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May 23, 2024

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4 SPECIAL PANDEMIC EDITION OF THE SUPERIOR EXPRESS AND THE JEWELL COUNTYEECOFID * SPECIAL PANDEMIC EDITlON PUBLISHED WITH THE JEWELL COUNTY RECORDPublic Notices .'-.t t.' i'uttl'in'rt-ti .‘lhii ‘J, fill-l:t. for Jinn-nor lioness:Noticelixlttlt‘ ol Murray ti. Johnson. tie-con-tedDate ol' Death: t'tpril l3. 2024Case bio. PEN-5Notice is hereby git en that on Mayit. JUN. 11'! the Counttf Court olNut-trolls County. Nebraska. the lieg-tstrar issued a Wtitteil .‘italeiiicnt ollllltlrillul Probate ot the Will of saidDeceased aiitl that Christ .-'l. loliiiunt.“hose address is lllt'i.'l Road Hill}.Davenport. Nli (13335. has been ap-I[knitted as Personal liepresentatii'c olIl‘Ih estate. Creditors ul tltisestate mustfile their claims with this Court on orbefore July 9. 2024. or be foreverbarredHeinisclt St [an-egroee Law Office.PC [1.0tilt! North ‘ullli Streetl’.{l. lint. .i-llt'ieiieta. Nebraska folio]Jillefiu-ill.‘ch ristin ff." lillaisol I'iee.contAllomcy for t‘tpplicanlDiana L. WehrnianClerk MagistrateKNEE lilch lFira'l' Publisher! Mar 23’. 20.24in The Superior hit-press]The Nuclsulls CountyBoard at‘ EqualiaatiunProceedingsApril 8, 202-1The Ntieltolls County Board ofEqualization met April it. 11124. in theBoard Meeting Room at the Court-ltuiise. Nelson. Nebraska. per recessof March Ill. SUE-'1. Board of Equal-ization Meeting. The agenda of saidmeeting Wits remitted to board mem-bers in advance of the meeting andwas poster] ill the County Clerk's of-ltccitltd iiltllieCitunty 1ill-heroine.i;l.l'..l'.li.('Itairniaii tlrotre approved the agendaand the March ltl. lull. Minutes(iroye aiiiiouncetlthe 'Upen h-lcctings:th Lav." l5 floated ill the Cilttlinisrsinners Board Meeting Room andhandouts are available.The Board of Equalitaliuti recoll-tcltt'tl at |lt:.‘t~t am.The board re viewed 3 prior t'tulho-rized 'l'aa-liseinpt Applications forrecuitsidei'ations rectiiitmended by theState or Nebraska. Assessor Roget‘sE-‘ll‘llillltdtd that the State ol' Nebraskadid itot agree truth the documentationthat has submitted and rejectiszIrtaunted more prool on those 3 Tar.-l-isempl Applications.A iiiiiliitit is as Ittttilc by Zikniund litlettu- Supt-i tor Historical Society's‘t'acnni Itit* .n. iteieiiiuned previouslydin..- tn the use til then] lint“ Utllaltlt’weddings and tiierl'low parking lot"the Superior Auditorium events. See-ontled by Mussma nn. Kikmund. (3 ro W."and Mussniann all Voted Aye. U' soledNay. Motion carried.A motion Iwas made by Grove toaccept the recommendation of fill-595‘stir Rogers to Tax the Sonic Recre-ation Association l'ur 2:124. Secondedby Zillntund. Ziltlttiind. tlrnie andMussntannall t‘oted :‘tyeii toieil NayMotion motion was made by Kiluuuttd toaccept Assessor Rogers rL'L'tlllllItdl'idation tuTax. Superior Masonic Lodgeit I? l. Seconded by (“time flthiiiuiul.Grove and Mussinanttall ititctl .r'tyc tlyotctl Nay. Motion carried.its there is no I'urllier business.BEE. Chair-titan Grove adjourned theBoard oquualiaation meeting at lIJ'.'itJant.Jerry (lrot-e. B.{ Chairmanlily: Carrie Miller. County ClerkINI‘L’. 3 It{First Published mm- 25. Edi—lin The Superior Express:Village of HardyProceedingsMay I4, 202-1The meeting ol'tlte Board olTrust—ees ol‘ the Village at" Hardy. Nebraskawas held on the fourteenth day ul'li‘l ay.2024. at sou pan. at the Village fireItall. All trustees witli the exception tilPanlk were present to answer roll call.Board Chair Marj Rena publicly statedto all in attendance that aeurrent copy a NuckoflsCountyCourthousewill be closedMonday, May 27in observance of Memorxaf DayThe of the Nebraska UPC" Meeting-s i’tct l i'l‘PWWIh-L'“'“mdl'wnl I“ ll“: CUTTEI'ITit as available for rcvicw and indicatedthe location of such copy posted in theTire hall.l’aulk's absence tit-as approx-ed bymajority t'otc.'l'hc minutes-til the April9. ELIE-l meeting were apprui-etl bymajority rule. The April Treasurer'sReport Was approved by rttajorily sole.The l'olloit'ing claims were appritsedliir payincnt:Superior Utilities. u-atei _______ .. Milli}Federal Deposit. payroll will South Central l'oiter. electricity ..... .. . . someHenri-torn Lite. lirciiieii lilc SHAHSuperior littei'iiiinating. spiayiiig liitritiahn Trucking. rock and l-I'L'tgl'll.................. lilo—Mil(Juc Call. locates ........................ .. .llllli'illage Hardy. payroll will ____ .. TWP;Superior Publishing. proceedings .......................................... .. 23.121Ace Hardware. supplies ........... .. 7.59Aurora Co-op. fuel propane ......... ....................................... .. I.I9tl.33Public Health Lab. testing ..... .. litltlLogan Christiancy. computer updates________________________________________ _. Ell-“LEI.lllll Roberts. machine hire 242.5”l..irry Willtelrns. postage ....... .. 03.4“l'lalscr d'e Son. trash ______________ .. lililllliiinployee Wages. wage ..... . 2.22154]An Ambulance t'tgrcentent 1a'llltthcCity ul' Superior was reneWed for altadditional year by majority vote. Clarkrei'lcwed utility sliul-ol'l' pntccdurcsand gave the delinquent water report.Meeting adjourned.A complete test of minutes. resolu-tions. and ordinances are on tile in theVillage office and are available I'iirpublic inspection.KNEE 3 l- lc [First Published Mn_i' 23. 3024in The Superior EspresslThe Nuekulls CountyBoard of EuuaIiIationProceedingsApril 15, 2024The Nuckolls County Board of[Equalization met t'tpril I5. 2024. inthe Board Meeting Room at the—Couri—house. Nelson. Nebraska. per recessof April ti. 2024. Board of liqualiaa-tion MeetingTbeagenda ol'snitl meet-ing was remitted to board tttcntbcrs inadvance of the meeting and was [filhlll‘tiintheCmintyClerk‘soiiiceandoiitheCounty Website. Bill-Z. ChairmanGrin-e approved the agenda and theApril 3. 202-1. Minutes Linn-c ari-iiouneed the ‘Opeu Meetings I'tet Laii'is. posted in the Commissioners BoardMeeting Room and handouts are in ad-able.The Board of liqtialualittlt recoil-i'eiied at ltHHl a.ui.Budget Authority Rogers explainedthat the Itilisitor‘s l’roinotioti littrtd hadsubmitted chitin-s lot the lotal ol' Whatthe hind had accumulated. but ‘i- I 4 thlmore than ultai has in the approvedbudget.A motion was made by Ztltttttttttl It]-budgct by the Budget Authority. See—undcd by Mussmanit. Kiltniund. lGrit heand Mussmann all i-otetl r’tye. tJ 1votedNay. Motion carried.its there is no further business.Hflli. Chairman Groyeadjounied theBoardol‘Eq utilization meeting at Jim].am..lerry Grove. ELLE ChairmanBy: Carrie Miller. County Clerl.ZNI‘J’. 2 l li.‘lFint i’tririii‘ltt'ti' .llrfoy 9'. It‘ll-iill The .‘i'tipt'r't-‘H' iiij'trt'nu'lNoticeIn the County Conn of NuckollsCounty. NebraskaEstate at Patricia A. Kinirninaii.deceased.Estate Nu. PR 2-HNotice is hereby git-en Iliat a Peti-tion for Probate of Will of said De-ceased. Dcrnlitlatiun of Heirs. andAppointment of Bonnie M. Mathisonas Personal Representative has beenIilctl and Is set for hearing in the CountyCourt oi. Niiclsti-lls County. Nebraska.locittetlathiuckolls County Court. 150'52 Main 5L. Nelson. NE 689“. onlatte Ii'. 202-1. at or alter 9:3{1 am.Home M. Malbison. Petitioner343E! N. Mountain Ridge. Unit T'fiMesa. AZ 2-1520?Randal] Alexander {Bar ID “533?:Downing. r'tlcsandcr S: Wood355 N Contiitereial. PD. Box 185Superior. Nebraska BHUTHHill] swornKNEE l9-3c {First Published Mir}- 2.3. 2024in The Superior EspretslNotice of Public HearingMay Ill. 2024Notice is hereby given that a PublicHearing will be held on Thursday.June 6. Elli-l. at 6:30 pm. in the Con-l'creitce Room at the City Utility Build-ing. I35 W. 4th Street. Superior. Nliby the City of Superior Planning Courmission on the following caisctsl:1. Public Hearingi‘fiiction Item: Onan application for a building permitseeking approval for a ConditionalUse Building Periitil to allow lotthe construction of above ground I'u-els storage tanks and other relateditems in the LDR. Low Density Resi-deittiai District per scclion Silt-L02Low Density Residential Honing Dis-trict ol the Superior Zoning Regula-tions. The Subject Property is locatedat t'iltl West 3th Street. Superior. Nliand is legally described as I996 .i'tN-NliX-TRo PT SW “4 Efi-l—T SLIPC‘riiir. Nuclttills County Nebraska.[tit-.neo't’tpplieant: Superior PublicSchools: Citric (‘UP-zdvll‘fi—ll‘llMI per-tons interested in the al'ore-mentioned on sets] will hi: l'ictlril tit 'lltt.‘Public Hearing. If you have any Lilith-tions or comments regarding the pro-ptisetl itiriziiiccs. please L‘illttttt‘l llti:Departincntiil l'liuiitltig .iItilKHlt mg atMill; hid-~41? I .1KNl-I‘f. 2 |- IL'Thursday. May 23. 202-1 Faith Butler. a Superior High School junior. cleared 10 feet in NebraskaState Class C pole vault competitionPhoto by Logan Christianityr .i'son.Ariana Heusmkyelt. a Superior High School sophom*ore marked 13 tear i isinches in long jump Class C com-petition at the Nebraska State track meet Courthouse NewsNuckulls County County Court. TrafficKt‘titt L. Johnson. Edgar. specthtrig. liil :5.ll..’iiiinty Court. Cit-llCredit Management Services. Inc.vs. Katie Young. ititlgniententereil.Accelerated Receivables 5i: lllll ionst-s. liratttli .‘iuiilli: judgment entered.Heitl l'Iti'lnle 'l't‘iittsl'ers“L‘IlIIh l'ttott'. Hiiiiilta l'ooli: Ill'l'crron Eiaucr. Brut-lie liauei'. Lots and {t in Block Birth-l .‘iupcrioi.Ricltilt’tl li. l'luglcy. Norton .lttiicnt:Bugley to J Ustiii Saatltotl'; l’art l.ot til}{.iutliries subdivision ol 36- -'I" of Sn-perior. I’Lu't Nu" lr-l Nlt‘t’ I--I Eli-III -ll_.n‘.Lot (1- l) l ittlltl‘ics \lll‘ltll‘i. tsioii ttl' .il't- I7 ol' Burk-riotllalr l'I. Iiudorl. .‘tlcgliurt l) lintlorl'tit Dull: 1l-"-'.l:ittlt1iltrustee. hlt'glitutl)Photo by Logan Christiancylilttloll trustee. Dale W. liiiihti'l urlilMeghanI}.1-.iiilt1rtit‘ttit'ttl'ilt'|s7". Haiti! ‘1 in [tint-l»: 14. original loan olNelson.Community Detelopnient figs-11c:-of Superior to Crystal A. Ninlilntt-Myers. Loch-cit: R. Nth‘llltll'l-l‘t-lft't'l 5'. Lot| and Part Lot 1 Ill- EIIULL 3‘). originallLt'n'i'I ot' Supt-riot '"Tl'icrt‘: is no ltiioulcdgt: that is notTamer." Ralph Ii-‘t-"alilo liitierson 3233 ANNUAL 5-? pm.Grill GamesIf pm.Free MovieCrest TheatreRest rooms:?-.‘7l am.Breakfast3 — 11 am.Breakfast840 am.Ellie Rodeo9 am.105 E 51h SI9— 3pm.9 3pm.. 106 Sin 51Sponsored by Horizon Bani:Crest Theatre :lDBl. ithlPolice Dept. iith it Nauonaltli'ESIey Camel :453 N CentrallSuperior Auditorium -'5th it. Commercial-’3 WildCentennlal Lutheran Church: 055 N. Dakota St.FFA Petting Zoo3541 N Cmnmeroal i-‘we401 N Central AveSponsored by Brodstone HealthcaieSponsored by The LEibBliVendors Marl-telCity Auditorium. 450 N Commercial AveSuperior Country Club. 3628 Rd EAdults 520. Kids 510NEBRASKAictorian Festival.. MEMORIAL WEEKEND - MAY 25-27SUPERIOR.tarsus stasis9 -10 am.Parade Late Registration ti 1 . 5 p mNumber PleUP Nuckolls County Museum OpenSaturn-".4 High School 1601 W Iiull'l Sl .l 512 E bib 8110 am.Parade Lineup 1:30 pm.6th St and Centratfimc10:30 am.ParadePresentation of the FlagSons 01 the American LeannNational Anthem EleiI Beavers and Tierney Casper11 am.Antique Car Display[After the Para do}[in dth St going East-West11 am. v 3 pm.Rock-It EventsCommercial Street Aye . 3rd s 5th StMosley Coffee Shop £53 ht Central Ave.Sponsored by Grace Community Free ChurchNoonFree Watermelon FeedDewntewn Festival AreaSponsored by tudslune HeallhcareHistoric Walking Tour12:30Starts at "Jester CenterNoon 12:45Downtown EntenainmentTurtle Races and more!Great Theatre ~ Old WesternFestival T-Shirt SalesChamber Office. 430 N Ccnlrai Ail-e.Crest Theatre lOld Western E 5th St.Sponsored by the Laibelsl-flnm1pm.itlurnrti 5. Friends Social[it‘arntJEr Office 430 hl Central AveSHPEt'lDI' 3000Nuckalls County Muse-umSpeaker James Reisdor‘ll{Great Plains Railroad]at? E Slit St3 Welcome from Lady MosleyLive PortrayalNuckalls County Muscum Church512 E lilh 813:30 am.Victorian TeaNuckolls County Museum3 5 pm.Free Glass of WineSu penor Estates Winery. 200 W tfith StSponsored by 42 Wealth5 -3 pm.Ditty F’Ul'ltel' ~ Rollin Smoke FoodTrucks. Beer GardenAuditorium JSE} N Commercial AveB — 12 pm.Live BandAu ditonurn. 450 N Commercial nut: FESTIVAL THEMEmar starts 1iii iiil' ."" honor ofall-l“ i-llulllitl jirll'ilii‘ountu l':ii-.'.=.'l'-~l"n . . a..H't'iioui's lust lg'IllrflllrdlllFllillll" |. ill-lilt' lit'ilislt uul'h'tts-season was10:30 am.Harvest Christian Church ServiceCity Park Band Stand. Bloom StNoon A 1 pmBrats lit BurgersCity Park. Bloom 5:Sponsored by Erodslunu HE allhcare 3‘. The1- 5pm.Nuckolls County Museum Open612 Efilh SlMuseumassassins) teaser." .lt' - bitchy-ti lltgt't-- -.'-t.-lrr'tx“...iiiiiii Tml-.'-El-.tORIAL oin- sea. {Ig “pi-“HP. '_:l._.l saga MSW SmNathan Wesley lleadrirlt. 't'tlto ul'tt-n ueiit by"Wes." was born near Glasgow. Kentucky on May 2.I853. He was the second child burn to John 'i'l". and Martha(list Ileadrielt. .lahn it as a farmer anti Meth-odist preacher ahile Martha nits aI i'ailil iniial litiiiieiiialter.The IIt-adrielt famin mat-ed tliriiugli ll.lis-aiut'i on their any toRichardson lt‘iitiiitfi. Nebraska. Theirthird child and third son. Samuel. tins burn near .‘iaintI.titiis..'tl(}.nn Septeiiiher4. [855. John unitedin Richardson County sniiietinit' itt lHS—l or [HES and it seems thefamily came on later..lnhn chase land near the rii er. and as the story goes. Nathan didn'tlilie the ilaiiip conditions. 5".“hell he was 3|. he headed nest and iirritetl itt .Ieitell County. Kansasduring the “tirassliomu-r 'ii-ar"[If It‘ll-l. lie selected "Itigh" ground the SW li-liil'sertinn I? in Montana 'Ioiinsliip. The land part-n: mi...his on File}. 10. ESHI. After 150' years. the homestead remains in theIIt-ndrit'li l'aiitilji anil tiller! uiitlt-i' Ibi-lleatlrit‘lt name.Fourth Generation lleatlriekdescendants currently hiring in thelocal area: l'. Ronald Hendrickand family resident Inna. .‘Niuii'ytlleatli'ieki Ilrandt. Hernia tilt-atl-rit'lil Il'riiust'. Melinda tIIt'itdrirlilRiise.l-ihei'r_'i IIIt-iiilrirlo Roster..laltt' "IllISlTJ'l lieadl‘lt'hll'i'lt'tl‘l.Filth generation and Iiiiiiilit-s:Sarah tllt-itdrieltl hi ireliliol‘l‘. l‘liris-tina lHeatlrirlil Flitata. Elizabethlllctltll'it'li i ll intlier. Siisaniin l'IHendrick. Ilat‘t‘ell Hendrick. Iirit'liraiitll.

Jewell County Record May 23 Page 12 (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.