Louis and K mart helps minority youth to enter the job market.

GRANTS: She told the 1,200 faculty, staff

and community leaders in attendanc.e that UM-St Louis is preparing itself to meet the challenges the commu­nity will face in the next ten years.

"We must build programs that fulfill the high aspirations the com­munity has for itself and this univer-

During the luncheon, David B. Harper was presented the UM-St. Louis 1990 Volunteer of the Year Award, which recognizes outstand-

Mark Twain Grand Opening Celebrates Recent Renovation

The newly-renovated Mark Twain Building Recreation and Fit­ness Facility will celebrate its "Grand Opening" on Nov. 13 and 14, from 11 am. to 1 p .m. and 4-6 p.m.

Tours are available each day, with a shuttle service provided.

The dedication ceremonies will be held on Nov. 14 at 5 p.m.

The new facilities include a new Nautilus room, an indoor running . track, new saunas and renovations within the gymnasium.

Free refreshments and door prizes are available, and complimen­tary tickets will be given to the Rivennens' exhibition basketball game vs. Australia on Nov. 13.

REVAMPED RECREATION CENTER: The Mark Twain Building has recently been renovated with new saunas. Nautilus oquipment, a new indoor running track and more.

Congress Examines Student Loans student loan program. changes in the financial aid program.

AT&T Donates 40 Computers,4 Servers

AT&T has donated $323,000 of computer equipment to the UM-St. Louis Department of Mathematics and Computer Science as part of its University Equipment Donation Pn?gram.

"This gift will provide under­graduates with a modem work-sta­tion computing enviornment," said Jerrold Siegel, chair of the Depart­ment of Mathematics and Computer Science. "I know of no other facility that will be as large or as comprehen­sive for use."

Included in the donation were 40 AT&T Model 730 X-Tenninals, which are advanced desktop termi­nals that perfonn many of the func­tions of personal computers when linked to a central server computer. AT&T provided four servers, known as 6386/33s microcomputers, and connected the entire configuration with a 100megabyte StarLAN local area network.

Siegel said the X-Terminals are useful for instruction because the screens can be divided into multiple areas of "windows." Separate win-

dows can be used, for instance. to state a problem as it might appear in a textbook, to list an example. or to provide a computational area for solving the problem and to tell the student if the solution is correct.

"The multiple-window capabil­ity of the terminals is especially use­ful for our programming students." Siegal added. '.hey can use one window to write their lines of code and another window to test the pro­gram in a production environment"

UM-St.Louis and 52 othet col­leges and universities were selected for the 1990-91 school term.

"These grants are awarded to colleges and universities that pro­pose creative applications in com­puting and networking in support of research or instruction," said Bob Giacini, area manager for AT&T Computer Systems. "The University ofMissouri-St Louis is a strong pro­ponent of the operating system (UNIX) and a leader in the innova­tive application of computer technol­ogy to the teaching of mathematics and computer science."

computers to play games was also becoming a problem in the U-Center lab.

"There is an inordinate amountof game playing," Blanton said. "Stu­dents are frus trated because they have to wait two hours to use a computer."

Blanton said nothing has been decided about curbing the use of computers for games.

Larry Picket, assistant director of UserServices,saidmostcopiesmade at the lab in the Office of Computing Technology are legitimate, but privi­leges do get abused.

"These are things we try to avoid. There are a number of approaches to stop it, but usually the cure is worse than the problem. I don't like to inconviencepeople," said Picket "As far as game playing in the OCT lab, there is not a big problem. We dis­courage that."

David Warren, director of the Writing Lab in SSB, said multiple copies or game playing is not a real problem.

"I'm sure people do it occasion­all y, but we are there to enforce rules," said Warren.

Bell Gives $120,000

A $ 120,000 grant from the Southwestern Bell Foundation will be used to establish a scholarship fund for math and science majors at UM-St. Louis.

Interim Chancellor Blanche Touhill said the grant will help to stirn ulate student interest in pursuing science degrees.

"In America, we have fewer graduates in engineering and the

. sciences than other highly industrial­ized nations," Touhill said. She cited National Science Foundation esti­mates showing a future shortfall of scientists and engineers.

Scholarships will be awarded to incoming freshmen from St. Louis­area high schools who have partici­pated in one of two UM-St Louis pre-collegiate math and science pro­grams:

-The George Engelmann Math­ematics and Science Institute. a sum­mer program designed to encourage academically superior high school students to pursue careers in science, mathematics and technology

-The Bridge Program, a program to increase the numbers of students, especially minority ones, pursuing degrees in math, science and tech­nology

Touhill said the scholarships will be renewable and half will be slated for minority students. Two scholar­ships a year will be awarded for the first three years, after which the an­nual number will increase to four.

(CPS) UM-St Louis is not the only campus experiencing problems with its fmancial aid service for stu­den ts. According to the College Press Service, many colleges around the nation are having a hard time fmding funding for their student loan pro-

"We have failed many times as a deparunent, but I really feel during our watch we have addressed the issue," Cavazos told the permanent subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Oct 11.

"The secretary is to be congratu­lated for facing up to facts," said Charles Saunders of the American Council on Education. "But the ques­tion is, what are they going to do about it?"

Forensics Wins Awards~To Host Tourney

grams. . Earlier this month, U.S. Educa­

tion Secretary Lauro Cavazos said that besides Congress. his depart­ment may be partly to blame for the accumulated problems of the federal

The secretary's remarks came at the final hearing in the subcommi ttee' s year -long investiga­tion of student loan programs. The fmdings will be used to recommend

"!pe entire student loan system almost collapsed this summer when the · nation's largest student loan guarantor, a Kansas-based agency called the Higher Education Assis-

See LOANS, page 4

The UM-St. Louis Forensics Team has garnered several awards this year. The team, headed by Scott Jensen, director of forensics, hosted the Gateway Forensics Tournament on Oct 12-14. The tournament was the largest speech tournament held this year.

Forensic team · members Dan

Tienes, Kathleen Willis , Kristi Ockuly and Gayla Hearst have won awards. Tienes has won three awards, including the championship in im­promptu speaking, as well as an award for duo-interpretation with Hearst

Willis has received four awards this year, including three in im­promptu speaking and one in persua-

sive speaking. Ockuly has won one award in persuasive speaking.

The forensics team will host a high schooltqurnament for St. Louis area schools Nov. 9 and 10. The tour­nament is open to UM-St. Louis stu­dents and will be held in Lucas Hall, Clark Hall and SSB. For more in­formation call 553-5816.

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (2)

~pa~ge~2 ______ ~ ________________________________________ ~C~U~B~B~ENN~T. , ________________________________________ ~N~o~v~e~mwb~ear~8~,~1_99~O

MEDICAL SCHOOL SEMINAR: Washington University is having a free medical school seminar at 7:00 p.m. in Rebstock Hall Room 215. For reservations call 997-7791 . The seminar is being presented by the Pre­Medical Society and Stanley H. Kaplan.

,SUNDAY 11 1 ALL ARE WELCOME: The Student Government Association is having its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. in Room 222 of the J.C. Penney Building. All students are welcome to attend.


LUNCHTIME CONTRIBUTIONS: Jacob H. Carruthers will discuss African contributions to the world and American cu~ure at noon in the J.C. Penney Auditorium. Carruthers is a professor of African studies at Rutgers Universtty. Call 553-5180.

FOUR STRINGS:Premiere Performances presents the Ysaya String Quartet at 8 p.m. at the Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road. Tickets are $12 for the general public, $8 for UM-St. Louis faculty/staff, and students, Friends of KWMU, Inc., senior citizens and Ethical Society members. Call 553-5818.


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Best Fundraiser On-Campus! Looking for a fraternity, sorority or student organization that would like to earn $500-$1000 for a one week on-campus marketing preject. Must be organized and hardworking. Call Ashley or Amy at (800) 592-2121.

The Old Spaghetti Factory is looking for energetic, hardworking, and dynamic individuals to join our restaurant staff. we are looking for bus, kitchen, host, wait, and bar personnel. Please call or come down Monday through Friday, 1· 3, er make an appointment. We are located in Historic Laclede's Landing at 727 North First. Call 621-0276.

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Horizons is looking for suggestions of what people can do with their hands for people who are quitting smoking. If you have any sugges­tions you would like to share with us please contact Kim Fryman Hori­zons 427 SSB 553-5730.


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To the person who wrote a letter to the editor and didn't sign it ; I'd be more than happy to run it if you resubmit it with your name and ~tudent number. LB

To all the Delta Sigma Pis who didn 't make it to pledge weekend you missed a good time.

Wanted: 2 female roommates West County area $250 + 1!3 utilities, amenities provided. One bedroom furnished. Call Shannon Reynolds . 227-8908 or leave message.

Guitar lessons!!! $5 per half hour lesson taught in my home. Learn to read sheet music or just play the hit songs. Theory taught, too. Lessons taught on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights. Call Brad at 469-5524 for schedUling.

• • •


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END THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE: Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, will give a lecture on "What is the Future for Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)?" It will be in Room 331 of SSB. Dr. Bowman is the President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies. For more information call 553-5753. -- .

l553-51 75 /~~ 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••


SYMPOSIUM ON MINORITIES: Virvus Jones, comptroller of the City of St. Louis, will be the keynote speaker at a symposium tttied " A Fair Share: Minority Participation in the St. Louis Economy of the 1990s". The program will be held from 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fee for the symposium is $25. For more information, and to register, call 553-5961.

Our 20th Anniversary Sale November 7-11


COURSE ON COMMUNICATING EFFECnVELY: The Continuing . Education-Extension and the College of Arts and Sciences is offering a course for Professional Women: Communicating with Power. The course will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fee for the seminar is $125, including instruction materials, parking, and lunch. For more information and to register call Joe Williams at 553-5961.

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It isn't too early to begin planning your Holiday Fest decoration for the Commun~y Tree! Be clever, be outrageous, but be REPRE­SENTED! Holiday Fest '90, Novem­ber 28-30. University Center Lobby. Join your friends at the party!

Watch out Ladies Brad is a free man again!! Beware of the dangerous raybans . you never know where they will turn up next!!

Dear Teddie, Here's hoping that the rest of our lives will be as wonderful as the last 6 months. I fell like the luckiest person in the world. I hope that you will always be there . Love always Poopsie

At my humble req{Jest, to those who wish to inflict personal injury to myself, STOP HIDING ME! Moby

To the brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha, It was a victory for greek unity, we owe you one. Hey "INDYs", you should have gone Greek! The brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon

To my sight seeing buddies David and Fred. I had a great time in D.C. Michelle

To the drunken' staff "!rom D.C., Are we sober yet? I had a blast. But keep me away from that damn vodka. Please! love, Sports Editor

To my roomies, I really think we should move out. I have the will and the money. Let's do ~. love, Mel

Mx, I hear you're wondering who I am? I'm never gonna tell. But I've seen outside your car and the view is even better. Watcher

To my Sophisticated and Hot roomies, I just wanted to let you know the signal is " F ... if I Knowl" love your Sexy roomie

Hey my blue eyed beauty! Where .have you. been? Are yO.l) ready for Saturday Night? Well be prepared for the TIME of your lifel Take it easy and keep smiling! The one who loves you.

To the News Editor: It was so wonderful being with you this weekend I wish I could continue to spoil you! from the associate photo editor. P.S.llove you very much. Thanks for the card

Jo and Felicia thanks for a great weekend! I love you gUys. Lets do it again sometime! See ya. The short fat ugly bitch

. Zoe, can't believe there are two of us on campus. Don't talk 2 strang­ers. Keep the spaz. Only 6 weeks to time out. Who loves ya' baby? Ragedy Anne

Camel Man, I like hunting wtth you, but you just have to hold your fire. Take aim, but take heart. I love you. Beep Beep Hunter in the Buff

Top 10 Complaints about the past Halloween at UM- SI. Louis: 1 O)SSB pumpkin drop wasn't offered in intramural 9) Campus police behind in ticket quota for Fall Semester . 8) Business faculty only gave out pennies 7) Bobbing for financial aid 6) Greeks only voted for each other in costume contest 5) Underground cooks preparing for Thanksgiving Rush 4) Beef jerky as a Halloween treat? 3) Increased amounts of razor blades in candy store snickers 2) Greeks still waiting for the Great Pumpkin in the Undergound 1) Basketball season just around the corner

KC thanks for all your help, but I will continue to smoke at my leisure. I missed you in D.C. love Christine

MX. I before Eexcept after C! CM

Watcher: Thanks for the compliment. You can see my car anytime ,you want; as long as I'm included. MX

GA, It seems funny that I always seem to write to you in the personals but I never really get to see you so this is the only way I can talk to you. I miss you when your not around an I like it when your are around. Have a really great day and good luck on your paper. Write, wr~e, write. Don't forget about our "fantasy" en Sunday. I'll be waiting anxiously. Sincerely, your one and only.

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GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (3)

EDITORIALS October 25, 1990

Homecoming: How? If members of the Student Government Association don't

gettheiracttogetherquickly, this year's Homecoming maybe next year's flop.

Although there has been a lot of hype about resurrecting (It's been at least four years.) the1radition of Homecoming on this campus, not much -- if any -- action has been taken to make it a reality. Many groups, including the University Program Board and the Greeks, have talked about it and made suggestions but so farit has all come to naught.

Why? During the last SGA meeting, members still could not agree on the date to be set for homecoming. Suggestions were made and rejected for dates in November and Decem­ber. Reasons forthe rejection varied from being inconvenient for some organizations to infringing on valuable study hours during finals. The result is that Homecoming is being pushed toward a tentative date in January. January? Then when?

Traditionally, most universities make their homecoming a weekend party filled with parades, dances and a football game. The alumni return to enjoy the festivities and catch up on all the changes that have taken place.

Traditionally, homecoming at UM-St. Louis has ~been a small affair with few or no alumni attending a basketball game .. Itdoesn't hav.e to be that way. A lot of students have come up with ideas'to make it better. .

Organizing an event as big as Homecoming takes more than lip service. It reqires an enormous amount of fore­thought and planning. Every student organization is supposed to a have a representative in SGA. But all students are welcome at the meetings. The next meeting (Nov. 11 at 6 pm in the JC Penney Building). should decide the fate of Homecoming.

If students want this to happen, then they should get the ball in motion now, before it takes place at a tennis match. If there isn't a 100 percent effort to pull it off, the resurrection should be left for anotheryear-ayearwhen students who are willing to do more than talk and make excuses are involved in SGA.

What do you think? Should there be a Homecom­ing? Write a letter to the editor telling whyor why not.

'. . ... ,' ......... r;elte~'s ' I{)lilJ' '.','. ' .. . : .'.::: .. /: i;:ii

name can' be Withheld by.r~uesf~ " ' .'. . .. ..' .' .. : .'. The' curient f~rve$ "the dghUo:i~(~1t ~1l1ettefs. fei ... spa.~e·

.. :.·:·and$tyt .. t:,:;::,;{Sj:mr{i)k:</:/\i) .. :::·:··:··.·\/:t ::·\::::!!· .. } .. ·:?C .... :: ·". ·The 'cuiieof;:ese~&s me-rfghf1o refuse pUblication -of .• :=::

.. letters~::;,::(::: :.:: •. k:<::;.:; .. /::{.:;.::.'·· . ))::: ::i :: ::: ::::: :'

The Current is published weekly on Thursdays. Adver­tising rates are available upon request by contacting the Current business office at (314) 553-5175. Space reserva­.tions for advertisem*nts must be received by 5 p.m. the Monday prior to publication.

The Current, fmanced in part by student activity fees, is not an official publication of the University of Missouri. The University is not responsible for the Current's con­tents and policies.

Editorials expressed in the paper reflect the opinion of the editorial staff. Articles labeled "commentary" or "column" are the opinion of the individual writer.

All material contained in this issue are the property of th~- Current and cannot be reproduced or reprinted without the express written consent of the Current and its staff.

. Laura E. Berardino Editor

K.C. Clarke managing edttor

David Barnes news editor

Christine McGraw associate news editor

Mark Ericson features editor

Melissa A. Green sports editor

Jocelyn Arledge special projects editor

Nicole Menke photo editor

Michelle McMurray associate photo edttor

Shelly Van Mlerlo copy editor.

reporters Jerrod Jones Elaine Nlener Melanie McGuire Holly Schneider Max Montgomery Krista Newman Crlsty Walters Brad Touchette

Greg Albers business director

Shelly Steinberg assbciate business

Thomas J. Kovach marketing manager

Felicia Swlener ad constructionist

Sharon Janowski creative consultant

advertising representatives Marcus Buggs Ann Wetzel Jason Buchelt

Wanasmad Ahmed circulation director

photographers Fred Appel Krls Kuessel Eng Yeng Yapp

CURRENT page 3













Editor, McMasters, Disclaims Dugan's AMS To the editor;

In the last few months some strange things have been happening at the University of MisSburi-St. Louis. There is a skirmish between two different groups: the Alliance of Movers and Shakers and the Disabled Students Union. I really don't wish to debate the differences between these organizations, because I want to ad­dress another concern. I would prefer to remain neutral, due to the fact that I don't enjoy petty politics.

So why am I writing this lette r? No matter what my personal wishes are, I cannot ignore a disturbing letter in the Current.

In the Oct. 11 issue of the Current, Carol Dugan expressed her opinions on the two organizations, her "new advisor," and Marilyn Ditto. Accord· ing to Ms. Dugan, a Constitutional Committee (original DSU) met and voted that "the organization no longer needed an executive branch but an executive committee to best serve the organization and that a new constitu­tion should be drafted over the sum­mer."

I have difficulty accepting this declaration for two reasons:

1. I was the editor of the DSU newsletter and I don't recall having a Constitutional meeting.

2. If it was such a good idea not to have an Executive Officer in the older DSU, why is there a Chief Executive Officer in the Alliance of Movers and Shakers?

cial student programs, to whom most disabled students go for assistance.

As I remember, the new chief executive officer of the Alliance of Movers and Shakers, was herself ap­pointed to the position of president of the Disabled Students Union by Marilyn Ditto. Dugan believed that Diuo hindered the goals of the DSU, did "not understand" the disabled population, and did not have enough time to support the group.

I think most people can see through this excuse. I believe there is a par­ticular reason: Ms. Dugan does not like Ms. Ditto. I recall a DSU meeting last semester, in which ChiefExecu­tive Officer Dugan expressed her de­spite for Ms. Ditto and suggested to "get rid of Marilyn" and replace her with another advisor.

Dugan has accomplished getting her way by using clandestine tech­niques. She created a new "organiza­tion" and appointed an "advisor," Paul Matteucci, to her group.

She seems to have a very high opinion of Mr. Matteucci, but the explanation she gives for his nomina­tion remains questionable.

First, Dugan states that Mr. Matteucci's "commitment to disabled access ... is without question."

Well, I have a question, "¥lhere the hell was Paul last year?" In all the DSU meetings last semester, I don't remember him auending one of them.

Secondly, Paul is allegedly an active member of the Alliance of Movers and Shakers. The AMS is a Is it just a consequence that Ms .

Dugan holds that office? new o!,ganization, .so how can she t~ll I noticed that Marilyn Ditto's ~nythmg about ~s performance m

name appeared in Dugan's letter. She Just a ~ew weeks. tat th t Ditto should not have the Thtrd, he does not seem to know ~uth~rit; to nominate leadership of m~ch abo~t ?isabled issues. I ~ound the Disabled Students Union. Why this out wlthm ~e ftrst few mmutes doesn't Ms. Ditto have the right to that Ms. I?ugan mtroduced me to Mr. select leadership? After all , if it were MatteUCCI. .

C Maril D'tto there would We exchanged greetings and ~~ ~I, ., .

babl be o disabled organization. started discussmg my new eqUIpped pro y n d h k d "I Iif " d Sh . al the administrator of spe- van an ease, S your t illSI e e IS so 'd?" or OUtsi e your van.

I looked at Carol not really knowing what to say to this . She laughed uncomfortably and stated: "What he means is, 'Is your lift in the side or in the back?'

The fourth reason she gi ves is the ' most outrageous. One of the major problems she had with Marilyn Ditto was that she was not disabled. When I asked her what disability Paul had she said, "He has a disability, he is on medication." For some reason I've never heard that being a disability.

If M s. Ditto, who has 11 years of experience as administrator of spe­cial student programs, then what jus· tifica tion does Matteucci , who has no real qualifications whatsoever, have to be in an advisory position? Should this outrage be permitted?

In Dugan's le tter to the editor, she coarsel y states, "There is no need for you or any other administrator to intervene. "

I feel that the connotation is in­appropriate because it is a direct in­sult to Ms. Diuo, as well as other administrators. "This "I-don ;t-need­you" attitude is not the way to change things and make life belter on the campus.

If Ms. Dugan is so interested in the welfare of disabled students, then she should concentrate on forming unity and stability among disabled students . However, she has chosen to auempt to take over one group (DSU), call it another name (AMS), claim to be the real disabled students organization and use the DSU ' s .money and influence.

There is sufficient evidence to say she is trying to absorb the Dis­abled Student'S Union into the Women's Center. During her presi­dency, Dugan used the Women's Center as her headquarters and en­listed the people in the center to help oul The Center supports Dllgan and her claims and is willing to assist her assimilate the two organizations into one.

With the backing of a group with some power, she can more effic iently eliminate opposition from the genu­ine group, as she did with Marilyn Ditto, Lisa Applebaum and Dawn Blankenship.

I believe the Women's Center is a beneficial organization and should receive funding.

I also feel strongly that the Dis­abled Students Union should remain separate from the Women' s Center or

any other group. It dismays me to think a single student could propagate such havoc.

I would ask the students of this campus to have a clear conscience and examine the evidence with their own eyes.

Is this the kind of representation you want from a beneficial organiza­tion?


Christopher A.

former editor of the Disabled Students Union

EDITOR'S NOTE: The official ad­visor to the Alliance of Movers and Shakers is Dean Terry Jones, not Paul Matteucci.

CORRECTION In the Oct. 18 issue of the

Current, there was a typographi-cal error in the letter to the editor about alcohol on campus. The line should have read "Don't we all know at least one person who can put away a six pack and a couple of shots and still function as if they were stone cold sober?" The writer concluded with "Why should I be expecte'd to deal with drunks at any time on campus?"

The Current apologizes for any confusion this may have caused.

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (4)

Page 4 CURRENT November 8, 1990

Black Accounting Group Formed On UM-St. Louis

From Top Lett: Catherine Smith (member), Lesley Nowlin (Chair of fundraising, social, and civic activities), Cynthia McCain (City­wide vice president), Stacy Dabney (member) From Bottom Lett: Valerie Grimes (UM-St. Louis president), Sheldrian Wayne (City­wide president)

ness and African-American asSo­ciations on St. Louis' college campuses

Loans from page 1

tance Foundation (HEAF), ran out of money trying to pay for student de- . faults.

Observers disagree about who's to blaine for the high default rate. Some blame unscrupulous trade schools th~ to help students pay them, simply secure federal loans for students regardless of the students' ability to repay.

Others have blamed the Educa­tion Department itself for radically changing its philosoph y in 1981, when it switched the college aid pro­giam from emphasizing grants­which don't have to be repaid- to

loans to students. Even responsible students, the

educators argued, would have trouble repaying the kind of debt the department's new policy would pile on them.

On the other hand, "the bad guys are the ones defaulting," said Chester

Finn, a former Education Department appointee who helped shape the new policy at the advent of the Reagan Administration.

While Cavazos admitted his de­partment had something to do with the default buildup, the secretary re­served most of the blame for Con­gress, which he said didn't grant him the authority he needed to properly regulate the program.

. Cavazos complained at the bear­ings that Congress has not approved five ofrus eight proposals for curbing defaults, particularly at proprietary trade schools. The proposals would have banned sales commissions for student recruiters, required credit checks on older loan applicants, al­lowed loan guarantee agencies to at­tach defaulters' w3jes, mandated in­dependent testing 6f borrowers wi th­out high school diplomas and made lenders offer flexible repayment

schedules. In JU.!lC, 1989. Cav3Zos unveiled .

a set ofinii:i3Lives, many of which are just starting to be impiemented, to

curb student defaults. Among other measures in the plan, aid would be cut off to students at schools with high default rates.


BRECKEN .. i:1 JANUARY 2-9 * 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS

In an effort to provide moral support to and understanding of problems faced by black account­ing students, a student chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants has been established on the UM-Sl Louis campus.

-Develop library of old ac­counting exams and answers

-Gather biographies of in­structors on St. Louis' college campuses

Pike Member Dies Of Cystic Fibrosis VAiUBEAVER The 17 member association

wishes to: -Create programs to enhance

their accounting knowledge and awareness

·Visit accounting firms and work sites

-Establish mentor/studentrela­tionships with professional mem­bers

• Develop relations with busi-

-Increase membership by 50% by creating methods for recruit­ment and retention

-Effectively publicize NABA and its events

One immediate event will be a careers 'In accounting seminar on Nov. 11 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. at room 126oftheJ.C. Penney build­ing. It is open to all students.

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Gerry Scalise, a UM-St. Louis graduate, died Octo­ber 13 at the age of 23. Scalise died of cystic fibro­sis. He was a member of the American Marketing Asso­ciation, the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity andhe worked a t the UM-St. Louis library for five years .

Scalise's girlfriend, Gina Biando described Scalise as "a very intelli­gent and outgoing guy, he was always looking out for others."

The wake was held on October 14 at the Good

Shepard's Funeral Home, followed by the funeral on Monday, October . 15.

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GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (5)

FEATURES pageS CURRENT November 8, 1990

Don· Dokken's Band: Rock'n and Roll'n Again by Brad Touchette movie reviewer

In the worldofrock-n-roll, bands come and go. Just when someone gets hot, it seems they disappear from the planet. This scenario is so fre­quent in tod.ay's industry that the phrase "one hit wonder" has almost reached cliche' status.

Given the circ*mstances sur­rounding the breakup of the heavy- . metal band Dokken, no one really ever expected to hear from any of the members again . But the resilient nature of Dokken's vocal source, Don Dokken, has made it back with a new tape that is classic Dokken rockin' and a newall-star lineup.

"That happened quite by acci­dent," Dokken said~ "When I put this baIJ(l together, I wasn't looking to put together a bunch of musicians every­one had already heard of and ride in on a popularity wave. It was just fate, I guess." THE NEW DON DOKKEN : (from left to right) John Norum, Mikkey Dee, DonDokken, Billy White, Peter

Baltes. Fate must be on Dokken's side.

Every member of this new group has experienced at least moderate success in the music industry--with the ex­ception of one. And the story that one guy tells about how he got in this band is even more unbelievable.

His name Billy White. He was a guitarist from Austin for a band called

Watch Tower. White had recorded some of his individual ability on a tape and threw the tape on stage when the heavy metal band Ratt was play­ing in Austin about two years ago. Ran's drummer, Bobby Blotzer, got iL

"This is what makes me believe even more strongly in fate," Dokken said. "I was over at Bobby's recording

some songs I had written. "You have to understand, Bobby

has probably 400 tapes laying around his studio. Anyway, we recorded the songs and later that day I was listen­ing to them at home. After our re­cording ended, the tape cut in to this guy just blazin' on his guitar. I was like, Who the hell is this guy?' I took the tape out and saw a phone number

Movie Leaves Viewer Wondering Which Way Is Up

By Brad Touchette Movie Reviewer

Philisophical? Bold? Trail­brazing? Asinine? What is it? Help .. "

Tim Robbins stars in "J acob' s Ladder", the new ftlm by Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna, the duo who brought us "Angel Heart". It is directed by Adrian Lyne, who also directed "Fatal Attraction". With a combination like that, you figure you 're in for a psychological roller coaster ride. BQt I saw the fIlm a week ago and I still don't know what to make of iL

Robbins (B ull Durham, Cadillac Man) stars as a Vietnam vet who is tortured by demons trying to kill him-or are they angels? What do I mean by that? Heck, even I'm not sure. He sur­vived the war only to come home to a failing marriage and a job with the Postal Service (sounds like the makings of great movie to me!). When the movie starts, he's living with his new girlfriend, played by Elizabeth Pena. This chick is one big whor*. The story stumbles along from there, falling in and out of hallucinations, dream

sequences, and reality trips so often that by the time it's allover, you're sick of trying to distinguish the dif­ference. Don't feel dumb if you don't understand this movie. I've been mulling it over for a week and I still haven't got a clue.

Maybe the only possible way to . understand this movie is while you're under a heavy dose of quaaludes or something. I was dumb enough to go see this ftlm with a highly philisophical friend. This friend I saw it with claimed the fUm's plot was a revolutionary train. of thought, challenging us to question the very basis of our beliefs of life and death. I'm claiming she was probably on quaaludes or some-thing. •

My bad-natured side tells me to try to explain to you everything that happened in this movie and cause you to be totally lost so you'll have to reread those parqgraphs twenty times and still not have the faintest idea what transpired in that theater. Hell, maybe my readership would go up!

My good natured side tells me to tell you that this film is good for its shock value (yes, there are quitea few tense moments) and not much else. Whoever saw "Angel Heart" knows that seeing a movie like that once will never be enough to fully understand

iL I don ' tknow about you, butI'm not willing to pay $30 to under­stand a movie. My good natured side also says not to go into detai Is and spare you your sanity.

Alright, my good side wins this time. r have too many problems with this film. Nothing makes sense. If you're willing to pay $5 for a mind scramble, go see iL .It will scare you along the way just for the fun of iL If you've decided to go see it, do me a favor. Just ask yourself this one question while you're walking out of the theater. How can someone die and still live? Maybe the staff here should· make this paradox next week' s "Question of the Week." Send in your best answer, folks. If the staff likes it enough, they may replace me (don ' t make it too good, OK?).

Ratings time!!! What should I give this film? No stars, that's for sure. The acting was good, I think. I was too concerned with trying to understand this movie to notice. The directing was good, but the script runs about as smooth as a '73 Pacer. I think I'll give it five question marks for the sheer cluelessness of this film . Yes, I think that's what I'll do.????????


and a name, so I called it. Things just worked out from there."

The ironic part of this story is that when Dokken called White, White didn't believe it was him.

"1 asked Billy (White) who he listened to, and he said he liked Van Halen, Dokken, and Ratt," said Dokken. "When I told him who I was,

. Collins: I think it is a very posi­tive thing. Most people don't think of it prior to marriage. Especially when the persons involved suffer from co­dependency, it's real importanL These people move too fast and then get into a situation that, six months down the road, they are trnpped and realize maybe they could have avoided.

Current: What is co-depen­dency?

Collins: Co-dependency is a toxic relationship to a person, substance or behavior that leads to self-delusion, emotional repression, compulsive behaviors and medical comnlications.

Current; How does this affect a marriage?

Collins: If you have people within a relationship that are not clear on their identity, it makes it impossible to reall y relate to another person. You don't see them as separate, you are looking to them to fulfil some need. And that puts pressure on both part­ners. It's like two people leaning and if either move they both falI down rather than being able to stand on their own and know who they areand being comfortable with that A lot of people brought up with alcoholic back­grounds or within dysfunctional families are unaware of this as an existing characteristic.

Current: tional family?

What is a dysfunc-

Collins: Itcould be anything from mental health issues to long-term ill­nesses Like cancer. It is important to note this is a generational thing. That is, the rules and roles keep being handed down. Another factor is the parenting. Who do we have to teach

hesaid,'Shut up! Who is this, really?' I told him to go to the airport tomor­row and there would be a plane ticket waiting for him."

. The Cinderella rock star story is only one part of the band Don Dokken. The reason the band's name is Don Dokken is because the former mem­bers of Dokken kept Don in court over the use of his name for the new band.

"Only my brother has the right to . use our name right now," Dokken

said bitterly. "Yeah, we'll see how long they (the ex-Dokken members) let that last."

In addition to the new race of White, Dokken has picked up John Norum (the ex-lead guitarist from Europe), Mikkey Dee (former drum­mer for King Diamond), and Peter Baltes (bassist for the now disbanded band Accept).

"This band won't end up like Dokken did," said Dokken. "We all lived in the same house for three years and everyone knows each other inside and out. When I first put Dokken together, I had known Mick (Brown, the drummer) and Juan (Croucier, the original bassist - now with Rau) for a week. I knew George (Lynch, guitar) for about two days. When we got out on the road, we found out things weren't going to go so smoothly."

Current : What are some of the things an individual might look for if they are planning a marriage and yet are not sure if the other person is right for them?

Collins: One of the things to look at is how the person is behaving and not at what they may be saying and liking for consistency. That is a real importan~ fac tor. Do they do what they say they are going to do on a regular basis. Are they dependable? Do you feel you are being lied to? Do you trust them?

Also, if you have arguments that esculate very quickly and the person is real reactive, then you need to stop and take a look at the relationship.

Current: Is it always the other . oerson?Don'tvouhavetotakealook

at yourself?

Collins: Sure, it's like water seeking it's own level. Why are you with this person? Are you care taking, is it love or is it pity? That's a one- up position. The idea in a relationship is to have an equal focus, as equal as it can· be.

Current : What is most impor­tantfora relationship to stay together?

Collins: There are, of course, no garuntees. The biggest thing is a commiunenl to work through prob­lems. People tend to run from prob­lems and expect an instant fix.

People are waiting longer to get married. They are establishing a ca­reer which provides a time of dis­covery. This is very wise, because a lot of people don't ever make that break with their families. They move directly from the family 1O a marriage and they never have that time to dicover what they want and who they are.

Current: What else would indi­cate a potentially unhealthy rela-

The not so smooth situation , Dokken alludes to is the tension be­

tween Lynch and Dokken. Though it was well publicized that the two weren't close, no one knew the extent of the rift between the two until Dokken broke up shortly after the Monsters of Rock tour in 1988.

When asked why they broke up, Don responded with "personality dif­ferences.

"The reason Juan left early was because of Lynch," claimed Dok!cen. He (Lynch) has always been a great

rhythm guitarist. He just felt threat­ened by my guitar ability and didn't want me to play atall--jn the studio or live. That was only one of our prob­lems, though. We had lots of other . problems, too." The new album, "Out Of The Ashes", is a powerful mix of hot guitar and rich vocal melodies. "There isn't a B-side song on the al­bum," Dokken boasted. "We started out with 32 songs, went down to 17, then to 13, and seUled with 11. If there's one thing I hate, it's when you buy a tape that has three good songs on il, and the rest isjust filler. Youendup getting tired of it within weeks. I try to make my tapes good enough to where the fans will keep coming back to iL" Don Dokken (the band) will be at Mississippi Nights on November 13. The show starts at 9:30.


Collins: It's always good to check how the relationship is with the parent of the opposite sex. Like with boys, how' s their relationship with their mother? Is there unfinished business, are they carrying a lot of anger? Are they are unable Lo have a relationship with their mother? A healthy mother/ son relationship, as far as the mother is concerned, would be her letting go of the son. She would oc hoping the best for him, offering a safe place for him but nol trying to keep him for herself, yet nol smothering him, knowing it' sis a normal thing for the son to leave.

For the son, it's not looking for somebody to take care of him. He would be establishing himself. One client, a young man I'm seeing, takes

. his mother everywhere and it's caus­ing a major problem between himself and his wife.

Current: What about the daugh­ters?

Collins: It' s a real difficult thing when a daughter has had all her need provided by a famil y or father and then moves into an early marriage, expect­ing the same kind of treaunent. That can cause huge problems. So when a young woman goes from being taken care of to having to carry her own part and has not had time to stand on · her own, she will have a tendency to be­come overly dependent.

Current: What's most important for a person t.o be ready for marriage?

Collins: A person has to know what they want and have a strong posi­tive identity. This requires time for them to be on their own, maybe to travel, Of at least a chance to live on their own.

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (6)

Page 6 CURRENT November 6, 1990

College Recruitment Stabilizing While Job Mar~et ~ightens ~o~ Seniors" . agreed Fulkerson. "We've had two cancellations, conflict, not because the company IS this year as we did last year, ~d

(CPS)-Thenumberofbusmesses bit" in the last three years. Law schools have been especially but you get that in good times too," cutting back on recruiting. interView sched~es are full, WItte recruiting at colleges has stabilized "We're trying to keep the hard hit by the drop in recruiters. Youngstown's Whitman reported_ "We're doing as much recruiting said. or even decreased this fall, say some workforce flat, " Hayes explained. Georgetown, American and Chuck Witte, manager of corpo-college placement officers, and they The same number of companies Harvard university law schools as rate human resources for Marathon fear it may become a trend. are recruiting at the University of well as the University of California at Oil, one of the companies that can-

"Students are going to have to Berkeley's law school all have re- celed at Youngstown, said the pull-look a little harder and a little longer" Students are going to ported fewer law firms are recruiting out was probably due to a scheduling fro jobs, acknowledged Sharon this fall.


Fulkerson, office manager for Career have to look a little "There sbould be no sense of Services at East Texas State Vniver- harder and a little panic, but you are probably aware sity, where the number of campus tbatthismaynotbelikeotherrecruit-recruiters dropped from 20 last fall to longer ing seasons, " wrote June Thompson,

11 this fall. recruiting chief for Harvard Vniver-The student job markel, in sum, Vennonl, but they are interviewing sityLawSchool,inalettertoHarvard

seems to be tightening. fewer students, said Jane Graiko, the law students. "My presumption is the economic school's interviewing coordinator, Some firms that had scheduled

climate is such thatthejobsjustaren't "I don't see it (the number of recruiting visits have canceled in re-out there," Fulkerson said. companies recruiting) going up or . cent weeks.

"We have heard that some (com- down," said Chuck Whitman, direc- Yetusomecompaniesdon'twant panies) are cutting back," confinned tea' of Career Services at YOWlgs- to cancel (spring recruiting appoint­DawnOberman,astatisticalservices townStateUnivemtyinOhio,wbere ments) in case things get better," specialist with the College Placement recruiting has remained stable the CPC's Oberman observed. Council (CPC), which tracks recruit- last two years. ing and hiring of college students For fall and spring graduates, all nationwide. this could mean more job seekers

Obennansaidsmallercompanies applying for fewer positions. and those that recruit nationally are 1bere's going to be much more the ones that seem to be cutting back. canpetition" among students flY jobs,

Barbara Hayes, recruiting COOl- Vermont's Graiko said. DELTA SIGMA PI munications director for Hewlett "Thereis already job seekers Packard, said her company has re- camped out on doorsteps" of COOlpa- The professional business duced its students recruiting "quite a nies that are accepting appHcati.oos, fraternity ·

r~.r.r.r.r~A~NDANCEREQUiREDacr=crcrceeQC~ wishes good luck to the pledge class. § Recognized Student Organizations §

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GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (7)

ALUMNI UPDATE page 7 CURRENT November 8, 1990

UM-St. Louis Alumni Find Success Jim Shrewsbury-16th Ward Alderman

by Jocelyn Arledge special projects editor

Jim Shrewsbury, alderman for . the 16th Ward in St. Louis, has been called "an unaldermanic alderman", a leader, daring, and not stereotypi­cal of the image of an alderman. Shrewsbury knew what he wanted to accomplis~ at a very young age.

"Iknew exactly what I wanted to be all my life," said Shrewsbury. "Ever srnce I was 12 years old I knew I wanted to be a lawyer and a politici~."

Shrewsbury grew up in the Sl. Louis south city area and chose to attend UM-St Louis because a Saint Louis University professor, who is a graduate of UM-St. Louis, recom­mended the political science pro­gram at UM-St Louis. Thefmancial and locational advantages were also a factor in Shrewsbury's decision.

Shrewsbury was an average stu­dent and due to his streamlined goals graduated in four years. "When I got to UM-St. Louis I knew exactly where I was going.," he said. "A lot

of people find themselves there whereas I knew from the beginning."

Shrewsbury values the e~uca­tion he received at UM-S t Louis but adds that tUs political science degree prepared him for his avocation but not his career. "If I wasn't an attor­ney I don't know how I would make a living," he said."A degree in po­litical science in and of itself really doesn 'tcreateamarketable skill. But I love politics ~ I love being a legislator. My degree in political sci­ence has been proven invaluable to me." ·

Shrewsbury was not involved in a lot of on-campus activities as a student at UM-St Louis but got practical experience as a political volunteer. He feels thatactivitiescan help students decide whether their career decisions are the right ones. "Never let your school work inter­fere wiLh your education," Shrewsbury advised. "Activities are a good way to fmd out what you want to be. That's one of the great things about UM-St. Louis is that all those opportunities are there."

Shrewsbury went on to get his law degree from St. Mary's in San Antonio, Texas and now has his own practice doing mostly probate work.

Shrewsbury~sparentswerenever extensively involved in politics but he became involved as early as age 11. He became a volunteer for Stephen Darst's campaign for pres i- . dent of the Board of Alderman in 1969 at the age of 13. His political interests were shown even earlier than that when he wrote a letter to President Lyndon B. Johnson con-


cerning an airline strike when he was 11. At the age of 15 Shrewsbury was involved with many pOlitical organi­zations as well as att¢nding Augus­tinian Academy and working on be­coming an Eagle Scout His political ambitions at this stage were vague but he knew that someday he would run for puDlic office. When Shrewsbury was ready to break into politics he knew he would start as either an alderman or a state repre­sentative because that would be something that was attainable to any- ' one. "I guess if you 'rel ohn Kennedy and you have a tremendous amouilt of money the fust office you can run for is congressman but most people who don't have a political name or who are not extremely wealthy can't do that," Shrewsbury said.

After completing law school he irrimediately began his political ca­reer. "Most people when they getouL of law school they go out and buy a · new car. You've denied yourself for all these years and you go out and buy a new wardrobe or something," said Shrewsbury. "Well I did what I wanted to do. I went out and ran for office." Shrewsbury graduated from law school in May 1982, passed the bar exam in Jllly 1982, starte.d cam­paigning in November 1982 and was elected in A pril1983 defeating a 14-

,.... .

Anath Boone - The Educational Supervisor For a St. Louis Medium Security Institution

by Cami Bray reporter

When Anath Boone graduated in 1980 from UM-StLouis,s,hehad her educational ambitions and interests backing her.

She graduated with a degree in history and a life certification in secondary social studies. Comment­ing on her history degree, Boone said, "I've always been interested in

. things around me, such as current events and the civil liberties of people."

Today Boone is an Educational Supervisor at the St. Louis Medium Security Institute located on Hall Street, which is a correction institu­tion for men and women housing approximately 475 inmates. "UM­St. Louis prepared and taught me

leadership skills that I use often, the education is invaluable to me," states Boone.

Boone said she enjoys her posi­tion as an educational supervisor.

"The correctional educator has

the opportunity to see success quicker than in regular classrooms. \Yhen an individual achieves an opportunity to receive GED certification or vo­cational certification, we feel as though we've succeeded," Boone said.

Boone credits the university for the continuing support she has re­ceived since graduation.

"As an alumni, I have developed relationships with a number of de­partments. · Their input has helped me tremendously in a number of aspects of my life."

In return, Boone has contributed much of her time and energy to the university. Shewas actively involved on campus during her undergraduate years. From 1979-80 she was presi­dent of the Evening College,

"This helped me enormously,"

Boone said. '1t put me in touch with a lot of my peers."

Boone recalled the meetings, or "koffee Iclatches", held for evening students. "The Monday evening koffee klatches were a wonderful

gathering, the meetings allowed us to talk: about concerns with other peers."

Boone summed up her college activities as being very positive and advantageous . .

"Being involved in these activi­tiesputme in touch with many, many peers which would otherwise have been an untapped resource," Boone sqid.

Boone also helped organize the Minority Relations Committee and has chaired it ever since. There are currently 10 members of this organi­zation. They are concerned with mi­nority Alumni and students. They . place minorities in business' and serve as a link for minority alumni who want to keep informed on the hap­penings of the Alumni Association.

One tradition of the committee is to host an annual fall gathering for

African-American graduates. A falf dinner dance will be held this year. The committee also sends Next Step, a semi annual news letter, to UM-St. Louis African-American graduates. See BOONE, page 8

Dudley Grove - Finance Director; H.C. Milford Campaign

by Jocelyn Arledge special projects editor

After graduating from the Uni­versity of Denver in 1967, Dudley . Grove, finance director for H.C. Milford's campaign for County Ex­ecutive, went back to school and completed her masters at UM-St. Louis. Because of family and her volunteer work, it took six years to get her MBA in 1986.

Grove works extensively with many volunteer programs and had started a company to do training in management and leadership skills for non-profit organizations. Grove said starting a company gave her the idea to go back to schooL

"I needed to go back and make

sure that what I was teaching people was right." Grove said.

Grove looked into some other universities and decided to continue her education at UM-St. Louis,

"I tried to go the Washington University and they were not at all interested in a part time student" said Grove.

. Grove, a vivacious; energetic in­dividual who has strong beliefs, tries to incorporate her values in heref­forts to better the community. Be­sides her position as fmance director, she is the president of the Center for Contemporary Arts, the treasurer of the Urban League, chairman of vol­unteers for the American Red Cross in SL Louis, president of the Junior

,League and is on the board and di-

rectly involved with the Community and Partnership Family Center.

One of Grove's main concerns with her work at the Community and Partnership Family Center is that some organizations try brealcing up the family units of the homelesss . Grove said the Fl!JTlily Center trys to keep them together, and they try to help the homeless reinstate -them­selves into the community with a 60 day comprehensive program for families that want to be stabilized.

"We are also w·orking with a program to stop families from be­coming homeless. They can come to us if they are going to be evicted or have a problem and we will try to prevent them from having to go into See GROVE, page 8

year incumbent. Aldermen have two jobs a legis­

lator; to pass ordinances and to be a liaison for the publip. "We are the closest link to the government for the people in St Louis':' Shrewsbury said. "I handle a whole variety of problems, most of which have noth'­ing to do with being a municipal official. I had a constituent who was fairly certain that her mother's cousin

was killed over in Saudi Arabia Well they didnltknow who to call so they called Jim Shrewsbury." Shrewsbury prides himself in being accessible to the public and feels he must be because someone like the mayor doesn't have time to answer every phone call or letter he receives.

Shrewsbury calls himself a mOderate to liberal Democratic but makes judgments according to his own personal beliefs and values. ''I'm opposed to abortion, I'm opposed to busing and I'm also opposed to the death penalty," said Shrewsbury.

He became a Democrat because that's the party to which his parents belonged. Shrewsbury said, "I be­came a Democrat for the same rea­son I became a Catholic;my family was DemocraL You'd like to think that you make intelligent logical decisions. You usually ' don't. We become what our parents are."

One of Shrewsbury'S goals is to eliminate paid television campaign­ing from all political offices. This would allow anyone to run for office and not have to have a lot of money. It would also force the candidates to meet the public more and spread their message by word of mouth.

Shrewsbury said that if money were not a factor he could stop being a lawyer but would always want to be a politician. " I will probably be out of office some day but I will always be active in politics," he said.

by Felicia Swiener reporter

. After working for several years as a registered nurse, Janice Taylor decided to return to the grueling life of a college student and completed her bachelor's degree in three se­meste;s. Through the help of the UM-S t. Louis School of Nursing and select rrianagementcourses, she was able to start her own busmess, Strictly

. Pediatrics, an agency designed to help the less fortunate children of Ameriea

Taylor, who is frequently called back to UM-St. Lo-uis as a guest lecturer speaking to graduate students on such topics as Nursing and Nurse Entrepreneurs, says the UM-St. Louis School of Nursing is excellent.

"I would recommend it to any­body." Taylor said. "Every course I lOOk I have been able to utiliZe. From the bottom of my heart it is a good program."

Taylor was one of 11 stu­dents in her class and they were the first class to graduate. She is a member of Rho Nu, the co-ed nurs­ing fraternity' on campus, and she also made the dean's list every se- . mester.


by Jocelyn Arledge special projects editor

Marty Hendin's job is a fun one to be sure. In his job as Vice Presi­dent of Marketing for the SL Louis Cardinals he is responsible for sales and promotional programs for the Cardinals. Some of the Cardinals promotions are Bud LightMugNight and hats, jackets and souvenir ball bats given to fans .

Hendin first started with the Cardinal organization in :May of 1973 as assistant public relation_s director. In 1978 he became the promotions director and was then given the newly created position of director of mar­keting. He then went on to become Vice President of Marketing in De-

cember of1987. More responsibili-ties of this position involve activities in advertising, 'licensing, special events, and community relations.

During Hendin's first year as the Vice President of Marketing he was selected Ad Man of the Year for 1987 by the Advertising Club of Greater St. Louis.

Hendin enjoys his job were he can relax in an office filled with Cardinal paraphernalia. Hendin said, "Sure I like my job, this is the only place you could get paid to sit and

working in the Intcnsive Care Unit at . Children's Hospital, Taylor fmally

started her own business in 1985. Strictly Pediatrics is a home health agency specializing in the care of children who are chronically or acutely ill, or who need special at­tention. With a full staff of70 regis­tered nurses. the agency is able to teach parents and children alike. Nurses go to the patients homes and provide specialized medical care for the children .

"It is a nursing agency," Tay lor said, "so we send nurses out, but we also work closely with the physicians. I mean , we have to work under a physicians orders ."

There are no physicians on the staff, but they are constantly in touch with the nurses whenever one of them needs something done.

In addition to helping the children of her own country, Taylor wants to help the less fortunate abroad. Every summer she and her husband, an anesthesiologist, go to Ecuador to help with major plastic surgeries for children in a group called Innerplast. Taylor works in the recovery room while her hus­band works in surgery. Unfortu­nately, Taylor won't be able to go this year because of her commiunent to her work with Strictly Pediatrics.

Marty Hendin - Vice President MarkeUng The St. Louis Cardi­nals. '

watCh the playoffs. I have a lot of fun with this job. When it stops being fun is when r stop doing it."

Hendin is a native St. Louisan and attended University City High School. He then went on to UM-St Louis and was the assistant sports editor and sports editor for the CURRENT for four years. He wrote a column called "Hendin's Head­lines" and reported sporting events for the years of 1966 through 1970.

Hendin feels extracurricular ac­tivities are a necessary part of edu­cation. "The CURRENT was won­derful ," Hendin said, "The comradarie between uS all was undescribible. Some of the staff got married and when any of us are in town we always go outofourway to see each other." Hendin believes that activities can help people decide if what they have chosen as a carrer is right for them.

Hendin chose to go to UM-St. Louis because he lived in the St Louis area and wanted to continue to do so. Many others were attending UM-SL Louis and Hendin decided to follows.

After college Hendin went on to write for the Suburban Newspapers,

including 18 months as editor of what is · now the Fairview Heights Journal.

Hendin is still involved in UM­St. Louis through the Alumni Asso­ciation of which he used to be president.

Hendin is serving his second term on the Board of Directors of the Advertising Club of Greater St. Louis and is also involved with the Downtown S L Louis Inc. Marketing Committee.

See HENDIN, page 8

Janice Taylor-Nurse and Entrepreneur

Taylor opened another branch of her agency in Kansas City six months ago and has to keep an eye on things.

Taylor describes herself as being, "areal participatory manager.

"Instead of getting up there and barking off orders, I'm not afraid to get down there and you know, I'm not afraid to work," Taylor said.

Along with all the other nurses, Taylor is on call at least once every three weeks. She believes in helping out wherever she can. She never leaves her nurses in a situation they can not handle and she is very sup­portive. Her motto is "Never say Never."

Chris Sheneker, a former employee and friend of Taylor's fpr twelve years, admires her greatly.

"She was one of these special people," Sheneker said. "She could run the business and care about her clients and the people who work for her."

Although they were friends for such a long time, Sheneker said she did not get any special treaunent from Taylor. but was treated like all the other employees.

"[Taylor] was flexible. She worked with me because of my special needs and she matched cli­ents to my needs," Sheneker said.

Taylor always likes her nurses to know that they are unique people who need to be recognized and treated well.

Although she is hard work­ing. Taylor does not forget her fam­ily. As a wife and a mother of two children, she uses her weekends to the fullest She gets involved in their lives as they become more and more like her. She has a six year old and a four year old who already have ac­tive lives like their mother. Her son is into soccer and piano lessons and her daughter is into dance. One night a week, they have family night so they can keep the family together.

"The weekends are real pre- . cious." Taylor said. 'The weekends . are spent with my kids. I mean we're See NURSE, page 8

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (8)

• ~ovember a. 1990

BOONE from page 7


"Next Step allows us to main­tain communications with the graduates and it also allows us to remain in touch with them for net­working purposes," Boone said.

Boone added that this is also a good way to keep up with past friends and their families.

Boone doesn't take her position on the minority committee lightly, she feels alumni support is very es­sential for the growth and support of the university.

"In order to build a world class institution, it's necessary to have input from those who have accom­plished and achieved at the institu-

GRO VE from page 7

a shelter at all," said Grove. "Agencies are trying to work to­

gether," Grove said. ''First, we must get the homeless in a shelter. When we do, we can then transfer them to an agency that can help them with their individual needs."

In addition to being actively in­valved with Alumni Relations at UM­St. Louis,Grove was part of an effort to support the engineering program in cooperation with the Chancellor's Council.

"We needed to understand the political system in order to support the engineering school. One, through the community and other communi­ties in S1. Louis and two, to build a basis of support in Jefferson City and in the Board of Curators," Said Grove.

She also works with a program

NURSE from paoe 7

tion. It's important that alumni con- fice for an ultimate goal. She im­tribute time, effort and support," pressed me at the time by her strength Boone said. "[the students] should of character. There should be a for­not end their relations with the uni- mula for cloning. She is quite a versity once they have gradua~ person, she is very active in the they should keep life long contact." alumni association and that tells you

Boone is admired by those that something about her character." have worked with her in the Minor- . When G crt e is reflected back on ity Relations Committee. Gretchen the fact that she was an King, Coordinator of Constituent eve n i n g student, he saieL "she Relations,describedBooneasa"very made it the hard way. She wa'l a dynamic woman who gets things · typical evening student, she h<:.d done."

Professor Louis Gerteis, a former history professor of Boone's re­members her "as a smart, extremely determined student who was pre­pared to make a great deal of sacri-

called Friends that tries to interest the community in the University. The program targets key leaders not only for fmancial support but also to let people know what the university stands for and to get people involved.

"The community sees the uni­versity like a hammer. You couldn't do without it, but you don't get up and yell about your hammer."

Grove feels the community needs to support the university because UM-St. Louis is a vital link in the community development

"We need a quality institution because this is where most people have made their roots . They have families and jobs. They can't just pick up and go to any college," said Grove.

Grove is excited about UM-St. Louis because she believes educa­tion is a life long process.

"You need to go back to update,

very determined and diplomatic. Just

complicated studies and work but she got the job done. I felt she would serve in a very useful function and it seems as though she does. I am pleased .to see that she has reached this point" .

learn new things and keep yourself energized," she said.

Kathy Osborn, director of Alumni Relations at UM-St. Louis, said one thing Grove isn't a quitter.

"Dudley is not someone that will start a program and leave it for others to finish," Osborne said. "She sticks through to the end and gets the job done." .

Grove said,"I have a real toler­ance for high risk. I like creating things rather than maintaining them.

Grove believes in serving people, involving people and getting things done. She is concerned with the quality oflife,jobs, employment and education.

"Those are the things I believe in," Grove said. "It's a volunteer philosophy to serve people, to in­volve the client and a lot of people 'interested in fmding a solution and then working-tOwards that"

HENDIN from page 7

a family." to watch Janice, you could see her Taylor is able to carry this a11i- eyes sparkle and see her planning Hendin is also a part of the S1.

tude of family bonding into the of- what needs to be done in her head." Louis Symphonx Creative Commit­fice. If one of her nurses has a sick Taylor works hard and is tee and the RCGA ''I'm Sold on St child, he or she can take some time able to maintain a friendly atmo- Louis" local motivation committee. off and spend it at home. Taylor sphere, no matter where she is or He is sriII involved with the feels if you want to workata pediat- what she is doing. She is never 100 Alumni AssociationofUM-St Louis ric agency, then you have to view busy to help someone, especially the by serving as the Executive Vice kids as important. children. President. Hendin is also on the

Taylor's attitude accounts for the Jenkins feels Taylor writes so board of directors of Bnai EI Con-low turnover rate at her office. well be cause she does it through the gregation. She has 20 nurses who have been eyesofachild.Jenkinsadded,"Janice Rendin feels UM-St. Louis with her for at least four years. Ruth is very extraordinary, creative, and should be a part of the community JenIcins, associate professor of the insightful as far as seei ng possibili- and that gave him valuble skills that School of Nursing, said " Janice is ties for the future." he uSes with his career .

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~ . . - . I ~ § ~ ; ; § ~ . The University of Missouri -St. Louis ~ S § ~ § ~ Division of Studen t M fairs ~ § . and • ~ § • • ~ ~ Athletic Department ~

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GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (9)

November 8, 1990 CURRENT

UMSL Hoops It Up Rivermen Open Season With For­eign Competition

UM-St. Louis basketball fans will get their fust look at the 1990-91 Rivermen in an exhibition contest against the Hobart Devils of Austra-

. lia next Tuesday, Nov. 13, at the Mark Twain Building. Game time is 7:30p.m.

UM-St. Louis will be the fifth stop on a six-city tour for the Devils. Hobart will play at Drury College, Troy State, Austin Peay and Mis­souri-Rolla before coming to St.

Louis. The Devils wind up the trip at Northeast Missouri S tate on Nov. 14.

Riverwomen Anticpate Season . The women's basketball team is preparing for action this season

with the help of retumlng starters Kim Cooper, Kris Earhart, Lisa Houska, Tamara Putnam, and Monica Steinhoff. Junior Kelly Jenldns also returns this season.

Newcomers Verlissa Crowder, Nancy Hesemann, Michelle Jack­son, and Rhonda Moore will back up the team. . The Riverwomen were picked as seventh in the coaches pre-season


Central Missouri and Southeast Missouri tied for the · top spot, followed by Northwest Missouri, Washburn, Missouri-Rolla, Missouri Western, UM-St. Louis, Pittsburg State, Southwest Baptist, Northeast Missouri, Missouri Southern and Lincoln:

Marvin Bullard, and newcomers Marvin Bullard, Fred Carter, Malcolm Hill, Leon Kynard, and Derrick Wil­liams.

page 9

The Rivermen return three start­ers from last year's 9-19 squad. All­regio!) point guard Chris Pilz leads the returnees, along with center Kevin Hill and guard Barry Graskewicz.

The Rivermen have been picked to finish eighth in the 12-team Mis­souri Intercollegiate Athletic Asso­ciation this season. The coaches poll was announced at the MIAA basket­balltipoffluncheon this Monday, Nov. 5, in St. Louis.

tist, Missouri Western, Southeast Missotki., Washburn, Northwest Mis­souri, Missouri Southern, UM-St. Louis, Missouri-Rolla, Pittsburg State, Northeast Missouri and Lincoln. The top four schools return several out­,Standing players from teams that ad­vanced to the Division II national tournament last season.

SHAZAM! During an Intramual soccer game, a member of league looks for the pass before the · oncoming player attacks. (photo by Nicole Menke)

Other returning players include junior Kevin Sneed, sophom*ores Mike Moore, Steve Roder, Phil Baker,

Central Missouri is the pre-season favorite, followed by Southwest Bap-

Rivermen End Soccer Season On Sour Note

The UM~St Louis men's soccer squad completed the regular season with a 3-0 win over Southeast Mis­souri State Friday, Nov. 2, at home. However, despite winning their last eight games, the Rivermen were de­nied a spot in the NCAA Division II national tournament for the second straight year.

"We had a glimmer of hope, but we didn 't win the games we had to win"

-Gary LeGrand

The Riverm en , who won 11 of the last 12 games and fmished with a 14-5 record, captured Friday's game in a short match marred by fights. In all, five players were ejected before ref­eree Mark Rutherford stopped the game with 11 minutes, 33 seconds remaining in the second half.

Brian Kelleher gave the Rivermen a 1-0 lead just seven minutes into the match. With the score I-D, a series of brawls early in the second half led to the ejection of five players, ~from Southeast Missouri. That gave the Rivermen a man advantage, which

they used to get insurance tallies from Craig Frederking and Bob Trigg.

The Rivermen, playing their fust game since the death of head coach Don Dallas, finished strong this sea­son. They outscored their opponents by a 40-6 margin in the fmal eight games, all victories.

Their failure, however, to ad vance to the playoffs marks the first time the Rivermen have missed the tourna­ment in consecutive seasons. They have qualified for the tournament in 16 of the last 19 years. - .-

"We had a glimmer of hope, but we didn't win the games we had to win ," said interim co-head coach Gary LeGrand, citing losses to tournament qualifiers Northeast Missouri, Oak­land and Tampa

UM -S t. Louis; three goals against SEMO gave the Rivermen a school­record 60 goals this season, breaking the previous mark of 59 set in 1987. The Rivermen also set new marks for most assists, 56, and points, 176, in a season.

The Rivermen wound up 13th in the final Division II national rankings. They lost to three schools- Oakland, Tampa and Northeast Missouri-that , were ranked among the top 10. But they also . gained victories over na­tionally-ranked Barry and Southern Indiana.

Current Athlete of the Week

Pam Paule

-Women's VolleybaU

-Junior- Hitter

-Named co-Most Valu­able Player in Gold Dj­visron of Volleyfest

-Hit 60 · percent in 15 games, with 60 kilts and 27 blocks

• Paule was the driving force Jar the team this past weekend

Sponsored By:

McDonald's® of Ber-Ridge 862.4 NatlJral. Bridge Rd. at NOrth Hanley Rd, '. .

The top eight teams in the overall conference standings will qualify for the MIAA tournament Only the top six qualified last year.

UM-St: Louis Scoreboard

Men'5 Soccer November 2 Louis 3 Southeast Miissouri 0


November 2-3 The Riverwomen took third in the Gold Division of the Volleyfest tournament


November 2 The Rivermen beat Northeast Missouri State with a final score of 149-86

Facilit ies Are A Godsend

by Melissa a. Green sports editor

The opening of the newly reno­vated Mark Twain Building will take place on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 13 & 14.

Tours will be offered forall those who want to see the new facilities . The sights are grand, and a refresh­ing array of food will be offered to anyone who visits.

The facilities will be open to all students, staff and faculty.

I plan on attending, it is a special event It is the first time I've ever been to a school where an addition or renovation has been completed within my school career.

While I was in high school, the school set out to connect the three buildings we had on the campus. When I graduated, one of the three archways was partially completed. That archway was finished a year

Locker Room later, but still to this day, the other archways have not been started.

Thankfully, the renovation of Mark Twain was quicker. After the increase in student fees made espe­cially for the project were voted on in my freshman year (Spring 1989), I figured it would take 10 years for the renovations. But less than two years later, the renovations are virtually complete, and the campus has a new workout center.

The facilities are really great Un­fortunately, I haven't had the oppor­tunity to experience them, but I plan

. to soon; just as soon as I finish Lhree papers and a presentation.

I have a busy schedule, with no time to go and workout in a health club. The availability of the facilities on campus is a godsend. I can now fit a workout in-between interviewing the players and laying out my sports page.

And just think of all the money I am saving. Since I am already paying for Mark Twain, why would I want to pay an extra $30 a month for a mem­bership at Vic Tanney.

Marie Twain is closer, newer, and cheaper than any health club I know. Why go anywhere else?


Riverwomen Miss Top In Vol/eyfest

The UM-St. Louis volleyball Association championships on Nov. squad bea1 a previously undefeated 9-10 in Maryville, Mo. UM-StLouis Kearney State butfelljustshortofthe is seeded third behind top-seeded title in the UM-St. Louis VolleyFest Central Missouri and SEMO. this weekend. The Riverwomen won Junior hitter Pam Paule was named four of five matches, but they wound the co-Most Valuable Player in the up third in the Gold Division stand- Gold Division at UM-St. Louis, ings. sharing the honor with Southeast

The Riverwomen, who improved Missouri's Laura Dill. Paule, who hit their record to 25-11, won three con- nearly 60 percent in 15 games, had 60 secutive matches and then knocked kills and 27 blocks. She also had 74 off ~~~ E'"~gh~. digs per game. games to gain a shot at Southeast OM=S t:"-COUIS sentors Carla Missouri State. Addoh and Geri Wilson also made the

In the game againstKeamey State, Gold Division all-tournament team, the Riverwomen played one of their along with Jenni Mall and Amy best matches of the season. Kearney Anderson of Keamey S tate and Shelly State entered the match with a 39-0 Kennedy of SEMO. record, but UM-St Louis took con- Cheryl Carter was the MVP in the trol from the start. The Riverwomen Silver Division. North Alabama's won in four games, 15-10, 5-8, 13-15, Kisha Lane earned MVP honors in and 5-9. the Bronze Division.

UM-St. Louis could have cap­tured the tournament with a win over SEMO, but the Otahkians prevailed, 15-13, 15-9,16-4. SEMO, UM-St.

With their strong showing, the Riverwomen have moved up to fifth i:I this week 's South Central Region rankings.

Louif and Kearney State all finished After a 4-6 start, UM- St. Louis 4-1 in the tournament, but SEMO has captured 17 of its last22 matches. won on a tiebreaker. Kearney State All 11 losses have come against was second and UM-St. Louis third. schools that have been nationally

The Riverwomen will compete in ranked this season. TheRiverwomen the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic have gained three victories over na­

tionally rated schools.

Sports Shorts Dellwood Indoor Soccer Arena, 10266 W. Florissant Ave., is planning

their new Winter Indoor Soccer League for al l age groups beginning Jan. 2, 1991.

All applicants are on a fust come, fust serve basis. Each applicant must have a completed application and an $85 deposit to register for the Winter League. The Winter Session will have 10 games and end in March 1991.

Rental time is available with a 50 percent deposit for Lhose teams wishing to practice on the turf. Teams need to register with the office during the day, or see the floor manager on duty after office hours. Regular office hours are from 9 am. until 5 p.m. For more information, call Barb at 869-8686.

Swimmers Make Good Showing At First Meet by Melissa A. Green sports editior

The UM-St Louis swim team beat Northeast Missouri Stale at their frrst meet on November 2.

The Rivermen won with a fi nal score of 149 versus 86 from Northeast Missouri.

Bill Dougherty and Jeff Heveroh were double winners in their indi­vidual events. Dougherty won the lO00-yard freestyle with a time of 10 minutes, 43.23 seconds. He also won the 500-yard freestyle with at time of 5 minutes, 10.70 seconds.

Heveroh won the 200 individual medley with his personal best record of 2 minutes, 5.77 seconds. Hewas alsothe leader in the 200-yard breast­stroke with a time of2 minutes, 13.84 seconds.

Heveroh was also a member of the winning relay team of the 400-yard medley relay, which finished with a time of 3 minutes, 53.15 sec-

onds. Steve Appelbaum won the 200-

yard freestylein 1 minute, 51.31 sec­onds. Marlon Akins won took first in one meter diving.

Dan Bostelmann was first in Lhe lOO-yard freestyle with a time of 49.01 seconds. Nick Ranson won Lhe 200-yard backstroke with a time of 2 minutes, 15.05 seconds.

"As a team, we did excellent," said captain Mark Rush. "Everyone had a great swim. We have the po­tential for national action. We are working as a team."

Um-St. Louis took fust in the 400-yard freestyle relay with a time of 3 minutes, 18.27 seconds.

"We are rivals with Northeast," said head coach Mary Liston. "Northeast had one good swimmer this year. After his races, we swam with them evenly. But we always enjoy winning the first meet of the year."

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (10)

Student Computing Centers Are Open Across Campus

Thomas Jefferson Library Level 2

10 macin losh SE computers Hvailable Hpplications- Excel, Word.

Hypercard. Fox. Pagemaker

Call for Library hours

i 19 Clark Hall

32 PS/2 model 55SX computers running DOS i.o.

Rvailable Hpplications- Lotus 123, Word Perfect. Display Write

3270 Emulation. dBaseIII Plus.

3i HTGT XWindow Terminals run­ning telnet and X server.

Hvailable Software- Unix, Open Look, Pascal, C++, Fortran.

OCT Hours.

. ' ,

212 Lucas

16 PS/2 model 55SX computers running DOS i.O.

Rvailable Rpplications- Lotus 123, Word Perfect, Display Write

3270 Emulation, dBaseIII Plus.

OCT Hours

Education Library

10 macintosh SE computers

Hvailable Hpplications- Excel, Word. Hypercard. Fox,


Call Library for hours

i09 SSB

22 macintosh SE computers

Hvailable Hpplications- Excel, Word, Hypercard, Fox, Pagemaker

Call CRn for Hours.

, "As computers increasingly change the way we work and learn, UM~St. Louis increasingly is making computers available to students. This fall we were able to install 130 new or improved computing units because of corporate grants and student computing fees. More

than 200 work stations now are available to students in accessible locations .... " Jerrold Siegel -coordinator, campus computing

GRANTS - University of Missouri–St. Louis...of the JC Penny build ... Computers: (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.