Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Rewind Chapter Text Chapter 2: Recap Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Reassure Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Reminisce Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Return Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Regrets Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Relax Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Reveal Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Reaction Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Rage Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Reconcile Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Refresh Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Rally Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Rhapsody Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Remorse Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Rejected Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Repose Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Reality Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Rumbling Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Reprimand Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Ready Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Remember Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Road Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Risk Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Retort Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Reassemble Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Rancor Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Ramble Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Ruined Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Raft Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Respire Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Rant Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Reverie Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Reprehensible Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Recollect Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Reroute Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Release Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Relations Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Rude Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Reflect Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: Relatives Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: Romance? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43: Raw Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: Revisit Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Rewind

Chapter Text

Branch flopped backward onto Poppy’s plush pink bed with a FWUMP! After their long day with a bittersweet family reunion/rescue mission combo adventure.

“What a day, huh Branch?” Poppy sighed, flopping back onto the bed with her boyfriend. The queen set her crown on her nightstand before turning to face Branch with an exhausted, toothy grin.

“You said it. I don’t think I wanna do anything ever again after all that.” The blue troll chuckled while returning a sleepy smile to his girlfriend.

They were totally exhausted, fighting off two selfish, green haired, succubi siblings for the sake of their own was possibly the most stressful thing they’d done together, not to mention all the questions it left for the couple. But that would be a problem for later. Right now, all they wanted to do was cuddle and fall asleep in each other’s arms, so that’s what they did as they scooted in close to one another.

“Feels like the end of a bad dream.” Branch mumbled as he drifted off, nuzzling noses with Poppy before leaning his head back again to look her in the eyes. She crinkled her nose, shaking her head with a drowsy smile. Their hair and tails coiling together in tingly affection.

“Mm, no… If this was all a dream, I don’t wanna wake up…. Wake up…”

It felt like Branch was being bathed in warmth as a bright light infiltrated his shut eyelids.

Wake up…

He felt like he was drifting off to sleep. Floating off the bed. Shifting somewhere else altogether before he started to fall. Falling. Falling fast. It was getting so dark, so cold all of a sudden. He just kept falling, falling until he fell in deep and splashing into an ice-cold lake.

Wake up.

Branch sprung up in his bed, panting heavily and shivering from the sudden cold he was feeling. His bed. In his bunker. What? How did he get back here? He knew for sure he had stayed over at Poppy’s pod last night, what gives?

This comforter, he hasn’t used this since Poppy had sewn him a new one with patches of blue and pink peppered in with the green. It was a clash of colors but it was a gift he cherished. Where had it gone? It’s freezing in here too, what’s up with that? He always turned the heat on at night now that he installed it down here, why was it off? He had a lot to investigate, but he figured he could do that after getting up and dressed.

He swung his feet out of bed and slipped his feet into his slippers. Ugh, why did they feel so weird, they felt like those old ones he had finally thrown out after he received a new pair from Prince D when he had a sleepover there with Cooper a couple of weeks back. They were much comfier. He needed to find those instead. He looked down at his grey legs shoved in the slippers and wondered how they’d gotten there.

Wait a minute. Grey legs?

Branch stared at his legs for a minute, blinking a few times, rubbing them as if they’d magically be a bright blue again after clearing them. That’s weird. He wasn’t feeling particularly bad today, why were his colors so dull? Must be having an off day. Those happened a lot for Branch. Having so many feelings to navigate sometimes left his colors a bit dim when he wasn’t mentally feeling a hundred percent.

Whatever, it happens. Maybe it was gonna hit him hard later instead of right away. That happens, too.

He shuffled to the bathroom and flicked on the light, he grabbed his toothpaste, put it on his brush, and slowed as he inspected his paws. Man. He was really, really grey right now. Was it the lighting in here? Maybe he should get a brighter bulb. He started brushing his teeth, eventually looking in the mirror to brush properly before he paused; completely catatonic as he gawked at himself. He wasn’t desaturated, he was totally grey. His hair was as black as it used to be back… a couple of months ago. When he was all alone. Before he-

No, no, that can’t be it.

He looked at the sticky note on the mirror he’d left himself the day prior:

‘Collect sticks for the stockpile. Avoid Pop Village. Big morning dance number tomorrow. Poppy inevitable.’

Branch grimaced. That’s the note he’d left himself right before Poppy’s huge party for the 20th anniversary of their Troll Tree escape. He remembers because after they’d gotten home from their adventure, he crumpled it up and never wrote another note like it because they were now friends. He wouldn’t avoid her anymore.

That’s really strange. It’s almost like-

No, that’s ridiculous. He’d just go check his journal entries and everything would just fall into place. He spit out his toothbrush, haphazardly leaving it in the sink as he rushed over to his nightstand with reckless urgency. Yanking open the drawer with shaking paws, he flips through it to find the last entry. The last date marked. The date is the date right before the Troll Tree Escape. 20 years marked to this day. It’s today. The day everything changed for him. Months ago, when he was still grey and miserable.

No. This can’t be happening. It can’t be true.

A dream? Was everything he experienced all just some sick fantasy his mind made up? Was he that goddamn lonely that he dreamt up some lovesick fantasy for himself where he got the girl of his dreams, his colors, and his brothers back? This can’t be happening. He’s grey. His previous entries indicate his misery and loneliness. No entries about Poppy and all of her friends and their silly activities and antics. No entries about saving all of music from Queen Barb. No entries about their dates and his hangouts with his new friends from different tribes. Nothing. Page after page, misery, and more misery. He was back at the start. No progress was made. In fact, none of it had even started. He was the mean, colorless loner who hurt everyone with his words and never had fun, sang, or danced. A friend to no one.

A nobody.

His paws shook as his fingers gripped the journal. His eyes burned from his lack of blinking. Droplets of water plopped on the pages, ruining them. Was his roof leaking? His eyesight got blurry and it was getting hard to breathe. He dropped his journal, his paws shook as he looked at them. Scarred, calloused, and dull. No pink troll around to hold them and say how wonderful they were. She never will. They aren’t even friends, after all. His fingers coiled around his raven hair, balling his paws into fists as they gripped his hair in agony.

His quiet shaky breaths were more ragged and uncontrolled as he hiccupped and hunched over in his kneeling position. He wailed in anguish for the massive loss he was feeling, but no troll would come to comfort him or rap at his rock to see if he wanted to come out and sing with them. Nobody knew him. Or loved him anymore. He was nothing again. Alone again. All he could do was wail and yell in agony as he recognized that none of that was real.

There’s no way he could do this. Another loss too great for him to bear.

After an hour of uncontrollable grieving, Branch pulled himself together enough to dress and leave his bunker. He had to be sure. Needed to be sure. He dragged his feet, swaying aimlessly and a vacant look in his eyes as he neared the village. He could hear her beautiful voice, none the wiser to his yearning.

“Everybody, swing your hair and feel united, woah-oh-woahhh…!”

He watched the Snack Pack finish their giant group pose at the end of the dance number with a “Yeah!”

He quickly wiped a tear away. He was reliving the same day he had so many months ago. He was right back to where he started.

At rock bottom.

Chapter 2: Recap


Poppy POV (Sorta? This fic is written in an omniscent viewpoint but it's more focused on Poppy this time.)
Poppy thinks Branch is acting more strange than usual today and she's determined to figure out why.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Once the dance number was finished, the snack pack slowly descended from each other’s shoulders and chatted amongst each other about their performance. That was until Poppy spotted Branch lurking quietly in the nearby dense leaves. She gave him a funny look, usually he would’ve said something snarky by now.

“Good morning, Branch! What’cha think of our routine this morning? Was kind of wondering if we were projecting loud enough for you to hear us.” She practically skipped over with the natural “pep” she always had in her step.

“Oh. Uh. Yeah, it was fine. Really great, actually.” He muttered.

He was looking at her but it was like he was staring into her soul rather than her eyes. Poppy shifted uncomfortably. Normally she didn’t feel so bad about Branch staring—or rather—glaring at her, but he didn’t even have his usual scowl on his face. He was looking at her like someone had just kicked his sick dog. On top of that, he just complimented her, which was even weirder because the only time he did that was when he didn’t mean it and he’d follow it up with something mean or getting-eaten-by-Bergen related.

She co*cked her head to the side, visibly showing her confusion as the snarky comment never came and Branch let out the most pathetic, heart-wrenching sigh she’d ever heard.

“This is so useless. Why would you even come out here, Branch? To torture yourself more?” Branch whimpered to himself as Poppy watched him rake his paws through his disheveled hair in distress.

Poppy had no idea what he was talking about, but she could tell when a friend needed help. She looked behind her to see if her friends were watching—they weren’t—and then patted Branch’s back as she encroached past his metaphorical bubble.

“Branch? You feeling okay?” She said as gently as she possibly could, just above a whisper.

He froze, his back still to her and his muttering stopping. Instead of his usually shoving or nagging about her touching him, he seemed more responsive to her asking him something than he was to her touch. That was also very strange, Branch hated people touching him, and he always moved away like it burned if they did. After a moment or two, Branch let out another sigh. He only turned his head slightly to meet her eyes with a sideways glance full of misery.

“Don’t worry about me, Poppy. Just go back and play with your friends, don’t concern yourself with my feelings. Not worth the headache.” He was speaking so gently, not an ounce of venom in his voice.

It was so strange, he was speaking with so much… Compassion? This was so strange. So… Concerning to her. He’d never spoken to her so respectfully and it was wildly out of character to hear him attempt to put her first in some weird way. This only made her want to push it, more than she usually did. Something was making Branch super sad, and she couldn’t just leave someone like this. Especially not Branch, he had no one else to tell things to when he was sad, lonely, or even sick! Poppy moved in closer, shaking her head and moving around him to be right in front of his vision. She took hold of his paws in her own, which he didn’t even seem to mind, and twitched her tail with excitement that he was letting her do so.

Not the time Poppy-tail, this is serious.

“Branch, those were the saddest sighs I have ever heard in my life, and Biggie is the most emotional troll I know. What’s going on with you? You can tell me!” Poppy attempted to console him, waiting for the moment he’d yell and tell her to buzz off. He looked into her eyes for a moment, as if what he wanted to say was on the tip of his tongue before giving up and dropping his head, shaking it.

“No, no. It’ll sound crazy. So, so crazy and pathetic. Just leave me alone.” He sounded so defeated. Her heart just broke, she’d never seen him like this.

“Cooper’s crazy when he sees a party without a single pyrotechnic in sight. Feeling sad? Not as crazy. Try me.” She insisted with a slight chuckle, squeezing his paws a little tighter to make him return her gaze, which he did. He was about to speak when Poppy’s friends finally noticed that she was missing. His ears twitched, snatching his paws away and receding further into the forest as they approached.

Darn it, guys! I almost had him!

“Poppy? What are you doing over there in the bushes? Come ooo-oo-out!” Guy Diamond beckoned with an auto-tuned finish.

Poppy took back Branch’s paw and took him with her as she left the bushes, smiling big for her friends.

“Well, I saw Branch and as you knowww, he still needs to be invited to our party!" Poppy said, letting go of Branch to throw her arms up in the air in excitement.

“Oh yeah! It’s gonna be the biggest-” Satin and Chenille said in unison.

“-The loudest, craziest party ever. I know.” Branch interrupted with a sullen look. Before repeating his last words more pitifully as if he were reminiscing. “I know.”

Poppy looked at him with such pity. He looked so awful. Drained might be a better word to describe his appearance. The rest of the snack pack looked at him too, they could see just how pitiful he looked. It was weirdly out of character, they only ever saw him angry.

“Well… You look like you need some serious cheering up. And when I say this party could cheer up any troll, I mean it!” Poppy took out an invitation from her hair and handed it to Branch. “You should really consider coming!”

Branch just looked at the invitation in his paws, rubbing it with his thumbs in fondness and lost in such sad, melancholic thought. He opened it, looked at it as it sang, sprang up different scrapbooked rainbows, and then finally himself. The grey troll closed his eyes in acceptance as the glitter poured out onto his face and chest. When it ended, he rubbed some off his face with his fingers, rubbing the grainy glitter between them and staring at it as if he was remembering something painful.

“Poppy, I appreciate the thought, but I don’t think this party is a good idea. A Bergen is gonna see it.” He said in a monotone voice, drained of any urgency.

“Oh, Branch. You—”

“—Always ruin everything by reminding you guys of the Bergens, I know! I know.” He said, his voice full of anguish and frustration this time, but upset with no one but himself as he clenched the fist full of glitter.

The Snack Pack was officially freaked out, he’d predicted their sentences twice now and it was getting kinda weird. Cooper craned his neck down to Poppy and whispered to her.

“Are you sure you wanna invite this party pooper to poop on your party?” Cooper asked suspiciously.

“Yes! I think everyone deserves to be happy,” Poppy started.

“Branch, I know you have happiness inside you, you just need our help to help you find it.” Branch mimicked, saying Poppy’s words at the same time she was saying them without so much as a flinch.

“Oooookay, this is starting to creep me out.” DJ Suki admitted, hugging herself.

“Okay, Branch. Seriously, what is up with you today? You’re acting… Stranger than usual.” Poppy nodded at Suki before returning her eyes to the deflated grey troll.

“Like I said, I know a Bergen is gonna find you guys if you throw that party. I’ve… I’ve seen this all play out. I just—” He stopped himself, biting his lip and wringing his paws nervously as he shook his head. “Nevermind, there’s no point in telling you this, do what you want. I can’t save you this time.”

The group of trolls just stood there, bewildered in silence before a small beetle’s wings fluttering could be heard as a certain purple troll descended. Being carried by his hair, he landed with his paws pressed together in a meditative position.

“Thank you for providing safe passage, brother. Namaste.” Creek thanked the bug, nuzzling it before it took off. This was the first time this morning that Branch had a scowl on his face as Creek approached him.

“Okay, first of all, Mate,” Creek said with a cheery voice as he approached the miserable troll. “Thank you for sharing your unique perspective on things. Again.” He said with a smirk as he looked back at his friends. Cooper and Biggie snickered at his jab as Creek continued.

“Just for now, why don’t you try on some—” He was stopped from his advice by a paw to his face.

“Positivity… Blah blah, it might go well with my vest. Yadda, yadda. Yes, I know. I sound insane and I’m the most miserable, pathetic loser you all know. Can we skip this and just get to the part when all of you ignore me and do what you want anyway?” He seemed genuinely irritated by Creek’s presence compared to everyone else for some reason.

“Branch, you’re not pathetic. You’re just… Not feeling great right now and I wanna help!” Poppy stepped forward to console him as he was clearly upset.

“Poppy, I appreciate it, but it’s pointless. All of this is.”

What’s pointless, Branch? You’re seriously not making any sense.”

“THIS!” He motions around frantically, at himself and Poppy, the invitation, then pans his paw across her friends behind her and then everything around himself. “I know what’s gonna happen. I’ve lived it, seen it. Every word coming out of you guy’s mouths is something that I’ve already seen happen and I know how it all ends.”

“Wow, he is crazy,” Chenille muttered.

“See? It’s useless. You’re all gonna get eaten. I can’t help this time, I just can’t do it.” Branch whined in despair as he ran off with tears in his eyes.

“Branch, wait!” Poppy snapped her head back in frustration at Chenille’s comment. “Chenille! He was really upset! That wasn’t very kind.”

“Sorry Poppy, but he does sound… Maybe, sort of, incredibly nutty right now.” Biggie said in defense of Chenille.

Poppy’s jaw dropped. Were they always this dismissive of Branch? He was crying when he ran off right now and it seems like they don’t even wanna find out why!

“Does anyone care that Branch was totally crying just now?” Poppy asked in total disbelief. No one responded, just awkward looks around and scratching of necks in indifference. Creek cleared his throat.

“Princess Poppy? I understand you have a kind heart, but some people just don’t want help! You shouldn’t waste your breath on a troll like that, a miserable troll like that would suck the joy right out of any party. Don't let his words bother you. Let’s just go, okay?”

Poppy let out a noise of astonishment. She couldn’t believe this.

“Well if no one else is gonna check on a troll in need, I will. No troll gets left behind.” Poppy stomped her foot and charged off in the direction that Branch had gone.

She heard her friends call for her, but none followed. She was so disappointed, why wouldn’t they help? Sure, Branch could be prickly, but it didn’t mean he didn’t still have feelings! It was clear he did, he was crying after all! She’d just have to do this herself.


Hooray for double uploads!
I think the Snack Pack would be way more cautious of Branch with Creek around. DJ Suki, Satin, and Chenille have their Trolls:TBGO personalities so Chenille is not always very nice and DJ is a little easy to freak out. Poppy is very trusting by nature.

Chapter 3: Reassure


I'm on a ROLL, baby!! I'm having fun writing this so hopefully, updates will happen once or twice a day.
Poppy POV again!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy called out for him a few times before coming to a clearing she remembered well. A rock stood in the middle with a “welcome" mat that read "GO AWAY." On top of it, a hunched-over gray troll sat, face in his paws. She slowly approached, then sat next to him when he acknowledged she was there but didn’t tell her to leave.

“So…” She started but had no idea where she wanted her first question to go. She didn’t want to mess this up, she almost got him to open up a couple of minutes ago. “I can tell there’s something you really wanna tell me.”

He said nothing but nodded his head with his paws still covering his face.

“But you think you’ll sound stupid for saying it, right?” The princess rubbed his back gently so as not to scare him. She expected him to flinch away at the very least, but instead, he leaned into her touch. This was good. This was a good thing.

“I promise, whatever you have to say, I’ll listen. Even if my friends don’t. I want to apologize for that, by the way. For letting them talk to you like that, it wasn’t very princess-like for me to be a bystander to bullying.”

Branch’s head shot up, looking in front of his field of vision at the forest before looking at Poppy and shaking his head.

“No, Poppy, no. It’s my fault for being so sh*tty-Er... U-Unkind in the first place. I don’t expect them to like me. I just don’t want to see your friends get hurt.” He had unconsciously placed a paw on top of hers and gripped it as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do.

“H-Hurt?” Poppy inquired. Taking his paw into her own. If he was going to touch her like it didn’t matter to him, then she’d take full advantage if it helped him open up to her. Branch’s eyes widened at her question, he winced as if he had said the wrong thing and looked away from her.

“Oh. Well… No, never mind.” He sighed, starting to move his paw away.

No, no! I’m so close, go full throttle, Poppy!

“Tell me.” She cupped his cheek in her free paw, turning his face to hers. He looked into her eyes with such fond, endearment. Full of so many emotions she couldn’t identify. He swallowed, cupping his own paw over hers on his face, then flattened his lips before opening them to speak.

“A-A dream,” He sputtered, inspecting her face. “I had… This… Dream. Where my life was better, less lonely. Where we were—” He stopped himself and looked down for a moment and then back up with her with such pain in his expression; as if he were holding back something as he spoke. “Friends. Best friends.”

Poppy’s eyes lit up. Her tail twitched in excitement. This was shocking, to say the least.

“And that’s why you were so sad? Because you woke up and we weren’t best friends?” She was starting to understand. A dream like that when you’re so lonely has to really hurt.

“It was more than that. I lived a life, made friends… W-We went on so many adventures together. It was like… 3 months of life… Gone, in an instant.” Branch was on the brink of tears.

Her heart broke for him. A dream where he lived such a life where he seemed happy enough that waking up from it would break him like this… It had to have felt so real. How would she have felt if she woke up this morning and the Snack Pack members weren’t her friends?

“Oh, Branch… I’m so sorry. That has to feel just terrible. Dreams like that are just horrible once you wake up.”

“But it’s worse than that. Because I woke up and everything you guys have done and said in that dream happened exactly like this.” Branch shook his head, pulling away from her touch, leaning back against the rock, and looking up at the trees.

“Wait, is that why you were guessing our words like that? I thought maybe we’d just become predictable after all this time.”

Branch only shook his head, then he closed his eyes.

“Today is the day where everything starts.” He muttered.

“Huh?” She was confused again. “Branch, stop being so cryptic and just explain… Um. Please?”

He groans and paws at his scalp before dropping his arms in defeat. “Fine. But when I sound like a crazy person, just do me a favor and leave fast, this is depressing enough.”

“I’m all ears, Branch m’man. Shoot.” She mimicked his posture and leaned back against the rock, looking up at the trees with him. He had watched her with a sideways glance without moving his head. She could’ve sworn she heard a puff of air that could’ve been a laugh, but she wasn’t sure.

“Everything that happened this morning, it happened in my dream. Yknow, minus the me knowing everything part. I was more of a jerk in my dream about it.”

That made more sense, he was never that passive and he never, ever accepted an invitation without being mean or it literally being forced upon him. She didn’t say anything, though. Just a hum of acknowledgment to let him know to continue.

“You don’t listen to me about the noise and… And you throw this massive party. I didn’t go of course, but… I-It’s so loud and bright that… That…!” He tenses up as he recalls, his eyes are wide and strained. Poppy quickly squeezes his paw and he squeezes back, calming himself with a big exhale. He shuts his eyes tight.

“T-That a Bergen finds you. She was hiding out in the woods nearby. Waiting for a sign.” With this, Poppy gasps, she’s invested in his story. “And your giant Poppy firework only solidified that it was trolls.”

Poppy froze. Her blood running cold.



“You said… A giant Poppy firework, right?”

“Uh-huh. I never saw it myself, I was in my bunker. You told me later that Cooper had made it for the party and you were so excited to see it in action.”

That was weird. Cooper did have a giant Poppy firework planned for tonight’s party. And she was totally hyped to see it.

“W-What else did I tell you about this party?”

“Well, that you were so nervous about messing up your speech or not saying everything you wanted to. That you’d filled up dozens of journals trying to get the speech right.”

Poppy’s tail patted the grass in agitation. That was true, too. She had an entire stack of journals full of scrapped 20th-anniversary speeches beside her desk. How would Branch know any of that? That was way more than a coincidence, he'd have to have been in her pod looking at her things or in Cooper's listening to their top-secret party plans which would be even less likely. Branch never cared about stuff like that, and based on how he was telling her, it seemed like she had told Branch about this herself after the dust had settled and they were looking back at this moment fondly. But the stuff Branch was saying hadn't happened yet.

It'd be happening tonight.

“Poppy? You okay?” Branch was looking at her now, as she looked visibly disturbed.

“Um. Well. D-Did I end up getting the speech right?” She mustered up a twitchy grin. Branch only shook his head.

“Bergen found you before you could finish. Took all your friends.”

Poppy jolted and sat up on her knees, facing Branch. It heightened his own anxiety with the panicked look she was giving him.

“What?! No, no that can’t happen!”

“P-Poppy, relax. It was just some dumb dream of mine, maybe it won’t actually happen in the real world...” Branch muttered. This time, Poppy was the one to shake her head, much more insistently.

“No, Branch. T-The stuff you said about the fireworks? A-And my speech? That stuff was true.” Poppy grabbed his shoulders, making Branch’s eyes widen. “Maybe… Maybe it wasn’t just any old dream, maybe it was a… a…” She seemed to be struggling to find the right words in her uncomfortable panic.

“A premonition.” Branch finished. Realization filled their eyes as they looked at each other. They sprung up from their spot on the ground.

“Branch. Do you remember what that Bergen looked like?”

“How could I forget her?” He tensed up, recalling something he clearly didn’t want to talk about.

“Then maybe, just maybe. We can try and go find her. Y’know, test this theory further?” Poppy squeezed his arms with her paws, clearly distressed. “See if it’s true?”

Branch stared at her for a moment before breaking eye contact to search somewhere within himself for an answer. “I-I dunno Poppy… Going through with this over a dream? I mean…”

Poppy shook her head more adamantly.

“No, Branch. I believe you. And even if we don’t find a Bergen... and everything’s fine? We’ll throw that party and we can become friends. Just like in that dream. How’s that?” Poppy gave him her signature toothy smile.

He looked at her so softly, so full of fondness as he blinked away tears.

“Okay. Let’s go find that Bergen.” Branch nodded curtly, seemingly filled with newfound confidence as he took her paws in his.

The hand-holding was a very new behavior from him, but for some reason, it felt natural. Or, maybe because Branch did it so casually without realizing it, it certainly felt that way.

She could get used to this Branch.


Poppy has taken a liking to Branch's vulnerable side and the fact that he lets her touch him! She doesn't know why, but it's so exciting!

Chapter 4: Reminisce


Edited 3/5/2024 (Chapter name was wrong!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch kicked up the “welcome” mat they were standing on and groaned, getting Poppy’s attention.

“What’s wrong, Branch?”

“The mat. I had gotten rid of it because it was such an asshole thing to have to see when trolls came knocking.” He shook his head, full of regret. “But seeing it here really makes me hate that this is who I am.”

“But it’s not you, Branch. The fact that you’re regretting it so much right now shows that it’s not.” Poppy patted his back for reassurance.

“I dunno. I was a huge dickhe*d.” He gasped, covering his mouth after seeing Poppy’s wide eyes. “Oh, uh… Pardon my language.”

“That’s okay, Branch. I’m not a stickler for bad words. I just wish you wouldn’t use them to be mean to yourself. You’re a good guy. I’ve always believed that, just so you know.”

He did know. She always told him that he had good in him. She’d tried to be his friend every day since she met him when he was 8 when she’d finally been allowed to wander around Troll Village on her own at the age of 5. He’d been mean to her then and made her cry in the hopes that she’d leave him alone, but she never wavered. She invited him to something every day and that hadn’t changed even up until now.

She always believed in him, and after so many months of his self-improvement, Branch had believed it too. He’d changed so much after all that time. He even let his friends party and hold activity nights down there with him. He’d gotten so used to someone being in his bunker at some point that he started to feel lonely when no one was.

All the nights he’d spent with Poppy with their sleepover movie nights and times when Poppy would sneak in with his passcode because she couldn’t get to sleep without him… Everything was just gone. Here he was with Poppy in his bunker yet again, but her eyes were full of curiosity because this was the very first time this Poppy had ever been allowed inside.

As the lift went down floor by floor, Branch explained each room's current purpose, thankful to himself that each room had a label. They had changed over the last few months in his dream, as he needed survival supplies less and less as time went on and they were used for storing other things, like books or gifts from friends. One had even become a guest room.

While it was cute seeing her dart around to look at everything for the first time, it was a stark reminder to Branch that all the things that made his bunker feel lived in and fun, were all gone. All the crocheted coasters and tea cozies from Poppy and the assorted, loud-colored blankets were missing. Dull furniture and murky browns and greens throughout the place.

Watching Poppy look around at everything with a newfound intrigue also reminded him of the fact that this wasn’t the Poppy he’d dreamed about. The one that had gotten to know him and met his family. The one that he fought with and saved a kingdom with. That Poppy was gone and now, Branch was mourning the loss of a Poppy that never existed.

But why did it feel so real? It felt so tangible like I was really experiencing all of this. Was I seriously that lonely?

It felt weird for a dream to sync up perfectly with reality like this. A premonition dream made a little more sense, but it didn’t feel like the right answer either. Even a premonition wouldn’t be that vivid, right? Branch was no psychic. It felt like someone had rewound the tape on his favorite movie and he had to watch the whole thing over again.

Something about this was eating away at the back of his brain.

Something about this isn’t adding up.

Poppy patted him and gave him a reassuring smile. He snapped out of his thinking and looked at Poppy. He hadn’t realized he’d been making a sad, distressed face again; she’d given him that pity-filled but understanding look all the time when he opened up about his grandma or his brothers. He knew that face very well and tried his best to look reassured by her touch. It had helped a little, but this was really awful.

He felt awful. Everything felt so alien to him right now. A rainbow vomit-colored pod in the center of the village would feel cozier and safer than this bunker right now. This wasn’t his home anymore, and damn it, it was cold in here.

Branch had forgotten that he had to light a fire down here in the past to keep warm and letting a fire go overnight was a safety hazard, so it was always cold unless he’d monitored the fireplace. He’d constructed central heating alongside a group of Fuzzlings once his friends frequented the bunker because it was the biggest complaint and he felt bad seeing Poppy huddled up so close to him because he was the only source of heat when she’d sleep over.

But like everything else, that was gone. Grey Branch never lived in much comfort, he felt guilty for having it. Now that it wasn’t here, it only made him feel even more homesick in his own home.

“It’s kinda cold in here…” Poppy muttered, rubbing her arms for warmth.

“Yeah, I know. I’d solved that problem in my dreams, but… Y’know. Sorry. Here, let me try to find a sweater for you.” Branch looked in a few closets looking for something, but he was having a hard time finding what he needed, everything was in a different place than he remembered. He was getting really frustrated and Poppy could tell.

“Branch, it’s okay if you can’t find one—”

“No! No, I’ll find one, it’s just—Everything is different in here. Damn it, Branch.” The stone-toned troll scolded himself and cursed under his breath until he found one in his room and let out a “YES!” as he returned to the pink princess with his spoils.

“Here ya go, Poppyseed,” Branch said the nickname unconsciously as he handed it to her with a smile he hadn’t noticed he had on his face. He watched her for a moment as her cheeks turned a deep pink. He instantly frowned. “What? D-Does it smell weird or something? You’re making a funny face.”

“No! No, uh. I think it’s just from the cold!” She giggled a bit weirdly, but she seemed okay now as she put on the sweater. “Nice and cozy now!”

“Oh, well that’s good. Now where’s my Bergen-hunting gear… I used to have a ton of it to make sure everyone was safe, but I had gotten rid of it because we didn’t need it anymore.” He tapped his chin and wandered around his living space before opening up a chest with an exclamation that signified he’d found what he was looking for.

“Didn’t need it anymore? Why didn’t you need it?” Poppy asked as she looked over his shoulder at the gear in the chest.

“Oh! Well, uh…” He hesitated for a moment. He almost didn’t want to keep telling her this stuff, it felt weird, like he was getting her hopes up. “You thought it might’ve been possible to make friends with the Bergens.”

“Really?! Did it work?” Poppy gasped at the prospect. As if it hadn’t ever crossed her mind as a fantastic prospect to consider all this time. Branch paused again, thinking about how much he should say.

“Yeah. In fact, one of them became an ‘ultimate bestie’ of yours.” Branch smirked as he recalled the ridiculous greetings that Poppy and Bridget would do every time they visited each other.

“An ultimate bestie?!” That’s possible??” Poppy gripped Branch’s shoulders, looking him in the eyes with a level of amazement he couldn’t gauge properly.

“You decreed it yourself, actually.” He replied with a chuckle. “You decreed a lot of things after that.”

“Man, I sounded like I was the coolest troll ever.” Poppy practically had stars in her eyes as she marveled at his words.

“You are the coolest.” Branch corrected. Giving Poppy a soft, genuine smile before turning back to his gear preparations as he put them in a backpack. He turned back before he could spot the rapidly approaching blush creeping up on the princess’ face and ears, letting a comfortable silence pass without knowing that what he’d said had elicited such a reaction.

“Um, so…” Poppy finally sat down beside Branch as he packed the bag, her loose curly hair bouncing as she flopped down. “How exactly can you find a Bergen?”

“Not sure. I was never successful in the past, but knowing what I know from that dream, I might have an idea where she could be camping out. So, we’re gonna venture out into the forest and try to spot her using… this.”

Branch pulled out a series of tubes that looked big enough to fit into each other if assembled. Kind of like a telescope, but by the sheer number of tubes, it was easy to see that this one could see very far away.

“So, it’s like a stakeout!” Poppy jittered with excitement next to Branch as he let out a small chuckle, catching Poppy’s attention.

“Yeah, wanna have a…stakeout adventure with me?”

“Um, YES! I am totally up for a stakeout! Oh my gosh, my first adventure with Branch!” Poppy exclaimed as she stood up and shook her paws out in exhilaration, her tail wagging.

“Make sure to bring a camera once we go back up, you wouldn’t wanna miss a scrapbook opportunity, right?” Branch inquired as he leaned back on his palms once the hot pink troll sprung up in excitement. The jaw drop that he watched fall upon Poppy’s face was hilarious.

“You’re okay with me taking pictures?!” Poppy tip-tapped her feet rapidly in excitement.

While Branch’s heart hurt from her perception of him, he couldn’t blame anyone but himself for being so bitter and against anything fun or picture-related when Poppy would come to see him.

“Go absolutely picture crazy, Poppy,” Branch said with a sigh of acceptance towards his past actions.

“Oh my gosh, Branch! This is so exciting! This is totally topping my last best day ever! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!” The Pop Princess squealed as she darted off to the elevator to use it. Branch gasped, about to tell Poppy that the lift was touchy, but it was too late as she zipped up faster than she was ready for and heard a thump as her body crashed to the lift floor from the sudden halt once it was at the top.

“Poppy!?” Branch yelled up in a panic as he ran towards the lift.

“I’m okay!” A giggly voice replied. “That was kinda fun! But falling on my tail was not. Be back in a pinch, Branch!” She giggled, skipping away.

Branch sighed to himself with a small laugh of his own. No matter his dreams or reality, Poppy will always be Poppy.


Branch is starting to question whether or not it was even a dream he was experiencing. It felt too weird, too on the nose. But that’d be crazy, right? Of course, it was just a dream, a very convenient, foretelling dream. At least Poppy seems to be on board with this, that made him feel more normal.
I know actual Grey Branch didn't smile, laugh, dance, or sing, but I think this Branch would definitely smile and laugh without realizing how unnatural it would be to everyone else around him since he'd gotten used to doing it rather often. :]

Chapter 5: Return


Poppy returns to Pop Village to go get her camera for her and Branch's adventure and runs into her friends along the way.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy skipped full of glee back to Pop Village, she was absolutely ecstatic! Branch was so much more interesting than she thought, and that’s saying a lot considering she already found him incredibly unique and enthralling enough as it was.

Now, he was talking to her, like they might actually be able to become friends! He even had a nickname for her, now. 'Poppyseed.' That was good, way too good. Branch was a great nickname giver, she’d have to consult him for more in the future but for now, she had so much to think about as she made her way to her pod for her camera.

Branch smiled at her. He laughed too! She totally saw it! Heard it! They were so… Wonderful and so totally adorable! Who knew Branch was hiding how totally cute he was under that grumpy face?

Wait. Cute?

Poppy stopped in her tracks to think before she left the edge of the dense forest and into Pop Village. She furrowed her eyebrows in genuine confusion, thinking so hard that one could swear they heard gears turning.

Was that the word she wanted to use? Was Branch cute to her? Maybe, she wasn’t sure, but the feeling she got in her tummy when he smiled at her and called her cool was probably the best feeling ever. She never felt this giddy before, wonder what that was about.

She hugged herself excitedly, stomping her feet in that excited manner she always had to get the jitters out. She felt so… Elated to be near Branch, in his space, in his home… Holding his paws… Maybe he’d even let her hug him soon. Ooh, that would just be the very best ever!

Best of all, it was her he wanted to tell this big secret to, no one else. For once in Poppy’s life, this was a secret she didn’t want to share with her friends just yet. It kind of felt good to have something no one else did and she wasn’t sure why. Was that bad? It didn’t feel bad. It felt… Special.

For some reason, Poppy wanted to be special to Branch. He was always special and different to her. Branch seemed to somehow get her now. Sure, maybe it was because of a dream, but it felt like this was something that was bound to happen. It felt… Familiar to her.

Oh c’mon, Poppy! Now you’re just being silly. Let’s go get that camera so you can have a Branch adventure! An Adventbranch? Branchventure? Ooh, I’ll have to workshop that.

As she skipped into town with a bright pink blush on her cheeks, her mind elsewhere, she completely skipped past the Snack Pack. It took a moment before she heard them calling to her and she froze, stopping in her tracks.

“Oh! Sorry, guys! Got lost in thought. What’s up?” Poppy said full of her usual enthusiasm as she skipped back towards the mushroom table they were all occupying to have a late morning cupcake.

“Oh, well… We were just wondering...” Satin started.

“...How that talk with Branch went?” Chenille finished as the rest of the Snack Pack nodded and looked at each other before looking to Poppy for an answer.

Poppy stood there blankly for a moment. What would she tell them, anyway? That she’s going on an adventure with Branch to find a Bergen because of a premonition dream? Yeah, that won’t sound totally crazy. Maybe she should just keep it light. The last time she talked about Branch’s feelings, they weren’t very kind, she didn't want to make things harder for him again, she'd already done it once by not defending him better.

They don’t need to know the plan, right? Especially if they’d be the ones getting hurt if that Bergen is really out there.

“Oh! He’s feeling a lot better! Honestly, he was very kind to me and we talked about a lot of things!”

“Really?” Creek said incredulously, though she could’ve sworn she heard a scoff. “You talked with Branch and he was kind to you?”

“Yeah? Is it so hard to believe a troll can have a change of heart?” Poppy raised an eyebrow, putting her paws on her hips.

“When it’s someone like Branch, yeah,” Smidge muttered, munching on a cupcake. “I mean, he could just be messing with you again!”

“Yeah, remember all those other times Branch pretended to care about your parties, RSVP’d, and never showed?” Biggie added with a shudder, making the rest of the group shudder dramatically.

Poppy felt vindicated in her choice not to tell them what Branch had really talked about. They’d definitely think he was messing with her. She believed in him wholeheartedly and she was going to see this through. Even if there was no Bergen out there, she was going to be his friend. It was probably so hard to open up like that, she won’t just leave him alone now.

“Yes, it wasn’t a great feeling to be flaked on. You’re right about that, but you know I’ve never given up on Branch.” Poppy shook her head, clasping her paws together to reminisce on the nice smile he had and a big, cheesy grin plastered itself across her face. “We had a very nice conversation and he even wants us to hang out before the big party tonight!”

The Snack Pack let out a series of flabbergasted gasps and exclamations at her response.

“Branch… The guy who never smiles and doesn’t want friends… Wants to hang out with you?” Creek was no longer hiding his distrust at all. “Princess Poppy, this sounds like a trick.”

“Yeah Poppy,” DJ nodded, fiddling with her paws. “This just sounds a bit too sudden, don’t’cha think?”

“No, I don’t think that. I think that sometimes, Trolls can have a change of heart and that sometimes, we should be willing to give them that chance!” Poppy was not going to let this conversation spiral into a Branch Bash Bonanza. Gosh, alliteration was fun. She was going to do right by her new friend and stand up for Branch the right way. “What kind of Princess just ignores her own kind because they have a hard time making friends?”

Smidge attempted to interject. “But Poppy, we just think—”

“A bad one, Smidge. I’m gonna go be a great Princess, hang out with Branch, and we’re gonna make a bunch of scrapbook memories with the camera he said I should bring! To make scrapbook memories with.” Poppy smirked with pride at the last comment as her friends’ jaws dropped. Yup, that’s right; Branch was totally awesome and they had no idea. Poppy was getting stubborn and digging in her heels now. Her friends knew that once Poppy set her mind to something, there was nothing they could do to change her mind.

They all muttered amongst each other in confusion and shock at the things Poppy bragged about. They couldn’t believe that Branch would want to do any of that, and they seemed skeptical and very confused. Poppy was feeling a bit frustrated and a tiny bit sad that her friends didn’t seem to trust that she could make a good decision on her own. She understands feeling wary of Branch, he wasn’t always the nicest but today had completely confirmed her suspicions that Branch truly was lonely and longed for friendship.

Why weren’t her friends as excited to let Branch become a better Troll? She was especially upset by Creek’s distrust, he was never like this. He always had such a positive mindset, why was he acting so skeptical now?


That voice took her out of her frustration as she looked behind her friends to see an anxious-looking grey troll with a backpack full of supplies.

“Branch!” Poppy skipped past her friends and over to Branch, grabbing his paws. “Sorry, I took longer than a pinch, huh? I was just telling the gang that we were just gonna go hang out for a bit!”

Branch flinched a little. He gave her an anxious look that was screaming, “Did you tell them?”

She only exhaled through her nose with a relaxed expression and a subtle head shake to tell him, “No way!” Branch relaxed after that and nodded.

“T-That’s cool. Uh, did you get your camera?” Branch gave her an awkward smile that seemed to visibly rouse The Snack Pack. He’d been smiling so casually all day long and it didn’t even seem to faze him.

“Hadn’t gotten to my pod, yet. I’ll grab it now, no more distractions, promise!” Before Branch could protest, Poppy was already gone, not even realizing she had just accidentally thrown him to the wolves.


Poppy sees the best in everyone. To her, it's her biggest strength, but not everyone sees it as one. Hopefully, the Snack Pack doesn’t eat Branch alive while she's gone.

Chapter 6: Regrets


Branch has to have a very uncomfortable, yet needed talk with Poppy's friends.


Sorry if there's anything too fast-paced, I kinda got 6 teeth pulled yesterday and I wrote this while in bed resting! I'll also be going back to work today (Can't afford to have any more days off, SOB!!) Hopefully that doesn't slow my uploads! :] Thanks so much for the support on this, I didn't think people would like it considering the premise alone. I'm glad people like my personal spin on it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Branch stood there waiting for Poppy to return, he looked away from the several pairs of eyes burning holes into him. He shuffled his pawed feet around, his tail swishing back and forth in discomfort as he felt like a slice of Swiss cheese as their stares bore into him. It was an incredibly awkward silence before he finally looked up in embarrassment.

“H-Hello, everyone.” Branch greeted them timidly. “Uh. Morning song was really good. I didn’t get to catch the whole thing, but—”

“What do you think you’re doing, here exactly?” Smidge interrupted him in a snippy, gruff voice.


“You think it’s funny to pick on Poppy or something? I dunno what you’re up to this time, but Poppy’s sometimes a little too trusting for her own good and we don’t need a troll like you doing stuff to mess with her!” Smidge stomped her way up to Branch, her tall, teal tuft of hair bouncing with the pink hair bow tied near the top.

He looked down at her with a bewildered expression, blinking a few times as he processed what he was being accused of. He wanted to be offended, but how could he be? To these guys, Branch was just some jerk who’s been mean to Poppy the whole time they’ve known her. Wanting to keep her from getting her feelings hurt was very understandable. Branch’s face fell into a look of melancholy and a hint of understanding, making Smidge twitch and take back a bit of her defensiveness.

“I understand your perspective. All of your perspectives.” Branch sighed, looking up at the rest of the group, then the foliage above them. He gripped the straps of his backpack as he continued. “I wasn’t a very kind person to anyone, for a long time. I said and did a lot of hurtful things I can’t take back.”

“Well isn’t that the understatement of the century,” Chenille scoffed, filing her glittery painted claws. “You were pretty brutal, Branch.”

“Yes, Branch,” Creek interjected, giving Branch an unreadable expression as he clasped his paws together. “Princess Poppy is a very kind-hearted troll and it’s been rather difficult watching her try every day to get you to change only to be met with cruelty. That’s not something any of us would just sit back and allow, is it, chums?”

Various hums of agreement followed as The Snack Pack all gave him looks of distrust. As much as he hated Creek, he hadn’t done anything yet and there was no reason to hate him at all just yet other than his annoying personality.

Most importantly, what he said was right; Branch wasn’t a very good Troll to Poppy. He’d treated her so badly all this time and she still had the patience of a saint with him, opening her heart up to him the moment she saw he needed someone to talk to.

Not only had she done that, but she was also entertaining his stupid ideas and going on an adventure to further fuel his delusions. Worst yet, even if none of what he’s predicting came to fruition, she promised to still become his friend regardless of what happened.

That was so like her.

Branch truly didn’t deserve her kind heart, maybe this was his punishment? Is that why his mind made all this up?

I deserve it.

He must pay for his behavior somehow. He bit his lip, bitter sadness plaguing his tone as he mustered up the courage to speak again after another brief silence.

“I’m… Dealing with something confusing… That’s difficult for me to grapple with.” Branch admitted, showing a lot of vulnerability.

“Poppy stepped in and gave me a shoulder to cry on when I really, really needed one. Something that’s completely within her nature to do; she’s just kind like that. Even though I definitely don’t deserve it. It made me realize that… I can’t just hurt other people because I’m hurt.”

It was kind of difficult for Branch to have to dance around a subject like this so he didn’t sound absolutely insane trying to explain how he’d had some nutty prophecy that a Bergen would come and swoop in, stealing all of Poppy’s closest companions, and one of them would betray all of them to save himself. He wasn’t necessarily saying anything wrong, he meant every word; but to say the right words so he wouldn’t screw this up was difficult, to say the least.

Smidge, who was staring at Branch from right in front of him could see his anguish. Whatever he was internally fighting with, it must’ve been something pretty bad. The look on her face showed him that she might’ve had some sympathy for him at that moment. Smidge had always cared about Poppy more than anyone in the rest of the group. She’d bend over backward just to make sure that Poppy was cared for and attended to.

Branch always had a deep respect for Smidge and seeing her try her damn hardest to look after her friend would always make Branch’s heart swell in understanding. Branch had begun to care about Poppy in the same way, if not more after everything they’d gone through together. Branch would sacrifice himself again and again for Poppy if it meant she could live the happiest life possible.

“So, I mean it when I say that… I want to make things better. For everyone. Especially Poppy. So, I’m gonna do things right this time.”

To Poppy’s friends over at the table and a tiny one standing in front of him, this was a pretty vague promise to become better, but in his mind, Branch had just come to a very big decision as he looked around at the village. He knew what the future held for these Trolls. He knew what would happen next. The Trolls right in front of him would be taken from Poppy in an instant if something wasn’t done on his end.

If Chef was really out there, he knew he’d have to be proactive in changing their fate; even if that meant that the path to get there would be… Different this time.

He had no qualms about changing it; none at all.

Branch puffed out his chest, giving them all a confident, earnest look as he smiled again. The group of friends were rather speechless at Branch’s change in demeanor, but they couldn’t detect any form of malice or sarcasm in his speech.

“I hope you really meant that, Branch. Poppy really—and I mean really—cares about you for some reason and we do NOT wanna see her get hurt…” Cooper piped up, showing a rather serious expression on his face as he clearly warned the gray Troll.

It was especially rare for Cooper to be so serious, but Branch could tell that he saw Poppy as a sibling, someone to protect. Poppy and her dad had practically raised Cooper themselves when they found his egg. Poppy never cared how different Cooper was compared to the Trolls around him. Walking on two or four legs was irrelevant, Cooper was family to her. Branch nodded assuredly to the pink and blue Funk Troll; he'd do what he could to make sure Cooper knew he meant it.

“I wouldn’t dream of it, Cooper. Poppy is a very special Troll.” His eyes softened as he thought of Poppy. “Incredibly special.”

She was truly his world and there would be no denying it. She was the love of his life; no universe, period in time, or place would ever change that.

It was quiet for a moment before Poppy sprung back up to greet her friends and bounced her way over to Branch, grabbing his paw and intertwining their fingers, finally hugging his arm. The Snack Pack looked at the two in bewilderment, having no idea why Branch was just… Letting her touch him. Creek seemed the most visibly uncomfortable as he looked at their joined paws.

“Okay, Branch! I’m all ready to go, sorry that took so long, my dad wanted a hug before I went, and dad hugs are always longer!” Poppy giggled, wagging her tail in excitement.

Branch huffed in amusem*nt, shaking his head.

“No need to apologize for hugging your old man.” Branch squeezed her paw back with a warm smile. But before we go, you’ll need to put these on.” The colorless troll brought out a pair of goggles with separated, round lenses and presented them to the Princess as she ogled them with wide eyes.

“Goggles?” Poppy asked, slipping them on over her eyes without much protest. “Why would I need these?”

“Adventures with me can get kinda… fast-paced? Wouldn’t want you to miss anything 'cause you got dust in your eyes, right?” Branch smirked. Poppy let out an excited gasp, wiggling with excitement and a big toothy smile spreading across her face.

“Oh, my gumdrops! Of course not! I wanna see absolutely everything!” She shouted, jumping up a bit, her arms and legs extended to make a star shape with her body.” Branch chuckled, slipping an arm around her waist and giving her a smug, half-lidded look of confidence.

“You’re gonna have to hold on tight, Branch adventures get a bit crazy. Ya ready, Popstar?”

Poppy’s eyes looked even wider in the silly goggles he’d made her wear which made him chuckle more as she blinked rapidly, and her cheeks and ears turned that deep shade of pink again. Her eyes flicked down at her waist for a second before looking into his eyes. She gulped and did that weird giggle she’d done earlier in the bunker as she nodded.

“Then, let’s go!” With Poppy’s nod of approval, Branch shot his hair up into the trees, yanking the two Trolls up into the skies. As he was swinging away from their friends, wild, shocked giggling could be heard from the pink Princess as Branch’s raven locks swung from tree limb to tree limb outside of the village’s perimeters.

He was going to make sure their first adventure was fun; things were about to get weird if they found that Bergen. She deserved a little wild fun before he’d have to break the news that this party couldn’t happen tonight. He was hoping it wouldn’t come to that, but his gut was telling him otherwise.

This left the friend group of Trolls totally flabbergasted as to what they had just witnessed. What the hair just happened and why was Branch so… happy to take part in it?

“Uh. You guys just saw that too, right?” Smidge asked with wide eyes looking in the direction the pair had just swung off in.

“Branch smiling?” Biggie asked breathlessly.

“Or him laughing?” Satin murmured.

“Him being incredibly ha-ap-pyyyy?” Guy Diamond robotically sang.

“Umm, HELLO?! What about him calling her a NICKNAME!?” DJ Suki exclaimed loudly as she gripped her bright orange locs in shock. “Isn’t that like… Totally 3rd base of best friendship or something?! That’s some serious stuff right there!”

“Or him touching her so thoughtlessly…” Creek muttered, his voice uncharacteristically dripping with venom.

“Okay, Branch did a lot of weird things just now, I think that’s clear,” Chenille grumbled. “But I mean… Poppy didn’t seem to mind. I mean, she grabbed his paw first! When did they get so close?” She pondered, applying a new coat of lip gloss.

Creek clenched his fists, a weird, tense, and contorted look on his face as he listened to his friends' words before flinching and returning to a serene, carefree look after a deep breath in and out.

“Well, I’m sure if Poppy was okay with it, everything should be fine. Though, as the Princess’s closest pals, I think we should keep our eye on our new mate, Branch. Don’t you guys think so?” Creek said, putting on a cheeky, “kind” smile, adjusting himself into a meditative pose as a beetle bug was beckoned over by the snap of his fingers, latching onto his curled tuft of two-toned blue and green hair.

“Yeah, I suppose we should just be careful. Branch seems like he was being pretty honest though, so I don’t think Poppy would want us to worry too much,” Smidge nodded, reassuring herself.

“We’ll just have to see now, won’t we?” Creek said under his breath, too quiet for his friends to hear.


Branch knows what he's in for if Chef is out there looking for signs of Troll life. He wants to make sure Poppy's first little adventure with him is as fun as possible before things get too weird. He knows things might have to be done differently to keep everyone safe this time.

A bit of a Snack Pack perspective this time, too! They really do care about Poppy, it's just that her and Branch's friendship is off to an incredibly fast start considering what type of person they know Branch to be. Hopefully, they decide to trust that he isn't out to hurt her.

Chapter 7: Relax


Branch takes Poppy on a detour to do something fun before their stakeout to look for Chef.


Sorry, this was just an excuse to write Broppy before things ramp up! I'm a guilty little shipper that just can't help herself <:]
Enjoy some Broppy/Groppy(?) cuteness

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy wrapped her arms around Branch as they swung wildly through the trees by his hair. She had no idea where they were headed, but she sure didn’t expect something so spontaneous from him all of a sudden.

She didn’t hate it though, of course. She welcomed a fun Branch more than anything! What were her friends so worried about, Branch was awesome!

“Wait, wait!” Poppy yelled through her excited giggles. “Where are we headed for this stakeout?!”

“Well, I thought maybe we could take a detour! You’ve never been out this far, have you?” Branch shouted back over the wind whipping past them. His grip on her waist was secure, firm. It felt like she was burning up. She felt so exhilarated by Branch’s sudden boldness as of late.

We must’ve been really good friends in his dream.

He swung up to another high tree so Poppy could recollect herself, plopping himself down on the tree limb and smirking at Poppy’s head. She looked like a wild Troll, her hair splayed out every which way. She tilted her head with a confused smirk of her own before she looked up at Branch’s foliage-filled locks of hair. She giggled for a moment before gasping and looking up at her own.

“Agh, my hair!” Poppy groaned with an embarrassed blush as she attempted to remove some debris it had caught. “I knew I should’ve worn it up today!”

Branch only chuckled and pushed her paws away, making her look up at him as he scooted closer to her in her hair panic.

“Don’t bother, it’ll just catch more as we keep going, anyway.” Though, he flicked a small critter that hitched a ride in her hair away and then leaned back on the palms of his paws on the big tree limb they occupied. He looked up and around with a serene look in his piercing blue eyes. “We’re out in the wild, today. Why not look the part?”

Poppy was about to respond, but he returned his eye contact to her, gazing at her fondly with a sigh.

“Plus, I like your hair when it’s out. It’s like a cute pile of cotton candy.” Branch chuckled, twirling a strand of her hair.

Trolly moly, Branch. No WONDER we were best friends!

Poppy had a hard time keeping her tummy from doing somersaults as he looked at her and touched her so intimately. She normally didn’t care when one of her friends offered to brush her hair or hold her paw when walking, but they didn’t look at her the way Branch kept looking at her today.

His compliments felt loaded with something more than just friendly affection. The way nicknames just rolled off his tongue without him even realizing he was doing it, not even flinching at physical affection and even encouraging her to do so… All of it was as if he’d done so for a super long time. A dream wouldn’t make you feel this familiar with someone…

Would it?

Never mind that why was so willing to go along with it, too? She barely knew Branch personally and she’d never just take this much initiative to touch and allow someone into her space like this. Well, no one but Creek. He touched her paws like that or booped her nose. Sometimes he’d say things that made her heart happy, and she liked that feeling and often returned the affections.

But it never felt as intense as this. Branch was doing these things without a second thought as if this was an everyday occurrence for him.

Did best friends really feel like that towards each other? I’ve gotta find out just how close we were.

“H-Hey Branch?” Poppy inquired timidly, flicking her tail nervously on the tree branch to let her nerves out.

“Yeah, Pops?”

Another nickname, oh my squash! No, Poppy! Focus!

“Just how close were we in your dream?”

“Huh? Oh.” She watched his eyes dart around as his cheeks turned a dark purple. “Good friends. Like, the best of friends. Ever.”

“Like, ultimate besties?” Poppy’s eyes lit up excitedly, her tail wagging.

“Even better than that.” Branch’s tail twitched around awkwardly as he avoided eye contact.

“Was there a name for it?” Poppy scooched in close, very interested in hearing more about how close they were if they were even closer than an ultimate bestie. She didn’t know what she wanted him to say, but she just really needed to know.

“I uh, can’t remember exactly... B-But it was very special. Something only me and you had. But I promise, we were as close as we could possibly be.” Branch darted his eyes around some more before meeting her gaze again. “There was no one closer to me than you.”

There was a silence that fell between them as they locked eyes, Poppy slightly leaned in over him from her inquiring and Branch leaned back on his palms leading to a slightly awkward positioning, but neither seemed to notice as they inspected each other’s faces.

“I wanna be that close to you, then. For real this time.” Poppy finally spoke, rather breathlessly.

“Um. Okay.” Branch muttered, his eyes glancing down at her mouth before glancing back up at her with his bright blue eyes and his ears tucked downwards with a deep blush.

She had no idea what that really meant, but something about Branch felt so… Right to her. He made her feel comfortable, like he knew her inside and out but without her having to say a thing.

Which didn’t make sense; how would he know her so well from a dream? Are premonitions like that? Is it more than just a hazy déjà vu feeling? Could they really make you learn about someone so incredibly well that when you wake up, it feels like you’ve known someone for years?

Poppy had no idea, all she knew was that Branch had totally captured her interest today. She snapped out of her racing thoughts after realizing how close they were and that they’d stolen glances at each other’s mouths quite a few times now. She had no idea why she cared to look there.

That was weird.

She scooted back, not too far, as she didn’t want him to think that she didn’t want to be near him. Why did she care about that either? Why would he care either? She didn’t know, but just in case.

“I was just asking because you’ve been super friendly with me and—” She saw his face grow into a look of horror as it started to dawn on him. “I-It’s not a bad thing! Not bad at all, in fact, I really like it!”

“Y-You don’t have to lie, Poppy. I apologize for invading your boundaries like that, I wasn’t thinking straight and I—”

“Branch stop!” Poppy interrupted, making him jolt and look at her with wide eyes before she reached out and grabbed his paws, rubbing them gently.

“I really, really did like it… You’ve been super kind and considerate today and it’s made me feel so… So…” She squeezed his paws as she wiggled her jitters out with a squeal and a big grin.

Gosh, he had made her have a hard time forming words today. He was just so… Lovely! The Branch he’d been hiding from the world was seriously the greatest and she just couldn’t believe he was lettingher—PrincessPoppy Sweetwater, the Troll he pushed away the most—of all Trolls to see it! No one else! He even just said that no one was as close to him as she was in his dreams!

That meant he really did like her! That’s a great sign, wasn’t it? Ooh, she wanted to be best friends right now!

“I really like it. Especially the nicknames. You’re real good at those.” Poppy smiled bashfully, trying to reign in her joy as her teeth poked out of her bashful smile.

Branch visibly relaxed, letting go of a big breath he was holding. He squeezed her paws back, giving a bashful grin of his own as he looked up into her eyes. That was her favorite face Branch has made so far. He looked like a puppy, his head tucked and looking up at her with big eyes and drooping ears.

“Well, I’m glad I wasn’t bothering you with my behavior… It’s just—Well… I’m kinda used to the physical contact. When we became— Good. Friends… It’s all we’d do.” Branch chuckled nervously, breaking eye contact again. “Especially the nicknames.”

“Did I give you nicknames, too?” Poppy tilted her head quizzically.

“Mhm. I’d tell you, but… I think it’d be more fun if you came up with some on your own.” Branch smiled, albeit a bit more weakly and a bit more forlornly this time.

Maybe thinking about the old ones made him feel sad… Don’t worry Branch, I’ll come up with the best nicknames you’ve ever heard!

Poppy nodded, wagging her tail.

“Honestly, that does sound like fun. I’ll think about it, okay?” Poppy beamed, standing up and bringing Branch up with her.

They stood, holding paws for a couple more minutes, just staring at each other with goofy grins on their faces. Poppy loved looking at him because if she did it long enough, he’d make her favorite puppy-eyed face again from being inspected. Once it happened again, she giggled and finally let go of his paws and put hers up in the air, making a star shape with her limbs again.

“Alright, Branch! Lemme see that detour!” Poppy said with a big grin as she waited to be carried again.

He sighed with that smug look and an eyebrow raised as a broad arm snaked its way around her waist once more.

“Ready?” Branch asked before tightening his grip around her waist with a gleeful squeak from the pink Princess as her cheeks burned a deep pink.

God, being Branch’s best friend is gonna be amazing…

After an enthusiastic “Hair yes!” from Poppy, they were off again with an excited cheer. Poppy greatly enjoyed being carried by him, his paws and arms were so much broader than hers. He did say he had a weight room, he definitely worked out. I guess it made sense, he knew his way around the woods pretty well and probably did all sorts of hard labor out here.

She silently watched him as he navigated through the trees. His dark brows knitted with focus as he calculated things in his head. He stopped one final time up in the trees, putting up a paw to his brow, and squinted as if looking for something. His tense brows relaxed in realization once he seemingly found what he was looking for.

Poppy was so interested in how his brain worked, she’d never met another troll like him. Not only in personality but in appearance. His charcoal-colored hair caught no undertone in the sun, just the light itself reflecting off of it, his grey-flocked skin doing the same.

He was devoid of color; and while others and likely Branch himself found it unappealing or ugly, Poppy thought Branch was handsome in his own right. He had strong features, wrinkles, and creases in places other Trolls his age didn’t have. It was probably from his many years of scowling and grimacing, but they made him look more experienced in life.

Branch lived a difficult life; if his automatic self-deprecation wasn’t indicative enough of that, his scars and calloused paws were another key sign of it. She knew the moment she’d held his paws for the first time this morning. They were rough and covered with proof of his difficult handiwork and supply gathering. She always saw him chopping wood or collecting materials in the forest around his bunker or the village when he thought no one was around.

She always wondered what it was all for until she saw his bunker this morning. He was clearly embarrassed by the obsessiveness of his supply hoarding and the paranoid etchings of Bergen fear-mongering on his walls. If not for that dream of his, she didn’t think he’d find it as embarrassing and probably took it super seriously. She’d probably roll her eyes at his paranoia as she often did, he usually took his fear of Bergens so far for some reason.

She’d never seen a Bergen herself, she was far too little to even remember properly if she even had. She was only a toddler when they escaped, after all. Branch was a couple of years older than her, though, and clearly, he’d seen one if he was that paranoid about it. She thought that maybe how he was now, he could possibly tell her why he was so much more fearful of them than even the average Troll who lost family members at the Troll Tree.

She figured it’d be better to wait for the opportunity rather than bring it up now and mess up his good mood. He was going to show her something cool, that could wait for a more tender moment.

As Branch swung down towards the forest floor, she watched as he grabbed at the foliage with his free paw, tail, and hair to give Poppy an easier descent than he’d probably give himself. She could tell, because he kept looking at her and tightening his grip on her as he did so, clearly checking on how she was handling being carried.

She was finally put down gently on the mossy floor and their eyes met again as his paws rested on the small of her back against her blue dress. He rubbed her back gently as he huffed softly from the act of traversing the forest. He didn’t seem worn out though, so this must not have been too strenuous for him.

“Was I heavy?” Poppy joked, exhaling a laugh through her nose. His brows furrowed as he shook his head adamantly before sporting a sideways grin.

“Light as a feather.” He said, clearing the hair out of her face and taking off the goggles he gave her. She’d watched the various things on the forest floor as he carried her, there were critters she’d never seen before. Huge ones, small ones with the families. During the times Branch would stop to scout out his location, she’d snap pictures and she even took one of him lost in focus and he gave her a grumbled “Poppy…” in embarrassment of the candid shots.

After clearing some debris out of her hair, Branch tucked something in her flower crown near her ear. She reached for it, realizing it was a flower of some kind, and took it out to see what it was. She’d never seen a flower like this and cooed in awe at the crystalline pink flower she twirled with her fingers.

“What kind of flower is this...?” Her eyes reflected the glistening flora in her deep pink irises.

“Crystal Poppy. They’re only found in this grove here. I figured you’d like it here, namesake aside.” Branch chuckled. “Obviously, I equate the pink ones to you.”

Poppy blushed, smiling with her other paw over her heart with adoration that he thought of her.

“These Poppies are beautiful, Branch…” Poppy whispered in amazement.

“Yeah, they sure are.” He sighed, but he was looking at her and not the flower. This made her cheeks burn even more than they were just a few seconds ago. Jeez, Branch was kind of a flirt without realizing it.

“Braaaanch!” She finally looked away from him in embarrassment, whining and pressing her paws to her cheeks and wagging her tail.

“What’d I do? What’s wrong with calling a Poppy beautiful, I don’t get it.” Branch crossed his arms in false anger, scowling in a way Poppy was more used to before smirking.

“Whatever…” Poppy said, rolling her eyes as she finally looked at the grove he’d taken them to.

It was absolutely breathtaking.

The crystal poppies reflected against one another, making a twinkling sound as the wind made them sway. The small stream that traversed the grove shone brightly from the sun’s contributions and the crystal flora’s natural reflective abilities. She “ooh’d” and “ahh’d” as she looked around the beautiful scenery, playing with the fuzzy, docile critters that lived there. She took pictures of tons of flowers and herself and even started weaving a flower headband from the pretty flowers.

This was a great detour that Branch took her on. Speaking of Branch, he’d been awful quiet while she got her scrapbook photo material. She looked around and made her way back to where she had come from and saw Branch relaxing in a patch of poppies and he looked so at ease with a slight smile and closed eyes.

He was lightly dozing and lucky for her, she hadn’t called his name yet and the sound of twinkling flowers covered the sound of her steps towards him. She’d never seen Branch sleep before. Honestly, she just thought he never did considering how he never seemed to be able to just take it easy. Something about needing to “stay vigilant.”

She watched him for a few moments, taking in his appearance. He had such strong features. Thick, dark brows and sideburns draped his jawline into a short stubble and a tuft of hair sprouting from his chin. Poppy shaved all of her thicker fur from her legs and arms but she never grew facial hair like her dad and most trolls didn’t grow any either. It seemed like Branch just never bothered to do upkeep as often but shaved it somewhat to keep it from bothering him rather than for appearance.

Maybe it just grew too fast for him to care, as his chest had thicker hair but his arms and legs had slight stubble. She wanted to touch him, his face especially. He had a strong jawline and a defined underbite the closer she looked.

Maybe if we were best friends, he’d let me. I really wanna be his best friend.

His flocked skin was reflecting the light of the poppies he was lying in and it brightened his skin in such a lovely manner that she was having a hard time not taking a picture and waking him. He had sensitive hearing and she had to make the picture count.

She took variously colored crystal poppies and plucked their petals to gently let them fall on him and his ebony hair lay strewn about on the mossy ground. Maybe he’d notice less this way. His ears twitched slightly at the petals touching him but was too relaxed to move them away for now. Once satisfied with the way he looked in the flower bed, she lined up her camera and Snap!

Branch’s eyes shot open almost immediately after and he blinked around to find the source. He groaned, feigning anger, and sat up, folding his arms as flowers fell around him, some still stuck in his dark tresses. This only made Poppy giggle and snap more pictures as he stared, raised an eyebrow, and then rolled his eyes as he pouted. He didn’t really care for photos but hadn’t told her to stop, so a photoshoot ensued.

“Here, here! Put this on next and give me a smiiiiile!” Poppy said as she placed the flower headband she weaved earlier. He grumbled but complied, slipping it over his hair to rest just above his hairline and sighed before giving her a proper crooked, smirk. So handsome! She squealed as she took nearly a million photos. She’d requested him to do different poses or hold different things.

Cute critters for him to cuddle, handpicked bouquets of crystal poppies, or just whatever grumpy faces he made as she requested more and more until he said no more and pulled her down into the patch of flowers with him. They lay side by side on their backs and he sat up to decorate her curly pink mane with flora. Once Branch was satisfied with her own floral makeover, he took her camera, laid back down, and snapped a photo of her with a deer-in-headlights look on her face.

“Ughh, wait, no! I wasn’t ready!"

“Oh, and I was for the billions of pictures you took?” Branch scoffed with a raised eyebrow. “Deal with it.”

“NOOOO! I want a nice one with you! Pleaseeee?” Poppy pleaded with a poked-out lip and blinked her eyelashes repeatedly. Branch only rolled his eyes and gave her camera back, folding his arms.

“Fine. But this is it, I don’t like pictures of myself very much.” He scolded.

Poppy only giggled and nodded because he definitely should’ve stopped her by now, she’d taken so many pictures of him, that she couldn’t count at this point. She sat up with him, leaned in with a big toothy grin on her face and so did Branch, sporting an awkward, crooked smile with teeth as his cheek pressed up against hers.

Once she snapped it, the smile instantly went away back to his neutral expression which was actually a lot more relaxed than she thought it’d be. She used to think that Branch’s default was a scowl up until today, but now she’d seen so many faces from Branch that it impressed her.

“Thanks for taking me here, Branch!” Poppy rested on her palms like Branch had earlier and bumped shoulders with him. “Best detour ever.”

“I’m glad you liked it. I figured it might be nice to do something fun before having to sit around and look for a Bergen. I know that sounds boring and I guess I wanted to thank you for sacrificing your day for me.” Branch sighed, looking around the beautiful scenery.

He thought I’d be bored? He took me all the way out here just so I’d have something interesting to talk about once I got back…

“Branch, I could watch paint dry with you and I think I’d still have fun. You’d find a way to make me interested, I think.” Poppy giggled, resting her head against his. He returned the gesture and rested his head on hers. His hair twitched slightly once it made contact with hers but he made no effort to actively touch her hair with his and jerked it away every time his hair would move, as if he had to remind himself not to.

“Branch, it’s okay if you want to.”

“No, no, that wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“It’s okay if it’s you. You said we were great friends in that premonition, do that means we will be! I trust you.”

“I know you do. That’s why I feel bad for just doing what I want; because I know you won’t push me away. It’s not fair to you.”

Just then, Poppy’s hug time bracelet chimed, making the two Trolls turn to look at each other.

“Can I hug you, then?” She said in nearly a whisper. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud but it was too late, she had to think of a reason. “…T-That’ll make it fair for me.”

Oh, sugar. Why did I ask that? Branch hates hugs, why would he—

“Yeah, okay.” Branch nodded curtly, opening his arms to her.

Trolly crap, he actually said yes?! Score!

She practically tackled him, squeezing him tight as her tail wagged rapidly in excitement. Branch slowly wrapped his broad arms around her. His hugs were tight but warm. Branch was really warm. She was going to dread when her hug watch bloom closed, this was her first hug with Branch and she didn’t want to let go.

She wished that hug time was all the time.


Poppy is really not aware that their relationship was beyond best friends and Branch refuses to make it clear unbeknownst to Poppy. She takes him at his words because she trusts him. Wonder why he won't tell her?

Poppy doesn't even understand her own feelings towards Branch; she just likes how he makes her feel. ❤️

Edit 4/16/24
Cute art of the scene with Poppy's wild hair which makes my heart squeeze with joy!! Thank you, nioumin-draw!!

Chapter 8: Reveal


Branch and Poppy set out to find Chef to see if Branch's prediction is true. They get to chat a bit while they do.


Wow, we’re already at 14k words!! Didn’t realize I’d written so much already! :] Thanks so much for the support lately! Love all the theories and speculation about where this story will go from here!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hug time had ended over two minutes ago, but neither of the two had stopped hugging each other. Branch was holding Poppy tightly and rubbing her back and Poppy had nuzzled herself into his arms like it was the last hug on earth.

“Poppy… Hug time is over.” Branch muttered, not loosening his hug in the slightest.

“I know, just—One more minute, please…” Poppy murmured into Branch’s shoulder.

“You said that a minute ago.”

“You’re still hugging me too, though."

The two were at a standstill, neither wanting to let go for drastically different reasons. Branch didn’t really know why Poppy was so overly interested in him today, but he’s wanted to hug her since the moment he woke up this morning. He hoped that maybe it’d change something, but he wasn’t sure what exactly. After another couple of minutes, Branch finally ended the hug, knowing they had things to do.

Poppy whined but accepted that hug time was very much over and patted her tail on the ground in irritation. She reached for Branch’s paw and leaned up against him. Branch rubbed her back gently and sighed, he would have such a hard time if Poppy was always going to be like this with him. He hadn’t thought she’d be so friendly with him like this right away after opening up about all of this.

Branch helped Poppy to her feet and found the bag that he brought with him for the stakeout. He slung it over his shoulder and checked his wrist for a second before groaning. He didn’t have a Hug Time Watch of his own anymore, he was so used to having one.

“Hey, what number hug time was that?”

“The one marking the start of noon, why?”

“Well, we’d better get a move on. Bergen scouting won’t be easy once it gets too dark and we’ve spent the rest of our morning frolicking in the flowers.” Branch grumbled.

His ears twitched as he heard a giggle.

“What’s so funny?” He turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

“I dunno, I can’t imagine you frolicking.” Poppy hid her grin behind a paw.

“I most certainly can frolic; I just opt to run in panic and urgency instead. Gets me around faster, wouldn’t you say?” Branch smirked, rolling his eyes before beckoning to Poppy with his chin.

He shot his hair up to a tree limb above them, launching himself up and waiting for her there. She grabbed a handful of the crystalline flora and followed after, flinging herself up into the trees after him.

It became a game of “monkey-see-monkey-do” as Poppy mimicked Branch’s pattern of travel, following and swinging from her hair in the same places Branch would moments after he would. He was teaching her how to get around more effectively from within the trees rather than from the ground by using their hair.

Once Poppy had gotten used to his strategy, she kept up with him as he ascended higher and higher into the trees. He’d made a game of it and Poppy was playing as she noticed him hiding and ducking away from her now and then, waiting for her to find him. When she’d choose a tree limb that wasn’t stable, he’d quickly catch her before she could fall and once that happened a few times, Poppy had begun to recognize which branches she should rely on; Branch himself being the main one, of course.

After a bit of playful tag in the trees, they began to break as they reached the higher heights of the forest where most of the further away areas of the forest would be easier to spot.

They found a flatter, bowl-shaped moss pocket in a tree branch to sit on and rest. It had a pretty good high view of the forest. Hopefully, Poppy wasn’t too afraid of heights…

“Hm, I think up here can be a good place to start looking.” Branch checked his surroundings before setting his bag down to assemble the telescope-like device he’d grabbed from his bunker.

Poppy helped empty his bag and put together pieces that fit into one another alphabetically.

“Hey, Branch?” Poppy asked meekly as she screwed the cylinders together.


“What’ll happen if there is a Bergen out there?”

This was the hard part he didn’t want to have to bring up just yet. Having to tell Poppy that her big party wouldn’t be possible would absolutely devastate her. Oh well, now was a better time than any to rip the band-aid off.

“Then you really can’t have that party tonight. A big, loud, and bright party like that is gonna be a dead giveaway for Chef.”


“Oh, uh, yeah. The Bergen who’s out there. Everyone called her Chef because she…” Branch paused and gulped. “Was the one who in charge of and prepared the Trollstice feasts. She was the royal chef until we all got away. Then she got banished for losing us.”

Poppy was quiet. Very quiet. Branch felt awful, he’d just been the bearer of the worst news ever and this was probably all so scary for her. He hated that he had to tell her all of this. He hated himself more for—

“What if we don’t see her out here?” Poppy continued, the squeaking of the telescope pieces screwing together as neither Troll looked at each other for the first time all day.

“I don’t know.” The squeaking stopped for a moment. “What I do know, is that I don’t think the party is a good idea whether we see her or not.” He clicked pieces together, snapping lenses into the cylinders’ frames.

He heard a sigh from Poppy as the items she was holding made a clanking sound when she dropped them.

“That’s what I was thinking too.” Branch looked over to see Poppy pinching the bridge of her nose as she spoke. “If she’s out there but we don’t see her, and throw this massive party anyways, she could still show up and…” She shook her head to dismiss the thought she must’ve been having.

“Wait, so… You’re actually considering not throwing that party?” Branch inquired wholeheartedly as he finally turned to face her with a quizzical look on his face.

“Uh, duh, Branch? I’m not gonna do something that reckless when you said there’s a chance my friends could get hurt. You wouldn’t lie to me.” Poppy looked at him like he’d just asked her the dumbest question on earth; one eyebrow raised.

Her trust in him almost hurt, it hadn’t wavered one bit; and Branch really couldn’t understand why, so he asked.

“Why do you just… Believe me all of a sudden?” Branch huffed in astonishment. “Like, sure… Maybe I told you a few things that I wouldn’t have known about normally but…”

“Branch, you’ve been the most emotional I’ve ever seen you in my entire life and you’ve been forthcoming about my questions as if the fate of the world depends on it. I believe you, even if no one else does.” Poppy gave him a soft smile.

I don’t deserve her.

Branch loved her so much; she always knew just what he wanted to hear and how to protect his heart. Now it was time for him to protect her. Once their viewing scope was constructed, Branch propped it up and adjusted it into focus.

“Okay, so it’s all set up. This thing can see things up to three miles away from here. I’ll scope out this end and then we can switch.” Branch explained as he shut one eye and looked out of the scope with the other.

“Can we still talk? I wanna know more about you.” Poppy asked as she sat quietly beside him.

“Of course, Poppy. I didn’t expect you to sit here in silence. What do you wanna know about?” The grey Troll asked. Poppy was silent again for a moment. Branch braced himself for another hard question.

“Um. Why are you so scared of Bergens? Like… I know, they eat us Trolls, but even other Trolls don’t act as… Y’know…”

“Paranoid about them?”


“I just had a… Really scary encounter with one when I was little. It changed how I saw the world, is all.” Branch muttered. He didn’t feel like explaining everything at the moment, that’s a big emotional burden to bear and he didn’t need Poppy going along with more things just because she felt bad.

“Oh, I getcha! One time when I was 7, I had this Glitter Critter soda obsession. I drank it every day until I saw Cooper drinking some. That wouldn’t be such a bad thing had it not gone down the wrong pipe and he started choking on it. It foamed out his nose and mouth and he was making this super gross gurgly sound as he giggled. It was so gross that I never drank it again!” Poppy shuddered a bit as she giggled. She must’ve still been grossed out by it.

Not really the same thing, but sure, she understood having a bad childhood experience. She was trying to understand him and he appreciated it.

“Yeah, I think I’d be put off the stuff myself if I saw that.” Branch chuckled, his tail patting against the moss as he looked around the forest with precision. He’d spotted a few abandoned buildings and critter nests, but no signs of Bergens just yet. “I always wondered why you were so picky about your sodas despite not being a very picky eater.”


“Oh, well you’d often eat whatever anyone put in front of you. Well, unless it was something I made.” He chuckled to himself as he flicked his tail back and forth.

“Wait, you made something for me?” Poppy gasped, looking at him with wide eyes. Branch’s ear twitched at the sound of her moving next to him, but he didn’t move his gaze away from the scope.

“Mhm. Never ate it unless it was something you could recognize from Troll cuisine. I wasn’t the type to make sugary sweet cookies or cakes for dinner.” He shrugged.

“What kinds of stuff do you eat, then?”

“MEAT.” Branch widened his eyes as he looked at her, putting his arms up in the air and wiggling his fingers as if the word itself was scary. To Poppy, it certainly was, as her eyes were as big as nickels.

“L-Like as in… Eating critters?” The Princess gulped.

“Yup,” Branch returned his focus to the task at hand. “Savory and full of proteins. All that sugary crap makes me feel nauseous and lethargic.”

“Branch, how on earth could you just eat a critter?!” Poppy whined and pouting was clear based on her tone.

“Well, when you’re living all alone out in the woods, it’s me or them!” Branch huffed, his tail patting the ground. “I chose me.”


Branch felt a shocking sensation shooting up his back from a pressure pressed against his tail. His body fuzz stood up on edge as he turned to see what had caused it, only to see a pair of pink paws pressed against the tuft of hair on the tip of his prehensile limb. Poppy had a blank yet entirely focused look on her face as she pressed it down, staring at it.

“P-Poppy?” Branch sputtered; a bit thrown off from his focus as his fur puffed out. She snapped out of whatever focus she had honed in on and snapped her head up to look at him. She then looked down at her paws and a deep pink blush rose from her neck to color her entire face and quickly pulled her paws away.

“S-Sorry! So sorry, I—I don’t really know what came over me…!” She stuttered and fumbled with her paws nervously. “You kept moving it around so much and I couldn’t help myself! It was totally irresistible and I just wanted to—To….! Catch it…?” She seemed to be confused by her answer as she sheepishly looked down at her lap.

Branch just blinked blankly for a moment before snickering, then giggling before a full-on laugh exploded from him. Poppy was pouting with the biggest frown he’d ever seen, her arms crossed and a completely flushed face.

“I-It’s not funny, Branch!” The Princess whined.

“Aww, Poppy-Woppy wanted to play catch with my tail?” Branch teased in a baby voice, poking Poppy and giggling as she knitted her eyebrows together.

“Stop it!”

“What’s wrong? The wild woods gettin’ to ya, Poppyseed?” Branch chuckled, poking her puffed-out cheeks. She was so cute when she was pouting.

“Braaaaanch! Stopppp itttt!” She swatted his paws away, draping herself in her hair like a ball.

“Aw, Poppy! I’m just messing with you!” Branch chuckled, sighing and patting the ball of pink hair. “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t gotten bored enough to chase my own tail now and then when I’m out here in the elements.”

A section of the hairball opened after a moment or two of silence, showing a pretty little eyeball blinking warily at him.


“Well, we are still animals, Poppy. It’s okay to let loose a little. I was just a little shocked, that’s all. I didn’t expect you to do that.” Branch snorted.

“I didn’t either! I thought I could hold back a little better than that even though I’ve been wanting to touch your hair all day!” Poppy huffed, letting her hair return to normal.


“Oops.” Poppy covered her mouth, wincing. “Sorry Branch… I didn’t wanna pressure you, but there’s nothing on the planet I’d rather be doing right now than braiding your hair.” Poppy sighed. A huge, overly dramatic, world-ending sigh as she flopped over like it was the worst thing she could’ve ever said. Branch gave her a funny look.

“Uhh… It’s not that serious, Poppy.” Branch shrugged. “If you wanted to touch my hair, you could’ve just asked instead of sitting there practically bursting glitter at the seams to resist.” Branch chuckled, rolling his eyes. “You were always doing something with my hair. Braiding it, putting clips or bows in it… My only restriction is glitter. I hate glitter. Impossible to get out.” Branch warned.

“SO, I CAN TOUCH IT?!” Poppy shouted, springing up instantly.

“NO glitter, Poppy!” Branch reiterated, pointing a finger at the pink girl who was creeping forward with her paws extended and terrifyingly excited grin across her face. “I mean it!”

“Urghhh! Fine! No glitter, I got it! Now, lemme at that hair, Branch!” She squealed, plopping down behind him and the most adorable evil giggle escaped her lips as she touched his hair. “Oh my gosh, Branch! It’s so silky and dark… I wanna touch it, forever!”

“Yeah, yeah whatever, just calm down.” Branch grumbled, rolling his eyes and returning to his task.

They were out there for an hour before Branch groaned, sitting back slightly and closing his eyes to rest them. He hadn’t seen anything of particular interest, and he needed a break.

“Nothing yet?” Poppy inquired, petting his hair. Branch’s ears twitched at the various jingling noises his hair was making as Poppy touched it. She no doubt went hog-wild in his tresses and Branch was afraid to even look at the hair massacre she’d no doubt inflicted upon his head. He figured it’d be a problem for future Branch to untangle and just shook his head.

“Nope. Nothing on that end.” He flopped down beside Poppy who was sitting on her knees and looking down at him. “I don’t want to find this stupid Bergen, but at the same time, I do.”

“I get it, not finding her is just as nerve-wracking. ‘Cause, it leaves too much room for the “What if’s” right?” Poppy poked the grumpy troll’s furrowed brows with her sparkly, manicured claw. “No worries, Branchifer! My turn, now!” Poppy let out a brave puff of air from her nose as she shuffled over to the looking scope to take over.

Branch smiled warmly.

The nicknames didn’t change, either.

The two chatted about insignificant things like what critters were cuter than each other or Branch saying it didn’t matter because they both tasted awful; only to be met with a disgruntled squeak from the Princess and an evil chuckle from the survivalist. They laughed about awful jokes her dad would make and all the weird places she had to get Cooper unstuck from over the years. The topic eventually made its way back to Bergens, as that was their reason for being out there to begin with.

“Hey Branch, if you saw a Bergen, do you think you’d know right away?”

“Of course, no way I couldn’t.”

“The scrapbooks are pretty accurate then, right?” She paused. “Y’know, frumpy, irritated, and miserable?”


“Snaggleteeth and kinda hunched over, too huh?”

“That sounds like a Bergen, alright.” Branch sighed, rather relaxed as he lay there with his eyes shut whilst they spoke.

“Do they all wear culinary uniforms?”

“Yea—Wait, huh?” Branch furrowed his brows, his eyes finally opening.

“…And chef hats?” Poppy sounded a lot less casual as she asked this final question.

Branch shot up from his position, snapping his head to look at Poppy with a horrified look in his eyes. She moved back from the scope’s looking lens and her eyes were full of anxiety as she frowned. Branch swiftly moved over and peeked into the scope in the direction Poppy had been. His stomach dropped as he saw far in the distance, a larger, purple creature with frazzled blue hair and sporting a disheveled and worn culinary chef uniform next to a camper. She was hunched over and examining a pegboard with obsessive writings and images on it.

Branch’s stomach lurched.

“It’s her.” He muttered with shaky breath.

“How are you so sure?”

“How could I forget?” Branch averted his eyes from the looking glass and examined his shaking, grey paws before he continued with haunting words that made Poppy shiver.

“She’s the reason why I look like this.”


Looks like Branch was right. What are they gonna do now? :[

Chapter 9: Reaction


Branch and Poppy come up with a plan regarding Chef and wonder if they can get everyone on board.


Last chapter wasn't my strongest, I'm taking some pretty heavy meds from my teeth extractions and they make me so drowsy it's nuts!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy felt sick. Her stomach did a skydive as she heard those words spill out of Branch’s mouth.

That Bergen is the reason why Branch is… Grey?

“Branch? When you said you had a scary encounter with a Bergen when you were little, were you talking about… Chef?”

Branch just stared at his paws, unmoving as Poppy looked at him for answers. She didn’t like the look on his face at all. It was making her more nervous.

“You said she was responsible for taking trolls from the Troll Tree and… And preparing us for Trollstice…” Poppy muttered, trying to put the pieces together herself. If he wasn’t correcting her, she could only assume she was getting things right.

“Did she take someone important to you? F-For Trollstice?” Poppy spoke as gently as she could muster. Branch didn’t speak at first. He only sighed a moment later with such a tortured expression.

“It wasn’t even close to Trollstice yet.” Branch spat, his voice wavering and his teeth clenched.

“So then, why would…?”

“It doesn’t matter. We need to get back to the Village.” Branch shook his head, trying to shake off whatever emotions he was feeling. Poppy wasn’t going to let this go, that was seriously cruel.

“Why would she just take a troll unless it was for Trollstice? Wasn’t that her job?”

“I don’t know, Poppy. Guess they were feeling extra greedy. Who cares.” Branch was shaking with anger and Poppy could see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Guess seeing that Bergen just brought back old feelings.

Poppy reached out to touch him for comfort but he quickly pulled away from her.

“Poppy, I don’t want you near me right now. I won’t be able to keep it together if you do. Just don’t…” Branch was choking back his tears and walked further down the tree limb they were on and paced by himself.

Poppy stood there for a while. She wasn’t offended by his rejection, it’d be apparent to anyone that he didn’t want to be comforted at the moment. She would give him the time he needed. Poppy figured it’d be a minute before Branch was ready to talk or even move from the spot he’d now glued himself to once he flopped down and tucked his head to his knees. Guess she was going to have to keep herself busy.

She wanted to at least have more nature shots of the forest. She had never been out this far and maybe she’d never get to again if Bergens found out where they escaped to. She felt safe out here with Branch, but who knows how long it’d be before Branch hid away from the world again knowing Bergens were roaming around?

Whatwasshe going to do about this? Sure, they found the Bergen they set out to find, but what now? What were they supposed to do? Poppy was sure Branch could come up with something, but he wasn’t in the mindset to talk and Poppy was by no means able to come up with a plan. It just wasn’t her thing, spontaneity was more her speed.

She sat there a while, occasionally looking over to see how Branch was doing. Still hunched over away from her. He seemed calmer now at least, but she figured it’d at least be another ten minutes before he was ready to get up.

She should get more pictures in the meantime!

She took her camera out from her curly, hot pink mane and took pictures of the trees and the ground below. She’d never been this high up in the air before. There was some cool stuff she had seen in the scope earlier before finding Chef. Maybe she could…

Poppy lined up her camera lens with the scope’s large-looking hole and snapped a photo. The photo printed and she took a look at it. Hey, not too bad! It was a bit warped as if it were taken by a fisheye lens, but whatever she took a picture of was identifiable. She grinned, excited that she could snap pictures of faraway things while she waited for her new friend.

Poppy loved taking pictures, it was a great way to remember moments in her life that she found important and she could make meaningful scrapbooks if pictures were involved. She’d remove her camera, look through the scope for something interesting, make sure the looking glass was lined up, and would put her camera there to take the shot.

It was working pretty well, as looking through the camera while it was on the scope was a useless endeavor. She started to play Russian Roulette with her photos once she had started to get bored. Randomly aiming it around the forest and just clicking the button to see what she’d get.

She hadn’t paid attention to where the scope had ended up and when she’d turned it in the direction of the place they saw the Bergen, she slowed and spaced out a bit, thinking about what information she had just received.

Poor Branch, he must’ve lost someone super important if he lost his colors over it. It took a lot for a troll to lose their colors. Sure, they may dim a bit when someone dies or they’re very stressed, but to be completely drained of color and staying that way for as long as she’d known Branch? It had to be pretty awful.

“What are you doing?” A gravely, deep voice muttered beside the Princess, spooking her a bit as she hit the shutter button on her camera, accidentally snapping an extra photo from surprise. She quickly removed her camera from the looking glass as the picture printed and turned to the source of the voice. She'd have to take a look at it later.

It was Branch, of course, but he looked totally drained of whatever emotion he had earlier. It was less from exhaustion and more like a purposeful effort to suppress something. His eyes were blank and dull as he looked at her.

“Oh, Branch! Hey. I was just… taking pictures while I waited for you.” She smiled timidly and tapped her claws against her camera rhythmically. “You feeling more… Calm? Sorry for asking something so personal.”

“It’s fine, Poppy. I started the conversation, sorry for brushing you off like that. It’s just been a long time since I’ve really thought about that and seeing Chef just… Brought it all back for me.” He sighed, rubbing his temples.

Poppy just nodded, then started to scoop up all the photos that had fallen from the printer part of her camera and put them into her hair. She pushed him too far and it was her fault he snapped at her; she could understand that.

“Do you have any ideas for how I should break the news to everyone? There’s no way they’re just gonna accept not having the biggest party ever conceived by Trollkind tonight.”

“I’m sure they’d understand if it was coming from you, not me.”

“Sure they’d listen and understand, but how am I gonna convince a bunch of trolls NOT to party?! That’s like asking them not to breathe…” Poppy muttered putting her paws on her hips.

“Maybe they can still party, it just has to be done someplace more secret.” Branch scratched his chin, knitting his brows as he brainstormed. “Like, in a place they can’t reach.”

“How’re we supposed to party in a place where a Bergen can't reach? I mean, sure, a tunnel worked to get away from the Troll Tree, but I don’t think an abandoned tunnel party is an exciting party location.”

“Wait, maybe it doesn’t have to be a tunnel. But underground isn’t anawfulidea.”

“But what underground place is big enough to have a party in, inconspicuous enough to not be heard but a place that can be set up within the next few hours?”

The cogs were turning in the pair’s heads as they thought before the most obvious conclusion came to the forefront of their minds.

“The bunker!” They said in unison. Poppy frowned almost instantly after saying it and sighed.

“But there’s no way you’d let everyone just stay there andparty. It’s your home, Branch…”

“You’re right. I definitely don’t want to do that. Not at all, but if it’s that or the whole village in jeopardy… I think we can figure something out.” Branch nodded curtly, giving Poppy an intense look. “The bunker was made to be a hideout from the Bergens and… Sure, it was intended to keep justme safe, but if I make the proper changes and construction by the evening, I think we can make it work. At least for just tonight.”

“You’re sure about this? I mean, this is a big sacrifice, Branch.” Poppy wasn’t so sure this wouldn’t be a huge Branch Freakout moment. This was a huge deal! Was he actually ready for something like this?

“As sure as I can be for a last resort decision. Stop asking before I bail on the idea.” Branch snipped. He definitely didn’t like the decision, but he was trying to stick to it for the safety of everyone else. “If having a big crazy party in my bunker keeps everyone safe this time, then that’s what I’ll do. Take it as an apology for all the parties I ruined.”

It was admirable. Poppy didn’t know how a dream could change one troll so much, but fighting him on it when he was trying so hard would be a foolish thing to do. She was so happy to see him trying to better himself and her tummy was doing backflips thinking about him. That was a new feeling she wasn't sure she understood.

“Got it, Branch. How about I go and break the news gently to everyone and you get started on bunker preparation? We got abig party to move.” Poppy stuck out her paw to Branch for him to shake.

Branch took it, giving Poppy a firm shake and head nod of approval.

Once back at Troll Village, Branch and Poppy chatted briefly at the border of the forest where the bunker would be located before going their separate ways.

Poppy hadn’t known her friends were nearby until she heard them yell her name and come running to her side.

“Oh, hey guys!” Poppy exclaimed, her arms flying up in the air, waiting for a group hug to commence, which it did moments later. “You wouldn’tbelieve what kinds of cool stuff I saw out there!”

Satin and Chenille picked twigs and foliage out of Poppy’s wild hair with concerned looks on their faces as Poppy jittered excitedly about the place Branch had taken her to. She took the bouquet of crystal flowers from her hair and showed them off, getting various awestruck reactions to the shiny flora. A certain glittery troll being the most impressed.

“Oh, it was justbeautiful! Breathtaking!These are called CrystalPoppies!Can you believe it? I’m named after something this pretty!” Poppy squealed, passing them out to her friends. “Branch said he’s seen allkinds of cool stuff out there! I tried to take as many pictures as possible but it’s never gonna be as good as seeing it yourself, so—”

“That’s great, Poppy. We’re glad you had a good time and that you’re safe.” Smidge interrupted Poppy as she started to ramble.

“Uh, yeah? Ofcourse,I was safe, Branch is the safest troll around! He’d keepanyonesafe!” Poppy reassured her friends.

There’s no way Poppy wouldn’t do her best to convince them that Branch was a good troll. He’d just offered up his home to keep her entire village safe! They needed to know just how kind he truly was. Now, how to bring up the Bergen they saw…?

“It’s just that you were gone for a long time and we got worried…” DJ muttered, playing with her headphones awkwardly.

Oh, her friends were so sweet, they missed her!

“And we have the party to start prepping for, so—” Smidge added.

“Right! The party! So about that, I kinda, sorta might not think it’s a super smart idea to have that big party tonight.” Poppy winced into an awkward grin as her friends gave each other knowing looks that she wasn’t familiar with.

“Wha-aaa-aaat? Why would you think thatnowof all times? This is gonna be the biiii-igg-est party e-veee-errr!” Guy Diamond exclaimed, completely bewildered and distraught.

“Well, when we were out there, me and Branch were talking about how a Bergen could—”

“Oh no, he totally roped you in with that Bergen nonsense…” Chenille groaned, rolling her eyes. “Guess youwere right, Creek.”

What were they talking about? What did Creek say?

“W-What do you mean?”

“Creek was worried you were gonna come back from your hangout with Branch and be all Bergen crazy and he’d convince you not to throw that party.” Biggie petted Mr. Dinkles nervously as his eyes darted around.

Poppy looked at Creek incredulously and shook her head. What the hair had they talked about while she was away? She wasn’t crazy, she saw the darn Bergen with her own two eyes! She saw it even before Branch could! She giggled.

“I mean, sure, Branch suggested that I cancel the party, but that’s not what convinced me of this entirely. But y’know what, even if it was, I think you guys should trust me to make sure I don’t make a dumb decision. Throwing this party won’t be a good idea because—”

“My word, she’s even starting totalklike him.” Creek sighed rather dramatically, looking at Poppy with his eyes full of pity. “Princess Poppy, you’re not dumb for wanting to have a big, fun party with the village for a huge achievement! I’m sorry Branch said that to you.” Creek caressed Poppy’s cheek to console her but all it did was make her skin prickle uncomfortably. She gently pushed his paw away, shaking her head.

“He didn’t call me dumb. I want to call the party off because Isaw a Bergen out there…” A few sharp gasps were heard.

“Which I could’ve told you if you guys would stop assuming Branch is some evil overlord who was ordered to steal all my glitter or something!” Poppy sighed exasperatedly, the constant interrupting was bothering her.

Yousaw aBergen out there?” Smidge said skeptically. “Are you sure it wasn’t just Branch overreacting again? I mean, if you’ve never been out in the wild before, what if it was just a trick or you saw it wrong?”

“Iknowwhat I saw, Smidge. It was definitely a Bergen. Don’t you guys believe me?” Poppy scoffed in astonishment.

“Maybe if you weren’t with Branch when you “saw one,” we would.” Chenille shrugged, muttering under her breath.

Poppy’s jaw dropped. She looked at her best friends all standing around with faces she hadn’t ever seen them with before. Doubt. They doubted her, just because Branch was involved! He hadn’t even done anything this time. She understood being wary at first, but why were they so distrusting all of a sudden? What could Creek have said to make them so wary of him, anyway? Her friends were very forgiving, so what was wrong with them?

She felt hurt. They weren’t even listening to her and assuming the worst of Branch as if she weren’t capable of thinking for herself. She was feeling something she hadn’t felt before, it was bubbling up in her stomach like a pot of soup with the stove turned up too high. She felt hot like she wanted to growl and stomp around and yell. What the hair was up with that? She shook her head, subduing the feeling and settling for a frown.

“You don’t trust me. None of you trust me.” Poppy’s hair practically deflated, her shoulders slumping and her eyes watered.

“Princess, it’s not you that we don’t trust! Of course, we trust you, it’s just… You tend to see the good in people—which is wonderful, of course—but when it comes to Branch and his weird change in behavior, well…” Creek consoled, patting her back and speaking in a calm voice. “We’re afraid you might’ve been a bit too trusting in the wrong kind of troll.”

“This isn’t about how you feel about Branch.I sawthe Bergen. Myself. Why does it matter who I saw it with? I saw it and you’re all doubting me like I can’t think for myself!” Poppy was really upset now, Creek flinched once he saw the angry tears in her eyes.

“I can’t believe this, right now. I’m so… So…!”

“Confused, I know, Princess! It can be confusing when you put trust in someone new and—”

“No, Creek! I’m upset withyou!”Poppy stomped her foot as a tear bounced off from her bottom lashes. “A-And the rest of you guys for not even listening and assuming the worst about another troll! That’s just not okay.” She shook her head, pushing away from her friends as they tried to hug her to comfort her.

“Poppy? We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to make you upset, we just—” Smidge held her paws up defensively.

“I just… I need a minute to think, everyone. I’m just kinda disappointed in you all right now. I-I need to go, we can talk about the party later.” Poppy sniffled, wiping her eyes and looking down at her feet as she squeezed at the hem of her dress.

“Princess Poppy, we—” Creek attempted to protest but Smidge put up a paw to signal to him to stop talking.

“Okay, Poppy. If you need space, we understand. We can talk when we canallhave clear heads about this.” Smidge sighed and murmured in her deep voice. “Talk later?”

“Yeah.” She turned away from her friends and turned towards the forest, speed-walking into the tall grass and leaves.

Once she was out of eyesight, her tears burst out like a river as she broke out into a run. They didn’t even hear her out! They weren’t even listening. Her heart ached, it burned her stomach. That bubbling feeling came back and a frustrated, heartbroken growl escaped her as she ran, unsure of where she was going.

This hurts. It hurts so bad. How could they not trust my words?

She sobbed, sitting on a rock, wiping the hot tears streaming from her eyes. A pang of hurt struck her heart as she thought about Branch. They always talked to Branch that way, but they were doing it to her right now.

Is this how Branch felt all the time? This seriously sucks. I feel so… so…

Poppy let that boiling feeling grow as she pounded her fist against the rock she sat on. She never let this feeling last, but right now, she was alone and no one would see her there.

Poppy was more than sad or hurt. It was red hot. Boiling inside her. She wanted to scream. Her face heated up as she breathed heavily. She hadn’t felt this feeling before.

Poppy wasangry.


Guess Creek has been telling the Snack Pack some stuff while Poppy and Branch were gone. I wonder what?


I kind of like to believe that Poppy has a hard time identifying foreign and/or negative emotions and how to navigate them properly bc they're naturally happy. Pop Troll tingz ✨

Chapter 10: Rage


Branch tries to prep the bunker for the big party and Poppy is trying to deal with being angry for the first time.


Holy moly! 20k words?! I might be a little insane :] Sorry if the chapters feel a bit slow, it'll pick up once my brain fog clears up more!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch entered his bunker, his hair jingling as he descended with the jumps and bumps that the lift had. It wasn’t a smooth ride, as it was just for his use, but he figured he could fix things up later. The main part was figuring out just how much space he’d need to dig out for a party of the magnitude the village was looking forward to. Under his main living space was a basem*nt where he kept his access storage supplies or old items. Things he wanted to keep safe like keepsakes from his brothers or grandma that he got after the big escape. Branch looked around the dark, cavernous space below his home and inspected the condition it was in. To say he hadn’t come down here much, it was well-kept and dry enough to be habitable and renovated.

This could work.

All he had to do was carve out extra rooms with his tools and there’d be plenty of space for everyone to party. Troll Village wasn’t as big as it had gotten in his dreams. There weren’t mingling Troll Tribes and the trolls his age hadn’t gotten together yet to start families, so this could work. He decided now was a better time than any to get started so that by evening, Poppy and her friends could set the place up. He was no good at decorating and he’d rather not even look at whatever glittery nonsense they likely planned to unleash. The first stop was the bathrooms. He could just add on to the ones from upstairs, reroute them down below, and… Yeah, he could do this. This could work. Now, if only he could find where old Branch would’ve put his building materials…

The hardest parts were done, he took care of the plumbing and even found a hot spring while digging further into the walls for extra space. It looked dreary right now, but Branch was sure Poppy’s friends could figure out how to make it more fun for everyone. There was plenty of space down there for a dance floor, a pool party, and plenty of food and game spots. He’d even made a kitchenette and extra rooms for individual games to be played. That should be fine, right? He should probably go check with Poppy to see how she was doing. He was sort of glad he hadn’t gone with her; he didn’t think he could’ve handled another instance of her friends glaring at him.

He wasn’t entirely sure why Poppy’s friends were so hostile; they had never been this bad when they met during the Bergentown rescue. They were actually pretty happy to see him even though he wasn’t a very nice troll to any of them. What was making them act so weirdly right now to the point that they were so distrustful or unsure of Branch’s intentions? They were typically a lenient bunch of trolls compared to other trolls in the village who rightfully hadn’t forgiven him after he’d ruined their birthday parties, weddings, and even funerals.

Man, I had issues.

Branch shook off his bad memories of party crashing due to his anxious rampaging through the village growing up. He had a lot to make up for this time. He just couldn’t put his finger on what was so different regarding the Snack Pack’s treatment this time around… Maybe he could figure it out once they were here helping to spruce up the place.

Speaking of which, it’d been at least a couple of hours now. Maybe he should get cleaned up and head out to see what the hold-up was. Poppy was well known for getting caught up in emergency parties or spontaneous dance breaks. Spontaneous was her favorite way to do things; it was super cute until you needed her to sit and focus on something important like where to properly reroute a waterline pipe that residents were treating like a limbo stick.

He groaned at the thought. He seriously loved Poppy, but she was so easily distracted that it concerned him. Maybe getting a quick shower and some of these braids out of his hair would be a good idea before going out there to embarrass himself in front of Poppy’s friends again. She probably got caught up in another game of extreme tag with her friends.

Poppy was not in the mood for a game of extreme tag and she was certainly not with her friends. She was making a rut in the moss as she stewed over the things that her friends said to her.

Poppy was furious, she paced and paced until she couldn’t anymore, flopping onto the grass and tossing things out of her hair in anger as she sat.

“Seriously, what is their deal?!” Poppy huffed, ripping at the moss with her paws. “Branch had nothing to with this!”

She scowled, crossing her arms. She was so mad! Ooh, the Snack Pack had better be glad they didn’t have to see this because they’d be scared out of their wits if they saw the ultimate pouty, puffy-cheeked tantrum Poppy was about to throw!

“Oh, sssssugar! Spice! Ffffrosting and bullspice!” She was just so mad; these words just weren’t cutting it! She slammed down her personal scrapbook from her hair to the ground, opening it up, and cutting and snipping away at pieces of paper. Glue and glitter slammed and slapped onto the pages with reckless abandon.

How could they just make such assumptions about someone else?! Maybe Branch was a bit neurotic at times and made a big fuss out of small things, but Poppy wouldn’t have! That’s why she went to tell them the news; so, Branch wouldn’t have to hear that bunch of molasses about him making it up. But Poppy? Their best friends and PRINCESS? They’d told her she was just seeing things because she took a chance with Branch one time. He was the nicest troll ever once you actually got to know him, but for some reason, they listened to Creek’s assumptions instead of the truth that Poppy experienced firsthand! Creek and Branch hadn’t even spoken alone before, how would he know what Branch was like?

He didn’t, and that’s what was making her so stinkin’ mad! Her hair flared out and her tail shook as she angrily cut out a purple figure for her scrapbook page. He didn’t even want to get to know Branch, he just kept trying to tell Poppy what to do or think about him! Creek always did that, and at first, she thought that maybe he was right, and that Creek was just trying to be a good friend to her… But now, after spending the day with the real Branch, she knew that what people thought of Branch wasn’t reality at all.

What was frustrating her more was that they didn’t even want to give Branch a chance to change, they just assumed that he’d take advantage of her kind heart. Poppy was just a troll who’d see the best in people, she wasn’t stupid. She slapped a scrapbooked Creek into her journal with an angry, yet idiotic expression doodled on his face and proceeded to do the same with her other friends. If they were gonna judge a troll without actually knowing him, then they were the dummies, not her!

Hmph. That’s right, I’m not dumb. I can make my own choices! Branch knows that.

That made her feel a lot better, getting out that feeling by making an angry scrapbook diary entry really seemed to get rid of that feeling. She was already feeling like her normal self again! Well, just a little bit, she was still angry. Ooh! Maybe she should scrapbook something that made her happy, too! Branch made her pretty happy today with that Crystal Poppy Grove. He even let her take pictures of him doing all sorts of totally adorable stuff! She wanted to hang out with Branch again once they fixed this Bergen problem; today was so much fun, even if the adventure didn’t have a fun ending.

Branch was super patient and didn’t jump to conclusions with her. The only time he’d tease her or belittle her was when he was joking. He knew she was capable, right? Of course. Of course, he knew that. Even when he’d push her away, he’d tell her why. She could trust him, right? The gang didn’t know what they were talking about.

Branch made her feel special. He listened to her and did his best to be honest with her, even if it wasn’t something he thought she’d want to hear. She took out pieces of grey and black paper, cutting and snipping away with a dreamy smile. She made him rather big, taking up one page of her book, drawing his eyebrows, and glued on shiny blue rhinestones for his eyes, a big toothy grin on his face. She made flower-shaped glue patterns on his hair and shook multicolored glitter on top to make the flowery headband she’d made for him. She took pink shades of paper out and created herself on the page across from Branch, writing a blurb about her day and how Branch took her on an adventure.

She doodled an even bigger smile on her own face as she covered the page in glitter and hearts. She joined the scrapbooked pink and grey paws together in towards the scrapbook’s spine, taking a leftover crystal poppy she had and pressing it into the center of their paws and slamming the book closed to press the flower to the pages. She opened it again to look at it with a satisfied grin and closed her scrapbook diary. She put it back into her hair and flopped back onto the mossy forest floor, blowing the curly bangs out of her face in exhaustion.

Frosting, she felt worn out. Is that how Branch felt all the time when he was mad? No wonder he didn’t bother with other trolls. If that’s how being ignored makes you feel, Poppy didn’t blame him one bit. What a terrible feeling to have all the time. She really needed to apologize to him. Her friends had not been very kind trolls as of late if this is how they felt. Branch may be different but treating a troll poorly because of that would never be okay and she’d be sure to tell them that once she was ready to talk again.

No troll should be talked about that way, ever!

Poppy was winding herself up all over again, she just couldn’t believe it! She growled, standing up and shutting her eyes. She took her scrapbooking scissors and chucked them at a nearby plant stalk before flopping down on her face and kicking the ground with a loud groan.

“P-Poppy?” A familiar voice from her adventure today caught her attention, flinching and shifting to look at the direction, it had come from.

“Branch! Uh! Heyyyy, man!” Poppy forced a smile and quickly stood to her feet. “Everything going okay at the bunker?”

“Yeah, I was gonna come to check on you since it’s been a couple of hours now… What’s wrong?” Branch asked, rather concerned. He’d cleaned up and sadly, taken out most of the beads, braids, and hairclips she had put in his hair, but the flower headband remained, which made her heart happy. She’d spent a good amount of time on that.

“Wrong? Nothing! Nothing’s wrong!” Poppy crossed her arms, resting her weight on one side in an attempt to be casual. “Everything is peeerrrrfectly fine, m’man.”

Branch gave her an incredibly unamused expression before folding his arms and raising an eyebrow. Branch was staring at her intensely, as if waiting for her to finally fess up. But she was fine, there wasn’t anything Branch needed to worry about.

“Right, and trolls who are perfectly fine throw their scrapbooking scissors full force through the forest and growl like a wild critter.” Branch rolled his eyes, pointing with his thumb to the scissors stuck in a plant not far from his current location. Poppy looked down and squeezed at her dress hem sheepishly.

“Uh… About that…” Poppy attempted to giggle but stopped when she saw that Branch wasn’t amused and was certainly waiting for an explanation. She sighed, frowning and deflated with a pathetic whine as she looked at him. Branch noticed her mood change and got closer, reaching out for her before realizing and hesitating to touch her. She didn’t let him get too far away and nearly tackled him for a hug instead. He sighed, relaxing slightly and pat her head.

“What’s bothering you, Poppy? Did you talk to The Snack Pack? About the party?”

That’s what’s bothering me, Branch. They didn’t believe me at all!” She whined, pressing her face to his chest and hiding it. “They barely gave me a chance to talk before they just started to drag you into it and blaming you for “roping me in” to your Bergen obsession.”

Branch was quiet, he just caressed her curly head of hair and waited for her to continue.

“And you know what? It really made me…! It made me so—” She trembled a little, huffing and puffing as her tail swung around irritably.


“Yeah! I’m so… Angry! Why wouldn’t they trust me?” Poppy growled a bit, furrowing her eyebrows as she pulled away from their hug slightly. “They didn’t even bother to get to know you and they just acted like I couldn’t come to my own conclusion! Creek barely even let me talk, he kept cutting me off.” Poppy pounded her fist against Branch’s chest in frustration. Luckily, she wasn’t a very hard hitter.

Branch just rubbed her back and hummed in acknowledgment.

“They were all acting so darn weird! Chenille said something weird too, like Creek had told them something while we were away. I didn’t like that at all. Isn’t that totally unbelievable?” Poppy stomped her foot, looking up at Branch for his input, but she was met with a look of indifference, which seemed to confuse Poppy greatly. “Branch?”

“Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s surprising. No one ever really listened when I said stuff like that, anyway. I’m a little shocked that they wouldn’t even hear you out because of me, though. Sorry about that.” Branch seemed to apologize sincerely and caressed her cheek to comfort her. It felt less prickly this time when Branch did that. Lots of things felt less prickly when Branch did things like that. Maybe it’s because he was different. It felt more… Bubbly, especially in her tummy.

“I don’t want you to apologize, Branch! They were wrong to do that, it isn’t okay to judge another troll without getting to know them, first. If anything, I should apologize to you for that. Sorry for always brushing you off like that, it feels awful.” Poppy sighed, releasing herself from the hug and sitting down on the rock nearby.

Branch joined her, sitting quietly and watching her silently. Poppy noticed during their conversations today that Branch liked to wait until she had done talking before giving his input. She liked that; it made her feel like he was truly listening instead of assuming. She took the stack of photos out of her hair from their adventure today and tossed them to the floor in frustration.

“And to think, I was gonna show them all the cool things we saw today. Urgh! What am I supposed to do to get them to believe what we saw?” This is so frustrating.” Poppy hugged her knees, huffing.

“Well, unfortunately, bringing proof of a Bergen isn’t something you can just bring back without someone becoming dinner.” Branch shrugged, mimicking her pose and hugging his own knees.

“Yeah… proof.” Poppy scanned her pictures lazily as they lay scattered on the forest floor before one of them seemed to catch her interest. She focused on it, furrowing her eyebrows, and gasped as she slid of the rock and sifted through them to get a better look.

Just maybe…

“What is it? What’cha find?” Branch asked nonchalantly as he tilted his head to see what she was up to.

Poppy paused, silent as ever after she seemingly located what she had a hunch about. She quickly shot back a wide-eyed stare at Branch, displaying a photo to him. It was one of the photos she must’ve taken through the looking glass when she was bored. That wasn’t the part that made Branch’s eyes widen, it was who was in it that made him fall to the floor to get a closer look. While it was slightly warped from the lens, it was clear as day what the camera had picked up.

Chef planning something out by her camper in the woods.

Branch looked up at Poppy in awe as a huge smile crept up on her face.

“…Proof. I found proof!”


Oh, sugar!! Maybe that game of Camera Roulette was a good idea after all... Will this help to convince The Snack Pack to help out?

Sorry Poppy, you're not allowed to cuss, it's a bad influence! Stress scrapbooking for you >:[

Chapter 11: Reconcile


The Snack Pack feels bad for Poppy and they're starting to regret how they acted. Smidge sets off to find her.


Yay! A Smidge chapter! I’ve been itching to write for this little bundle of muscle and now is a perfect time. :]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Snack Pack sat awkwardly in Biggie’s pod having tea. Smidge felt just awful for making Poppy cry, she didn’t think that something like their conversation could make her that upset! Creek surely hadn’t accounted for that, as he’d been in a state of shock ever since she ran off. Smidge was starting to feel like maybe they’d taken things too far by assuming things about Branch. If there was one thing she didn’t agree with Creek on, it was that Branch was shifty or untrustworthy.

Branch may have been weird and a bit anxious, but he was always as honest as he could possibly be; even to a fault. She would never count his neurotic rampages through town as lies, it was rarely ever Branch himself who would start something like that out of nowhere. There was usually a trigger of some kind causing him to freak out. It could’ve been other trolls, sounds, and even smells sometimes. No one really knew what would set him off. It could’ve been Biggie standing quietly behind Branch before touching him, or a surprise group hug that would send him into an inconsolable panic, sometimes it was just a song like Total Eclipse of the Heart or a Brozone track which was even weirder.

Once, he was pushed into the big laundry basket for Warm Laundry Day; because who doesn’t like laying in and smelling freshly dried laundry? Not Branch. He totally freaked out and started yelling about someone’s Grandma and bolted. They didn’t see him for weeks after that. He was just weird like that, she guessed. Poppy went to apologize once she saw him again after that day. They never figured out why he freaked, though, he wouldn’t say.

Now that Smidge was thinking about it, Branch seemed to have a lot of weird set-offs like that. Something big casting a shadow over him in silence before touching him, a large presence grabbing him unexpectedly? I guess if you’re scared of Bergens, something like that could scare you pretty bad.

The music thing she wasn’t sure of, though. I mean, they were just songs. She didn’t see how that could make someone lose their mind the way it made Branch lose his. Maybe she should just ask him next time instead of treating him badly for it, maybe it had an explanation.

I should’ve done that from the beginning, huh?

She’d have to do that privately, though. Creek was pretty adamant that they keep their distance from Branch and she didn’t need anyone else in their group to get hurt feelings over talking to the grey troll.

He'd been different lately, much more open for conversation than Smidge was used to, maybe he’d be okay talking to her one-on-one about what was bothering him this morning. He must’ve told Poppy, she’d been glued to him all day. It didn’t bother her that Poppy was trying to make a new friend, she was always pretty chatty and excitable when a new troll wanted to get to know her.

She was never this physically affectionate, though. That was something she did with Creek more than anything, she thought he was cute, but never really said anything more about it. Smidge just figured that Creek and Poppy were taking things at a snail’s pace because Poppy was royalty and didn’t want to make anything official when the responsibilities and roles her future partner would have to take on would be huge.

Poppy wasn’t typically the romantic type, she preferred to just go with the flow and whoever she ended up with in the future would happen when it was time. At least, that’s what she always told Smidge when she asked Poppy how she felt about Creek. There was never a clear answer; probably because Poppy didn’t have one.

Creek and Poppy always just said they were friends and there was no real pressure to make anything out of what they had. What reason would they need to, anyway? Not many people dared to court the Princess when someone like Creek was around. He had nothing to worry about; he and Poppy had something special and there was no need to rush.

That’s what she used to think until today. Creek had been acting funny all morning, he always acted a little funny around Branch but he was always kind and tried to make a better, more positive situation out of Branch’s typical negativity. He always made weird faces when Branch was too close to Poppy or Poppy would go out of her way to befriend Branch, but Smidge did that too. Poppy was important to them and neither of them wanted Poppy to get hurt, that was normal.

As Smidge watched Creek attempt to process what Poppy had said to him, she felt a little sorry for him. He was only trying to help like Smidge was but Poppy had told him she was upset with him specifically. What was that about? Smidge tried to recall the situation and what was said.

Poppy came over to tell us to cancel the party, and then Chenille said that—Oh no, that's right!

Creek was the one warning The Snack Pack about Branch and what he might say to Poppy. Then she came back spouting the exact words that he said she would. It was like he predicted it or something. Smidge knew it wasn’t right to talk about others behind their backs, but it was hard not to believe it when it ended up being so spot on!

The small, yellow troll knew what she’d done wrong, though. Badmouthing another troll is a pretty big no-no. Poppy never badmouthed anyone, not even Bergens to the trollings she taught. She always made sure to be positive and put a nicer spin on everything, even when she would tell them that Bergens would eat them.

When Satin and Chenille would criticize someone’s fashion, Poppy would be sure to warn them not to do so, as it could hurt feelings if that troll were to hear it. It was a trait Poppy always maintained, even if she wasn’t particularly fond of the troll in question.

Smidge thought it was what made Poppy such a good future leader. Even if someone was different, she treated them with the same kindness as her closest friends. No wonder she was so upset when she found out that Creek had been doing such a thing behind her back to a troll she thought was nice.

What Poppy thought of Branch was corroborated too, he had been pretty nice today compared to his usual attitude. He smiled, laughed, let Poppy touch him and seemed to be trying to make Poppy’s time with him enjoyable. To his credit, it had worked, she was in a fantastic mood when she arrived back at Troll Village and it was her closest friends that made her sad today.

Sprinkles, she really needed to apologize. Poor Poppy, she didn’t deserve that, they barely even listened to her and what she was telling them was concerning to say the least. Poppy would never lie or make something up like that, and she certainly wouldn’t cancel a party for no good reason. What was Smidge thinking? She was internally slapping herself for just going with the flow instead of thinking for herself; she got completely wrapped up into Creek’s theory instead of figuring things out on her own like she usually did.

Creek was a great guy and meant well, but they shouldn’t have assumed Branch was being malicious without even knowing the guy. Smidge stood up, clinking her teacup as she sat it on the saucer. It caught the attention of her friends who were sitting around sulking.

“What’s the matter, Smidge?” Biggie asked, picking up the tea kettle. “Need more tea?”

“No, Biggie,” Smidge shook her head, a determined look on her face. “I think we owe Poppy and Branch an apology.” This made her friends’ eyes widen a bit.

“What?” Creek sputtered, coming out of his daze as he looked at Smidge in confusion. “I understand Poppy needing one, but why does Branch need one?”

“We’ve been talking about him behind his back, Creek. That’s not okay, I think we all know that by now.” She sighed in her gruff voice, pushing her stool in. She looked at everyone around the pod and watched guilty, sheepish expressions crop up on their faces. She huffed out of her nose, She knew that they felt bad about it, they just needed someone to say it out loud and get the ball rolling.

“Smidge has a point, Creek. Talking badly about trolls when they aren’t around isn’t a good habit.” Guy nodded, putting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his palms. “Poppy always tells us that.”

“Yeah, especially Satin.” Chenille agreed, pushing the blame on her sister as usual.

“Hey!” Satin whined. “You’re the one that told her that Creek was telling us stuff about Branch!”

“I don’t think it really matters who said what, guys.” DJ interjected, swirling her finger around the rim of her cup. DJ seemed rather deflated after everything today, she never handled stress well, and seeing Poppy so upset just completely killed her usual vibe. They spent a lot of time together and Smidge could understand why DJ felt so bad about not speaking up. Confrontation was just not her forte and it probably made her feel worse that she didn’t do anything to make Poppy feel less ganged up on.

Cooper, gave DJ a comforting pat on the head as he nodded. “Poppy was really upset.” Cooper didn’t always have the language either when it came to complex feelings, but he always gave the best hugs. DJ and Poppy had grown up together in the Troll Tree and it wasn’t until the escape that Poppy met the rest of The Snack Pack. Cooper had become fast friends with the two once Poppy and King Peppy took him in.

If there was something DJ wanted to say, Poppy would do it for her or encourage her to be honest and open, but it would be hard to do that when that troll was mad at you. Smidge felt for them; she needed to do the right thing. She went to walk out but was stopped when Creek’s tail coiled around her tiny arm.

“Creek? What are you…?”

“Smidge, I don’t think talking to Branch is a good idea. He did end up doing the stuff I said he would do, that wasn’t a false assumption.” Creek had that weird look on his face again, but the emotion he felt just wasn’t identifiable. It never was, it was just a face he made when Branch was around. Smidge assumed it was just worry and patted his tail with her paw.

“Creek... Regardless of whether or not it was true, being a good troll means hearing everyone out. We didn’t do that for Poppy or Branch. So I’m just gonna talk with Poppy at the very least. Who knows if Branch is still with her, he wasn’t there the last time we saw her, anyhow.” She gently tried to pull her wrist away from his tail but it tightened instead of loosening.

Ouch, that kind of hurts…

Seriously, Smidge… I don’t think it’s the right move. We should wait until Poppy calms down and—”

Smidge was getting a bit annoyed now. She could handle herself just fine. Why was he being so weird? That wasn't the right word, but she didn't know a better one to replace it. "Weird" would do. She snatched her arm away more forcefully, shocking Creek a bit. Smidge never liked to use direct force on her friends because she was one of the strongest trolls around, but Creek’s "weirdness" was kind of pissing her off. She didn’t have the best temper and he was testing it.

“Creek. We’re adults. I think I can handle an apology on my own. I just hope you guys give your own at some point, too.” Smidge huffed, much more annoyed than she was a moment ago as she gave knowing looks to The Snack Pack members aside from Creek. She just had a feeling it’d be a while before Creek said he was sorry. “Like I said, he probably won’t even be around. He’s always in that bunker and Poppy isn’t allowed in there. I might not even be able to see him, so don’t worry so much, buddy!” Smidge forced a smile and nonchalant demeanor to calm the usually Zen troll down. Creek seemed less tense and sighed as he did his usual calming techniques by taking calming breaths. Long, aggravating and patience-testing breaths.

Is that really necessary right now, man?

“I apologize, Smidge. I don’t know what came over me. You’re right, Branch is probably off on his own and I think having some one-on-one time with Poppy would be great. You guys are quite close, and I trust you’ll know what to say. Namaste, and good vibes your way, Chum!” He gave her his usual smirk and meditative paw pose, but it felt a bit off this time. Smidge couldn’t put a finger on what was making her feel uncomfortable about it and shrugged it off. He didn’t have to know she planned to have an extensive talk with Branch, he always acted so weirdly about The Snack Pack getting close to him.

The rest of the group gave the look that showed her that they planned to meet up later to talk about what Smidge had discussed during Scrapbooking Hour. Creek wasn’t present for these, as he had classes to teach and liked to meditate on his own. He didn’t know that they met without him, it wasn’t something they hid but he showed no interest in it, so the group never bothered. It was never to exclude him or talk badly about him, Creek just had different interests and they respected that. He wasn’t a scrapbooking type of troll anyway.

Smidge brushed herself off and with that, she hopped out of Biggie’s pod with a low grumble of relief about the stuffy environment she escaped from. What the hell was up with Creek? He better get himself in check, Smidge wasn’t a fan of being held back like that and he was one "negative aura" away from a slug to the jaw. Creek knew better than to just touch Smidge like that. Branch isn’t even that scary, why was he acting like it’d be so bad if she went alone? Smidge could knock Branch's bones clean if she really felt threatened. If this is how Poppy felt earlier towards Creek, Smidge might’ve felt some sympathy. They weren’t kids anymore; he didn’t have to act like he was their “responsible” chaperone or something.

Smidge might’ve fibbed a bit when she said she thought the two trolls wouldn’t be together. Those two had been attached at the hip all day and it was clear that Poppy would want to spend as much time with him as possible given that giddy look on her face when she talked about him earlier. If Smidge wasn’t mistaken, she looked a little smitten. She was betting on that belief as she made her way into the forest in the same direction Poppy had taken off in a couple of hours ago.

She had a lot of questions, especially about a possible Bergen spotting.

Smidge heard talking as she neared a small clearing in the woods. The bubbly voice was unmistakably Poppy, and a deeper voice told her that her intuition was right that the two trolls had met up once again. She approached quietly, wanting to hear a bit of their conversation before interrupting. What did those two even have in common to talk about?

“I dunno, Branch. Do you really think it looks good? I was thinking of making a second one just in case. I normally let my friends look through my scrapbook diary for Scrapbooking Hour, but I feel kinda bad about it now that I made this other scrapbook page…”

A rustling was heard as Poppy must've flipped back to a prior page.

“Wow, you were angry. Way to go, Poppy… I didn’t think you had it in you to be angry at anyone!” Branch laughed and it made Poppy groan, and she must’ve hit him as Smidge heard a dramatic “Ouch!” and a mischievous giggle from the usually grouchy troll.

“It’s not funny, Branch! I feel kind of bad for scrapbooking my friends this way, it wasn’t nice at all…”

“But Poppy, how they treated you wasn’t very nice, either! It’s normal to be angry about something like that. Diaries are supposed to be private, anyway. I’d never share that with other trolls, it was a space for my feelings and mine alone. You don’t have to feel bad for expressing yourself privately, it’s not the same as gossiping.”

“What about me? Did you ever show them to me?”

“Nope. Way too embarrassing.”

“What’s so embarrassing about us being best friends? Aww, were you feeling too shy to tell me how happy you were to be my friendddd?” Poppy cooed and giggled.

“S-Sure, that’s exactly why, Poppy.” Branch’s voice cracked and wavered.

“I hope we become good friends soon,” Poppy murmured. “I like being around you, Branch. Like a lot. Just like in that dream."

“I-I um. I like being around you too, Poppy.”

A dream? What the hair were they on about? A long, awkward silence passed, and Smidge figured it was a better time than any to finally make her appearance.

“Branch, I know you said that we were just friends, but I think I—”

“Poppy, is that you?” Smidge called out, pretending to have just gotten there. She looked around and then put on a shocked face as she got closer to the pair. Poppy had scooted away from Branch’s personal space rather quickly and was looking at Smidge with a slightly disgruntled expression. Was she blushing? She’d have to check on that, later. She’d been a bit flushed all day, hopefully the Princess hadn’t gotten sick.

“Oh, you’re here too, Branch. That’s good, I had something I wanted to say to you both.”

“Heya, Smidge! What’s up?” Poppy asked. Branch was visibly tense but stayed silent as Poppy cleared her throat and darted her eyes around. She didn’t smile at all and while her tone was friendly, it was clear that Poppy still felt upset.

Smidge approached the two of them with remorse visible on her face, shuffling her feet as she lowered her hair to fiddle with the bow in it.

“I uh. I wanted to apologize. For earlier.” Smidge lowered her voice to a more respectful level, her tone sullen. “I can’t apologize for everyone else, but I wanted to let you know that I felt just awful for just dismissing you like that. It wasn’t very kind of me, and it was even more unkind to talk about a troll when they weren’t around to defend themselves or even hear it. Seeing how it made you hurt made me think about how it could’ve hurt Branch, too. So, Branch, I owe you an apology as well… I’m real sorry about how we were yammering on about you. It wasn’t cool.”

Branch raised an eyebrow, rather confused. “Huh? Whatever, I don’t really care if people talk sh*t—Ouch!” Branch grumbled as Poppy elbowed him.

“I think what Branch meant to say was “Thank you for apologizing, Smidge.” Right Branch?” The Princess hopped off the rock they were sitting on and looked back at a grimacing Branch rubbing his side.

He rolled his eyes and gave the two girls a grunt and nod. Guess that was a 'yes' in Branchlish. Poppy smiled big and hugged Smidge. The tiny teal-haired troll sighed in relief and squeezed Poppy back, careful to gauge her strength so as not to hurt her. Smidge was so relieved; Poppy was such a good troll and Smidge was happy to have such a forgiving person as a friend. She had really hurt her closest friend and it was tearing her up inside to know that her tears were caused by her friends’ dismissal.

“I’m so glad to hear that, I was worried that maybe you’d still be upset.”

“I am still upset, Smidge. I’m glad you apologized, but I still feel… Angry…?” She looked back at Branch as if she were confused by her own language. He nodded and she smiled, happy to be approved of before suddenly remembering that she was supposed to be upset and putting her paws on her hips. “Yeah… Angry that this even had to happen to begin with.” Poppy huffed and attempted to furrow her eyebrows and frown.

It was so clear that she was trying to mimic Branch and his typical stern expression. It was kind of amusing to Smidge. She tried to hide a grin at first but had an even harder time doing so when she saw that Branch had a smirk on his face as he looked at the pink troll. Smidge quickly cleared her throat, wanting to take Poppy seriously, as this was a new feeling for her. Smidge returned the serious look and nodded firmly.

“Of course, Poppy. Feeling upset can take time before you feel better. I understand and this time, I’m gonna make sure I listen to everything you have to say.” Poppy brightened instantly, clearly happy to hear Smidge taking her side.

“So, tell me about this Bergen you guys saw. I know Branch has a plan, so let’s not beat around the Stoutberry bush. Let ‘er rip.”


Thank goodness Smidge went to go apologize, I think things will start to turn around once they get a plan in action. Maybe Branch wasn't so bad, after all.

And why's Creek acting so weird? Maybe he's just protective of his friends? What a mysterious troll...

Chapter 12: Refresh


Poppy tells Smidge about what the plan is and they brainstorm what can be done for the party.


Argh, writing the lead-ups to events is the worst! I just want to thank everyone who gave my story a chance and is actually invested now! HA! >:]
Seriously, though! I didn't think I'd stick with this if not for all the people commenting to speculate what's gonna happen next. It really keeps me going. Thanks so much!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch was shocked to see Smidge listening so intently to Poppy’s retelling of events, gasping and exclaiming and holding onto every word as she spoke. He wasn’t entirely sure if she’d believed everything, but he was feeling nervous at the thought of someone else knowing his dreams and that all their planning was spurred from one.

Branch couldn’t actually predict the future or anything, he was just extremely pathetic and got too invested in a prophetic dream. He wrung his paws nervously as Poppy recounted everything about their discovery of the Bergen.

“I was just fiddling with the camera when I was bored, but I guess I actually ended up getting a picture of her. So there’s proof! HA!” Poppy exhaled out of her nose boastfully as Smidge was floored. She snatched the picture from Poppy, inspecting it.

No way… I mean, I was kinda believing all of this before, but this really just takes the cake. In any other circ*mstance, I’d call you two completely insane, but this? This kinda changes things.” Smidge gawked at the picture in front of her. “You were right, Poppy. We totally can’t have that party with this troll muncher running around.

“Exactly, which is why we have to tell everyone about Branch’s dream and his plan!” Poppy clapped her paws together with excitement.

What was she talking about? That sounded like the worst idea ever to him. Smidge must’ve been thinking the same thing, as the look on her face was definitely not one of agreement.

“Poppy, I love you, but… That’s probably the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Smidge admitted rather bluntly.

Branch couldn’t help but agree with Smidge. The two trolls might not have spent much time together, but it was a relief that there was someone in Poppy’s life who wasn’t completely “all fun, no hard work.”

He had never really gotten to know Smidge too well, during his dreams. To be honest, she scared the hell out of him and only helped out every now and then when he was conveniently right there when the problem presented itself; her crush on Milton Moss being the biggest one. Speaking of Milton, Branch wondered how he was fairing right about now. But that could wait until the party, maybe the two of them could talk.

His train of thought was interrupted by a Poppy whine and pout as she saw that Branch hadn’t responded to her look of disbelief. Oops, he hadn’t even realized she was looking at him.

“How that that a bad idea? Everybody needs to know what’s gonna happen, and Branch knows what that might be!” Poppy groaned, crossing her arms.

“Because going around spouting off that the town crazy—No offense, Branch—”

“None taken—”

“—Can predict the future because of a dream, is totally nuts, Poppy! It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s that it’s kinda, sorta, completely unrealistic to assume that everyone in Troll Village will. I mean, The Snack Pack, including myself, weren’t really on board either.”

“Yeah, sorry Poppy. I have to agree with Smidge here,” Branch interjected, shrugging his shoulders. “There’s no way we can explain this to everyone, like ever. Not only would you look completely insane, but if they did believe you, Pop Trolls are super easy to panic about the unknown. Especially when it comes to one of their leaders telling them about Bergens.”

Poppy was quiet and then sighed, sitting back down on the rock behind her. Branch had seen them panic about glitter shortages and games in jeopardy of being left unfinished.

Pop Trolls had a lot of unchecked anxiety now that Branch was thinking about it. Partying and singing don’t just erase the fear of possibly dying from a predator the next day. Adopting a “YOLO” mindset can only get you so far.

“Then what are we supposed to do? Keeping the Village in the dark about this might lead to someone getting hurt if a Bergen finds out we’re here. That’s why Branch wanted to move it to the bunker instead.” Poppy questioned, she was truly worried, Branch could see it on her face.

He remembered her having so many anxieties about ruling once the title was turned over to her. She was fixated on making sure she was being a good Queen, even to her detriment later on.

“Well, that part isn’t a bad idea…” Smidge reassured before turning to look at Branch. “In fact, it’s actually very kind of you to offer up your digs just for us, Branch. I know you don’t let anyone in there.” Smidge complimented, making Branch’s eyebrows raised in surprise before giving a small smile.

“Oh, uh. Well, it’s not like I want anyone to get eaten. That’s why I nagged so much. Whatever.” Branch cleared his throat, folding his arms and frowning as he tried to remain nonchalant. He wasn’t really good at accepting compliments when he actually received one on a rare occasion.

“What I think Branch meant to say was “Thank you, Smidge for the lovely compliment. I appreciate you seeing my worth.” Right, Branch?” Poppy said through her smile with gritted teeth. Branch just gave an annoyed groan in response. This was so embarrassing.

“You’re very welcome, Branch!” Smidge giggled and stretched a bit. “Well, I dunno what your bunker looks like, but do ya think I could take a look down there? Y’know, to see if it’ll work for tonight?”

“Sure, let’s get going, it’s starting to get late, and we shouldn’t waste any more time if we want party prep time.” Branch tried to remain unfazed, keeping an uninterested scowl on his face as he got off the rock and walked with purpose back toward his bunker.

The two girls quickly followed, matching his much faster stride. He walked around much faster than the average troll, he didn’t like to lollygag and right now he didn’t have the patience to purposely slow himself to take a leisurely stroll with Poppy.

Branch felt really uneasy about Smidge entering his bunker, he always felt that way when someone entered his bunker other than Poppy. Right now, though, this situation was bigger than his comfort. He knew what would happen if he didn’t keep everyone safe down there.

He took a deep breath in and out before he kicked up the “welcome” mat, propping it open as he stepped down first, reaching back up with his paws to reach for Poppy. There was a bit of a dip when stepping down onto the lift, and with Poppy falling last time, he wanted to be sure she was careful this time.

She grasped around his forearms as his paws wrapped around hers and gently brought her down to stand on it, then looked up at Smidge with a bit of hesitation.

“There’s um, a bit of a dip here and it’s kinda dark. Is it okay if I touch you to help you down, Smidge?” Branch asked as his eyes darted around timidly.

This was so awkward, he didn’t ever really have to ask Poppy, she was such a touchy-feely troll that she’d jump into his arms before he could even verbalize it. Smidge was not his friend; he didn’t know what she needed.

She only smiled as she nodded. She stepped forward, extending her small paws to Branch and Branch took them, doing the same as he’d done for the Princess. He didn’t say anything, he just put her down awkwardly and shuffled over to the lever for the lift. He pulled it to one side and it jolted a bit before it started to descend.

It was silent in the dim lift-way for a few moments before Smidge spoke.

“Thanks for asking first, Branch. I actually don’t like it when people try to carry me or move me around whenever they want. Being tiny makes people act like you’re a baby and I can’t stand it.” Smidge grunted, rolling her eyes.

Branch hadn’t even thought about that when it came to Smidge. People probably treated her like she was delicate or needed help all the time when Smidge was probably the most capable troll around.

She could definitely lift more than Branch ever dreamed of and he would never get in her way because he knew she could really pack a punch if she wanted to. Never get between Smidge and a Tarantacapuff, those spiders are no joke, but Smidge was scarier.

Poppy used her hair to illuminate the lift area. Smidge followed suit, lighting up her own hair with a giggle as the two girls stood next to each other, Branch being on the far left near the lift lever and Poppy in the middle.

“That’s a bit better!” Poppy said with a chipper hum as she giggled, giving Branch a confident smile.

Branch returned it with a weak smile, Branch used to be able to do that, too. Without his colors, it wasn’t really possible, though. It was one of the things he could no longer do, natural camouflage, which is why he opted to cover himself in flora and dirt when he was out in the environment.

Being grey helped with that, but not being able to just change your hair to the color of the environment was a huge pain he’d gotten used to over all the years he was alone. He didn’t have to do that once he’d gotten his colors back, but that wasn’t the case anymore… Or ever, he guessed. He was having such a hard time remembering and believing that none of that was real. He hoped that one day, he wouldn’t have to think about it anymore, but this was only day one.

Branch was anxiously waiting as the lift went down to see if Smidge would notice something. He’d already locked off his main living space and covered the entrance with extra protection and camouflage techniques to make it look like an extra boring wall all the way down. Pop Trolls were super drawn to secrets and things they weren’t supposed to take an interest in, so now he just had to test to see if it had worked. To his surprise, it worked better than he thought, even Poppy wasn’t able to find where that entrance should’ve been even though she’d been there before. In fact, she seemed to be scouting around as the lift descended for some point of interest.

“Branch, I don’t remember it taking so long to get down to your bunker.” Poppy seemed a bit bewildered, crinkling her nose.

“Oh, we’re not going to my part of the bunker, Poppy,” Branch shook his head, feeling rather proud of his expert camouflaging talents. “We’re going to the basem*nt.”

“You have a basem*nt?” Poppy’s mouth gaped open. “How come you didn’t let me see that last time?”

“Well, it wasn’t anything interesting before, plus, I may have expanded it a lot more to make it more… Pop Troll functional.”

As they reached the bottom of the bunker, there was light lining the corridor that ran from end to end horizontally once they stepped out of the small pathway of the lift’s location. It seemed like there were doors further down on the left and right of the trolls as they stepped out to investigate. The walls and floors were covered in fresh cedar, and it would be rather bare otherwise.

The biggest door that was drawing their attention was the big one in front of them. It was painted rather nicely, with neat, intricate flowers and vines attached to the door’s border. Branch did like to paint in his free time, so he thought it’d be a nice touch to at least rouse excitement from the two.

Once Poppy excitedly opened the door, they were met with more wooden floors and light decorations as lanterns hung from the ceilings which were layered with thin sheets of moss.

“Um, I know everything’s kinda just… Wood… And moss… A-And dirt, but I figured that you guys would be better at making this place look less… Boring. I’m more of a “decorate for practicality” instead of a “decorate for fun” sort of guy. Sorry.” He muttered; a bit embarrassed.

He wasn’t sure how Pop trolls could make a party look so good and moments later, a place could look completely unscathed as if the party had never been there. It wasn’t his expertise, and he didn’t wanna look stupid by actually bothering to decorate.

“No, Branch, this is great!” Poppy exclaimed, running around in the wide open space and checking out the extra doors and rooms within the large area underground. “Ooh, you even have empty rooms back here! OH MY GUMDROPS, IS THIS A HOT SPRING?!”

“WHERE?!” Smidge ran as she sped off to where Poppy had darted off to.

Branch stood there rather dumbly as the girls ran back and forth, gabbing about things he had no idea about, but he assumed it was a positive thing.

“Um, so this is good enough? Will this work?” Branch piped up, catching the girls’ attention to reign them back in.

“This is better than good, Branch!” Smidge yelled, throwing up her arms. “This is bigger than our rec center! We could have all sorts of stuff down here, never mind just holding the whole village! Once we get The Snack Pack and Sky Toronto’s party supplies flowing in, this party will be a hit! There’re rooms for everything you could think of!”

“Yeah, once The Snack Pack is on board with the idea…” Poppy muttered bitterly.

“Don’t you worry, Poppy. I’ll handle that.” Smidge boasted, putting her paw to her chest in a pompous manner. “You just worry about the supplies, the Fuzzlings to do construction, and some interior decorating trolls and we’ve got it made!”

Branch felt relieved, he thought that maybe it wouldn’t be up to snuff, but as he thought about it, he knew Poppy was a great party planner. He should’ve known she’d be able to make this party work regardless.

“All RIGHT! Operation: “Branch’s Bombastic Bunker Bash” is a GO!Poppy swung her hands up in the air, pumping them with enthusiasm and doing a little dance.

“Is that what we’re calling it?” Branch snorted with a smirk.

Poppy’s eyes sparkled as she looked at him. Uh oh, that means she had more bad ideas. She ran over, squealing and giving him a full body hug, her arms and legs wrapped around him in pure glee to Smidge’s surprise as Branch held onto her so she wouldn’t fall. “Whoa! Jeez, Poppy! Don’t do tha—"

“I’m SO excited! Oh my gosh, we have to name this party properly! It’s your first one!!!” Poppy pulled away slightly to grab his vest and press her forehead to his as she stared crazily into his eyes.

“Back to names—Would you prefer “Branch’s Beautiful Bunker Bonanza?” Ooh, how about “Branch’s Bangin’ Bunker Blowout Ball?” Hmm…Poppy thought for a moment, narrowing her eyes before she gasped excitedly, gripping Branch’s vest even more as she pulled her head away with more inane alliterative party names. “Oh, I know! Beloved Branch’s B—”

“Okay, I’m stopping you there, they’re all awful.” Branch chuckled. “Can we just go with the first one before they started becoming more ridiculous?”

Poppy giggled, wagging her tail and nodding as Branch led them back to the elevator. Smidge followed suit, giving Branch a questioning look that he didn’t really know the meaning of before he focused back on Poppy.

“”Branch’s Bombastic Bunker Bash” it is! Gosh, I’m so hyped! I have party invitations to remake! Pull the lever, Braaaaanch!” Poppy commanded in the booming, dramatic way they all knew her father often did.

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Branch said dryly as he pulled the ladder, bringing the trio back up to the surface to start the party planning.

Maybe this wouldn’t be such a trainwreck after all. For once, Branch was excited to have a bunch of trolls in his bunker. Was that weird? Probably, but right now, Branch didn’t seem to mind.


The party will be in full swing once Poppy gets those updated invites out and the bunker is decorated to hell and back! Let's just hope that everyone shows up and has a good time.

Chapter 13: Rally


Poppy and Branch brainstorm ideas for the party invitations in order to get everyone to go to the bunker for tonight's party.


Sorry, can't help but squeeze in some Groppy/Broppy it's literally impossible not to!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy had never been more excited than she was today. Not only was her biggest party ever underway, but Branch actually wanted to host it at his home! For her!

Okay, maybe it was for the safety of everyone and not her specifically, but it was close enough! Smidge had already gone to find the Snack Pack to convince them properly, leaving just Poppy and Branch to themselves again.

She felt all bubbly inside, she’d felt that way every time they were alone together now. She didn’t understand why she felt that way, but it felt so nice that there was no point in complaining.

Being Branch’s friend is all she’s ever wanted her whole life. It felt like everything she’d worked so hard for had finally paid off, even if a dream did most of the work… Branch was her friend now!

Wait, was he? Did he actually ever agree to be her friend?

As the two scaled up the different pathways with their hair in the pod plaza to get to Poppy’s royal pod, she thought hard about it. As the two stepped inside her pod, Branch seemed to automatically be moving to sit on her bed…

Oh, my sprinkles.

But he stopped himself, spinning around on his foot 180 degrees and stiffly shuffling away to flop down on the floor. He gave a nervous smile and tucked his knees to his chin, hugging them.

That simply won’t do. Branch was doing that all day long; getting ready to do something involving Poppy and then hesitating because he was operating on autopilot based on his dream.

He would hesitate before holding her paws, hugging her, or touching her hair, and now he was forcing himself to sit on the floor!

Poppy marched right over and grabbed him, lifting him with her hair and plopping him down on the bed with firmness. She put her paws to her hips with an irritated huff before her face quickly shifted to a wide smile.

“That’s better!”

“Poppy…” Branch whined, his cheeks darkening as he shuffled a bit uncomfortably.

“Nope, I won’t have it, Branch! I don’t like seeing you act like that around me, if there’s something you wanna do when you’re with me, you’ll always have my full permission to go for it! No more holding back, we’re friends!”

Branch only avoided her eyes more, his ears darkening with a dark purple hue as he shrugged. Aww, he was so shy! Poppy loved that about him.

“Well… Actually, I had a question about that…” Poppy got a bit quiet as she came over to sit way too close to her newfound friend. “Branch?”

“Y-Yes, Poppy?” Branch’s icy blue eyes were wide, inspecting her warm magenta ones as her face was very close to his.

“I’ve been meaning to ask about this all day, but… You said we were really close and… I know I told you that I really do want to be that close to you.”

“…Mhm?” His voice cracked, and his eyes flicked down to her mouth before returning to her eyes again.

“But I haven’t really gotten a solid answer, so here goes…” She grabbed his paws into hers, her tummy was fluttering so much, why was this so exciting to her?

Branch didn’t break eye contact, but he looked incredibly nervous too, so it made Poppy feel a little better.

“Branch… Will you be my friend? For real this time?” Oh gumdrops, she really said it! She’d been saying this to him for years and was met with nothing but ‘No’s’ and ‘Get lost, you’re so annoying’s’ from him. But she has a good feeling this time… He’d definitely say yes, right?

Why did this feel so different from any other time she asked a troll this? Why was this so scary? She was feeling so nervous as she tried to read the expression of the grey troll in front of her. He was staring so blankly, staring at her for a moment before breaking eye contact as if to contemplate something.

His gaze shifted downwards for a moment, flickering around in focus before his face softened, and sighed with a hint of relief, but it felt conflicted like some part of him was disappointed.

She didn’t know what this face was, it scared her, what did he have to be disappointed about, did she not do this right? Was it too soon? Maybe she shouldn’t have been so forward, it’d only been half a day.

She was starting to regret this and thought maybe she should take it back, but then he smiled. Oh, it was such a lovely, sweet, and kind smile.

She felt like a popsicle on a hot summer day in the month of Tune. She was nothing but a puddle as he looked into her eyes again with such care and endearment.

“Of course, I’ll be your friend, Poppy.”

Was that a choir singing? Poppy could’ve sworn she heard one. Was it brighter in here? Why was it so hot, she felt like her whole face was on fire—no—her whole body was. Her face was an entirely new shade of pink and her tail shivered in excitement.

Oh, my sweet summer strawberries. I’m so happy! So happy! This is like, way better than any pastry in the world! Dare I say, it’s better than glitter?! Poppy, stop. You’re getting ahead of yourself, you aren’t even best friends yet! Now, THAT would be better than glitter. Definitely…

Branch raised an eyebrow at her, she must’ve been making a face.

Poppy had been, indeed. Her look was dazed, a big, goofy grin on her face as if she’d just received the most relaxing spa day you could imagine. If one could see her, they might’ve described it a little differently; smitten or love-struck could’ve worked.

That wasn’t apparent to the pink troll though as she was a little out of her mind at the moment, giggling giddily as she looked at him.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been dying to hear you say that, Branch…” She sighed a big, dreamy sigh as Branch chuckled at her.

This is so amazing. I feel amazing. Being friends with Branch is amazing!

As if the universe was on her side for once regarding Branch, her hug watch chimed, and Poppy let out the most excited squeal ever as Branch held open his arms, a sigh and a playful eye roll with faux annoyance.

Poppy blinked and realized she was already in his arms; she wagged her tail like a madwoman as she squeezed him. Branch’s hugs were very firm; very strong.

If he wanted to keep Poppy there, she’d have to put up a useless fight to get out. Most trolls might think it was too tight, but for some reason, it made Poppy feel safe. It was familiar to her somehow and she felt like nothing bad could happen. Poppy usually felt warm and fuzzy when hugging another troll, especially her best friends.

For Branch? She felt like she was drinking a refreshing soda, her tummy felt like it was full of butterflies and bubbles, and she could start floating if she wasn’t held down. She felt secure, like the final piece of a puzzle was put into place.

It just felt right.

Hug time has long been over, but their hug lasted much longer than that, and neither said a word to end it.

“Okay, now that Smidge is on her way to handle The Snack Pack, it’s time to get started on the new invitations!” Poppy said as she sat at her craft desk, Branch sitting on the floor next to her, leaning up against a leg of the desk.

Poppy couldn’t help but think he was adorable as he fiddled with the fuzzy rug and scraps of materials Poppy had flung from the desk as she worked.

She pets his head with an excited squeak, rustling his hair and getting a grunt from Branch in annoyance. An annoyance that wasn’t really visibly present on him; and if she wasn’t mistaken, he even leaned in towards her paw.

Ugh, what was wrong with her? She just couldn’t keep her paws to herself today! Luckily, Branch didn’t seem to mind too much, returning to his carpet and scrap fiddling.

That’s good, that meant he was okay with it, right? I should really control myself better. Get it together, Poppy Springwater! Ooh! That kinda rhymed.

She smiled to herself as she pulled out her ultimate rubber stamp kit. Branch looked at it with confusion.

“What the hair is that?”

“Oh, my rubber-stamping kit! Helps me make invitations for everyone without having to handwrite them all!” She lifted the lid and then displayed it to him. She showed the dozens of letter stamps that could be arranged within a bigger stamp to form a blurb of text she could print over and over. There were stamps of other varieties too, like animals and miscellaneous decals.

“I thought doing stuff like this from scratch was more “special,” you’re telling me you don’t actually handwrite all your invites?” Branch gasped with a false offense.

She’d never told him that before. Must’ve been something he learned in his dream. She didn’t bother to address it; she already knew where this knowledge was coming from. It seemed to make Branch sad when she’d accidentally reminded him that she wasn’t Dream Poppy. He never said things so loosely when other trolls were around, but he slipped up so easily when it came to her.

She couldn’t help but feel giddy about it, Branch felt comfortable enough around her to say what he was really thinking! Most of the time, to her knowledge, anyway.

“I normally do, but we don’t have time to waste! Maybe if I had since last night to work on them, I could have.” She stuck out her tongue at his teasing and got out a piece of paper. “But the hard part is figuring out what I can say to make sure that everyone comes to the new location tonight despite it being your bunker…”

The two friends let out simultaneous ‘hmms’ as they tried to come up with ideas. They brainstormed a few, but nothing was really standing out to her. It had to be as exciting to the village as the Funtime Factory to get everyone at Branch’s place.

The Funtime Factory… Oh sprinkles, that’s right! Poppy had must-have items for the party tonight that she custom ordered from Sky Toronto a month ago that’d be ready today!

“What’s wrong, Pops?”

“Ughh! I totally forgot I had party items to go and get from the Funtime Factory, but I really need to get these invitations made, first and foremost! What am I gonna—”

“Poppy, chill out! I can go get them for you!” Branch scooted over, patting her leg to calm her nerves.

“Really? You’d do that for me?”

“I’d do anything for you, Poppyseed.” Branch smiled that oh-so-warm smile. Ugh! She loved seeing him smile, it just made her want to dance and sing!

“Oh, thank you, Branch! Just take this slip with you,” Poppy took a slip of paper out of her hair and presented it to Branch. “It has my order number on it. Once Sky sees it, he’ll know to hand everything off to you.”

“Got it, I’ll bring it over to the bunker instead of here, so it’ll be a while.” Poppy nodded as Branch stood up, taking the slip from Poppy’s paw. He put it in his hair and strolled over to the pod door. “Good luck with those invites, I’m sure you’ll know just what to say. I’m excited for my first annoyingly loud and obnoxious party.”

Poppy rolled her eyes, snorting as she watched him leave. He was always saying rude things like that. Poppy could tell that didn’t mean them because he cracked a sly grin while saying them.

He used to mean it, but now, it was clear that it was a joke of some kind. She wasn’t used to jokes like that, ones where you don’t mean what you say. For some reason though, she found it funny anyway. She’d have to ask him what kind of humor that was, it was so different.

“Oh, wait! Poppy!” Branch zipped back into the pod with the momentum from his hair and jotted something down on the looseleaf paper she’d been using to brainstorm.

“This number, it’s the code to the bunker entry pad. They’ll need it to get in if anyone comes late or something. Make sure it gets on that invitation so that no troll is stuck outside if that Bergen comes. Y’know, just in case.” Branch huffed, giving her a slightly anxious look.

“You got it, Branchy!” Poppy furrowed her brows, giving Branch a stiff salute. “It’ll be on every single one!”

“Thank you.” He sighed in relief and smiled again, he pinched her cheek playfully and headed back out again.

Poppy rubbed her cheek, it always burned so right when Branch touched her. Like sitting in a warm tub after a long day, or a warm cup of cocoa after it snowed… Or—

Focus, Poppy! The invitations!

She shook her head, tapping her pen with the fuzzy ball on the end.

“Okay, now what can I say to really draw everyone in to go to Branch’s place even if they don’t like him…” Poppy tapped her head with a sparkly pink claw nail. “It has to be dramatic! And pull at your heartstrings! Ugh, what am I gonna do?! This is Branch’s first party! I can’t mess this up!”

Poppy groaned, bonking her head against her desk and resting it there.

“His first party… Oh man, that reminds me of Cooper’s first party after we found his egg! It was so much fun, everyone showed up and brought something to welcome Cooper to his new home…” Poppy sighed to herself, reminiscing. “Even Branch showed up for a little while to complain and tell Cooper to be careful about the Bergens, but he still came! Oh, the memories…”

Poppy gasped, slamming her pen down as she sprung back up.

“That’s IT! This is Branch’s first party! No troll would want to miss a troll’s first party, not even if they didn’t like him much! I gotta make sure everyone knows just how important it is to be there tonight.”

Poppy began to scribble away at the paper:

“Dear [Insert troll here],

As you know, tonight is a VERY important night in Troll History. We are celebrating 20 years free from the grasp of the Bergens! Yay! But there’s something even MORE special about tonight’s party, and that’s because it’s being hosted in a BRAND. NEW. LOCATION. Soooo Sprinkle-tastic! You are being invited to the Biggest. LOUDEST. CRAZIEST PARTY EVER! We’ve had parties in the sky, in the trees, even in the Funtime Factory lobby! But tonight, we’re taking our fun UNDERGROUND.

If you can even begin to believe it, that’s not even the best part… Our party will not be hosted by me, nor any troll you’ve ever partied with, because this one is being hosted by our one and only: Branch Joywhistle!

And tonight will be his VERY FIRST PARTY!!! YES, WAY! As your princess, you know that everyone’s first party is important; and for Branch, it’s even more important because, for the first time ever, he wants to be a part of Troll Village’s culture!

We can’t let him down, otherwise he might never, EVER want to be our friend if we don’t show him our great Troll Hospitality! He’s SOOOO super shy and didn’t know how to tell us he wanted to be our friend sooner… :(

So please, join me in giving Branch the bestest, kindest, AWESOMEST…


At 8 PM tonight, meet at Branch’s bunker and punch in the SUPER SECRET ROYAL CODE below to get into the most exclusive party you’ve ever been to…

Branch’s Bombastic Bunker Bash!

Love, Princess Poppy!”

Okay, maybe she exaggerated a bit, but she had to be sure that everyone would want to come.

What troll didn’t love new party locations, new trolls to party with, and most importantly, a Super Royal Secret? Those didn’t come by often, and Branch said the number needed to be in that invite.

No troll would miss out on a party that sounded this good on paper. She was proud of herself as she loaded in her stamps. Now all she needed to do was put the glitter-technics in, stamp on that code, and those invites would be on their way.


Incredibly dramatic invite aside, the invitations are on their way! Now all they have to do is deliver them. At least Branch didn't have to read this one, it's definitely full of glitter.

Chapter 14: Rhapsody


Branch has a run-in with someone at his bunker, then he goes with Poppy to hand out invitations!


Hello!! This chapter has a songggg! Sorry! I held off on the singing long enough!
Hope this chapter is enjoyable for you all! It was so fun writing this <333

At the end of the chapter, please read the end note, there is a little disclaimer about the future of this fic regarding the themes within it. :]

Lovely Day - Bill Withers

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch had gotten everything from Poppy’s item list from Sky Toronto at the Funtime Factory and dropped everything off at the bunker as he’d promised.

It was honestly rather strange how Sky had spoken to him while he was there. Branch had gone in for the few items Poppy had asked for and came out with way more instead. At first, the golden glitter troll asked him why he'd come instead. Branch answered honestly; that they were having the 20th anniversary party at his bunker instead, and that it'd be his first party ever. Branch told Sky Toronto that he hadn't had an invitation for him yet, but that he'd certainly get one soon and hoped he'd join everyone there.

To his surprise, the stoic glitter troll was planning to come the moment that Branch told him that it was his first party. He even put on extra items and party supplies that he thought would help Branch out. Who knew first parties were such a big deal? Branch remembered going to Cooper's first party back when Branch was 10. They had pushed it back so many times because they didn't want to "rush perfection." When the party was near, he remembered a 7 year-old Poppy begging him for a week straight to come to Cooper's party. He had gone, but he didn't stay long because he found the whole first party affair rather silly. He thought Poppy was exaggerating about a first party's importance and he hadn't thought that the entire village held the same belief until just now.

Now, here he was, preparing for his very own at the age of 24 and Poppy was just as excited for his as she was for Cooper's. It warmed his heart to see her so excited over something like this regarding him. Now, he just hoped that the other trolls in the village would feel the same way.

The items on the cart he was given to transport them to the proper location were rather big, he struggled a little as he wheeled them through Troll Village and back to his home. Along his way, many trolls stopped to greet him, which Branch greeted back with a wave or smile. When he would, everyone would respond with jaws dropping or eyes as wide as possible. He kept forgetting that this was weirdly nice behavior from him that no troll expected him to respond with. Though, right afterward, they’d smile excitedly and watch him in awe as he’d keep moving.

That was better than the weird looks that Poppy’s friends were giving him. He was glad that the conversation with Smidge went well and that she was a lot more level-headed than he initially expected. He trusted that she wouldn’t go and tell everything to them, but hopefully, she was able to convince them to help prepare for the party and bring along more friends to move things along. Maybe the Snack Pack was treating him like that because they were closer to Poppy? That was the best he could guess.

As he approached his bunker, it was obvious that there was no way he could fit any of that through his doormat entrance. He figured he’d have to choose a back entrance of his. As he looked in front of the cart of items so he wouldn’t bump into anything, he was surprised to see a group of Fuzzlings waiting for him with tools and equipment.

“Oh, hello…?” Branch walked over timidly with a questioning look as they all chattered at him. One green Fuzzling stepped forward; it was one Branch recognized. It was Fuzzbert! He shaped the top of his hair into a waving paw at the grey troll.

“Fuzzbert? Hey, what’s up? Why are all of you gathered over here with… Tools? Oh! You’re here to help out for the party, right?”

Branch smacked his fist into his other palm in realization, making all the Fuzzlings around him mutter and chatter in agreement with his statement. Thank goodness that Branch had a pretty thought process when it came to body language and context clues, or they’d be standing here forever trying to figure it out.

Years and years of other trolls looking at him funny made him more socially aware of what others think. He could tell from a very young age that other trolls saw him and his grey appearance as out of place or when he was doing something they didn’t like. It was a negative trait for him usually, but for moments like this, it could really help when a troll couldn’t communicate in the same way as others.

“Thanks so much for stopping by, follow me through the back, I can’t fit this stuff through the front.” Branch went to wheel the party items to the back of his bunker, but the Fuzzlings had already begun taking the items and holding them with their hair.

Fuzzlings did a lot of construction work around Troll Village and Branch knew that he’d be in capable hands if he let them get to work. They must’ve been given plans if they were over here waiting. Considering Smidge went to talk to The Snack Pack, it meant that she must’ve succeeded somewhat if Fuzzbert was here.

Though, in all honesty, Branch truly had no idea how Fuzzbert felt about him. He couldn’t effectively communicate with Fuzzlings, it was usually a guessing game unless they bothered to show you what they were doing, had some sort of visual clue, or just get to the task without bothering to play a guessing game. They were efficient and never beat around the bush and Branch was very fond of that mindset.

He led them to a larger back hatch-way that he opened with a number pad. After explaining to the Fuzzlings how to open it, he stepped back and let them get to work down in the basem*nt. Fuzzbert walked up to Branch and muttered something to him. Branch could never understand them through all that hair.

“What’s that? Need something?” Branch questions, bending down to Fuzzbert’s level and turning his ear to face the hairy green troll to listen better.

Suddenly, he felt a yank on his vest and suddenly, his head was in some weird void area as he heard a funky-sounding voice talking to him. It sounded like the same muttering and beeping sounds Fuzzlings usually made, but somehow, he could understand it.

“Thanks, man! You’re totally awesome for hosting this party. Thanks for looking out for Poppy, I always knew you were a good dude. Don’t let anybody else get’cha down, bro.” Fuzzbert’s voice was rather…. Interesting. A surfer dude was definitely not what he was expecting, but at least he seemed to like Branch.

Branch was yanked back out of Fuzzbert’s hair and had a bewildered, dazed look before he blinked himself back and looked at the hairball with legs in front of him.

“Uhh… Thanks… Uh. Bro.” Branch answered with an unsure smile.

“Oh man, you’re a real funny dude, Branch!” Fuzzbert beeped and booped as he shook with laughter. “Leave this to us, we’ve got plans to follow. We’ll have this place looking totally wicked in no time, dude!”

Branch only nodded as Fuzzbert walked away, picking up a power tool and heading off to where the other Fuzzlings had gathered, seemingly looking over blueprints. Wow, that was weird. He could still hear the beeps and chattering that Fuzzlings usually used to communicate, but after being pulled into Fuzzbert’s headspace, he was actively translating it in real time as he heard it. How the hell did Fuzzbert do that?

Fuzzlings truly were a mystery that Branch was too disturbed by to properly investigate. Some things were just better without answers. At least now, communicating with him would be easier. Wonder if he does that with all his friends. It didn’t seem like it, Poppy always had to take really good guesses with him. Weird.

Branch didn’t really have the time to ponder it and went off to check on Poppy, he wanted to help her pass out the invitations to move things along quicker. He grabbed a few things from his usual part of the bunker and set off back through the forest to get back to Troll Village. He quickened his pace, greeting more trolls along his way, getting more surprised looks and smiles of awe as he sheepishly continued off on his way.

Branch knocked at Poppy’s pod peeking his head in. Poppy looked up at him, making a confused face at the sound of the knocking before realizing who it was. Her face lit up as she stood to greet him.

“You don’t have to knock, Branch! I have an open pod policy!”

“I know, I just like to knock first. It feels weird not to.” He squirmed a little, looking around awkwardly.

Branch always knocked before entering Poppy’s pod, or anyone’s for that matter. It was just common courtesy and he felt like he was intruding. Knocking made him feel safer when someone was entering his bunker, so he’d do it for everyone else, too.

Poppy simply smiled, looking him over and tapping her feet rapidly with built-up excitement. It was so cute to Branch that she did that; she always told him that she was charging up her ‘happy’ by doing it. He walked over to her, looking around the pod until he saw the basket-backpacks full of invitations over at her desk.

“You all finished? I figured I could help you deliver them. Y’know, since I’m technically hosting it.” He pointed to the baskets, Poppy glancing over at the direction he pointed to and then gasped happily.

“REALLY? You wanna come along?” She jumped up and down, dancing around him in a circle.

“Sure, it’ll be… Fun?”

“Oh, hair YES it will!” She sped over to the baskets and zipped right back to Branch, shoving a basket bag at him excitedly as she strapped hers to her back. Branch followed after, putting his basket on his back and smiling at a very excited Poppy squealing in excitement and practically bouncing off her pod walls.

“Oh, Branch! I’m so excited that I just wanna siiiiiiiing!” Poppy belted out and giggled as she skipped out her pod door.

She hadn’t sung a single song this whole time now that Branch was thinking about it. Was it because she knew he didn’t sing? Well, he wasn’t against singing right now, in fact, he probably could if he really wanted to. He always could. His reasoning for not doing so before was out of irrational fear of a Bergen finding him or someone else. But he’d sung so many times in his dreams and he’d conquered that fear a long time ago.

Right now, he thought it’d just be a bit much to start singing all of a sudden, it was more out of embarrassment and how out of place it’d be to do so. All he wanted to do right now was hear the troll he loved more than anything to sing for him. Plus, there was more than one way to join someone in a song, he knew that. You could hum, whistle, play an instrument, or even dance along. He wanted to hear her sing right next to him as she always did, so he took a deep breath as he pulled something out of his hair while the Princess’ back was turned.

He promised himself he’d be a different troll this time.

Branch followed her out, tapping her on the shoulder and her eyes lit up as she laid eyes upon a bright red, sparkly bass guitar. She leaned in close to inspect the instrument before gawking up at Branch in pure awe.

“Um… Need any musical accompaniment while you sing?” Branch inhaled, puffing out his chest in an attempt to fill himself with confidence. It worked a little bit, but Poppy’s shocked staring was starting to make him regret his bold choice.

“No. Sprinklin’. WAY!” Poppy exclaimed, shaking her paws excitedly and giving Branch the biggest smile he’d seen today. He didn’t think that was even possible. “You’re serious?? You play bass? You’ll play while I sing?! You’re okay with me singing, right? Ohmygumdrops. Sorry, I’m just so excited right now…”

The Princess was fanning herself exasperatedly as Branch relaxed a bit, knowing that this was a positive Poppy reaction. He strummed a few chords to her with a smirk on his face, feeling a bit more confident and shooting her a smug look. Her cheeks flushed as her eyes flicked back and forth from his strumming fingers to his eyes.

“Pick a song, Princess. Then lead the way.”

Poppy let out a scream of joy, making Branch’s ears droop. He wasn’t particularly fond of that, but it was always a great thing when she did. He knew that she was at her peak and didn’t know how to contain her excitement. Poppy was such a happy troll, he loved that about her; especially as he watched her jump around and shake her paws paired with her usual excited rapid foot stomping.

“This is seriously the best day EVER!” Poppy cheered as she began to hum the tune for the song she wanted to sing.

Branch picked up the tune quickly, he’d heard her hum this a million times when she was having a good day. She moved and grooved a bit outside her pod as Branch strummed along to her hums, making her tail wiggle in pure joy.

“When I wake up in the mornin', love…

And the sunlight hurts my eyes…”

Poppy sang, covering her eyes as she walked backward away from Branch with a smile. Branch followed after, keeping a close eye on her so she didn’t trip.

“And somethin' without warnin', love

Bears heavy on my mind…”

Poppy’s singing got the attention of the trolls around them, making them smile and look around for the source of the melody. Poppy stumbled after taking her paws off her eyes but hadn’t looked behind her. Branch slid up next to Poppy, catching her with his hair and making her giggle as she spun a little, catching her footing. Her face pinkened, smiling a meek smile at him and Branch’s face flushed in response.

“Then I look at you,

And the world's alright with me…”

Branch smiled and continued to play and turned to keep eye contact with Poppy as she danced around him and returned his gaze.

“Just one look at you,

And I know it's gonna be…”

Poppy skipped forward, giving out invitations to the trolls who’d started to move and groove to the music towards the young Princess. They had excited looks on their faces as they stuck the invitations in their hair to view after the dance number. Poppy turned around to beckon Branch to follow, he caught up with her and the trolls around him looked at him with excited shock as they watched Branch join in with Poppy on a guitar.

“A lovely daaaaay!”

The other trolls joined in as they sang and repeated the words “Lovely day” back to Poppy as she serenaded. Everyone started to gather as Branch and Poppy performed for the village. Everyone seemed super excited to see Branch dancing with Poppy, smiling and dancing along around the pair.

Branch had really gotten into the flow of their music as other critters and trolls came around to harmonize and add their own instruments to the mix. He was swaying along with Poppy as they got into a synchronized groove as they handed out invitations. Poppy handed them out normally as she harmonized while Branch used his hair, as his paws were occupied. Branch hadn’t intended to dance at all, but he just couldn’t help himself as he started to feel the music. He loved music and dancing along with friends and it just felt right.

As everyone sang and got into the vibe of the music, Branch and Poppy made their way into town, catching the attention of shopkeepers and trollings leaving their classroom pods to see what the fuss was about.

“Branch, you head down that way and we’ll meet up in the middle of Village Square to finish this up, we’ve almost gotten everyone!” Poppy exclaimed over the very loud musical number as other trolls filled in for the two as they spoke.

Branch nodded, taking the more secluded route, and felt the urge to sing as the music continued. He stopped playing his bass, taking a moment to himself before moving to hand out more invites. He leaned up against a tree and sang to himself.

“When the day that lies ahead of me,

Seemed impossible to face…

When someone else instead of me,

Always seems to know the way…

Then, I look at you…”

Branch moved to look from behind the tree, watching Poppy from afar. She was so wonderful, everything about her made him feel so warm. He wished more than anything to be loved by her, to be cherished, appreciated by her, and to wake up next to her every morning. He loved her more than anything.

It’d only been one day, and she was doing everything she could to make people care about him.

“And the world's alright with me…

Just one look at you…”

Branch moved from behind the tree, moving closer as he watched the troll, he loved dancing and playing with trollings who’d come out to join in the song, handing them invitations with a huge smile on her face. She was so beautiful. A huge, lovesick smile spread across Branch’s face as he thought about the party tonight.

He was sure things were going to be different from here on out. He was going to be a better version of himself. Not just for Poppy, not just Troll Village, but for himself.

“And I know it's gonna be…

A lovely dayyyyy!”

Branch smiled as he finished his quiet solo before running off while playing his guitar and finishing off the rest of the invitations before meeting back with Poppy in the Square and joining her in the final part of a Village dance party as the song continued. They took each other's paws, dancing together and spinning as Poppy continued to belt out “A lovely day!” and the rest of the song ensued with the whole village taking part.

This wasn’t so bad. Sure, things might be a little awkward and unconventional for the troll right now, but for some reason, a surge of hope swelled within his heart. Maybe one day he’ll even get his colors back, for real this time. Who knew what the future held? All Branch knew was that he couldn’t wait for the party tonight.

He was going to have fun for the first time in a long time.


Um, hello! A little serious, but I just want to end this chapter with a little disclaimer going forward regarding trauma when it comes to me writing for Branch because it was bothering me that someone was hurt by my poor wording when attempting to explain.

Branch is not a bad person for being traumatized. The way those in Branch's life treated him wasn't okay and I want it to be clear, I am never making excuses for that. Branch in my interpretation, just doesn't like who he used to be when he'd unfavorably treat others in return; not that how he was treated was okay.

I haven't talked much about what I plan to do in my story, because I wish for everyone to come to their own conclusions, but I want to make it clear that Branch is in the early stages of his healing process. He is dealing with a lot of grief and self-blame right now and my intention is never to make it seem like Branch is at fault for how his trauma affected him.
Trauma is nuanced. My experience with it may be very different from someone else's and the way I handle Branch's journey may not be the same as the way you might. I want to make that warning clear.

Sorry for the long end note, I just didn't feel right not addressing it properly as the story goes on, it's very important to me, even if these little guys aren't real. :']
Again, thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me and I'd hate for anyone to feel slighted by my language.

With that said, it's time to get ready for the party of the century! 🎉🎉🎉

Chapter 15: Remorse


Poppy and Branch finally have a talk with The Snack Pack.


This chapter is a little bit longer I think... AGH, it was hard writing for so many trolls at once!! 😭😭😭 Send help...
If you see mistakes in this one... No you didn't ❤️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the dance number, Poppy and Branch stared at each other as they stopped dancing in the center of the crowd. Poppy’s arms were draped around Branch’s neck and his gently around the small of her back. They were in a trance of sorts as they caught their breath from the dancing.

Poppy was overwhelmed by the number of surprises that Branch had thrown her way today and this was currently at the top of the list. He might not have sung, but he played bass! He also wasn’t too bad at dancing, he picked up the moves right away as if he’d been trained in coordinated dance routines.

That’s silly though, who would Branch even dance with? He’s been alone up until today. Poppy’s mind was racing with a million questions to ask Branch, but their locked gaze would be interrupted as trolls came up to the pair and snapped them out of it. They quickly separated from each other as trolls rushed to Branch to talk.

“Branch, that was amazing! I didn’t know you could play guitar!”

“Yeah, and I never thought you’d wanna dance with us, but that was so cool!”

Trolls were buzzing with excitement around the grey troll, asking him question after question and receiving shy, awkward, short answers from him. It was kind of adorable seeing Branch flustered, these were sides of Branch that were completely new to Poppy; she was excited to find out every single one of them.

“Now, now, everyone…” Poppy motioned her paws for the trolls swarming him to calm down and to step back as she moved to stand in front of her new friend. “You will all have an opportunity to ask questions tonight at the party. If you take a look at the invitations you’ve received, you’ll be able to see that tonight’s party will be hosted by none other than our new friend… Branch!”

Poppy threw her paws up in the air with enthusiasm, making the trolls around her gasp dramatically before loud cheering ensued.

It was pretty easy to get trolls excited. The prospect of making a new friend was exciting enough for them. Trolls all started to take out their invitations that they’d stowed away whilst dancing and began to read them, gasping and murmuring to each other and pointing out things within the invitations to each other as points of intrigue.

She even heard a devastated gasp followed by a dramatic “Noo!” as they read.

Must’ve read the “Won’t want to be our friend” part.

Poppy snickered to herself as trolls got invested in the invitations; she’d made them so dramatic that no troll with a heart could resist. She knew she wouldn’t if she was in their shoes.

“But right now, we have a lot more work to do, so you’ll have to ask Branch to be your friend later. See you all tonight, everyone!”

She shuffled Branch away from the hustle and bustle of trolls and towards the Pod Plaza. She had a good feeling that she could get everyone on board. A 1st time partygoer, a new friend opportunity, AND it’d be the best party ever conceived? No way a troll wouldn’t go.

“Poppy…” Branch stopped Poppy’s ushering and looked back at her with a suspicious eyebrow raised and a warning tone. “What on earth did you write in those invitations?”

“Nothing too crazy…” Poppy darted her eyes around with the most obviously guilty face ever as she smiled. “Just something that’d really get them to come! Don’t even woorrry about itttttt….” The princess scoffed, playfully punching his shoulder as he smirked.

“Well, whatever,” He rolled his eyes with a smile and crossed his arms. “Fuzzbert was at the bunker earlier, so I’m sure Smidge must’ve talked to the Snack Pack already. Guess it went well enough?”

Oh, right. Her other friends… She’d been so busy and spending time with Branch that she completely forgot they’d fought today. Time really flies when you’re having fun with Branch; it was almost Evening Hug Time!

“Poppy!” She heard a group of trolls call from up in the pods above them. Speak of the devil, it was The Snack Pack up in DJ Suki’s pod. They were waving her up to talk. She frowned, feeling rather nervous all of a sudden. Had completely forgotten up until now how ran off crying like a little trolling earlier. She even yelled at Creek!

This was going to be humiliating, she didn’t wanna talk about this at all! Maybe she could just act like she wasn’t upset at them, then everything would just be back to normal, and they didn’t have to bring any of it back up! Everyone would be happy!

But Poppy was upset at them. She was very upset, and she didn’t like the fact that every time she thought about what happened, that ‘angry’ feeling Branch was talking about would come back. It made her want to frown and scrunch up her face. She wanted to stomp around and yell. But that was SO not Poppy, she’d never do that again, it didn’t feel good at all, so why would she want to feel like that again? Branch said that it was normal, but Poppy couldn’t fully believe that, even if Smidge said it was okay to be upset.

She felt a broad hand rest on her shoulder, the warm, bubbly feeling emanating from the sensation told her exactly who it was without having to look. She did look, though. She liked looking at Branch’s eyes, they were such a chilly blue.

She liked how he looked at her specifically. His face would soften and his eyes grew warmer and a smile would form. She felt better already as he finally spoke.

“I think it’s time we all talked. I don’t like seeing you upset with your friends.” Branch said with a gentle, quiet tone.

“I was upset with them because of how they were treating you. It wasn’t nice at all.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It sucked really bad,” Branch sighed, glancing up at her friends before returning his gaze to her. “But we can’t fix this if we don’t talk about it. So, let’s get up there and make friends again. Y’know, cupcakes, rainbows, and all that happy junk.”

Branch chuckled, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Oh yeah, she felt way better now. He had totally gotten rid of those boiling—no—angry feelings just now and she had a newfound sense of courage.

C’mon, Poppy! Get that optimism revved up, we got feelings to talk about!

Poppy nodded with a smile and with that, the two launched themselves up to DJ’s home. Things would get better, they always do!

Everyone who Poppy needed to talk with was there—Scratch that—Creek was missing. He must still be meditating or something. Usually, he was around at this point of the day; he never missed the Evening Hug Time. Maybe he’ll show up soon. For some reason, Poppy felt… Relieved?

Poppy couldn’t figure out why she felt that way, she wasn’t scared of Creek. At least, she didn’t think she was. That’d be silly, she cared about Creek so much, and he had been one of her closest friends since the first year of Hairschool! Maybe she was still a little nervous about the whole “crying in front of him” thing. That must be it.

As they settled into DJ’s pod, they all took seats on DJ’s many different comfy seating areas littered around her pod and moved them into a circle. Poppy knew what this was… It was a “Feeling Circle!” Usually, they were for talking about what made everyone happy that day, and the whole group felt those happy feelings together! It was always so awesome and full of love, but this time, Poppy knew this would be a different kind of “Feeling Circle.”

Smidge cleared her throat, jumpstarting the conversation, as everyone had been sitting around awkwardly waiting to see who would start.

“So, Poppy. I was talking to the Snack Pack about how we had treated you earlier and it was clear to me that everyone felt awful about how we behaved.” Smidge twiddled her thumbs as she sat, giving guilty eyes to her friends.

“Yeah, how we acted wasn’t okay whatsoever, Poppy,” Biggie piped up, petting Mr. Dinkles on his lap. “We should’ve discussed those feelings properly instead of shutting you down like that because of what we assumed about another troll. I truly apologize for such behavior.”

Chenille sighed, rubbing her arms in shame as she spoke. “Yeah, I was really out of line with what I said. I wasn’t particularly fond of Branch’s attitude towards us in the past, but I took that out on you instead and accepted Creek’s words as truth, not bothering with yours. Not classy at all… Sorry.” Chenille bowed her head a bit, feeling a bit awkward.

Poppy rarely ever saw Chenille back down from something she said, even when it wasn’t very nice. Satin was looking at her sister, a bit surprised about it herself but nodded. She was about to speak when a quiet, raspy voice started to speak instead.

“…And even if someone didn’t say anything in particular, being a bystander while someone gets ganged up on is wrong. We’re supposed to be a big family, we can’t just stand by without checking our friends’ behavior.” DJ murmured, looking up at Poppy with deep remorse. Poppy hadn’t ever seen DJ look so torn apart, not since her folks passed. This must’ve been eating at her all day.

“Poppy, I’m like, so super sorry for not standing up for you. You know confronting stuff head-on isn’t my thing, but we’ve been friends since forever and that was SO not cool to just let you get dogged on.”

“DJ… Ugh, you guys…!” Poppy cooed in sympathy. Her heart swelled; her friends really were trying for her sake. She smiled, her eyes watering. “Thank you, I—"

“Ah-ah-ah! No need to thank us, Poppy. We should have done this right away instead of just mucking about while you were so down in the dumps.” Guy Diamond put up a paw as if to repel the ‘thank you.’ “I’m just sorry that I wasn’t being a very good friend to you.”

Cooper took off his hat, looking around unsure as to what to say. Poppy knew he wasn’t great with meaningful language; it just wasn’t how he usually expressed himself. Cooper expressed himself through gift-giving and perfectly catered gifts. His love language was always physical, which was perfectly fine with Poppy.

“Um… Poppy, you’ve been an actual family to me all these years when y’all found my egg and you’re super important to me. Sorry for… Y’know, bein’ a bit of a party pooper myself, it wasn’t cool to treat y’all like that.”” He paused, squeezing his hat, then opening and closing his mouth a couple of times before continuing.

“Um… When Branch treated you so mean all the time, I guess I just felt weird letting him around you, I don’t really like seeing you sad after Branch would say mean stuff or blow you off. So I guess that’s why I acted that way, but every troll deserves a chance, so I’m sorry for not giving you one, Branch.”

Branch shuffled, looking down at his lap in discomfort. Poppy only glanced at Branch for a second before playing with her hair bangs.

“Yeah, it didn’t ever feel good when Branch would do that, but you kind of have to admit that I never really left him alone. I was kiiiinda super persistent.” Poppy giggled sheepishly. Everyone in the room had looks of reflection and smiles as they all thought of Poppy’s stubbornness when it came to Branch.

“Persistent is an understatement.” Branch joked, nudging Poppy in jest. “I don’t think I could ever forget you throwing a literal tantrum outside my bunker because I said I wouldn’t come to your Super Sweet Sixteen.”

“Ugh, Braaaaanch! Please don’t…” The pod rang out in giggles as Poppy’s face turned a new shade of pink. She groaned, burying her face into her paws.

“Oh, come’on! You rolled on the ground yelling “PLEEEEEEASSEEEE!” for like, 2 whole hours until I gave in. I seriously don’t even know why you wanted me there so badly. I was just gonna complain the whole time—Which I did in fact do.” Branch snorted, making the laughter in the pod get louder.

That was seriously so immature, she apologized for weeks after that because she felt like a total loser for begging him so much. She didn’t really know why she wanted Branch there so badly at the time, she just wanted him to be there for her super special party. She had wanted an age milestone picture of all her friends together and she wanted Branch right in the middle, but Branch was, of course, being a wallflower and refused to get close to any of them.

She’d sat by him for a while with a birthday cake bribe and they argued for an entire thirty minutes over his lack of participation and her lack of safety measures. In the end, her dad saw the two together and told them to smile for the camera. She’d gotten lucky and managed to get a picture taken quicker than Branch could protest. He’s by no means happy in the photo, but Poppy framed it and kept it on her nightstand, as it was the most recent photo she had with him… It was special!

Branch didn’t leave his bunker for days after that party but had no issue mocking Poppy’s behavior from the welcome mat as she apologized profusely due to post-party clarity. It was truly embarrassing, and he brought it up for months after that until he finally agreed to let the situation go.

She regretted the way she begged, but at the same time, it was a nice enough picture, and it was the most up-to-date photo she had of Branch until today, so it might’ve been a little worth it. Hearing about it all over again in front of her friends was not fun, however, and Poppy covered Branch’s mouth as he tried to continue to tease the Princess as her friends tried to hold back laughter.

“UGHHH! Didn’t we agree to let this GO, Branch?” Poppy whined.

“Yes, but it was a perfect time to use it as a secret weapon.” Branch chuckled, pushing her paws away.

“Secret weapon?”

“Yeah, to lighten the mood a bit. It was getting too awkward, even for Branch standards.” Branch smiled, giving the other trolls in the pod a friendly glance. They all exchanged smiles and chuckles as they realized Branch was just trying to make things a little easier.

All the friends in the pod talked for a bit longer, exchanging heartfelt apologies to each other, Branch receiving the most out of everyone, which he was very stubborn to accept. He really wasn’t good at receiving compliments, praise, or apologies, despite desperately needing them. Poppy would definitely be working on changing that; her new friend needed some serious TLC!

Poppy sighed, giggling and flopping back onto her seat, and then sighed in relief. Talking about everything felt way better than keeping it all to herself.

“I just can’t believe we all just… Blindly followed after someone’s badmouthing about Branch,” Smidge sighed in disbelief of herself. “I mean, Branch really has done a lot of great stuff today. He’s even gonna let us party in his bunker tonight. I dunno why Creek was so worried.”

“Speaking of, where’s that guy been, anyways?” Branch questioned, now sprawled out on DJ’s carpet, making himself at home.

Poppy froze. That was right. Creek. She still hadn’t even spoken to him yet.

“I dunno, he said that he had some inner reflection to do about what happened and went off to meditate or something. He said he’d talk to Poppy later, but I have no idea when that’ll be.” Smidge shrugged, rather dismissively. If Poppy wasn’t mistaken, Smidge looked irritated about something.

“W-Well, I’m sure he’ll show! There’s no way he wouldn’t; he’s our friend!” Poppy attempted to convince herself as she brushed off the worried thoughts she was having. He’d been so weird today and he’s been scarce since then. Maybe Creek just needed space like how Branch did? Yeah, that was probably it. Poppy sprung up from her seat and put her paws to her hips.

“Well, it’s getting late, and we have a party to get ready for! I should probably go get dressed and ready. I can’t wait to try on the new dress the twins made for me!” Poppy squealed, getting squeals from the other girls in the room.

“That reminds me, Branch,” Satin clapped her paws in realization, catching the grey troll's attention. “You don’t have anything to wear for the party! Me and Chenille should make you something… Right now!”

The Snack Pack exclaimed excitedly in agreement as Branch sat up with a surprised look.

“O-Oh, uh! You don’t have to do that; I can just wear my usual old—”

“Old will NOT suffice!” Chenille interrupted. “This look has got to go.”

“I dunno…” Branch seemed a bit wary. “I don’t want to make extra work for you guys.”

“Think of this as our way to apologize?” Satin said in a gentler tone, giving him a pleading smile. “Please?”

A moment of silence passed before a typical Branch sigh was heard.


Cheering ensued as the twins whisked Branch off and away to their pod with grumpy protest to receive a new wardrobe. Poppy was excited, Branch would make friends with the Snack Pack in no time. It was reasonable to her that he’d be wary of them for a while, it seemed like everyone here still had more growing to do.

Back at her pod, Poppy had finished freshening up in the bathroom and put on her new party dress. It was sparkly and the torso of it was in her typical hue of blue. A vine belt wrapped around her waist adorned with blue and white poppy flowers to match her headband flower crown with the same motif. Past the belt, the dress’ skirt was that of an ombre while tulip, starting with the same sparkly blue on her torso down into a pure white. She wore flowery anklet bands that matched the rest, and a slightly translucent glimmering cape draped her shoulders and to the ground.

She planned to tie her hair up but ultimately decided to wear it loose, wild, and free. Branch told her that he liked it when she wore it out like that and for some reason, she wanted to impress him tonight. That had to be because it was his first party, that’s the only thing that made sense.

She applied her light glittery makeup and inspected herself before sitting on her bed and grabbing the framed photo of herself and Branch at her Super Sweet Sixteen. She giggled; he was so grumpy that day. She’d really gone over the top. They looked so odd together, her untamed, curly, pink locks every which way and her mouth full of braces. She never remembered to wear her retainer after she got them off, so it was a useless endeavor for her dad to try and pursue. Branch was scruffier than he was now, guess everyone has an awkward teen phase. She loved this picture the most.

She smiled, giggling to herself and reminiscing for a while before she heard a familiar bug fluttering over to her pod door. That bug always carried a very familiar purple troll by the tip of his blue and green hair. She quickly put the framed photo of her and Branch face down on her nightstand before standing up quickly as she heard feet landing outside.

Why did she feel so tense all of a sudden? That weird, prickly sensation shot up her spine as she took a deep breath.

Everything will be fine. What I am so worried about? Get it together, Poppy.

Poppy quickly put on the best smile she could muster as she came face to face with her closest friend. Everything would be fine; he was in the center of her Friendship Frame for a reason.

It had to be fine.

Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (1)

Poppy's Super Sweet Sixteen


Surprise!! I drew art of the picture Poppy cherishes so much :]
Branch only wanted the cake Poppy, leave him alone!! 🤨

Also, I received such a lovely story on Instagram about my fic being their absolute favorite right now!! :'] That makes me so happy! Special thanks to captainbranch for making my day. :]]]
I'm on Tumblr, and Insta, so if you want to see my art or ask me questions about the fic on my blog, go for it!!

Chapter 16: Rejected


Creek and Poppy finally get to talk one-on-one.


Another Poppy POV chapter in a row! Yay for Poppyyyy!!! :]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Princess Poppy!” Creek said with a grin and held his arms out in front of them, closing in for a hug. Poppy tensed and quickly gave both of his paws double high-fives. A hug was way too awkward right now, she still hadn’t even properly invited him to the party because he hadn’t been around nor apologized. His invitation was tucked carefully in her hair; he was the only one who hadn’t received one in the entire village.

“Creek! Buddy! How are ya?” She chuckled nervously, unsure of why she just did that. Bewilderment colored Creek’s face as he looked down at his now happy-slapped paws and back up at Poppy who was now frowning.

Creek’s face softened and his eyebrows knitted together in concern. He rubbed his paws together anxiously for a moment and slowly scanned Poppy’s pod before speaking.

“We need to talk,” Creek sighed, looking sullen and ashamed. “I know I’ve been behaving rather poorly as of late.”

“Yeah.” Poppy quickly agreed, her sad expression not changing. He was acting poorly. Poppy wanted to say that he’d even been a bit of a jerk. At least, that’s what Branch would’ve said. Poppy could never say that to someone though, she had no idea how Branch could say something so fearlessly mean.

Creek was a bit surprised at Poppy’s response before he pouted, sighing again rather loudly and looking down in shame before glancing back up at her after a moment. What was he doing? He kept staring at her as if he was waiting for her to say something else. What would he be waiting for? She already responded with honesty.

“What?” She questioned, looking at him in pure confusion. She had no idea what he wanted from her.

His expression was confused as well, looking at her like she was the weird one. He frowned, his face with an unreadable expression as he furrowed his eyebrows. His expression changed quickly, returning to a compassionate one as he pressed his palms together in his usual meditative pose.

“Nothing, nothing. I was just… Thinking about where to start in regards to my apology, Princess.”

“Oh, okay then.” Poppy nodded, she understood that. Sometimes people needed more time to get their thoughts together. Creek stared at her again, as if waiting for her to say more. She raised an eyebrow. Why was he looking at her like it was her turn to speak?

“Uhh… Go ahead whenever you’re ready…?”

Creek twitched slightly as he stared at the Princess in front of him. His eyebrows furrowed again with a sigh as he studied the ground. To Poppy, he almost looked annoyed, but his expression softening again made her rethink it.

“Princess Poppy… I’m incredibly sorry about how I was acting today. It was truly out of character for me to speak over you like that.” He sighed, dropping his head into his paws in shame and shaking his head.

“I appreciate it, Creek… But that’s not really the part that was upsetting me.” Poppy muttered, sighing. He gave her a deer-in-headlights look before darting his eyes around as if he needed her to elaborate.

“You were talking about someone behind their back, Creek! You were telling The Snack Pack how to feel about Branch without even knowing him first. That wasn’t nice.” Poppy shook her head in disapproval.

Creek had a weird look on his face that Poppy couldn’t decipher at all. His eyes were wild, his pupils were pinpricked and she couldn’t tell if he was upset or not. It was such a strange expression. He blinked a few times, stared, and then his expression softened again.

“Of course, you’ve said how talking badly about others when they aren’t present is a terrible habit.” He nodded; his face one of understanding. “I’m so very sorry, Princess.”

Poppy sighed in relief; she was so glad he understood. She knew he would, they were best friends! Sure, it took a little longer, but she had gotten through to him.

“I think next, you should apologize to Branch.”

There was a heavy silence as Creek’s meditation pose with his paws turned into one with his fingers clasped together, squeezing tightly.

“What?” Creek laughed a bit, twitching in discomfort as Poppy tensed up. Was he seriously surprised he’d have to apologize to Branch?

“Princess Poppy, I understand that you’re upset but—”

“No buts, Creek.” Poppy cut him off, Branch was her friend and she wasn’t going to allow room for Branch mistreated in the future. “I know you might not like him right now, but you misjudged Branch before you even gave yourself the chance to get along.”

They’d just become friends and she wasn’t going to mess this one opportunity up. Poppy would not settle for anything less than an apology to Branch. Creek was the troll instigating this whole thing and making it worse. She had no idea why the two of them have always butted heads more than most, but today was simply too far.

Creek usually only stepped in once Branch had gone in on his usual tangents or began insulting Poppy in some form. He’d speak in a way that was positive in tone but would have The Snack Pack laughing. Now that Poppy had experienced what it was like to feel ganged up on, she could definitely see why Creek’s behavior would’ve riled Branch up so much in the past.

Creek always spoke in a way that could be perceived as positive; but now, having been on the receiving end of Creek’s usual behavior, she felt like he had put words in her mouth or tried to tell her how she should feel. She never noticed how belittling that might feel until now, and her stomach sank as she thought about how Branch probably felt towards him all this time.

The two trolls had been staring at one another for quite some time. Poppy had no plans to back down from her words. Once she had a goal, she was much too stubborn to back down unless she was proven wrong.

But she wasn’t wrong this time, there was no excuse for Creek’s behavior. Trolls don’t treat other trolls that way.

Creek’s jaw shifted and clenched a couple of times, making that strange face and breaking eye contact with her. He scanned her pod again, sighing and shaking his head.

“I dunno, Princess… I just… Want you to be happy, and Branch… Well, he just isn’t that. It’s clear by his grey skin. I’m worried that he’ll end up changing your kind spirit. Or our friends too.” Creek admitted, sighing dramatically and looking away before discreetly peeking at her again.

Poppy was confused. Branch had shown himself to be more than just kind today. He’d been considerate, flexible, and patient even when he didn’t need to. Poppy could see no fault with qualities like those; Branch was just more complicated than most trolls. That didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of being a good troll like the rest. Sure, he wasn’t happy all the time, but he could smile, laugh, and dance just like everyone else.

That was more than enough for Poppy, at least.

Whaaaaat? No way, me and The Snack Pack have really come to like Branch today, he’s been really awesome and funny!”

“But I mean, if me and Branch don’t get along, and if all of you end up like him… Then where would that leave me…?” Creek pouted, getting closer to Poppy and caressing her cheek, making Poppy’s flocked, fuzzy skin prickle. “You guys wouldn’t choose him over me, would you?”

What? Of course Poppy wouldn’t do that, she could never just forget about her friends just because a new one came along. This almost sounded like Creek was…

“Creek? Are you feeling… Jealous?” Poppy said in a sympathetic tone.

Aww, poor Creek! He just felt like maybe he’d be replaced because we’re all starting to like Branch and he hasn’t gotten the chance yet!

“What?” Creek looked almost offended by her words for a moment. “Why would I be—” Creek stopped himself and looked around before quickly nodding. “Oh, yes…! Yes… I feel so left out and jealous. We’ve been friends for so long and it hurts me to see my friends spending less time with me… You understand, don’t you?” Creek let his head droop in a dramatically sad way as Poppy ‘aww’d’ at him and rubbed his shoulder out of pity.

That had to feel lonely, no wonder he was acting so weird, he just wanted to feel like his presence was still important to them. She understood feeling a bit left out when a new friend comes along, and everyone is focused on making them feel more at home. It’s not that her friends didn’t still care, it’s just what happens when friends try to make the new addition feel welcome.

“Creek, of course I understand! I’ve felt like that before too.” Poppy reassured him with a smile, making him smile in return.

“Oh, great! Then you’ll understand if I wanted to make sure our Snack Pack time is just like it used to be.”

“Uh, duh! Sometimes change can be scary, Creek!”

“Amazing, so now that it’s settled—”

“Which is why we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and try new things! Tonight will be perfect for that.” Poppy elaborated. This was the moment she’d been waiting for!

“Yes—Wait, huh? Princess Poppy? W-What did you mean by that exactly?” Creek stammered; a bit thrown off.

“Well, y’know… The big party tonight, it’s being hosted by Branch! This is the perfect opportunity to get to know him better. No better way to get to know another troll than a big ol’ party!” Poppy threw up her paws, cheery to herself.

Creek stood there, gobsmacked as he looked around, almost panicked.

“What, Smidge didn’t tell you? Well, surprise!” Poppy giggled excitedly. She was so glad she found a solution that would work to possibly get Creek and Branch to like one another. Now that she knew what Creek’s deal was, it’d be way easier for the smoke to clear. Creek was totally speechless! Poppy had to laugh, he had the craziest shocked look on his face, she’d never seen him look like that, he almost looked scared!


Poppy and Creek’s Hug Watches lit up. Poppy rushed to hug Creek; giving him a bit of an awkward one, as Creek hadn’t hugged back in his shock and Poppy was fighting off that prickly feeling she got as she touched him. She let him go, looking at his slightly frazzled expression.

“S-So uh… Where’s this party then? So I can prepare properly…?” He chuckled nervously.

Just then, Poppy got a great idea…

If Smidge kept Branch being the host from Creek, maybe he’d be even more surprised if I just led him to where the party was without telling him where! Ooh, that would be so fun, everyone loves surprises!

“How about I just lead the way, it should be starting soon anyway, and everybody should already be there! Ooh, let’s just keep the whole thing a big surprise! I know how you love surprises!”

“Princess Poppy, wait—”

Poppy took Creek’s paw, yanking him down out of her pod with her. She spun him around, wrapping her hair around his eyes like a blindfold and pulling him along with her as she giggled excitedly. She was so excited for Branch and Creek to get along!

She couldn’t wait to surprise him, Creek would always surprise Poppy this way, it was so exciting, and she thought it was a perfect way to make Creek feel like things were just like before they fought.

“Princess Poppy—”

“Oh, Creek! This is gonna be so exciting! You guys can talk, find out each other’s hobbies—”

“Princess—” Creek said more insistently as he was pulled forward towards the bunker.

“You’ll be crammed in an enclosed space with no way to run away and just feel together!”

Creek seized up instantly, letting out a low growl and snatching himself away forcefully.

“For frosting’s sake—GET OFF!” Creek yelled, startling Poppy as she caught her balance from the yanking. She released him and her hair retracted as she gave Creek a shocked look as he breathed heavily.

“W-What’s wrong, Creek? We have to get to the party tonight, it’s starting soon and I haven’t even given you your—”


He stopped himself as Poppy flinched, fear in her eyes as he snapped at her. He looked angry… Did she do something wrong? Creek always did this when there was something to surprise her with. He’d give no details at all and led her to the party location, so everything was a complete mystery to her until she got there.

Poppy could always sniff out a party theme if she was being left to her own devices and her friends knew how much surprises excited her. She didn’t understand why Creek would be so… angry about it, he just yelled at her. It was a different kind of anger than she was used to. His eyes were so scary and the way he was looking at her was not like anything she’d seen before. Branch didn’t even look like that when he was mad.

Creek’s face shifted to a shocked expression as he stepped back and performed meditative breathing techniques to calm himself. Poppy stood, catatonic as her heart hammered around in her chest in fear of what could be next. What should she do? Should she say sorry or should she just stay silent for now? She had no idea what he needed.

“As you can see, Princess, I’m not quite myself today… I-It’s why I’ve been gone for most of today!”

Poppy relaxed a bit, finally letting out the breath she was holding. He was gone all day, it was time for the party to start and he’d only just now shown his face. He was right about not being himself today, he was so different, and it wasn’t necessarily for the better, like Branch.

“I wouldn’t want to cause a ruckus when I’m planning to impress a possible new friend! I-I think it’d be better if I just went somewhere secluded to properly resolve this negative aura tonight.”

“Oh… Okay, well I understand, but—”

“Oh, wonderful! So glad we could come to an understanding. I think I’ll go somewhere secluded where no troll or anything else can locate me and out of harm’s way.”

“Wait, huh?”

“Goodbye, Princess Poppy! Enjoy the party for my sake, would you? Really wish I could come, but I can’t, gottagobyeee!!” Creek said as he slowly backed away and scampered off into the forest.

“Creek, wait!!”

But he was already gone.

Poppy felt like a hairnado just ripped through her head. She was extremely confused and a fair bit sad. She pulled the invitation out of her hair and rubbed her fingers over the word “Creek” written in glitter. Guess there was no point in having this in her hair. She sighed, putting it back in her pink tresses to dispose of later.

What was she supposed to do now? Everyone was supposed to be in the bunker tonight for the party… How was she going to explain this to everyone? Creek was being so… Hard to understand. Poppy’s eyes welled up with tears as she trudged her way to the party.

She needed to get it together, almost the whole village was at Branch’s bunker, and she was late now.

It was okay, she’d be okay.


Well, that was weird. At least he apologized to Poppy?

Chapter 17: Repose


Branch finds Poppy after she comes to the bunker without Creek. Party time ensues!


A bitttt longer than usual, but I doubt that'll be a complaint :]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch waited outside of the bunker, Poppy was always punctual when it came to parties. Everyone was here but her. What could’ve been holding her up?

He had to greet every single troll and listen to them yammer on and on about their future parties and games that they wanted to invite him to. He had so many invitations in his paws that he tied them together with twine.

He was glad that everyone was inside and having a good time, but Poppy not being here to manage everyone’s excitement was worrying him.

The Snack Pack was doing a good job entertaining and hyping everyone up and keeping them distracted when they asked where Poppy was. He’d initially checked out how everything was decorated in the basem*nt.

It was entirely transformed from the simple and empty wooden and mossy area it used to be. There were snack tables galore, streamers, sparkly decorations, and disco balls.

DJ Suki had her own section to fit her Wooferbug in and other equipment; she was hyping up the crowd like no tomorrow as they danced under strobe lights and shimmering confetti. There was a stage where different trolls could go up and request songs to sing or put on a performance for others.

It honestly looked fantastic down there, Fuzzbert and the rest of The Snack Pack really knew how to decorate and there was not an area left untouched.

The extra rooms Branch had carved out now hosted either party games or lounge areas that everyone could go to relax in had they needed a moment of calm. Some trolls were a bit shy and wallflower-types like Branch was, just not as miserable.

One of the rooms was being used as a makeshift office of sorts; the Fuzzlings must’ve used it to plan in or discuss things as they were building. Maybe Branch could use that later, it was honestly a pretty nice office space and the craftsmanship of it was astounding.

Everyone was dressed up a little fancier than they usually were, after all, this was an important night in history, and no one wanted to be underdressed.

Branch was glad he took up Satin and Chenille’s offer, he would’ve felt so awkward in his usual vest and shorts. Satin and Chenille wanted to throw his old one out in exchange for something nicer, but his vest belonged to someone important to him.

He managed to convince them not to, and it was folded neatly back up in his room before the party started.

He sported a leafy-type vest similar to his old one, but this one had leaves as pink, shimmering petals instead. His shorts were white and shiny, and he had pink and green leafy anklets with vines wrapped around his feet like sandals. To finish off the look, he had a green, shiny bowtie around his neck.

He had initially wondered why pink was so prevalent, but all Satin and Chenille did was point to the very pink and green flower crown that Poppy had made him that was still sitting comfortably wrapped around his hairline. He truly forgot he was still wearing that, kind of embarrassing.

The twins had reassured him that pink was a great look on him and it was a great contrast against his grey skin. He felt a bit flattered by that; he never thought there could be a way to look at his greyness that was positive.

They only continued to accentuate Branch’s skin by blushing his face and hair with glitter, which Branch was very adamant about not being overdone. No matter how much nicer and more accepting he was, there was no way in the world that he’d ever like glitter. He did think it helped make him look less miserable.

He couldn’t argue much after the twins complimented his greyness and he’d gotten so many compliments tonight that he was starting to think he really did look good. He’d truly believe it if someone he was looking forward to seeing told him the same, but she still wasn’t there.

Once the party was due to start, Branch ascended to the top of his bunker to greet all the trolls filtering in outside the bunker. The outside looked the same as usual, as the party was labelled as a secret sort of event which only made everyone more excited to see what things would look like inside.

They’d present their invitations and a couple trolls at a time would descend on the bunker’s lift. This process continued until everyone was inside, the only trolls not accounted for were Poppy and Creek at this point. That was really starting to get to Branch as time ticked on.

Now that everyone was down in the basem*nt, no noise could be heard from outside of it. Branch smiled to himself as he mentally patted his own back for making such a soundproof bunker. He’d designed it that way on purpose, and the further down they were, the quieter it would be.

Pushing his expert craftsmanship aside, Branch was now left standing outside with just the dim flickers of the glowing critters that kept bumping into him, looking for pets from Branch. Those things were so fuzzy and annoying, but Poppy was always playing with them and reinforcing their behavior. If you pet them once, they’ll just want more.

He fought off the hovering critters for a while until they were started by the sound of something approaching and flew off. Through the forest, he saw a sparkly pink figure fanning her face rapidly as she frowned immensely.

“Poppy?” Branch said as softly as ever as he approached her. Poppy flinched, realizing she wasn’t alone and blinked away her tears as fast as possible.

“Branch…! You look…” Poppy said breathlessly as she looked him up and down, totally distracting her from whatever was bothering her currently. “Really, really good. Like amazing!” She finished with a huge grin as she circled him and inspected his very sparkly and pink look. When she finished circling, she took his paws into her own and cooed excitedly.

“Uh, thanks. You look…” Branch looked at her from head to toe; she was absolutely stunning. She was radiant, no one looked as amazing in glitter as Poppy right now. No one else should even bother, she was practically glowing with beauty and grace. He watched in slow motion as her glittery blue eyelids blinked at him, her deep pink eyes staring into him with a shy yet expectant look. All of that was definitely way too much to say. He had to be careful, they had only been friends for less than half of a day.

“Beautiful. You look great.” Branch settled on something simple; he didn’t have the right to do much else as he rubbed her paws affectionately and tried to hide his overwhelmingly lovesick expression, but to no avail as a big dopey smile decorated his face.

Poppy looked away, her cheeks flushing a deep pink and accentuating her glittery, freckled cheeks and ears. She was so adorably pretty like this; she must’ve been really happy to hear that.

“T-Thank you, Branch. Um…” She giggled weirdly as she darted her eyes around. “S-So what were you doing out here? Isn’t the party going?”

“Yeah, but I was worried about you.” Branch squeezed her paws, looking at her with concern. “What’s going on, you’re never late to a party.” He watched as Poppy began to force a smile on her face.

“What? Nothing, nothing! I’m just fine, I just—”

“Poppy.” Branch replied firmly and Poppy looked at him like a hit puppy and instantly frowned, looking away in shame. There was no way she could fool him, and by the look on her face, she knew that.

Branch could always tell because Poppy had an absolutely atrocious poker face and could never hide what her true emotions were from him. He’d seen fake smiles plastered on the faces of trolls he used to know. They’d argue all day long, but when it was time to perform, they had the biggest, strained smiles you’d ever seen as they sang and danced.

“I was with Creek. He’s not coming to the party.” Poppy deflated, she looked like a trolling whose ice cream had just fallen on the ground right after receiving it.

“He said he wasn’t feeling like himself today and didn’t wanna ruin the party with his negative aura. He said he was gonna seclude himself somewhere no one could find him, and… Just left. I couldn’t convince him to come.”

Branch attempted to hide his apathy. He already figured that something like this could happen. He’d already gone through the outcomes of tonight a dozen times concerning Creek. He’d narrowed it down to two; either Creek came and was picking a passive-aggressive fight with him all night, or he’d found some bullsh*t reason to just flake out of coming. With how weirdly aggressive he’d been to try and persuade Poppy’s friends to not speak to him, he figured this one was much more likely.

“Poppy, I—” He stopped in his tracks instantly as he noticed Poppy flinching at him as he responded. She had her eyes shut tight, tensing up as if she were bracing for whatever he had to say. Why did she look so scared? Was he making a face that would make her think he was mad? He wasn’t and if he was being honest, Creek not being there was a net positive for him.

“I sort of expected something like this, it’s okay.”

“Huh?” Poppy’s eyes shot open, staring at him in worry. “You’re not angry?”

“Why would I be?”

“It’s your first party, Branch! A-And the plan, y-you said everyone needed to be here! If you’re mad, just yell at me and get it over with… I’m so sorry, Branch! I really tried…” She started to tear up. “I-I know you’re super upset because your first party was supposed to be special… Tonight is even more special because it’s our village’s 20th anniversary, and… and…!”

Tears could no longer suspend themselves on her lower lashes, glittery saltwater rained down from her beautiful fuschia eyes as Branch panicked internally. She was crying over this? Why would she think he’d be upset enough to yell at her, he’d never just take his feelings out on her like that. He took out a handkerchief from his inside vest pocket and gently pat her face to wipe her tears without messing up her makeup. She flinched but her sobbing slowed a bit, hiccupping as she looked him in the eyes.

“Poppy… Why on earth would I yell at you for that, let alone be angry at you for it? It’s not your fault Creek didn’t wanna come.” He spoke as gently as possible, cupping her cheek with one paw, dabbing tears gently with the other.

“It is, though! I-I thought that maybe I could make it fun by making it a surprise for him… I told him that you were hosting it and I was gonna blindfold him and lead him to the party like he used to do for me, but… He got so angry and yelled at me.”

Branch paused. Freezing for a moment as he tried to keep his composure and remain calm. If she saw that he was furious right now, she’d think it was about her. Branch was trying his best not to prejudge Creek, after all, he hadn’t done anything explicitly wrong yet other than being a bit of a pretentious prick.

He didn’t sell out his entire tribe just to save himself only to die out in the wilderness from the one Bergen he betrayed them all for… Yet. Plus, with Branch’s foresight, he could prevent them all from being troll-napped altogether. The future with Creek betraying them may never happen, and he couldn’t treat him badly for something he did in a dream that wouldn’t turn out the same way if prevented.

Right now though, he had done something unforgivable. Branch understood being annoyed by Poppy’s insistence, but to yell at her and scare her like this was another level of asshole. Branch could be stern or snippy sometimes, but he hadn’t yelled at her and scared her like this. Branch finally released the air in his lungs and caressed her cheek as gently as before.

“Poppy, I’m so sorry that he yelled at you, that wasn’t okay at all. There are always better ways to tell someone how you feel other than yelling. You know that.” She sniffled, looking at him and nodding in agreement.

“Don’t blame yourself for Creek’s bad choice. You know he already didn’t like me and I don’t particularly care for him either… But that’s our problem to work out. I know you were probably trying to get us to be friends, but sometimes… Some trolls just can’t be or don’t want to be. We can’t force something like that.” Branch stroked the curly hair that curtained her face.

“I guess so… I’m sorry.” She sniffled, pressing her face to his paw caressing her.

“You have nothing to apologize for, if anything, thank you for trying so hard to get everyone to see me the way you do. Everyone has been very kind to me so far, so I have no complaints. The party looks fantastic, and everyone seems to be having a good time according to Smidge.” Branch smiled, attempting to comfort his crush.

“Really? It’s all been going well?” It seemed to work, Poppy smiled slightly as she blinked away the rest of her tears.

“Mhm. That’s all thanks to the nicest, most caring Princess I’ve ever met.” Branch pinched her nose playfully and made it honk. She blushed slightly as they both giggled at the sound. She sighed in relief, looking much better now.

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you, Princess Poppy.” Branch said, taking a mocking bow.

“Ugh, I don’t think I wanna hear the words: Princess and Poppy stuck together, ever again.” Poppy giggled, rolling her eyes at Branch’s silly gesture.

“Oh, is that so?” Branch asked with false shock. “Would you prefer… Poppyseed? Or maybe Popcorn. Popstar? Lollipop?”

Poppy groaned, shaking her head as she walked over to the bunker’s entrance.

“Ooh, Popmeister! No, no, The Notorious P.O.P! I think that’s a keeper.” Branch cheesed, his tone clearly mocking Poppy’s usual over-the-top enthusiasm towards naming things. The pink troll shoved him playfully as she burst into laughter.

“Branch, knock it off!” She giggled as he poked her and spouted off more horrible nicknames.

“Fine, fine. We’re more than fashionably late, so…” Branch extended his paw out to his friend for her to take as he stepped down onto the lift below. “Shall we?”

Poppy gladly accepted, taking his paw and stepping down onto the lift with him. His arm snaked around her waist unconsciously as he pulled on the lift lever. He couldn’t see her face, as it was dark but he heard an excited squeak from her. She must’ve been really excited for the party.

Branch smiled to himself as the lift went down and the thumping of the music got louder; he was secretly pretty excited, too.

To say Branch and Poppy danced was an understatement. They moved and grooved to their hearts’ content. While Branch wouldn’t sing, he couldn’t stop himself from joining in on the dancing. Once he got into the music, it was like he couldn’t help himself.

At first, he felt rather self-conscious about his dance moves, but once he saw the absolutely ridiculous moves that Cooper was pulling, he felt about ten times better about his own.

Dancing was part of him, he grew up dancing to routines and it was automatic to him once he started. Everyone was ecstatic to see Branch busting a move, Poppy and The Snack Pack were eager to join him, laughing and singing as Branch joined them in line dances.

There wasn’t a game or dance that the trolls didn’t want him to take part in, as they were determined to make him feel included.

He’d gotten swept up in so many, that he’d lost track of time and of Poppy. It wasn’t until the music stopped and someone tapped on a juice glass that he was able to find her. She was standing up on the stage for performances and had a microphone in her hand.

“Hello, everyone! Could I have your attention, please?” Trolls all congregated closer to the young leader troll as she continued.

“As you know, tonight is a very important night for all of us. As 20 years ago today, your King and my father, King Peppy, saved us all from the grasps of the Bergens and led us all to safety!”

There was a large round of applause as everyone clapped and King Peppy waved bashfully as his daughter spoke.

“Love ya, Dad. There’s no way we could’ve done this without you. I wanted to organize this party to show just how far we’ve all come as a community. Then, today, I was surprised to see that someone else wanted to do the same.” Poppy turned to face Branch, making everyone else turn to do the same. She extended her paw, beckoning him to join her on the stage.

Branch shook his head, feeling a fair bit nervous but when she beckoned again, more confidently, he couldn’t object. He shuffled his way up onto the stage and next to Poppy.

She immediately grabbed his paw, solidifying his spot on the stage with her. Guess he wasn’t going anywhere, now. He waved at the crowd awkwardly with his free paw as Poppy smiled at him.

“Hi, Branch!” Someone in the crowd yelled, a string of ‘hi’s’ and ‘hello’s’ from all over the basem*nt rung out.

“Branch also wanted to show that he could change today, and boy, has he! Not only has he shown kindness and compassion towards every troll he’s seen today, but he so bravely offered to share his home, part of himself, with us! This super amazing party location wouldn’t have been possible without Branch!” Poppy cheered, throwing their linked paws in the air like Branch had just won a wrestling match.

The crowd erupted into cheers and whooping, glitter shooting from every which way in the crowd as they cheered his name.

Branch felt so warm inside, while it was a little embarrassing, he was so flattered by all the support. Had it really been this easy from the start? Sure, some trolls had asked him insensitive questions about his colors or his way of life, but overall, people were trying to understand him.

There would always be work to do, everyone around him had failed him from such a young age when he really needed a sense of community to depend on once his Grandma was eaten.

Knowing what he knew now, he chalked it up to Pop Trolls not knowing how to properly feel things, their culture hadn’t allowed for it. Staying positive through it all was the only way Trolls knew how to cope with the Bergens eating their loved ones.

Now, it had just turned into a way of life to never talk about the bad things; if one troll panicked, they’d all start panicking too.

While Branch had gotten a few apologies for things, he knew the village had a lot of internal work to do. He couldn’t focus on that right now, though. He had his own new life to work on.

Branch extended his free paw to Poppy, gesturing for the microphone. Her eyes lit up excitedly and smiled wide as she handed it to him.

“Thank you, I uh… I appreciate the support. Um. I’m not really used to all the positivity, I’m a new student.” Branch joked dryly and chuckles were heard in response.

“I know I wasn’t always this friendly, and I can’t change how I was back then. But I’m ready to learn how to be here now, even if my ways are a little different.” Branch paused as Poppy squeezed his hand with an understanding look.

She was the reason he was doing all this to begin with. She was his love, his light, his life. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. He turned his head to look at Poppy. An endearing gaze fell upon his face and Poppy returned it with a burning pink blush.

“I might not know what happiness feels like, but I know that it feels good to be your friend.”

Poppy’s mouth fell open just a little as her eyes sparkled at his words.

“Thank you for being my first friend, Poppy.” Branch smiled uncontrollably, a big one with teeth showing. It was lopsided and awkward, but it just felt right.

Poppy’s eyes welled up with happy tears as she immediately hugged him with her whole body, her tail coiling around his legs. That was Branch’s favorite kind of hug from Poppy. They were the ones filled with the most love she could muster up.

He squeezed back, and the sounds of ‘awww’s’ filled the room, then applause and cheering immediately afterward. Branch was tuning all of that out, though. All that mattered was Poppy’s happiness right now. He’d always be there to mend whatever or whoever was hurting her.

Dream or not, she changed his heart. He'd be her shield, forever.

It was the least he could do.

Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (2)

“I might not know what happiness feels like, but I know that it feels good to be your friend.”


I couldn't resist drawing their party outfits! Ughhh, they're just so stinkin' cute, y'all! Grey matches pink so well for some reason... Can't put my finger on it... ;]

I'm an artist first before I'm a writer, so I can't resist drawing them <333

Edit 4/16/24:
Lovely fanart of Poppy's party dress!! Thank you, glitterp0prhaps0dy!! So cute 💖‼️

My socials if you wish to follow my work!! I always post a story on insta when my chapters are up :]
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Chapter 18: Reality


I just wanna say thanks again for all the love and support, it's seriously been amazing!! 😭❤️
It's kinda funny that people keep saying how good I am at writing but this is the first fanfic series I've put work into... I didn't really start writing until the first time in January!

I'm glad you guys really like my weird writing style I guess? LOL Have fun reading this one! There's a song!

Chapter Songs
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the party continued at a more subdued level than before the announcement, Branch, Poppy and her friends played with floor fireworks and sparklers by the hot spring as they all laughed and joked.

Some trolls opted to wind down in the lounge areas of the basem*nt, either sleeping or chatting amongst themselves. Some were still dancing, but that was in the upper area, away from the hot spring where the music was more muted, light thumping from the beat of the songs being played.

Poppy had convinced Cooper to hold off on the grand fireworks display until further notice. She managed to keep him satisfied with smaller ones that could be done on the ground and he was having a blast while they talked about various things. Branch was relieved knowing that the big one wouldn’t be set off… For now, that is.

That was a problem they’d have for another day.

Poppy was sitting on her knees next to Branch as she sword-fought with his sprinkler. Branch sat criss-cross as he focused on the miscellaneous topics of conversation. She had scooted closer to Branch about three separate times and he hadn’t bothered to move, Poppy was rather clingy in general and Branch didn’t ever really mind.

Their shoulders were touching, and Poppy was very much in Branch’s bubble. She was so happy about his speech and had stuck to him like glue ever since it ended. Branch was glad she was so happy, but he was having a hard time ignoring her obvious attempts to test to see how far he'd let her go.

“I can’t believe Creek flaked on us; this is the biggest party of the year!” Smidge huffed, clearly irked by Creek’s recent behavior.

“I know, right? This party is a-maaaaa-zing!” Guy Diamond vocalized as he waved around his own sprinkler.

“Yeah, seriously Branch, thanks for doing all this, you’re not a bad dude at ALL!” Cooper laughed in his typically goofy way. “I dunno what Creek was so worried about, you’re way nicer than I thought; even if you’re a little weird sometimes!” He laughed even more, making Branch roll his eyes.

Cooper was probably one of the weirdest trolls around; this was rich coming from him. He was really sweet but also incredibly honest with how he was feeling.

“Maybe he should find some positive vibes to match with those pants. He looks like the reflective vests we wear on site, dude.” Fuzzbert beeped and mumbled, his jab clearly being missed by his friends who couldn’t understand him.

Branch snorted, getting a discreet chuckle from Fuzzbert in return. If Fuzzbert was always saying stuff like this, Branch thought that the two of them would definitely get along.

“Well, forget all that, you guys looked absolutely amazingggg up on the stage with all the glitter glistening off your clothes…” Satin swooned, imagining it as she clasped her paws together.

“Yeah, totally… I’m such a genius for making those outfits!”

“Hey! I helped make them, too!”

Satin and Chenille immediately started bickering over who made what and what actually counted.

Everyone continued talking, rather used to the twins’ bickering. DJ Suki, who’d taken a break from deejaying to hang out with her friends, shook her head and then turned her gaze to Branch and Poppy who were sitting as close as ever.

“Never mind all that, what was up with the goo-goo eyes you guys were giving each other?” DJ teased, making Branch frown and look away as the rest of The Pack ‘ooooooh’ed’ at the pair.

He knew he should’ve been more careful; he should’ve been putting up more boundaries instead of forgetting like an idiot that he dreamt that he and Poppy were that close.

“Yeahhhh, you’ve been holding paws aaaall day! And that big hug during the speech? Scandalous!” Guy Diamond wiggled his eyebrows.

This was his fault. He’d been forgetting all day, and when he’d finally hold himself back, Poppy would take three steps closer and he’d give in every time.

“You should’ve seen ‘em earlier when I was with ‘em, she jumped into his arms like they were maaaarrieeeeed!” Smidge giggled as the rest whooped and cooed.

He kicked himself for not having a damn backbone when it came to her. He was bound to screw up big time if he keeps this up. He needs to back off—

“Come’on guys, don’t make it weird,” Poppy sighed, chuckling awkwardly. “We’ve been friends for like, half a day? Me and Branch just get along really well! Nothing romantic about it!”


Well, that was good, right? He had nothing to worry about. She saw them as friends. She should see them that way, that’s all they were. She wasn’t a lonely loser all this time like he was. There was no reason to like him, she didn’t even know him.

It’s good, Branch. This isn’t your stupid fantasy dream anymore, she has no reason to fall in love with you, this is reality. Stick to it.

He shouldn’t have thought she’d see it any other way. She was just being nice to him because she had to be, once he was doing better and everyone liked him, she’d move on. He’ll help protect them from the Bergens and that’s all he’ll be good for. If she needs help, he’ll be there. That’s what friends do.

He needed to remember that.

“….arth to Branch! Hellloooooo?” Poppy waved a paw in front of his face, snapping him out of the stupor he didn’t know he was stuck in.

“Huh? Sorry, what’d you say?” He smiled awkwardly. Damn it, now he wasn’t listening, he needed to get a grip.

“I-I said that you know we’re just friends! Right?” She was shifting her look around with a weirdly, expectant look as her cheeks flushed.

Yes. Just friends. Don’t be an idiot, Branch. Keep yourself in realism. No one is meant to stay with you and you know that. Just be nicer about it this time.

“Oh, yeah. Of course, I know that. I think you guys know that’s a bit ridiculous.” Branch chuckled, standing up with a smug expression.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Poppy frowned at him. Her demeanor tensed immediately; her expression somehow looked disappointed.

Keep it in perspective. She should be with someone less f*cked up, she doesn’t need to handle your baggage. That’s where you messed up in that dream.

“I mean… Is it not obvious?” Branch gestured at himself and his grey appearance, huffing air out of his nose in a laugh of disbelief. “Anyways, I think I need to go get some water or something, I think all this partying is making me space out.”

“This is a crazy first party, I totally getcha, Branch. Come back soon, alright?” Smidge laughed a bit awkwardly.

Branch walked off before Poppy could properly call him back over. He had to get out of there. He grabbed a cup of ice water from the drink tables and sped walked towards the exit. He had to get out of this party right now before he lost it. He slinked his way through the crowd and outside the door where the party was being held. he muted thumps of the music matched the ones from his heart.

He made his way over to the bunker elevator and started panting as he ascended. He'd leave just for a minute, he just needed to breathe and he didn’t need to ruin the party by losing it in front of everyone like a child. The cup was starting to tremble as he reached the top.

The group was all looking at him like he said something wrong. He didn’t think he had, but that was just more proof that he still had work to do. He didn’t know how to talk to people the right way, he couldn’t do things the way they needed him to.

This is why everyone left him, it was all his stupid fault, and he knew it. He was being delusional and he needed that quick dose of reality.

Branch shoved open the bunker door and slammed it behind him. He flung his hair up around a tree sapling above his home and pulled himself up. He landed in a self-made nest he made years ago to have a nice writing spot outside of the bunker.

Branch liked the sounds of nature; they were simple and serene and sometimes, this nest helped him calm down. He curled himself up in the middle of it, squeezing his eyes shut as his breathing became more erratic.

He was so stupid, why was he taking Poppy’s intentions the wrong way? He knew better, he knew better than to depend on some dream for his happiness. Poppy could do better than him this time and he knew that.

She doesn’t need to have big fights with him or save the world together just for her to listen to him this time. She was trusting him as a friend and he shouldn’t violate that trust. He was doing things the right way. He needed to stop this.

Why was he getting himself all worked up over something that wasn’t real? He needed to get over it. His chest hurt, it burned. He couldn’t get his breathing under control. He needed to stop this, he needed to calm down. Panic attacks wouldn’t help him become a better troll for Poppy.

He splashed himself with the cold water and focused hard on the cold sensation that dropped down his trembling body. It didn’t work, usually, cold water could jolt him out of this. Branch lay flat on his back, looking up through the trees.

I see the stars. I like the stars. Constellations change and move as the year goes on. I can smell the leaves. The grass. The dew on the grass should start forming soon, it’s getting cold. I feel the chill of the breeze. The nest feels scratchy and rough. I should add more blankets. I can hear the critters cooing for their friends. The leaves are blowing. I taste the punch I had earlier. Smidge made it…

After focusing on his senses, Branch slowed his breathing and his head stopped swirling. He hated that he had panic attacks so often. There wasn’t a day he had where he hadn’t had one. In his dreams, they stopped happening as often, but that wasn’t real, so he had gotten nowhere in progress.

He sat up, feeling the breeze pick up and letting it work its way over his body and through his raven-black hair. He shivered a bit, now regretting the cold water he’d poured on himself.

He did the one thing is liked to do when he was alone in his dreams. He started to hum, attracting critters as his voice brought them in to harmonize and create a melody.

“Ask me why my heart’s inside my throat…

I’ve never been in love, I’ve been alone.”

Branch was battling himself over a life that hadn’t even happened. He was mourning the loss and he was so tired of not being able to forget it.

“Feel like I’ve been living life asleep.

Love so strong, it makes me feel so weak…”

He was in love with a girl who had no idea how much he loved her. She never will, but he can’t stop himself from wanting her love for him to be real.

“Are you lonely?”

Branch sang a bit more loudly as the critters around him echoed his words.

“Our fingers dancing when they meet…”

He thought about his paws intertwined with Poppy’s. They’d held each other’s so much today and his core burned as he recalled the feeling of it.

“You seem so lonely…”

He thought about her tears after Creek treated her today and the distraught look in her eyes as she told him. She looked so forlorn and lost. He wished more than anything to be as special to her as Creek was to her.

“I’ll be the only dream you seek…

So, if you’re lonely, no need to show me

If you’re lonely, come be lonely with me…”

The critters around him swirled and strummed their antennae to the melody of the song. Branch loved her more than anything because of his own fantasies. He needed to let this go.


Passion is crashing as we speak…”

They’d spoken for hours up in that tree during their stakeout. Poppy giggled as he told her jokes and it felt the same as when he’d talk to his love in his dream state. She was his light, she meant everything to him. She was so distraught when her friends treated her like her words didn’t matter. Because it was him she was with.

“You seem so lonely,

You’re the ground my feet won’t reach…

So, if you’re lonely, darling you’re glowing.

If you’re lonely, come be lonely with me.”

He wanted to be her everything, but he knew that being too close would just bring her pain. No one would love a grey troll, and he had no idea how to be happy. He couldn’t be what she needed, he might never be if things continued this way. He stared up at the stars, glowing critters dancing and blinking around him.

“Underneath the pale moonlight,

Dreaming of a circus life,

Carousels and Ferris heights,

I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine…”

His song of yearning pulled at him, squeezing his paws together against his chest as his heart ached.

“Cause I’m lonely, I’m so lonely…

If you hold me, I’ll be your only…”

He wanted her more than anything, but he couldn’t mess up her future by getting her tangled up in his turmoil, his grief and loss of family. That would be his problem to solve.

“Are you lonely?

Our fingers dancing when they meet…

You seem so lonely,

I’ll be the only dream you seek…”

He said he’d be her friend. Friends don’t act like this and he wouldn’t bring her down to his level, he’d help her when she needed him and he’d have to let this go.

“So, if you’re lonely, no need to show me,

If you’re lonely, come be lonely with me…”

After this song, it would be over. He’d let this go, for her sake. He refused to hold her back this time, he’d only be there to point her in the right direction when she asked. She trusted his guidance this time, that’s all he’d offer.

“Are you lonely?

Passion is crashing as we speak…

You seem so lonely,

You’re the ground my feet won’t reach…”

He could do it; he could step back for her. She’d be a good queen and he’d keep her safe from danger this time. That’s all he needed to do.

“So, if you're lonely,

Darling, you're glowing,

If you're lonely, come be lonely with me.”

As his song ended and the critters dispersed, he wiped his tears and sighed, letting his feelings go with his breath. He’d go back in after a while, he just needed a minute.

Fifteen minutes had passed before he heard the thunk of the bunker door. Shoot, he’d forgotten to lock it from the outside during his panic!

“Branch?” A familiar voice from a pink troll he knew rang out for him.

Branch peeked out from his nest above to see her looking around for him. She’d just go back in if she didn’t find him, right? She’d be fine with the rest of her friends. He should just leave it be.

“Braaaaanch? Hello? Did he go out further?” She walked on her tippy toes, scouting the area with her paw up to her forehead. She was so cute sometimes.

Branch sighed, she’d be the death of him, he could truly never have peace with her around.

“Up here.” Branch waved from up above, making Poppy look up and her eyes lit up as she grinned from spotting him. “Oh, before you come up, could you step on that small, raised, flat rock next to the entrance?”

“Oh, sure thing!” She happily skipped over to the entrance of the bunker, she scanned it before finding it and stomping on it. A mechanical clunking sound was heard as his bunker was put into full lockdown mode.

“What was that?” Poppy wrinkled her nose.

“I’ll explain it later, c’mon up.” Branch beckoned with a sigh.

Poppy didn’t hesitate, flinging herself up with a little too much momentum, crashing right into him as she landed. They paused for a moment, looking at each other, then burst into a fit of giggles. Once they got themselves together, they lay down next to each other, looking up at the stars.

“I was looking all over for you, but I figured you must’ve gone somewhere quiet. That’s usually your bunker, but…” Poppy stopped, not needing to explain the obvious as she giggled.

Branch only hummed in acknowledgment, keeping his eyes locked on the stars even as her eyes burned into him.

“I was gonna come back in soon.”

Poppy returned his response with a hum of her own, moving closer and settling in with her head touching his.

No big deal, Branch. Just ignore it.



“What does it mean when someone’s touch feels prickly?”

“…Prickly?” Branch scrunched up his face, finally meeting her eyes that were still locked onto him. “What do you mean?”

“Well, there’s this troll I know. They’re usually pretty nice to everyone and I really like them. We used to hug and touch all the time with no problem. But now… Whenever they touch me, my skin feels all sharp, prickly.” Poppy’s face had a look of melancholy as she recalled.

There was a pause as Branch tried to figure out who this troll might’ve been.

“Is prickly good or bad?”

“I’m… not sure.”

“Well, what do you want to do when they touch you?”

“I want to get away from it. It makes me shiver a little.”

“Sounds like you don’t want that troll to touch you at all. That’s a bad feeling.”

Poppy always flinched, shivered, or squeaked when Branch touched her now that he was thinking about it… Branch tried to be subtle as shifted and scooted away from Poppy’s touch. She didn’t notice initially, but then a few moments later, scooted close to him again and resumed her physical contact from before, sighing.

Well, that didn’t work.

“But I care about this person, I can’t just tell them to never touch me because it feels weird.”

“Does it feel like this when you touch me?”

Branch knew he shouldn’t, but he was just going to bite the bullet and ask. He had to know what she was thinking.

“Oh, my glitter, of course not! I like how it feels when you touch me. I feel really happy. Like the happiest ever!” Poppy sprung up, her eyes widening and a grin spreading across her face.

Branch held back a sigh of relief as he nodded, keeping himself calm as his brain did about a hundred backflips and screams of joy. He only offered a relaxed smile, he had to play this cool.

“Sounds like you need to have a boundary with this person. Y’know, like they have to ask you first.” Branch shrugged, looking back up at the sky.

“What? But I never say no to a hug, it’ll be totally weird if I do that, what if that hurts their feelings?!” Poppy gasped dramatically at the prospect of such an idea.

“It’s not saying no, it’s preparation. So that way you’re not thrown off when it happens. If someone gets upset at you for having a simple boundary like ‘ask before touching me,’ they’re a crappy friend and they totally suck big time.” Branch rolled his eyes.

“Smidge doesn’t like to be picked up or moved without being asked first, right? ‘Cause, she doesn’t like it. You guys respect that, don’t you?”

“Of course! Smidge gets really angry if we do. No way would I wanna make a troll that strong all angry. Plus, I like Smidge, I don’t like seeing her upset.” Poppy nodded to herself.

“Then I’m sure, whoever this friend is, will understand.” Branch sat up, patting her paw with his larger one. She smiled, sighing in relief as she nodded again.

“I know Hug Times are over for the day, but can I hug you, Branch?”

“You don’t have to ask me, it’s always okay if you hug me, Poppyseed.”

Poppy immediately jumped on Branch into a hug, her arms and legs wrapped around his torso as they sat, her now on his lap. She squealed happily as Branch relished in the feeling.

Hugs were okay, right? Friends totally do that. He just had to keep them shorter. He could do that… Just… Maybe next time that one would be shorter, it’d be okay just this once.

After a while, they pulled back from their tight hug, looking at each other with big smiles. They stared at each other for a while, lost in each other’s eyes. They were so close, their noses almost touching. No big deal, friends stared at each other sometimes.

Was Poppy’s face getting closer? Why was she looking at him like that, she was so beautiful… His face was moving closer to hers, or at least it seemed like it as her nose was mere atoms away from touching his.

He needed to stop this; this wasn’t good. What was happening, why was she leaning in closer, too? This was confusing, so confusing. What should he do? He needed to get away, he needed to—


Large footsteps thundered in sound as they crashed through the forest and shook the forest floor.

The friends’ expressions quickly went from ones of adoration to those of true horror as it dawned on them what they were hearing. They turned quickly to see a large, disheveled figure making its way through the trees, mere feet to the left of them and the bunker.

The large figure wore a tattered culinary chef uniform; her blue hair frayed and wiry as her muddied lavender skin came into view of the two trolls.

“Branch! Blend in!” Poppy whisper-yelled as she covered herself in her hair, pulling away from him and flopping to the nest floor and covering her head as she changed her hair to white to look like an egg within the nest they were sitting in.

“I-I can’t! M-My colors—I… I can’t…!” Branch whispered back. He was panicking but before he could blink, he was being yanked in by Poppy and wrapped with her in her camouflaged hair.

They couldn’t dare to speak anymore as the creature they feared most made their way past them and the bunker, pushing away trees and bushes in their way.

Why was she here already? How is she here? There were no fireworks, no loud party she could hear. How would she even know where to look?

This wasn’t how things were supposed to go.

This wasn’t what was supposed to happen.

Branch and Poppy who were swaddled in each other’s arms, stared at each other in fear. Poppy was looking at him for an answer.

He didn’t have one for her.


Uh oh... That's really not good, how did she even find them?! :[

Chapter 19: Rumbling


Poppy and Branch try to come up with a plan to figure out what to do in regards to Chef.


Holy moly, y'all! We've reached 10k hits and as of this chapter, 50k words in just shy of TWO WEEKS!! ! I can't believe it!! Thank you all so much, I'm eternally grateful for all the love 😭🙏 I'll keep posting so long as you all keep reading!

(Slight POV shift at the end!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The pink and grey trolls watched in horror as the dreaded creature before the two trolls passed them, none the wiser to where all the trolls had gone. Neither could utter a word as Chef searched all over, peeking in pods and lifting buildings and throwing them down in frustration as they were all unoccupied.

“Where are they?!” Chef roared, smacking a pod to the ground in anger. “They clearly live here with all these STUPID pods everywhere… They’re supposed to be here! I know they are…”

She trashed a few more things as she moved on further into the village, searching every nook and cranny and disappearing further into the forest when she couldn’t find anything. Poppy had never been more thankful for Branch’s fear of Bergens. That bunker had just saved all of her people’s lives.

But he said that Chef only discovered them because they were super loud and let off all those fireworks! How in the hair did she find them, then? Poppy turned to Branch who was completely catatonic with fear and shock as he watched Chef tear through the village.

“Branch, I thought you said she only found us because of the noise and fireworks! How the hair did she find us?!” Poppy whispered harshly.

“I don’t know.”


“I-I don’t know…! T-This…! This wasn’t supposed to happen, she wasn’t supposed to be able to find us without a lead! B-But she’s here and…!”

This scared Poppy to her core; she’d never see Branch this distraught. He had no clue why things turned out this way and he didn’t know what to tell her as he sputtered and grabbed at his hair. If he didn’t know what to do, how were they gonna fix this? How would any of them be safe now? What was she supposed to do? She just wanted to hide away forever and keep everyone safe by—

Oh. This is why Branch always acted like this.

Poppy had never seen a Bergen before, or she was too young to remember when they escaped. Seeing how big they were and how violent Chef was when looking for them really put it into perspective as to how scary it could be to be eaten by something that big.

She didn’t realize she was trembling until she felt big paws on her face.

“Poppy, look at me.” Branch had calmed himself enough within the time Poppy had started to lose her cool. She looked into his eyes as he rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. His paws felt so scratchy against her skin, it felt like it was sparking as that wonderful feeling lit her cheeks ablaze. Her heart hammered in her chest as she stared at him. “I-I know this is scary, but… You have to be calm for us to figure out what to do, for the rest of the village especially.” His voice shook; he was still very nervous himself, his eyes full of worry.

Poppy nodded robotically as her eyes were transfixed on his. She could look into his icy blue eyes all day long. Earlier when he left, suggesting the prospect of them being more than just friends was ridiculous had hurt her feelings. She didn’t understand why, though. That was the correct answer—in fact—the answer she had given to her friends was not much different. That’s all they were, but it made her stomach feel a little nauseous knowing that he didn’t want to be anything more. Maybe Poppy was a little dizzy from the party herself.

Poppy didn’t have time to think about it as Branch removed his paws from her face, snapping her out of her trance and almost whining from the loss. He was thinking about what to do in more detail, his face scrunched up and the wrinkles tucked at the corners of his eyes would deepen. She noticed him doing it a lot when they were “adventuring” together.

Branch was seriously different from every other troll she’d known. He was so quick-witted and resourceful. He’d just saved her entire village with his home and hadn’t batted an eye. She was sure he’d come up with something. There had to be something else they could do to fix this.

“Okay, so clearly, Chef had no clue where we were and didn’t even know the bunker existed. She walked right past it and into the village. That’ll buy us more time. The issue I’m having right now is how she even knew we were here without any actual proof.”

“Maybe she had the same dream as you.” Poppy said flatly with an eyebrow raised.

The two trolls looked at each other for a moment before stifling giggles at the dumb hypothesis.

Nice one, Poppy! You made one of those Branch kind of jokes! AND he laughed! Oh yeah, a best friendship is DEFINITELY on its way, now.

“Didn’t think you had it in you to be sarcastic,” Branch sighed with a smile. “Guess I’m rubbing off on you too much already.”

“Is that what it’s called? Sarcastic?”

“Uhh, yeah. Sarcasm.” He smiled, shook his head, as if throwing the topic away, and continued. “Anyway, we can’t just sit up here in this tree, everyone in the bunker definitely heard that. We need to go in there and calm everyone down.”

“But what do we even tell them, I mean, your bunker totally saved our tails, but we can’t stay down there forever.”

“…Maybe we can.”

“What? Branch…” Poppy’s warning tone as she looked at him. What was he trying to get at? Living underground?

“Not….! Not forever, but… Temporarily.” Branch held up his paws defensively to show her that his words had a different intention. “There’s no way they’re gonna want to leave once you tell them that the sound they heard was a Bergen. I tunneled my way down there to build that whole basem*nt. Not to repeat history, but we tunneled our way out of the Bergen’s grasps the last time, who’s to say we couldn’t dig our way to somewhere safe again?”

“But I don’t want to just run away again, Branch! We’d be leaving our homes behind for the second time, now! This is no kind of life to live. I want everyone to be safe and free, not safe and terrified to actually live.” Poppy sighed, this was so difficult…

“If we just keep running away, we’re only delaying a Bergen attack again.” Branch muttered to himself, making Poppy nod in agreement.

“…But what if we stopped the problem from the source?” Branch added, making Poppy sit up more alert than before.

“What are you saying?”

“Remember when I told you that in my dream, you became ‘ultimate besties’ with a Bergen?”


“Well, when we went to go rescue The Snack Pack, she needed our help. Helping her led to her saving all of us from getting eaten. Maybe if we go now…”

“…She could help us out again! Like protecting us!” Poppy lightly smacked her fist into her other palm as she whispered her eureka moment to Branch.

“Right. Making friends with the Bergens is the key to our survival… But we’d have to get to Bergen Town first. That’s a couple of days away from here.”

“It’s our best bet. I don’t want to live underground forever; and if we can become friends with some of them, maybe they can stop Chef for us.” Poppy had a determined look on her face as Branch nodded curtly.

This wasn’t a bad idea, not a bad idea at all. She and Branch could go to Bergen Town, make friends with Bergens, and stop the problem at the source! She knew Branch would have a good idea! It was even better that he thought making friends was a good plan; he really had grown a lot in a day.

“Then you go down there and calm everyone down, I’ll make sure supplies and plans are made with the Fuzzlings to come up with a housing plan for everyone while we’re gone.”

Poppy nodded. This would be a piece of cake. She just needed to reassure everyone that everything would be fine. She could do that now, everything would be! Branch had a plan.

They squeezed each other’s paws as the lift went down, it was a bit nerve-racking as Branch reengaged the lockdown function once they had gotten inside and she watched as the tunnel the lift traveled through would shut layers of metal walls up as they descended; the final one clanking shut above them as the lift stopped at the bottom of the basem*nt.

Branch had put a lot of effort into making sure this bunker was safe and secure. Normally, she’d think this was overkill, but the sheer size of Chef had her rethinking things.

Being so small left them vulnerable to so many things and a Bergen was the biggest danger of them all. She recalled Branch’s vague confession as to how he turned grey and it was becoming rather clear as she saw Chef rampage through their village.

If Chef took Branch away from Poppy, how would she feel? Maybe she’d be just as grey. Branch had quickly become someone that Poppy cherished. She shook off the thought as they stepped off the lift; she didn’t want to even think about losing someone.

She could hear panicked clamoring and cries as they approached the door to the party room. She could do this. Branch released her paw, opening the door for her and she stepped inside, being greeted by panicked trolls and exclamations.

Most were just worried about her safety and were glad she was okay while others asked what the sound was. She put her paws up in the air and hushed the crowd as she walked to the center of the room, getting everyone’s attention as Branch scampered off to handle his preparations.

“Hello, everyone! I know, I know… That sound you all heard was super, duper scary. Unfortunately, it’s not something we can ignore—it was a Bergen. Loud gasps and screams were let out as she spoke before she put her paws up again to placate them.

“But not to worry! Thanks to Branch’s Bunker, the Bergen has no idea that we’re down here, we’re completely safe!” Everyone cheered and clapped as they felt relief, others murmured in wariness.

“But what do we do now, Princess Poppy? I don’t wanna leave if a Bergen’s gonna get me!” A worried trolling asked, making others clamor and chatter in fear.

“Exactly, little guy! This is why for the time being, everyone will stay here where it’s safe. Branch and I are working on a plan so that the Bergens will never bother us again.”

“Are we gonna run away again?” Another troll piped up, making some older trolls frown. It broke her heart, they remembered having to leave their homes behind the first time. She refused to let that happen again.

“No way. We’re going to solve this problem properly. Leave the hard work to us; we’ll make sure we fight to stay this time. No troll will be left behind under my watch!” Poppy pumped her fists in the air, making everyone cheer.

“I have some important Princess planning to do, so please, get comfy, enjoy some food, and enjoy the rest of your night. You’re all safe here.” With that, the villagers seemed to be more at ease and chatting amongst each other in relief as Poppy swam her way through the crowd to see where Branch had gone.

She heard some doubts but mostly praise and relief that Branch’s bunker had saved them. She sighed in relief of her own as trolls were starting to warm up to her new friend.

She left the room again and looked down the hall on the left, then the right, spotting a grey troll with his back turned. He was pushing a trolley full of crates with Fuzzlings buzzing all around him as he gave them instructions.

“…So, make sure these stay back here in a place where trolls without a key, can’t get to. These have to last everyone at least a few days while we’re gone.” He jingled the key hooked around his finger and backed up as the Fuzzlings took over the job to Branch’s initial shock. He tossed the keys to one that beeped at him and then put his paws on his hips as he watched the Fuzzlings move the cart of crates to a storage room down the hallway.

“Branch!” Poppy called excitedly as she skipped over to him, hugging his back.

“Oh, hey Poppy. Did everything go okay?”

“It went just fine, everyone’s nice and calm and they’re gonna stay put, just like you thought.”

“Good, all we need to do now is get our own supplies together, plan the route, and get a good night’s sleep so we can get a move on bright and early tomorrow.” Branch counted on his fingers as he listed off the things they needed to do.

Branch had a lot of scars on his fingers; what kind of things did he do with his paws that would cause all of them? Poppy was sure going to ask once they were out on their journey, she’d have a lot of time to ask him questions.

“For now, we should work out a game plan. C’mon, there’s an office back here, we should talk about it somewhere less… Out in the open.” He beckoned her to follow.

She skipped after him as he walked with his usual urgent stride. Branch walked really fast, he always did when she was around, anyway. At first, she thought it was just to get away from her, but now that they were friends, she could see it was just an unconscious habit of his that he had a hard time fixing.

As they entered the office space, Poppy closed the door and quickly occupied the swiveling office chair she locked eyes on as Branch pulled things out of his hair. She giggled as she spun around in it and might have let out a small, totally discreet, loud squeal with the word: ‘wheee!’ as she did so. Branch only raised an eyebrow with a smirk as he rolled his eyes, laying out what looked like a self-drawn map on the desk as he stood beside the chair she was sitting in.

“Okay, Poppy… Here’s what I’m thinking—”

Suddenly, the office door opened again, pausing Branch in his tracks as both trolls instantly shot their heads up to look.

An older, orange elderly troll with wiry, pink and grey hair hobbled his way in with his walking stick. King Peppy looked around the office space in concern before locking his eyes with Poppy and Branch at the far end of the room.

“Poppy! What’s going on, was there truly a Bergen out there, sweetheart?” Peppy asked, clearly still in shock.

“Dad!” Poppy instantly stood up and ran over to her father and took one of his paws into her own as she sighed. “Yes… Me and Branch had stepped outside the bunker for a bit and watched her rampage through the village. It was no doubt a Bergen.”

King Peppy let out a quiet sound of despair as he lowered his head, shaking it. Poppy squeezed his paw and made him look up at her.

“Dad, it’s okay! Me and Branch are coming up with a plan right now for what to do when we get to Bergen Town!” Poppy attempted to reassure him, giving him a big smile.

Her dad didn’t smile back, his face harbored a face that read more like: “Are you crazy?” as he sputtered out his words.

“BERGEN TOWN? Poppy sweetheart, why on earth would you want to go there?!” He shook his head firmly. “Absolutely not.”

“What? Dad, what other choices do we have? We need to solve this problem from the source.”

“We can just relocate again! There’s no way I’m letting my little girl walk straight into the belly of the beast, and that’s no exaggeration!” King Peppy said sternly as Poppy pouted. Branch had made his way next to the pair as they argued, putting his paws up at them to try and placate their fight to no avail.

“I’m not a little girl anymore Dad! I’m 21, now! You were ruling the village at my age, it’s my turn to save them this time.”

“No way, you’re my daughter Poppy! I’m not losing another one.”

“Huh? Another what?”

“Oh! Uh! A-Another member of our village, that is, sweetheart! It was quite difficult to see them being taken for a Bergen’s meal.” He chuckled uncomfortably as Poppy raised an eyebrow. She glanced at Branch for a moment, his face was colored in disbelief as he stared at her father before quickly changing his expression to his signature scowl and shaking his head.

What would he have been angry about? Maybe he was just thinking, about the Chef. He said that she made him grey, so she must’ve taken someone important to him, too. That wasn’t important right now, her dad was telling her she couldn’t go!

She was going, no stubborn father was nearly as stubborn as Poppy.

“Right… Anyway, Dad, I’m going and that’s final. Our people are not running away again. They had to give up their homes once already, I refuse to be a leader that just runs away when things get hard. I’m not gonna repeat history. We earned this freedom, and I’m not gonna just let some Bergens take it again!” There was a fire lit within her, she couldn’t just stand back and let this happen again.

Her dad was silent as he stared at her. His look was wistful, yet proud.

“You sound just like me when I started planning to leave the Troll Tree. I suppose you truly have grown up, my girl. I’m just worried, going all alone will be difficult.”

“I won’t be going alone, Dad! I have the number one Bergen expert right here!” Poppy released her dad’s paw and hooked an arm around Branch’s neck, pulling him in for a side hug.

“Uh. Hi.” Branch waved awkwardly as her dad eyed the grey troll next to her. He sighed a bit in relief and gave Branch a warm smile but Branch didn’t return it.

“Ah, Branch. I must thank you personally for allowing all of us into your home. Not only was this a fantastic party, but you protected us all with your bunker! I wish I had something better to thank you with.”

“Uhhh… No, that’s okay. I don’t want anything, knowing everyone is safe is all I need.” Branch shook his head with a neutral expression as he stared at the King.

“That makes me feel a little better about letting my little girl venture off. If she’s with someone as prepared as you, I’m sure she will be safe. Bring her back safely, will you?”

Branch only nodded; he was still glaring at the King with an uncomfortable expression from earlier.

“Good to hear, son!” Her dad hadn’t noticed and beamed at Branch as he patted him on the back with enough enthusiasm and force to make Branch grunt. “Though, I think it’d be good if you and I had a little bit of a talk, troll-to-troll about this. Would you mind if I borrowed him for a bit, dear?”

Poppy shifted her eyes back and forth between Branch and her father; the vibe was weird, and she looked at Branch for visual approval.

“Yeah, I think that’d be for the best. I have a few things I’d like for the King to take care of some things while we’re gone. We have some things to talk about.” Branch nodded, then gestured to the door.

“If you could head up to my part of the bunker and grab the big duffle bags sitting in the den, that’d be really helpful. We’ll need those for traveling.”

“But where is that? I couldn’t see it on the way down here.” Poppy tilted her head, trying to recall.

“Trust me, you’ll figure it out, just turn on a light when you’re going up.” Branch gave her a small smile with a thumbs up.

She wasn’t so sure that she could, but he was trusting her with this task. She gave a determined nod and smiled back.

“Okay, be back in a bit, then! You two have fun!” She quickly made herself scarce as she shut the door behind her, skipping over to the lift and sighing. There was something about her dad wanting to talk to Branch alone that made her nervous. Her dad seemed to like him okay, it was Branch’s face that was confusing her. Maybe he just had a lot on his mind.

Once the door was shut, Branch returned his gaze to King Peppy with an annoyed look on his face as he crossed his arms. King Peppy hardly noticed as he started up a conversation.

“Again, thank you so much for looking after my Poppy today, I—”

“Why doesn’t she know about Viva?”

King Peppy’s words turned to ice in his throat as the words spilled out of Branch’s mouth. He looked at Branch with a slightly horrified look of anxiety.

“W-What do you mean, lad? I don’t know—”

“Don’t play dumb with me. Viva? Princess Viva? The daughter you clearly haven’t told Poppy about?” Branch was angry, his face scrunched into the usual scowl that everyone saw him with as he bore holes into the King. King Peppy struggled for the right words as he scanned Branch’s face before looking away, a bit ashamed.

“Yeah, guess we have more than one daughter to talk about, don’t we?” Branch sneered.


Uh oh. Looks like Branch and Peppy have things to talk about alone...

Chapter 20: Reprimand


Branch and King Peppy have a hard conversation.


I was going to be mean and switch to a Poppy POV and make Branch's convo with Peppy wait, but I couldn’t think of a way to do that without just wasting a chapter so I won’t torture anyone this time. :] Say "thank you, Buzz!" (LOL)

This one gets a little angsty, so that's what will satisfy me this time 😈 Peppy bashing incoming!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Peppy sighed and shook his head in deep regret. He twiddled his fingers as his eyes scanned the floor for answers.

“How on earth did you know about Viva?”

sh*t. Branch had slipped up again, that was in his dream that he met her! He shouldn’t know any of this at all. He just got so angry when he heard the King slip up himself by mentioning having another daughter that he couldn’t stop his own anger at the prospect.

God, why was he messing up his memories like this? Everything felt so jumbled and he couldn't separate it properly; like things were blending into reality despite them never happening. He seriously needed to get it together.

...Wait, this was no time to self loathe. King Peppy had just revealed that hedid have another daughter but covered it up right in front of him. That meant Vivawas real, and the King was completely neglecting to tell his kid something important; her own sister!

How he knew about Viva didn’t matter right now, King Peppy lied to Poppy right in front of his face, and he needed to find out why. Why would he be keeping this from his own child?

“Uhh... Did you think that everyone just totally forgot she existed at some point?” Branch scoffed, easily smoothing over his previous blunder. “I might’ve been just a kid, but I mean, even besides me, there were other trolls much older than me that knew your daughter, King Peppy. She was a Princess, too.”

“Ah, that’s very true… I suppose many would remember my dearest Viva.” Peppy wrung his paws together as he frowned.

“What I don’t understand is why you wouldn’t want Poppy to remember. Whether or not she was still around, was it really okay to just act like she didn’t exist at all?” Branch felt hurt.

Sure, he was projecting big time; his own brothers left him behind as if he didn’t exist either. If Viva was truly alive like in his dream, he couldn’t imagine how she’d feel knowing that her dad was purposefully keeping her existence a secret all this time. Branch felt the need to defend another forgotten sibling who he related to deeply, it didn't matter what happened to her.

“It was just too painful, Branch! Losing my Viva was harder than anything I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t let Poppy experience such heartbreak or long for a sister that was no longer around.” Peppy shook his head reveling in his own sorrow.

Did this troll really have the nerve to feel sorry for himself right now? Whether or not Viva was alive didn’t matter; the point was that he was lying to his other kid about it like it was the right choice to make. What is up with this village and sweeping bad feelings under the rug? Branch had to explain basic emotions to Poppy like a trolling because she didn’t know what to do with them when they happened.

The source of all those problems was this old fart whining right in front of him, when all he had to do was to be forthcoming and honest with his daughter. Branch couldn’t stand it, he seriously couldn't stand to see his friend's father do this to her. To his other daughter as well.

“So, what; because she’s gone, she didn’t deserve to be remembered? Cared about? It seems like a lot of trolls adopted that mindset whether the troll was dead or alive.” Branch spat; his tone filled with venom as Peppy recoiled a bit from his words.

“…Mindset? What do you mean?”

“This… “Cover it up and forget it ever happened” mindset! You all do it, you always have! You did it to everyone, every troll that died during Trollstice, every lost or forgotten troll during the escape, even ones you had in your village for two decades who really needed a troll to just try to understand him after losing everyone he loved…” Branch gestured towards himself with a hurt expression before letting his arms fall in defeat as he scowled again.

“But who cares, right? ‘Forget about it, time to party,’ was way easier than just dealing with anyone in my position. Just let them fend for themselves, I'm sure they'll turn out fine.” Branch scoffed sarcastically.

“…Branch, what happened to Rosie was terrible, and I’m sorry that you had to deal with that alone. We should have been there to support you, and—”

“But you weren’t. No one was. They just tried to force me to be happy like you do and when that didn’t work, you just stopped trying. Pretty soon, everyone just forgot who I was and why I’m like this now. But you knew, you always did; yet you didn't do anything about it.” Branch wasn't holding back anymore.

Branch had lived a miserable life where everyone looked at him funny for being grey and feeling the emotions everyone else was afraid to. His family leaving might have been his fault, but the way everyone acted like nothing was wrong, wasn't.

Peppy puffed out his chest in an attempt to defend himself as he put on a much sterner voice. Branch knew that if he was hiding this, there was no doubt that he was hiding other things.

“Alright now, listen to me, Branch. Some things are just not easy to do or say. It was an extremely hard time for me, we lost so many. Sometimes, continuing to dwell can only make one worse than they once were. Staying in the past instead of moving forward only leads to more pain, I just want everyone to be happy.” King Peppy huffed, feeling satisfied in his rebuttal as Branch scoffed.

Happy? How the hell could anyone be happy? Did he think being happy was just something that you could just put on? Did he seriously think that his own people weren’t purposely ignoring negative feelings because it made things easier than having to face the reality of the world?

Branch had just experienced the hardest dose of reality since his realization that he’d always be left behind once his grandmother died, he knew what reality was.

None of it was fun and easy. The other trolls were just following what their King told them to do; that's not happy. Even if Branch hadn't been happy for most of his life, he knew this wasn't it.

Poppy's plastered on grins to hide what was bothering her wasn't happy. Her saying she was fine when she had been fighting back tears was not happy. Her putting up with other trolls' behavior regardless of her own comfort was not happy.

Peppy didn't even realize his daughter was suffering due to the mindset he'd influenced throughout his entire village. If Poppy was feeling lost, he could only imagine how trolls who lost family members the way he did could be feeling right now.

“So, you think it was easy for every troll who lost a mother? A father? Their children? If it was hard for you, imagine just how hard it must’ve been for your village to hear you chant “No troll left behind” as they’ve just lost one of their own. I’m sure that was lovely.” Branch snapped.

King Peppy had no rebuttal to Branch's words, looking away in defiance.

He didn't care about whether or not he was being disrespectful to his village's leader; he was so tired of this false positivity that was thrown onto everything just to avoid feeling "bad" things.

The more Branch looked at Peppy, the more he realized that his own King had been screwing things over for everyone just to hide his own grief.

Branch had grief too, but he wasn't going to walk around any longer making it everyone else's problem. He'd handle his emotions in private and help others when he could. That's what Peppy should've done instead of trying to keep feelings from happening.

“I can’t tell you how to be a parent, I’m no expert. All I can say is that keeping this from her is only going to hurt her later on when she finds out.”

“I’m only thinking of what’s best for her; to keep her happy.” Peppy retorted, refusing to look at Branch any longer as he pouted to himself. Branch was at the end of his rope as he stared at the troll leader incredulously.

“Do you seriously think she won’t find out? King Peppy, we’re going to Bergen Town. Where the Troll Tree is? Where all of our old pods are? You seriously don’t think she’d want to take a trip down memory lane, then find out when she looks in the royal pods and sees that there’s more than just yours and hers there?” Branch was in utter disbelief.

Peppy's expression shifted to one of shock and then fear as he thought about what Branch had just told him. He shook his head, returning to his stubborn look from before.

Why was he so afraid to just… Feel something? Sure, anxiety, anger or sadness weren't always fun to experience, but it was normal to feel like that sometimes. Why was he treating negative feelings like some kind of plague?

Branch couldn’t stand to keep looking at this troll. He felt angry that he was King. He was keeping his village from truly expressing themselves because of his own guilt and wanting to forget the bad things; and here Branch thought that he had issues.

Branch understood wanting to keep things to yourself, but to make everyone else around you do it too, was just not right.

It wasn't his job to babysit the King's problems, he had too many of his own that were spilling out much faster than he wanted. If he kept talking to him, he'd blurt out everything, and this was way too much already.

"She won't be able to handle this, she's too kind and caring. It could break her... Seeing you turn grey because of your loss only showed to me how dangerous it can be to feel such things."

Oh, sothat's what this was all about. He just didn't want his kid to end up depressing and grey like him. Can't say he was shocked, no one really bothered to help him because they acted like being grey was contagious.

He wasn't grey because he was justsad, it was more complicated than that. If being sad was the only qualifier, Biggie should've been the greyest troll of them all considering how easily he cried. If sadness was all it took, the funerals that took place in the village shouldn't have been full of rainbow colors from the trolls that attended.

Branch couldn't believe that Peppy was making his own inaction and dismissal of feelings Branch's fault. Branch being grey had nothing to do with the King being a coward.

Talking with this troll was pointless and it was only making Branch angrier because he refused to take responsibility for his actions, or lack thereof. Maybe if Peppy has just told other trolls to be nicer to him at the very least instead of trying to gloss over everything, he never would've become such a bitter troll.

Child Branch just needed someone to understand and support him; just like Branch was doing for Poppy. It's clear by this conversation, that King Peppy had never been the type of troll to really do those things when things got too rough. Now, it was an impossible effort that only stood to make Branch more angry.

He needed to leave. Now.

He grabbed the map from the desk and shoved it back in his hair. He’d have to revisit it later with Poppy. He started to walk out of the room before King Peppy spoke again.

“If she asks, please don’t tell her, Branch.”

Branch’s blood was boiling. Was he seriously asking him this? Is this what he asked everyone else to do regarding the loss of Viva? Branch wasn’t like everyone else, though; and in this moment, he was glad he wasn’t.

Branch didn’t care about appearance or social status. King or not, Peppy was wrong for lying to his daughter; and Branch was going to stand up for his friend.

Branch knew this would hurt Poppy, and if he was the one who had to tell her that Viva existed and that her father lied right to her face all these years… He wasn’t responsible for how she would feel about her father after that; he’d just be there to pick up the pieces when she needed a friend to help her through it.

Branch had paused in the doorway as he heard Peppy’s words. He only answered once he heard the whirring of the bunker lift making its way down.

“I’m not like you, King Peppy. I can’t lie to her.” Branch paused, clenching the fist that wasn’t holding the doorknob. “If she asks me, I will tell her. I suggest you break the news to her before she goes, that way, she’s prepared for it.”

Peppy didn’t have a response, nor did Branch wait for one.

“There’s a list of things I left with the Fuzzlings that I need for you to take care of alongside them and the trolls they entrusted with certain tasks while I and Poppy are gone. The only thing I will promise you is Poppy’s safe return. That, I will promise with my entire life.”

He didn’t bother to wait to hear anything else, he’d lost enough respect for the King the moment he watched as he lied to his daughter's face because he didn’t think she could handle it despite being her next in line for the throne.

What a spit in the face, she wasn't a child.

Branch could only hope that Peppy would tell her. If Branch had to, there might not be any respect for the King left in him.

Poppy called to Branch as he let his frustration melt away as his pink ball of sunshine bounced her way over to him; two big duffle bags tailing behind her whilst being dragged by her hair.

“I found them! They’re suuuuuper heavy, though… Are we really gonna have to carry all of this?” Poppy slumped over dramatically as Branch caught and squished her face between his large, gray paws; making her shake her head in response.

“Nooooope. Not all of it, I just like having backups of backups. We’ll sort through it after you talk with your dad. I’m sure you guys need a little dad-daughter heart-to-heart.” Branch chuckled as Poppy melted like putty in his paws with a silly, smushed smile on her face and her cheeks rosy.

“Okayyyy! Time to talk to the old man! Then, we’re gonna talk all night about everything ever!”

Nooooo, we’re going to discuss our plan and go to sleep so we’re not exhausted tomorrow when we hit the road.” Branch cooed mockingly in a baby voice as he squished her face around, making her grumble and pull her face away.

“Guess we’ll have to revisit that super boring decision once the time comes! Bye Braaaaaanch!” She sang as she skipped over to the office door.

“No, we won’t, my answer is final! Bye, Poppyyyyy!” Branch returned her sing-songy tone, mocking her some more as he heard her frustrated huff and foot stomp before walking into the office to speak with her father. He smiled to himself as he entered an empty room down the hall to spread out the contents of the duffle bags he dragged in with his hair.

He really hoped that the King would do the right thing. Otherwise, this was going to be a very upsetting journey for Poppy.

“Hey Dad! Everything go okay?” Poppy entered the office, greeting her dad with her usual chipper attitude.

“Oh, of course, sweetheart! I can tell that Branch truly cares about you.” Peppy smiled, his paw twitched around his cane.

“Really?! You think so?” Poppy’s eyes lit up. Branch cared about her? Poppy’s mind was racing a million miles a second as she tried to think of what Branch could’ve possibly said to her father to make him think that. It shouldn’t have been such a big deal, but for some reason, it felt like a huge accomplishment for her at the moment.

“Oh, I know so. I know that my daughter will be in good company. He’s a very… Honest troll.” Poppy couldn’t help but notice her father’s crestfallen look, making her quickly fall from her branch-filled high.

“Dad? What’s the matter? You can tell me.” Poppy instantly came closer to console her father, resting one paw over his holding the walking stick, and the other on his shoulder.

“Well, it’s just… I-It's scary, letting my little girl go out into the world like this. I knew one day, this day would come, but it’s not very easy to see it happen, my dear. I'll miss you greatly."

Oh, sprinkles… Of course he’d be upset. She was his only daughter, and he was scared for her. Poppy needed to reassure him quickly that everything would be just fine. She knew it would be, things always turned out okay.

“Aww, dad! I’m gonna miss you too!” She brought her father into a tight hug, receiving a hug back instantly as a sigh of contentment escaped them both. Once they released themselves from the embrace, Poppy gave him a self-assured smile.

“I promise, I’ll be as safe as possible. If it doesn’t work, we’ll get out just as quickly as we’re in. But I just know we can do this.”

“I believe you can, Poppy. You’re my daughter, after all!” The King exclaimed, putting on a proud expression and pose, making the pink princess giggle.

“The one and only!” She copied his pose, then watched as he flinched at her words and had a slightly uncomfortable look on his face for just a moment before returning to a bright smile.

“R-Right! Of course, one and only!”

She beamed, headed for the door.

“Uh, actually… Poppy, dear? I-I have something I want to tell you. It’s important.”

“Sure, what is it?” Poppy quickly spun on her toes to face him again, a smile on her face.

There was a long pause as Peppy thought of what to say before sighing and letting his head drop for a moment before looking back up at her with a smile.

“You’re going to be a fantastic Queen one day. I love you.”

Poppy’s face was shocked for a moment before it melted into a smile, and her heart swelled.

“Thanks, Dad… I’m gonna do my best, promise! Love you, too!” She sniffled, then gave a curt nod to reassure herself, and with that, she was off to see Branch and convince him to get that boring “go to sleep and be well-rested” plan put in the trash.

She felt so loved, so trusted. She was so glad that she and her dad could tell each other exactly how they were feeling all the time. Poppy and her dad told each other everything, there was never a need for secrets when there was trust within a family.

Sure, their family was small, but it was perfect just the way it was. It made her heart hurt just a bit that her dad was sad to see her go. She was sad too, but this was what needed to happen, and she would get the job done.

She dragged her feet just a bit as she allowed herself to embrace the somber feeling of leaving the only home she remembered.


Guess Poppy’s in for a surprise when she gets to the Troll Tree… 😬

Branch definitely has beef with the way the village is, but who's fault is it if they act exactly like their ruler? (Dreamworks, please never make two of your characters have only one letter of difference between them, this chapter nearly killed me with all the Peppy's & Poppy's I had to switch between and correct 💔)

We're nearing the end of the first day, can you believe it took like 20 chapters?! Me neither! 😵

Chapter 21: Ready


Branch and Poppy prepare to leave for their journey.


This chapter is not my favorite, but I had a real hard time writing this one! Tying up some loose ends before the big send off is hard and I'm no pro writer!! :[
Hopefully the next one is a little less... Scattered 😭

If you see typos, no you didn't <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch had been stewing ever since he walked into the room he was currently occupying; he couldn’t believe that Peppy was making his greyness seem like a good reason to lie to others. He’d faced so much adversity throughout his life because everyone treated him like he was a disease instead of a troll in need of help. Why were his colors such a big deal to King Peppy, anyway?

Yeah, he was miserable, but it’s not like he was ever going to be with Poppy like this. He knew better, she deserved better than a grey troll; that’s why he could only dream of being with her after getting his colors back. He knew it would never be possible if he couldn’t figure out how to be happy.

Being grey wasn’t something anyone wanted to be, not even himself, but he wasn’t stupid enough to think that he had a chance when he looked like this. Even if he did, he’d only be making things hard for her by looking like this. Being grey wasn’t contagious, but it was definitely a hindrance that he would never make into someone else’s problem.

The room Branch had chosen to organize his supplies in was another lounge room filled with pillows and comfy chairs big enough to sleep on. Branch had settled in on the floor in a nest of pillows, sorting his various tools, supplies, and weapons for long journeys he’d often take alone to gather resources from far way places.

He had laid out an assortment of materials and was organizing them into two backpacks: one for himself and another for Poppy. His was mostly filled with the items one would need in an emergency, like medicines and homemade remedies for different ailments like allergic reactions, illness, or injury. You could never be too careful in the wild.

He also filled it with directional materials such as a map, compass, and an actual watch that could tell time, rather than gauging it through hugs. While he didn’t mind hugs as much anymore, they made noise, and he wasn’t fond of how often they went off. Branch wondered if they had some sort of sleep mode, though he doubted Poppy would take such a question well. It’d probably be as bad as killing someone to ask her to turn off her Hug Watch.

He was in the middle of sorting out the food supply for the other bag when he heard footsteps coming his way.

“Branch?” Poppy called to him from the hall.

“In here! Come in.”

Branch watched as Poppy somberly dragged her feet as she found her way into the room, she looked so down in the dumps. Guess King Peppy told her about Viva; Branch was surprised the King actually had the guts to do it.

“Hey, Poppyseed, everything okay?”

“Well, I’m just feeling a bit conflicted right now, I guess… I dunno.” Poppy sighed, plopping down in the pile of pillows next to Branch, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Wanna talk about it?” Branch patted the back of her head in an attempt to give her a little comfort.

“No, maybe later.” Poppy sighed, settling in next to him. He could totally understand that. Learning about a sibling that your father was purposely keeping from you had to be a lot of information to get all at once before a trip to leave home. He understood her needing time to process. She looked up at him with a weak smile and Branch met her gaze.

“Getting everything all ready?”

“Mmm, kinda. Sorting through the food and stuff right now. The important stuff is already packed into this one,” Branch tapped the much fuller knapsack with his foot. “The trip will take about three days if we don’t have any delays and follow the map.”

There was a quicker route, which was the way Dream Poppy went in; but that route was far too dangerous, and Branch had zero intentions of having to bring the Princess back to life. They weren’t in much of a rush, as no one had gotten captured, and everyone would be safe in the bunker until further notice.

Poppy’s optimism is unrivaled by most and her perseverance is commendable, but he wouldn’t walk her through hell and back just to get there a little faster. He promised to get Poppy back home safe and that was what he’d do. Plus, the route they’d take would be more scenic and he was sure she’d enjoy it a little more and they could stop to rest.

Poppy had never been out in the wilderness, but Branch had cared for himself since his brother left and then his grandma died; he could tolerate an extra cold night or a few days without eating well, but Poppy couldn’t. However, as Branch thought about his siblings, he thought about the fact that Viva did indeed exist according to King Peppy. Was it too much to assume that perhaps Clay was with her? He had no idea where JD was, but what did that mean for Spruce, and the most concerning: Floyd?

If Chef being there when the party happened came true, did that also mean that his brother was going to be in trouble? Maybe he should go look for him, just in case. He understood if they didn’t want to be a family again, but it was starting to eat at his conscience knowing that Floyd could be possibly dying somewhere. If he could put a stop to it just like he put a stop to Chef finding them, he’d do whatever it took.

Maybe if he could send out some sort of sniffer bug to locate them, he could figure out if they were in the same places as his dream prophesized. That could tell him if he needed to look for Floyd, and maybe they wouldn’t need to do that dumb family harmony if he was fast enough. There was no way he could do any of that when he looked like this.

He’d have to ask Milton if there were any critters he had that could help Branch out if he wanted any confirmation for his hypothesis. Maybe he was still awake, and they could talk before he and Poppy left the next morning.

“There’s other stuff we might have to leave behind or won’t necessarily need, but feel free to look at whatever’s still out,” Branch shifted to stand up, giving Poppy’s shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving. She shifted and watched him as he got up. “I need to ask Milton about something before we go, figured it was better to do it now rather than to wake him up tomorrow before we leave.”

“Oh, okay… Um. You’ll come back, right? I was hoping we could hang out a little more before it’s time to sleep…” Poppy had a bit of a nervous look on her face. Maybe she wanted to talk about it after all.

“Don’t worry, Poppyseed,” Branch smiled warmly. “I’ll be right back after asking him a question or two and then we can talk about whatever you want. Promise.” He felt bad for his friend, she was going to be dealing with a lot of new feelings now that she’s experiencing more and more of them. Poppy smiled with relief and nodded.

With that, he left, leaving Poppy to get curious about all the new things in front of her to touch and investigate. The trolls from this village were always so curious about new and shiny things, she’d be alright until he got back.

Once Branch found Milton, he strutted right over to him. Most trolls had moved to the lower part of the basem*nt to swim in the hot springs, as it had gotten late. Most of the trollings were sleeping in the lounge rooms and others opted to just sleep on the comfy rugs and couches that littered the party room.

Milton was chatting with a couple of trolls Branch wasn’t familiar with, but they moved along after asking him a question or two and Branch quickly filled the spot to have a chat of his own with the veterinarian.

“Branch! Hello there, how are you tonight? You planned a wonderful party!” Milton greeted in his usual soft-spoken manner. Branch shuffled a bit uncomfortably at the compliment, he was never good with those.

“Uhh… T-Thanks, I guess. I just let everyone else decorate the place, I didn’t do too much.”

“Nonsense, this place kept us all safe tonight, no need to be so humble. Feel proud!”

Branch blushed a bit, he did feel a bit proud of his home, it took a lot of hard work, and it had paid off in the end. Branch just nodded before shaking off his embarrassment.

“Right, so um… I had a critter question for you. Do you have anything that could find another troll?”

“Oh, like a way to track someone down?” Milton rubbed his chin in contemplation. “Well, there’s always a Snoutsniffer. They’re pretty good at finding a target, but you’d need something from that troll that had the scent on it. Do you have a belonging that’s not tampered with that could help you find the troll you’re looking for?”

He definitely didn’t have anything like that in his bunker, all of it would’ve been left behind at the Troll Tree.

“I don’t have anything here with me right now, I’d probably have to take the critter with me to a different location in order to do that…” Branch sighed in frustration. That wouldn’t work, that’d mean Milton would have to let Branch take one of his critters on that super long journey, there was no way he’d—

“Oh, well in that case, just take one with you! Here, I can write down information on the best Snoutsniffer to take along based on temperament. Mitsy is a blue and pink one, she’s very sweet and—”

“Wait, you’re seriously just going to let me take one of your critters? Just like that?”

“You’re a very careful troll, Branch. If you could protect the lives of all of us, I think I can trust you with one of the most durable critters around. They wander off on their own all the time! Very independent creatures.” Milton smiled gently at the grey troll. “Take it as a thank you from me for keeping us all safe tonight.”

Branch felt a little sentimental at his words. He always knew Milton was kind, but trust was a very different thing for Branch. He felt like he had a responsibility to return the favor in some way. Maybe he should ask the Fuzzlings to start working on a place to keep Milton’s critters safe and sound inside the bunker while they were gone. Branch was sure that the purple troll was worried out of his mind about them all by now.

After receiving a mountain of information and written instructions for Mitsy’s diet, he made sure to let the Fuzzlings know what the first things to be recovered from the village should be: Dr. Moonbloom’s medical supplies and Milton’s critter sanctuary. It was the least he could do for now. He had no idea if Chef would be back, and those trolls had pretty important jobs. Branch always had a deep respect for medical work, not everyone was cut out for the harsh reality of injury or death.

They were probably the most realistic trolls around, even if Moonbloom could be a tad dramatic about it. He knew he couldn’t let them down. Now that he had a way to find his brothers once they reached the Troll tree, he had a feeling that things may go easier than he anticipated.

Branch had taken care of a few tasks before heading back to Poppy. She greeted him in excitement as usual and he went over the plan more, as he saw the map sprawled out in front of her. They talked about all sorts of things regarding the trip like what they could see, and Poppy most excitedly spoke about the prospect of making new friends once they were in Bergen Town.

He was feeling more and more excited about the trip himself. He’d get the chance to spend 3 days with Poppy, alone. Not for any weird reasons, he just wanted to have time to bond with her away from everyone else who would clearly make it weird. The Snack Pack might’ve been nice to him now, but it didn’t mean they weren’t making her uncomfortable by alluding to them being in love with each other.

Just because Branch loved Poppy with his entire being didn’t mean that he’d ever tell her. They just became friends and on top of that, a grey troll couldn’t be with the future queen of their village. He didn’t want to ever put her through the judgement of others, and he knew it wasn’t possible.

As he rested on the floor in the pillows and Poppy took the big chair, he reflected on his day and the hopes he had for the future. He might not be able to be the happy troll everyone might’ve wanted, but maybe he could be appreciated a little more than before. That was a good start; and with Poppy around, he was sure he’d be okay. He didn’t know if he could be in a world where they weren’t friends, now.

As Branch awoke from his sleep, he noticed that something was restricting his movement and he sleepily blinked open his eyes to find a hot pink troll cuddling him on the throne of pillows right along with him. Branch’s face heated up, his body tensing instantly as he quickly processed what he was seeing. He squirmed, weaseling his way out of her grip, stirring the young princess awake.

“Mmph… Is it breakfast time already, Smidge…?” Poppy mumbled, half asleep as she rubbed her eyes.

“P-Poppy, how the heck did you get over here?” Branch sputtered, scooting himself away and hugging his knees.

“Oh, right… Hi Branch! Sorry, I usually cuddle when I’m having sleepovers with friends. Who doesn’t love a super long sleep hug?” Poppy giggled as she shook her head to wake herself up. She was going to kill him; Branch could swear that this troll would be his end. “So, today’s the day, right?”

“Oh, uh. Yup. We can just get up and go once we change.”

“Oh yeah! I saw some Branch-themed clothes while I was searching around in these bags. Hey, how come these vests look so different from yours? I always just assumed you had a bunch of the same ones.”

“The pants, yes. The vest, not so much, that’s uh… One of a kind.” Branch swallowed, pushing away a negative thought.

“So… You wear the same vest every single day?” Poppy had a concerned look on her face that almost looked a little grossed out. “You wash that thing, right?”

“Hey, don’t look at me like that, of course I wash it!” Branch scoffed, slightly offended at the prospect of poor hygiene. “I just like to wear it more often than not, and you only ever see me when I am. I take it off sometimes!”

Poppy let out a dramatic breath of relief, making Branch roll his eyes and grab his folded-up everyday attire from one of the nearly empty duffle bags. Once the two were up, dressed, and ready to go, they strapped themselves into their knapsacks and headed to the bunker lift to start their journey.

Poppy had her typical blue dress on with a leafy vest with a button fastened to close it and leafy leg covers similar to legwarmers. Her normal princess crown was adorned upon her head and a backpack with vine straps fixed to her back. Her hair was curly and free as it had been as of late, and she was jittering with excitement for their journey as they stepped onto the lift.

“Poppy! Branch! Where are you guys goin’ in such a hurry?” They heard a gruff voice whisper to them.

When they turned to face the sound of the voice, they were met with more than one troll. The Snack Pack, filled the corridor and shut the party room door behind them.

“Where’d you guys go off to last night, and where the heck are you all goin’ now? We’ve been looking all over.” Smidge continued.

“And what’cha got backpacks for?” Cooper chimed in.

The pink and grey trolls let out an unhelpful ‘uhhhh’ in unison as the Snack Pack pressed them for answers.

“And why are you all both dressed like that? Why match in outfits that are totally not cute?” Chenille said in a disgusted manner.

“Poppy…” Biggie asked cautiously. “Where exactly are you two planning to travel?”

Branch and Poppy were giving the group of friends wide-eyed stares before looking at each other, then back at them.

“We may or may not be traveling to Bergen Town to make peace with the Bergens…?” Poppy managed to squeak out with a sheepish grin.

“WHAT?!” They all exclaimed in normal voices before being shushed by both Branch and Poppy.

“We were trying to leave before anyone left, but yes… I plan to take Poppy to convince the Bergens not to eat us anymore.” Branch whispered sheepishly.

“That’s a death sentence, branch! Why on earth would you think that could work?!” Smidge whisper-yelled at branch. “I thought you were smarter than that!”

“Let’s just say that I had a hunch…” Branch whispered, emphasizing the last few words to give Smidge a hint. He wasn’t planning to explain his prophetic dreams to everyone right now. Luckily, Smidge’s eyes lit up with clarity before looking around at the ground to process a response.

“Then, I’m coming with you,” Smidge whispered firmly. “If you’re gonna do something crazy like this, then I wanna be there to help.”

“Smidge, no! You can’t, it’s dangerous—” Poppy put out her paws in protest before being cut off.

“No, Poppy. If there’s a troll strong enough for the job, I’m your girl. There’s no way I’m just letting you go without helping where I can. I’m coming too.”

Poppy and Branch looked at each other in worry. Branch knew that Smidge was capable, but the whole point of this was to keep any of The Snack Pack from getting caught. Something else that Branch knew was that once Smidge set her mind to something, there was no stopping her. It was a quality that both herself and Poppy seemed to annoyingly possess.

“If Smidge is going, so am I.” Guy Diamond stepped forward with his chest puffed out.

“Me too!” Cooper added with a nod.

“Me three!” DJ Suki said as she crossed her arms.

The process continued until there was not a single member of the group that hadn’t stepped forwards to join… Except Chenille, who was looking around, disinterested. Satin elbowed her and scowled at her twin.

“Ugh! Fine…! Me too.” Chenille huffed, putting and crossing her arms.

Branch was in utter disbelief. What the hell was the point in going to Bergen Town alone to keep them safe if they were just going to jump right back into danger anyway? Branch could only sigh and drop his face into his paws.

“Why does she have to have so many good and loyal friends…?” Branch groaned, pausing for a moment and then dragging his fingers down his face dramatically as he lifted up his head. “Fine. You can come, it’s not like me saying no would stop you all anyway.”

They all silently cheered, and Poppy whispered dozens of ‘thank you’s’ to Branch as she hugged him.

“BUT…!” He made the trolls all pause their celebrations. “You have to do exactly what I tell you. That means no wandering off on your own, no loud party favors or boomboxes, or fireworks!”

“Can we sing?” Poppy asked.

“…Maybe. Only a little.”

“Then it’s a deal!” Smidge smiled, putting her paws on her hips as everyone made quiet cheers of agreement.

Branch was so frustrated; this was going to be the most annoying trip ever. Oh well, it seemed to make Poppy happy, and Branch promised to be a nicer troll. Annoyance or not, he felt a little better knowing that at least Smidge was around to help out.

This might actually work better to convince Bridget; after all, a big makeover from them was enough to get her to trust them. There’s no way they could do that on their own; Branch couldn’t change hair colors and there’s no way Poppy could do all that hair/wig work herself.

“Okay, but you’re gonna have to suit up and get prepared, I’m not bringing a walking rainbow billboard screaming: “Eat me!” into the forest.” Branch grumbled.

With that, Branch already knew they were going to be behind schedule.


Yay! The Snack Pack gets to come too! :] I really want them to have an adventure together, they always get left behind for the movie adventures! >:[

I really didn't want to stretch out these things into their own chapters because there just wasn't enough to do that for! The next chapter will be a bit more simple. :']
Sorry the update is so late!

Chapter 22: Remember


Trolly moly, it's finally about to get interesting! I've been thinking about putting together a Spotify playlist of all the songs for this fic has and adding them as chapters containing them are released. I usually find the songs that people put in their fics along with the lyrics so I can really immerse myself and I thought that could make it easier than having to search! but I'm a little weird... 😅 Let me know what you think!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch, Poppy, and The Snack Pack had left the bunker, Branch locking it behind them and moving quietly throughout the village to grab a few items from their pods and then they traveled to Milton’s Critter Sanctuary to get the Snoutsniffer critter that Milton had told him about.

Mitsy was easy to spot, her large snout and nose told Branch he had the right critter, as if the pink and blue patterning on her shell that Milton had mentioned wasn’t already a dead giveaway. She had the body of an armadillo but the paws of a cuddlepup. Her ears were large and the white fur beneath her armor was fluffy and looked soft to the touch. He approached her cautiously only to be tackled with a very slobbery greeting from the critter; much to Branch’s dismay.

After receiving cuddles and a series of “ooh’s and aww’s” from Poppy and her friends towards the small critter, Branch packed up some food and supplies for Mitsy and put her on a leash. They chatted amongst themselves as they made their way towards the outskirts of the village to finally hit the road.

“Princess Poppy!” A familiar British accent called, making every troll freeze in their tracks as they turned around.

Branch watched as Poppy’s face froze into a slightly horrified look with a smile plastered on her face. He couldn’t see the faces of the rest of the friend group now that their bodies were turned in the direction of the voice, but he could tell that they were just as tense.

Creek waved with a smile at the group of trolls, making Branch flinch a little. He had totally forgotten the little asshole even existed. Branch knew he should’ve felt worse about that, but he couldn’t bring himself to bother.

“Oh, my great gumdrops. Guys, I totally and completely forgot about Creek this whole time…!” Poppy whispered in a mortified voice of shame as the purple troll trotted over.

Branch’s eyes widened, Poppy had forgotten too? Branch had to stop himself from letting out a laugh, how the hell did that happen? She must’ve been really blocking out what happened last night before the party or everything else that happened was much more distracting.

“Oh my gah. I totally forgot too…!” Smidge whispered in a panicked tone. “Dude, he could’ve been eaten and we forgot to even look for ‘em!”

Nervous and panicked agreements between the entire group were quietly whispered to one another as Creek neared closer.

Branch was a bit floored now, they all forgot? Man, he had to pat himself on the back, that party must’ve been truly unforgettable if they were able to forget about that prick. They were eating up his words yesterday like candy. For some reason, Branch felt a bit vindicated. Maybe he had the right to feel that way, he was fine, so he didn’t have the guilt of someone getting eaten on his conscience. He was being a total asshole lately; more so than usual.

“Poppy, what do we do?!” DJ-Suki whispered, nudging Poppy anxiously.

“I know what we’re not going to do, and that’s telling him that we were totally awful friends that forgot about him when a big stinkin’ Bergen came barreling through our village!” Poppy whispered insistently as she moved forward, waving back at Creek who was almost there.

“Be cool, everyone. I got this—Oh my gosh, Creek! We’re all so glad that you’re okay!” Poppy exclaimed, Creek ran up to them the rest of the way, opening his arms and Poppy greeted him with a stiff hug.

“Oh, my word, Princess Poppy! Of course I am,” Creek said as he pulled back from their hug, his paws running down her arms as their hug ended, his paws finally settling in by grabbing hers. Branch watched as Poppy’s tail twitched and shivered weirdly.

“I was perfectly safe in my… Secret meditation location. It’s a marvel to see all of my friends are still okay!” Creek finished before looking at Branch behind them, his smile twitching. “Oh! …A-And Branch too, I see!”

Branch only grunted in response, he wasn’t fond of the guy in general, but with how he treated Poppy, he had no reason to like him at all.

“Yes, we’re all okay, I’m so glad the Bergen didn’t find you; we were all worried sick wondering if you were doing okay, right guys?” Poppy smiled stiffly, looking back at her friends and they all had awkward nods and exclamations of agreement.

“What? No, we weren’t—OUCH!” Cooper yelped, unable to finish his sentence as he was jabbed by Satin.

“A-Anyway, it’s a relief to know that you’re in one piece.” Poppy sputtered.

“I thank you all for your concern.” Creek gave his usual serene smile. “Princess Poppy, I must apologize for my behavior last night, it was simply barbaric of me to talk to you in such a manner.” Creek’s face instantly fell, a sad one replacing his smile as if a switch had flipped.

“Oh, no Creek… I-It was my fault for—”

“No, no. I won’t stand for it, Princess Poppy. It was simply inexcusable for me to speak to you like that.” Creek let out a big sigh, looked up with puppy dog eyes, and pouted at Poppy.

“I wasn’t the same person I was yesterday, and I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven, I'm simply here to apologize…” Creek said, almost as if he’d rehearsed this a million times.

Branch couldn’t help but roll his eyes as Creek talked dramatically and pouted. Poppy hung onto his every word. Gag. Branch loved and hated how forgiving she could be, if it were him, he would’ve told that egotistical grape to kick rocks.

“Princess Poppy, there’s nothing I can say that could excuse such ghastly behavior, all I can ask is to be able to have the chance to make it up to you.”

“Oh, Creek…!” Poppy cooed. “Of course we can do that, we’re friends!”

“Oh, I’m so glad. I hope that I can make it up to all of you after this tragedy. Right now, we must stick together as much as we can.”

“Tragedy? What tragedy?” Smidge questioned.

“Well… The tragedy of all our fellow trolls being taken by that dreadful Bergen! That must’ve been so scary for you all considering you’re the only trolls I’ve seen today…” Creek turned his face away, covering his eyes as if to shield his tears from sight.

“You’ll have to excuse me, I’ve been feeling rather vulnerable this morning, I—”

“Oh, my gumdrops, no! No one got eaten, Creek!” Poppy reassured him, putting a paw on his shoulder, making his emotions freeze from her words, and quickly snapping his head to look at her with wide eyes, not a tear was found.


“Yeah, everyone is completely safe! Thanks to Branch, the whole village is safe and sound, I promise!”

“Yeah, Branch totally saved our butts!” Cooper laughed, bumping hips with Branch who was very unamused by the current exchange. Branch was incredibly off-put by Creek’s dramatics, Guy was like that too sometimes, but for some reason, it got under his skin seeing Creek act that way.

And it was a totally slammin’ party too!” DJ Suki grooved to imaginary music as the rest of The Pack exclaimed excitedly.

Creek was smiling in a weird, twitchy manner as he looked at his friends, then at Branch, and finally landed back on Poppy who was beaming in front of him.

“Oh! Well…! T-That’s just amazing then, eh?” Creek said with a strained smile before composing himself. “It’s a relief knowing that everyone is okay thanks to our new chum, Branch. Everyone still having a good time without me brings me peace!”

“Yeah, it was the best party ever! I don’t think I’ll ever party that hard again!” Guy bragged, reminiscing about the party. “You really missed out, my friend!”

“Yeah, totally missed out, it was so much fun!” Biggie added, rubbing the salt into the wound as Creek’s smile twitched.

Branch had a smirk on his face, he often couldn’t stand most trolls’ inability to read the room when someone was upset, but now, it was incredibly entertaining for him. As funny as this was, they were currently sitting ducks, and Branch didn’t want to waste any more time now that they were standing here playing catch-up with Creek.

“S-So then, where was this party, I—

“Okay look, as much as I’m clearly enjoying this little reunion, we don’t have time to waste, we’re very behind schedule, Poppy.” Branch folded his arms, growing impatient.

Poppy looked back at Branch with a shocked, then apologetic look on her face before turning back to Creek and withdrawing her paws from him, shaking them as if she burned a hot stove.

“That’s right, sorry Branch! Creek, we have to get going. Unfortunately, we won’t have time to reunite you with everyone, so maybe it’s best if you stay in your meditation area until we get back! If you were safe there last night, you should stay somewhere where that Bergen can’t find you again. The village is not a good place to be right now, she definitely knows that we live here!” Poppy said in concern, shaking her head in fear.

“Where… Where are you going, then?” Creek stood like a statue with a dumb look on his face.

“Bergen Town!” The Snack Pack answered for her.

“B-Bergen Town?!” Creek sputtered incredulously. “W-Why on earth would you be going there?” Creek chuckled nervously.

“I know, I know… It sounds crazy, but we thought that maybe, instead of running away from them again, we go to the source of the problem and solve it from there! If we can make friends with the Bergens, maybe we can find a different way for them to be happy!” Poppy threw up her paws excitedly as Creek gave her wildly shocked eyes with the stupid grin still plastered on his face.

“Wow… T-That sure is crazy…” He chuckled uncomfortably and his eyes darted around. “A-And you really think that’ll work?”

“Me and Branch just have a really good… hunch.” Poppy smiled lovingly as she turned to look at Branch, as she used his discreet phrasing for his dream. That made Branch’s heart flutter as he smiled back.

He hadn’t noticed Creek’s weird expression until he had a weirdly restrained tone to his voice as the purple troll got her attention by grabbing her wrist, making Poppy flinch and look at him again.

“P-Princess Poppy, dear… Don’t you think that’s a bit dangerous? I mean, maybe it’s better to just find a new place to—”

“No way, Creek,” Poppy said firmly as she frowned at him, making him flinch slightly at her cutting him off with such confidence. “Our village deserves better than a life of endless running, and I’m going to give it to them. No matter what. Now, you should go back to hiding, once we get back, we’ll come looking for you, okay?”

Poppy smiled warmly before she had to yank her wrist away from Creek, as he seemed frozen, and his grip tightened. Once released, she rubbed her wrist like it stung and walked away, the rest of The Snack Pack doing the same.

They walked quite a few places away as Creek watched silently before yelling out to them.

“I’ll come with you!”

Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.

Branch scowled, stopping as the rest of the group did, looking back at Creek who had a desperate look on his face.

“Really?! You… Want to come along?” Poppy asked with pure shock.

“I-I just uh… Don’t want to be left alone out here! If you don’t mind… Could I tag along? I promise I won’t get in the way!” Creek smiled and chuckled awkwardly as he approached them. “I would be so very scared out here… Away from all of my closest friends…”

Poppy looked up at Branch with pleading eyes. Branch hated when she would look at him like that, it’d be impossible to say no now! He was so dramatic, couldn’t he just go back into the pretentious little meditation hole he crawled out of instead of making his life hell?

“Branch, my friend… I know we haven’t had the best first impression, and I just want to say that I’m…” Creek gulped, his body tensing as he spoke. “Immensely sorry for my behavior as of late… Just like how I wish to make it up to all of my comrades here, I wish to make things up to you as well.”

Creek scampered over to Branch, giving him a slimy smile, making Branch grimace and back away slightly. Branch wanted to tell Creek to hit the road, but based on the annoying, pleading looks of all the trolls around him that obviously forgave the damn bastard, he’d look like the bad guy now if he refused. He could only sigh, scrunch his face up in annoyance, and look away.

“Fine,” Branch growled, getting quiet celebration from everyone. “But you have to do what I say, I know how to get there, so no messing around unless you want to get eaten by something other than a Bergen out there. That goes for all of you, got it?” Branch scowled, pointing a finger around at everyone accusingly.

“Yessir!” The group of friends cheered as Branch groaned, gripping Mitsy’s leash as he trudged forward. This was going to be even more annoying now. He better not do anything stupid, Branch wouldn’t stand for it.

Poppy hooked her arms around Branch’s free arm as the group finally made their way into the dense forests. His brooding eased up as he recognized her touch and looked at her questioningly.

“Hey, I just want to thank you again for letting all of my friends come along. I know it was just going to be us and that it’s a lot of extra trolls to look after, but… Thank you.” Poppy smiled warmly as she hugged his arm tighter, making Branch’s grouchy attitude almost melt away entirely.

“I can’t be mad at your friends for wanting to look out for you and keep you safe. I’m no different.” Branch huffed as he broke the eye contact to stay focused.

“Awwww… I’ll keep you safe, too then, Branchifer!” Poppy grinned, her teeth poking out over her bottom lip. Branch had to resist a goofy grin from spreading across his face when he glanced down at her again; her adorable overbite was lethal.

“Sure, Poppifer.” Branch snorted, only letting a small smile show as Poppy giggled at the nickname he copied.

Hopefully, she’d help him keep his sanity around all of these crazy trolls. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to if she wasn’t here.


I noticed how concerned everyone was for Creek's well-being a few chapters ago! I'm happy to say that he's perfectly safe. I'm sure he's so happy that everyone missed him so much 🙏❤️ Y'all are so sweet, glad Creek is a fan favorite for you guys <3 PFFT🤭

(Let me know if you recognize where part of his apology is from...)

Chapter 23: Road


Branch, Poppy and the Snack Pack all chat as they start their journey.


Ahh!! Another chapter finished! I hate publishing so late in the say but I've been so tired lately!! Hope you enjoy anyways!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy was full of jitters as she latched onto Branch as they ventured ahead. While Poppy was excited to have all her friends traveling with her, she was a bit disappointed because she had now discovered that there was a limit to the conversations that they could have.

Poppy had some questions regarding Branch’s plans once they’d arrived, who Branch was looking for with the Snoutsniffer, or what the Troll Tree was like. She figured the first two queries would only result in another non-answer, which he had been giving her for the last 30 minutes. Poppy opted for the third question, hoping to get something out of it.

“You were old enough to live in and remember the Troll Tree, right?” Poppy inquired, looking up at him. “What was it like?”

“Hmm, I guess it’s comparable to how you guys live now. There were pods in the tree and obviously, everyone sang and danced. Just a little more… Restricted. Couldn’t really explore anywhere you wanted, and it was better to stay on the inside parts of the tree to prevent easy Bergen capture.” Branch answered blankly, he seemed to be thinking about a lot of things right now and hadn’t looked at Poppy since they’d started walking.

“But I thought they only took trolls for Trollstice?” Smidge interjected. Poppy felt Branch tense up against her paw.

“…I wish that were true, Smidge. I wish it was.” Branch sighed; Poppy watched his expression change to a somber one as the walk was silent yet again.

Branch didn’t go into detail when they were out scouting together, but Branch had told her that whoever they took from him wasn’t on Trollstice and that they weren’t always loyal to the holiday for troll eating. Poppy wanted the ground to just swallow her whole, this was so mortifying.

Okay, Poppy. Horrible question to ask. Noted.

“S-So uh… What kind of things do you like to do in your spare time, Branch? How about we all answer so that Branch can get to know us!” Poppy chuckled awkwardly, unlatching herself from his arm to opt for just holding his paw instead. “I love to scrapbook!”

“I loooove making mixtapes!” DJ put out a paw and nodded her head as if she were scratching a disc in front of her.

“Being the life of a paaa-aaar-tyyy is no easy feat!” Guy Diamond vocalized.

“I love lighting up some firecrackers! Who doesn’t love a big boom?” Cooper laughed hysterically as usual.

“Me and Mr. Dinkles love to recite and act out plays together. It’s a very enjoyable way to pass the time aside from tea parties.”

“Do we really need to say what we like to do at this point?” Chenille gestured at her attire as Satin nodded with pride.

The twins had fought Branch tooth and nail about not wearing camouflaged clothing that looked as atrocious as his did. Poppy thought it was a bit mean, but Branch was adamant that everyone covers up their colors so they didn’t stand out so much from predators above. They ended up compromising with fashionable leaf ponchos that the twins made themselves in record time. Poppy still kept on one of the extra vests that Branch had back at the bunker underneath her poncho. For some reason, she felt cooler wearing it, like she was a survivalist needing to stay hidden.

Ooh, kinda like a ninja, or a spy!

Branch had requested that everyone keep their hoods up until he knew they were in a predator-free area. Branch didn’t have his hood on though, but when he was whined at for being able to his hood down and the unfairness of it all, Branch was quick to tell them that he didn’t have any colors that would make him stand out. That ended the argument rather quickly.

Poppy hadn’t thought about the fact that Branch didn’t have to cover himself up as much because he could blend into the shadows way easier than any of her multicolored companions. It was a good thing for someone who lived out in the elements alone to not have color, but the trade-off was that he couldn’t just wrap himself up in his hair and change to the color he needed.

That became clear to Poppy the moment that Chef had found the village and he panicked because he couldn’t just shift hues like Poppy could. Branch had to manually camouflage himself if he wanted to be invisible, with leaves and foliage like he had in his hair now. She wondered if Branch he liked it this way, or if he’d want bright colors like everyone else.

She shook herself out of her thoughts to narrow in on the conversation again. She spaced off so much lately when she thought about Branch, he just lived such a different way than she was used to.

“I like to lift weights and hair-train. It’s going well, I think I’ve got the strongest hair in Troll Village!” Smidge boasted.

“Remind me not to piss you off, then. I have no interest in being a new barbell.” Branch turned his head to the side to give a humorous look back at Smidge. At first, Smidge’s face was confused before she saw Branch’s smirk and realized that he was joking and giggled.

“Hey, if you ever wanna do hair workout training together, you’re more than welcome to join me, Branch! I think you’ve got what it takes to keep up with me…” Smidge narrowed her eyes, making Branch shake his head in dread.

“Oh, no way. I’d like to live, thank you very much. Plus, I usually lift with my arms, not my hair.” Branch chuckled, making Poppy inspect him. She hadn’t thought about it before, but Branch was a bit stockier in build than other trolls she knew. Now that she was thinking about it, he was really good at climbing when they were making their way through the forest. Branch was a bit shorter than Poppy by just a hair, but it was easy to tell as she held his paw that his build was bigger than hers. His arms were firm and built from years of labor.

“What exactly did you do out in the woods all the time?” DJ asked, moving up closer in the group to join the conversation. “I mean, we know you collected sticks and stuff, but what else is there to really do out here?”

“Oh, y’know… Survival stuff like hunting, stocking supplies, and gathering them from faraway places in the forest…” Branch answered nonchalantly before smirking. “Fighting off giant Cuddlepups and Tarantacapuffs all on my own…”

With that response, he’d gotten several astonished responses from the group of trolls, making Poppy chuckle as Branch had a smug look on his face. She was glad he was starting to feel a little bit more comfortable and that she’d successfully gotten a successful icebreaker question rolling. She didn’t want to interrupt their conversation, as they seemed intrigued with Branch’s story.

She let Branch chat with her friends as she slowly fell back in the group to talk with Creek; he’d been awful quiet since they started their journey and every time she looked back, he was making that weird face he’d been making a lot lately and staring at Branch from the back of the group. When Poppy greeted Creek, his face softened instantly and he gave her a quiet greeting in return, to not talk over the current conversation in from of them.

“Heya, Creek! Doing okay back here?” Poppy asked with a warm smile. She was glad that Creek finally apologized to Branch, she had a big fear that it would’ve been harder than this and she was relieved to see that she didn’t even have to ask this time! She knew that Creek was a good guy.

“Hello, Princess! I’m doing alright, though, I am thankful you came to see about me… I was getting rather lonely back here.” Creek smiled, reaching for Poppy’s paw only for her to snatch it away. It felt worse than prickly now. It was as if he were a stove burner, and she was sticking her fingers right into the flame. Maybe Branch was right, she just needed to tell him to ask before touching her. She couldn’t keep acting so rudely without an explanation, Creek would think she was a bad friend!

“S-Sorry Creek! It’s just that… For some reason right now, I’d feel better if you could ask me before touching me. Like at all.” Poppy smiled sheepishly as Creek gave her a confused look, an eyebrow raised.

“Really? What for? You’ve never needed me to do something like that before. Why the sudden change, dearest?”

Dearest? That was new.

Poppy wasn’t really sure if she liked that nickname, but it definitely felt weirder than just being called Princess Poppy all the time. It wasn’t that she hated being a Princess, it was that her friends just referred to her by name most of the time, and only trolls she wasn’t as close to would call her by her full title. She’d asked Creek before to just call her ‘Poppy,’ but he always seemed to forget, and she just gave up trying. There was nothing really wrong with it, after all.

“Well, I would just think it’d be nice, is all. I think it’s a good habit to make sure to ask before touching another troll.” Poppy smiled, a bit embarrassed.

“You don’t tell Branch to ask first, though. You don’t ask Branch either before you hold paws with him.” Creek pouted, crossing his arms. Poppy’s stomach felt sick, was she being unfair? That was true, she and Branch didn’t really ask each other every time they touched… But then again, Branch told Poppy yesterday that she didn’t have to ask him and that it was always okay.

“B-Branch is different, you know that.”

“I don’t see how it could be. Branch barely lets anyone near him, but you don’t ask him before touching hi… I don’t see why I have to—”

“Branch said I could do that… He gave me permission, Creek. Which is what I’m telling you to ask me for.”

“What if there’s a time that he doesn’t want you to and he pushes you away? Like he usually does?” Creek frowned, staring at the princess and making Poppy frown in return. Why was he making such a big deal out of this? If Poppy asked Smidge, Cooper or DJ to ask first, she was confident that they’d listen, so why was he so upset?

“Then he’d tell me, and I wouldn’t argue with him about it. That’s his choice to make and he can change his mind any time he wants; just like I’m doing right now.”

Poppy wasn’t dumb, she could see the times when Branch didn’t want to be touched, like when he was really upset about something. She figured out that those times were probably times she should ask or just wait until he felt better. Branch was different than her other friends. He had different needs and boundaries than them. Creek never had boundaries with anyone, especially not Poppy. How could he even think they were the same?

Branch lived alone and hadn’t hugged or touched anyone in years other than the time that Poppy and her friends did so without asking him first. She cringed at the thought, if he felt that prickly, burning feeling every time they touched him without asking, she knew that it must’ve been awful for Branch.

Branch was different. He trusted Poppy to respect his needs and he even taught her that a good friend listens when another friend asks for space and that they were ‘crappy’ if they kicked up a fuss about being asked. She didn’t think Creek was ‘crappy,’ though… Did she? Sure, he had done some bad things lately and she and her friends didn’t like them; but he apologized, so it’s all better now… At least, that’s what apologies are supposed to do, aren’t they?

“I guess I don’t understand why I have to, but no one else has to do this… Do you hate me, Princess Poppy?” Creek gave Poppy the saddest look she’d ever seen.

What? She never said that! All she wanted was for him to ask before putting his fuzzin’ prickly, burning paws on her! It felt so weird, and she just wanted to brace herself first or have a choice before he did. Poppy even thought it would be a good idea to ask all of her friends the same thing later because she thought it’d be a good habit to start forming between all of them. Poppy felt conflicted. Creek wasn’t being fair at all right now. What would Branch say right now?

“Buzz off and leave me alone already!” Nah, can’t say that.

“I don’t hate you, Creek. All our friends need different things and I’m telling you what would make me feel better right now and…” Poppy deflated, why was he being so difficult, Branch would never touch Poppy again for the rest of his life if that’s what she asked of him, but Creek was acting like it was the end of the world just to get permission first! That was crappy!

No, no. Creek was her friend. Creek was a good friend, and he was just confused. This was a new rule she was setting up for herself and he just didn’t understand why. Poppy couldn’t tell him why. Telling her friend that she didn’t like him touching her because it made her want to jump out of her skin wasn’t a nice thing to say and she never would.

She heard Creek sigh and shake his head, a tense look on his face as he stared at the ground as they walked before he looked up at her with a more gentle expression.

“Ah, my apologies, Princess… I don’t know why I’m being so difficult. I told you that I would make it up to you, and I’m not doing good on that promise. I completely understand now. If you want me to ask before hugging, holding paws or so much as booping your nose, I will. Promise.” Creek smiled, putting a paw over his heart.

Oh, thank the stars! He just needed a minute to understand! Sometimes Poppy needed a minute too, and that was understandable. That made way more sense, Creek was normally one of the kindest trolls she knew! She sighed in relief, smiling big.

“Oh, good! I was worried for a second there! Thanks so much, Creek, I know you’d understand!” Poppy needed to just keep looking on the bright side, it hadn’t failed her yet! Keeping positive was good for everyone around her, she never wanted to doubt her friends. She trusted them and they trusted her, and that was all she needed to keep doing. Trust was so important to Poppy and there was no one she trusted more than her friends and family.

“Of course, Princess Poppy! Anything for my best friend.” Creek chuckled, putting his finger out and looking at her expectantly. “Permission to boop?”

Oh, this was awesome! Poppy giggled, bracing herself, and nodded. “Permission granted!”


It stung and made her shiver, but she kept a smile on her face so he wouldn’t think it was his fault. She had no idea why it felt that way, but if he asked her first, she could have prepared herself better. Branch was right, it was nice to have people ask first! Creek could really learn a thing or two from her new grey friend, maybe they’d get along better if he understood Branch after talking with him, there’s no way Creek could do that from back here.

“Hey, now that we talked, maybe you should come up to the front so that you can talk with Branch! Everyone seems to be learning more about him, maybe you’ll feel a little better once you get to know him, too!” Poppy lit up with excitement.

“Oh, uh… I dunno about that…” Creek stiffened, making that weird face for a moment as he looked forward at Branch chatting with the rest of the Snack Pack and making them all laugh and chatter excitedly at whatever story he was telling.

“Oh, c’mon Creek! This could be your way to make it up to him!” Poppy egged Creek on, beckoning to Branch with her head and wiggling her eyebrows. “Branch is breaking out of his shell for us… Maybe you should break out of yours, too?” Creek stared at Branch for a while before sighing and allowing a weird smile to fill his face.

“You’re right, I should really get to know the lad, eh? Let’s do it, then!”

“Oh, great!” Poppy tapped her feet rapidly in excitement. She had a good feeling that all of her friends would be best buds by the time their adventure was over. She excitedly skipped back up to Branch’s side, latching onto his arm and looking at him with her teeth poking out from her top lip.

Branch was surprised by her sudden approach but quickly relaxed and gave her that totally heart-melting grin he only did for her. He poked her nose, making it honk and she couldn’t help but giggle. It completely got rid of that funny feeling from earlier and she felt warm and fuzzy inside.

She looked back at Creek who had his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at them, but only for a second before he waved and smiled sweetly from behind the two.

This was great! Now Creek and Branch had a chance to get along, this was so exciting!


It took a bit, but I guess Creek finally listened... I guess. That's good, right? Maybe Branch and Creek can get along after all? :]

Chapter 24: Risk


Smidge and DJ Suki talk with Creek. Poppy gets a bit too excited as they venture further into the forest.


Another song chapter!! It's THE SONG.
Smidge POV & then Branch POV :]

This one's a little longer hehe

Get Back Up Again - Anna Kendrick

Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Smidge watched quietly as Poppy and Branch talked amongst each other’s company. This was not how two trolls who were “just friends” acted around each other, any of the other Snack Pack members could see that. Poppy seemed to be completely oblivious to how she was coming across, but Branch seemed to just be accepting that this was how things were.

That was the strangest part. Just two days ago, Branch wanted nothing to do with any of them, but after having a weird future-predicting dream, he was a changed troll. Smidge would’ve doubted that had he not stuck to his word and kept everyone—minus Creek—safe from the Bergen that he and Poppy spotted.

Normally, smidge would've called him crazy, but he was so sure of himself that he knew how to fix things. If Poppy was trusting him to go along for this ride, she’d be here too.

Branch was a nice guy, misunderstood, even. It was clear that he was still the same antisocial troll with a weird sense of humor and a bit of an attitude; but now, she could see that he was actively trying to be patient and more lenient.

Any other day he would’ve yelled at them all for violating his space or talking his ear off, but he was tolerating as much as he could and only answering vaguely if it was something he didn’t want to talk about.

The Pack was picking up on this quickly. Smidge was the fastest to realize that Branch had a lot of secrets—or rather—experiences that he’d rather not discuss. It wasn’t unexpected, Smidge just didn’t think there’d be so many. Branch was a pretty miserable guy; he must’ve been through a lot to be all grey like that.

He had been very patient and understanding towards all of them, even when he didn’t need to be. They had been rather awful to him all these years and yesterday was the peak of total rudeness.

Smidge was kicking herself for listening to Creek; he’d made up all these wild assumptions about Branch’s intentions when they’ve been nothing but pure; preventative, even. He saved all their lives and Smidge still hadn’t properly thanked him for looking out for Poppy as well. She made a mental note to do that later.

Smidge knew that Poppy could overdo things, but Branch was handling it so well like he’d been doing it a long time. Smidge didn’t know every detail of Branch’s dream, but she could tell that Branch felt more comfortable opening up now. Maybe it was one of those dreams that made you want to turn your life around.

All Smidge knew was that Branch was tolerating a bit too much, Poppy had practically fused herself to his hip and only left him alone for a moment to chat with Creek. Whom she only realized she was standing next to when he bent over and whispered to her.

“So, when did all of this start?” Creek motioned to the public display of affection currently in front of them.

“Huh? Oh, since you saw it yesterday morning. But it got even more cuddly after I went to see Poppy to apologize.” Smidge whispered back, shrugging.

“What happened then? I just saw Poppy givin' him goo-goo eyes after his speech at the party. She was all over him like glitter after that.” DJ joined their whispering conversation. Smidge walked in between the dark pink and purple trolls, DJ on her right and Creek on her left.

“I dunno, they were just letting honey drip from their eyes in the woods until I showed up, talking about wanting to be best friends already. They’re hitting the relationship bases real fast.” Smidge murmured; hearing Creek click his teeth in assumed disapproval.

“I don’t get it,” Creek complained. “She could’ve cared less about him two days ago, but now she’s hanging off him like a cuddlebug as if they’ve been friends for years?”

“Well, it’s probably cuz she’s in loooove with him.” DJ snickered, making Creek look at her in disbelief.

“W-What? Did she tell you that?”

“No, she insisted that they’re just good friends and they’ve just hit it off really well, but c’mon.” Smidge scoffed, gesturing at Poppy who’d now started giggling and practically fusing into Branch’s side as she hugged his arm. Her tail was wagging at top-notch speed as Branch whispered a joke into her ear, making it turn bright pink as she laughed. “She totally likes him.”

“…P-Princess Poppy’s affectionate with all of her friends, that’s not indicative of anything.” Creek sputtered, making Smidge and DJ give each other an unamused look.

“No, the only troll she’s ever been remotely this touchy with is you.” The orange-haired troll scoffed.

Creek was silent for a moment.

“Well, not anymore,” Creek muttered bitterly.

“Huh?” Smidge looked up at the zen troll who didn’t look quite so zen. Pouting was an understatement for the expression he was making.

“Poppy told me to ask first before I touch, hug or even hold her paws.” Creek grumbled.

Smidge had to hold back a laugh, sneaking a look at DJ who was also smirking and holding back a laugh of her own.

“Man,” DJ shook her head. “She must be really upset at you for the stuff you said.

Smidge couldn’t help but agree, Creek had made a real ass of himself yesterday, Poppy had told her how Creek yelled at her, and it took everything in Smidge not to pummel him for it. Poppy said it wasn’t something she wanted her friends to solve for her, and since he apologized, she let it go… For now.

Poppy might’ve been very forgiving, but Smidge wasn’t having it. He had a lot to make up for, and frankly, he should be asking first before touching people. The way he grabbed Smidge yesterday nearly cost him an arm. Poppy set a good boundary; Creek needed to learn when to keep his paws to himself.

“She forgave me, though?”

“Maybe she just wanted to be asked first, no big deal. I like being asked first, too.” Smidge just shrugged. Whether Poppy was still upset with him or not, she understood where Poppy was coming from.

She couldn’t blame Poppy for feeling comfortable with Branch, it was clear that he was only doing what she was okay with. Branch had no problem asking for permission first; he did the same for Smidge yesterday. If Poppy was okay with being so close to him, then that meant that it was mutual.

Smidge didn’t understand why Creek cared so much. Maybe he was just jealous or something; she didn’t really want to talk to Creek right now because he was whining like a baby about it. Getting her head bit off by a Bergen would be more fun than listening to this dude whine about his friend having a new friend.

So lame. Who cares?

If Branch was making Poppy feel comfortable and happy, she couldn't complain too much, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders compared to Creek right now. Maybe she was looking for comfort somewhere and Branch could offer that. He did just save the entire village; he was racking up points like no tomorrow in Poppy’s mind.

“I dunno, how do we know what he wants from her?” Creek shook his head.

“Dude, if you came to the party, you’d see that. He saved all of us from that Bergen, he’s not a bad guy. He’s really not so bad!” DJ grimaced.

“Yeah, this all started because we judged first and asked later. How about you actually get to know him this time, he’s actually pretty funny once you get his strange way of joking.” Smidge added.

Creek was silent as he stared at the back of Branch’s head. When Smidge looked up at the pair in front of her, she saw Branch and Poppy staring into each other’s eyes. She almost wanted to throw up with all the romantic tension that was choking the air.

She had no idea how Poppy didn’t think she had a crush on Branch, it was more obvious than anything. Branch just seemed to be following her lead with no plans of his own. She’d have to change that; this was annoying and hard to watch.

Branch didn’t know what Creek and Poppy had spoken about earlier, but she came back up with Creek and kept giving Branch a look of anticipation. Creek looked as tense as always around Branch and gave him a weirdly smug smile once Branch glanced behind him.

Whatever, Creek not liking him wasn’t his problem. He had zero intentions of befriending Creek, and it was clear that Creek didn’t want to either. As long as he didn’t cause problems for Poppy, Branch didn’t really care how the stupid jerk spoke to him. He might not have betrayed his village yet, but Branch could tell that Creek wasn’t always as kind as he pretended to be.

Creek wasn’t kicking up a fuss, so he had nothing to tell him off for, and what happened between him, and Poppy technically wasn’t his business to confront him with, especially since he was forgiven. He rubbed his thumb over Poppy’s paw as she held it and hugged his arm with her other one.

Branch dropped his train of thought as they neared a drop-off point. There was a steep hill just a few feet away and Branch stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at the rest of his traveling party.

“Okay, we’re going to have to go down this hill, it’ll get us where we want to go faster than going all the way around.”

“We have to walk down that hill?” He watched as Satin and Chenille looked at the slope below. Satin looked excited but Chenille looked like she was ready to puke.

“Not walk, ride.” Branch corrected as he left Poppy to climb up a nearby sapling to gather big, green leaves and began weaving them together. He was making a bobsled of sorts, big enough for everyone to fit in, and he hadn’t noticed the looks of slight fear and worry filling the eyes of a few members of The Snack Pack. Cooper, Satin, and Poppy seemed the most excited, Biggie, Chenille, and DJ on the other hand… Not so much.

“D-Do we really have to do this? M-Mr. Dinkles isn’t so good with heights…” Biggie stammered, clearly more scared of the situation than the worm in his paws.

“If we don’t this trip could take several more days. I don’t think you guys wanna be out here even longer than we need to.” Branch shrugged, he felt bad, but they’d already be taking longer to avoid the most dangerous routes. This one still had plenty to be wary of, but it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as the Tarantacapuff roost that Poppy got herself snagged in.

“Aw, c’mon guys! This is a piece of cake compared to Bergens! We can do this!” Poppy pumped up her fists, attempting a pep talk.

“I dunno, Poppy…” DJ murmured, her voice shaky with nerves. “This looks pretty dangerous…”

“This whole mission is dangerous, why else do you think we were trying to leave without anyone else getting involved?” Branch crossed his arms, annoyed all over again. They would’ve been safe and sound if they had just stayed put instead of insisting on going along. Getting cold feet now wasn’t an option.

“Branch, a nicer tone please…” Poppy scolded gently, making Branch grumble and finish building his raft. His tone was nice compared to what he could’ve said about them delaying their trip as much as they had. He had to account for eight more trolls than the two that he planned for! He wasn’t in the mood for this, and he certainly didn’t have nice words right now.

“Guys, while he didn’t say it nicely, Branch does have a point. We sorta jumped into this plan last minute, we shouldn’t keep holding things up for them.” Smidge said as she headed over to the quickly completed leaf-sled and sat inside it towards the front on one of the cotton puffs Branch had seated inside.

Those who were enthusiastic about the idea of the sled hopping in next, Poppy in the front, and Cooper, Fuzzbert, and Satin were inside soon after; Chenille being dragged in despite her protest due to her conjoined hair. Guy Diamond, DJ Suki and Creek, then finally Biggie in the back.

Branch was thankful that Smidge was being reasonable and understood their position; he didn’t want to have to be the one to say it.

“I dunno if I can do this… Biggie’s voice quivered. “W-Why don’t we just go back now, I’m sure there’s a better solution than this, Poppy.”

“Whaaaat? No. That’s quitter talk, Biggie! We can do this! I think you guys just need a little motivation…”

As Branch began pushing the leaf-sled towards the edge, he heard Poppy call for him and peeked his head around Biggie to catch her very excited eyes. Oh no, she had an idea. Ideas usually involved singing.

“What are you thinking, Poppy…?” Branch groaned, knowing exactly what she wanted to do right now.

“Well… I was wondering if a pep talk in musical form would be okay? Just this once?”

“Once?” Branch scoffed rolling his eyes. “You know that’s not true at all.”

“Pleaaaaaase?” Poppy pleaded, batting her eyelashes at him expectantly. He sighed, dramatically. He was shocked she hadn’t tried singing so far, now would be a better time than any to sing, they’d be on the move, and he was confident he could keep her out of harm’s way. Fine, he’d give her what she wanted.

“Knock yourself out, Popstar.”

“YES!” Poppy cheered, pumping her fist in success.

Branch smiled to himself as he pushed the bobsled to the edge.

“I really know we can do it,

'Cause they're all depending on us…

I know that we must leave the only home we've ever known,

And brave the dangers of the forest;

Saving them before they're eaten…”

Branch smirked and rolled his eyes at the weird, original song he hadn’t heard before. What a pep talk. The leaf sled teetered just a tad as it neared the edge. Branch stopped pushing and walked over to take his spot in the very front, the weight of him making it lean more. Poppy was standing, facing the rest of her friends as they listened intently to her song.

“I mean, how hard can that be?!”

Poppy jumped, spinning around and sitting right behind Branch, giving him a hug as the sudden weight from her flopping down sent the leaf-sled down the slope, her friends screaming in either fear or excitement as the sled shot downwards on the slide-like slope. Branch used the leaf stem to steer it better as they crossed terrains and came to a slight slow as the slope they were on flattened out a bit, allowing them all to sightsee the beautiful, yet foreign sights of the forest.

Branch heard ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ as Poppy whipped out her ukelele for musical accompaniment. He was wondering when she’d whip it out; it was a little nostalgic for him. This made her friends a bit more at ease as Branch looked back at them for a moment and saw smiles on most of their faces. Creek didn’t look so happy, but did he ever when Branch was around lately?

“Looking up at a sunny sky, so shiny and blue and there's a butterfly!

Well, isn't that a super fantastic sign

It's gonna be a fantastic day?”

The Snack Pack began clapping along with Poppy’s song and pointed to things as they traveled onward. Branch smiled to himself as he kept focused on the path head and steering as needed.

Such marvelousness it's gonna bring,

Got a pocket full of songs that I'm gonna sing,

And I'm ready to take on anythinggggg…


Poppy cheered as they went down another hill along their route. Confetti bugs were fluttering their wings and shaking confetti all over the group as they traveled between hillsides and trees.

“Some super fun surprise around each corner…”

The path they were riding on changed to a sparkly, rainbow-colored pathway as they entered a glittery part of the forest, everything glimmered and shined brightly as Branch navigated through it to the awe of Poppy’s friends, Branch took in the incredibly bright view as well, taking note of their much more excited faces. He gave a smile to Poppy, she beamed back after he gave her a thumbs up.

“Just riding on a rainbow, I’m gonna be okay…


We're not giving up today!

There’s nothing getting in our way!

And if you knock, knock us over,

We will get back up again!”

The Snack Pack aside from Creek started to sing along with Poppy as she strummed away, making Poppy practically glow with joy before being bumped from a sudden turn as Branch tried to refocus. He was getting distracted by Poppy again.

Poppy only smiled and gave his shoulder a pat before continuing to sing with her friends.

“Oh! If something goes a little wrong,

Well, you can go ahead and bring it on!

‘Cause if you knock, knock us over,

We will get back up again!”

They began to vocalize together as they continued on, high above the ground. They could only see leaves and flowers from plants and saplings below, the forest floor covered by all the flora.

“Whoa oh oh oh oh, get back up again!”

Branch noticed a bird flying straight for them and about to bump them off their path, he couldn’t stop the leaf-sled and let out a distressed noise. Poppy only noticed once she heard Branch’s cry and looked up to see the bird almost on top of them at that point. Her eyes widened in the same horror as the rest of the trolls in the leaf-sled as the bird collided with them, squawking angrily.

"Whoa oh oh oh oh oh—"

“AHHHHH!!” Everyone screamed, being knocked out of the leaf-sled and bouncing down off of flowers and plants all the way to the forest floor with screams and grunts until everyone was sprawled out on the forest floor in shock.

Branch was the first one up, helping Poppy and then her friends to their feet and getting everyone back in order. They were thrown off course, but Branch knew the way from here, they’d just have to go on foot.

They traversed the flowery terrain beneath the safety of the leaves and stalks above. Everyone looked rather rattled from the fall and Branch looked at Poppy for ideas. He wasn’t good at pep talks. Poppy grinned and pulled her ukulele back out and began to strum again.

Oh. Guess she still wanted to sing her way through this.

“We’re marching along, we got confidence…

We’re cooler than a pack of peppermints…”

They made their way through a clearing with a cliffside view of the forest which only went deeper, feeling much better as Poppy attempted to get them motivated again. They eventually got back into humming and clapping along.

Branch walked closer to the cliffside, cautiously scoping out where they should traverse next. Poppy ran past him and up to the cliff’s edge. Startling him, afraid she would fall.

“And I haven’t been this excited since…”

Branch quickly grabbed her waist, as her arms went up in the air to feel the wind in her hair. He knew that cliffs were nothing to play with, but Poppy was all play, no safety.

“I can’t remember when!”

He wanted to scold her, but she giggled as the wind blew and danced through her hot pink locks. All he could do was hold onto her tightly and brood as she had her Trolltanic moment.

Once they moved on to the route they had to substitute for, Poppy was skipping far ahead despite Branch’s warnings, testing out bouncy mushrooms as she went along. Branch was getting anxious; she needed to stay close, not wander so far ahead!

“I’m off on this remarkable adventure…”

Poppy bounced on a larger mushroom, it burst out from the ground, a rainbow shower of sparkles flying and rocketing Poppy sky high as she sang.

“Just riding on a rainboOOOOWWW!!”

The Snack Pack screamed for her as she screamed on her way down, Branch running at full speed and catching her, breaking their fall as he rolled with her into a nearby shrub in shock.

Poppy looked scared for a moment, her song stopped as she processed what just happened and looked at Branch with anxious eyes as her friends caught up with them. Poppy sat on Branch’s lap as she sighed.

“What if it’s all a big mistake?

What if it’s more than I can take?”

Branch held her paws, wanting to comfort her. He smiled self-assuredly, making Poppy return a smile to him. He told her that he’d protect her, and she promised to protect him. Everything would be okay.

She seemed to understand what he was thinking and shot up, standing to her feet and clenching her fists. Poppy marched forward, in the direction that they were currently headed in, Branch catching up with her to make sure she was safe this time.

“No! I can’t think that way, ‘cause I know

That we're really, really, really gonna be okay!”

Branch was a bit bewildered by her enthusiasm, and by the looks on the faces of her friends, they were a bit shocked themselves but tried to keep up with Poppy’s infectious positive outlook and continued singing along with her.

“Hey! We're not giving up today!

There’s nothing getting in our way!

And if you knock, knock us over,

We will get back up again!”

Poppy seemed to be trying to embrace an adventurer’s spirit, as Branch watched her mimic some of his stealth moves from yesterday during their mini adventure. He scowled; this wasn’t the time to be messing around!

They reached a boiling isle of some molten liquid. Everyone was moving carefully and crossing the rock paths slowly. Poppy, on the other hand, was attempting back handsprings and cartwheels across them with giggles.

She slipped, of course, and Branch caught her by her tail as she almost fell in head first, he pulled her in close, around the small of her back, and opted to carry her over his shoulder the rest of the way over the dangerous liquid.

“If something goes a little wrong,

Well, you can go ahead and bring it on!

‘Cause if you knock, knock us over, we will get back up again!”

She still wanted to sing?! Branch would have grey hairs by the time they got to Bergen Town… He groaned, Poppy was trying to make this fun for herself, but she wasn’t doing it safely and fell into pitfall after pitfall along the way. Branch would slide over, yank her out with his hair, and tumble out into a pile on the other side of it.

“Whoa oh oh oh oh, get back up again!”

Poppy didn’t have a scratch on her, just mud or residue from whatever critter seemed to want to eat her next, only to be fended off by Branch. Branch, however, had plenty of scrapes and various items and debris from fighting off critters or rescuing Poppy from trapper plants.

Poppy would thank him and then continue off in her silly, reckless way as Branch followed her whilst dealing with the most stress he’s ever had in his life. Guess his dream when he found her unconscious in a Tarantacapuff cocoon wasn’t too far off, Poppy had ZERO self-preservation skills.

Branch tried to warn Poppy to stay close as they navigated over a valley of very spherical hills. He knew there were really big critters out there that camouflaged themselves well and he didn’t want Poppy getting hurt. The grey troll told the princess to slow down and not run, as she could disturb something, but it was too late. The mouth of a gigantic critter opened up right underneath Poppy’s feet, sending her plummeting into its mouth.

“Whoa oh oh oh oh OH—!”

Branch yelled her name as he dove over onto the lip of the beast’s mouth right after her. He grabbed her foot with his hair and started to slip and fall in as well but was grabbed by his wrists by what felt like thick locks of troll hair.

He looked up to see the hair of Smidge, DJ, Guy Diamond, Fuzzbert, and Cooper's hair holding them both up. Smidge and Cooper had their paws on him as well, for extra leverage as they successfully stopped their descent.

He looked back into the mouth of the beast, to see Poppy looking up at him, shocked. When she noticed his gaze, she smiled big and shot two thumbs up.

“I’m okay!”

Branch was speechless, how was she so happy right now? She’s dangling by her foot in the mouth of a beast! The look on his face must’ve been incredulous, as The Snack Pack was staring down at him in embarrassed sympathy. She must put them through hell sometimes, too.

Once they were yanked out of its mouth, Branch was nearing the end of his rope with Poppy’s blind and reckless exploring.

“Whoa oh oh oh oh…”

When she almost got burned to a crisp by a fire-breathing flower, that was it. Branch scooped Poppy up, and slung her over his shoulder. She fought back at first, pounding her weak little pink fists on his back. She must’ve exhausted herself at this point. Her feeble fighting and kicking were useless.

“And if you knock knock us over,

You knock knock us over…”

Her voice wavered in exhaustion as she finished her song.

“We… Will… Get back up agaaaaaain….!”

With the last note sung, Poppy flopped down against Branch’s back and fell asleep from sheer exhaustion with a dramatic “bleh.”

“And now, it’s naptime for Poppy.” Branch grumbled, beaten and battered from defending his Princess the entire morning.

He got a few humored chuckles from the rest of the group. He knew Poppy had determination, but this was too much. Now, he could hold onto the reigns of this mission again since Poppy had worn herself out. However, now that left him to have to make conversation with a bunch of strangers until she woke.

He could do that, no sweat. Nothing was harder than controlling a stubborn Poppy fueled by positivity.

Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (3)

"I'm okay!"


I giggled the whole time I was thinking of how to bring in Poppy's song LOL This was so much fun, too bad she nearly killed Branch with all her determination and positivity... 😅

I hope this was just as fun for you to read as it was for me to write!!
The art will be up on my socials as usual!! :]
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Chapter 25: Retort


Branch has a chat with The Snack Pack as they travel


I'm sooo sorry for no upload yestderday! I was super busy! :[ I plan to upload two today, look out for it later this evening!

(If you see any typos, no you didn't <3)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Branch trekked on with Poppy snoozing away on his shoulder, Branch had opted to brood for a while in silence before it was broken by DJ Suki’s laughter. It started as quiet snickers, but broke out into loud laughter as Branch twitched his ears and stopped walking; looking back at the wild laughter. Branch gave DJ an incredulous look as she laughed.

What was so funny? Had someone told her a joke he didn’t hear? It wasn’t until she looked up and weakly pointed at him that he realized the laughter was aimed at him. The orange-haired troll stumbled up towards him as she attempted to catch her breath. He seriously had no idea why DJ was laughing at him, maybe she hit her head on the way down earlier.

“Man, Poppy’s really giving you a run for your money, huh?” She wheezed, wiping a tear from her eye. “Poppy can be so crazy sometimes, but this really took the cake! What the hair was she thinking trailblazing through the forest like a madwoman? I’m sorry, dude. This was your first time dealing with a Pop-splosion.”

“A what?” Branch co*cked his head to the side and scrunched up his face.

“A Poppy Explosion,” Smidge giggled as she explained. “It’s when Poppy gets too excited that she won’t really listen to reason. She gets herself so amped up that nothing will stop her until she drops. It doesn’t happen all the time anymore, it was mostly during that Glitter Critter soda phase she had growing up.”

“Looking back, I think that was just the crazy amount of sugar in those drinks that was making her crazy like that,” Biggie added with a chuckle of his own. “Cooper killed that soda obsession pretty fast, though. I remember the summer the day that it happened…”

“Oh yeah!” Guy Diamond chimed in. “She was in the middle of one when Cooper shook his up like crazy and put the bottle lip right into his mouth to see what would happen!”

“Yeah! It was gross!” Cooper laughed heartily. “She couldn’t even finish hers after that! Good times…”

Pretty soon, almost the whole group of trolls was laughing along. Branch rolled his eyes and smirked, sighing dramatically as he gave them a false look of annoyance. Poppy had told him about her old soda experience and why she couldn’t stomach the stuff anymore in an attempt to try and relate to him.

Poppy must’ve been quite the whirlwind for her friends, too. It made Branch feel a little better knowing that it wasn’t just him who had a hard time dealing with that wild child of a troll. She’d truly been reckless within the first few hours of their trip and she crashed after nearly getting herself killed a dozen different times.

“I have no idea what possessed her to go off the rails like that,” Branch chuckled himself. I guess she can’t help herself once she starts singing. Remind me to say no next time.” Branch groaned as he bent over to let Mitsy out of his hair. He had unenthusiastically allowed her to stay there as he frantically chased after Poppy. At least the critter knew when to stay put, unlike a certain pink creature who was sleeping soundly draped across his shoulder.

He gave the little armored critter a treat for behaving so well and allowed her to roam and stretch her legs as he held her leash with his prehensile tail. He wasn’t sure how to feel about the critter, really. He never had a pet before, and while Mitsy seemed to like him, having to be responsible for something that couldn’t talk was a bit nerve-wracking for him. It was easier to scold someone who could understand you, but he wasn’t quite sure that Mitsy could and he had no plans to talk to her anyway. Not in front of all these trolls. That would be weird.

He snapped off a brittle twig from a nearby tree, using its sharp edge as a machete of sorts as he slashed through tall grass to make a path for the rest of the group. He wasn’t really sure how to talk to them without Poppy awake to break the ice, but he knew that it was unlike them to keep silent for long.

“She sure has been glued to you, lately…” Satin said in a teasing tone. “Got any plans to make it official?”

He heard a series of whistles and coos with romantic intent. There it was, he knew they were gonna talk about their closeness again. It had been a problem that he knew he’d have to answer for with Poppy’s overly friendly physical affections as of late.

“Make what official?” Branch played dumb. He knew exactly what they meant, but Poppy’s answer at last night’s party was what she wanted, a friend. He had no intention of projecting his feelings onto her like an idiot. He might’ve been in love with her, but that’s not what she wanted from him. At least, that’s what she implied.

“Uhh… Hellllooooo? The incredibly palpable romance going on here? It’s kinda obvious.” Chenille replied. Branch could practically hear her eyes roll as she spoke.

“I don’t really know what you’re going on about. As Poppy said, we’re just friends.” Branch only shook his head, attempting to keep his voice neutral as he swallowed his own hurt at his words.

“But Satin didn’t ask what Poppy said,” Smidge huffed. “They’re asking what you plan to do about it. How do you feel about her?”

“I feel like you guys are being a bit presumptuous and that insinuating that anything is going on between us other than friendship is rather silly. We’ve been friends for like a day and a half, don’t be ridiculous. I’m just trying to be a good friend and help out where I can.” Branch sighed, getting more irritated by the second.

He shoved down the memory of what happened in that nest late last night; he didn’t need to think about that. So what if she was only a nose’s length apart from his face? The way she was looking at him meant nothing and it’d stay that way. He was her friend and whatever he thought was going on there was his own imagination, and it would stay that way. He didn’t know why Poppy was always so darn close to him. Okay, maybe he did know; it was his fault for not setting a better boundary.

Even as best friends, Dream Poppy was never this touchy with him, that came after he was dating her. It was mostly his fault; he hadn’t been very mindful of how affectionate he was with her. He was still adjusting to reality rather than his vivid dream and Poppy was being patient with him or to his dismay, encouraging it.

This conversation was telling him that he needed to step back even more now than he was already horrible at doing. That meant slowing down on the hugging and paw-holding. There needed to be distance set by him, even if it was the last thing on earth that he wanted to do. He needed to really put his foot down this time.

“For once, I agree with our new pal, here!” An annoyingly accented voice chimed in with a smirk as he made his way back to the front of the group, slinking up next to Branch. “Branch is right, it’s rather silly to assume such a thing could happen. Branch is much too different from Poppy for that to even be feasible; why would he want that?”

It took every atom within Branch’s body not to reply with a snarky retort. It wasn’t because they were so different; if that was the case, being friends wouldn’t have worked out either. It was because he was grey and didn’t want to inconvenience her life or social status with the burden of who he was.

Being her friend was okay, everyone was Poppy’s friend. He’d blend in just fine; but as a suitor? Totally different realm that he knew better than to step into. He had no standing in that part of her life and he knew that plenty of trolls would give her a hard time for something like that. Her friends had given her such a hard time just for wanting to befriend him. He’d never put her in an awful situation like that more than needed.

He’d solve this Bergen problem and she’d see that he was just a nice troll like everyone else and lose interest in him, which he was ready for. Trolls liked new things to experience and play with, and Poppy would go back to her usual friends and activities once she realized how little he actually had going for him once the novelty wore off.

“Being different isn’t such a bad thing, though. All of us are pretty different from each other, Creek.” Smidge scoffed.

“Yeah, Poppy said being different is what makes us all so special to her,” Guy nodded. “That wouldn’t stop them from dating.”

“I mean, wouldn’t it? After all, someone so different than you could only cause problems in a relationship.” Creek’s face twitched into a weird smile.

“Well, isn’t that why you date? To figure stuff like that out first?” DJ scratched her head.

This was so ridiculous, what the hair were they all on about? There was nothing there. He knew that, why couldn’t they? Couldn’t they just let it go already?

“We’re not going to date.” Branch gritted his teeth as he carefully navigated over a log, not wanting Poppy to slip or bump into anything. She mumbled, giggling lightly in her sleep and mumbling something about someone taking her cupcakes. He paused once he was over it, giving them all a stern look. “Poppy wouldn’t want that, and she certainly wouldn’t want you guys asking when she isn’t even awake to defend herself.”

“Well, technically we’re asking what you want, not Poppy.” DJ squinted, nervously raising an index finger as she corrected him.

“Well, I want this conversation to be about something else.” He replied coldly as he scowled at DJ who was walking on the other side of him. DJ put her hands up apologetically and chuckled awkwardly. He really didn’t want to keep reiterating himself. Creek was already being so weirdly annoying about it and that was enough for him to want to change the topic altogether. He already knew that Poppy had a little crush on the guy, much to the grey troll’s aggravation. He didn’t need him to keep rubbing salt into the wound.

“Great idea, chum!” Creek clapped his paws together like a schoolteacher praising a little trolling. Condescending as always.

“O-Okay, uh. What’s your favorite thing to do for fun, then?” DJ tapped her chin.

“I like to do puzzles and sit in peace, I guess.” Branch shrugged, bent over a bit, and shifted Poppy from his shoulder to his back. She quickly latched her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso. A very clingy piggyback ride was the best way to explain it. She muttered something about a coconut tree and needing to reach the top. What a weird dream she was having.

“That’s all?” Creek chuckled; his tone read as friendly but his eyes boring into Branch’s face told him that it was anything but. “Doesn’t that get boring? Or lonely? My word, that must be just awful!” Creek pouted, clasping his paws together. Branch really couldn’t stand that stupid innocent act that Creek would pull off on his friends.

Branch was smart enough to see through it, but Poppy and The Pack had such blind faith in others just like every other troll in that village. If only everyone could’ve given him that kind of lenience when Branch was a kid. What was it about this guy that made him so forgivable? Why did he always have to act like everything Branch did was so awful? Even Branch liking puzzles was a problem to this guy. Branch’s stomach churned in anger, puzzles were so important to him, and Creek was just being rude to rile him up. Fine, two could play at that game.

“Does standing out in a forest by yourself and thinking for hours get boring or lonely?” Branch asked with false innocence as he kept his eyes on the path ahead. He pushed a tree branch forward, out of his way as he walked forward.

“No… And it’s called practicing mindfulness. Maybe you should give it a try sometime, mate!” Creek furrowed his brows as he strained a toothy smile. “Maybe you’ll learn how to understand those around you better by being more aware of your surroundings.” Oh, it was a fight that Creek wanted. Branch could give him that.

There was a loud ‘thwack’ as Creek’s forehead met with the tree limb once Branch released it from his grasp. A loud yelp of pain escaped him as he fell backward to the ground. He received help up from the ground from Smidge and Guy Diamond as the glittery troll asked if he was okay. Branch grinned to himself before turning around with a shocked expression.

“Oh, my troll, Creek! Are you okay? That must’ve really hurt…” Branch turned around and bit at his nails as if he were anxious about the purple troll’s condition.

“You did that on purpose!” Creek snarled, stomping up to Branch in annoyance. Branch feigned shock with a gasp. “He let that branch swing back to hit me! I don’t know why you’re so angry with me, I was only offering a suggestion, Branch…”

Creek whined, receiving compassionate responses from the group of friends, making Branch receive confused looks from the Snack Pack. Fine, Branch could play innocent, too.

“What? Creek, I would never do something like that on purpose! I know we’ve had our differences, and that you don’t like me, but… It’s as you said, I’m not very aware of my surroundings. It was an honest mistake. Do you really think I’d hurt one of Poppy’s friends on purpose out here?” Branch asked in a coy manner. Creek flinched at Branch’s accusation of him not liking the grey troll.

It was obviously true, but it seemed like Creek wanted to make Branch out to be the bad guy and he had no intention of letting Creek get what he wanted. If he wanted Branch to jump, he would duck. If Creek said to fly, Branch would swim. Branch wouldn’t lose his temper and embarrass himself in front of this guy, it’s what he wanted.

“Well, that’s true. Branch has been keeping everyone pretty safe lately…” DJ nodded. “I’m sure it was just an accident, Creek.”

“Of course it was, I’m new to this whole friend thing, after all…” Branch nodded with a frown. “I’m sure you guys understand.”

The Snack Pack murmured amongst each other with nods of agreement. Branch looked at Creek with a smug smile as the turquoise-haired troll frowned. Branch wasn’t done quite yet, he gasped, and a mischievous grin overlooked by The Snack Pack formed on his face.

“I know! Maybe you could teach me some of your mindfulness techniques when we stop for the night. It might even help us to understand each other better.” Branch rubbed salt deep into the welt forming on Creek’s forehead as he scowled at Branch.

“Ooooh, that sounds like a great idea! Poppy would be so happy to see you two get along!” Biggie clapped his paws together with Mr. Dinkles tucked in the crook of his arm. “I think that’ll make it up to her for sure, Creek!”

Excited exclamations were heard as Creek glanced back at his friends with a stupefied look on his face. Branch was planning to keep the peace the best he could, but if Creek wanted to pick a passive-aggressive fight, he had no intention of losing it. Sarcasm and backhanded remarks were some of his best pastimes over the years; he wasn’t going to let this phony arbiter of peace get away with making Poppy cry, who gave a damn if she forgave Creek? He wouldn’t.

“Yeah, maybe we should all get some one-on-one time with Branch, too!” Smidge smiled, “I can show him some of my hair-lifting skills!”

“Yes, some bonding time would be lovely, Smidge! Completing a puzzle would be a fantastic way to relax after all of this is over,” Biggie sighed as he thought about it. “Ooh, maybe even with a spot of tea as well? I think that would be rather fun! Simple doesn’t mean boring, I love a good puzzle!”

“I think that’s a great idea, Biggie,” Branch smiled earnestly at Biggie’s puzzle comment. “I have a lot of lost fun to make up for.”

“Dude!” Cooper exclaimed as he laughed. “We LOVE fun! That’s like, our favorite thing! That’s my favorite thing!”

“Oh yes, Branch! Fun is what I bring to eee-ver-yyyy place I go.” Guy Diamond boasted, puffing out his chest triumphantly. “Worry not, new friend! By the time this trip is over, we hope to make you a new member of The Snack Pack with a newfound craving for fun!”

Everyone cheered, excited, and spouted off various fun activities that Branch would rather die than ever take part in, especially ones involving glitter. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate the enthusiasm behind it, though. He could see that they were trying to make him feel welcome and he couldn’t turn that down when it was clear they were trying to make up for their past behavior.

He really did wish to get to know everyone better; if he was going to befriend Poppy, he’d have to learn about her friends, too. Creek wasn’t included, it was rather clear that he had no intentions of actually being friends with Branch. If that slimy jerk wanted to play games, Branch would choose to play Chess.

“So Creek, what do you say? Want to show me all your mindfulness techniques? Clearly, I need them to be a better friend to you, you’re not angry at me, are you?” Branch frowned, making Creek flinch and look around at his friends who were looking at him expectantly.

Doesn’t feel so good to be ganged up on, does it, jerk?

“O-Of course not, mate! I would just love to show you some of my meditation methods…” Creek said through a clenched jaw, receiving small cheers from his friends and a satisfied smile from Branch which only seemed to irritate him more.

“Great to hear, Creek. Alright everyone, let’s keep moving. Once we get to the Glitter Riverside, we can stop for the night. That should be an hour from here.”

Branch felt Creek scowling at him for at least a good fifteen minutes before slowly slinking himself toward the back of the group as he had been before.

Creek might’ve won round one to join them on this trip, Poppy winning the second with her antics, but Branch surely won the third. He was going to ride out this victory until they set up camp tonight. Nothing had gone to plan, and he needed to keep his sanity somehow.

Creek stewing with anger was enough to make him happy right now.


Branch wins this round, NEVER make fun of puzzles! >:[

Chapter 26: Reassemble


Poppy wakes up and sees what her friends are up to.


I'm sooo sorry for not updating!! I was having a tough time writing this, as writing for many characters all at once is actually pretty difficult! :[ I hope this chapter can suffice for now! I really wanted to update more, but hopefully I can actually get another chapter up today and tomorrow. I'm actually excited to write the next one, so maybe I'll feel less stuck D:

I tried to proofread the best I could, so if you see any typos... Nuh uh, they don't exist <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Get back up again!” Poppy exclaimed as she jolted awake, startling her friends nearby. Poppy woke up shortly after Branch laid her down in a leaf sleeping bag. She rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes as she looked up at the sun, which was starting to take on an orange hue. It must be getting late, and sugar! Poppy must’ve fallen asleep after her big musical number; so embarrassing…

“Good evening, Pops!” DJ Suki greeted casually as she fought with a can of beans. She had some sort of manual can opener she was trying to operate. After greeting Poppy, her eyebrows knitted together in focus as her tongue peeked out from her lips.

“Hey DJ… How long was I out for?” She shook her head, taking in her surroundings as she watched her friends mosey around the clearing that they were all in, not much pep to their step as earlier today.

“Hmm… I think like an hour and a half.” DJ shrugged, wiggling and clamping at the very visibly banged-up can. She must’ve been at this for a while. “I dunno really, Hug Watches only work when you have a starting point to go off of. We kinda lost track of time once we got all tangled up in the forest when that bird hit us.”

“I think Branch might know. He usually keeps track of stuff like that.” The dark pink troll wasn’t really focused on the conversation anymore and was putting her all into opening the can. She didn’t bother to keep up the banter and opted to see what her other friends were up to as she started to wake up.

Poppy’s friends were all focused on various tasks that Branch must’ve assigned to them. Biggie and Guy Diamond were tasked with putting up the tents but weren’t making much progress, as she heard a frustrated, autotuned groan after the center support pole clattered to the ground as he moved to another part of the tent to continue his work.

Creek was sitting with the flats of his feet pressed to each other and his wrists resting on his knees, index fingers and thumbs pressed to each other as he meditated quietly. Why wasn’t he doing anything, I’m sure there was something he could be doing to help, Branch always seemed to find something to make work of. She continued to scan the area, hoping to put more puzzle pieces together as to what she missed while she was out.

Satin and Chenille were sitting by Cooper as they rubbed singular sticks furiously between their palms over two deep holes in the ground in the center of the campsite. It wasn’t much of one, though. Poppy was no camping expert, but she could tell they were struggling to work with the little materials they were given. Where was Branch, anyway? She scanned all over the campsite but couldn’t find him, and as she thought about it, she couldn’t find Fuzzbert or Smidge anywhere.

“Where is Branch, DJ?” Her friend didn’t remove her gaze from the can as she answered, “Over by the river. He said he needed to build a raft for tomorrow or something and Smidge and Fuzzbert went to go help a couple of minutes ago, I think.”

Poppy looked near a glittery riverside which was on the far end of the clearing. Wow, they’d gotten this far already? Branch said he wasn’t sure if they’d make it to Glitter River tonight after being knocked off course. She knew it was a point of interest because he’d told her that they’d need to take that river most of the way there and that it’d save them a lot of time. He also mentioned that it’d be something nice for her to look at while they traveled. Poppy squinted to see if she could see him from here, but she had no luck. She decided to just go find them herself. As she walked, she heard familiar voices chattering, laughing and a little bit of beeping. She recognized a deep, gruff voice responding to a mellow, buttery voice that made her heart melt. Branch, Smidge and Fuzzbert must be close. As she neared to riverside, she could see Branch, Smidge and Fuzzbert working together to build a simple, flat wood raft, but big enough to fit everyone, so it was rather large.

“Okay, a mouthful of glitter, or eaten by a Tarantacapuff?” Smidge giggled.

“Smidge, c’mon. I said to give me a hard one!” He groaned, feigning annoyance as he turned back to face her with a deadpan expression. “Tarantacapuff, obviously.”

They were all silent for a moment before the trio burst into laughter.

“Okay, there’s no way you hate glitter this much.” Smidge chuckled as their laughter finally came to an end. She and Branch headed over to a nearby tree, Smidge flung her hair up with a grunt before a loud cracking sound was heard as she brought down a large log of wood from it. Branch assisted her by carrying the other end with his arms rather than his hair.

“Hey, if you had it practically spring-loaded into your face with surprise invitation cards from your best friend, maybe I’d hate it a little less!”

“But that’s the best part!” Smidge exclaimed with a giggle as the pair brought the log over to Fuzzbert to cut. “Surprise glitter is the best kind of glitter.”

Poppy nodded with pride from her out-of-sight spot as she listened to her friends. It was the best kind of glitter! She was glad that Smidge appreciated her invitations. Branch never liked them, he said he hated glitter more than anything and Poppy honestly couldn’t understand why! It was always so exciting to have a sparkly surprise right in your face.

“Yeah, well I’m not a fan of the equivalent of extra shiny sand in my nose, eyes, and mouth! Call me crazy.” Branch scoffed with a smile as he and Smidge held the log. “I can handle the sand on a beach every now and then, but every day can get to be a bit much.”

“Is that what it feels like to you?” Smidge asked as a more genuine question. “Like sand?”

“Yeah, it’s overwhelming for me. I don’t like being surprised much either. Obviously, I’m easy to freak out.”

Poppy put a paw up to her mouth. She didn’t realize that it could’ve been making Branch feel so uncomfortable! Sure, the feeling was gritty and sandy, but she was rather used to the texture and sensation that she’d gone her whole life feeling. Trolls never really got glitter in their eyes or mouths because it was practically muscle memory to close them or to expect glitter to be in an invitation.

“But everyone knows that glitter’s gonna be in cards or at a party! It’s like, Trolls 101!” Smidge scrunched up her face in confusion.

“Not me. I don’t go to parties, remember?”

Poppy hadn’t even thought about it, Branch didn’t spend his life surrounded by glitter, confetti or loud noises. He lived all alone, in silence without singing, dancing or partying. He wouldn’t be used to any of that stuff because it wasn’t the way he ever lived his life the entire time she knew him. She frowned as she started to realize that she hadn’t ever really considered Branch’s perspective.

To him, she was just some girl who kept shoving loud, bright cards and gifts in his face and making him feel uncomfortable. She thought that it would work one day if she kept it up, but she never thought about meeting him at the calm, quiet level that he was used to. Now that she’d gotten to know him, she knew that he preferred quiet and low-energy activities for what he considered fun. When she secretly explored parts of his bunker when he asked her to grab their travel supplies, she saw shelves lined up with books and puzzles. He had wood-carved figures and whittled weapons, some of which he was still in the middle of.

Branch did seem to have things he did that he enjoyed. His furniture was handcrafted, the uneven, amateur etchings and woodwork were indicative of that, clearly having been made a long time ago, as his woodworks were anything but amateur. Branch was skilled with his paws; he seemed to be very imaginative, as his wood-carved pieces were well made.

They were full of carved-in little details that you’d have to be very careful and gentle to avoid mistakes. They were full of life and love. She found paintbrushes but couldn’t locate a single painting in any of the areas she checked. She couldn’t stay too long and had to give up her search, but she’d certainly ask him about it once they returned to the village.

As Poppy thought back to the time spent in his living space, she quickly realized that it wasn’t that Branch couldn’t do all the other things trolls in her village do. Branch could easily do the things others expected of him, like planning a party or dancing along to music; he just preferred not to. He knew how to have fun; his perception of fun was just different from hers.

This realization hit her like a truck. She’d been trying to force him to be more like herself and everyone else when he just wasn’t that kind of troll. There were all sorts of trolls that Poppy knew. Sky Toronto was stoic, typically frowned, and was always blunt and honest when speaking, even when he was enjoying himself.

Meadow Spriggs was incredibly shy and avoided other trolls almost every day and preferred plants over other trolls. No one ever seemed to give them a hard time for doing things that Branch typically did, yet for some reason, Branch seemed to be catching the most flack for just wanting to be left alone, needing quiet time and not having a smile on his face. But what was the difference between him and other more anti-social trolls?

The more Poppy thought about it, the more she realized that a lot of trolls owed Branch an apology. Poppy had about a million of her own to make; she was the pushiest one of them all when it came to Branch. He kept going on and on about needing to be a better troll, blaming himself for everything, when some of this stuff wasn’t really his fault.

There were things that she could’ve done to understand Branch better, but she hadn’t taken the time to listen until now. Branch only got angrier and explosive as the years went on and it was her fault for not even listening to his needs or wants. Branch didn’t necessarily need to be better; he just needed to be understood.

Based on Smidge’s reaction to Branch’s words and the apology that followed it, she was relieved to know that her best friends were trying to.

“You don’t need to apologize, Smidge. I could’ve been nicer about it. How I would talk to you guys wasn’t okay.” Branch shook his head, sheepishly smiling at her.

“You wouldn’t have been so angry if we’d just listened the first million times that you’d tell us to knock it off.” Smidge chuckled. “Poking an angry Cuddlepup over and over, then expecting not to get bit is kinda dumb, isn’t it? Sorry for not really hearing you out before.”

“I guess so, yeah.” Branch sighed, admitting defeat. “Thanks for apologizing.”

“No problem. I kinda regret not talking to you before this, you’re actually a pretty nice guy.” Smidge huffed with a smile as she put her paws on her hips, looking up at Branch.

“You’re not so bad yourself. I didn’t think we’d hit it off so well if I’m honest.” Branch smirked. “I thought for sure you’d pummel me after I whisked Poppy off like that earlier.”

Smidge let out a loud laugh, giving Branch’s leg a playful punch, making him wince in pain and mask it with a laugh of his own.

“I didn’t think it was a good idea, but she’d already set her mind up to be your friend and she wasn’t listening after that.”

“That’s our Poppy.” The two said in unison as they exchanged a knowing look and chuckled.

The princess couldn’t help but blush as she heard her friends talk about her stubbornness with such fondness. She had to admit that she could be quite an obstinate opponent when it came to a task, she deemed too important to give up.

“Okay, hardy-har-har, Poppy is as stubborn as a Puffalo!” Poppy strolled over in a sassy tone as she watched her friends notice her arrival. She smiled with an eyebrow raised. “Very funny, guys.”

“Glad you’ve come to terms with it, Poppy,” Branch let out a dramatic breath of relief. “I wasn’t sure how we could tell you, especially after a musical number that disastrous.”

Smidge covered her mouth to stifle her giggles as Branch smiled as smugly as ever.

“Hey! It wasn’t that bad! I thought I sang pretty well!” Poppy pouted, crossing her arms.

“Oh, your singing was just fine except for the ‘Branch-having-to-save-Poppy-from-several-untimely-deaths’ part. Or the ‘Branch-having-to-carry-Poppy-for over-an-hour-because-she-sang-too-much’ Grand Finale.”

This time, Smidge and Fuzzbert started to laugh, making Poppy flush bright pink as she pouted even more, poking out her lip and turning away. It wasn’t that funny… She was just trying to help boost the group’s morale; there wasn’t anything wrong with that!

“Well, I was only trying to help! Just like you should go help the rest of our friends with all the super hard jobs you gave them!” Poppy stuck out her tongue. Branch gave her a bewildered look, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow.

“Hard? Poppy, pitching a tent or opening a can of beans is not a hard job.” Branch scoffed. “Is everything seriously not set up? We’ve been out here for at least 30 minutes!”

Poppy must’ve made a face that told him exactly what he needed to know, as he groaned and scowled and stomped back to the camp. “You’ve gotta be kidding me…”

Once everyone walked back to the campsite, Branch’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head with how hard he rolled them in annoyance. He first stomped over to Biggie and Guy, who’d gotten themselves tangled in the tent’s ropes. He crossed his arms, unamused.

“How did this even happen?” The colorless troll said in disbelief.

“Sorry Branch,” Biggie chuckled in embarrassment. “We’re much more used to our bouncy castle blow up tents. These are a bit old fashioned.”

“They’re not old fashioned, they’re just ordinary tents!” Branch said a bit exasperated. “Why would you use something inflatable out in the woods? Y’know, where something could deflate—Never mind just move out of the way, I’ll show you.” Branch sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as the large and shiny trolls untangled themselves and stood beside Branch as he took over.

He took the first large support pole and struck it through the ground with force, rolling it back and forth between his palms to drive it in deeper. He took the tent cloth, draping the cloth over the top of the support pole through the appropriate hole. Branch then took the other support beam and did the same to the back. He swiftly took the strings for the tent drape, wrapped the ends around the tent stakes, pulled them out far, and hammered them into the ground with a substantially sized rock. He did this four times around each end of the tent, then stood up, resting on one hip with his arms folded once more.

“That’s how you pitch a tent. A normal tent.”

He had done the job in a matter of less than 5 minutes and the various members of his party were looking at him in awe before clapping. He blushed, a bit embarrassed from the applause before looking at Guy and Biggie with less of an attitude.

“That was am-aaaa-zing, Bra-aaaa-nch!” Guy harmonized as Biggie nodded. Branch scowled with an awkward rub to the back of his neck. “You did that so fast!”

“W-Whatever. Do you think you two can do that? Obviously, you don’t have to do it that fast, but… You get the gist now, right?”

“Yes, now we understand! Thanks for the demonstration, Branch!” Biggie beamed as he and Guy got back to work, a bit more educated this time.

Poppy was stunned, she felt like she’d only blinked, and the tent was up! Branch was so swift and efficient when it came to survival, but she’d never seen a troll move that fast to build a tent of all things. Branch walked over to Cooper, Satin, and Chenille, squatting down and looking at Cooper.

“Cooper, I thought you said that you could start fires pretty well?”

“Usually I can, but every time I strike a match and put it in the sticks to let it burn, it fizzles out! Now I’m out of matches, too!” Cooper chuckled.

“No need for matches, I’ll show you.” Branch patted Cooper’s back and studied the problem. Poppy and Smidge looked at each other in confusion. How was he going to start a fire without a match?

“Hmm… I see the problem, the stuff you’re using isn’t dry enough. A damp piece of wood isn’t gonna light, it’s like setting fire to a wet blanket.” Branch walked over to a more grassy, vegetative area just beyond their camp and bent down to gather something. He returned to Cooper with a bunch of dead plants and sticks. “You gotta look for the dry, crunchy stuff, like this.”

Branch crinkled and crushed a bit of the dry brush he had before clearing the previous sticks that were there. He laid the larger pieces of wood down first, then the crunchy, dry bushes and leaves he’d found. He placed smaller sticks on top in a way similar to how a log cabin was built. Once he was done, he looked over at Satin and Chenille, looking at their attempt to start a fire with a stick and a log plank. He smiled, then took out what looked like a self-made knife and took a piece of wood, cutting a round, shallow notch into it.

“You had the right idea, Satin and Chenille. Friction is the right way to start a fire, but it’ll need more than just your paws. Here, take that stick and do that same trick in the little circle I carved here.”

Satin did as she was asked and spun the stick between her palms with force. The area where she was rubbing was starting to smoke, making the current eyewitnesses gasp and move in closer, including Poppy herself.

“No way, Satin! It’s actually smoking now!” Poppy gasped. How the hair did she do that? Everyone watched in awe, even Chenille as her eyes widened. Satin had an excited grin on her face as more smoke started to emit from the friction point.

“Chenille, try blowing on it, and when you see some orange embers forming, Satin, put this dry stuff on it and keep blowing until a fire starts. Then, just stuff it into the bottom of the bonfire with the rest of the dry stuff and keep blowing to make the fire bigger.” Branch sighed, standing up and looking over at DJ who was practically gnawing on the can at this point. She’d tried other cans at this point, as many were now in the same scraped-up state as the first. Branch sighed; sass clear in his voice as he spoke. “I’m gonna go help DJ with the can opener before she opens her skull with it first.”

Poppy was focused on the fire that the twins were working on, they’d gotten some sparks and did as Branch instructed and a small fire was forming within the small bundle of dry brush that Satin was holding. She stuffed it in the bonfire pit and Copper joined them in blowing on it, soon, Smidge and Poppy had joined in on the act and a fire started to kick up, making everyone giggle in excitement.

After a few minutes, a fully-fledged fire was up and blazing. They all clapped and cheered as they all sat around the firepit. Poppy’s tail was in overdrive as well as a few of her friends’ as they excitedly watched the fire’s glow. They just started a fire from nothing!

“This is awesome!” Cooper laughed as his eyes lit up from the fire in front of him. “Good job, girls! Y’all are naturals!” Satin and Chenille puffed up in pride, always a fan of praise.

“Yeah, I guess I’m just good at everything, even awful survival stuff like starting fires!” Chenille bragged.

“Hey! I was the one that started the fire, all you did was blow on it!” Satin snapped, scowling at her blue sister.

“Well, without that, your dumb fire wouldn’t have started!”

“I could’ve done that myself, you little fibber!”

With that, the familiar two-troll act of the twins yelling and snapping at each other was in full swing. Poppy wasn’t really a fan of the two fighting, but it was a common occurrence for the friend group at this point and it was useless trying to get between each and every petty fight.

By the time Poppy looked over from disinterest in the current squabble, she saw that Branch and DJ had already gotten the cans open and were engaging in conversation as they poured them into a small cauldron-type pot. Once the food was warmed up and ready, everyone ate dinner and chatted about the new things that Branch showed them how to do.

“Branch, where on earth did you learn how to start a fire that way?” Poppy smiled as she sat close to him as they ate. “That was so awesome!”

“I mean, matches work the same way. It’s the quick friction between itself and another object that sparks it. It was just a matter of finding out how to get enough to get a spark. No biggie.”

“Yes, Branch?” Biggie replied innocently.

“No, not you, it was—Never mind.” Branch shook his head and sighed.

“Well, I think it was super cool!” Cooper exclaimed, getting vocal agreement from everyone around him. Poppy giggled as she watched a grumpy look take over Branch’s face as a blush spread across it.

“It’s not that cool…” He muttered. Poppy bumped him with her elbow, raising an eyebrow. She wouldn’t let him self-deprecate like that when she was around! He groaned, rolling his eyes and avoiding her eyes as he admitted silent defeat. “I meant to say… Thanks.”

That was better. That was something he agreed to work on; Branch has an awful time accepting praise, apologies or thank you’s. She gave him an approving smile and he pouted as she poked at him playfully. He was so adorable when he was feeling bashful! Branch suddenly stood up, walking swiftly back towards the riverside.

“Hey, where are ya goin’ dude?” DJ called out to him.

“Raft” Was all he said as he walked away. Guess he was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the love he was getting. Awww! Poppy asked her friends to let it go for now; Branch liked his quiet time, and her friends were quick to understand and continued with their conversations for a short while. It was only when he was almost out of sight that she saw that Creek had silently gotten up and was headed in Branch’s direction. He must’ve just finished meditating. But what business did he have with Branch?

“Guess he’s gonna go show off his meditation stuff to Branch, he said he was gonna do that after Branch asked him when you were asleep!” Biggie smiled as he petted Mr. Dinkles.

“REALLY? Branch asked to do that with Creek?! Ohmigosh… Maybe they’ll actually start to become friends now!” Poppy squealed, wagging her tail and shaking out her paws in excitement. She was so hyped! She was worried that they wouldn’t get along, but if Branch had asked Creek first, that was a great sign of a blossoming friendship!

She figured it’d be better for them to have one-on-one time and just ask him about it later. Branch was doing great talking to her friends without her having to help, he’d be okay. She was sure of it.


Creek and Branch are gonna have a nice one-on-one! Hope it goes well...! :]

Chapter 27: Rancor


Branch and Creek have a long talk.


Ahh!! This chapter was intimidating but I had a good time writing it!!

This one is kind of dialogue-heavy, hope y'all don't mind too much! Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch had to remove himself from the embarrassment of being flattered so heavily like that. He didn’t see the point in praising someone for something so simple. But that’s how these trolls seemed to be about every little thing. They were so overly positive to a fault if he was honest. If everything was “amazing,” “wonderful,” or “so awesome,” then was anything really all that special to them?

He supposed that since they used something inflatable and bouncy for tents, they’d never actually camped like a normal troll before. If they never had to survive in the wilderness like himself, it would make a little more sense that they’d be amazed by something so bare minimum.

Whatever, he could worry about that later. There wouldn’t be an overly enthusiastic village at all if he didn’t get everyone there safely. Poppy was so hard to manage. He knew she could be headstrong and flighty at the same time, but he’d nearly killed himself trying to keep her out of trouble. That troll needed to borrow Mitsy’s leash, the critter was better at staying out of trouble than an adult troll with a fully formed brain. At least he thought Poppy had a brain; if her head was composed of only glitter, sugar, and sunshine, he wouldn’t be shocked either.

He sighed, smiling at the thought of Poppy’s crazy antics. As frustrated as she made him sometimes, it’s part of what made him fall for her. Mitsy wandered over to him once he was back at the riverside. She’d opted to explore off-leash as he, Smidge, and Fuzzbert worked on the raft. It was mostly finished at this point, but he figured he could finish it himself before sundown if he didn’t have any distractions. The sun was giving the forest a slightly orange tint as he worked.

He hummed for a bit along with the critters that roamed around the forest as he sanded and tied the raft pieces together with vines and a hardening sap adhesive he’d siphoned from a tree. He felt the urge to sing but stopped when he heard the sound of someone approaching. His ears twitched and he assumed it must’ve been Smidge or Fuzzbert; maybe even Poppy trying to ask a million questions like she usually did.

His predictions did not come to fruition though, as it was the last person he wanted to see right now that was coming to bother him. The purple troll’s gold bracelets clanked against each other as he pressed his palms together. His incredibly punchable face morphed around to make some horrible semblance of an expression. Someone else would call it a smile, but it never looked like a smile to Branch; everything Creek never felt genuine to him, and especially not his kindness.

Creek would always act like he had the interest of others in mind or was enthusiastic to help out with something, but earlier today had confirmed to him that Creek was nothing more than a freeloader. When Branch was assigning jobs for The Snack Pack to help set up camp, everyone but Creek was on board. When questioned by his friends, Creek made up a million stupid excuses not to work.

From not wanting to overstep, to purposely messing up the task he was assigned just so they’d ask him to hang back, Creek hadn’t helped at all and opted to meditate instead. Unlike the rest of the group, Branch could sniff out a false expression faster than anyone else. Branch had learned to gauge the faces of everyone around him for a long time. He could tell when his brothers were about to fight. He could see it on their faces when one would say the wrong thing to another and knew a screaming match was inevitable.

He knew what people would think of him as he walked into the Troll Tree Plaza with grey skin and tears in his eyes after his grandma had been taken. Their looks of pity and then seeing how much differently they looked at him months and years later; a look that anyone with half a brain could read as “You still haven’t gotten your colors back yet?”

He knew the faces he’d get when he said the wrong thing or when he’d do something he wasn’t supposed to. He was used to apologizing and putting the blame on himself for anything bad that happened in his life. All of it was his fault. He was always doing something wrong that made others leave. Sometimes, an apology wasn’t enough to fix it.

“Sorry” wouldn’t bring back his brothers. “Sorry” wouldn’t fix the career-ruining performance he fumbled the first night he was allowed to perform. He knew that the moment they all left and never came back. Some couldn’t even bother to say goodbye to him. One of them even lied about returning soon just to get away from him. He only sang quietly and in solitude because while he had come to terms with his grandmother’s death, his guilt remained. That dream only helped to solidify his loneliness. He knew that nothing he’d do would make the trolls he missed come back willingly. Some trolls never would, no matter how much he begged. Nothing could bring back the dead.

"Sorry" didn't always fix everything no matter how much you said it, the hurt would always be there. The feeling that person made you experience may never leave. That was something that a lot of trolls needed to understand, especially a particularly irritating yoga teacher that Branch knew of.

As Branch stared at the troll in front of him, he could read the disdain for himself through Creek’s eyes. Usually, other trolls never looked at him with such hatred, it was confusion, concern, or fear in some way; Poppy excluded. Branch didn’t like Creek either, not one bit.

“Is there a reason that you’re here?” Branch didn’t bother standing from his seat, legs dangling over the edge of the raft which was being supported by large cattail plants as flotation devices for the vessel. Mitsy pranced her way over once she saw a new friend she could be petted by. She hopped up onto the nearly finished raft with Branch and settled into his lap.

“I thought you said that you wanted to spend time with me, chum! At least, that’s what you told me.” Creek smiled, getting closer to Branch. “I was under the impression that we were on our way to becoming better friends.”

“Oh, cut the crap. You didn’t come back here seeking friendship, Creek. Get to the point and don’t waste my time.” Branch scoffed, rubbing Mitsy’s large ears. It felt nice to have something soft to touch while he dealt with something so unpleasant.

“Whoa, no need for such hostility, mate. I just wanted to ask a few questions!” Creek chuckled as he held up his paws in defense.

“Like what?”

“Like…. Why all of a sudden, everyone is singing your praises as if you’ve been friends for ages, if I must be specific.” Creek kept up his false serenity as he wove his fingers together. “I just find it strange… Not that I think you can’t become a good troll, despite your… Appearance.”

Branch’s insides boiled with rising anger from Creek’s implication of his greyness. Creek looked him up and down with a smug look on his face that Branch wanted to slap off more than anything. He always knew how to wind Branch up. He almost replied with an insult of his own but Mitsy’s comforting mewl as she nuzzled her nose into Branch’s palm allowed him to stop and rethink.

He hadn’t interacted with Creek often, the two only crossed paths when he’d go into town now and then to be ambushed by the Snack Pack.

Creek always had something antagonistic or humiliating to say to Branch, but it was in a way that would either make the others laugh or not notice that it was rude. Sometimes was both. Creek always knew how to get Branch to say something he regretted, and by the look on his face, the dull-toned troll knew that it was exactly what Creek was looking for. Branch exhaled deeply, letting his annoyance fizzle out as he pawed at Mitsy’s head fur.

“I helped them out by keeping them safe from the Bergen that attacked us. You know that, everyone already said it.” Branch shrugged, keeping a neutral look on his face as Creek’s mask of kindness soured for a moment as he struggled to keep it up.

“What a weird coincidence, you complain about the Princess’s party for weeks on end about a Bergen possibly showing up and it happens the day you decide to be a kind, considerate troll and miraculously save them all… Very interesting!”

Branch tensed up, making Mitsy chirp from the suddenly tense atmosphere as Branch leaned forward at Creek who’d been within gut-punching distance for quite some time now. He wasn’t going to keep up the passive-aggressive fight if Creek wanted a real one.

“Look, Creek. You don’t like me. I don’t like you. Let’s quit the false niceties and talk properly.” Creek’s jaw tensed as Branch hissed out his words. “If you have something to say, spit it out. I don’t buy your whole peacekeeper persona and you know it.”

Creek’s friendly demeanor stuck only for a moment before he finally let the mask fall off completely, his face morphing into a calm yet hostile frown. “Fine.” He replied curtly, his tone full of venom. “What is it exactly that you’re trying to do here? Do you think you can have some grand redemption or something? I don’t buy your persona either.” Creek spat, glaring at Branch.”

“Oh, there he is! The real Creek’s here!” Branch sneered as he narrowed his eyes at the earthy troll in front of him. “Well Creek, no matter how suspicious you find my kindness for some reason, I’m only doing this with good intentions. I’m not after anything, can’t someone just do something kind for no reason?”

“Not you, that’s for sure.” Creek maintained his gaze, his expression was so calm, yet Branch felt a shiver down his spine as Creek stared into his eyes. It was piercing, intimidating, and full of animosity, no doubt. He understood being annoyed by Branch’s presence, but to look at him like this… Why did he have such a bone to pick? “You need to back off, they were my friends first and I’m not too keen with the most miserable troll in the village—My apologies—outside of the village to waltz in and encourage them to be more like you.”

“More like me? What the hair are you on about, all I did was offer help to keep everyone safe from a Bergen! You know, the things that can swallow us whole and the sole reason we live in secrecy? How was I supposed to know one would show up, yesterday?”

“But you did! Princess Poppy told us you saw it out there! Then you convinced her to change where the party was held, swooped in to save everyone the night after you all saw it, and suddenly, now you’re the most trusted troll in the world. How could you even know how to do all of that? Suspicious.” Creek narrowed his eyes, leaning in and making Branch recoil in response.

Branch was offended, premonition dreams aside, it was a given that he’d do whatever he could to save everyone if he could, he wasn’t Creek. Branch knowing about Chef’s existence didn’t even matter right now, he just wasn’t a coward who’d lay down and die without a fight. Someone else risked their life to save his a long time ago; he wouldn’t let her death be for nothing.

“What else was I supposed to do? Let everyone party to the umpteenth degree so they’d all die at the hands of our biggest predator? I’m a survivalist, Creek, not a time-traveling knight riding in on my noble steed to save Troll Village. I used my eyes and brain just like anyone else to find that Bergen and then to be able to figure out what to do next. It’s common sense to help if people are gonna get hurt. Don’t be an idiot.” Branch snapped in disbelief before continuing, ignoring the uncomfortable look that Creek was giving him. Branch might’ve laid on the snarky attitude a little too thick, but he was fed up with Creek’s ridiculous theories.

“And if you want to get specific, it was Poppy who saw that Bergen first, not me. We came up with the idea to move the party somewhere else together; I don’t know why you act like I’m some evil mastermind out to brainwash Poppy. She’s not stupid, she can come up with ideas too, you know.”

Branch just couldn’t understand why everyone around Poppy treated her like she couldn’t think for herself. First, the Snack Pack, then her own father, and now this guy too? Sure, Poppy could be a bit naïve, but she wouldn’t be if everyone around her didn’t coddle her so much from the start.

“Hard to believe when all she does is gab on about how great you are and is suddenly on board with whatever crazy plans you came up with, whisking her away into the woods alone!” Creek retorted, rolling his eyes.

”The Princess wouldn’t have given a rat’s arse about you just two days ago, yet now she can’t leave you alone. Not to mention all the rest of them cheering over you putting up a tent like you’re the universe’s greatest gift to trollkind…” Creek huffed, his tail flicking in annoyance as he smoothed out his well-groomed hair.

Branch crinkled up his face in confusion, then smirked from amusem*nt at Creek’s words. Creek gave him a look of confusion in return in response to Branch.

“What, you jealous or something?” Branch chortled, shaking his head with a smug look as Creek flinched and clenched his fists as he slowly lowered his paws from his hair. “Why do you give a damn what me and Poppy do? As a matter of fact, why do you give a damn what I and any of The Snack Pack members do? They don’t need to do whatever you say, and it’s clear that they shouldn’t, considering all it did was make all of them fight with Poppy.”

“They fought with Princess Poppy because she was so adamant to defend you! We wouldn’t even have fought had you not weaseled your way into my friend group.” Creek snapped and gritted his teeth, getting closer to Branch. Mitsy hissed at Creek, making him flinch and back up as the two trolls continued to glare at each other. “I’ve been friends with them since we were trollings, Branch. Don’t butt in like you have any right to be around my friends just because you did some “heroic act” and everyone’s got rose-tinted glasses on.”

His friends? If anything, The Snack Pack was Poppy’s friend group. Besides that, everyone in The Snack Pack was their own troll, they could think for themselves and make friends with whomever they wanted. Who cares if they want to be friendly with Branch? That was their choice to make, and this walking punching bag needed to relax. They weren’t 10-year-olds fighting over stealing best friends. They were adults and Creek was adamant to treat everyone like they were possessions. Screw that.

“Look Creek, I don’t plan to take advice from someone who has no problem yelling at, controlling, and upsetting their friends. I most certainly don’t take advice from trolls that make Poppy cry like you did.” Branch practically growled as he scowled at Creek. The purple troll flinched at his words, looking at Branch with a hint of shock.

“Yeah, you moron. If you want Poppy to trust you over me, maybe give her a good reason to. Don’t get mad at me just because Poppy saw a glimpse of who you really are. I might not be the nicest troll all the time, but at least I don’t pretend to be.”

Creek turned his head away from Branch in frustration, without a rebuttal. Branch was beyond pissed; how could he come here picking a fight just because he didn’t like that his friends didn’t approve of his crappy actions? Branch wasn’t responsible for Creek losing trust with his friends, Branch was only being himself and it wasn’t his fault that they didn’t mind it. Branch moved Mitsy off his lap, making her whimper. He ruffled her fuzzy head, slid off the raft, and stood; making Creek look back at him as he approached. He jabbed the self-centered troll’s purple chest with a finger, making Creek scoff in offense.

“Stop picking stupid fights with me out here, it’ll only make you look worse. I suggest you shut up and keep out of the way just like you said you would when I let you come with us.” Branch hissed, giving Creek the nastiest scowl he could muster. “I’m just here to help Poppy get to Bergen Town safely because it’s the least I can do to repay her kindness. Poppy is my friend now; nothing more, nothing less. Everyone makes new friends; grow up and knock off the jealousy.”

Creek returned Branch’s scowl with one of his own, batting Branch’s finger away from his body.

“I’m not jealous, I just don’t need Princess Poppy being hurt by the likes of you,” Creek muttered.

“Aww, so sweet, but I should be saying that about you,” Branch cooed and smiled sarcastically for a moment before his scowl returned. “I don’t care if you don’t like me. But if you and I both know that if Poppy were to hear you still talking about me like this, that’d only be hurting your friendship with her, not mine.”

A silence fell over the riverside area of the forest, a chill passing over as the two had a standoff. Branch turned around, got back on the unfinished raft, and resumed his work on the sail. He didn’t have any more time to waste on this jerk, he wanted to get everyone on that river before sunrise tomorrow.

“Now buzz off, I got work to do while you sit cross-legged and daydream for another hour and a half instead of helping.” Branch shooed Creek away with his paw without bothering to even look at his opponent who couldn’t even come up with another response. He mentally checked off another point for himself after this argument.

“I’m not going to let you ruin this for me.” Creek replied with an eerie calmness, yet at the same time, his voice felt like it was dripping with poison as he spoke. It made Branch shiver and swiftly turn around to see Creek giving him the weirdest look before he silently turned and walked back to camp.

“Ruin what…? You did that to yourself, moron.” Branch muttered to himself once Creek had disappeared. He and Mitsy shared a look of bewilderment. If only she could speak, it was almost as if they were both thinking about how weird that was.

He sighed, shaking it off and picking up a hammer that Fuzzbert had left behind and put his empty paw on his hip as he smiled at Mitsy, who was looking back and forth at Branch and the direction that Creek had left in. She tilted her head in confusion and Branch couldn’t help but bend down and pet the silly critter he’d brought along. She was so full of personality, and she was starting to grow on him.

“Jealousy is a disease, Mitsy. For Creek, it’s definitely terminal.” Mitsy didn’t laugh at his joke, but she nuzzled up to his paw and trilled happily at him. Branch figured that if the Snoutsniffer could understand him, she would’ve thought that it was hilarious.

Branch knew that Creek was an asshole, but he didn’t think he’d be such a jealous loser over the fact that he couldn’t freely make fun of Branch anymore. While it wasn’t any more fun on Branch’s part, he was relieved that petty jealousy was all that Branch had to deal with in reality. Dream Creek was way more selfish towards his friends; homicidal, even. The Creek he spoke to was just far too overprotective, even to his own detriment. He was glad that the coward wouldn’t ever be caught up in the same predicament as his dream, a jealous scaredy cat with a big mouth, but too afraid to fight back was bearable.

If Creek couldn’t be a slimy jerk selling everyone else out, he was being selfish in some other way. Branch supposed he could handle that better than attempted murder, maybe he just really hated Creek that much and his dream gave him what he wanted. After all, not everything in his dream had happened, so why should he believe that Creek would be that evil in reality?

He was at best, annoying and at worst, jealous and petty. That didn’t make it less annoying though; Branch could only hope that Creek was smart and just played nice to placate everyone for now. Once they got home, he was never talking to that jerk unless he was being held at knifepoint.

Then again, right now, he’d rather just be killed than be stuck in a room with that pompous creep. Branch tried his best to shake off the interaction, he’d have to work extra hard now and the sun was setting. Creek wasted so much of his work time with this argument.

Branch really wished he had a bunker to escape to right now, but Mitsy rubbing against his leg affectionately to comfort him as he worked would have to suffice.


Well, that wasn't very nice of you, Creek >:[
Guess he didn't want to be friends after all! I'm truly shocked! Oh well, at least Mitsy was there to watch Branch's back, GO MITSY!! :] She's so cuteeee ahh!!
Glad you stood your ground, Branch! He's a true friend! (A true, true friend helps a friend in need!! 😏)

Creek is such a jerk ugh... But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love writing him... ;]

If you're curious about what Mitsy looks like, I drew her a bit ago on my Tumblr! I also drew Creek as well, as people were asking what he looked like!
ROF!Creek or My Fanon Creek (Post Trolls 1)
I post art that I don't always share in my fic, haha :]
Tumblr | Insta | Twitter

Chapter 28: Ramble


Branch and Poppy spend some time together before the night is over.


Oh my goshh!! I didn't upload yesterday bc AO3 was down!! Hope a longer chapter will suffice!
This chapter is so much longer than I wanted, but I couldn't split it at ALL because it's a lot of introspection between Branch and Poppy independently 😭😭😭

I hope it's manageable, and actually, let me know if you'd prefer longer chapters or not! I had to cut out a lot of what I wanted to fit in here... I'll have to save it for the next chapter, sorry!! I'm trying not to waste too much time, but I have to fit in some Groppy smushy gushiness or I'll die!!

Shorter Branch POV, then Poppy for the rest of the chapter :]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch finished the raft, but the moon was now out, and he wasn't in the best mood from having to corral a bunch of glowing critters in order to see what he was doing. After double and triple-checking his work, Branch was satisfied and after a quick wash-up in the river, he trudged back to the campsite where he heard singing and giggles from his companions.

He simply greeted them once they noticed his arrival, but he stated that he was going to relax now that their mode of transportation was ready to go for tomorrow morning. He requested that they don’t stay up too late, as they’d have an early start. He shuffled into his tent, glad that he had one he didn’t have to share with anyone else. He unrolled his leaf sleeping bag and took off his vest, folding it up and putting it aside. He stretched out as he laid down on top of his sleeping bag. He’d had a long, exhausting day and had plenty to think about as he stared up at the tent roof.

Branch thought about Creek and his antagonistic behavior; wondering if his greyness was really enough to warrant such vitriol towards himself. He understood being disgusted or disappointed by his lack of hue, but to look at him with such hatred? Branch couldn’t help but admit to himself that it actually really hurt his feelings a lot more than it should have.

Branch was always self-conscious about his appearance; he’d felt out of place and unattractive due to his condition. His ears were permanently curved and droopy, his face full of creases and worry lines. He barely looked at himself other than to make sure that he didn’t look extra sloppy when he went into town. The best he could bother to do for himself was to keep clean and keep his dental hygiene intact.

Branch rubbed at his facial scruff as he continued to think. He didn’t bother to cleanly shave or style his hair in any particular way. He certainly didn’t dress up; he didn’t want to stand out more than usual. While Satin and Chenille’s gift was nice along with the compliments he received, it was hard to view himself as anything other than a peasant wearing a king’s garments. It felt out of place, incorrect; no matter how much he was praised.

Creek only exacerbated these feelings of self-loathing with every pointed jab he sent Branch’s way about not fitting in. Branch already knew that; he knew that before he even lost his colors. Colors he had forgotten about. He remembered being some hue of blue, similar to his brothers. His brain had to make up what they could look like now, as he never actually knew what they’d be up to these days. Even then, he couldn’t even make it so they wanted to be a family again, even if he dreamed it. It took their brother slowly dying to even get them to come back together, and then when they were all together, none of them even wanted to stay. He’d do things smarter in real life. He didn’t need to be surprised that they didn’t care about him or their family anymore. If they did, they wouldn’t have left him to begin with. Branch sat up with a sigh of frustration. He couldn’t sleep when he had so many things to think about. He decided to journal for a bit to ease his mind.

He flipped over to a new page, he didn’t want to look at the previous entries; it was too depressing to acknowledge that all his entries regarding the life he never lived, hadn’t happened at all. He took a pencil out of his hair and began to write.

Today was rather eventful if I’m honest. “Eventful” is a serious understatement, Poppy was totally driving me up a wall today. I never thought one troll could have so much adventurer’s spirit but such a serious lack of self-preservation at the same time. She needs to learn how to defend herself, it’s honestly kind of crazy how no one in the village knows how to either. It’s not a matter of me being too skilled, it’s that the village lacks any skill altogether!

If they knew how to build or construct methods of defense, maybe it’d be better, but all these guys know how to do is party because King Peppy refuses to let them face any sort of grim reality. Everyone dies, and everyone experiences pain. Why act like it’s not there just because it hurts? It helps no one. He certainly didn’t help me. What a pain in the ass. Can’t believe he wouldn’t even tell his own kid about his other kid. Oh well, she knows now and like I thought, she’d handled it okay, even if she didn’t want to talk about it.

I don’t like talking about certain things either. I know I need to tell Poppy about Grandma and then my brothers. I just don’t know when’s a good time. Maybe when we get to the Troll Tree? She’ll probably talk about Viva then, too. I’ll have to get things from our old pod so Mitsy can sniff them out. John Dory has to be first, I have zero clue where he might be.

I can take a guess when it comes to Spruce and Clay if my dream is still right about that, too. Considering how things have turned out, I’m not entirely sure if it’s super reliable anymore. I have no idea how Chef found us… It’s honestly freaking me out a little bit, I feel a bit uncertain about the future if unpredictable stuff like that keeps happening. Hopefully, my brothers are exactly where I expect them to be; otherwise, I might just lose it. I can’t deal with having to hunt down my brothers AND be completely untrustworthy to Poppy because nothing is like my dream.

All I have to do is find something worn that JD left behind and Mitsy should be able to track him down and give him a letter explaining that I need his help… If I can locate him, maybe the others won’t be so hard? Maybe, if Viva is really with Clay, it could help Poppy too.

Moving on, Creek was such an asshole jerk today. (NOTE: Work on your language, Branch. Perhaps a thesaurus could help to express your feelings better than curse words. Trolls act like they’re worse than murder.)

That prick was SO ANNOYING acting like he was so much better than me. Not like he could fight off a giant critter who tried to eat Poppy whole, he could barely fight off the tree limb coming at his big dumb forehead. Haha!! He looked so dumb with that big knot on his dome! How many points is that now? Two? Or was it three?

I thought about telling him about everything, about my premonition, but he’d just think I was crazy… I’d say that I don’t trust that guy as far as I could throw him, but I’ve got an excellent pitch. I don’t trust him AT ALL, he’s too sneaky and it’s clear he doesn’t want me around—

He snapped his journal closed as he heard shuffling outside of his tent.

“Branch?” Poppy called out to Branch as she gave him a warning of her presence.

“Come on in, Poppy.” He replied almost immediately, making Poppy smile. She knew it was obvious, but it made her happy that he knew it was her. She poked her head in, a big grin on her face. Her eyes widened a bit, he wasn’t wearing his vest!

Well, it was obvious he didn’t wear it all the time, even to bed, but Poppy couldn’t help but feel like she was seeing something she shouldn't be as he raised his arms and stretched, his muscles tensing as her eyes were as wide as saucers. That vest seemed like it was fused to him, she never saw him without it her entire life.

“H-Hey, sorry to bother you.” Poppy flinched as she continued to stare at him. He wasn’t really paying her too much mind as he casually put a book into his hair. She could see scars that were usually hidden by his vest much more visibly now. Lighter grey scrapes and cuts that had been healed long ago; the fuzzy, dark body hair she knew he had, as it littered itself everywhere. Her eyes moved from his face to his chest, then his bulky limbs.

Poppy was meticulous when it came to her own body hair as it grew very quickly, most trolls were the same way, and it was very rare to see a younger troll who had facial hair. Her dad or his friends were the only trolls she could think of that had beards off the top of her head. She wasn’t sure why they all shaved, guessed they just preferred the look of it; no one really cared about what someone else did with their bodies. Poppy thought every troll’s body was lovely! They even had a whole holiday in summer to celebrate them!

“You’re never a bother, Poppy. I was just journaling a bit before I hit the hay.” He finally looked at her, making her cheeks heat up as he smiled at her. “Is... There something you need?”

Did she need something? If she did, it was totally forgotten. Branch’s body was toned just as she suspected. He had mentioned using his body rather than his hair to exercise when he talked to Smidge and she noticed that he was incredibly sturdy as he carried her on multiple occasions, now. She hadn’t realized how long she was keeping him waiting for an answer until she noticed his arms moving up to hug himself, interrupting her view of him and bringing her back to the present.

“Poppy?” Branch was shifting uncomfortably as he looked at her, a bit nervous about something.

“Oh! Uhh… Not anything in particular, no. Just wanted to see how my new pal is doing! We haven’t gotten to talk too much tonight.” Poppy chuckled awkwardly as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She was being totally weird and making him uncomfortable with her gawking!

She plopped down next to him, making him flinch slightly and shuffle a few inches away with a tense expression.

“What’s wrong?” Poppy frowned, studying his face for answers, he looked so nervous.

“Nothing! Nothing, I just… Sorry for my appearance, I don’t typically wear my vest to sleep ‘cause it gets all wrinkled and I don’t want to ruin it… I-I try not to show so much of my skin and—” Branch rambled as his eyes shifted around.

“Branch, Guy Diamond doesn't wear clothes at all. You know those don’t matter!” Poppy cut him off with a chuckle sewn into her words. She waited for the look of relief on Branch’s face, but when he looked at her like she was the silly one, she gave him a quizzical look. “What?”

“I wasn’t talking about the clothes necessarily, I was talking about my skin… M-My colors, rather. Um. Or lack thereof, I guess. I know it’s kind of hard to look at, sorry.”

Was he talking about… Being grey? Why would she care about that now? It wasn’t his fault, he went through something really sad! She picked that up pretty well at this point.

“Branch, you being grey isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s not your fault.”

Branch didn’t answer, in fact, when she said those words, she could’ve sworn he scoffed. She continued anyway, moving closer to close the gap he made between them.

“In fact, I think you look great, colors or not!” Poppy smiled, putting a paw on his shoulder. Branch rolled his eyes this time.

“Okay, no need to overdo it, Poppy. You and I both know that’s not true.” He scrunched up his face a bit as he scowled.

“What? Why do you say that? Of course it is!” Poppy felt offended, did he seriously think she was just buttering him up? Sure, maybe she did that now and then even when she didn’t like someone’s new hat or makeup look, but she was being serious!

“Ask anybody, no one thinks being grey is great. Grey as a rock, ugly dark hair, covered in gross scars, droopy weird ears? How could any of this be great?” Branch shook his head and raised an eyebrow at her like he was stating something as if it were the obvious truth.

“There’s no way that anyone sees you that way, Branch.” Poppy was nearly appalled at his words. Is this what he thought of himself? Is that what he meant when he blew off The Pack’s jokes about them being an item, gestured at himself, and acted like it was ridiculous? Branch only scoffed, not bothering to look at her anymore as if he’d already blown off her words.

“If you saw the looks I’ve gotten all my life when other trolls saw me, you’d think otherwise. They acted like touching me would kill them sometimes.” Branch smirked, a chuckle as he reflected. It wasn’t until he looked at her again that his smile faded. “What?”

Poppy didn’t think that was funny. She felt her eyebrows crunch together, bunching up her forehead like they had when she stormed off into the forest when her friends weren’t listening to her. She wouldn’t go as far as to say she was angry, but she wasn’t happy about his words. He was acting like he deserved to be treated like he was gross just because of his greyness!

That was stupid, Branch deserved love and kindness just like everyone else. It hurt her feelings at the time when he acted like the notion of being with her was impossible—not that she wanted to, of course, but—she felt like it was because he didn’t think she was worth pursuing, but it was clear as day now that it was Branch who felt like he wasn’t worth it. Like he was disgusting or something… That just won’t do.

“If someone made you feel that way, they’re wrong, Branch. Frankly, it makes me kinda upset that you don’t see yourself the way I do.” Poppy huffed, her expression softened after Branch’s face changed to a dumbfounded one, she leaned in close, making Branch’s cheeks darken. “Wanna know what I see?”

Branch hesitated, shaking his head for only a fraction of a second before nodding and meeting her intense gaze. She turned to face him properly, tucking her legs under herself and sitting on them, her knees pointed at him. She beckoned him with her paws for him to face her and Branch complied, but opted to sit crisscrossed as they sat face to face on his sleeping bag. His scarred fingers drummed against his knees in anxious anticipation.

She offers out her paws in front of her for him to take and while he hesitates a few times, she waits for him to do so on his own. She didn’t want to rush him; it was clear that he was thinking about a lot of things all at once. He often seemed to be that way, but it was so rare for him to be so willingly vulnerable with her; she had to take those moments as they came. He had a lot of secrets; not that he was being dishonest, Branch just had a hard time lying when it came to serious matters. He’d opt to just keep it to himself and if pushed too far, she knew he’d shut down. She didn’t want to see him cry again.

Patience was what Branch needed. Poppy wasn’t always the best at waiting or listening, but she wanted to know more about Branch. She wanted to be someone he trusted more than anyone else and she’d already messed up enough today by getting a little too overzealous during her musical number. When he finally pressed his bigger paws into hers, her tail shot up and wiggled with exuberance. She wanted to yell from the treetops about her success; Branch was trusting her!

She managed to contain herself enough to only let out a small, elated squeak as she bit her bottom lip. Branch looked at her with a nervous smile, his eyes full of expectancy yet worry. She let out a deep breath she hadn’t remembered taking in, then rubbed her thumbs against the tops of his paws, feeling the rough texture of them. She couldn’t help but think about how different they were from her own.

“I’m not that great with words, but… I like your paws, they’re rough and scratchy; they have some history, sure,” Soft, dainty, and unscathed pink digits ran along the grooves and healed valleys that were the injuries that Branch had incurred over his years of lone survival. “But they tell so much more than that, Branch. They’re capable, they’re hardworking… They’ve saved my whole village! They’re able to treat stuff or creatures gently… Like those amazing woodcarvings in your bunker, or… Me when I need a little help…” Poppy giggled, abashed at the dozens of rescue attempts from earlier today. Branch silently laughed as he raised an eyebrow.

“O-Or… Your eyes!” His irises glistened as she brought up the subject. She blinked a few times, trying to focus as she got lost in them. They were an icy, pale blue, the only thing with a hint of color on his body. They were so intense, full of stories locked inside of him that were screaming to get out. “They’re so sharp and observant. They always see right through me when I’m dealing with something, and your smile always comes right after; knowing just what to say to help me feel better! You have a great smile, by the way.”

Branch looked away, feeling bashful, and tried to keep a smile from forming as she grinned from ear to ear. It was working, he was listening! She had no intention of stopping here, she needed to let him know just how amazing he was. No matter what other trolls couldn’t see, Poppy knew that Branch had something special. If she was the only one who took the time to see it, he had no idea how much more amazing he could be if he just had some faith in himself.

“Your skin is grey, sure…” She guided his face back with her paws, rubbing her gentle, soft pink thumbs against his scruffy cheeks. His eyes studied hers as she inched closer, her legs filling the small space left between his crossed ones. “But I like how shiny it looked when the sun reflected those crystal poppies against it. You looked so… Beautiful!”

Was that the right word to use? Branch’s shocked, flustered expression from the adjective made her bite her lip in regret. She should’ve said handsome, but it was true! He was so shiny and pretty with all those flowers in his hair! Beautiful was the right word, no backing down, she couldn’t afford to.

“A-And your hair, I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s so dark and it was so silky and soft! I want to braid it again right now!” Poppy giggled, making Branch’s face soften with joy. He wasn’t smiling, but she could tell he was listening to every word, waiting for more.

“Your ears too, they’re curved in a way I haven’t seen before, and they wiggle sometimes when you hear something far away and it’s so cool!” Branch looked away, then wiggled them for Poppy’s amusem*nt, making her giggle. She stared at him so fondly, rubbing his face one last time before moving her paws to rest on his shoulders.

“But that’s what’s so special about you, Branch… You’re so different from anyone else I’ve met.” She paused, trying to find the right words. There was so much more she could say, like how the corners of his eyes crinkled when he squinted or more importantly, smiled. His arms held her so perfectly snug that she couldn’t help but feel safe when he held her one way or another.

She ran her paws down his toned arms, watching as her bright pink skin met with his slate grey complexion, then met his eyes once more. Branch was so unique, so complex. Being near him excited her, yet she felt so secure. Her paws rejoined with his, but this time, Branch raised them slightly so they could interlock their fingers. Poppy squeezed their paws together tighter as their eye contact never once faltered.

“I like that you’re different. I don’t know any other troll that’s like you, Branch. You’re special. I feel new feelings when I’m with you, and you even know how to make it feel less scary when I feel them. I used to think that being sad or angry was bad, but… It’s not, it’s just different.” Branch’s face was tense with emotion, but it was an emotion that Poppy couldn’t figure out. Like he was waiting for something from her. As if he almost yearned for something else, but he said nothing. She could tell that he was satisfied by her words, but he wanted to say something more.

She inched closer to his face and Branch tried to move away, but Poppy only held onto his paws tighter. She needed to be close to him, there was something she needed to say, but it was like a feeling in her heart was locked away and she couldn’t find the key to figure it out. She needed to be closer to him, it felt like the only way to find out what she was feeling, she watched as he bit his lip anxiously.

“P-Poppy, I don’t think you should be this close to me, I mean… Y-Your friends have teased you enough, I don’t wanna make things harder for you…”

“Why does that matter? Our friendship is a little different, but that’s okay!” Poppy smiled; her cheeks flushed as she slowly let her smile falter as she stared at him. “Can I tell you a secret?”


“I kind of want our friendship to be different from everyone else’s… Is that weird?” She waited on bated breath for his answer.

“…N-No… Yes… Ugh, I don’t know, Poppy, I—Ugh.” He seemed conflicted about something, but Poppy had no real clue why.

Maybe he wasn’t sure how different each friendship he had could be. Poppy had different kinds of friendships with all sorts of trolls. DJ was like a little sister to her, she felt a need to protect her, but Smidge felt like an older one; where she could depend on the small troll to get something done.

Creek was someone she used to be okay with hugs outside of Hug Time and cuddling when it was just the two of them, but something changed recently, and she just couldn’t bring herself to do that anymore with him. If there was someone that she trusted to do that with, it was Branch. He never made her feel uncomfortable; if she said “no,” he’d say “okay.” If she said “stop” to Creek, he’d ask “why” a million times before saying “okay,” and for some reason, she found that… exhausting.

Branch told her that if someone kicked up a fuss about a boundary, that they weren’t a good friend… But Creek respected the boundary eventually, so it was fine, right? She didn’t really know, but she was sure it was fine. She could think about Creek later, she was with Branch right now and she almost felt guilty thinking that he felt a little more important to her.

“I think it’s fine. I like being closer to you than everyone else. It’s different, but a good different… I like being different with you.” Poppy said, just above a whisper. Branch’s breath hitched from her words; his eyelids drooped as he looked at her longingly as if under a spell. She was leaning in closer again, but Branch was gripping onto her paws tightly just like she was to his. “Do you like that, too?”

He said nothing but nodded absentmindedly. She felt like jumping and doing backflips all over that tent in excitement, she was so happy he felt the same! She wanted to be close to him, she wanted to squish and mold into him like pink and grey clay being kneaded together to form a new hue. What was this feeling? This giddy, warm—no—burning feeling inside her chest. She was on fire.

Her nose bumped his, but her fire was snuffed out just as quickly as she heard an accented voice calling her in a sing-songy voice from outside of Branch’s tent. They had but a moment to pull away from each other’s close proximity and their heads shot over to the tent entrance as Creek poked his head in. Poppy couldn’t place the feeling, but she felt a bit upset that Creek hadn’t even waited to be invited in.

Sure, she had an open-pod policy back home, but this wasn’t home, and this wasn’t even her tent, it was Branch’s! He was someone who needed more warning before just coming in. She’d have to let Creek know later; after all, he was trying to become better friends with Branch! She smiled, albeit a bit awkwardly as she looked at the purple troll in front of them. He smiled sweetly at Poppy, but he froze for a moment as his dark purple eyes flicked down at their joined paws.

“…What are you two rascals up to?” Creek said in a seemingly cheerful tone.

“Uhhh…” Poppy met her eyes in the direction that Creek was looking, then up at Branch who was giving her a blank stare, clearly a bit flustered by the intrusion and then she chuckled, taking one of Branch’s wrists and wiggling his paw as it dangled loosely. “We were just… comparing our paw sizes! His are like, waaaay bigger…” Poppy fibbed, grinning big as she pressed her smaller paw up to his. There was an awkward silence before she continued.

“Um… What’s up?”

“Oh! Right, our pals wanted to ask if you planned to join in on our tent sleepover. Biggie and Guy figured out how to combine their tents for more space. Would you like to join us?”

“Oh, that sounds like fun! I’ll be there in a bit, just wanted to chat with Branch a bit before bed!” Poppy smiled, making Creek smile twitch before he nodded.

“Of course, Princess! See you in a bit, then. Have a good night as well, Branch… Lovely chatting with you this evening.” He smirked before pulling his head back out of the tent. Branch didn’t reply, but Poppy was thrilled by Creek’s words as she gasped excitedly, and her head snapped to look at Branch.

“You guys had a good talk?! You two are really getting along now? That’s great, Branch!”

“…Yeeeah.” Branch’s expression was one of indifference as he looked away. “We had a long, passionate conversation about our feelings… I guess.”

Poppy squealed and tackle-hugged her friend, wagging her tail excitedly. Branch hugged her back as he was pushed down onto his back with a resounding ‘fwump!’ She was so happy that her friends were getting along!

“Oh my gosh, did you guys tell each other your favorite songs? Favorite foods? Favorite berries? —Ooh, mine are True Bloom Berries!—Oh! I’ve got it! You could give him survival tips! Wait! I want a survival tip, too! Tell me one, tell meeee!” Poppy squealed, she was full of energy all over again, making Branch chuckle as he patted her head.

“Okay, okay! Umm… Hm. Well, speaking of Bloom Berries, there’s a berry out in the wild that looks just like them, Poison Bloom-Ack bears fruit around this time of year, actually. They’re great for other critters, but not so much for trolls.” Poppy settled in, resting on Branch’s arm as he spoke.

“Ooh, yeah. I’m really allergic to that Bloom-Ack stuff. Once, when I was thirteen, me and The Pack were playing out in the woods during our school field trip, and I fell into a whole patch of it! Normally, it just makes you really itchy, but I totally blew up like a balloon and it was super scary ‘cause it got hard to breathe like that and I fainted! But then, I woke up and I was all back to normal thanks to Dr. Plimsy. Totally crazy…”

Branch’s eyes were wide with a mix of horror and shock. Guess it was a lot more serious than Poppy was thinking it was, as she smiled a bit embarrassed as he stared at her during her story.

“Poppy, that’s like… Deathly allergic, not just “really allergic.” Definitely don’t touch anything out there that looks like Bloom Berries, it’s more likely than not that they’re Bloom-Ack berries. If that isn’t enough, the frosty-colored leaves and blue thorns should be enough to tell you.”

“Aye, aye, Captain Branch!” Poppy saluted as Branch rolled his eyes. He met her gaze again before they burst into a fit of giggles. She was having so much fun giving him a slew of nicknames. He suddenly tensed as a slight shuffle was heard outside of the tent. Branch shot up and quickly peeked his head out of the tent, scanning his surroundings. She held her breath until he pulled his head back in, his brows knitted in focus as his ears twitched and moved around, scanning for noise. “W-What is it? What’s wrong, Branch?”

He looked at her, slowly loosening up and shuffling on his knees back to where Poppy was lying on her back but propped herself up on her elbows.

“Hmm, I just thought I heard something.”

“Could’ve been a critter? We’re in the woods…”

“…I guess.” He didn’t really seem all that satisfied but laid himself back down with his focused expression still present on his face. She giggled; she thought his dark brows so focused in contemplation was adorable. How could someone look so grumpy when they were thinking?

“Can we talk a bit longer? Before I go?” Poppy pleaded in a meek voice.

“About what? I don’t really have fun sleepover gossip like your friends.”

“Our friends.” Poppy corrected as Branch raised an eyebrow and looked over at her. “Don’t fight it, Branchifer.”

Branch agreed to talk for just a little while longer, but that turned into another long conversation and another after that. After a while, Branch dozed off during her endless yammering about elaborate party favors she’s received over the years. It wasn’t until she attempted to sneak her way into a cuddle with Branch that she looked over and saw him quietly snoozing.

She watched him in awe as he slept. She didn’t get the chance to see him sleep last night, she’d fallen asleep first and Branch had more things to write down regarding the start of the trip. But today, Branch would’ve been absolutely exhausted. She put him through disaster after disaster and fended off every threat she recklessly threw herself into. She was able to study his face and how his truly relaxed state looked. He looked so much younger when his mind wasn’t racing about a million things at once.

His crow’s feet were there, but less intense, his smile lines—or rather—his frown lines not as defined. His breathing was quiet and soft, and he was truly at peace for once. Poppy just couldn’t bring herself to leave as her fingers traced his face, every line and every feature. She grazed his mouth with her index finger but quickly retracted as he stirred for a moment and mumbled something that sounded like “It’s okay, go back to sleep” as he reached an arm over and patted her back, pulling her in to rest her head on his chest. He patted her head gently before rubbing her back and sighing as he went back into a deeper level of sleep.

Poppy’s eyes were wide with bewilderment. What was he dreaming about that would’ve made him stir and say that? He never had any pets or trolls to sleep next to, who was he thinking was poking at him? She couldn’t focus on that, as she was much more interested in staying right here, nestled in his arms.

Her friends wouldn’t mind if she didn’t come over right away. She’d cuddled with her friends a million times, but Branch was a totally new cuddle buddy. She couldn’t keep her eyes open as she felt him swaddled around her. He was seriously so warm… She’d get up in just a few minutes and head over to the sleepover.

Just a few more minutes…

As Poppy’s lost the fight of her eyes shutting, she drifted off to dreamland right along with her grey companion.


Hey Poppy, do me a favor and GET A GRIP!!! Jeez! Branch is doomed...

I'm gonna explode, they're too stinking cute!!! I figured you all deserved a little Groppy/Broppy due to all the stress of last chapter 🙏 Sorry y'all!! (Sorry Branch!)

Again, let me know if the size of this chapter is too long. I don't mind writing to this length, but I don't want it to feel like it's too long either! Thanks sm for reading! Y'all are amazing!!

Chapter 29: Ruined


The raft is ready to go, but something stops Branch in his tracks.


Happy Easter to all that celebrate, and a Happy Egg Day to the rest of y'all!! :]

I had to cut this chapter short again! Ugh! It would've been like 8k words had I continued! X[
We hit 1k kudos and 20k hits?! Y'all are so insanely sweet thank you sm!! AH!!! <333
Hopefully, there are no errors or I'll explode into a million easter-decorated troll eggs! D:

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch stirred slightly as he slowly lifted himself from the deep levels of sleep he’d achieved. The last two nights, he slept the entire night. Not a single nightmare. Whether it was reliving his grandma being taken or the night his brothers abandoned him forever with some horrible, gruesome twist to it, he had one, without fail. The only pleasant dream he had recently was the one that had gotten him where he was right now, in the middle of the dense forest with a bunch of trolls he didn’t know very well.

He felt so constricted by something. Usually, that’d be a negative for Branch, but it was a familiar feeling for some odd reason. He felt so warm and safe that he couldn’t be bothered to figure out why he couldn’t move very well. He heard muffled voices that he couldn’t quite make out as he roused himself.

Meanwhile, outside the tent, peeking in were members of the Snack Pack, giggling as they witnessed the sight of Branch and Poppy. Branch was lying on his back and Poppy had every limb tangled around her friend as she grinned happily in her sleep. Her body was glued to his side and tucked under his left arm which had to be completely numb based on how she was lying on it. Her left arm was behind his neck, her paw grasping his face while the other lay atop his grey chest, her face pressed up cheek to cheek with Branch. One pink leg draped over his stomach and the other poked out from underneath his left leg which also had her tail coiled around it. There was absolutely no way that it could’ve been comfortable, but Branch looked completely at peace.

Teal hair reached its way over top of the two and click was heard as a camera flashed. Branch shifted slightly from the light but wasn’t quite awake yet. Smidge giggled as she snapped a picture with Poppy’s camera. She had left it in the girls' tent earlier, as she planned to return but based on the sight before the friend group, she never made it.

“Oh yeah, this is a keeper!” Smidge chuckled mischievously as she waved the picture around once it developed. “Poppy’s gonna love this…”

Guy snickered as he crouched down to take a look at the photo. “Day two of friendship and Branch has already become an unwilling cuddle buddy for Poppy!”

“Ahh… I remember the first time I found out that Poppy was a total cuddle monster… Good times. Branch got kind of unlucky though, that does not look comfortable.” DJ giggled as they backed away from the tent, once they started to see Branch stir. “What a pair of lovebugs we got, huh guys?”

They all giggled as they gathered around the long-extinguished campfire to sing together as they usually did every morning. Branch finally started to wake up as he heard harmonizations from his traveling companions. The colorless troll blinked open bleary eyes as he saw blurry pink wrapped all around his body and the familiar floral scent of poppies filling the air around him answered every possible question he had as his eyes shot open.

He groaned to himself as he felt his face burning up. Poppy ended up cuddling with him again! Why does this keep happening? He was supposed to be distancing himself; but every time he tried, they only seemed to end up closer! Why was she here anyway? She was supposed to head back to The Snack Pack and their tents after talking with him for a bit. Why on earth did she stay?

Branch tried to pry Poppy off, like last time, but it only made her grumble and hug tighter, tugging at Branch’s neck uncomfortably as she wrapped herself around him tighter. Guess Poppy was a total cuddlebug in real life, too. Whenever they’d sleep over at either his bunker or her pod, Dream Poppy was practically impossible to pry off once she was comfortable. She was a serial sleep hugger and Branch was always her preferred victim. The only way to get her off without a full-on brawl was for him to whisper sweet nothings to her as he lovingly stirred her awake with a smile… But Branch couldn’t do that. That’d be weird and way past the “friend” boundary line.

“Poppy. Wake up.” Branch whispered insistently, patting her with his free paw. His other one was numb at this point, but he had gotten used to that sensation when Dream Poppy would sleep next to him. Poppy only sighed in a relaxed manner and rubbed her cheek up against his scruffy one. He scowled as she got herself even more comfortable as she glued herself to him. “Poppyyyyy…. Get up.”

“Mmmf… I dunwanna Mr. Dinkles, Branch is soooo comfy…” Poppy grinned big as she muttered in her sleep. She was dreaming about cuddling with him? She was so adorable sometimes—No, this was annoying! He needed to get her off, they needed to get going!

Branch shoved at her with his free paw, but she growled in annoyance and gripped tighter to Branch’s dismay. This wasn’t going to work, and he certainly wasn’t going to ask for help and embarrass himself, there was no way he’d let any of those guys see him like this! Branch sighed in defeat as he used his surefire method. He really didn’t want to do this; it was going to be so weird and hard to explain to her once she awoke! He caressed Poppy’s cheek as gently as one would touch a newborn fawn, making Poppy smile warmly, her teeth poking out from under her top lip.

“Poppyseed, I need you to wake up, okay?” She stirred, releasing her tight grip and mumbling questioningly as he twirled a curly bang that draped her face. “As lovely as you are asleep, I want to see your eyes.”

“…Branch? What…? Oh, morning already?” Poppy’s cheeks pinkened as her magenta irises twinkled into view and her eyes fluttered open from his words. She was still very sleepy, but conscious enough to hear him. She released him from her iron grip and scooted away as she yawned. She didn’t get too far, as her tail was still wrapped around his leg. Branch’s cheeks darkened as he sat up, shaking out his very numb arm and avoiding eye contact with her. Man, his neck was so sore from an all-night hug from his pink companion.

“You really have a cuddling problem.” Branch grumbled, rolling his head around to try and get the kink out of his neck to no avail. Poppy giggled sleepily as she rubbed her eyes and looked at him.

“Yeah, so I’ve been told… Sorry about that!”

“Why were you even still in here last night? You were supposed to go hang out with your—our friends.” Branch huffed.

“Well, I was gonna but… You fell asleep while we were talking, and you grabbed me into a sleep hug and I guess I fell asleep too! You’re like, surprisingly super comfy if I’m honest.”

Branch’s face was on fire, this was so embarrassing for him; was he a sleep hugger too somehow? He groaned, putting his face into his paws and shaking his head. “Ugh… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. If I ever do that again, just shove me away, okay?”

“Now why the hair would I do that?” Poppy gave him a scrunched-up face in confusion. “I love cuddling with you! It was so comfy; I fell asleep just like that!” Poppy snapped her fingers and giggled.

Branch scrunched up his face in return, confused as he heard her speak.

“Honestly, I slept super good, I feel full of energy! How about you, Branch m’man?”

How did he sleep? If he was honest, soundly. He hadn’t felt this well-rested in a long time, as he was usually woken up by nightmares almost every night for over the last two decades. The last two nights he spent with Poppy as her cuddle victim were probably the best nights of sleep he’d had in a while. He didn’t dream anything at all, but it was better than a dreadful nightmare again.

“Really good too, actually.” Branch admitted, making Poppy smile.

“Then there’s no problem, right? Maybe we should be cuddling buddies all the time!” Poppy giggled, her Hug Time Watch pinged, a symphony of other Hug Watches going off outside of the tent at the same time. “Eee, perfect timing!” Poppy went to launch herself at Branch and he braced for impact and squeezed his eyes shut… But nothing came? He opened his eyes to see Poppy squirming with pleading eyes and her arms glued awkwardly to her sides like a nutcracker.

“What’s wrong, Poppy?”

“Um, I know you said I can hug you whenever I want, but… Is it really okay to do that? I mean, I know hugs are pretty new to you and I know that you’re probably not ready for Snack Pack group hugs, and—”

“Poppy, I don’t mind if you hug me. Ever. Now come here already, Hug Time doesn’t last forever, y’know.” Branch smiled sweetly. His heart did a flip as she squealed in excitement and pounced on him with a fit of giggles. Her tail, which had never unraveled itself from his leg squeezed at him as she nuzzled herself against his neck. Branch brought up his arms around her and held her tight, making Poppy sigh in contentment.

“You give the best hugs ever, Branch…” Poppy cooed into his ear, making it twitch and a dopey grin to crawl up upon his face. He rubbed her back and settled into the hug as his heart felt warm. She was so perfect; she was even being adorable holding back to ask for a hug first. He had no spine when it came to Poppy, it was seriously his worst quality now because of that stupid dream. “By the way, can you wake me up like that next time, too? It was a really nice way to be woken up… It made me so happy.”

Branch felt so warm and fuzzy. She was so similar to Dream Poppy that it made his heart soar with a shred of hope for something more… Branch stepped on his tail to keep it from wagging. He would never live it down if Poppy caught wind of that. He needed to get a grip, or he’d never get through this journey alive.

Once they were done with breakfast, they headed over to the river once more to depart. Branch and Smidge started to push the raft towards the river. As they pushed, Branch’s ear twitched as he heard snapping noises and paused as Smidge gave him a knowing look as she seemed to have heard it as well. They moved away from the raft as it shook, creaked, and then collapsed, to absolutely everyone’s shock. Branch was catatonic as he stared at the collapsed raft in front of him. He flicked his eyes up at Smidge, who quickly met his wide eyes with hers.

“What the hair just happened…” Smidge choked out quietly.

“I… I have no idea. Why would it just give out like this, I reinforced it three times…!” Branch grasped at his hair as he muttered back to her.

Why did it just fall apart like this? He knew that he double—no—triple-checked his raft last night. There’s no way it would’ve just fallen apart, he was sure of it, Branch would never make a mistake like this. What went wrong that everything would just… collapse?

“Yeah, you were so annoying about it too, I thought you’d never shut up about how we were tying all the vines together…”

“Branch! What happened to the raft? It looked fine yesterday!” Poppy ran up to them, inspecting the damage.

“We don’t really know, Poppy,” Smidge shrugged. “It was fine yesterday, but when we were pushing it, we heard snapping and creaking and then…” Smidge whistled and followed it with an explosion sound.

Slowly, The Snack Pack started to gather around the wreckage with various conversations of concern. Branch was feeling overwhelmed, and his breathing was quickening. He couldn’t believe that this could’ve happened. He was meticulous with his work, he always checked, checked, and then checked again. He had to or he knew something would go wrong and he was kicking himself for not checking again after his constant checks. This was his fault.

“Good morning, friends! Is everything all ready to—" Creek yawned as he made his way over to the river and then gasped dramatically once he saw what was drawing everyone’s attention and ran over to the wrecked raft. “What on earth happened here?”

“Oh, hey Creek,” Poppy greeted halfheartedly as she gave him a quick glance before focusing back on Branch who was visibly starting to lose it. She rubbed his back gently in an attempt to calm him down. “We don’t really know what happened, but… The raft just…” The Snack Pack mimicked the whistle and exploding sounds that Smidge had made earlier.

“Not. Helping.” Branch gritted his teeth in annoyance and gripped his hair tighter as he scowled. What could’ve gone wrong? Was it the structural integrity of it? Were the vines not healthy enough? The adhesive wasn’t the problem, all the parts he’d glued together were still securely bonded. He should’ve just used the adhesive on everything, but he was afraid that the water may cause it to loosen. What caused this issue? He moved away from Poppy’s touch and knelt down to look at the anchor points that were the most important to the raft’s structure.

“So, you’re saying it just fell apart? Out of nowhere?” Creek said, wariness in his tone. “I didn’t want to say this before, but… No, nevermind.”

Branch grit his teeth as Creek spoke. He was so sick of hearing his voice after last night. Fuzzbert walked over to Branch and inspected various parts of the raft. Once he was done, he walked back over to Branch who was tensely hunched over and bumped his shoulder to get his attention as he beeped at him.

“Dude, I’m gonna be totally honest with you, our work on this thing was like, flawless. I don’t think you did anything wrong, man. Maybe like… We can try it again and see what happened?” Fuzzbert inquired, getting a curt nod from Branch.

“No Creek, it’s okay! You should tell us how you’re feeling!” Poppy insisted, getting an unnoticed eyeroll from Branch as he kept his back to her as the two trolls spoke.

“Well, Princess Poppy, if you insist…” Creek sighed dramatically before continuing. “I was just thinking… What if this raft was out on the river with all of us in it when this happened?”

Branch tensed and paused as he heard various gasps behind him. He didn’t bother to look up, he was already ashamed to have failed once. This trip was not going how he planned it at all. From the beginning, everything was wrong. Chef found them when there was no way she should have been able to, every single one of Poppy’s friends who were captured last time wanted to join him, they’ve been knocked off course twice now by bird and singing-related incidents, Creek was being a total jerk, Branch couldn’t keep his dumb feelings in check and now they’d be behind schedule again because they needed to rebuild the raft. Walking from here would add more days to their commute and one day had already been enough stress.

“Well, that didn’t happen, so let’s be grateful for that!” Poppy smiled; her voice full of enthusiasm. “Plus, I know Branch can figure it out and fix it again, right?”

“Yeah, me and Fuzzbert can handle it, we’re just troubleshooting right now.” Branch nodded curtly as he inspected the raft more, Fuzzbert doing the same. “It’ll take some time, though. We’re gonna be behind schedule. Again.”

A sigh of despair was heard from a few trolls, and he could feel his emotions bubbling up.

“Are you sure about that, Branch? What if this happens again?”

“It won’t. I’m sure of it.” Branch cut Creek off almost immediately; he didn’t want to hear this right now. Not from Creek. He was letting everyone down and they could’ve gotten hurt if he’d managed to get everyone in the water with that structurally unsound raft.

“How sure? Because quite frankly, I’m not feeling all that confident right now in your abilities.”

“Creek!” Poppy exclaimed in a scolding tone.

“I’m just being honest, Princess Poppy!” Creek whined. “I mean, we’re trusting Branch with our lives, and we could’ve been in serious trouble because of this… I’m scared…”

Didn’t he realize that Branch already knew that? This was exactly why he didn’t want to be responsible for all these trolls, he knew he’d mess up and ruin everything. He always messed everything up.

“Me too, that’s a scary thought you’ve brought up, Creek…” Biggie trembled, clutching onto Mr. Dinkles for support.

“Yeah, I’m kinda scared too, Pops…” DJ Suki hugged herself. “I mean, I’m really not the greatest swimmer, man!”

Branch was starting to panic; he couldn’t handle the millions of conversations starting up all around him about his mistake. He grabbed at his ears, rocking back and forth on his knees as he tried to drown out the noise, but he was starting to hyperventilate. He wanted to be alone! He hasn’t been alone for more than 20 minutes max the other night. He couldn’t handle all this pressure; this is exactly why he couldn’t have friends; they’d expect things from him.

He could never be perfect; he knew that he couldn’t. He couldn’t be a perfect brother or a perfect grandson that stayed out of trouble; he couldn’t be a good friend and he’d never be a good leader. He couldn’t stand himself.

“Branch? You okay?” Poppy bent over and put a paw on his shoulder.

Branch didn’t respond, he only moved away from her touch, and she took the hint that he didn’t want to talk. She moved her paw away and stepped a few inches away. He didn’t want to be bothered at all, he didn’t want anyone talking to him, he wanted to—

“What’s wrong with him? Is he okay?”

Just go away.

“Guys, he just needs a minute to—”

Stop talking…

“Why did he just ignore you? Branch, that wasn’t very nice!”

Just leave me alone.

“Maybe he just needs a hug!”


“Ooh, how about a song?”

“SHUT UP ALREADY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” Branch shouted as he squeezed his ears as tightly as he could, panting as his eyes squeezed shut to keep tears from falling out. He wouldn’t lose it in front of them, they needed to leave, and they needed to leave now. He was struggling to keep his breathing under control as the world around him fell silent. He couldn’t hear the words that Poppy was saying to her friends; something about needing quiet to focus or some other crap he couldn’t bother to focus on.

He heard shuffling and the voices of his travel mates traveling further and further away as he finally broke down after holding back his impending panic attack. He breathed in so heavily that his chest hurt, trying to force himself to exhale all the panicked intakes of air he was storing in his burning lungs. His eyes were shut so hard that it hurt and his ears aching from how hard he was squeezing them. He was glad to be alone to deal with his emotions.

He was so frustrated with everything. He could’ve been responsible for all the trolls around him. He was so angry at himself for yelling at them, but it was the only thing that worked to get others away from him quickly. He’d been making mistake after mistake for the last two days and he had nowhere to run away to. “Sorry” was pointless, he was such a useless troll, he couldn’t even manage his emotions like an adult. Here he was, sitting and crying like a child over his mistakes instead of getting over them and fixing them like a grown-up. This is why everyone leaves him. Poppy would leave him too, he was sure of it.

Get your sh*t together. Get it together. You have a job to do, so do it instead of wasting your time crying. It’s your fault, so do something about it. You don’t have time for this.

Branch managed to get himself together as he came back down from his breakdown, he hiccupped and sniffed as he wiped his eyes and took deep breaths to calm himself. After he was back at his normal levels; albeit with an aching head and sore ears, he finally opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings. He stood up, looking behind him to find no one to his relief. It wasn’t until he heard a familiar beeping nearby that his blood ran cold.

“You doing alright, man?” Fuzzbert asked with a hint of concern. He was sitting far away from Branch on the far side of the raft, working on repairs.

“F-Fuzzbert? What are you…?” Branch sputtered.

“I didn’t wanna bug ya ‘cause it was kinda obvious that you needed a minute to chill out... I didn’t wanna leave you all alone when you’re feeling so low.” He beeped, strolling back over to Branch who was now mortified at the thought of someone seeing him like that.

“I-I’m sorry you had to see that; I shouldn’t have—”

“Hey dude, whoa! I’m not gonna judge ya, you got a lotta pressure on ya right now. I get it! No worries broski, Bertie ain’t one to run his mouth.” He chuckled; his tone introspective. “Not like anyone would understand me if I did. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“Oh, uh… Thanks, I don’t really wanna get into it but—”

Fuzzbert made a noise of objection, forming his hair into a pair of arms making an ‘X’ shape.

“If you don’t wanna talk about it, I won’t ask. It’s like it never happened man, don’t worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I understand what it’s like to be stuck in your own head, trust me, Branchski.”

Branch eased up; a sigh of relief mixed with a chuckle of embarrassment. He was glad that it wasn’t anyone else who saw him like that; he wouldn’t have been so relieved. Fuzzbert was surprisingly more emotionally intelligent than the rest of the group. He didn’t push for answers and Branch was starting to really appreciate that.

“Thanks. I wish I could’ve understood you a lot sooner, I think we could’ve been great friends… Bertie.” Branch snorted, repeating the nickname that the green-haired Fuzzling had referred to himself as earlier, getting a chuckle out of him.

“Well, what do you say we start being friends now? S’never too late to like, start hangin’ out.”

“I think I’d like that, yeah.” Branch smiled, sighing and standing up.

“Awesome! Branch and me, compadres!” Fuzzbert couldn’t smile, but with the tip of his hair curling up as his chipper tone was perceived, Branch could assume that he was in his own, fuzzy sort of way. Branch felt a bit more at ease, he just totally embarrassed himself and Fuzzbert acted like it never happened for his sake. He was a really nice guy.

“There was another reason I stuck around, and it was to figure out the problem,” Fuzzbert shifted the topic, his tone suddenly a lot more serious and catching Branch’s attention. “This wasn’t a matter of poor craftsmanship. Fuzzlings aren’t known for poor construction and you’re a real perfectionist… Check this out, look at the anchor points.”

Fuzzbert guided Branch’s eyes to the parts of the vines that were bound tightly around the anchor points and areas where each raft part needed to be bound together.

“They’re still intact.” Branch whispered in awe. He then looked at where the vine ends had snapped. “The ends of the vines are all frayed, but all perfectly severed… Almost like it was tampered with…”

“…Or purposefully cut. A vine wouldn’t be perfectly sliced like this if it was a matter of tension ripping them apart. Something… Or someone did this.”

“But why would someone want to mess up the raft and risk everyone getting hurt? That makes no sense, that wouldn’t benefit anybody if we were stuck out here…” A chill ran down Branch’s spine. Would someone really do something like that? Maybe someone wanted to stall for time, or someone was out to get them. Would Creek do something like—No. He wouldn’t point fingers, that’d only make this trip even more nerve-wracking. Plus, why would a coward like Creek do that and risk his own life just to spite Branch? He was a self-preserving coward; he’d never sacrifice himself. “Maybe a critter was messing around on it last night?”

“Maybe… Whatever the cause, looks like it wasn’t your fault. So like, breathe easier knowing that, broski. The last thing I need is our pilot feelin’ low.” Fuzzbert gave Branch a comforting bump against his leg, making him release a shaky breath of relief. He was really worried about that, but now he felt a little more confident in rebuilding the raft and getting out onto that river, he’d wasted enough time, and everyone was counting on him. He could push through this, no more tears.

Once Branch and Fuzzbert restored the raft to its former glory, they headed back to the campsite to pack up their things and load them onto the large raft. Branch sheepishly walked up to the rest of the group, fiddling with his fingers and staring at the ground. The bubbly conversation they were having quickly quieted down and an awkward silence hung in the air before he spoke.

“Um… Hey. Sorry about yelling at you guys, that wasn’t cool.” Branch didn’t look up, terrified to see their angry or perhaps annoyed expressions. He really messed up, he shouldn’t have exploded at them like that, he was trying to keep it together so they would see that he was seriously trying to be a better troll.

“Aw, it’s okay, Branch!” Poppy smiled, the rest of The Snack Pack was also full of smiles, including Creek; whose smile was a bit smugger than the rest.

“Yeah, man! It’s okay, we forgive you!” DJ chimed in, the others nodding their heads in agreement. Branch looked a bit bewildered.

Man, these guys forgive so easily that it’s kind of concerning.

Branch decided to take it for now, if no one was angry, then he was okay, right? Fuzzbert wasn’t mad at him either; he really lucked out with these guys; they weren’t so bad once he was starting to get to know them. Smidge was also a lot more fun to talk to than he thought. Maybe this trip would make them become closer friends after all; Fuzzbert and Branch had already made it official. Branch wouldn’t dare say it out loud, but he was a bit excited to see if that could happen.

With everything packed onto the raft and the fears of raft travel quelled by Poppy during Branch's absence, everyone loaded onto the raft with little complaint and plenty of songs to sing. Branch couldn't help but notice that after kicking the raft off from the shore, that DJ wasn't looking as relaxed as the rest of her friends. Was something bothering her?


Branch really has a good friend in Fuzzbert, I really wanted Branch to have a friend that truly understands him from a different angle. Fuzzbert might feel a bit lonely considering not many can understand him, but now they have a special bond. I want Fuzzbert to be a pretty chill, yet level-headed guy that Branch can hang out with, no pressure to impress. I think he needs a friend who just gets it without him needing to explain every feeling ever...

I like the idea of Fuzzlings being more emotionally intelligent because they have to observe conversations more than they can participate in them. They people watch a lot :]

Chapter 30: Raft


The gang head down the river and DJ is feeling a bit nervous about something.


April Fools! There’s not one chapter for you today… There’s TWO!!! MWAHAHAHA GOT YOU GOOD! You better enjoy having to read even MORE today, you little hooligans!!! >:]
Another surprise! DJ Suki POV! Oh man, you guys just keep getting pranked! >:]]]
Enjoy and have a super silly April 1st!

(There's a small flashback!)

Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae

Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

DJ Suki was not having a very fun raft ride like her friends. From the moment Branch pushed off from shore, she felt this super strange and heavy feeling in her gut. She couldn’t pinpoint what the feeling was, but she felt like every bad thing that could happen, would happen. It was like her mind was racing a million miles per second with the worst ideas ever and she couldn’t stop them.

What if a hole shoots up through the center of the raft and they all start to sink? What if Branch takes the wrong turn and we all go headfirst down a waterfall? What if a giant glitter fish leaps up and eats Branch, leaving Poppy to steer the boat and it crashes? What if Branch is taking them somewhere far away from home? Oh god, what if we never GO home?! Would Branch really do that? Why does Poppy even trust him so much anyways? What if he’s just doing this to get back at us for being mean to him and he lets us get eaten by a bunch of Bergens!?

The scenarios she thought of only got progressively worse as her mind continued to race, the muffled sounds of her friends singing “One hundred bottles of Stoutberry Juice” wasn’t exactly soothing her nerves. Her leg bounced nervously as she sat closer to where Branch was navigating from. She figured if she was closer to him, she’d be the first to see if Branch noticed something amiss. He hadn’t participated in any games or songs and opted to stay closer to the raft’s sail. He’d look back occasionally and give DJ an awkward smile in an attempt to comfort her. She’d return it but Branch clearly had no idea what to say, and Poppy was preoccupied by keeping her friends in high spirits.

DJ wasn’t enjoying this at all. She was stressed out of her mind about this raft. The other one fell apart so easily, and Creek had only made it worse by listing all the worst-case scenarios that could’ve happened to would happen when they got on the raft once it was rebuilt…


“That was rather strange, don’t you think, Princess Poppy? He got angry at us for simply being worried about our own safety!” Creek shook his head in disbelief.

“Yeah!” Guy Diamond huffed. “All we were doing was trying to help him feel better, and he was so ruuu-uuu-de!”

“Guys… We need to remember that Branch is different when it comes to cheering up. Hugs and singing aren’t things he likes to do with everyone all the time!” Poppy placated her upset friends with her words.

“Then what kind of stuff are we supposed to cheer him up?” Cooper asked.

“Branch is someone who needs space to think when he’s upset. That’s why he has his bunker, he likes his alone time, remember?” Poppy sighed sitting down around the burnt-out campfire from the night before; getting a series of “ohhhhhs” from everyone around her besides Creek who had his arms crossed. DJ thought he looked a bit annoyed, but he spoke nicely, so she must’ve been mistaken.

“Princess Poppy, I understand wanting to trust in your friend, but we could’ve seriously gotten hurt,” Creek protested, getting everyone’s attention. “I mean, anything could’ve happened. We could’ve gone down the river and had it sink or fall apart…”

DJ flinched. She started to imagine worst-case scenarios about the raft as Creek looked at her.

“…Or maybe, something could swallow us whole within the waters?”

The DJ was visibly starting to panic as Creek thought of more and more awful scenarios. She was trembling after he continued, making more and more of The Snack Pack nervous.

“Creek, stop it!” Poppy commanded sternly, walking over and putting a comforting arm around DJ. DJ wrapped her arms around Poppy and accepted her hug. She was glad that Poppy had gotten Creek to stop, it was making her gut feel super heavy thinking about the deep river. “DJ is already nervous about the water; we shouldn’t keep putting such negative thoughts into each other’s heads like that.”

“But Princess—"

“Ah-ah! I won’t stand for it; we need to think positively if we want this trip to go well.” Poppy gave DJ a supportive squeeze, then walked over to a nearby log, and stood on it, getting ready to give a motivational speech. DJ always knew when one of those was coming. “Think about it guys, we all know just how careful Branch is, right? He’s one of the most cautious trolls we know. Would Branch ever build something unsafe?”

“No way, you guys shoulda heard him when we were building,” Smidge groaned, rolling her eyes. “He must’ve checked back after my work like 50 times to make sure it was perfect. If it wasn’t, he’d undo it and I’d have to start over! He’s such a perfectionist that ya just wanna pummel ‘em!”

“Right, so why would Branch make a raft that would just fall apart? I mean, we’re out in the wild, maybe a pesky critter was messing with it last night when we went to bed?”

“Yeah…That would make way more sense than Branch making something unsafe…” DJ agreed. Branch was the most over-the-top safety dork that she knew, they couldn’t even have pillow fights without him thinking something bad would happen or someone would break a bone.

“So, let’s have a little more faith in Branch and keep a cool head. He kept me safe when I got… A little crazy… S-So he’d definitely keep you all safe, too. We can do this, everything will be just fine, guys!”

Maybe Poppy was right, there wasn’t anything to worry about. It’d be fine, right? Poppy always says that everything will be fine and not to worry, so DJ tries not to. It was hard though; she knew that Creek was a smart guy. But then again, Branch was pretty smart too. Who had more experience with this sort of stuff is what mattered, right? Branch knew how to build things, Creek didn’t. So maybe trusting Branch would be smarter.

DJ shook the thoughts off as everyone piled into the raft after Poppy gave them all the inspirational speech of a lifetime. DJ kind of zoned out through the whole thing, she just couldn’t get rid of the bad stuff that Creek was saying.


As they settled into the linear path ahead, gently being carried by the stream and a light wind current, Branch sat down and turned to face the rest of the group and next to DJ who wasn’t participating in their songs and was significantly further away from them.

“Seventy-nine bottles of Stoutberry juice, seventy-nine bottles of juice! Take one down, pass it around, seventy-eight bottles of Stoutberry juice!”

He looked at her questioningly, then at the rest of the group, then back at her. She didn’t really know Branch too well, he was very different from the typical troll, and she didn’t know what that look meant.

“Is something bothering you, DJ Suki?” Branch asked her, rather gently to keep the others from hearing and made an expression she couldn’t really understand. He wasn’t smiling, but he didn’t look sad or angry either. Did she tell him that something was making her feel bad? She didn’t recall telling him that.

“Whoa. How did you know that?”

“Well, you’re frowning, you look terrified and you’re sitting next to me in silence instead next to of all your friends and singing along to the most annoying, repetitive songs ever.” Branch chuckled, giving her a smile.


“Yeah? Like you’re scared of something.” Branch sat crisscrossed and leaned back on the palms of his paws, exhaling and looking around at the scenery surrounding them.

“Oh… Yeah, I’m not too great with big bodies of water, I can’t swim.” DJ hung her head, feeling her face heat up. Why did it feel so weird to tell him that, it’s like she was expecting him to laugh at her. “Kinda silly, I know…”

“I don’t think it’s silly at all. If I’m honest, I think it makes even more sense considering what happened to the raft earlier. I think anyone would be feeling some pretty serious anxiety if they couldn’t swim but had to get on a raft that they watched fall to pieces.”

The dark pink troll looked at Branch in shock. She expected him to say something mean like he usually did, but he said he actually understood how she felt… What was it he said she was feeling again? “Anxiety? What’s that?”

Now, Branch gave her a deer-in-headlights stare from her question. What did she say? Did she say something stupid? Was he going to laugh at her for asking? Was he mad at her? Why did it feel like she just ate a bag of rocks; her stomach felt so heavy, and she felt like she should say sorry for even asking.

“Anxiety… It’s like, being scared, but way worse. Hmm… How to explain it…” Branch frowned, giving her a sad look as he continued. “When I feel anxious, I feel like the world is spinning and I keep thinking about all this bad stuff that hasn’t happened yet. The more I think about it, the worse I feel.”

DJ nodded, getting a look of understanding from Branch. That was it, that was exactly what she was feeling! She kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong, she felt like this all the time! Every time she had to tell a troll what she was feeling or that she didn’t want to do something, she’d feel… Anxious! Like if she did tell someone or do what they’d asked of her, she’d mess it up and they’d all be so angry at her. The worst part was that it usually wasn’t ever true and no one else cared about it as much as she did, and she felt so silly for overthinking it.

“That’s exactly it, dude…! I didn’t know that it had a name. I feel like I got a boulder in my tummy just by being on this raft, but everyone else is fine so I thought I was just being silly.” DJ sighed, shaking her head with an embarrassed smile. “I keep thinking about a bunch of bad stuff happening, but Poppy said they won’t happen and to keep positive. I’m trying to, but I just can’t stop feeling… Anxious.”

It felt really good for this feeling to have a word; she’d lived a lot of her life feeling that way about little things, but even the little things would become huge things and then she’d bail on others or not speak up for herself because the feeling was just too much to handle, and she felt like running away from it without explaining why.

“Trust me, DJ… I’ve been feeling anxious just like you about all of this. It’s not easy looking after ten trolls when you were only supposed to be looking after one.” Branch chuckled, but he didn’t look very happy at all.

“So, you feel scared, too? Sometimes when I get scared, I feel like I gotta run super far away. Does it ever feel like that for you, too?”

“DJ, I live in a bunker far away from everybody, what do you think?” Branch smirked.

That’s right, Branch lived super far away from everyone, and whenever he was upset, he’d run back to his bunker every time. She hadn’t thought about it like that, but now, he made a lot more sense to her. It wasn’t because he didn’t like other trolls, he was just anxious and needed to run away like DJ wanted to.

“So, all those times you’d yell at us for surprising you… Ugh. Sorry man, I didn’t even think about it.

“Well, you get it now. Lots of trolls don’t really get me, I’m kind of used to it by now.” Branch shrugged.

“Well… What do you do to stop it?”

“Stop what?”

“Feeling anxious?” DJ stared at him, desperately looking for an answer. Branch paused, looking around to search for one that would work.

“Well, anxiety isn’t something that goes away, you just have to find a way to manage it.” Branch shrugged, giving her a sad look. DJ sighed; she wasn’t happy with that answer. She hated feeling like this all the time. She wanted it to go away, so she didn’t have to be so scared of things that weren’t a big deal to everyone else. Branch scratched his chin and opened his mouth a few times before finally speaking. “Look, it’s kind of different for everyone, but… Sometimes I can feel less scared if I focus on the bigger picture.”

“The bigger picture?”

“Yeah, like… I’m really anxious that something else will go wrong, but I know that if I help everyone get through this journey, and we make it to Bergen Town and become friends with the Bergens, we can save the rest of Troll Village. The bigger picture.” Branch nodded curtly as he smiled. “If I focus on that, I can’t think too much about the bad things that could happen; at least for a little while.”

DJ hadn’t tried that. Everyone always told her to look on the bright side, but she never knew what the bright side of something could be other than just “Be happy.” But what was the bigger picture regarding the raft? She was scared. She hadn’t noticed that Branch was looking up at someone else while she thought. She didn’t want to be here, she wanted to be at home, but home wasn’t safe either, a Bergen was there ready to find and eat everyone she knew and loved.

“But Branch, I don’t know how to find the bigger picture. I’m seriously scared about this…” DJ admitted. “I don’t know how Poppy can stay so happy all the time.”

“DJ?” Poppy said meekly from behind the orange-haired troll, making her jump from surprise.

“P-Poppy!” DJ got that sinking feeling again, she felt awful for saying that, she only said it because she didn’t think Poppy would hear it. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to um… I just… Well—”

“Hey, hey! It’s fine, DJ! I’m not upset with you, don’t sweat it. Can I tell you something that’s sort of a secret?” Poppy sat down next to DJ, resting her ukelele on her lap. Poppy smiled at her, and DJ felt a bit more relief and then the DJ nodded and leaned her ear in towards the princess. “I get scared sometimes, too. I’ve been scared a lot during this trip.”

DJ gasped, looking at Branch to see if he knew that too. He simply nodded with a gentle smile and suddenly, she felt like she was made of jelly as she flopped over, making the two other trolls chuckle. It felt so good to know she wasn’t alone in being scared! She was so sure that Poppy couldn’t be scared about anything, she was always so sure of herself and walked around with a smile no matter what.

“Being a leader is always scary, DJ. I have to make tough and scary decisions all the time! It’s okay to be a little scared, you just need to have someone around who can help you feel safe.” Poppy smiled warmly as she looked at Branch, making him turn his head and roll his eyes as his cheeks darkened.

“So… It’s okay to feel scared?”

“Of course! Maybe not every feeling we have is fun, but if there’s anything I’ve started to learn from Branch, it’s that having new feelings or ones you don’t understand doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t feel them. Sometimes, feeling them can make you feel better than just running from it. Once, I cried and then I actually felt better afterwards!”

Poppy began to strum her ukelele as DJ gasped in shock and gave the dark pink troll a nod. Looked like Poppy had a song to sing, catching everyone’s attention. It was a calmer song, which made DJ Suki feel a little less on edge about everything, she didn’t feel like dancing right now.

Three little birds sat on my window,

And they told me I don’t need to worry.

Summer came like cinnamon, so sweet…

Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

DJ smiled as she listened to the gentle strumming and sat closer to Poppy as she sang. Poppy looked at her and gave DJ the most comforting look she’d seen from her in a while and DJ couldn’t help but feel at ease.

“Maybe sometimes we got it wrong,

But it’s alright.

The more things seem to change,

The more they stay the same,

Don’t you hesitate…”

She swayed to the music as her friends began to harmonize with Poppy. She was so lucky to have a friend like her, Poppy always knew how to make her feel better after a bad day.

“Girl, put your records on,

Tell me your favorite song.

You go ahead, let your hair down…

Sapphire and faded jeans,

I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down!”

As Poppy and her friends sang together, DJ’s heart felt lighter. She was always so secretly uptight about so many things. Putting together parties and deejaying was always something she had to really get into because there were so many things that could go wrong when it came to party planning and putting on a music show. She was always afraid of messing up, it always led her to the worst parts of her brain, and she didn’t always know how to stop overthinking.

“Maybe sometimes,

We feel afraid, but it’s alright.

The more you stay the same,

The more they seem to change.

Don’t you think it’s strange?”

She was so worried about what everyone thought of her and what they might say when she messed something up, but was that based in reality, or just the fear of the unknown that was talking?

“Girl, put your records on,

Tell me your favorite song.

You go ahead, let your hair down…

Sapphire and faded jeans,

I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down!”

DJ Suki was jamming along with her friends now as they sang together and bopped to the gentle music. Her friends cared about her. Even if she felt scared later on, it would be okay. She might mess up, but her friends were good trolls, and they’d never hate her for it.

You’re gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.”

Poppy bumped hips with DJ, getting her attention as she sang the next lines, looking into her eyes.

“Just more than I could take,

Pity for pity’s sake.

Some nights kept me awake,

I thought I was stronger…”

Did Poppy feel the same way that DJ did too? She felt so weak for not being able to speak up when it was important. DJ ran away from things when they got too hard, and she felt useless when she couldn’t support Poppy the way that Poppy would always support her.

“When you gonna realize

That you don’t even have to try any longer?

Do what you want to!”

As the chorus picked back up, DJ sang along, she felt a little better about the trip, at least for now. She looked at Branch who only swayed and watched everyone else dancing around with a smile on his face.

“Girl, put your records on,

Tell me your favorite song.

You go ahead, let your hair down…

Sapphire and faded jeans,

I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down!”

Branch was really different than everyone else she knew, but he seemed to understand the new and complicated feelings that DJ was experiencing better than anyone else on the boat. So much so, that even Poppy was feeling new things too! DJ moved back over to Branch and sat next to him.

“Girl, put your records on,

Tell me your favorite song.

You go ahead, let your hair down…”

“Branch, I just wanna thank you for listening to me. I’m still pretty scared, but at least I know what it is, now.” She smiled a bit nervously. Branch returned her smile and nodded.

“DJ, sometimes there’s nothing we can do when bad things happen. The important part is how you choose to handle them once they do. There’s always a bigger picture, I’m sure you’ll find it on your own. Even if you don’t you got some good friends here to help you.”

It wasn’t a definite solution to her problem, but for some reason, it satisfied her. She knew what fear felt like now, what to call it; all she needed to do was find her own way to manage it.

“Can I consider you one of those good friends, then?” DJ grinned, looking at him with anticipation. Branch chuckled, rolling his eyes a bit.

“Sure, DJ.”

“Awesome!” DJ pumped her fists in triumph. She felt way better knowing that her feelings were sort of normal, or at least, other trolls she knew felt that way too sometimes. As she sat next to Branch, watching him watch Poppy lovingly as she danced around, returning his gaze as honey poured from her eyes, she could see exactly why the pink princess felt so comfortable with Branch. He was surprisingly easy to talk to when someone took the time to actually listen. He had great friend qualities; she felt a twinge of guilt for not bothering to understand him sooner.

“Sapphire and faded jeans,

I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down!”

She shot Branch a knowing look as she nudged him out of his love-filled stupor. He blushed and grimaced, giving her a scowl she was more familiar with before rolling his eyes and looking away. Now, that scowl felt less intimidating knowing how kind-hearted he truly was. Now if only Poppy could recognize that she was crushing on the grey troll, then things would truly be on the right path.

She felt like she owed Branch for his kindness, maybe this could be it. Branch didn’t know it, but he had just solidified having a true wingwoman in DJ Suki.

“Oh, you’re gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow…”


YAY!! DJ made friends with Branch! She might not know how to not be so scared all the time, but at least she knows that she’s not the only one with anxiety. In the Netflix series, DJ has quite a few episodes where she’s incredibly anxious about messing up or disappointing others (The episode where she needs to organize a party or impress her niece) and I thought it’d be interesting to possibly delve into that a bit more.

Branch is probably the most anxious troll ever, he’d totally get where she was coming from tbh!

Chapter 31: Respire


The gang stops for the night, but something puts a stop to their dinner.


A double upload yippee! Today might be a silly day, but this chapter isn't :[

TW for near-death experience.
Sorry y'all :] Enjoy angst

POVs kind of change a few times, hope it's not confusing! Enjoy the double upload... If you can... ^^;

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The sun had started to set, and they had made up for a little bit of lost time, but getting dark meant that they needed to stop for the evening and set up camp. Branch stood up, looking for a good place to dock the raft. Creek had been awfully quiet and hadn’t picked a fight with Branch at all today. He was starting to believe that maybe his words finally got through to the arrogant troll and that he’d play nice until their mission was over. That’d be the best-case scenario if he was honest, he never wanted to talk to that dumb troll ever again.

He took hold of the sails, getting the group’s attention as he turned around to face them all.

“Alright everyone, the sun is setting, which means that we need to stop for the night.” He announced, getting low chatter in reply. Guy raised his paw and Branch looked at him questioningly before raising an eyebrow. “…Yes, Guy?”

“Are we going to get back on this again tomorrow? I actually kind of like the raft now! Such a fabulous way to travel!”

“Me too!” “I feel like I’m in the lazy river at the water park back home!” “Oooh, yeah I love the lazy river ride!”

Branch was unamused but simply nodded, figuring that now wasn’t really the time for snark. “Yes, based on our map, we should be able to reach Chiffon Canyons by late tomorrow afternoon. We would’ve made it there a little sooner had we gotten further before sunset, but we’re a bit behind.”

“Chiffon Canyons?” “What’s that?” “It’s a fabric, Cooper!” “A totally out-of-season fabric.”

“Anyways… Chiffon Canyons are a bit of a sight to behold. It’s really only something you can see, not describe. But I must warn you that you must be careful once we’re there; DO NOT get too close to the cliff edge. Chiffon is incredibly slippery and cliffsides are not reliable standing ground.”

“Dang, so you could slip off and die?” Cooper asked bluntly.

“Cooper!” They all scolded in unison.


“Actually, no. It’s not a deadly fall, it’s a canyon made of fabric, it’d break your fall just fine.” Everyone sighed a breath of relief. “But that doesn’t mean we’d be able to retrieve you from down there, way too far of a drop and like I said, slippery. You’d be better just dying right away.” Everyone looked horrified at Branch’s blunt words. He bit his lip, he kind of forgot how sensitive trolls could be.

“I-Is that why you were all wigged out over Poppy standing on that cliff yesterday? Cuz the ground could give out?” Smidge piped up; a bit shaken but otherwise okay.

“Precisely, Smidge.” Branch nodded. “You should always stand a few feet away from a cliff’s edge just to be safe. As long as you guys do that, feel free to look at the canyons as much as you’d like while the sun is up. Tonight, there’s not much to see. We should just set up camp and get dinner started.”

Everyone seemed a bit nervous at first, but after Branch said that they could still look at the landmark from a safe distance, they seemed to be in higher spirits. He had to admit it, he was rather thrilled that they had actually listened to his advice. They seemed to take his survival knowledge more seriously after seeing his recent feats like protecting their princess or his camping techniques.

Once everyone was off the raft and the equipment was unpacked, everyone got right to work at setting up camp. Since Branch didn’t have to build anything this time, he just focused on helping with dinner along with a few others. Poppy helped set up tents and as usual, Creek was no help. He said he was going to find a spot to meditate in and Branch could care less where he went, he hoped something out there would eat him.

Poppy, DJ and Smidge were setting up their tent when DJ noticed Creek wandering near the end of the clearing near some foliage. She called out to him, catching Poppy and Smidge’s attention.

“Yo, Creek! Where ya headed, man?” All three trolls smiled and waved at the purple troll, and he flinched, shifting his eyes around awkwardly as he smiled.

“O-Oh hello, ladies! I was just looking for a few things to forage! I haven’t had any proper tea or sage leaves to burn during my meditation sessions and I figured I could try to find some out here! Don’t mind me, friends!”

“Oh… Okay then, be careful!” She returned his wave goodbye as he stepped through the foliage. She watched him for a little bit as he wandered around near a frosty-colored bush nearby, rummaging around.

“What’s up, DJ?” Poppy asked, catching her attention as she noticed that her friend had zoned out while she and Smidge returned to their tent duty.

“Oh! It’s nothing really, I just noticed a bush that looked familiar, but I just couldn’t put her finger on where I saw it before.” She scratched her chin, deep in thought, and made Poppy chuckle from how serious she looked. Branch always made a face like that when he was thinking!

“Well, there were lots of weirdly colored plants back home. Maybe you’ve seen it around town! We can try to go look for it after dinner, maybe Branch can tell us, he’s good with that stuff!” Poppy wagged her tail. Branch was so intelligent, he seemed to always have an answer to any nature-related questions.

“Oh, of course you’d want to ask Branch…” Smidge teased, making Poppy roll her eyes as her cheeks burned. They weren’t dating, why was everyone trying to imply that? Not that it would be so bad if they were… But they weren’t! They were friends and Branch was just a super cool new friend that she liked to be around almost all the time, hug, hold paws, and cuddle with! Couldn’t they tell the difference?

Once dinner was set up Creek wandered his way back to the camp eventually and joined in the dinner. Everyone had finished setting up camp and dinner had commenced. Once everyone had a bowl, Satin had started to serve the stew by ladling it into each troll’s bowl. Poppy took a seat next to Branch and shortly after, Creek took a seat on the opposite side of her. She smiled at her two companions and felt so warm and fuzzy knowing that the two of them were getting along!

Creek was served his portion, then Poppy, Branch would have been next, but he suddenly had his thinking face on and Poppy tilted her head at him.

“Hmm… Hold off on me for now, Smidge. I think we need more firewood; I’ll be right back.” Before anyone could protest, he stood up and wandered off in search of some more timber. Poppy could only chuckle as she watched him leave.

“Branch can never just relax, can he?” Smidge joined Poppy in her amusem*nt.

“Would he even be Branch if he did?” Poppy giggled, making a few others laugh as well. She turned back to her bowl which she’d neglected as everyone watched Branch leave and began to eat.

It didn’t take very long after the first few scoops of soup that Poppy started to feel funny. She was tingling and itchy all over and as she tried to ignore it and eat more, her symptoms only worsened. Her stomach lurched and her skin was hot and starting to swell. She scratched at her neck, and she started to notice her arms starting to swell and she was blueish in color. What was going on? What was happening? By the time she went to ask her help, she noticed it was impossible as she could barely get air in and out of her throat. She couldn’t breathe right, and she dropped her bowl in panic as she started to shake.

“Poppy? What’s wrong?” Creek turned to her, concern filling his voice as the rest of her friends looked up to her and their eyes all widened in horror.

“POPPY!” Smidge yelled, abandoning her own bowl to the mossy ground as she ran to her aid and keeping her from falling too hard and hurting herself. She laid her down on the ground and tried to assess the problem as Poppy vision got spotty. It was getting so hard to breathe and everyone was calling her name and asking her what was wrong.

“She can’t breathe! How did this even start?” A gruff voice spoke.

“I don’t know, I just looked over and she was like this!” A smooth, accented voice spoke next. “I-I think I might have something that could help, hold on, Princess Poppy!” She heard feet scamper away.

“Oh sugar, what do we do?! W-We don’t have a doctor out here, man!” A raspy, anxious voice quivered.

The footsteps returned before the blurry purple figure in front of her spoke again. “Here Princess, you have to drink this, it’ll help.” When a paw touched her neck to lift up her head, she flinched away, rasping away as the little bit of air she could get through her airways tried to squeak out words. It burned! Whose paws were those? Why was it so hot, it hurt so bad!

She couldn’t remember what was going on. Why was there so much yelling? She couldn’t breathe right and everyone was touching her and whoever this was, she wanted them to stop! She shoved the burning touch away, over and over.

“Princess, you have to let me help you, just hold on, I’ll be the one to save you.”

“What’s going on?” A far away voice asked.

“Branch, help!” The gruff voice shouted and before they could say more, the sound of wood clattered in a pile on the ground as the sound of feet running towards her. The sound of something being grabbed and then thrown down beside her as a gentle yet panicked voice spoke.

The arms of the troll that was burning hot grasped onto her tightly, making her silently yell as she thrashed around, delirious and confused. This hurts, she wanted to be let go! She couldn’t focus, she couldn’t breathe. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to blink around and hoped to see anything. It was so blurry, black spots filled her vision until her eyes couldn’t open anymore.

“Everyone, stand back, okay?” There was a rushed sound of Velcro ripping and glass clinking. “Move over, Creek! That’s not gonna help her right now, let her go!”

“What’s in that little bottle? Why do you have a needle!? Hey, put that down!” The accented voice yelled. “You’re going to hurt her; I’m not going to let that happen—"

“CREEK! Just shut up and move away from her!” Poppy heard a grunt and gasps of shock all around her, then the burning feeling was gone but quickly replaced again by a firm grasp. She didn’t want it, no more touching! She hated it, stop touching her! Stop—

“Poppy, I need to help you… It’ll hurt for just a second, but I need you to hold still, okay?” The voice she heard was so gentle and sweet. She stopped thrashing and squeaked out a whine. She suddenly felt warm and safe as she was laid in the voice’s lap. She felt like maybe this voice could help her. She stopped squirming the best she could, her breathing no more than a squeak or two.

“Thank you, Poppyseed. You’re doing great. Here comes the pinch.”

Ouch! It hurt, but it was only for a second, then it was gone. She wondered what that was, but she was still really confused. She was so dizzy and confused. She didn’t know what was happening, was she asleep? But she was just eating dinner a couple minutes ago.

“Just focus on breathing right now. In…. Then out. In… Then out. That’s it, good job.” She followed the instructions the familiar voice was giving her. She felt calmer as her body slowly started to feel less like she was about to pop like an overfilled balloon. After a while, she was able to open her eyes and match the voice of the gentle voice to a face. A grey face scrunched up tight with worry as her eyes lazily blinked open.


Branch shushed her gently, brushing her bangs from her face. “Don’t talk right now, it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay, Poppy.”

“Oh, thank goodness…” A gruff voice sobbed and hugged her arm. Poppy lethargically turned her head to see Smidge sniffling and tears dripping down over the leafy vest that Poppy had borrowed from Branch as her big, turquoise eyes stared at her. “I thought that we were gonna lose you…”

Poppy was starting to come to and was quick to realize what was going on. She’d almost died just now, and Branch had saved her yet again… But what happened? She couldn’t be bothered to care as she started to cry herself, once her breathing was back to normal, she couldn’t stop herself from wailing. She was so scared and confused. Her friends quickly gathered around Branch who was carefully cradling Poppy in his arms as they gathered the pair up in a group hug.

Poppy couldn’t formulate words at the moment as she cried. Branch wasn’t ready for group hugs, they needed to stop. She looked at Branch through the blurriness of her tears and he was only looking at her with tears filling his own eyes, paying no mind to anything else as he hugged her to his chest. She was being swaddled by her dearest friends and she couldn’t have been luckier to have them here. She loved them all so much.

Branch had let Cooper take over in looking after Poppy, she laid comfortably, snuggled up again his fur as she slept, completely exhausted from the whole ordeal. Coope watched her like a hawk, looking at her breathing and slight stirs to make sure she was okay. There was a somber heaviness that hung in the air as the group sat in stunned silence from what had just gone down ten minutes ago.

Branch was in shambles. He was so terrified that the medicine he’d brought along wouldn’t work. He’d never used it on himself, as he didn’t have any allergies that he knew of. Poppy had plenty of allergies, which is what made this so much scarier for him. What if this happened again? Smidge was the first to speak up as she looked at Branch who had his head in his paws.

“Branch… I know it feels like it’s not even genuine at this point, but… Thank you. So much. You saved her life, I… I seriously don’t know what else to say.” Smidge uttered, trying to hold back from crying anymore. Everyone’s eyes were swollen and irritated from tears and wiping them away.

“I would’ve done the same for any of you. It’s a given. No need to thank me.” Branch said in a scratchy voice.

“Gosh, just accept the damn “thank you.” You drive me crazy with that mess.” Smidge groaned, punching his arm, making him grunt.

“You’re welcome.” He muttered, getting a grunt of acknowledgment in return. “How did this even happen? What allergies does Poppy have that would do that?”

“Well, she’s allergic to Mittensettias?” Satin chimed in. “But those just make her super sneezy, not um… Like that.” Chenille rebutted, bringing them back to more brainstorming.

“It looked kinda like that time when Poppy fell into that Poison Bloom-Ack stuff…” Cooper piped up in a much more somber tone than Branch was used to. He couldn’t blame him, though; Poppy was family to him.

“That’s right, she blew up just like a balloon cuz of that stuff back in middle school," Guy shivered. “It was so scary…”

“But none of that stuff is around here, what was she doing before it happened?” Branch scratched his chin wracking his brain for answers.

“She was just eating some of the stew like the rest of us,” Creek finally chimed in. He didn’t look nearly as distressed as the rest, he stared blankly at Branch as he answered. “Then I turned and saw her starting to swell up like that.”

“Stew? But all that has in it is like, beans and veggies. Nothing she hadn’t had before.” Branch scrunched up his face in confusion. Smidge got up to pick up Poppy’s abandoned food bowl and looked at the remnants.

“What’s this little blue stuff? True Bloom Berries?” Smidge squinted before showing it to Branch. “Those are her favorite.”

Branch knitted his eyebrows together in confusion as he inspected her bowl. Now, he was even more confused; the savory stew he had wouldn’t have something as sickly sweet as Bloom Berries in it. He didn’t even have any with him, how would they have gotten in here? They wouldn’t have been an issue; they were her favorite berry. Yeah, she’d told him last night and Branch had told her to watch out because they looked exactly like—

No. No way. They couldn’t be. Branch scooped out one of the chopped-up blue bits and smushed it between his fingers, waited a moment and waited. To his horror, he got an itching sensation on his digits and sat the bowl down with a horrified look. “These are Bloom-Ack Berries…”

He got various shocked and bewildered responses from all around.

“How do you know that?” Creek inquired.

“Well… Poison Bloom-Ack normally just gives trolls a little rash when you come in contact with their leaves, but at certain times of the year, they bear fruit. That time is right now, and they look nearly identical to True Bloom Berries.” Branch answered breathlessly, getting horrified gasps from everyone.

“Why were they even in the stew then, Branch?” Creek scowled; his eyes locked on Branch as the grey troll flinched from the sudden appearance of eyes all on him for an answer

“I-I don’t know! It wouldn’t even have berries in it, someone would’ve had to have put them in there, the cans only had vegetables and beans in them!” Branch shot back, his voice shaking. He didn’t like where this conversation was going.

Creek got closer as his gaze got more suspicious. “So, how’d they get there? Are you saying one of us put them in there?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Then how would they have gotten there, since you’re the Bloom-Ack expert?” Creek asked pointedly.

“What are you trying to imply?!” Branch yelled. “That I did it?!”

“What I’m implying is that there’s been back-to-back incidents that last few days, and they’ve only begun to crop up because you’re around.”

“Creek, c’mon. That’s not fair, Branch has been helping us this whole time.” Smidge defended, giving Creek a suspicious look.

“All I’m saying is that none of you find this weird? First, there’s a Bergen that Branch somehow finds out is coming to eat us all, he swoops in and saves the day and then heads off to be hero over and over again after taking us all through a dangerous forest so we can make friends with Bergens, then the raft falls to pieces out of nowhere and then we still follow him around and then our Princess is almost dead until miraculously, Branch swoops in again with the perfect remedy and all is well! Then, the only person here who knows anything about the thing that nearly killed her is HIM.” Creek points a finger aggressively at Branch.

“I WOULD NEVER HURT POPPY. I WOULDN’T HURT ANYONE!” Branch screamed; tears brimmed his eyes as he clenched his fists.

“SO QUIT BEING SO RECKLESS THEN, BRANCH! WE’RE TRUSTING YOU WITH OUR LIVES!” Creek yelled back, making Poppy wake up in fear.

“URGH!! I KNOW THAT! I know that! …Don’t you think I know that?!” Branch pulled at his hair. He was so frustrated and angry. He ran off to the river, far away from the group. He didn’t stop when he heard Poppy yell his name.

He didn’t need this right now, the love of his life nearly died ten minutes ago, and now fingers were being pointed at him like it was his fault. He didn’t know where the goddamn Bloom-Ack Berries came from, why the hell would he have put those in the stew, but how did they get there? He wasn’t trying to accuse anyone, but how would they have gotten there otherwise? He’d only been to the woods after the food was prepared, he had no idea how they could’ve gotten mixed in.

Why was this happening to him? What did he do wrong this time to deserve this punishment? He had to have done something, that’s the only reason that made sense, but what? He was trying to right all his wrongs and do right by everyone this time. Why was this happening? Why? Why? WHY?

As Branch ran off, DJ wrung her paws nervously as she watched Creek scratch at his paws unconsciously, his face was that weird one that she’d noticed he’d had every time Branch was mentioned or Creek looked at him. Was that face because he was feeling nervous about trusting Branch? Or Branch made him nervous? She seriously couldn’t understand him. If she wasn’t mistaken, she could’ve sworn his paws had a twinge of a blue hue along his fingertips as he itched.

“Creek, what’s wrong? Why did you say that?” She said as she looked at his paws. Creek froze and clasped his paws together and gave her a sullen look.

“I apologize, everyone. I’ve just been so nervous about this whole trip and… I think what happened just now really just brought it all to the surface. I really don’t know what came over me…”

“Alright, I think everyone just needs to calm down right now, being super stressed out and reactive isn’t gonna help anybody,” Smidge interjected, trying to keep the peace that was torn to shreds at this point. “Let’s get you into the tent so you can sleep some more, Poppy.”

“But Branch…” Poppy hiccupped, still a bit delirious and emotional. “We’ll check up on him, promise. We just want to give him his space first like you said.”

“O-Okay…” She whined, flopping back onto Cooper as they helped him keep her steady on his back as they made their way to a tent. The twins and Guy helped to clean up dinner while the rest either helped Poppy or went to go and rest themselves. DJ watched Creek as he stood there, his pupils pinpricked and a bit wild.

DJ suspected he must’ve really been nervous about this whole trip. She could understand that, she was nervous too. She was really worried about Branch, but she was told that Branch needed his space and thought that maybe they could talk later when he was feeling better. She knew that he’d never hurt anyone, especially not Poppy. Maybe Smidge was right, everyone needed a minute to calm down. Stress wasn’t good for trolls, King Peppy always said stuff like that, and with the way that Creek just exploded, maybe that was why he said it.

Creek must’ve been really worked up, she never saw him scratching and itching his paws like that before.


Well... Um... <:]
At least Poppy is okay now?

Should I change the rating?? Is this too much for G? Let me know!

Chapter 32: Rant


Everyone is trying to recover from what happened earlier that evening and DJ is worried about Branch and Creek.


Sorry, this chapter is a heavy one... Again... But I’ll be nice and give you something sweet at the end <:]
DJ POV & Poppy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As everyone gathered in the tent to talk amongst each other quietly while getting Poppy back to sleep, DJ could feel the tension between everyone as if it were a blanket draped over top of them. She usually wouldn’t notice something like this, but after her talk with Branch, she could see that they were all feeling rather anxious. Every time Poppy moved, murmured or so much as twitched, every head would turn and stare before their tense shoulders would relax.

She couldn’t say she didn’t do the same, what had just happened to Poppy was terrifying and probably the most stressful situation that any of them had ever remembered in their lifetime. DJ looked around and looked at the mentally exhausted trolls around her, and then at Creek, who was still rubbing his paws. She would’ve found it odd, but she was rubbing hers for comfort the same way that he was. He probably felt worse, he’d just yelled at Branch and accused him of something completely out of line after saving Poppy’s life.

Poppy was pushing Creek away so forcefully as he tried to get her to drink something that he said could help. She must’ve been panicking and confused out of her mind when he was trying to give it to her. He kept holding her tighter and tighter and frankly, it looked like it could’ve hurt a lot. Then, Branch came back and saw what was happening right away, took out a supply kit from his bag, and drew out some sort of medicine from a vial.

When Creek saw it, he tried to defend Poppy from it and pulled her away from Branch who was getting closer, but as everyone watched Branch get angry, he shoved Creek and yanked Poppy away. Smidge almost stepped in but Biggie stopped her. He had a stern look on his face and even though he said nothing, he was saying not to interfere with what Branch was doing. DJ had watched as he injected the needle into her thigh; which she thought was strange. The only place that DJ had to get a shot was somewhere on her arms, not a weird place like her legs. Maybe she could ask Branch about it once he was feeling better.

How long would that take anyway, it’d already been at least an hour now and the sun had almost set. Would he be okay out there all alone after hearing something like that? Even if Creek was just scared, it wasn’t cool that he said something so awful to him, he clearly knew how hard to handle the situations they were in was.

“Sometimes there’s nothing we can do when bad things happen. The important part is how you choose to handle them once they do.”

Branch had told her that, and it only seemed to ring true the more she thought about it. Poppy got hurt and there was nothing he could’ve done to stop it, he wasn’t a psychic. But he handled it the best he could to help as much as he could, and he saved all of them from having to bury their princess. What would that have been like? What if it didn’t work and Poppy was—

“Creek, what you said to Branch was not okay.” Smidge’s voice rasped out, catching everyone’s attention within the silence of the tent. “I understand being scared, but to accuse the one guy who knows what he’s doing of trying to hurt any of us was way too far.”

“I know, I just thought that all of it was just so strange when putting all the pieces together, I mean… What reason does he have to help us? If anything, he should be angry at all of us for how we treated him for so long, and—”

“Branch might have a bit of a rude mouth on him, but he’s not petty enough to try and kill Poppy over something like that. You’ve spent time with him, you should know that he’s not out to get any of us.”

Creek flinched, his eyes shifted and his thick brows creased together as he made the face that he always did when Branch was brought up. He scratched at his paws anxiously for a moment but stopped when DJ watched, trying to get a closer look; he’d scratch them raw if he kept that up. He sighed and then nodded, standing up and dusting himself off. “You’re right, I should go and apologize. I apologize to you all as well for not being much help and delaying Poppy’s recovery, I was just so… worried about her. I really do apologize.”

“Save that bigger apology for Branch, not us. We’ll be right here waiting for ya when you’re done.” Smidge furrowed her brows as she stroked Poppy’s hair.

He gritted his teeth, giving them all a pitiful look before slinking out of the tent and into the direction of Branch. DJ peeked her head out and watched as Creek’s demeanor went from sullen to suddenly stomping off in a hurry. DJ found that change in behavior a bit odd as she stopped watching and returned to her sitting position. She chewed at her lip and rubbed her paws together as her eyes darted around the tent, looking for something to think about instead of her current thoughts about Creek’s attitude lately.

That was so weird… What if he’s still mad at Branch? Oh no, what if he yells at him again? What if—I just need to check… Just to be sure.

“Uh. S-So I was just thinkin’…” DJ stood up and tapped the tips of her claws together as her friends looked at her in confusion. “I-I’m gonna go for a little walk… Being in here is making me a little stir crazy… Heheh…”

“Okay, but don’t stay out too late, it’s getting dark, and Branch says it’s better to stay near camp when the sun sets,” Biggie said, his face being rather stoic as of late. “…I suppose he’s not following his own rule either, but… I think it makes sense within this circ*mstance. Let us know if you need anything, Suki.”

DJ only nodded as she scampered off outside of the tent and into the direction of where the raft was docked. She just needed to check. Maybe it’d be nothing. Maybe she’d just get to hear what Branch and Creek talk about when they’re alone. He told them all last night that they’d gotten to learn more about each other the last time. What would someone like Branch have in common with a troll like Creek? If it wasn’t anything serious, maybe she could tell Poppy; she was more curious than anyone to figure out what the two talked about. It made her giggle silently as she walked closer and closer, feeling a bit more relaxed as she thought of the silly things that two dudes might talk about—

“What is your damn problem, man? Can’t you just leave me the hell alone for once in your life?”

DJ Suki’s blood ran cold as she stopped dead in her tracks. This didn’t sound like a fun conversation. She vanished into the nearby wooded area and then crept closer, getting a closer view of the two trolls talking. She watched as Creek towered over Branch as he sat hunched over on the ground. Branch was refusing to look at the troll who was much too close for comfort. She couldn’t see Creek’s face, as his back was facing her, but his tone told her everything she needed to know as he replied.

“I believe I asked you a question.” Creek sneered; his tone was bone-chilling.

“And I gave it an answer, I don’t know what you’re talking about. So leave me alone!” Branch snapped, gripping at his ears.

“How come you can just conveniently have preparation for absolutely everything that I’ve—That seems to happen around here ever since you’ve started creeping all around us? What do you hope to gain? You think you can be a hero by setting me up to look bad?”

“Listen up, you nutcase,” Branch growled, standing up and getting into Creek’s face with the angriest face she’d seen on the guy in quite some time. “I spent my whole life preparing for the worst. Don’t get all pissy with me because your string bean arms can’t so much as lift a pebble to save the princess you seem so desperate to impress.”

Creek scoffed, making Branch’s face sour. “I don’t need to impress Princess Poppy. We’ve been friends since the beginning. Seems like you’re in the position to impress, not me. So desperate in fact, that you set up ways for everyone around you to have to rely on you for help.”

“Creek, I live in the woods. It’s stuff I do every day, but it’s not like it’s impossible stuff. They can figure it out themselves if they just try.”

“Oh please, spare me the optimism. You’re a smart enough troll and so am I; let’s not pretend like our chums are the sharpest crayons in the box. They need someone around to keep them from being taken advantage of or wronged by someone with an impure heart. I care about them more than anything, but heaven knows none of them have the wits to think for themselves.”

DJ felt like her stomach had just dropped to her feet.

What was that supposed to mean?

The incredulous look on Branch’s face was relatable to DJ’s current feelings before it morphed into rage. “Are you calling your friends stupid right now?” Branch snarled as he balled up his fists.

“Like I said, you’re smart enough, I don’t think I need to spell things out for you.” Creek sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he turned slightly, allowing DJ to see both of their faces as he spoke. The most shocking part was that Creek’s face was almost completely neutral apart from his half-lidded, raging irises that made DJ’s skin crawl. How could such a calm face look so terrifying?

“They’re not stupid, Creek. They just haven’t had the chance to learn anything new. They just need a push in the right direction.”

“Which is precisely what I’m getting at, mate. Listen, you see it too, they can barely fend for themselves out here without some wiseass like yourself flinging them to and fro to get them where you want them.” Creek shook his head, his neutral expression unchanging as he insulted the intelligence of his lifelong friends. “They need a leader that knows the best way to keep them all safe, and Poppy listening to the likes of you won’t brighten that teeny, tiny, little bulb she has up there. She’ll blindly trust, and the rest will follow suit.”

“Oh, like following the lead of a troll who hasn’t bothered to see outside of himself the entirety of the trip will help Poppy so much more, then? You don’t know sh*t about the reality of the world. Not from in that safe little bubble all of you share.” Branch sneered, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, but I do, Branch. I’ve seen all sorts of realities. My headspace is grander and vaster than you could ever possibly fathom…” Creek bragged as he took on a meditative pose. “The world can be quite cold and unforgiving… That’s clear considering that you’re slinking around. But you see… There’s one thing I’ll always know how to do that you can’t. Be happy. What better way to lead than by example, Branch? Can you do that?”

Branch flinched, his face showing a twinge of hurt beneath his scowl as Creek poked at his weakness. DJ couldn’t help but feel sympathy and a yank of heartache as she heard the purple troll’s cruel words. He didn’t respond as Creek continued to prod.

“What’s the point of a smart leader if he can’t even smile when someone needs one? Do you think you can be some sort of asset to the Princess? Don’t make me laugh. What good is a leader that can’t motivate the happiest of creatures around during times of tribulation? Solutions can come afterward with a calmer mind, not one filled with despair and negativity.”

Branch simply took the verbal beating as he scowled, but DJ could tell that something like this really wounded Branch. He had just told her on the raft how hard it was for him to take on the role of caring for all of them. She wanted to leap out of the bushes to tell branch how untrue it was, but the heavy feeling in her gut and feet kept her glued to the spot. She felt useless to help him. What use would she even be? She couldn’t speak up for anything when it mattered because of this stupid anxiety. She might know what it was, but it didn’t help her figure out how to move past it.

“The Snack Pack doesn’t have the mental capacity; nor mental fortitude to handle anything but to be happy and have fun. It takes someone else who can think positively to come up with ways to make positive changes in a simple way… A way they can understand. You just can’t do that, Branch…! Don’t take it so personally.”

“It’s just not true. They’re not stupid, they can learn on their own if only those around them would let them try. Your friends would be really upset if they heard you spouting off that crap. What do you think would happen if I told them what you just said?!”

“Go on, then! Tell them. I’m sure they’d be willing to listen to you spout off some negative nonsense while their princess lay nearly unconscious because of your negligence.”

“I said I didn’t do it. I’d never hurt Poppy. You can’t say sh*t to them either, they’d get just as mad for you stirring up more sh*t again and picking fights with me.”

“Guess we’re both stuck in this sh*tty boat together, then… Aren’t we, chum? Or should I say “raft?” What do you prefer?” Creek let a sinister smile curl up on his face, making DJ shiver.

“I’d prefer if you’d get the f*ck out of my sight,” Branch growled, making Creek flinch away as Branch lifted a fist.

“Sheesh, no need for violence, friend! We wouldn’t want Poppy thinking you were still some savage little grey beast, would you? Let’s keep our deal of peace around our friends, like you’d asked. It’d be better for both of us at this point, yes? Have a good night, Branch. Ta-ta.” Creek said in a sickly-sweet tone as he sauntered away, leaving Branch alone to flop to the ground and bring his face to his knees as he hugged them, starting to sniffle.

DJ had no idea what to think about any of this. She’d never thought Creek could be so… Cruel. Callous? No, the word she was looking for was terrifying. She was so scared of him now. What was she supposed to do? Would telling someone be the right thing to do? But what if everyone got angry at her for snooping? Was she a bad friend for eavesdropping? What if Creek got that mean and scary with her for telling someone? She was shaking as she finally mustered up the strength to get back to camp and shuffle into her sleeping bag in the girl’s tent.

What do I do? What do I DO? I’m so afraid of messing up, man. Who should I even tell? The right answer would be Smidge, but Smidge would definitely tell Poppy, or worse, beat the snot out of Creek! I don’t want that either! Creek said something about a peace deal. Were they just pretending to be nice to each other in front of us so that things wouldn’t get awkward? Why would Creek say all that stuff about us, did he really think that?

Well, was it really not true? I don’t know much of anything about anything else but fun and parties… Maybe I am stupid. I sure feel stupid for falling for that lie. Creek and Branch didn’t get along at all, he was probably saying all sorts of mean stuff to Branch all this time! I need to tell someone. I have to tell someone. But if I do and mess things up, it’ll be my fault if everyone gets angry at each other now! We’re almost to Bergen Town… We can’t mess up this trip with friends fighting… Maybe I should just sleep on it. Maybe it’ll all be fine, after all, they won’t pick fights in public, right? Maybe this could work for now. I really don’t know what to do. I wish I had never seen that. I wish I knew how to just spit it out. I can’t handle this. I always do this, Suki. Why can’t you just be brave like everyone else? Branch would know what to do, he can be brave even when he’s scared, why can’t you? Creek was right, I am too stupid for this…

DJ curled up into her sleeping bag and hot tears ran down her face as she silently cried herself to sleep.

As the night settled in and the buzz of night critters sang throughout the forest, everyone, including Branch, was finally knocked out after an exhausting evening on all fronts. Poppy was tossing and turning next to Smidge as she felt the suffocating feeling of being touched and cradled like she had been earlier that day. She felt so constricted, and everything felt hot and prickly.


She hated this feeling. She didn’t want to be grabbed or held down, it felt like she was being choked. She felt burning, and aching, paws were choking her. Where were the ones she wanted? These weren’t it. She wanted them OFF.


She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t think! Where were they? She wanted to feel safe. Where? Where? WHERE?


She finally shot up awake, gasping as she woke up in a cold sweat. Smidge was staring at her with wide eyes as she looked down at the paws that were grasping at her to wake her up.

“…Y-You were having another nightmare…” Smidge whimpered. She looked exhausted. Poppy blinked her wide, haunted eyes and warm tears she didn’t know she had dribbled down her sparkly, freckled cheeks. She’d been waking up like this for hours now. She couldn’t stop reliving all the awful feelings she had earlier that day. She had almost—She didn’t want to think about that. She was so drained. She hadn’t slept for more than fifteen minutes to a half-hour each time she woke.

“I’m sorry, Smidge, I—I’m really trying my best to sleep, it’s just…” Poppy sighed, putting her head in her paws in pure frustration. “It’s like today is just on repeat and I can’t make it stop…”

“It’s not your fault, Poppy. I was terrified, but I can’t imagine how scary it was for you.” Smidge sighed. “Do you want a hug?”

“Yeah, thanks.” Poppy accepted a hug from her close friend, but if she was honest, it wasn’t helping right now.

It just wasn’t the kind of hug she was looking for. She wanted to feel safe, like she was protected from anything else in the world. Like nothing would hurt her. Smidge’s hugs were warm and strong, but not the way she wanted it. Tears poured out of her eyes as Smidge panicked to figure out why, rubbing her back and wiping her tears.

It wasn’t until after she said it that she processed the words she’d let spill from her raw, over-bitten lips as she sobbed quietly. “Branch…”

“Go.” Was all Smidge said as Poppy looked at her tiny, yellow companion with big eyes full of understanding. She didn’t need to say more. Poppy was clambering her way out of the tent and dragging her feet as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes before she got to her desired friend’s tent. She felt bad for not waiting for permission, but she felt like if she spoke again, her tears would start all over.


To her surprise, he was awake, looking just as exhausted as she felt. His blue eyes glistened as he stared into her very core. She couldn’t speak, it was like it was taking everything in her not to cry, so she stood there, feeling a bit like a dummy as he stared at her, waiting for an answer. But it didn’t take long for him to notice the tears that brimmed her long lashes as she stared at him. His eyes grew soft and understanding, his face full of anguish yet sympathy. He knew what she wanted, he flipped open his sleeping bag and then opened his arms to her.

The dams that were her lashes broke, tears streaming down as she crashed into his embrace. His delicate yet firm grip warmed her to her soul as his strong arms gave her the feeling that she desired all night long. The hug she wanted was from Branch. No words were needed when he brought her close as she lay in his arms. She couldn’t stop her tears as he shushed her, caressing her hair with one paw and rubbing her back with the other. She held onto him with all that she could, her tail finding his and coiling tight around it.

“It’s okay, I’m here for you. Only you. Don’t think about anything else… You’re safe right here.” That was all he said before he pressed a kiss to her forehead and Poppy melted into his embrace. She’d been kissed on her cheeks, forehead, and paws more times than she could count by all the trolls in her village. It was friendly; lots of trolls expressed their feelings of adoration that way, but it felt different every time Branch did something that any other troll did for her. It felt special, it felt wonderful. It felt… Exclusive.

Only you.”

His melodic words echoed in her ears. Branch would never do this for someone else. He was telling her that this was special. That this was just for them. Her heart fluttered as she felt the warm, phantom feeling of his scruffy chin brushing against her forehead as his tender lips kissed it. It was all she thought about as she drifted off to sleep in his arms. She felt safe, just like she’d been yearning to feel all night.

The gentle scent of his skin mingled with the one from his hair was the last thing she remembered as she finally drifted off. Minty apples were the only thought on her mind.

Poppy didn’t wake up a single time for the rest of that night.


:[ IM SO SORRY SOBBB I’VE JUST BEEN TORTURING YOU GUYS HAVENT I?? Forgive me… I had some Broppy comfort at the end for you guys… Don’t hurt me… Hurt the purple one.

Chapter 33: Reverie


When Poppy wakes up, she thinks about how much she truly appreciates Branch.


This one is mostly fluff and mushy stuff y’all!! :] There’s some angst/comfort but it’s all smushy after that. I think y’all deserve a little break. Longer chapter as well!
ALSO OMG I can't believe I've written over 100k words!! I might be a little insane...

Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
So This is Love – Ilene Woods
Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy stirs, feeling the warm, comforting embrace of her grey friend’s arms wrapped around her snugly. She felt so giddy, and her tail shook as she let out some excess energy. She noticed the extra weight on her tail, only to remember that she’d attached herself to his tail last night…

When she sobbed herself to sleep in his arms. Poppy was mentally facepalming as she recalled her outburst last night. She was so emotional that she cried her eyes out to Smidge and begged for him like a baby! Then she ran into his arms and cried like an even bigger baby!

She sighed; it couldn’t be helped. Yesterday was terrifying and she couldn’t stop reliving the fear and panic that she felt as her life’s light was almost snuffed out. She shuddered. She’d found out at some point through the night that it was Bloom-Ack Berries in her stew that had nearly done her in. When she asked how they’d even gotten in there, Smidge didn’t have an answer for her, just that Creek thought Branch had put them in accidentally without thinking, but Branch was adamant that he hadn’t.

Poppy was more than inclined to believe him, Branch would never have made a mistake like that. She’d just told him last night that she was allergic to Bloom-Ack and Branch knew how to identify a bunch of plants, including the one that she was incredibly allergic to. There must’ve been some mix-up or accident where some of the fruit had ended up inside the bag where the bowls and food supply were stored.

Someone must’ve mistaken them for the desired blue fruit and put them into the food bag for later, or something. That was the best answer that anyone could come up with that would make sense. No one in their group would ever do something like that on purpose; not even Branch. She trusted him the most when it came to safety.

Poppy studied Branch’s serene expression as she lay face-to-face with him. He was so handsome, his skin colorless, but his features were strong and unique. She reached out a paw, caressing his cheek and making him shift slightly and smile at her touch as he snoozed away. Her tummy did a flip as she looked at him, a dopey grin stretched across her face.

She was sure he’d be up soon; it was rare for her to wake up first, but she must’ve been getting used to his usual wake-up time now that they’d been opting to sleep in the same space lately. She figured that she should look at him while he slept, Branch was much too shy for prolonged eye contact when he was awake. She thought it was adorable how bashful he could be; she’d started to see so many new sides of him that she’d never have gotten to see had she not kept pushing to be better friends with him.

Her soul was on fire as she thought about him, about everything they’d been through so far. She ran her fingers along the creases of his face, the years of hard work and stress engraved in his facial features. Her pink digits explored until her paw lingered over and grazed his lips. Her eyes glistened as she recalled his forehead kiss from the night prior. Branch mumbled something before grabbing her paw and sleepily kissing her palm, a smile still on his face.

Was he awake? Was that on purpose? Her answer was quickly revealed to be a ‘no’ as he went limp, gently releasing her paw. Poppy’s whole body felt hot, her ears burned as her face turned a new shade of pink not yet discovered as she pulled her paw away from his weak grasp. Her paw felt like it was radiating the heat from his gentle, tender lips and the slightly scratchy sensation of his facial scruff.

She pressed her paw to her cheek, spreading the warmth of his kiss to her face, and let the feeling fog up her brain. Maybe one day, he’d actually kiss her there too. As a friend, of course. Trolls kissed each other all the time; be it paws, cheeks, or… Lips—it was no big deal. Poppy just wanted Branch to do that too, he was her friend. Maybe one day when they’re best friends, he would!

She stared at her palm again, still feeling the fuzzy, warm buzz of his touch lingering as it radiated from her palm, up through her arm, and right down to her heart. It does a flip, imagining the sensation of his lips pressed to it. His lips… What if they were touching hers… She hadn’t noticed that her palm was moving closer to her lips as her brain got fuzzy while imagining what that sensation might feel like.

The stirring of the troll in front of her snapped her out of her delusion instantly as she quickly moved her paw down and tucked it back in between their chests where her other arm had been. She stared as Branch’s piercing blue eyes blinked open at her. Once he processed who he was staring at, a gentle caress from a large grey paw, met her glittery, freckled cheek. His eyes were full of concern as her cheeks absorbed the euphoric buzz of his touch, burning a blazing hot pink.

“Hey… How are you feeling? Did you sleep okay?” Branch said, his voice gentle like silk as he spoke, as if speaking too harshly would cause the pink troll to break.

She nodded, giving him a giddy grin as she pressed her paw over his to press it into her cheek further as she nuzzled against it. “Yeah, I was able to sleep the rest of the night thanks to you.”

Branch sighed in relief, giving her a small grin in return. “That’s good… It’s not always easy to sleep after having something so traumatic happen to you. I know I couldn’t, I have nightmares about it.”

“Oh no, you were having bad dreams about yesterday, too?”

“No, I meant about my—” Branch stopped himself, staring at her as if he’d said too much and slipped up. He looked away, the look on his face was so… Heartbroken.

“Branch, it’s okay. You can tell me anything, I’m here for you.” Poppy rubbed the paw that was pressed to her cheek as a bit of comfort for her grey companion. He looked like he was fighting himself just to get out what he needed to say. Whatever this was about, it had to be incredibly difficult for him.

“I just… It’s hard for me not to get choked up when it comes to… Losing someone… M-My… My Grandma.”

That’s right… Branch had said that he’d lost someone really important to him. He refused to talk about it at the time, but it was starting to make sense. “Is that who Chef…?” Poppy trailed off, not finishing her sentence as Branch nodded his head with a pained expression, avoiding her eyes.

“It was a normal afternoon at the Troll Tree…” Branch sat up, moving his paw away and hugging his knees as he stared at nothing in particular and spoke. Poppy sat up as well, looking at his glazed-over eyes as he recalled.


A six-year-old Branch scampered around Grandma Rosiepuff’s pod as he giggled, humming a tune as he peeked outside to find his grandmother hanging up their clothes on the clothesline to dry. He ran circles around her and tugged at her dress.

“Grandma, Grandma! Can we play, pleaaaase?” Branch begged in a squeaky little voice, getting a chuckle out of his grandmother.

“Alright, alright, but you’ll have to wait until I’m done with these clothes, you wouldn’t want to be wearing soggy overalls now, would you?”

“Eww, no! “Branch groaned and then giggled as Rosiepuff pinched his chubby cheeks. “I’ll wait, I’ll wait!”

“Good, now why don’t you go show me that solo performance you’ve been working on again, I can never get tired of that angelic little voice of yours!”

Branch’s big blue eyes lit up as his little tail wagged. He was so glad that his grandma loved his singing. Maybe if he did it well enough, they’d all come back, too! He was really going to show off this time. He plucked a rose from his grandmother’s rose bushes and skipped off to show just how well he could project his voice, he wanted all of his neighbors to hear it this time!

“Don’t go too far now, Sprout! You know the rules—”

“The Bergens, I knowww!” Branch groaned. He didn’t see what the big deal was. Sure, he felt a little scared when they’d come and take one of the trolls so they could move away from the Troll Tree, but everyone was always happy anyway after they left, so it couldn’t be that bad to be taken away.

Branch hummed a bit as he got into the zone. He was going to show his grandma what he could do! He’d be famous one day, just like the rest!

“Turn around…” His grandma started off the song for him, she always sang the ‘turn around’ part.

“Every now and then I get a little bit lonely,

And you’re never coming ‘round…”

Rosiepuff watched as Branch sang nearby, only a few paces away as he sang, nodding her head and smiling. Branch was thrilled! She really liked it so far!

“Turn around…”

“Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sounds of my tears…”

“Turn around…”

“Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by…”

Branch didn’t understand the lyrics of the song super well, but he remembered someone who’d listen to it all the time and cry when he heard it. He was a bit sensitive sometimes, but he really liked this song. Branch was going to do his very best performance when he saw him again.

“Turn around…”

“Every now and then,

I get a little bit terrified, and then I see the look in your eyes…!”

“Turn around, bright eyes!” His grandma echoed as she turned back to continue to hang the laundry. Branch had gotten into the melody in his head as he sang, moving further and further away from his grandmother as he sang louder and louder. He was really starting to feel the rhythm of his favorite song.

Ooh, his favorite part was coming up! He loved singing the chorus!

“Every now and then I fall apart…”

“Turn around, bright eyes!”

“Every now and then I fall aparrrrt!”

Here it comes, he was going to go all out, he wanted everyone to hear, he stood on a tree limb far out from where he was before, but Branch hadn’t noticed, he was really feeling the music as he sang as loud and as beautifully as possible.

“And I need you now, tonight!

And I need you more than ever!

And if you only hold me tight,

We’ll be holding on forever…”

Branch didn’t hear the thundering feet of a Bergen approaching his current singing location out on the far end of a tree branch as he continued to belt out the lyrics. He didn’t hear his grandma shouting for him. He didn’t notice Chef’s head looming from behind him as his grandmother sprinted to his rescue.

“And we’ll only be making it right…”

“WATCH OUT, BRANCH!” Rosiepuff screamed as she approached Branch, finally catching his attention for only a moment as his eyes met Chef’s.

‘Cause we can never be wrong—”

Her large, gangly fingers grasped at him as a sinking feeling filled the little troll’s gut. The feeling was nothing other than dread as he saw the sinister smile curled onto the Bergen’s lips. He didn’t have a chance to think before he was suddenly shoved out of the way by the same warm, nurturing paws that had pinched his cheeks so many times and finished so many puzzles with him.

Branch fell off the tree limb, turning to face what had just happened and seeing that his grandma had taken his place, trapped in the clutches of the muddied purple Bergen. Branch screamed as he reached out for the only family he had left, bouncing off plant leaves until finally hitting the mossy terrain below. After his harsh landing, he looked up in horror to hear the bloodcurdling screams of his grandmother as Chef took her away.


This was why everyone was warning each other about the Bergens. This is why they were so bad. Branch knew the moment that he watched his grandmother shove him out of his way and be taken in his stead that she would never come back. None of the trolls that the Bergens took would come back. His singing attracted her attention, and his grandma took his place. Now, he had no one. This was all his fault.

Branch slumped down into the moss below him as all the color he had drained from his body. His singing was a curse, it only made people leave. He’d never sing for anyone again.


Tears streamed from Poppy’s eyes as he finished his story. His eyes fought back tears as he finally let out a breath. Poppy grabbed him into the strongest hug she could muster, Branch tensed for a moment, then returned her gesture of comfort.

“I’m so sorry, Branch… I had no idea that you went through something like that… Is that why you don’t sing anymore?” Poppy sighed so sadly when Branch nodded his head, there were a lot of things Branch didn’t participate in doing. Knowing that his fear of Bergens was related to something so horrifying explained everything. “I think I’d have nightmares too if that happened to me…”

“Yeah, I’ve had them just about every night since then.” Branch sighed, resting his head on her shoulder as they hugged.

“Does that mean… I’ll have them too? Forever?” Poppy gulped, breaking the hug to look at him. She didn’t like that thought, it was so scary… How could Branch have dealt with these for so long? Was this why he was always so grouchy and miserable? She felt horrible.

“Uh… I don’t really know. Sorry, I don’t have a better answer.” Branch bit his lip, looking like he regretted saying anything.

“Well… I didn’t have any last night once I was here with you… Did you have any last night?” Poppy tilted her head. Branch froze, thinking long and hard before answering.

“…No. Now that I think about it, I haven’t had one at all in the past three days…” Branch admitted, a bit bewildered by his own response.

“Well, maybe it’s because you’ve had a cuddle buddy! Me!” Poppy suddenly pepped up, her tail wagging. Branch’s eyes widened at her as he blushed.

“Yeah, maybe it does…”

The pair stared at each other as their faces darkened in embarrassment. Poppy couldn’t help but think about everything she’d learned about Branch over the past few days. He was so strong for being able to handle so much pain, but he was still gentle, considerate, and patient through it all. He kept a level head for the most part and did his best to make do with the difficult cards he’d been dealt. Poppy’s heart ached for him, but at the same time, she admired him so much. They gazed at each other longingly for a few moments before Poppy broke the silence.

“Branch, I just really need to thank you… For saving my life. I wish I knew some way to repay you or make it up to you somehow.”

“No, Poppy,” Branch shook his head, his face was stern. “I don’t need anything. I’m not owed anything for protecting you. It’s what I promised I’d do when we started this journey and I’m keeping it. I wouldn’t know what to do if I… If I lost you.”

“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you either…” Poppy was nearly brought to tears again as she spoke. “Gosh, what would I do if something happened to you? I’d be so lost without you here right now. You’ve been such an amazing help to all of us, Branch!”

“Barely,” Branch shook his head again firmly, dismissing her words. “I’ve been messing up this whole time, making mistakes and so many things have gone wrong, I—”

“And despite that, we’re all still here and most importantly… Safe.” Poppy placed a paw on his shoulder. “That’s all thanks to you, Branch. Give yourself some credit, we aren’t the easiest bunch to wrangle in.”

Branch looked like he was touched by her words, then gave her a giggly smile so radiant that it nearly blew Poppy away. Her heart was pounding, he made her lose her breath when he smiled so big. “Yeah, you guys are pretty wild… Thanks, Poppyseed.”

“Well, thanks again for saving me… Thanks for saving our village, too. I don’t know why, but I’m glad you were willing to go so far to keep everyone safe.” Poppy smiled, hoping he couldn’t hear her heart drumming away.

“Poppy, you’re the most important troll I have in my life… Um. ‘C-Cause you’re my first friend, and uh…” He cleared his throat to compose himself. “Thanks for giving me a chance to prove myself and to become a better troll.”

“Better? Branch… You don’t need to become better, you’re already the best! You’re already so wonderful as you are, you’ve done more to show your amazingly kind heart in three days than most trolls could in their lifetime! There aren’t many out there who would put themselves in your position. You’re the best troll you can possibly ever be.” Poppy took his paws into her own, making him look away bashfully from her words.

He tries to shield his crooked, toothy grin from her view in an attempt to hide how flattered he is, making Poppy’s heart soar. Ooh, this Branch face was her favorite! His round cheeks made the corners of his eyes crinkle as he grinned and his smile lines clear as day… He was so stinkin’ cute! He made her want to… She just wanted to—

Before she could even think about it, her body moved on autopilot, grabbing him into a tight hug with a squeal and then planting a big kiss right on his cheek. She froze right after she pulled away from his cheek, realizing what she’d just done as Branch looked at her with wide eyes and a blush all over his face, stretching all the way to his ears.

Oh sugar, why did I just do that?! Are you crazy, Poppy? I need to think of a reason and fast.

“I-I’m sorry, I just uh—Really wanted to show my gratitude for everything and I thought, why not? Again, I’m so sorry for just doing that without asking, and—”

“Poppy! It’s okay, I promise. I-I know that trolls are overly affectionate like that… No big deal.” He cleared his throat, obviously trying to make the interaction less awkward. “I mean… It’s really no different than thanking a knight… After all, I’ve gotten quite used to saving damsels in distress.” Branch teased, giving Poppy a smug look.

Poppy couldn’t help but laugh, his attempt at easing the mood had worked and Poppy was more than eager to join in. “Oh yeah? Who’s the noble steed you’re riding in on to save the day? The Snoutsniffer?” Poppy snorted, getting a dramatic gasp from her friend.

“Her name is Mitsy, and you will address my steed as such.”

Poppy burst out into a fit of giggles as Branch poked her.

“Oh, so my steed is funny to you? You don’t think Mitsy’s good enough just because she’s got the world’s largest collection of slobber located within her mouth? For shame, Poppy.”

“No, No, of course not! Mitsy is a wonderful steed. I would never dare to disrespect her hard work of sniffing around for grubs.”

Branch joined in this time, rolling his eyes at her before finally standing up and offering out a paw and helping Poppy to her feet. “Well, unfortunately, my noble steed decided that grubs were more important of a mission last night, so I need to go find her. Go ahead and get started on breakfast and I’ll be back soon, okay?”

Poppy nodded and grinned, her teeth poking out from under her lip. “Well, I’m so thankful to have such a loyal knight within my traveling party. He truly seems to care about the well-being of everyone’s stomach before his own!” She snorted, rocking back and forth on her feet and making Branch give her a mischievous grin.

Branch took one of Poppy’s paws and pressed it to his lips, making Poppy’s eyes widen. “Well, it’s always an honor to serve you, Princess,” Branch smirked, then started to chuckle, finding his own diction humorous as he backed out of the tent with a bow. Poppy’s tummy fluttered with joy as she stood there, dumbfounded by his actions. Branch was only kidding around, but he had no idea what feelings he had just unlocked for her just now.

Normally, Poppy hated when her friends referred to her by just her title, she only tolerated the other villagers referring to her as such because that's what they were supposed to do. She preferred the down-to-earth feeling of being amongst the people. When trolls she felt close to referred to her that way, it felt like she was put up on a pedestal. Sure, she knew she had a duty to fulfill and that she had more authority over everyone else, but who wants to feel that way when you just want to hang out with trolls your age?

She wasn’t even close to being ready to become queen and she certainly didn’t want to feel even more like a boss when she was just trying to be herself. Branch never made her feel like that. Even when he used to be mean to her, it showed her that he didn’t really care who she was, he’d treat her as an equal. She was Poppy first, and Princess second when it came to her friends.

Poppy never liked being referred to as just “Princess,” but when Branch said it just now; even within the circ*mstances it was said, it felt more like he was calling her by a nickname rather than a title. It felt like everything Branch did would make her feel more giddy than usual lately…

Once she was finally out of her Branch-induced daze, she dreamily dragged herself back to the girls’ tent with a goofy grin on her face as she thought about how lovely it had felt to kiss his skin.

“Oooooh, looks like someone’s in L-O-V-E!” Smidge cooed, and the other girls followed up with giggles as Poppy groaned and her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“I’m not in love with him, guys! Seriously, what’s up with all of you lately?” She huffed, rolling her eyes.

“Oh, give it up, Poppy,” Chenille scoffed. “There’s no point in denying it at this point. Both times you’ve slept over in Branch’s tent, you come back to this one with the biggest, lovestruck grin I’ve ever seen!”

“I do not!” Poppy whined, pouting as she crossed her arms. “I’m just happy to see him and spend time with him, that’s all!”

“Yeah, and Smidge is only “happy to see” Milton when she’s drooling all over the floor ‘cause he waved at her,” Chenille replied dryly.

“Hey!” Smidge barked.

“If you guys are so sure that I am, then tell me what exactly I’m doing that makes you think so. I’ll prove that we’re just friends!” Poppy put her paws on her hips as she smirked confidently.

Satin raised her paw excitedly. “Ooh, ooh, I know! It’s when you wanna be around them all the time, spend every minute of the day with them, and never want to leave when it’s time to go…” She sighed dreamily.

“I feel that way with all of you guys, too!” Poppy chuckled, waving it off.

“What about wanting to touch ‘em and hug ‘em and talk all night long?” DJ smirked.

“Psshh!” Poppy scoffed. “That’s just Girl’s Night and you know it, Suki!” This was too easy; all of this stuff was totally normal! All trolls did stuff like this, her friends were just having fun teasing her.

“What about wanting to cuddle and kiss him?” Smidge crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow as she smirked.

“I cuddle with and kiss all my friends, Smidge! You know that!” Poppy giggled.

“Ah, ah, ah! No, Poppy… On the lips.” Smidge narrowed her eyes, smiling devilishly.

Poppy’s smile dropped off her face rather quickly as she heard Smidge’s words, getting a series of “oooooohs” from the group of girls as they saw that Smidge had finally stumped the princess.

“Pshhh... Whatttt? C’mon, you guys!” Poppy chuckled nervously. “That doesn’t mean anything! I mean, what kind of point is that? So what if I think about him almost all day long and wanna sing every time I look at him?” Poppy admitted, waving her paw in a manner of dismissal as she avoided eye contact with her friends who were giving her bewildered looks from what she’d just admitted.

“A-And so what if I want him to hug me all the time and sleep next to me every night? It wouldn’t be a big deal if I thought that he was the most handsome and adorable troll I’ve ever seen… I mean, it’s totally normal that I want him to say that he needs me and never wants to be apart!” Poppy shook her head, then paused for a moment as she thought about the way he kissed her paw just now, then sighed dreamily as she let her mind wander, no longer paying attention to anything else around her as she thought about the troll that had totally captivated her over the last three days.

“And why does it matter if I’ve been daydreaming this whole time about his strikingly beautiful blue eyes staring at me… and that sweet smile that I get all tingly and warm from seeing… Then him leaning in and kissing me over and over and over and—Oh, my holy realization.” Poppy stopped herself, slapping her cheeks in shock from what she had just unlocked within herself. She looked over at all of her gal pals who all had incredibly smug grins on their faces.

“Girls, I think I’m in love with Branch.”

“FINALLY!” The girls all shouted and gathered Poppy up in a group hug full of squeals and giggles. Poppy couldn’t help but feel just as giddy as the rest of them and squealed right along with the rest.

Poppy was completely zoned out through breakfast, watching her gal pals chitter quietly about her newly discovered feelings. She didn't know how to feel… Well, she did, but it felt completely new to her; like that feeling that she couldn’t quite figure out every time she was near him finally had an answer! She loved Branch! She felt so… weightless. Her heart felt full; like she was floating on air. After eating, the boys went to help Branch load up the raft, leaving the girls alone to chatter. But Poppy couldn't think straight as she came to terms with her new feelings. She was unable to wipe the gigantic, smitten grin off her face as she sighed; romantic love was such a nice feeling…

“So, how do ya feel, Pops?” DJ nudged her dopey pink friend.

There were no proper words to explain how she felt. Unlocking this feeling was like finding that final puzzle piece that you’ve been searching all over for and then being able to finish the puzzle. It felt right, it felt good, it felt… Like she needed to sing!

“So, this is love, mm…

So, this is love…”

She stood up from her spot on a log, lazily spinning around her friends and giggling.

“So, this is what makes life divine…!

I’m all aglow, mm…

And now I know,

The key to all heaven is mine!”

Her friends began to harmonize as Poppy sang and danced around. She felt so giddy like she was a kid again! She’d never experienced romantic love like this. Sure, she’d felt like some trolls were cuter to her than others, and she’d been on a date or two, but nothing had felt like this before.

“My heart has wings, mm…

And I can fly,

I’ll touch every star in the sky!”

Poppy clasped her paws together, she’d wanted to feel a kind of love like this, she’d been hoping that one day, she’d meet that special person who made her heart feel full. She and her friends made their way over to the riverside with the rest, as it was nearing time to go.

“So, this is the miracle that I’ve been dreaming of…


So, this is love…!”

After finishing her song, Poppy zoned out, watching Branch’s as he helped everyone onto the raft. Creek insisted he could do it himself, but tumbled over onboard when Mitsy growled at the purple troll. The critter seemed satisfied with scaring him and hopped onto the raft, getting a petting session of praise from DJ. Poppy normally might’ve asked if he was okay, but her brain was elsewhere at the moment. It wasn’t until Branch called her name and offered out a paw for her to take that she was snapped out of her daze.

“You ready, Poppy?” He asks with a small grin.

Poppy taps her feet rapidly in excitement before she launches herself at him, Branch catching her on instinct and looking at her with a shocked expression from her sudden excitement. Her friends giggled at Branch’s reaction, and Branch playfully rolled his eyes as he let Poppy down gently on the raft.

With everyone on board, Branch kicked off from the shore and took his usual seat near the sail. Poppy plopped down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

“This’ll be our last night before Bergen Town,” Branch murmured to her. “Be ready for that, it’ll be your time to shine. Popstar.”

“Oh please, I’ve made friends with even the grumpiest of trolls, I can handle a Bergen.” Poppy giggled. “No friendship challenge will ever be too tough for me!”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Branch grinned.

Poppy was more than ready for this. She felt like she’d be ready for anything if Branch was there. She’d always known that one day, they’d become friends. She felt drawn to him ever since they were little, but on the day of their 20th anniversary, she felt this overwhelming urge to talk to Branch that she just couldn't ignore when she saw him so upset. Now, they've become so close in just a matter of days because of one gut feeling.

Their friendship was just meant to be! Hair, she might even say that it was fate!


Poppy finally unlocked what the nagging feeling was! I wonder if she'll do anything about it, she seems happy enough just knowing how she feels :] she's so cute!

Branch hasn't noticed much of a difference anyhow considering how she is...
I hope this revelation for Poppy didn't feel too out of left field... I just feel like Poppy has a different understanding of love considering how free-spirited and affectionate Pop Trolls are; so when she experiences something stronger than that, she has a hard time figuring out what is romantic and what's platonic. Now she can feel the difference! :]

Edit: Also, Branch's childhood nickname from his grandma was Sprout! I thought it'd be cute since his name is Branch but he got compared to a Tree/Trunk in TBT. So as a kid, he'd just be a sprout :] ❤️

Chapter 34: Reprehensible


DJ Suki has some thoughts while on the raft and The Snack Pack talk about Branch and Poppy.


I'm SO SORRY y'all!! I've had family visiting and I had artwork for this chapter planned so it took longer than I wanted to finish!! I hope it's enough to make up for the lack of uploads 💔

Another DJ POV and then Branch!
Enjoy the chapter and some art!! (There's two!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

DJ Suki’s mind had been racing all night long, she hadn’t slept well at all, and her anxiety was at its peak. She still hadn’t told anyone about what she saw, and while usually, she could eventually forget about whatever was bothering her, this one was too big to brush off. Mitsy had taken a sudden liking to Suki this morning, cuddling up to her and nuzzling into the troll’s dark pink paws every time she’d tense up. It was as if she could smell the nervousness on her. Could Snoutsniffers even do that?

Suki opted to sit further away from Creek, sitting on the far end next to Chenille, Satin obviously right beside her. To say that Creek freaked her out would be an understatement. She’d been trying to keep positive all morning so as not to worry her friends, but now that she couldn’t hide away from Branch or Creek, her anxiety was well through the roof.

The way that Creek had spoken to Branch instilled a new source of fear within her. She’d never heard anyone other than Branch use harsh words like that. Even then, he’d at most, call them annoying, loud, or irresponsible, which wasn’t necessarily an exaggeration, they really could be at times.

Looking at Branch made her feel guilty for not saying anything, but Creek made her feel terrified that maybe she’d be next if she got on his bad side. She knew she needed to say something, but it was like whenever she was ready to speak, her fear kept any sound from coming out. It was like her brain was telling her not to even though she needed to.

Being on this floating death trap only worsened her fears as it made her mind go to the worst of places concerning what could happen if she were to say it right this second. Best case, they all get angry at her for snooping, and the current worst scenario being that they throw her overboard. She knew it was ridiculous to think that, but she just couldn’t stop herself. Being on a raft with information this stressful had just brought it all to the forefront of her mind.

“Wow, Poppy’s only getting more and more bold by the day,” Cooper whispered with a giggle. “And yet, she says she doesn’t like him. Puh-lease!” The four-legged troll laughed as he nudged Satin, making her smirk.

Guy Diamond scoffed, smiling as he raised an eyebrow at the grey and pink pair smiling and joking about something both too quiet and too far away to hear. “That’s about as true as me saying I only slightly tolerate glitter. Just look at them, they’re practically an old married couple already!”

“Who’s going to start the planning? Mr. Dinkles could be the ring bearer!” Everyone burst into a fit of giggles, including DJ as she imagined Mr. Dinkles inching his way down the aisle with a ring pillow on his head.

“Alright friends,” Creek chuckled, placating the buzz of her friends regarding the two lovebirds. DJ flinched at the sound of his calm voice. “I’m sure Princess Poppy wouldn’t appreciate the speculation around her friendship with our new pal, Branch. She said that they’d only just become friends, so perhaps we should respect that.”

DJ frowned, petting Mitsy’s fluffy fur as she tensed up from his words. She knew why he was saying this, and it wasn’t for Poppy’s sake at all; he just didn’t like Branch even being near her as if the moody troll was going to ruin her somehow and wasn’t deserving of her. DJ didn’t want to be rude, but Branch was way more deserving of Poppy than Creek right now.

DJ just didn’t understand why what Branch looked like or how he used to be even mattered to Creek. It didn’t matter to anyone else anymore, so why was Creek so suspicious of the colorless troll? He’d been a little grumpy and he’d yelled at them, sure, but he’d apologized properly, and he’d been very patient with all of them. That was a big change from the way he used to act.

She understood him a little better compared to before. Branch wasn’t a mean person; he just had a lot going on in his head like DJ did. She wanted to say something, but Smidge had already beaten her to it, waving him off.

“Well, as much as I’d love to believe that, Creek…” Smidge chuckled, looking around smugly as she gained confused looks from the boys. “But as of just this morning, Poppy said otherwise.” She continued, breaking out into an excited fit of giggles as the rest of the girls pawed at each other and squealed as quietly as they could. Even DJ couldn’t resist, it was honestly so exciting to see her best friend truly in love for the first time! Not that Poppy or Branch were even listening, they seemed to be in their own little universe at the front of the raft.

“W-What do you mean?” Creek chuckled nervously, his eyes darting around.

“Welllll… Last night, Poppy ended up sleeping over at his tent again…” Smidge said with a big grin.

“Then, when she came back over this morning, she was looking like she’d just been hit with Cupid’s arrow!” Satin added, smiling big. “It took a little work, but she admitted that she was in love with him…!” There were hushed gasps and claps as the boys were clued in on what had taken place that morning.

“I knew it!” Guy gave Biggie double high fives as everyone seemed excited about the newfound knowledge. Well, almost everyone. DJ glanced over at Creek, who was anything but thrilled as he bore a hole into the back of Branch’s head. She gulped; her mouth dry. He was making that face again and DJ was starting to think that it wasn’t just an expression of nervousness or fear; that it was one of dislike for Branch.

Creek’s face was making DJ nervous. She could tell that Creek wasn’t going to just let that go and that he’d want to have a private chat with Branch again like last time. But now, DJ knew that those talks were nothing more than a verbal beatdown disguised as a friendly chat. Creek had no intention of being friendly with Branch at all and knowing that he didn’t want Branch getting any closer to Poppy, Creek would probably say something even more vicious than last time.

The young musician was kicking herself for missing her chance yesterday. But what would she gain by saying something and telling somebody right now? Creek losing all of his friends out here in the middle of nowhere? Everybody being angry and tense because they’d have to keep him around despite what he said? What he said was hurtful, not only to just Branch, but to all of them.

She didn’t want anyone else to feel what she had felt when he said those awful things. Feeling that way was just terrible; she felt so small and pathetic. It was hard to believe that it wasn’t true when someone you cared about for a long time thought you were useless on your own without help. DJ didn’t think her friends were useless at all, but she certainly felt that way herself.

She couldn’t even handle this on her own, how else was she to feel other than stupid and useless to her friends? She sighed, petting Mitsy as the critter attempted to comfort her. It kind of felt nice to have something soft to touch when she felt upset. She hadn’t noticed Chenille was watching her until she felt her well-manicured index claw tap the space between her eyebrows.

“DJ, you must stop with the brooding, worry lines are a serious crime.” Chenille frowned, scanning DJ to figure out what was wrong with her. DJ smiled, Chenille always spoke with a bit of an attitude, but DJ had known Chenille long enough to see that this was just her way of showing that she was worried about her.

“Thanks, Chen. I appreciate you looking out for me.” DJ murmured. Chenille’s cheeks darkened and she rolled her eyes, and slumped over with crossed arms, resting her back against the side of the raft’s shallow walls.

“Whatever. Eyebags aren’t a good look for your complexion either, so you should just sleep instead of sitting there looking half dead.” Chenille muttered, her blush spreading across her face as she side-eyed the orange-haired troll. “I’ll offer up my shoulder just this once, so take the opportunity while I’m offering!” She pouted, turning away again with a ‘hmph!’

Honestly, sleep sounded like a great idea right now. She hadn’t slept well at all last night and the gentle sway of the raft was making her even more exhausted. Sleeping helped when she didn’t want to think about anything, and it was starting to win the battle over her fears. She nodded at Chenille, taking up her offer and resting her head against her shoulder. Chenille had an odd way of expressing herself when DJ was around, but she knew that the blue twin had a kind heart underneath that attitude of hers.


The sun had set once again as Branch docked the raft and everyone got to work setting up camp for the last time before they set off for Bergen Town tomorrow. DJ woke up to the sound of Chenille and her sister bickering as usual. The blue twin was hugging DJ as she seemed to be shielding her from Satin.

“No, I’m going to wake her up, you’re not going to do it right! You’re too loud!” Chenille snapped, glaring at her sister.

“Why does it matter how rough or loud I do it, we just need to get off the stupid raft!” Satin gasped, putting a paw over her mouth, and looked over at an unamused Branch who was waiting to help them off. “Sorry! No offense, Branch.”

“None taken. Now can you two hurry it up? Everyone wants to go look at the canyons before the sun sets.

DJ figured she could end this argument quickly considering she was more than awake now with these two and their often-unnecessary bickering. She yawned, making Chenille loosen her hold on the deep pink troll and DJ sat up. “We’re here?”

“Yup, Chenille wanted you to sleep a bit while we unpacked. We’re getting ready to go up the hill and look at Chiffon Canyons before the sun sets. You in?” Branch gave her a small, friendly smile.

Had Chenille really been trying to let her sleep for so long? Poor Satin was probably bored out of her mind. She smiled and nodded at Branch’s inquiry and stretched once she stood. She was rather curious about the canyons, and she wanted to make it up to Satin for having to endure something as boring as watching her sleep.

They all trekked up the hill once they met the others back at the campsite. It was a bit of an incline and Branch had to try and keep Poppy’s excitement in check as she sprinted up the hill, making him groan and give chase. Based on the giddy smile that Poppy kept looking back at Branch with, DJ could tell that Poppy was making a game out of being chased.

The deejay chuckled as she watched Branch try to remain stern as he watched the Princess run around like a goofball. They finally reached the top, the sounds of awed gasps all over as they soaked in the view of canyon cliffs made of multicolored, draped fabric that twinkled and glistened in the glow of the setting sun. It was truly a sight to behold. Poppy was, of course, the first and most excited to get a closer look, being stopped by Branch with a strong grip on the back of her vest. He dragged her back a few paces and then plopped down to the grass mixed with strands of Chiffon; marking the safe distance that they needed to keep. When standing, it was easy to see that it was a deep ravine below and that there was no way that a troll could get out of it on their own.

DJ could look at the fabric draping everything around her and could easily see why Branch said it’d be impossible to climb back out of. Chiffon was a sheer, more slippery fabric. It wouldn’t be something she’d be able to climb up with ease, especially from such a long way down. There were more cliffs and plateaus with draped fabric covering them off in the distance across the ravine and into the distance, nesting the setting sun in the center of the wondrous view.

It was breathtaking, she’d never get to see something like this back home… She was in a trance as she took in the view, walking up and sitting to Branch’s left. Poppy was excitedly standing and looking all around with a pair of binoculars she’d seen Branch use during their raft rides.

How’d she get those? Branch always kept them in his hair… Was she already getting hair permissions from Branch? She couldn’t help but give him a smug, questioning look when he broke his loving gaze at her and noticed DJ staring. He blushed, scowling from embarrassment, and looked forward at the landmark instead of anyone else. Man, he really has it bad.

She didn’t think that it was too hard to tell that Poppy’s feelings were very much reciprocated. Now that she thought about it, she would sometimes catch Branch staring at the pink princess often when they were growing up, only to scowl at her and scamper away when she’d invite him over to talk instead of just watching their activities. Considering how he acted the same way now but a bit more obvious than before, DJ wondered if Branch’s feelings had been around longer than Poppy’s had been.

Soon, everyone had taken a seat in a line along the cliff’s edge, chatting and pointing out things as they enjoyed the sunset illuminating the natural landmark. Guy Diamond lay on his stomach on the far left, then came Satin and Chenille, DJ Suki, Branch, and Poppy in the center with Mitsy resting on his lap and receiving plenty of love from Poppy, Smidge on Poppy’s left, then Biggie, Fuzzbert and then finally Cooper. Creek had hung back, wanting “more space to meditate,” but DJ could figure out that it actually meant that he just didn’t want to participate in a conversation with Branch engaging in it.

She just needed to get through this trip and tell them afterward, that would work, right? Yeah, it was okay to keep it quiet for a little bit, so no one freaks out. She just had to make sure that Branch wasn’t left alone with that guy. She really hated the guilty feeling she had in the pit of her stomach, at least, that was the best way to describe the thought. She honestly just felt like something was just… Wrong. Like something was going to go wrong.

DJ chalked it up to feeling bad about keeping silent or that the outcome might be negative. She shook it off, she just needed to be positive and present in the moment. Creek wouldn’t be mean in front of everyone, and everyone was in a good mood right now! Everything would be okay. DJ was sure everything would be just fine, just like Poppy always says.

“Y’know…” Branch sighed with a serene smile on his face as he watched the sunset and gathered the group’s attention. “Today is our last night before we reach Bergen Town and um… I guess… I wanted to say uh… Thank you? F-For sticking with this difficult journey and not giving up even when we had some… M-Major setbacks and stuff.” Branch fiddled with his fingers as he stared at them in his lap instead of anyone else. He looked a bit nervous as he kept talking.

Poppy gave him a rub on his back and a warm smile for some moral support as his eyes flicked up at her for just a moment before looking at everyone, then back down at his paws with his cheeks darkening in color. “Poppy has some very great friends, so… Thanks.”

DJ felt touched by his words… He was really shy about having to express himself so earnestly, but she could tell that he meant every word as he fiddled with his paws, an awkward smile on his face. He was really pushing himself this whole trip just to keep everyone safe. He just saved someone’s life yesterday and here he was thanking everyone else for not just giving up on him.

“Branch… If anything, thank you for all the amazing things you’ve done for us to keep us safe. After all the life-saving stuff you’ve done, I think it’s safe to say that we’re more than just Poppy’s friends now. We’re your friends too!” DJ smiled, putting a gentle paw on his shoulder.

He looked up at her, then the other members of the friend group as he got smiles and nods from them. His bright eyes reflected light from the sun as he returned his gaze to Suki with a look of awe before it melted into a warm smile.

“I totally agree, Suki!” Smidge nodded, making everyone shift their attention to the small yellow troll instead. “I think all of us have really come to appreciate Branch in a different way than before. In fact, I would even say that it’s about time that we added a new member to The Snack Pack…”

“You don’t mean…” Branch gasped.

“Oh, yes, I do. All in favor of Branch being part of the Snack Pack, say I!”

Paws shot up one after the other with “I!” being gleefully shouted in each member’s unique way.

“Then it’s settled!” Poppy had the biggest grin on her face as her tail went into hyperdrive. She squealed, hugging the soul out of Branch. “Eeeee! I’m so happy for you, Branch! I just knew one day we’d all be friends like this… Ugh, I don’t look at me!” Poppy wiped away a tear dramatically as her friends giggled at her emotional response.

“Well, then who am I to say no? I’m honored to uh… Be a snack, I guess?” Branch snorted, making the rest of the group burst out into laughter.

DJ smiled and watched as her friends buzzed about their latest friend addition. Though, in all the hubbub, she only just now realized that there was one member that hadn’t said “I,” and as she looked out of the corner of her eye, she saw Creek giving Branch that strange, sort of angry, sort of creepy expression whilst the grey troll was none the wiser.

She quickly turned back around; her stomach churned thinking about what she’d witnessed last night. Creek had to be so mad right now… She just needed to get through this trip, then she would tell them. She would tell them eventually; she just couldn’t risk ruining this moment for Branch… He looked so happy to have friends for the first time. She couldn’t do it now.

She must’ve been frowning as she thought about Creek because Chenille poked at DJ and raised an eyebrow.

“Suki, if something is bothering you, you should just say it instead of pouting about it like a trolling,” Chenille whispered close enough for DJ to hear but not where it could be heard over the excitable conversations around them. “It’s seriously bad for your skin.” This was the blue twin’s way of asking if she was doing okay. DJ only sighed before looking up at Chenille properly.

“Well… There’s something I want to do—No—have to do, but once I do it, I can’t take it back… There’s even a chance that it could ruin everything!” She whispered back with urgency.

“So what?”

“Huh?” DJ blinked in bewilderment.

“Suki, if I held back from making new clothes every time I was afraid I’d mess it up and it’d look like a total disaster, I wouldn’t have a single new outfit to wear!” She murmured, rolling her eyes. “I mean, some of my best outfits were born from a mistake and a whole lot of DRAMA!” Chenille finished dramatically, striking a pose by putting the back of her paw to her forehead.

DJ smiled, silently giggling as Chenille opened an eye and gave her a small smile.

“All I’m saying is, don’t get your fashion designs get stuck up here,” She tapped her head with a finger. “You might miss out on the best outfit of your life if you get caught up on the “what ifs!” Sometimes, you don’t have time to think, you just have to do it. Then, voila! The perfect outfit is born.” She nodded, a prideful look on her face as she was clearly reminiscing about some design of hers.

“But I don’t make clothes, Chenille…”

Chenille’s eyes shoot open, a blush spreading across her face as she looks over and sees DJ holding back a laugh. “Ugh, shut up! You knew what I meant!” She groaned as she shoved her, getting a laugh out of the dark pink troll.

“I did, thanks Chen.”

“Now quit all the moping! It definitely doesn’t go with that outfit at all. Actually, just change the outfit altogether now.” She sassed, pouting from DJ’s teasing.

“Maybe you should make me one of those fashion lookbooks and maybe I will!” DJ giggled.

Chenille crossed her arms, looking away, and huffing. “Yeah, well maybe I should! I can’t even stand to look at you right now, go away!”

DJ was so grateful to have Chenille as a friend. The two didn’t have much in common at all if she was honest; she had more in common with Satin, who liked to party and try new things. Chenille just didn’t really have an option but to tag along; they were conjoined by their hair, after all. She was much more dramatic and moodier compared to her sister, who had a much more excitable and cheerful outlook on new things. Chenille liked calmer activities and focused on clothing more than laborious activities like sports or parties. Not to say that she didn’t like parties, everyone liked parties!

They became friends through Poppy in Hair School, in their second year when she was fifteen, DJ had a class with the twins and while she hit it off right away with Satin, Chenille wasn’t very interested in talking to DJ. She thought she was unfashionable and much too loud when listening to music. DJ had never met a troll who was bothered by her, so she would avoid Chenille as much as possible.

It wasn’t until one day when Satin had come down with a cold that things changed. Chenille couldn’t come to class if her sister was sick, their hair simply wouldn’t reach that far. DJ felt bad that Chenille was missing assignments because of their hair situation and decided to just drop off the work and pick it up for Chenille while her sister recovered.

In the beginning, DJ thought that Chenille was annoyed by her presence, but as DJ watched the periwinkle-colored troll care for her pink sister while she was sick, anyone could see that despite how much she complained and made a fuss, Chenille would do anything and everything Satin asked of her.

It was then that she realized that Chenille just had a strange way of showing her love for others, and she quickly found out that Chenille actually didn’t mind DJ at all once the music junkie learned to turn down the tunes when she was hanging out with Satin or not to touch the blue twin’s clothing designs without asking or washing her paws first.

She felt a little better about the whole situation now. Maybe things might not be so bad if she said something, but she was going to let Branch have his moment.

Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (4)


Once everyone was back down at the campsite, everyone had dinner and played a couple of word games, sang some songs, or just chatted as the sun set. DJ had tried to stay awake, but as her nerves tapered off and her brain’s need for sleep crept back in, she conceded and dozed off… It’d only be a few minutes.

Within that time, Branch had wandered off, presumably to have his typical alone time, and then Creek had come by and asked where Branch had gone, as he wished to chat for a while. Poppy eagerly told him that he was up on the cliffs and to tell Branch to come back soon, as it was starting to get dark.

Creek agreed and headed off in Branch’s direction. Only fifteen minutes later, DJ shocked herself awake. She was supposed to be making sure Branch wasn’t alone, she needed to keep another fight from happening! She scanned around and her stomach dropped when she saw neither Branch nor Creek. She started to panic, and Poppy was quick to notice.

“Suki? What’s wrong?”

“W-Where’s Branch?! A-And Creek?!”

“They’re up over by the canyon—”

“NO! They can’t be alone together! T-They’re gonna… T-T-They’re gonna start fighting a-and—and then, Creek’s gonna get all mad and B-Branch will—Oh sugar, NO!” DJ gripped her orange locs and paced anxiously as she spoke.

“Hey, just calm down…! I’m sure everything will be—” Poppy tried to placate DJ but she slapped Poppy’s paws away with a whimper of anguish as she shook her head and ran off in the direction of the canyons.

“Suki, wait! Where are you going?!” Poppy beckoned for the rest of the group to follow after her, which they all did with no hesitation, but plenty of confusion.

Branch had felt accomplished; things were going okay and now he wanted some time for himself to reflect on his day. Maybe he’d have some good things to write in his journal today.

About ten minutes ago, Branch had noticed DJ sitting on the mossy ground and nodded off, her head about to bump into the log that Chenille was sitting on next to her. Chenille quietly fussed with DJ as she guided the musician's head to rest against her legs instead. Frankly, she looked exhausted as of late, kind of like how he usually did before this trip. A bit twitchy and nervous, thinking about everything all at once.

He silently hoped she’d feel a little better now since they wouldn’t need to use the raft anymore since tomorrow’s journey would be only a few hours on foot. She was really not a fan of it and braved it out for the sake of the plan. If they were more equipped for forest living, they could’ve just traveled through the night from here, but Branch wasn’t going to risk anything at this point.

He told Poppy that he was going up to the cliffs just to clear his head and have a moment of quiet, which she was much more understanding of at this point, which he was thankful for. As he trekked up the hill once more, Mitsy trotting alongside him, he reflected on the way everyone had grown during the trip and how much he’d learned about a few of the trolls with him.

Poppy had become much more emotionally aware and understood a lot more emotions than she had before. She hadn’t ever been angry at a friend before, hadn’t cried nearly this much and she even understood his need for space and not to push him when he wasn’t ready to talk. Smidge was a great help, super funny and there was a mutual, unspoken understanding of trust when it came to Poppy.

DJ was not nearly as laid back as she often showed herself to be and had a lot more fears than he’d ever thought… Fuzzbert was not as he expected either, but he was surprisingly much more laidback and understanding than anyone else there so far. Branch felt at ease around him.

Branch sat down in his spot from earlier, writing down his feelings about being part of a group of friends, and while he hadn’t gotten to know everyone yet, he had a good feeling that he would truly get to know Poppy’s—no—his new friends better than in his dream’s perception of them, which wasn’t much.

As he finished writing in his journal about his day, Branch gave Mitsy a loving ruffle on her head as she purred. He hadn’t expected to actually like the critter, he didn’t view himself as much of a pet person at all. He didn’t like the licking or the slobber or all the fur that got everywhere, but he found himself enjoying the fluffy, armored creature’s company. It was nice to just have someone to talk to who couldn’t really talk back but at the same time, he still felt understood.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Branch heard aggressive hissing and growling from Mitsy that kind of scared him, he’d never seen her so agitated except for earlier this morning when she—

*Clap, clap, clap.*

Branch knew exactly who would be giving him a passive-aggressive slow clap. He internally groaned, placating Mitsy with a rub of her ears as he rolled his eyes. He really didn’t feel like hearing Creek talk today. He’d been so thankful that the asshole was sulking and making himself scarce; everyone was still a bit upset at him for yelling at Branch after saving Poppy’s life.

The idiot had tried to give Poppy an oral medication that worked similarly to the one Branch had injected, but that was completely useless to a troll whose airways were swelling shut. If she couldn’t breathe, what made him think she could swallow something?

“Well, well… Congratulations, Branch! You’ve finally gotten what you wanted,” Creek cheered sardonically as Branch turned around, keeping a neutral expression. “You’ve managed to cement yourself into my friend group.”

“Our friend group, now.” He shrugged; he had heard everything he could from this guy already. He’s heard the insults, he’s heard the snide remarks, and even the direct insults to his and his friends’ characters. He was over it, he refused to let this guy get to him.

“You must feel really proud of yourself for being able to play nice long enough to get them to do what you wanted.” Creek smiled, but his eyes were colored with rage.

Branch looked up in the air, as if contemplating something before looking to his right and left as if looking for other trolls to see if they were also witnessing this act. “Are we talking about you or me right now? I’m confused.” He asked sarcastically while purposefully acting clueless as Creek’s face twitched. “Because last I checked, I wasn’t the one calling my friends stupid behind their backs and then smiling in their faces, you little sycophant.”

“Ooh, get those big words and feelings out, Branch. I’m sure that felt just lovely, didn’t it?”

“Sure did!” Branch said with a sickly-sweet smile. “It also feels great knowing our friends like me without having to pretend to be someone else. Bet that gets really hard for you, you’ve been slipping up a lot, haven’t you, Creek?”

Creek flinched, his eyes darkening as he stared at Branch. Branch wasn’t going to hold back. Branch had gained the favor of The Snack Pack by just trying to be himself instead of hiding it or himself from the world entirely. He’d wasted so many years in that bunker, waiting for people who were living just fine without him. He made friends all on his own and he was… Proud of himself. Wholeheartedly.

“You just don’t know when to quit, do you? You’re determined to take everything from me.” Branch sighed, dramatically rolling his eyes. He’d heard all this crap before, he didn’t care now. “They were my friends first, and you KNOW you’re not good enough to date Princess Poppy.” Creek hissed.

“Wh—Date her? See, this is exactly how I know that there’s no point in arguing with you. It’s the same nonsense over and over again.” Branch pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed exasperatedly. “All I did was be a proper and honest friend to Poppy and here you are jumping to conclusions. Not like it even matters, you have no authority over anything they do or think.”

“I know what’s best for them,” Creek poked Branch’s chest hard, but there was no way that Creek’s scrawny finger was going to make someone as sturdy as Branch budge whatsoever. Mitsy hissed and growled from in between Branch’s legs as the two trolls stood face to face. “And it’s not you.”

“You don’t know sh*t.” Branch only blinked unamused, looked down at Creek’s purple finger prodding him, and flicked it away. He scowled, narrowing his eyes as he loomed over and stared Creek into the purple troll’s blackened soul. “You just parade around like you know everything and whine to me when you don’t get your way. Newsflash, ‘Creep,’ life never goes the way you plan it, no matter how hard you try.”

“That just means that you aren’t trying hard enough,” Creek said, unfazed. His eyes were dark and emotionless.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Branch was gobsmacked. Creek was a total numbskull, he acted like he had some vast knowledge about the world when he’d never even left the village his whole life until now. He’s never traveled far away from home, fighting off critters and the elements by the age of 8. He never had to survive cold winters with nothing but the clothes on his back to keep him warm. Creek has never, ever even experienced what it was like to be looked at by anyone and see that they view his existence as an inconvenience.

“Creek, I’ve been more than patient with your petty jealousy, but it’s time you accepted that I’m not going anywhere. I’m part of The Snack Pack now. Poppy and I are good friends and that’s not changing, so deal with it.” Branch poked a finger back at Creek’s chest, making him recoil from the force.

“You sound like a pathetic, jealous ex upset who’s upset because everyone else has moved on and grown, but you’re still stuck in the same, sh*tty place as before. Is that why you’re so mad? Because I make you realize just how little you’ve grown compared to your friends? Aww, that’s sad…” Branch cooed, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Creek stared, unblinking with dead eyes as Branch spoke.

“They don’t need you to tell them what to think, how to feel, what to do. They can clearly do that themselves because they want someone like me around. Get over yourself, for once in your life. If you keep this up, the others are going to find out about how you’re treating me because you can’t keep it together when you see my grey ugly mug. Either go back to wheedling your friends with your false words and stop trying to get them to turn on me, or watch your back, asshole.” Branch receded, crossing his arms as Creek gritted his teeth, his jaw shifting around, and his fists clenched. He swiftly turned around and stomped off with that weirdly unsettling look on his face. Branch really hated that look.

Whatever, Branch just needed to hold out a little longer. Creek would show his true colors soon enough, he’s very clearly already starting to lose it. Branch was glad he stood his ground. He was feeling more confident in himself now that he had made friends with The Snack Pack on his own. He was starting to believe everyone else’s words when they said how helpful he was. The grey troll turned to face the moon again, taking a deep breath. He was going to be okay. If he could make friends on his own, he had a good feeling about everything else.

“Watch my back? Maybe you should watch yours.”

That was the last thing Branch heard as he felt the earth beneath his feet being pulled out from under him as something clotheslined his ankles, sending him stumbling forward dangerously close to the cliff’s edge. Then, as he struggled to regain his footing, he felt a force pushing at his back.

The world moved in slow motion as his eyes took in the view of him tumbling head-first over the cliff’s edge.

He turned around and desperately flung out his hair to hopefully catch himself on something, but his hair was met with purple paws instead, stopping his descent. He looked up with a grunt as he felt the strain on his scalp from being suspended in the air by his hair alone.

His eyes met with the cold, dead ones of Creek staring down at him.

Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (5)

“I told you, I won’t let you ruin this for me.”


Well, that can't be good... :[

Anyways hope this chapter was entertaining for you all!
That's also the crazy ass look Creek's been giving Branch... yeesh.

I actually really love DJ Suki so giving her a bit more fleshing out was fun for me since so many Snack Pack members don't get too much personality other than in the shows! :[ Why!!

I won't post the Creek drawing right away since it's a little bit of a giveaway for the chapter, but the canyon drawing will be up right away! Hope the art was enough to make you guys forgive me for the wait...
I always update my insta stories regarding my fic, so check there if you're ever wondering where I am! Also my art pieces are always posted there!
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Chapter 35: Recollect


The rest of the Snack Pack try to find Branch and Creek, but will it be too late?


AHH!! Sorry for the cliffhanger, y'all!! (Literally!)

Glad everyone was as excited about last chapter as I was to write it, I’ve been waiting a long time! Dude, as I wrote this, "Choke" by iDKHOW came on my Spotify list… I think it’s fate that I associate that song with Creek, this is the second time now!! D:

Maybe listen to it while you read? :]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch was scared out of his wits right now. Here he was, being dangled in the air by his hair by a meditation guru with a power trip. So much for inner peace… He knew Creek was selfish, but to try and get rid of him with his own paws? He wasn’t expecting something that crazy. He knew Creek wanted Poppy’s undivided attention, but this was nuts!

“C-Creek! This is crazy, man! Look, I know we don’t get along, but this is like, way outside of your usual. L-Let’s think about this—”

“No way,” Creek replied curtly as he gritted his teeth. “You’ve been a thorn in my side in every single one of my plans and the only way to solve this is getting rid of you since you refused to do it on your own.” Creek’s eyes were wide and wild as the moonlight illuminated them.

Mitsy hissed and snarled at Creek, she pounced on his leg, biting him and getting an angry growl out of Creek as he angrily kicked her off. “Ouch, you stupid vermin! Get off!” Mitsy whimpered from his kick, rolling back on her shell before getting back up and pulling at his pant leg with her teeth.

“Creek! Listen to me!” Branch got the crazed purple troll’s attention once more, distracting him from hurting the small creature pulling at his linens. “T-This won’t end the way you think it will if you let me fall down there! It won’t kill me, plus everyone will be stranded without a guide! You’re a smart guy, you know that getting rid of me won’t make them any less angry at you. M-Maybe I can convince them to give you a proper chance this time like they did for me!” He had to try anything, falling from here would spell out doom for all of them if Creek was this unstable.

Creek shook his head swiftly with urgency. “I won’t need a guide; my plans can continue just fine without one. Making friends with all the Bergens won’t be necessary either. With you out of the way, I can become close with Poppy again like I was before you started showing up. Becoming a leader and trusted troll and right alongside Poppy as she rules… That will be my key to the kingdom. Meaning solving the Bergen problem my way will be possible, now.”

Creek leaned in, pulling Branch’s hair up and making Branch grunt as he gripped onto Creek’s paws. “You’ve covered every base. You’ve squandered every single one of my plans from the start. What do you know? What’s your goal here?” Creek’s eyes could only be described as crazed. He had totally lost it.

“C-Creek, my plan was exactly as I told everyone else, to help Poppy and the rest solve the problems with Bergens! Creek, if you want to be close to Poppy, I’m not going to stop you! You can still try to—”

“No, it’s too late now. You didn’t give me a choice, Branch. I told you to back off, and… Y-You should’ve listened. It’s too late now. I-It’s just too late… I can’t back out now.” Creek muttered; his eyes were almost fear-stricken for just a moment as they darted around.

Branch has no idea what the hair Creek was talking about. He could see some sort of internal struggle in Creek's eyes but as soon as it came, it left just as the light in his eyes faded, leaving them soulless and unforgiving. He was too far gone, there was no convincing this troll; whatever his plan was, he was getting desperate. “I would say it’s not personal, but it very much is, Branch. You have to go.”

DJ couldn’t stop her legs even if she wanted, her body was moving on autopilot as she bolted up to the cliffs they’d once occupied just a few hours ago. Her heart stops when she sees nothing but the raven tips of Branch’s hair clenched within Creek’s fist. Mitsy was desperately tugging on Creek’s pant leg, now stained with a glimmering red liquid. The small, shelled critter was trying her best to save her temporary owner who was dangling over the cliff’s edge.

“BRANCH!” DJ screamed, getting Creek’s attention instantly and he whipped his head around to see all of his friends staring at him in shock.

“HELP ME!” Branch screamed back in panic as Creek’s eyes darted around wildly at everything as if wracking his brain for words.

“F-Friends! Hello! A-As you can see, Branch took a bit of a tumble here! I managed to grab ahold of him, but my paws are slipping, I can’t hold on much longer!”

Time slows down for DJ as she assesses everything in a matter of seconds. She immediately starts to put the pieces together. She looks at the grey paws gripping Creek’s for dear life as his claws extend, digging into the purple ones beneath his palms. She can see Branch’s thumb and index fingers had broken out into a small, blue rash. That must’ve been from when he tested the blue berries in Poppy’s stew that he discovered were Blue-Ack Berries. Her eyes immediately studied Creek’s next; a large, blue rash spread up his paws to his forearms.

No, it couldn’t be.

The conveniently inconvenient way that everything had been going wrong during this whole trip despite how meticulous Branch could be… Things were starting to click. She watched as Creek’s paws started to loosen from Branch’s hair, making Branch grip Creek’s paws tighter. She didn’t have more than a few seconds to think.

‘DJ, sometimes there’s nothing we can do when bad things happen…’

She needed to do something.

‘The important part is how you choose to handle them once they do.’

She needed to move.

‘You might miss out on the best outfit of your life if you get caught up on the what-ifs!’

She needed to act.

‘Sometimes, you don’t have time to think, you just have to do it.’

She needed to move.

DJ watched as Creek turned his head back to Branch and gave him that look. That damned look he always gave him. That wasn’t a look of fear, anger, or jealousy. It was one of outright scorn.


When she blinked, she was already standing directly behind Creek, latching her orange locs around Branch’s waist. She didn’t even remember getting there, it was as if she were operating on instinct. She was focused on her task, and she didn’t have time to think about a million other things or elaborate plans. Things were already so terrible that she didn’t have anything else but her goal in mind.

“A-Ah, Suki! Thanks so much for the help here…” Creek muttered. But DJ could see through his lies now. The cold, soulless look in his eyes showed her just how dishonest he was being right now. She was overwhelmed with so many emotions all at once. She was so hurt, so betrayed, so… ANGRY!

She didn’t think twice as she forced every atom in her body to shove Creek with all the rage she had stored inside her. His eyes widened in shock as he fell and tumbled down into the ravine of fabric below, screaming all the way down.

“CREEK!!!” Poppy screamed as she was about to run over to help but was held back by Biggie who was just as horrified with DJ’s actions. If the large blue troll hadn’t stopped her, she was sure to have dove into the ravine after him. DJ tugged at Branch, trying to pull him up over the lip of the cliff edge, but it crumbled as he pawed at the sleek, sheer fabric and dirt. Her hair strength just wasn’t enough, and she was starting to lose her own footing as she dug her heels into the slippery earth beneath them. Their struggle was only making it worse. She saw how far down that cliff was, she knew there would be no rescue.

She felt hair from behind her coil around her waist and forcefully yank her back, pulling Branch up with her as they both flew backward and tumbled into a pile of limbs near the rest of the trolls. She opened her eyes to find teal hair retracting itself from her body. She scrambled off of Branch, trying to process everything in a matter of just a few seconds. Everything was moving so quickly.

“SUKI, WHAT THE HAIR IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Poppy screamed, trying to pry Biggie’s arms off of her. DJ saw rage and horror mixed into Poppy’s expression as she glared at her. Her anger quickly turned to sobs as she squirmed, looking over at the cliff’s edge where their friend had just taken an unescapable tumble down into the ravine.

“I HAD TO! H-HE WAS GONNA DROP BRANCH DOWN THERE!” DJ sputtered, grasping her hair as she shook it. Making her companions flinch.

“What?! Why on earth would he do something like that? They were getting along; Creek would never do something like that!” Poppy snapped back.

“Creek’s been out to get Branch this whole time, Poppy!” DJ yelled back, making Poppy flinch as Branch sat up in shock at what ordeal he’d just been through. “He never liked Branch and he wasn’t trying to be his friend; he’d been going behind our backs and lying to our faces all along! T-The raft just giving out overnight, him… B-Bullying Branch every day without us knowing, talking behind our backs, and calling us all stupid...! T-The… The Blue-Ack rash all over his paws just now…” DJ gasped, tears overflowing from her eyes.

The Snack Pack gasped as well, and Poppy looked like her world was crumbling all around her as all of them realized what the rash on Creek’s paws implied. DJ felt so terrible, she had made all of this worse because she just couldn’t speak up when she needed to. She’d hurt Poppy this way before by not speaking up when everyone had been dismissing her and Branch’s discoveries and everyone was talking over her. Now she’d done it again by not saying what she had witnessed.

“Branch… I…”DJ looked at Branch, tears dripping from her eyes as Branch looked at her and snapped out of his stupor. “I-I’m so sorry, I—I should’ve said something last night when I heard him talking to you like that after what happened to Poppy… I-I saw him rummaging around in those bushes, but I didn’t realize until now that they were—” DJ broke out into a sob. She was a mess; she was so ashamed of herself.

“If I would’ve just gotten over this stupid fear, I could’ve helped you… I could’ve helped Poppy, too! I’m so sorry… So sorry…” She sniffed and hiccupped before Branch put a shaky paw on her shoulder, making her jolt.

“DJ… Thank you. For saving my life.” His face was tight with emotion as he looked her in the eyes and then shook his head, looking down at his lap with a nervous chuckle. “I knew he hated me, but I didn’t expect him to go this far. I thought things would be different this time…”

“This time?” Poppy scoffed incredulously as Branch and DJ looked up at her. She looked so hurt, so conflicted, and confused as Biggie finally let her go, as she was calmer now. “Branch, you’re telling me you knew that Creek was going to do something like this, and you didn’t tell me?”

She towered over Branch as he cowered from her overwhelming emotions rushing through her.

“I-I didn’t think he’d do anything this time! I already prevented the thing that would’ve led to a dangerous outcome from happening, I-I thought… That maybe it’d be different this time!” Branch defended himself, confusing everyone around them as they bickered.

“What did he do normally then!? Tell me right now!” Poppy yelled, tears streaming down her face, her voice trembling.

“ALRIGHT, THAT’S ENOUGH!” Smidge yelled, making everyone stop in their tracks. “What the hair are you two talking about?! You need to spill, now.”

Branch and Poppy’s eyes were wide as they looked at Smidge, then the rest of the very confused and betrayed trolls all around them. The pink and grey trolls had guilty looks on their faces as they looked at each other knowingly. Branch sighed, looking rather defeated as he itched his fingers. “I’ll explain when we get back to camp. You’re gonna want to be sitting down for this…”

The walk back to camp was somber, quiet, and tense all at once. Footsteps thumped and brushed through the grass and moss as they walked. Poppy had her arms crossed and she kept glaring at Branch as he kept his head bowed and dragged his feet with a haunted look in his eyes. He was almost thrown off a cliff by a troll who’d totally snapped; DJ couldn’t blame him. She had so much more apologizing to do, but she could tell that right now wasn’t the time.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me something like this. Something so… Important!” Poppy hissed, glaring at Branch and making him tense his shoulders the way he often did when he felt attacked. He looked at her with a pained expression, feeling a mix of emotions flooding in.

“Oh, because that would’ve gone so much better, Poppy!” Branch retorted, snapping his head to look at the angry pink troll beside him. “Hey Poppy, your best friend from childhood is going to betray everyone you know and love, so let’s just ditch him now ahead of time!” Branch said in a mockingly chipper tone as he motioned his arms around.

“You would’ve said the exact same thing that I did which was: ‘Maybe things could be different this time, let’s give him a chance first!’ Or are you telling me you wouldn’t have said that?” Branch folded his arms as well, frowning and staring at her. Poppy bit her lip, unable to reply. That did sound like something Poppy would say, she was always ready to give someone a second chance. Or a third. Or a hundredth.

“So, I did what I thought you’d want me to do, and I tried to keep from jumping to conclusions and give him a chance. Look where it got me, off the side of a cliff… Damn it, I should’ve trusted myself, so no one had to get hurt…” Branch raked his fingers through his dark hair as they reached the campsite and sat down in a large circle. The silence loomed over the darkness they all sat in as the moon illuminated the friend group.

“…Okay, I know this is going to sound really crazy, but—”


Everyone’s eyes shot up to the sky as they watched a ball of light rocket up into the sky from behind them from the direction of the canyon. It finished with a loud, bright explosion of glitter and took the form of a rather iconic troll… A pink one with a ponytail on the top of its head and a blue dress. Branch’s eyes widened in horror as he, Poppy, and Cooper all realized what had just happened.

Cooper felt through his hair, panicking as his blue paws came back empty. He looked down at his paws in confusion and shifted uncomfortably as his eyes darted around before looking up at the grey and pink trolls who were staring at him in confusion and expressions full of dread.

“…T-That’s… My firework…” He said rather distressed. “B-But how, I—”

Branch shot up to his feet, his voice trembling as he looked at his friends with the most fear they’d ever heard or seen from him.

“We need to leave. NOW.”


Whewww... Sorry another cliffhanger... At least it's less literal this time? :] pleasedon'tkillme

Poppy's pretty upset at Branch for not telling her about this, but was his reasoning good enough? Let me know what you think!

Chapter 36: Reroute


The remaining members of the Snack Pack get a move on but there's lots of questions that they need answers to.


Sorry!! I have some irl things to take care of and then allergies have been kicking my ass lately! X[

I was having a bit of a tough time with the dialogue in this chapter, so hopefully it's okay!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Branch’s heart was racing a million miles a minute in response to everything. Tents were abandoned and bags were packed and divided amongst each party member. Branch felt like he was reaching his peak as to what he could tolerate right now. He’d nearly been left for dead just now and his new friends left in the hands of a crazed troll who’d for some reason gone off the deep end.

He turned to look at the rest of his companions as they gathered around him with scared and confused faces. He needed to explain what was happening, but how could he even start without sounding insane? That he knew what was going to happen based on a dream? That all of this planning was based on nothing more than a déjà vu gone too far?

“We’re going to have to keep traveling tonight. I didn’t want to, but this doesn’t leave us much choice.” Branch huffed, trying to keep it together for the sake of everyone else. “Creek probably used it to tell us that he was still alive and needed help, but there’s no way we can do that. He just led the Bergen right to us with that nonsense.”

“How long is that going to take?” Poppy asked quietly. She didn’t look good at all; Branch couldn’t pick just one expression to label what she was feeling right now. She was probably feeling a million things all at once after everything she’d just learned. Creek had been lying to everyone about himself, and Poppy had to be reeling from the sheer number of revelations she had to have been coming to.

“Only a few hours. From here, there’s a shortcut and we should be able to get there by midnight if we hurry. We can rest at the Troll Tree and then get our plan started in the morning.” Branch answered blankly. He hoped that the pods weren’t too dusty, did pods even collect dust? He couldn’t remember, he hadn’t been in one since he was six.

“If Bergen Town was that close, why didn’t we just do that to begin with instead of waiting a whole ‘nother day?” Smidge wrinkled her nose in confusion as Mitsy ran up to Branch and mewed at him by his ankles, prompting the grey troll to pick her up and comfort her. She was trembling and nestled in his arms as he held her; she must’ve been pretty shaken up, too. He heard Creek yelp earlier after he was flung over the edge, and based on the few dribbles of red, sparkly stains on her mouth, he figured she must’ve bit him pretty good.

Way to go, girl. Wish I could’ve gotten a hit in myself.

Branch pet the fuzzy, shelled critter as he turned to Smidge to answer her. “Too risky. Lots of dangerous critters come out at night and navigating right through their habitats when it’s getting dark isn’t a great idea.” Branch sighed, calming himself by touching Mitsy. “Plus, after all the stuff that’s been going wrong, the last thing I wanted was for anyone else to be put right into harm’s way if I could avoid it. We don’t have that choice anymore.

“Here’s how we’ve been traveling,” Branch pulled out a map from his hair and with one paw, passed Mitsy off to DJ with the other. He spread open the map as he laid it on the ground. He dragged his finger from Troll Village up through the forest “Normally, you would just go straight through, right? But going straight through would’ve meant fewer safe spots to rest and way more things that could’ve hurt you guys. There are just too many of you for me to have done that the whole way. So, we’ve been taking the long way.” Branch makes a ‘c’ shape with his finger as he drags his finger yet again from their home to Bergen Town around the forest instead of through it.

“This is how far we got. Going over the water saved us a lot of time. For the last part of this, we’re going to have to go right through. Had we done it in the morning, most of the threats would be asleep, but now… That’s not an option because of that lunatic.”

Branch rolled his map back up and put it in his hair.

“So does that mean that the Bergen is gonna find us?” DJ trembled, hugging Mitsy close.

“Not instantly, no. See, if we were able to get to Bergen Town without detection, we might’ve had a little more time to make this plan go smoothly, but now we have to rush. Because of the way we went, it’s a little out of the way from home and Bergen Town.”

“So, getting discovered while we were a little bit out of the way helped then, right?” Poppy said, trying to find optimism where she could. It was as if she just couldn’t help herself. “Will it buy us more time?”

“Yes, at least a day. Two if we’re lucky.” If Chef is still all the way at Troll Village sculking around and looking for us, that gives us at least a day to get to where we are.” Branch gave Poppy a nod, making her sigh slightly in relief. We’ll be throwing her off; she’ll be looking for us and if she can’t find any trolls, she certainly won’t think of coming to Bergen Town empty-handed. She was banished two decades ago when everyone escaped.”

“…How do you know all of this, Branch? I mean, it’s good information to know, but…” Biggie shuffled his feet as he looked down at Branch, nervously hugging Mr. Dinkles.

Branch paused. He was avoiding this question for quite a little while now. It was almost embarrassing and shameful to have to answer it. “Let’s get a move on and I’ll explain while it’s still safe to talk and the friendly critters are still out.”

Everyone put the hoods of their leaf cloaks up and silently followed after Branch through the dark. It was getting hard to see besides the glowing critters or plants to guide Branch. As they began to walk, Branch snapped off a small, white, bioluminescent mushroom that he wrapped in leaves, coning a leaf around the mushroom top to give it the appearance of a flashlight and making a direct line of sight for himself to see.

He was going to make them for the others, but after noticing what he had made, the rest of them simply extended a lock of hair to hold on to, changed its hue, and made it glow similarly to Branch’s natural flashlight. Branch looked at them in undetectable awe before simply nodding to approve and starting to take the lead.

He couldn’t help but think to himself just how jealous he was that they could do so many things with their hair to make life easier. His was nothing more than a glorified grappling hook or a weapon if he really needed to because of his lack of color. He used a lock of his hair to hold his flashlight in the same manner as his friends did with their hair.

As they walked, Branch explained his dream. “I know this is going to sound absolutely insane, but… The reason why I know so much is because of… A-A premonition.” Branch didn’t look behind him to see the faces of his friends as he spoke. He didn’t want to see them.

“A what?” DJ asked.

“It’s like when you get a raise at work!” Cooper added.

“That’s a promotion, Cooper!” Smidge corrected. “He’s talking about those dreams that show you the future.”

“Ohhhh! Cybil says she gets those all the time!” Satin chirped. “Ooh, I’m so curious now! Tell us what happened in it, Branch!”

His new friends all chirped and chattered excitedly. Branch blanked out for a minute. Were they really just accepting this? Did they even care? They all seemed so excited about this, and it was possibly the most unbelievable thing ever. Well, trolls from their village were rather easy to excite.

“Originally, you guys were going to throw the biggest, loudest party ever and… It was loud enough that a Bergen heard you all. Almost everyone got away, everyone but you guys.” Branch paused when he heard gasps come from behind him. “Poppy wanted to go and rescue you all and… Kinda forced everyone down into my bunker to keep them all safe when she left.”

“What? You let me do that?” Poppy asked bewildered, as he finally noticed that she was walking next to him.

“No, I didn’t,” Branch flicked his eyes down at the ground for a moment before returning to the path ahead. “But that didn’t really stop you. You wanted everyone to be safe while I was gone, and I had supplies.”

“Oh.” Poppy winced; a bit embarrassed.

Branch went on to explain what happened between the rescue of the Snack Pack, the attempted rescue of Creek, and their subsequent capture. He went on to explain then finding out that Creek was fine and then him selling out their entire village and luring them out of the bunker with Poppy’s cowbell. Poppy gasped, reached up into her hair, and sighed in relief that her cowbell was still intact.

“Oh, thank goodness… I was worried that maybe he took something from me when I was sleeping, too.” Poppy sighed in relief as she tucked in back in safely and placed her hood back over her hair.

“How would he have, Poppy? You’ve been sleeping in Branch’s tent, remember?” Smidge smirked and spoke in a teasing tone. Poppy blushed and chuckled sheepishly.

“A-Anyway,” Branch stammered, changing the subject. “I didn’t say anything about Creek because I’d stopped the Bergen from taking any of you to begin with and I thought that if it never happened, maybe Creek wouldn’t have felt cornered into selling everyone else out to save himself.” Branch shook his head, sighing in frustration.

“I guess if it wasn’t self-preservation, he’d be selfish in some other kind of way.” Smidge muttered in an irritated tone.

“Based on the weird way he was speaking, he had some ulterior motive related to gaining your trust; Poppy specifically.” Branch scratched his chin, Poppy flinching at his words. “Guess he wanted to be a leader or… A king at some point. I dunno, it’s the only thing that made sense based on his weird way of acting like you were all mindless drones that’d just trust whoever seemed the smartest. Guess he felt like I was getting in the way of that.”

“It was so mean; he was talking about us like we were idiots.” DJ murmured sadly. She must’ve felt awful hearing something like that. No wonder she was acting so strangely the day they talked. She must’ve been stressed out of her mind about what she’d overheard.

Branch couldn’t be angry about DJ not saying anything. Sometimes, it was really hard to tell people what’s in your head when it could lead to negative outcomes. Branch knew that feeling better than anyone and it hurt. It gnawed away at you. When you hear the words that others use to describe you when they think you’re not around, it changes the way you see yourself. Self-doubt was certainly not a foreign concept to Branch at all.

“B-But why would he try to ki—hurt me just to make himself seem more trustworthy? How would that even help anything?” Poppy stammered.

“Now that I really think about it,” Branch replied. “He did have medicine that could’ve helped, but you were already too far into your allergic reaction for an oral medication. You can’t swallow when you’re all swollen up like you were.”

“So what,” Poppy’s voice sounded angry, but Branch hadn’t dared to look her in the eye yet. “He thought he could just save me after poisoning me so he could try and save the day? Is that it?”

There was a deafening silence that filled the air. Branch heard Poppy sigh, but it sounded more like a whimper. He finally looked at her, her hair illuminating her face. It was tense and rich with emotion. Tears brimmed her lashes as her face scrunched up in anguish from all the emotions and pain she must’ve been going through.

“Why does everyone underestimate me?” Poppy sniffled, her tears dripping down her face. “Do they really think I can’t understand or do stuff on my own?”

Oh no. This was bigger than just feeling underestimated. First, her dad told her nothing about her own sister way too late, he treated her like she was just some little kid instead of the future of their village, Creek talked about Poppy the same way as if she was too dumb to figure out how to manage her people. Then, in a desperate attempt to prove that she needs someone to protect her, he poisons her just so he can play hero.

Why would they keep hiding things and lying to her? Sure, Poppy could be a bit absentminded, but lots of trolls could be. That didn’t mean they could treat her like a kid who couldn’t learn new things if anyone around her would just show her the way from the start.

“I really don’t like when stuff is kept from me… It kind of… Totally stinks. Big time.”

Keeping things from her. Time slowed a bit as Branch thought about it. Didn’t he sort of do that by keeping things from her, too? He had kept what Creek was like from Poppy because he thought she wouldn’t be able to handle it, but it had only led her to blindly trust someone she might have been able to keep a proper distance from had she known. He messed up.

Sure, Poppy would’ve still given Creek a chance, but Poppy had proved herself time and time again over the last few days that she was very much able to understand things that might be more complicated than usual. She had experienced so many new emotions over the last few days and while things were new and difficult, it hadn’t stopped her at all. Her resolve was as solid as it could be despite the circ*mstances.

She was trusting every word Branch said, and she expected him to trust her just as much. He didn’t want her to ever feel like he didn’t think she was capable. Branch stopped walking and gently touched one of Poppy’s paws, getting her attention.

“Poppy…” Branch started as everyone stopped and looked at the pair in silence. “I need to apologize. For not telling you something like that about Creek. I thought it’d just be better if I handled it on my own, but in retrospect, maybe things wouldn’t have gotten this bad if I had just said something. I’m sorry for keeping it from you.”

“No, Branch… I probably would’ve just given him the chance to prove himself like you said… Maybe I would’ve been a little more cautious, but I don’t think things could’ve ended up much differently. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that earlier, you were just trying to help. Creek could’ve really hurt you and I guess I was just mad that I didn’t know he was treating you like that. I’m sorry, too.”

“I guess we both kind of messed up, huh?” Branch chuckled, making Poppy give him a weak smile.

“Yeah, maybe… I guess I was just more upset that it felt like you didn’t trust me as much as I trust you and…” Poppy paused, shaking her head. “Never mind, it’s silly.”

“That’s not silly at all Poppy. Trust is important. Especially for things like this when everyone is relying on you. I don’t know how you keep such a cool head when a whole village is looking to you for answers. Managing these guys is a big enough chore for me as it is.” Branch snorted, the group letting out small giggles as Poppy dried her eyes with her free paw and squeezed Branch’s paw with the one he grabbed.

“I trust you, Poppy. We all trust you. I don’t think I’d have everyone here as a friend if they didn’t. Thanks for trusting me, Poppyseed.” Poppy smiled big, giving Branch a tight hug, the rest of the group joining in and giving Poppy more words of positive affirmation as they crowded her. Branch wouldn’t complain about the group hug right now. She’d been through the worst of it, she needed some encouragement right now.

Branch knew that Creek and Poppy had a weird thing going on and it had to feel awful to know that he wasn’t pure of heart when getting to know her. They began to walk again, and Poppy latched onto Branch’s paw and held it tight. If that was helping her feel more secure, then he’d let her. Whatever it took. He’d even carry her bridal style all the way to Bergen Town if it’d make her feel any better.

After a bit more venturing into the dark, accompanied by the hum of friendly critters still roaming about and the light of the group’s hair, Poppy looked at Branch, catching his attention.

“Can you just promise me something?” Poppy murmured for only Branch to hear.

“What is it?”

“Could we not do secrets anymore? L-Like… Important stuff from each other? I really didn’t like feeling so blindsided about Creek…” She frowned.

Branch tensed up. Branch had a lot of secrets. About himself, his upbringing, his family…

“O-Only if it’s about like… Our friends or the mission, I mean…!” Poppy corrected, putting out a paw to calm him. He must’ve been making a face of some kind that Poppy had picked up on. Was he always that readable to her? “Secrets about your life… You can tell me those when you’re ready. I know it’s a bit scary for you.”

“H-How’d you know I was talking about…?”

“When you told me about… Her… You made that same super frowny face.” Poppy gave him a pouty look of sympathy as Branch flinched at her astute observation.

“Since when were you paying that close attention to the faces I make?” Branch smirked. Poppy’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as she looked away, unbeknownst to Branch.

“I-I have to! You’re always thinking about something, and you never say any of it out loud, so how else am I supposed to know what’s going on up there?” Poppy pouted, huffing and making Branch chuckle.

“Well, back to your question. I can’t promise to tell you everything just yet, but I promise to always give you an honest answer to the best of my ability whenever you ask me something. Even if the answer isn’t one you wanted to hear.” Branch rubbed his thumb against the back of Poppy’s paw as he held it. “And if it makes you feel any better, it was only Creek who was a backstabbing loser. Everyone else here is good.”

Poppy let out a dramatic sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness...! I was really worried about that… I think I can relax a little for now. Thanks, Branch.”

He was glad to bring Poppy even a bit of comfort; her being calm made him feel calmer. They’d just been through quite the ordeal, and he needed to keep a level head. Traveling through the forest in the dark was not something he planned for; Creek had really ruined things even until the very end.

Boy, was he glad that Creek wasn’t around; he felt ten times lighter than before. It just hurt his heart that everyone still had to be betrayed by him in some way. They were his friends now; he didn’t like seeing them upset.

Branch was glad that his friends trusted him so easily when he talked about having a premonition dream, but at this point, he guessed that maybe nothing could really surprise them anymore. Creek pretty much opened their eyes to the possibility of anything happening.

That made things a little easier for him; feeling like he was keeping something important from everyone was starting to get to him and now, he felt like a weight had been lifted. Now, all he needed to do that get to Bergen Town and things could really get started.

Everyone here had a job to do once they were in Bergen Town. Even Mitsy wasn’t on this trip just for a simple joyride. She had a mission too, and that was to find John Dory once they got to the troll tree. Hopefully, his eldest brother had something there that Mitsy could get a read on… Hopefully not anything too smelly.


Well, at least some things were answered for. These guys will have plenty more to talk about now that Creek isn't around to hear it. >:[

Chapter 37: Release


The Snack Pack make their way through the dangers of the forest.


Omg sorry for the hiatus, was hit with serious writer’s block! ☹️ I swear, my art block will leave, but then my writer’s block will pop up instead! I guess that’s the trade-off for being a writer and artist...💔
It’s kinda hard to write for so many characters, I see why people don’t bother with the Snack Pack, but I’m built different!! Enjoy! 💪🏾

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was nearing ten o’clock and the group of trolls had been walking through the dense forest with only the light they carried as a guide. Branch and the rest of their group had been walking for about an hour now and continued to walk through the forest with low chatter.

Tension was still hanging awkwardly in the air as the group walked. Branch looked back occasionally to check the status of his friends and counted the lights of their hair as a head count. It wasn’t until he looked back once more that he noticed DJ staring at him and Poppy with a sad look. He looked at her questioningly as she squeezed Mitsy for support and took a deep breath.

“U-Uh… Guys?” DJ exhaled, catching everyone’s attention as they all gave the musician their undivided attention. “I just… I wanted to say that um… I’m really sorry. I should’ve said something sooner and—”

Branch stops walking as he raises up a paw, stopping DJ from continuing her apology.

“DJ, I appreciate you apologizing, but I don’t really feel like I should be getting one.” Branch sighed as DJ Suki stared at him with a look of confusion. “If anything, I should’ve told everyone what Creek was saying to me when you all weren’t around, and this could’ve stopped a lot sooner.”

“Branch, no,” DJ shook her head adamantly. “There’s no way it would’ve been easy to tell us that.” Branch only stared at her, confused for a moment before his expression softened.

“…So why are you being so hard on yourself for the same thing? It wouldn’t have been any easier to tell all your friends about Creek’s behavior from your end.” Branch huffed, looking at DJ with a smile as Poppy nodded in agreement. “It’s hard always knowing what to do in a tough situation like that. You ended up having to make an even harder decision in the end and it saved my life.”

“Yeah, Suki!” Poppy jumped in. “Without Branch, we’d be absolutely lost! I don’t know about anyone else but… I’m proud of you for doing something so brave. I know speaking up can be kinda hard for you.” Poppy smiled, her other friends giving verbal agreement to Poppy's words and making DJ tear up and shake her head.

“Aw c’mon you guys, that wasn’t brave at all, I just shoved a troll off a cliff!”

“Yeah, a troll that probably would’ve done the same to any of us if we didn’t do whatever he wanted!” Chenille snipped, rolling her eyes. “If he was crazy enough to try to get rid of Branch like that, who’s to say any of us weren’t next! I say good riddance! Quit beating yourself up for throwing out a bad egg.”

“Yeah, I’ve gotta agree with Chenille here, Suki,” Smidge rubbed the back of her neck. “If he was willing to hurt Poppy like that to make himself look better and get rid of Branch because we like him, it was safe to say that the Creek we knew was gone a long time ago...” There was a sad silence as they all thought about it before Guy jumped into the conversation.

“Yeah, he’s been a total weirdo since the morning of the 20th anniversary!” Guy Diamond crossed his arms, shaking his head. “He was even weird when we suggested apologizing to Branch and Poppy! I understand wanting to be the center of attention, it’s my favorite thing to be! That, however, was way too far.”

The group seemed to unanimously agree that Creek had gone off the rails lately. Branch couldn’t help but agree; Creek was totally absorbed in his own wants and needs for control than ever before, but why? As much as the two of them hadn’t gotten along, he was never someone who’d go so far to prove a point and come out on top. He was a bit self-centered and cowardly, sure; but to do what he did to Branch? Was he seriously feeling that desperate about Poppy paying less attention to him?

“What I don’t understand is why he took my firework…” Cooper interjected. He looked so uncomfortable. “We even talked about why I hadn’t gotten to use it yet. He was tellin’ me how bummed he was that we wouldn’t ever get the chance to see it since the party had to be moved to your bunker n’ stuff. I can’t believe he went through my hair like that without asking when I was sleepin’…”

Branch couldn’t help but grimace. A troll’s hair was really important. It was a sensitive place and just reaching into someone’s hair without asking was very much frowned upon. It was a safe place to store not only items and tools but a place where troll eggs could grow and for young trollings to be safe within it. He couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable Cooper had to feel that Creek would do something like that. Not only was it a betrayal of trust, but it was a huge boundary to cross on purpose and for such a nefarious reason as stealing.

“Worst of all, I don’t even know when he took it, dude!” Cooper furrowed his brows, his eyes searching around for answers. “He knew that shooting that firework off would be bad news for everyone. Why would he do it anyway?”

Branch looked around at his friends and saw their faces, it was clear that they were just as uncomfortable as they thought about the invasion of privacy that Creek had done in an act of desperation. Branch walked over to Cooper and put a comforting paw on Cooper’s back.

“Cooper… I’m really sorry that Creek just… Went in your hair like that. It just isn’t okay, no matter what the reason was.” Cooper looked down at Branch and gave him a thanking nod, seemingly a bit relieved. “I don’t know why Creek took it; I can only assume considering you told him what would happen if we did use it, that he was trying to get back at us.”

“He kept going on and on about how he believed that he could somehow control how his life played out like he had any right to control how other trolls lived theirs. Creek will never get what he wants; people like him will always have a downfall.” Branch continued, shaking his head in anger and frustration. Creek had no right to have these guys as friends, he was much too selfish to see how much they were capable of.

“Yeah, we’re gonna get to Bergen Town and prove that our plan can work!” Poppy put her paws on her hips and smiled at Cooper. “I know it will.”

Cooper received a group hug from his friends, and he seemed to be in better spirits than he was before. Cooper even thanked Branch for his understanding of the hair situation as he was squished into another group hug with his friends. Branch could tell that it had made Cooper incredibly uncomfortable, it’d make most trolls uncomfortable.

Branch understood boundaries better than anyone, he had a million of them. Though, as he spent more time with his new friends, they were slowly but surely decreasing. His hair, however, would only be something Poppy could touch if she asked first.

After the group cheered Cooper back up to his usually cheerful self, the group resumed their trek through the forest. As they walked for another fifteen minutes, Branch noticed more and more sticky, glistening strands of string covering the forest around them and it made the grey troll stop in his tracks as he realized where they were. The rest of the group paused their conversations and looked to Branch for an explanation.

“We’re already here.” Branch said with a bit of exasperation and fear as he swallowed hard. He was really dreading this; it was precisely what he wanted to avoid.

“Where is ‘here’ exactly?” Poppy questioned, squeezing his paw.

“Tarantacapuff lair.” Branch whispered as he squeezed back anxiously. A heavy silence fell over the group. Everyone knew that Tarantacapuffs were no critter to mess around with; Branch knew that better than anyone. At night, they were even more hostile, and walking directly through their collective nesting location was a death sentence. Thanks to Creek, they didn’t have any other choice but to cut right through to get to the tunnels.

“As I said before, it’s going to be dangerous from here on out. So, when I say absolutely no singing, dancing, or talking, I really mean it.” Branch watched as his friends trembled and nodded quickly from his warning. “We’re gonna have to cut right through this Tarantacapuff lair and do your very best not to touch those web strings; they’ll know right away that we’re here.”

The group of trolls all had their cloaks on, their hoods up, and hair-lights off as they walked. As they navigated through the forest as cautiously and silently as possible, Branch kept an eye on his friends and gripped Poppy’s paw as she gripped his. She clung to his arm and kept her eyes glued in front of her.

They’d been navigating it rather well, and Branch could tell as the webs started to become less dense that they were nearly home-free now. It wasn’t until Branch heard a wet, squishing sound that made his ears twitch. It was soon followed by a shriek of the word “EW!” which he was quick to identify was from Satin, who must’ve stepped on something undesirable from previous prey of the spiders.

As Branch and Poppy looked back, they watched in dread as Satin stumbled back and got stuck on a part of the web. She struggled, making the web shake and vibrate. Branch whined anxiously as he realized what they were now in for. Damn it, they were so close!

“Satin, stop moving, you’re gonna make it worse!” Chenille whisper-yelled at her sister as she tried to pry the sticky webs off her sibling. Branch tried to make his way over to the twins to help them, leaving Poppy anxiously wringing her paws as she watched.

“Well excuse me for not wanting to get eaten!” Satin whispered back. She was relatively silent as Chenille worked but was clearly freaking out as she hyperventilated and tried to pull her body from the webs.

Unfortunately, a Tarantacapuff had caught wind of something ensnared in its webs and a garbled clicking noise was heard coming from behind the twins. Chenille’s eyes widened in horror as she looked up from the task of helping her sister to see the giant spider creeping up behind the pair. This did nothing to calm Satin as she followed her sister’s eyes and looked behind her to see a spider slinking its way over.

Satin let out a scream of fear, wriggling and reaching out for her sister. Chenille pulled at her pink twin in desperation as Branch finally made his way back to them unscathed. The twins were often in an unlucky position when danger presented itself. If one twin was hurt, sick, or trapped, the other had nowhere else to go, as they were conjoined by the hair.

Chenille had to risk her own safety whenever Satin did something and it was clear by her aversion to risky things, that she didn’t like being in such a position. As the blue twin pulled at her sister, Branch brandished a small self-made hunting knife and severed the webs that Satin was attached to. Due to the tension that Chenille had made by pulling her sister, the pair went soaring in the air with a yelp as they landed on the ground up ahead with the rest of the group that had made it to a safer area.

As Branch turned to run and get back to the group, he felt a tug on his vest. A cold chill ran down his spine as he felt the breath of a predator coating his back as it growled. The spider had grabbed hold of his vest by its mouth and was pulling him in, slowly to be feasted upon. He tried to scamper away and clawed at the earth desperately.

This couldn’t be how he goes; he couldn’t die here! He’d already been faced with death enough today; he couldn’t let all of that effort on him go to waste.

“Branch!” The twins called in unison, extending their hair loop out to him for him to grab onto. He caught it, grabbing onto it as if it were a life preserver and he was lost as sea. They pulled him with all their might, giving the spider a run for its money. It pulled back at Branch, making the twins dig in their heels.

Smidge wrapped her hair around the bases of the twins’ hair to give it more strength as Biggie held onto the small trolls and other trolls had either joined their hair to the group effort or held onto each other and pulled with all their might. It was starting to work, but there was still resistance as Branch’s vest was still firmly being held by the spider’s mouth.

“Branch! Did the spider grab you by your body?!” Poppy yelled out to him, catching his attention. Branch opened his eyes for a moment to hesitantly look back and to see the verdict.

“N-No! Just my vest! I’m okay!” The grey troll yelled back.

“You have to take it off! We can’t keep playing tug-of-war with this thing!” Poppy called back, grunting as her hair pulled at him along with her friends.

“What?!” Take off his vest? There was no way he could do that, that was unfathomable. Branch shook his head adamantly. “I can’t do that! I-I have to keep it safe, it’s not mine!”

“Branch, are you nuts!?” Smidge yelled back incredulously. “At this rate, you’ll get eaten! Take the damn vest off!”

“No! I- I just can’t! I-If I lose it, I’ll never forgive myself! He’ll never forgive me!”

“I’m sure they’d understand, Branch! It’s okay, just leave it!” Poppy tried to console Branch, but what use was that when they were telling him to leave behind Floyd’s vest? There was seriously no point in arguing, he refused to take it off, it was all he had left of any of them.

“I-I can’t! I can’t leave this vest, it’s important!”

“You’re more important than that vest, Branch! Please!” Poppy begged.

“No, I’m not! This vest is everything to me! I’m not losing it!” Branch’s stomach was swirling, he wanted to hurl. Even thinking about losing his brother’s vest was painful and nauseating. He couldn’t risk losing the last piece of his family. He couldn’t just leave it behind. He’d never leave anyone or anything behind.

“Branch, it’ll be okay! You just have to—"

“No! No, I won’t do it! I can get out of this, just keep pulling and—”

“ENOUGH OF THIS! This cuddly sweet talking isn’t going to do anything!” Chenille growled in frustration as she continued to pull with all her might; her friends’ hair pulling at her scalp which couldn’t have felt pleasant in any regard. “Branch, I know that hideous vest is annoyingly important to you for whatever reason, but if you don’t take it off, we’re all going to die here!”

“Chenille!” Satin scolded her sister for her insensitive words.

“No, Satin! We will die! Look at where we are! Take it off, Branch!” Chenille yelled, her eyes blazing.

“I have to give it back to Floyd!” Branch’s voice cracked as he could feel his emotions breaking through, his eyes and nose burned in preparation for the tears that would soon form.

“FLOYD ISN’T HERE RIGHT NOW, BRANCH!” Chenille shouted, getting shocked gasps from her friends as they tugged with all their might.

“Chenille, that’s enough!” Poppy whimpered as she looked at Branch. “He’s gonna—”

“NO!” Chenille shouted, clearly at her own limit. Satin flinched as she heard such overwhelming emotion come from her usually cold and distant sister. “BRANCH, LOOK AROUND YOU!”

Branch took in the sight around him, more spiders closed in as his friends continued to yell at him, he could see his friends were getting tired and ultimately, they’d lose this round of tug-of-war if they kept this up. He felt the fabric of his brother’s vest ripping as the fight continued.

“HE’S NOT HERE, BUT WE ARE.” Chenille rasped as her voice broke, wavering with emotions. He never heard such desperation from Chenille before. Neither had her friends as they all stared at her as tears welled in her eyes. “YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT THAT VEST, BUT WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! IT’S TIME TO LET. IT. GO.” She pleaded, making the rest of the friends fall silent as they tugged uselessly, making no progress.

Let it go?

Branch looked around him as the light from the moon cascaded over the landscape and he saw the strained faces of his friends and then the spiders cautiously closing in from every angle, and here he was; refusing to save himself over a vest. Branch was about to risk everything over a damn vest.

The vest that stood as the only thing he had left of his family after escaping the Troll Tree and losing everything he ever had. The vest that got him through every cold night in the forest as he left behind civilization to be on his own before he made his bunker. The vest that he could feel swaddled by every night as he slept alone without John Dory’s loud snoring and warm body hugging him.

The vest that he spilled his first warm meal on as he remembered Spruce’s special stew that Branch couldn’t get right no matter how many times he’d tried to recreate it. The vest that he wore as he taught himself to read and write and wished that Clay could’ve been there to make it easier.

The vest Floyd gave to him to remember him by and told him to wear whenever he missed him. But Floyd hasn't been around for over twenty years now; neither had the rest of his brothers. He had been clinging to this vest for all these years as if it were a lifeline. Clinging to it as if it would bring them back to him.

So much so, that he was willing to die for it. To let all of his friends die for it. Maybe he did need to let this go.

It was time to move on.

With tears pricking at his eyes, he squeezes his eyes shut tight and shimmies the vest off, letting it go.

Instantly, he was flung over into his friends; the spider tumbling backwards from the release of his vest. Branch's shoulders heaved as he panted. He felt like he'd just lost part of himself. He felt like he ripped out a piece of his own soul and left it out in the rain to rot. He’d just thrown away the last of them he had left. Realistically, he didn’t know if John Dory would even respond to his message if he sent one, let alone if any of his brothers wanted to see him again. That vest was all he had. Not that he could blame them for leaving; that was his fault anyway.

He ruined their performance and learned that singing in front of others had caused his family nothing but pain and loss. The only place he could sing was alone where no one could hear it, or loudly within his dreams.

“He’s never going to forgive me now,” Branch murmured to himself with only Poppy close enough to hear; his emotions were swirling around as tears flowed out of his eyes. He quickly stood and looked forward, away from his friends as they all quickly clambered to their feet. “C’mon! We need to run!”

They didn’t hesitate as they made their way out of the webs that Branch had now slashed out of his way, forging a path to safety. The spiders were now angrily closing in on the group. They linked hair around each other's wrists as they followed after Branch.

This day was the worst he’d had in a long time. Branch wiped the river of tears that flowed from his eyes as he led his friends to safety. He needed to keep it together. He needed to be strong, he couldn’t be Baby Branch right now, crying wasn’t helping anything; it only stood to make his vision blurry as he ran. He felt so exposed as his torso was now completely bare.

He was cold, so damned cold.

Poppy followed Branch closely from behind as they escaped the horrifying predicament they had just found themselves in. She had never been more terrified in her life than she had been today. Her heart ached as she heard Branch’s sniffling and heavy breathing filled with emotion as they ran to safety.

“Jump!” was all Poppy heard before she saw Branch take a tumble down a large slope up ahead. She and her friends followed as they all leaped away from the spiders trailing them, tumbling down a grassy slope. The spiders didn’t follow now that they were out of their territory and slinked back into the heavily wooded area they resided in.

Poppy and her friends found themselves at the bottom of a clearing. As they all recovered from their tumble, they all noticed Branch hunched over and despondent. Poppy quietly made her way over to her crush and gently touched his shoulder, making him flinch.

“Branch? You okay?” It was quite clear that he was devastated by the loss of his vest. She had no idea it was so important to him; when he had told her that it was one-of-a-kind, she didn’t think it had belonged to someone else.

He didn’t respond, nor did he look at her. Instead, he wiped off his face with his paws, took a deep breath, and stood up. He faced her and the rest of the group with a stony look of determination. “We’re almost to the tunnels, let’s keep moving.”

She watched as Branch assisted his friends in making torches to carry. It was getting cold since it was deep into the night now. That vest was more than just important to Branch; it was sentimental. Was Floyd someone else that Branch lost at the Troll Tree?

She had a lot of questions, but she knew that Branch wouldn't want to talk about it right now. She could see the emotions swirling around within him. If he didn't let those feelings out soon, he'd fall to pieces. She could see it in his eyes just how much that vest had meant to him. She needed to find a way to bring it up to him without making everyone else aware that he wasn’t okay.

Branch would only talk about sensitive things like this when others besides Poppy weren’t around to hear it. Poppy knew that he wouldn't be able to keep it together for long, this was far too much to handle in one night and he was well past his limit. She could tell as she saw his paws shaking as he held his torch, marching forward as if nothing had just happened.

That same hardened, stubborn look of anger. Poppy was very familiar with this expression. Branch had worn it on his face since she was little. Up until a few days ago, she would’ve seen it as nothing more than annoyance at Poppy or her friends bothering him.

Now, with the situation they’d just faced, she had discovered that it was nothing more than a mask to hide the storm of emotions brewing within him.


This chapter was a bit of a downer again, they'll probably be angsty for a while, y'all :[ They still have a ways to go before they get to the troll tree... Poor Branch, losing that vest would not feel good at all...

I love writing for Chenille. If Chenille has zero fans, I'm dead‼️ Shout out to the girls who love their friends to death but tough love is how you show it!! :] 💖

In lighter news, I've received absolutely LOVELY fanart from you guys and I've never been more excited in my life!! Getting fanart for my fanfic makes me happier than you know!! Thank you so much!!! 💖💖💖 CRYING FOREVER!!!!

(I'm on Twitter, Insta and Tumblr all under thatbennybee, so feel free to say hi! I always give story updates on insta about my fic!)

I'll be making references for everyone once my tablet nibs arrive so that if you want to draw them, you can!!
For now, check out these amazing artists!!

The 1st piece of fanart for ROF by wowiiiresdss!

This absolutely stunning piece from bbc-trolls! (I actually screamed with joy when I saw this one... So pretty..)

A super cute drawing of Branch and Mitsy being cute by nioumin-draw!!

Drawings from chapter 7 which make my heart so happy!! AHH!! Thanks again, nioumin-draw!!

Last but not least,
a drawing of Poppy's party dress!! AHHHH IT'S SO PRETTY!! Thank you, glitterp0prhaps0dy!!

Chapter 38: Relations


Branch opens up about his past.


Thanks sm for all the love on the last chapter and all the kind words of support for my wellbeing! Y’all are so sweet! Sorry I apologize sm for not uploading, I’m used to a more demanding audience since I’m used to algorithms on other sites as an artist! 😭😭😭

This is a LONGGGG chapter! 😵 It has a recap/flashback in it with more insight to Branch’s perspective. It’s over 7k words bc of that… 💔 Omfg, I’m insane, enjoy! (Please. It's my gift to you for making you wait) 🔥🔥🔥

Perfect - Justin Timberlake, Eric Andre, Daveed Diggs, Troye Sivan, Kid Cudi

Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy drags her feet sadly as she shadows Branch, her torch illuminating his back. She walks in silence as the rest of her friends do. What had just happened was incredibly sad to watch. Whoever Floyd was, he meant a lot to Branch. He was nearly killed trying to keep that vest on his person and even more devastating was that he was brought to endless tears over losing it.

Chenille wasn’t necessarily wrong in what she said, but it had to have been brutal to hear in such a high-stakes situation. Poppy studied the way Branch walked, slouched and his tail dragged on the ground as he trudged forward. He wasn’t feeling good at all, but he was set on his goal and Poppy knew by now that Branch was a troll of his word. He was going to get them to that Troll Tree no matter what.

She studied the way his shoulders were sculpted, the broadness of his back that indicated his hard labor. She hadn’t had the chance to see his back, in fact, she didn’t think she ever had the entire time she’d even known Branch. She’d seen the back of his vest at least a million times, it’s usually the only thing she’d gotten to see of the grey troll for most of her life, as he was usually storming off away from her as she followed him home.

To see his back without his vest felt foreign to her as if she was seeing a whole new side of him. There was something new she saw, indeed. A deep, long-healed scar ran down diagonally from his right shoulder blade and ended right before the left dimple of his lower back. It looked like it must’ve been painful to receive when it happened.

Poppy was so curious about the life that Branch lived all this time, there was no one she knew who had as many scars as him. She remembered him talking about how he fought off critters before, but how many would he have fought off to end up like that? She longed to graze her fingers over them and somehow heal all the scars he had. Or maybe she just wanted to touch him in general.

She caught up with him, gently slipping her fingers between his free left paw, and continued to walk in silence. She didn’t want to force him to talk, but she wanted him to know that she was thinking of him at least. He didn’t flinch or even change expressions at all as he squeezed her paw back.

She felt so bad for him. She tried her best not to stare at him as they walked, but she couldn’t help but drink in every feature of his face as the glow of both the moon and the flickering fire of the torch’s light cast upon his face and chest, defining his features in a new way than before. His piercing icy blue eyes reflected a golden light as his furrowed brows and his facial wrinkles deepened. It was clear that making that hardened expression was what caused all the creases in his face.

There was a moment in her life a couple of days ago when she’d never seen him without that face, but now that she had gotten to know Branch, it felt like this wasn’t a face she was used to anymore. She’d seen him smile, laugh, cry, and even in his most relaxed state. That was the real Branch, not this forced and feigned tough guy act. The faces she’d seen from him over the last few days were all so beautiful, even the sad ones.

She knew now wasn’t the time to ogle, he wasn’t feeling well at all. She just couldn’t seem to pry her eyes away from him, though. Her heart throbbed, jumped, and did cartwheels every time she looked at him. Her crush on him was more than little, bigger than big, it was gigantic, and she couldn’t understand why it developed so quickly, she hadn’t even known him that long!

It’s like she wanted to be next to him no matter what and know all about him. She wanted to learn about him inside and out, she just had to give him the space to do that on his own. Suddenly, his pace slowed, and his face looked pained. She didn’t comment on it as his eyes flicked over to meet hers for just a moment, making her heart stop beating for a moment as he took in a shaky breath.

“Sorry for putting all of you in harm’s way like that. That was reckless of me.” Branch started, making everyone look up at Branch as he stopped walking. Poppy didn’t let go of his paw; it was clear that he had more to say. “Floyd… Was my brother. He gave that vest to me before he… Left. T-To remember him.”

Oh no. That vest belonged to another one of Branch’s family members! No wonder he didn’t want to let it go; gumdrops, she felt awful! She glanced over at their friends who all had equally horrified and guilty looks on their faces, Chenille clearly feeling the guiltiest she’d ever felt in her life.

He turned only halfway, making his body face Poppy’s but his eyes were squeezed shut and his head bowed. It looked like he was mustering up every last bit of his courage to say this and Poppy only rubbed her thumb against his knuckles as he took another shaky breath.

“Branch, I—Gosh, I’m so sorry…” Poppy stammered, biting her lip for a moment before speaking once more. “It’s… Never easy to lose family that way. Trollstice really was such an awful event for so many.”

“What?” Branch’s eyes shot open, and he furrowed his brows in confusion, making Poppy flinch for a moment as his eyes studied her. “No, no, he didn’t get—He’s still alive. Well, as far as I know. He didn’t get eaten.”

Now it was Poppy’s turn to be confused. She tilted her head and scrunched up her face. “Then, where did he go?”

Branch only shrugged, breaking his eye contact and glancing to the side where none of his friends occupied his view. “None of them told me where they were going when they left. All I know was that Floyd wanted to start his solo career.”

This was only giving Poppy more questions, but before she could ask, Smidge asked herself. “Solo career?”

“Oh, yeah we uh…” Branch hesitated and swallowed before finishing his sentence. “Used to make music together.”

This got a collective gasp from everyone around Branch, and he fidgeted in place as Poppy’s mouth gaped open. Making music means that there was a band of some sort, right? Did he have any of this music recorded somewhere? Would Branch let her listen if he—

“You sing?!” DJ asked in awe.

“Used to. I-It was a long time ago…!” Branch corrected. “JD did most of the heavy lifting with the songs and stuff, though.”

“Who the hair is JD?” Smidge asked immediately after.

“I-I guess I should elaborate… Um…” Branch sighed, he seemed a bit overwhelmed by all the questions, but if Branch was willing to answer them, Poppy wasn’t going to stop him. “I have more than one brother; four actually.”

“What?” Poppy asked, just as shocked as the rest of her friends. “Well, why’d they leave?”

Branch groans, recalling the memory that clearly wasn’t very pleasant for him. Maybe she should shut down the Q&A, Branch was dealing with quite a lot today.

“If it’s too much to talk about, then—”

“No, you guys should know. A-After all, it’s why this whole ordeal got so far out of hand.” Branch shook his head, shaking off some nerves along with it as he let out a deep breath. His eyes scanned the ground before looking up at the starry sky as he continued to walk once more.


‘BroZone! BroZone! BroZone!’

A four-year-old Branch peeked through the vines of their dressing room as his other brothers prepared themselves for their big concert performance. He was a bundle of nerves as he saw a technicolor crowd of bobbing and jumping tufts of hair waving about in the crowd.

To say he was nervous was hugely underselling it. He’d never performed in front of a crowd before! John Dory never let him join the band and said he was just too small and performing took a lot of practice! But Branch loved to mimic John’s dance moves and he always let him stay in his hair while his brothers practiced.

Branch practiced every day just like his brothers, they just never saw it. Branch kept it a secret because he didn’t want JD to get mad at him for doing big-boy stuff. JD never yelled at Branch, but he saw how his brothers fought almost all day long. From the moment he hatched, he could remember them even fighting over who would get to carry him around.

John Dory won that battle with no more than a simple “I’m the oldest and Mom left me in charge of all of you guys’ eggs.” every time that there was a complaint about John Dory always carrying Branch around in his hair.

Branch remembered once that Clay said: “That’s not true, Spruce always carried me! You didn’t even wanna carry me around.”

And John Dory said: “Nuh-uh, that’s cuz I was sick in bed with Gigglepox and I didn’t wanna get you sick! By the time I was better, you already wanted to be around Spruce instead of me!”

Clay didn’t bring it up after that, but he and John Dory always fought the most after Branch hatched. He remembered Spruce talking about it once with Grandma when he thought Branch was napping. Branch always wondered if Clay and John Dory always fought because of him. John Dory never made Branch do any of the stuff that his big brothers did.

John Dory always said it was because he was just a baby, and he didn’t want Branch to get hurt. They had started the band only a year before Branch came around and now, four years later, Branch was getting to join them too. It was by pure chance that Branch was allowed to perform; while his brothers sang “Candy Girl” in Troll Tree Square for their record label scout, Branch got to watch because Grandma had a knitting party that day.

He got to watch from the crowd and while they sang, Branch couldn’t help but join in on the choreography and sang right along on the sidelines. He belted out the song and caught the scout's attention and she immediately requested that Branch join the rest of the brothers in the band.

Five boys were better than four, and a bunch of other things Branch couldn’t understand. John Dory didn’t want to, but he eventually caved after big fights with his brothers that he couldn’t understand very well either. All of it seemed to just come from Branch being too little; from what he could understand.

All Branch knew was that it wasn’t a decision John Dory was fond of at first, but when he saw how happy Branch was dancing along with them in practice and how ecstatic he was to be on a track with them called “I Want You Back” and then their bestselling track to date; “Perfect,” John Dory was more than happy to let Branch join the rest of them.

“Perfect, perfect, perfect,” was all Branch would sing around the pod for months as they practiced endlessly for their biggest show yet. It was Branch’s official debut and John Dory wanted it to be just like the song; perfect. Branch was more than ready; he sang with John Dory wherever they went together and had no limit to his energy when it came to his practicing for their very first concert tour show.

Branch knew that this concert was important to John Dory. He kept telling everyone about the Perfect Family Harmony and how it could take them up to the next level. He didn’t really know what “brand deals” or “record signings” were, but John Dory said they would help with whatever “bills” meant.

This was the most that he had heard his brothers fight. It was constant and it was over practically anything at all, to the point where Branch could see it on each of his brothers’ faces when a fight was about to start. He knew exactly how Clay’s upper lip would twitch after John Dory would say something he didn’t like or how Spruce would crunch his eyebrows together when John Dory would correct him during his exercise or something else when Spruce would be cooking.

Branch didn’t really understand why his brothers were all so on edge, but as Branch perfected his dance moves and his vocals, John Dory would praise him endlessly and make a slightly sad face as John Dory told him that he “looked just like Mom.” Branch didn’t know who Mom was, but John Dory always seemed to be saying it in a good way, he was always smiling when he said it!

As Branch’s stomach churned from the sheer size of the crowd, reality had set in that this was a huge show, and he couldn’t mess this up. John Dory had said his moves were perfect! He had to do a good job for him, maybe his brothers would be less angry again if he did well in his first show.

“Hey, Branch. How ya feelin’?” Floyd said as he walked up to Branch.

Branch turned around with his tiny paws clutching his tummy. “I feel like I’m gonna barf, and pass out…”

“…And pee your pants all at once?” Floyd asked with a smile. Branch gasped; his eyes wide with astonishment.

“How’d you know?” How did Floyd always seem to know how everyone felt?

“You’ve got the pre-show jitters; completely normal. Everyone gets ‘em.” Floyd said as he knelt down and paused a moment, looking around before looking back at his baby brother. “Wanna know what I do when I get ‘em?”

Branch scanned his brain for an answer. “Barf, pass out, and pee our pants?” Floyd only chuckled at his answer and smiled.

“I remember that I’m with my brothers and that when we come together, there is nothing that we can’t do.”

“But no one’s ever hit the Perfect Family Harmony before…” Branch thought about it and his eyes sparkled as he remembered what John Dory had told him. “Is it true that it can shatter DIAMONDS?”

“Yeah, it’s that powerful.” Floyd smiled, making Branch’s excitement overshadow his fears. Floyd always knew how to calm him down lately. John Dory had become so different ever since they got the opportunity to go on tour. He was much angrier than he used to be and while he never got upset with Branch, he didn’t like seeing him fight with his brothers so much. But John Dory was the oldest, so Branch was sure he knew what he was doing.

John Dory cut in between Floyd and Branch to look through the curtain. “Alright, boys. Just remember, no matter what you do, just follow my lead.”

“Or MAYBE…” Floyd interjected with a nervous smile. “Let’s just go out there and have fun together?”

“It’s just… So much pressure…!” Clay groaned and gripped the vine curtain in front of them nervously as he shifted awkwardly in his Thunderdrawers.

Branch knew that Clay hated those things more than anything, but he wore them for shows and pictures because John Dory said they were funny. Clay was The Fun Boy, so that made sense to Branch. Clay was always fun when he had to babysit Branch, but most of the time, Clay liked to read and study and never did any of the fun stuff when John Dory was around.

“TEN SECONDS!” The backstage manager called out to Branch and his brothers.

“And what happens if we can’t hit it?” Spruce asked in agitation as he applied body oil to his chiseled abs. Spruce was always busy maintaining his looks and muscles.

Branch didn’t understand why John Dory and Spruce cared about muscles so much. Branch wasn’t really allowed in Spruce’s room because he was afraid that Branch could hurt himself with the weights. He was, however, often in Spruce’s hair when John Dory had to do things that Branch wasn’t allowed to be there for. His hair was always so soft, and it smelled really nice, like an ocean breeze.

Spruce always said he wanted to go relax on the beach once all the tour stuff was over and Branch was starting to wonder what the beach looked like, he’d never even seen water in the ground other than the small stream at the foot of the Troll Tree, but he wasn’t allowed to go down there to get a closer look. He didn’t really know why, but Grandma and his brothers always said it was too dangerous.

He remembered once that Trickee had tried to get him to go to the stream with Boom, Hype, and Ablaze because they could never get close, but Branch was glad that he hadn’t, because they had gotten in so much trouble when their parents found out. John Dory called Branch a perfect little brother when he told him that he didn’t go because it was dangerous, so he knew he did the right thing by staying safe inside the pod. Good little brothers stayed at home or with his family where it was safe.

“Oh, that’s not an option,” John Dory replied as he spun around slowly on his heels, looking back at Spruce and then the rest of his brothers as he walked back towards them. “If we can’t hit the Perfect Family Harmony, then we AREN’T PERFECT. And if we aren’t PERFECT, we’re NOTHING!” He insisted desperately.

Branch didn’t notice his brothers as he looked at John Dory in awe and excitement as he bounced around. He was so pumped now that Floyd had given him a pep talk. He was going to perform with his big brothers, and he was going to be perfect, just like John Dory wanted. John Dory was so cool!

“Just follow my lead and the harmony will happen.” John Dory instructed. Branch put on the large, tinted sunglasses John Dory gave to him when he joined the band. He didn’t know why, but when his eldest brother gave them to him a while ago, Spruce brought up “Mom” again and was upset.

“Now LET’S BRO!” John Dory said as he pumped his fists at his brothers. Branch’s eyes sparkled as he watched John take the lead, picking up Branch into his arms. John quickly swung his hair down to below the stage to wait for his entrance cue, putting Branch in his hair as they’d practiced.

He was going to jump out of John Dory’s hair before his cue and wait on the stage until his cue; he practiced it a million times with John Dory already. He was ready. He knew that Spruce was going to swing down onto the stage from vines, Clay would bounce down on those big, glowy mushroom lights, and Floyd would swing down quietly before his cue.

“Okay, Bitty B, this is it! We’re gonna get out there and nail this first show. Remember, if you don’t know what to do—”

“Just follow your lead!”

“That’s right Bitty, perfect answer! We’ve got this!” Branch could barely contain himself from excitement! John Dory was always so cool; maybe Branch could be a leader too someday!


“The Heartthrob!” Spruce swung down onto the stage, crossing his arms and kissing the air with a wink.

“The Fun Boy!” Clay swung in next, giving the audience a peace sign, and stuck out his tongue.

“The Sensitive One!” Floyd landed before his spotlight came on, when it flashed on, he swung his bright pink hair around and posed bashfully.

“The Leader!” John Dory’s platform rose up to the center of the stage.

Branch was caught from the back of John Dory’s hair by Spruce and put right into the center as John moved over to the far right. His turn was coming up!

“…And, The Baby!” Branch hit the pose he’d practiced over and over with John Dory to make sure it was perfect. His right arm was tucked under his left and his index finger and thumb rested on his chin as he arched an eyebrow and pouted.

“GIVE IT UP FOR… BROZONE!!!” The announcer finished as the crowd went wild, crying and cheering for him and his brothers. Branch ran up to their usual positions as the song started.

“Well, there she goes,” They all sang together, Branch and John Dory sharing smiles as they closed in and posed.

“On the floor, let’s do this, no more talkin’!” Spruce sang, moving to the front and flashing his shiny abs and making trolls in the crowd faint.

“Did anybody notice?” They sang as Floyd jumped to the front of their rotation.

“The energy just shifted when we dropped in!” Floyd serenaded the crowd. “Ooh, let it drop in!”

“I don’t flex, but I might,” Clay took the center and breakdanced as he sang next. “Groove about the take flight!”

John Dory took the center and his dance routine that Branch had watched over and over from John’s bedroom mirror as he peeked through his brother’s green hair.

“’Cause the night is young and the music’s on, and we got love on sight!” John Dory whipped his hair around at the camera and Branch knew it was his turn as his brothers spread out and pointed to him from the center. He turned around after getting a nod of approval from John Dory as the spotlights hit him and he knew he was doing it perfectly like they practiced!

“The sky was the limit! Now the stars where we’re livin’!” Branch sang in perfect pitch as he did his dance routine. “It’s the vibe and we’re in it, it’ll blow your mind!” He lifted his shade and winked at the crowd.

“It’s so perfect, perfect, perfect! A hundred percent,”

Branch nailed his part and it felt amazing! He felt like he was glowing! He was so happy to be there with his brothers. It was just like Floyd said, with his brothers, they could do anything together!

“Put us together, you know what you’ll get!”

John Dory looked at Branch and then himself with an excited grin. “Great, it’s working! YES! C’mon, guys!” His eldest brother beckoned them to a different location on the stage. That wasn’t what they practiced at all, what was he doing?

“Yeah, it’s so perfect, perfect perfect,”

Clay scowled as all the younger brothers looked at each other in confusion. “What’s he DOING?! This isn’t my choreo!” Clay and Spruce ran off to John Dory, Floyd following after and leaving Branch confused as he continued the choreography he practiced. What was he supposed to do now? Oh, that was right, he just needed to follow John Dory’s lead! He waddled over to the rest of his brothers.

“And you’ll never, ever wanna let it go…” John Dory took the center and Floyd was first to grab onto his hair like he’d motioned for them to do. Each of them harmonized “go” as Spruce grabbed onto John Dory’s hair, then Clay jumped up, balancing on Spruce’s paw, and Branch climbed to the top of the tower of his brothers to balance on Clay’s paw, finishing the harmonization.

The tower was starting to wobble, Branch’s voice wavered as well as his brothers as they tried to keep their balance. Oh no, he was slipping! He tried to stay upright, clambering and accidentally falling on Clay’s face for a moment before getting back to his spot on his palm. But by then, it was too late, John Dory stumbled and made them wobble even more until their tower collapsed.

John Dory nearly fell off the stage but was picked back up by Spruce and Clay. Floyd almost fell off as well but grabbed onto Spruce’s entrance vine and swung away on it to avoid falling off the stage. Branch watched in horror as Floyd flew around the stage screaming and knocking directly into their oldest brother as he dusted himself off.

The vine Floyd had swung on, wrapped around Spruce’s ankle, and took him along for the ride as John Dory went flying from the impact and bounced right off Clay’s entrance mushrooms and landed inside the viney, ceiling lights and getting caught in them. Spruce screamed as he was swung around by his foot and grabbed another vine in his panic and made it accidentally wrap around Clay’s body, flinging him up into the lights along with John Dory until all four of Branch’s brothers were tied up to the ceiling lights.

Branch looked off into the crowd in mortification as he realized what had just happened. Jaws were dropped in the crowd as a hush fell over the concert venue. If only he hadn’t slipped off Clay’s foot, things would’ve turned out okay! He messed this up.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please standby! Uh… We’re experiencing, uhh… Some stuff!” The stage coordinator announced to the audience and Branch looked back and up at his brothers as they hung up in the ceiling uselessly.

“H-Hey, at least we didn’t fall!” John Dory chuckled nervously, attempting to be positive. That didn’t last for long though, as moments later, he and his brothers crashed down to the ground. “We fell.”

Eventually, the arena was cleared out as Branch and his brothers were taken off stage and detangled from the vines they’d gotten stuck in and Branch had never seen his brothers that angry. He’d never seen John Dory that angry as they all argued about whose fault it was in the dressing room.

Branch could only sit and watch silently from Floyd’s arms as his brothers all yelled and blamed each other. Floyd tried to calm everyone down on the walk back to Grandma Rosiepuff’s pod to no avail; usually, Floyd could stop the fights with no problem, but today was different.

Floyd took Branch inside as John Dory, Spruce, and Clay continued to argue and Branch felt just awful… They were all arguing when it was his fault because he slipped for just a second. They were supposed to be perfect tonight and he blew it for everyone!

“Floyd, I-I slipped when I was up there on the top…! I messed up the Perfect Family Harmony! JD is gonna be so mad at me when I tell him the truth…” Branch whimpered as tears formed in his eyes.

“No, no, Baby B! It’s not your fault at all! We just got a little uncoordinated!” Floyd consoled him, wiping his tears. “Accidents happen, BB. I wasn’t so graceful up there myself. Don’t worry about it, everything will be just fine. Everyone just needs to cool off.”

The muffled arguing became audible as John Dory stormed into the pod, Spruce following right after.

“See what happens when you DON’T follow my lead?!” The eldest brother yelled as he looked back at Spruce, making the purple-haired troll’s eyebrows scrunch together in the way they always did when he was upset by something.

“DUDE! That is EXACTLY what happens when we follow your lead!”

“Oh, so it’s MY fault! Is that what you’re saying?” John Dory instigated as Spruce rolled his eyes. “I KNOW we can reach the Perfect Family Harmony… I—”

“What if we don’t want to?” Spruce argued.

“Yeah,” Clay added. “This used to be fun! Now, it’s all about being perfect.”

“Y’know what? I’m DONE being The Heartthrob!” Spruce huffed, ripping his vest off in two pieces. “My exquisitely chiseled, rock-hard abs, and I quit.”

“I quit, too,” Clay added, ripping off his Thunderdrawers through his pants and flinging them at John Dory’s face “And you can keep these. I’m more than just The Fun One! I’m in a sad book club. Did’ja know that? A SAD BOOK CLUB! I’m gonna find trolls who take me seriously!”

“Fine!” Branch watched the hurt and anger showing on John Dory’s face as he threw his arms up in exasperation. “I don’t need this! I’m out. I’m done. I’m sorry.”

Branch’s stomach sank as he watched John Dory head towards the pod window, strapping on the camping backpack John Dory always had packed and his grappling hook. This couldn’t be happening. Now, everything wasn’t fine at all, everyone was quitting!

“I’m gonna go hike the Neverglade Trail by myself, BRO-LONE!” He said as he shot his grappling hook outside of the pod’s window with tears of frustration wetting his eyes. “That’s right! Bro-Bro going solo! YOLO. Goodbye forever!” He yelled as he launched out of the window and fell to the ground outside with a grunt.

Branch’s eyes welled up with tears, taking off his sunglasses as Clay and Spruce called out that they were leaving, too.

“Guys, please! C’mon…” Floyd groaned as his other two brothers left the pod.

“It’s my fault…” Branch sniffled. “I ruined everything…”

“N-No, no, Branch. This is not your fault.” Floyd shook his head as Branch turned to look at him. “We’re not in sync! We’ve gone from boys to men and there’s only one direction for us to go: The Backstreets.”

“But not you, Floyd,” Branch whined. “You’re not leaving, too?”

John Dory was gone, but Branch spent most of his time with Floyd because he was the only one who knew how to stop his brothers from fighting, and he always knew what to say when Branch felt scared. John Dory didn’t always know what to say, but Floyd always did. He didn’t want him to leave, too.

“Not forever!” Floyd reassured. “I’ll be back, promise. But right now, I have to follow my heart. It’s telling me it’s time to start a solo career.”

“B-But… What am I gonna do…?” Branch’s stomach churned. He didn’t want to be alone, Floyd said that he always felt better because he was with his brothers, but how was Branch going to feel better if they were all gone?

“Branch, you are gonna do the most important thing of all, you’re gonna…” Floyd scanned the room before his eyes fell on Grandma Rosiepuff. “…Take care of grandma!”

Branch pitifully looked over at his grandmother who was shuffling a deck of cards.

“Aw, come’on, Branch! Let’s play some Rummy! But I won’t let you win, because I play for the money.” She said, finishing her sentence rather intensely. Branch flinched, his eyes widening. Grandma was very competitive when it came to card games, especially Rummy. Only John Dory was able to play with her because they both got way too into it.

“You might have to let her win…” Floyd murmured awkwardly as he winked. “Occasionally.”

Branch nodded rapidly with wide, fearful eyes as Floyd took off his vest. “When you miss me, you can wear this. It’ll be like I’m right here with you.”

“And when you come back, we’ll make our hideout.” Branch felt the heat from Floyd’s vest as he put it on, he felt a little better. He pulled out a folded piece of paper with a drawing of a glitter and sticker-filled page of plans for a place where Branch and his brothers could all live together.

“Definitely,” Floyd said gently as he examined the page. “Wow—Is that a ten-story water slide?”

“Yeah!” Branch beamed as he squeezed Floyd’s vest and giggled. “That’s how we shower!”

“Well, we better keep this in a safe place.” Floyd tucked the page into the inside vest pocket and patted his paw against Branch’s heart. Branch frowned as he saw Floyd extend his arms out for a hug. He really was going to leave. He squeezed Floyd tight before Floyd sighed, ending their hug, and then stood up. “I’ll see you soon, Baby Branch.”

Floyd walked over to the pod entrance and grabbed his guitar. He looked back at Branch and gave a nod of his head to say goodbye, then he hopped out of the pod and out of sight. Branch felt conflicted. He didn’t want anyone to leave, but if Floyd was coming back soon, everyone else would, too.

“Goodbye… See you later…” Branch said to the already long-gone brothers with a bittersweet smile.


Poppy and her friends couldn’t stop the stream of tears that were pouring down their faces as Branch finished the retelling of that fateful night. Branch had lost all of his family when he was so little. She felt so heartbroken; he’d been through so much and no one had any idea. She managed to wipe her tears with her free forearm holding the torch and looked back at Branch with a sympathetic look.

“Branch… None of that is your fault… You know that, right?” Poppy squeezed the paw she was holding, and he looked at her blankly before silently looking away. “You were just a trolling, there wasn’t anything you could’ve done to stop that…”

“Yeah… To me, it just sounds like your brothers were under a lot of pressure to do well.” Smidge sniffled. “Especially John Dory, I mean, he was taking care of all of you guys when he was younger than any of us and then runnin’ a band on top of all that…?”

“Yeah,” Branch nodded. “He was always talking about all the stuff he had to do for everyone else. They all saw it as him being bossy, but looking back, I don’t think he knew what he was doing at all. But he was definitely putting way too much pressure on everyone.”

“Yeah, I understand John Dory a lot, it’s not easy being responsible for a bunch of other trolls,” Poppy nodded to her own plight. “But even with the little bit I could understand, he was pushing you all way too far. No wonder everyone was so angry… But Floyd came back at some point, right?” Poppy inquired. Branch didn’t answer, which made Poppy frown. He only shook his head.

“Then who took care of you, you were only a trolling, right?” DJ asked, trying to put the pieces together herself.

“My grandma.” He answered curtly.

“But I thought she—H-How old were you when she…?” Poppy gulped, her blood running cold. She didn’t like where these answers were headed.

“When I was six.”

Poppy’s stomach dropped.

“But that’s only about two years that you lived with her, what happened after that? You haven’t seriously been alone since she—” The look that Branch gave her was crestfallen and it was all the answer she needed. “W-What about Dad? Surely, he helped you after you lost her, right?” She stammered, her jaw clenching in anxiety as Branch shrugged.

“He tried to set me up with a foster family, but I kept getting sent back because I “wasn’t the right fit” for them.” He sighed apathetically as if it were no big deal, making the already shattered pieces of Poppy’s heart turn to dust.

“No one wanted to deal with a grey little troll who was always sad, moody, or humorless. When I was eight, we escaped the tree. King Peppy tried to set me up with a new foster home there in the village, but no one offered now that I’d been sent back so many times. Word spreads fast between trolls.” Branch looked up at the stars again as he continued. “So, I just decided that I’d just live on my own from then on.”

Poppy was speechless. Did her father seriously just let an eight-year-old trolling just fend for himself out in the wilderness just because he was mourning the loss of his entire family? Was that the only thing he could think of? Poppy felt anger boiling up inside her.

“Branch, that’s so—I’m so beyond… angry about how Dad handled your situation. How could he just leave you out there like that!? How could he just do something like that?!” No wonder Branch ended up this way! No one offered a helping hand when Branch needed one the most. If everyone treated him like he was a burden and refused to help him just because he was sad, it was no surprise he was so miserable and angry!

“Not a single troll took the time to understand you and help you. No one, not even myself… I’m so sorry, Branch!” Poppy stomped her foot, she was so angry at herself, at her village, at her father! How could he do that to him?

“Well, I wouldn’t say no one tried…” Branch blinked, looking at Poppy with a weak smile. “You were kind of the only one who hadn’t given up on me after all these years, no matter how many mean things I’d say to you to push you away.”

Poppy blinked a couple of times in surprise.

“Even though I never showed it, I appreciated your loud, glittery cards. They were actually kind of special to me, even if I acted like I didn’t want them.” Branch chuckled sheepishly at his past behavior. “So, um… Thanks for that.”

“For annoying you?” Poppy tilted her head.

“Yeah, if you hadn’t, I don’t think I would’ve had much reason to leave my bunker at all. L-Let alone come near the village.” Branch stammered; a bit embarrassed from what he had alluded to.

Had Branch really only come lurking around the village to see her? Her heart did a flip; she had no idea that her everyday annoyances had become part of his routine in a roundabout sort of way. He actually wanted her attention but acted like her presence was no big deal all this time. He really didn’t hate her at all! She swooned; Branch was seriously so adorable!

A chorus of “awwwws” rang out from the group, making Branch groan and roll his eyes, clearly regretting saying too much.

“Ah man… I really feel like a doofus for not even trying to understand you, Branch.” Smidge sighed, shaking her head. “You’re actually a super nice guy and it could’ve been nice having a friend like you growing up.”

“Yeah, you’ve got a lot of cool ideas, Branch!” Cooper chuckled. “We coulda been best buds! Sorry about that.”

“Nah, don’t stress yourselves about something like that. There’s nothing you can do to change what’s happened, you just gotta figure out what to do about it in the present.” Branch shook his head, looking back at his friends. “Life was hard in the Troll Tree, and everyone chose to be positive as their way to deal with all the losses from Trollstice. But being happy all the time doesn’t fix the sad stuff; especially when there are things too sad to just laugh off, it just gets covered up and ignored.”

Like you were.

Poppy thought to herself as she tried not to cry anymore. The worst part of what he said was that she couldn’t deny any of it. Trolls were always positive, even funerals were sad for only a moment before they were filled with music and games to cheer everyone up afterward. She wondered if any of that had even helped anyone or if they were just hiding it with positivity like Branch did with stoicism or annoyance.

“Branch, I…” Chenille sighed, ashamed. “I’m really sorry for yelling all of that stuff at you earlier. I had no idea just how important that vest was to you.” Everyone including Branch was shocked to see such vulnerability from Chenille again. It was incredibly rare to hear her apologize for anything.

“Chenille, don’t worry about it. I forgive you. It was harsh, yes, but in a situation like that, I don’t blame you for telling it how it was. I needed to let that part of my life go, and while it wasn’t in the way I had hoped, it needed to happen someday.” Branch smiled weakly again. “Thanks for keeping it real, it’s a pretty good trait to have in a village like ours.”

“I-I can try to make you a new one just like it! I mean, it won’t be the same as the old one, but—”

“No. I think that’ll just make it harder to move past this. I appreciate it, but no.” He stood firm on his answer. Poppy was so impressed by Branch’s strength despite how much he had to be hurting right now. That was just a small testament to how much Branch had truly grown lately.

“It had to really suck being alone all that time… I-I know it’ll never be the same as having your real family back but…” Smidge shuffled her feet a bit awkwardly as she spoke. “If you ever want to have someone to like, I dunno… Talk to like a family… I wouldn’t mind being someone like that for ya.”

Branch’s eyes widened in shock. Poppy’s eyes widened for a moment as the rest of the group was silent in awe before DJ nodded with a smile.

“Yeah, me too! I mean, Cooper and Poppy are kinda like the siblings I never had, so I wouldn’t mind somethin’ like that for you too, man. Y’know, like a family you can choose, sorta!” The orange-haired troll smiled at Branch as he kept that awestruck look on his face. Poppy was so touched by her friends’ kind offer, and she couldn’t help but tear up.

“Family can be whoever you want it to be, guys! That’s how I feel about all of you, you’re like the big ‘ol family I never got to have!” Poppy joined in with a tearful smile as she got more “awwws” out of her friends.

“So uh,” DJ smiled bashfully as she hugged Mitsy close, getting a happy purr from her. “If you want to, I think we’d all be happy to make you feel like you have a family right here with us! N-No pressure though, I’d totally understand.”

There were enthusiastic responses from everyone as they gave him gentle smiles and agreement with the idea. Poppy finally looked over at Branch, whose paw was trembling. Tears brimmed in his eyes, and he couldn’t muster up a response other than to nod weakly. Instantly, torches dropped to the dirt as they all enveloped Branch in the most loving group hug that they could muster, making Branch’s tears fall from his eyes. Poppy could tell that they weren’t tears of sorrow this time.

“Ew, stop it, Mitsy!” Branch giggled weakly through his tears as Mitsy licked the tears from his cheeks, leaving the grey troll with a damp face.

“Yeah, cut it out, that’s a celebrity you’re slobberin’ on!” Smidge snickered making the group of trolls descend into a heap of uncontrollable giggles and happy tears. That was right, Branch was a member of BroZone! One of her favorite bands of all time! She’d have to fangirl about it later when the mood was lighter, there was no way she was ever going to stop bragging about that once she got home!

Poppy had no idea that a trip like this could change her life so much. Branch was opening up so much and all of her friends had welcomed him in with open arms when he really needed them. Branch might not have his brothers around anymore, but he certainly wouldn’t be alone ever again.

Poppy would be sure of it, especially after the verbal lashing she had planned for her dad to receive when she got home. Branch would always have a place in the village, no troll would ever be left behind…

Starting after tonight with Creek, of course.


Goshhh SOBBB this chapter was so long!! 😭 Well, I hope you enjoyed it and the little tidbits of Branch’s childhood sprinkled into the flashback! Also a little name drop for Branch’s childhood friends too, though I don't think that's too important 🤔 oh well.

I love the idea of the Snack Pack treating each other like family. Poppy was an only child, so I think it makes sense that she’d surround herself with a group of trolls that felt like family to her. :] Well, now everyone knows about BroZone! Wonder how Poppy truly feels about them all leaving… At least we know how she feels about Branch being left all alone, good luck Peppy.

Branch, you got tons of good friends around you now, everything will be okay baby boy 💕🙏🏾 Poppy will never leave u alone ever again, YOU HAVE BEEN CAUGHT BITTY B‼️

Chapter 39: Rude


The Snack Pack head to the Troll Tunnels and needs some help along the way from a new friend.


Hey y’all! The journey is just about over, but there’s only one thing left to handle. Hopefully, the changes are interesting enough! ;]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Idle chatter filled the serene silence of the forest as they got back to their journey to the Troll Tree tunnels. Everyone was in better spirits as their group hug ended and everyone felt more at peace with the information that Branch had confessed to.

Poppy and her friends now had way more insight as to why Branch had turned out the way he did, and it stood to make it easier for them to understand their friend in a new way than before. Poppy felt more emotions than just understanding towards Branch, she felt… Injustice. She felt frustrated that Branch had been blaming himself for not only his grandmother’s death but also his brothers leaving him when if anything, they should be feeling the guilt of leaving him behind all this time without so much as a letter to check in on him in over twenty years.

“Branch?” Poppy chirped meekly as she looked at him with pleading eyes. “So, are you feeling any better, now?”

Branch looked at her with an expression that Poppy couldn’t quite read. It was one she hadn’t really seen before. His face wasn’t happy nor sad, nor was he putting up that stern mask again but she could tell that her crush still had a lot on his mind.

“Not really,” Branch confessed with an unreadable expression, making Poppy frown. “Today really sucked and I feel like crap. But we’ve got to get to Bergen Town and that’s what I need to focus on right now.” Branch shrugged, caressing her paw as he spoke.

Poppy nodded, she felt like crap too. All she wanted to do right now was sleep, but Creek made that impossible to do now that he shot off that firework. She gave Branch another inspection and she could see that he seemed a bit more at peace than usual, which made Poppy feel a bit better. She was seriously glad that her friends had offered up such a kind offer to Branch, and he’d accepted it! Branch was so happy to be part of a friend-family and maybe he wouldn’t feel entirely better right now, but he was less tense than before.

She could accept that; Branch was more complicated than simple words like “happy” or “sad” could describe. As she overheard her friends talk about their old home, Poppy thought about Branch again. They’d be returning to a place full of more bitter memories for Branch considering not only did he lose his grandmother there, but the rest of his siblings, too.

Poppy didn’t have much family to speak of, she knew that she had a mother, but she’d never met her, or if she had, she certainly didn’t remember and she’d never seen any pictures of her. Her dad never spoke much of her either; she figured it was too painful for him, but she felt a sense of frustration that she’d never gotten to learn more about her own family tree because he wouldn’t talk about anything. She was starting to sense that her dad wasn’t very good at talking about the hard stuff. It’d always just been her and her father and no photos to look back on. Her dad used to talk about how unfortunate that all of her baby pictures had been left behind at the Troll Tree.

Poppy only had pictures of herself from age four and onward and wondered what her egg had looked like, her dad could only describe it; pink like her skin, glittery dark pink spots, sparkles all over and her wild, curly hair poking out of the top. Maybe she’d finally get to learn more about her family if she looked in her dad’s old pod.

Ooh, maybe she’d even get to see Branch’s old photos of him and his family if he let her! As she looked down as the grey paw clasped around her own, she had no clue what his colors looked like, and honestly, she would never dare to just ask. Branch had a very clear insecurity about his lack of colors and she would never want him to think that he wasn’t already wonderful without them.

Quite frankly, she thought his greyness made him unique, it was too bad that his greyness was linked to such tragedy in his life, she thought that he was already beautiful as he was now. Even if Branch never got his colors back, she’d love him all the same. After all, his colors weren’t why she fell for him, it was his heart. His heart shone more brightly and more radiant than any color she’d ever seen. He didn’t need colors for her to see that.

Poppy snapped herself out of her daydreaming as she noticed a small, earthy cliffside in front of them full of various holes of different shapes and sizes. As she stared at the sight before her, Branch stopped and Poppy sighed.

“So one of these tunnels leads to the Troll Tree…” She said aloud, making her friends pause their conversations as they inspected their surroundings.

“That’s right.” Branch murmured.

“But there’s so many of them,” Smidge said as she inspected them, getting closer to the holes and putting her paws to her hips. “Do you know which one it is, Branch?”

“Can’t say that I do, it was… Kind of a blur in my dream.” Branch sighed, averting eye contact as he recalled something.

“Choose a hole wisely!” A deep voice boomed and echoed around the trolls, making them jump and scan the area for the source. “For one will lead to Bergen Town… And the others, to certain death…!”

Branch only sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Satin hugged Chenille in fear and Biggie squeezed Mr. Dinkles.

“W-Who said that?!” Smidge stuttered as she tried to keep her tough girl act on.

“It was…” The voice boomed from behind them as a cloud with lanky legs popped out from the hill they had just come from. “Me.” The cloud said as he strolled up to the group of apprehensive trolls. He wore a lax expression as he sauntered up to the group with a smile.

“Hey, guys, how’s it going? Welcome to the root tunnels.” His limbs were blue, long, and loose, arms swinging lazily as they unraveled from his cloud body. He wore slack tube socks and a sleepy expression. “Uh, just wanted to warn you; one of these tunnels leads to the Troll Tree and the other to… certain death, death, death…” The cloud said in a deep voice as he imitated an echo.

Poppy shot a quick glance at Branch who was rather unamused and looked like this wasn’t necessarily unexpected, but as if it were the last thing he wanted to deal with at the moment. Poppy figured she could handle this herself, Branch had done enough today.

“Do you think you could tell us which is the right one?”

“You bet!” The sentient cloud responded.

“Great!” She sighed a breath of relief as Branch rolled his eyes but said nothing.

“No thanks,” Smidge sneered, narrowing her eyes and blocking Poppy from getting closer to him. “We’ll figure it out ourselves.”

“Smidge, he’s just trying to help us out!” Poppy scolded her tiny friend in a whisper.

“I dunno, Poppy… I don’t like the looks of that guy… We should be careful.” Smidge whispered back.

“Yeah,” Chenille interrupted to whisper next to Poppy and looked the cloud up and down as he smiled absentmindedly, not hearing a word of their conversation as he picked at his teeth. “Look, he’s wearing socks, but no shoes! Total fashion faux pas, not to mention it being the behavior of a crazy person…!”

“Well, he seems nice enough!” Poppy shrugged as she looked at her friends. “We shouldn’t judge right away, he seems to know what he’s talking about!”

Poppy looked over at Branch who hadn’t spoken a single word so far, but seemed to be bothered by the cloud’s presence. He glanced at Poppy back and nodded, indicating that talking to him was okay. She perked up, smiled, and looked back at the cloud. “Okay, show us the way!”

“First, you have to give me a high five,” The cloud smiled as he raised his hand. “Then, I’ll tell you.”

“Ooh, I love high fives!” “Me too, I’ll do it!” “No, pick me!” Members of the group called out, offering up their paws to the cloud as they chattered excitedly. Everyone had offered up a paw except for Branch who hung back as the cloud was overwhelmed by excited trolls.

“Oh, I know you guys will do it.” The cloud guy gestured at the various members of the group. “But will he?” The cloud continued as he pointed and faced Branch, making the other trolls look back at him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Poppy scrunched up her face and tilted her head. Why did it matter who did it? Nine trolls were willing, and he was going to ask the one troll who didn’t want to? Branch wasn’t feeling good, she’d take one for the team, in fact, all of their friends would.

“Alright, Dumpy Diapers,” The cloud brushed off Poppy’s comment as he moved over to Branch’s location as the grey troll looked at the cloud, unamused. The cloud shook out his body of its jitters and put up his hand for Branch to high-five. “Up high!”

Dumpy Diapers? What the heck was up with that? Branch only sighed as he put up his paw and rolled his eyes as he reached out to collide with the cloud’s hand; only for him to quickly swipe his hand away.

“Too slow!” The cloud cackled as Branch stood there, the act not eliciting a response from the grey troll whatsoever as Branch kept his eyebrows furrowed and the unamused look stayed on his face, almost as if he were used to the treatment. “Ah, classic. Here, I’ll let you slide with a fist bump.”

Branch complied, curling his open palm into a fist and putting it out for the cloud to bump. The cloud went in for a fist bump but instead dished out a series of weird hand gestures on Branch’s fist. “Whoop! Shark attack, num, num num… Jellyfish! Hand sandwich! Turkey! Snowman! Dolphin! Helicopter! Last Supper! Monkey in a zoo!”

“Dude, what is happening right now…?” DJ whispered as she side-eyed Chenille as they watched the strange interaction unfold.

“Gear shift!” The cloud continued as he grasped Branch’s paws, shifted it around, and made racecar noises. Branch only sighed, letting the strange behavior continue as if he expected such nonsense. That’s how Poppy knew that Branch wasn’t at his best, Branch would never tolerate something like this.

If he was feeling more like himself, he’d definitely see this as a waste of time, but instead, he was just sitting here and taking it! The cloud finally released Branch’s paw and burst into a fit of laughter as a few members of the group chuckled nervously, exchanging awkward glances at each other.

“Okay, okay, okay.” The cloud placated as he composed himself. “Now, I’m thinking that we hug.”

Oh no he didn’t. Branch did NOT just give out hugs to whoever asked and this guy was being totally weird and wasting their time! Poppy was tired, irritable beyond belief and her patience was definitely running low. Was this how Branch felt all the time when no one would take him seriously? This was so… Annoying!

“Um, I don’t think so,” Poppy said as she stepped in front of Branch, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. “Do you know the right tunnel or not?”

“Huh?” The cloud looked at her with a bit of shock before his relaxed smile returned. “Of course I do, I just want Party Pooper over here to cheer up a little!”

What the heck was up with the rude nicknames? This cloud was being kind of… Mean. Branch was dealing with enough, why was he singling him out and messing around when they asked him something so simple? They’d been walking for hours and it was really late, they’d all been through so much and this weird little cloud guy was practically picking on Branch for no reason!

“Hey man, leave him alone!” DJ frowned, looking at the cloud.

“Yeah, you said a high five,” Smidge added, getting up in the cloud’s face. “You got a high five. Quite messin’ around!”

“Whoa, hey!” The cloud chuckled, putting his hands up in innocence. “C’mon, all I wanted was a hug!”

“So why does he have to do it, then?” Poppy narrowed her eyes, she was feeling frustrated and now her stubbornness was starting to show. She was not going to force Branch to hug this stranger. He’d probably ask for something else next!

“I dunno, just figured that I should make it a little challenging, y’know, like solving three riddles from a troll under a bridge!” The cloud explained, getting blank, confused looks from everyone.

“We don’t live under bridges, we live in a village like everyone else.” Biggie corrected, leading over and whispering to Poppy. “Maybe we should just try this ourselves, I don’t think this guy is very knowledgeable about trolls after all, Poppy…”

“And what makes you think that a hug is so challenging?” Branch finally spoke, gently guiding Poppy away from in front of him and facing the cloud. “I can hug someone just fine.”

“…You can?” The cloud seemed a bit thrown off.

“Duh. It’s just a hug; bring it in.” Branch said with a false grin, bewildering the cloud with his sudden compliance. The cloud guy looked Branch up and down, inspecting him as if it were shocking that Branch would be willing to do such a thing. Instantly, the light switch flicked on for Poppy as she connected the puzzle pieces together. He was making up an assumption about Branch that he wouldn’t do any of the things that he requested because of Branch’s appearance!

“No way, Branch.” Poppy’s stubbornness was in full effect as she forced Branch to lower his arms and pushed him back, making Branch’s eyes widen in surprise. “This guy doesn’t wanna help us at all, he just thinks you won’t do all that stuff because you look different!”

A series of offended gasps followed Poppy’s words as Branch blinked at Poppy in surprise for a moment before his expression went back to his neutral one. Poppy felt that angry feeling bubbling up in her again, she was sick and tired of people treating Branch so poorly because he was grey or not as happy-looking as everyone else.

Now that she knew why he was the way he was, she couldn’t help but feel angry. Branch had been failed by everyone around him because of assumptions about him and his looks after losing his family. She and her friends said they’d be there for him, and she wasn’t going to sit back and let it keep happening. Branch promised to protect them at the start of her journey and she promised to protect him, too.

“That’s not very nice.” “Yeah, Branch is great at hugs!” “See, never trust someone in just a pair of socks.”

“H-Hey, wait, wait!” The cloud put his hands up to calm the group and a very defensive pink princess who was glaring at him. “I really can help you!”

So what the hair was he sitting here messing around for? They didn’t have time for that, she wanted to get the dang Troll Tree already and they’d faced enough danger as it is and this bully of a cloud kept picking on her crush!

“Then show us instead of messing around, you… You big… You big JERK!” Poppy fumed, getting shocked gasps from her friends, including Branch. She didn’t like using language like that towards other people, but he was really being one and Poppy didn’t want to take her words back; she meant business!

“Easy, easy…!” The cloud backed up, his eyes wide. “No problem, it’s right this way!”

Poppy huffed, scowling at the cloud as he scampered ahead and led them to the correct entry tunnel. She was so irritated, no wonder Branch was so annoyed all the time when they could never take something seriously. They were on a mission and they were in a rush; now wasn’t the time for messing around!

She was snapped out of her angry stewing by a snicker from beside her as they entered the tunnel. She looked next to her to see Branch covering up a smile.

“Jeez, Poppy, watch your profanity,” Branch jested, saying it quietly for only her to hear. “What’s next, calling someone a big meanie?”

“Ughh… Whatever…” Poppy’s face burned and her ears turned a deep pink hue from embarrassment. She wasn’t the type to talk to someone like that, but she couldn’t stand the way the cloud wasn’t taking this seriously when they really needed him to.

“Thanks, though,” Branch sighed. “We really didn’t have time for Cloud Guy’s nonsense, we’re on a bit of a time crunch and I couldn’t remember what path to take because I’d gotten so pissed off by him in my dream that I was sort of blinded by rage as I chased him through it with sharp sticks.”

Poppy chuckled at the thought; that sounded more like something that Branch would’ve done to someone as frustrating as this “Cloud Guy” seemed to be. If Branch was so nonchalant towards Cloud Guy’s behavior, he must be like that all the time. Poppy didn’t like the thought of that.

Maybe it was the exhaustion, the protectiveness of Branch, or the overwhelming feeling of irritability from the events of today and what she learned that was getting to her. Whatever it was, she just wanted to get to Bergen Town already so everyone could rest easier.

Poppy clung to Branch defensively as the cloud led them through the tunnel; she wasn’t up for any more rude remarks towards him. The sooner they get through the tunnels, the sooner everyone can relax.

About a half-hour into their travel, Cloud Guy had engaged in friendlier banter with the group from the front of the party, and once Branch had reassured Poppy that while Cloud Guy could be a pain, he was harmless, she was able to loosen up a bit. She’d been on edge all night and after hearing Branch talk about his brothers, she felt even more upset about the circ*mstances in which Branch had lived his life.

She held his paw as they often did while walking now and noticed that Branch was lagging behind ever so slightly. She could tell that Branch was exhausted as she discreetly looked back at him. His expression was weary and his eyes hazy. He’d expended the rest of his energy opening up to them about his past and while she was sure he was a bit relieved, he was definitely drained of any extra energy as they dragged on.

As she studied him, she began to notice that he wasn’t just lagging behind due to exhaustion, but that he seemed to be in some sort of pain. She studied him, looking him all over for the source until she noticed his unusual gait. He wasn’t just walking slowly, he was limping. His footsteps were light and uneven as if he were trying to take the weight off of something that was bothering him.

“Branch?” Poppy whispered, catching his attention as they walked at the back of the group. “What’s wrong, are you hurt?”

“Oh, uh…” Branch hesitates for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, my ankle is bothering me.”

“What? When? Why didn’t you say anything?” Poppy whispered insistently.

“It must’ve been when we were running at some point or when we jumped down away from those Tarantacapuffs,” Branch explained. “I hadn’t started to feel anything until now; the adrenaline must’ve finally worn off from all the nonsense tonight.”

“W-We need to get you off of that, ankle!” Poppy stammered, trying to support him by putting his free arm over her shoulder. “It’ll just get worse if you keep walking on it… Maybe we should stop and—"

“No, Poppy,” Branch stopped her and gave her a stern look. “I’ll be okay. We shouldn’t have too much further to go, we’ve already been in here for half an hour.” Branch said as he pulled a pocket watch from his hair before putting it back after inspecting the current time.

“But Branch, I don’t think it’s a good idea to walk on that,” Poppy insisted. “I-I could carry you or something…!”

Branch simply gave her an unamused look that quickly answered that suggestion for her, which was an obvious “no.” She pouted, not liking the predicament they were in at all. She just wanted to help, why wouldn’t he let her?

“Poppy, I’ve dealt with injuries on my own just fine all these years, I can handle a bit of discomfort. I don’t think it’s broken or anything, I’ll be just fine.” Branch reassured. Poppy didn’t like that response very much either, but it was true, she could see all the scars on his body as proof of that. “Who I don’t think will be fine is our tunnel guide if a certain optimistic princess I know doesn’t go up there and stop Smidge from evaporating him…”

Poppy glanced to the front of their group and saw Smidge gritting on the cloud for touching her hair bow. Poppy grimaced, then looked between Branch and her tiny friend who didn’t seem fond of the cloud’s attitude either. She didn’t want to leave Branch here on his own, but they also needed their guide.

“Don’t worry, Poppy!” Cooper smiled as he slowed his pace and walked alongside the pair. “I’ll keep an eye on Branch for ya, you go ahead and lead the pack!”

“Oh, thank you, Coop!” Poppy smiled, feeling a sense of relief as her four-legged friend offered a helping hand. “Just shout for me if you need me, okay?”

“I’ll be alright, Popstar,” Branch scoffed playfully. “I think we can handle ourselves.”

Poppy nodded, leaving Branch in Cooper’s care. She really didn’t want to leave Branch’s side, but he said he could handle himself and she didn’t want to overdo it if he said he could manage. Pushing him too much would just upset him and if Cooper was keeping an eye on him, she was sure he’d be okay.

Now, she just had to keep the peace with a cloud that was quickly wearing on her small friend’s patience.

With Poppy now busy with something else, Branch let the smile he had on his face to relieve her, fall away. Branch was in a lot more pain than he was letting on. Not only was his ankle most definitely sprained, but he’d gotten himself plenty of scrapes on the bottoms of his feet from their spider escape and descent down the slope.

He'd sprained things before, even broken bones too, but he couldn’t afford to rest right now. They needed to get to that Troll Tree. Despite it being square in the middle of the town, Bergens wouldn’t think that any trolls were living in it. It’s been vacant for over two decades now and it was a given that no Bergen would go looking for any trolls in there. They’d be safe there if they were careful.

Every step he took was excruciating; it was like he was walking on pins and needles and he couldn’t concentrate on anything but the pain as his vision blurred. He used the tunnel wall as a guide and shut his eyes, following the sounds of his friends’ voices but those began to fizzle out as pain overtook most of his thoughts instead.

Branch hadn’t realized how much he’d slowed down until he felt his paw snag on something, making his eyes blink open. Branch saw not one of his friends, but a large, carnivorous plant similar to a Venus Flytrap. Its yellow scleras glowed in the dark as its red pupils narrowed in on the small troll. It towered over him, making him gasp loudly.

Branch took in his surroundings for a moment and realized that he must’ve been far too reliant on the wall without seeing that it’d split off and he’d veered off from the path his friends were on. Crap!

Branch dropped his torch and tried to run away, but with his injuries, that made it harder, and almost instantly, the plant shot out its vines and wrapped themselves around Branch’s body, binding his arms to his sides as it dragged him in.

The plant tightened its vines around Branch’s body and snarled at him. He only had time to let out a small squeak before the carnivorous plant squeezed him tighter and opened its jaws. He wriggled around uselessly as the plant leaned in to consume him.

If Branch’s arms were free, he could’ve gotten himself out of his predicament; these plants just needed something to land in their mouth areas and they’d snap closed around whatever it was. Without a free paw, though, Branch was doomed.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he kicked at the plant with all his might, a yelp of pain escaping him as he felt shooting pain up his body from his ankle. He felt like throwing up, it hurt like hell, but he had no options left but to fight.

“Hope ya like spicy food!” A familiar goofy voice rang out as Branch opened his eyes once more as the plant paused.

Only moments later did Branch see his torch being tossed right into the plant’s mouth. The plant’s mouth shut instantly, making it yelp, shrivel up, and retreat in pain from clamping down on the lit fire, dropping Branch in the process, and on instinct, Branch landed on his feet.

He yelped again as he fell to his knees from the pain, clutching his ankle. That couldn’t have helped at all. As his rescuer got closer, he could see four legs, rather than two and a goofy grin on his face.

“I thought you said you could handle yourself!” Cooper teased, kneeling down to the grey troll’s side.

“Well, usually I can…” Branch chuckled nervously, feeling rather sheepish after the whole ordeal. “But thanks for that, I owe you one. Well, I owe everyone one now that I think about it…”

“Don’t sweat it, Branch! That’s what friends are for!” Cooper grinned, making Branch give him a genuine smile back. “Though, I don’t think you should be walking on somethin’ like that, dude…”

Cooper inspected Branch’s feet and ankle. Branch couldn’t really deny that it wasn’t a great idea to be on his feet right now, but what else was he supposed to do, he didn’t want anyone to stop the journey because of him.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t be on my feet right now, but we’re so close to Bergen Town! I don’t need to slow anyone down and Poppy would totally drop everything to help me.”

“Yeah, she’d probably carry you bride-style all the way to Bergen Town if you told her right now,” Cooper snickered, getting an unamused eye roll from Branch. “But you’ve got a perfectly good bro right here with the space to carry you! Hop on!”

Cooper said, laying down loaf-style as he beckoned with his head for Branch to get on his back.

“Oh, Cooper, I couldn’t—”

“Think of it as my thank you for saving Poppy, okay? No use in fightin’ it, get on!” Cooper nudged Branch with his body. “We can keep the details between us, but think it’s better if you take it easy, you’ve been lookin’ after us all day!” Cooper laughed.

Branch hesitated a moment but knew that this was best best-case scenario. He needed to rest his legs for a bit and this was way less humiliating than Poppy fretting over him and carrying him bridal-style. He hated to admit it, but that would definitely be something that Poppy would do.

Branch shook off the embarrassing thought; his cheeks burning as he grabbed his scattered items from his hair and Cooper’s abandoned torch. He shuffled over and clambered onto Cooper’s back saddle style and Cooper immediately galloped back over to the back of the group of friends without them noticing they had even veered off course.

“Will you really be okay?” Cooper whispered.

“Yeah, just a sprain and some scratches. I just need to clean and bandage things up. Thanks for the ride, I really do owe you one.” Branch said as he took out medicinal ointments and bandages from his hair. He really would be alright now, he was off his feet and now that he’d bandaged things up, he’d be fine with Cooper’s help.

Branch had set his own broken bones or deep cuts from critter fights all of his life, he would be fine. He just had to brace himself for Poppy’s fretting later. He found it endearing that Poppy was such a dedicated friend, but he was more than capable of mending his own injuries.

Once his feet and ankle were cleaned and bandaged, he sighed, chuckling at Poppy trying not to be annoyed by Cloud Guy. Never did he think a day would come when Poppy would take his side over someone bothering him. It was actually kind of funny seeing her annoyed by his behavior.

Branch wasn’t used to others taking his side for anything. Usually, he’d be treated as the outcast for standing up for himself, but this time, he’d let the annoyance ride itself out, only for everyone else to be fed up with it.

Was this what it was like to have people who always have your back? Is this what it was like to have a family that cared about you? Branch couldn’t really remember. It’d been such a long time since he had friends or family.

He yawned as the sway of Cooper’s steps and incredibly soft fur lulled Branch off into sleep. He’d only close his eyes for a moment. He needed to think about ways he could return the favor to his friends for saving him. Especially DJ and the twins. For Cooper, he already had an idea in mind…


Hiiiii Cloud Guy! I thought things would be a bit different this time around since everyone is becoming closer with Branch! I love how protective Poppy was of Branch in TBT and I thought it'd be nice if she did that a bit sooner now that she knows about his family. Plus, I really hated how awful Branch was treated in the TV series by Cloud Guy!! 😭 Branch just got tormented by CG all the time and when he'd fight back, he'd have to be the one to apologize, wtf!! Everyone was so mean to Branch in TTBGO 💔💔💔

CG ily but you're getting jumped just this once, it's only fair...
I loved the little frenemies/bromance thing they had going on in Trollstopia but gosh at least make it fair! >:[

Also Branch will be okay, he just got some scratchies and stuffs. :3 Everyone kiss his booboos and someone get this man an unflavored lollipop! Yay, Cooper and Branch bonding!! :] Branch is eepy, Cooper is too soft, very dangerous combination...

Chapter 40: Reflect


Everyone arrives at the Troll Tree and gets settled for the night.


Sorry for the lack of uploads I was battling a gigantic evil monster wreaking havoc on my local environment (i was working and i was really sleepy)

Poppy POV chapter! Lots of self-reflection :]

Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish

Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As they made their way to the tunnel exit, Poppy looked out of the hole and looked up to see the massive Troll Tree above her. She couldn’t make things out super well, as it was dark, but she could make out the hundreds of Troll Pods dangling from the great oak.

Everyone was exhausted beyond measure and the sight of the Troll Tree allowed everyone to let out a sigh of relief. Poppy was relieved herself, she was really looking forward to having a quiet place to rest her head that wasn’t out in the middle of nowhere. A pod, even if it wasn’t her own, sounded a whole lot better than a tent. She had slept in a pod her whole life, it was much more familiar to her.

Maybe a pod would seem unnatural to Branch, he lived in the woods and underground ever since he was a kid. He’d been in his element the last couple of days and while it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be, she wasn’t sure she could live off the land like him forever. Call her spoiled, but she liked having running water and heat.

“Ta-da! We’re here!” Cloud Guy said as he presented the sight of the Troll Tree to the trolls around him, getting enthusiastic coos from them.

“Thank you for getting us here safely, Cloud Guy,” Poppy said as she tried to remain cordial with the cloud. She didn’t really care for his presence and his casual, jokey nature hadn’t been valued by the group. Normally, they’d be much more enthusiastic towards someone trying to keep the mood light and positive, but today had been rather traumatizing for lack of a better word.

They’d nearly lost Branch twice today and discovered something rather heavy and depressing about the way he lived his life which had every single one of them rethinking the way they saw him; Poppy certainly had. They walked out of the darkness of the tunnels and blew out their torches now that the moonlight shined brightly over the tree. They stopped their gait at the roots of the tree.

“Of course, your Majesty,” Cloud Guy said with an exaggerated bow. “Wouldn’t dream of letting any of you or your subjects arrive with a single hair out of place. Au Revoir, Princess Poppy!” Poppy’s eye twitched as Cloud Guy poofed away, she never referred to anyone in her village as “subjects,” let alone her friends. It felt way too formal and it made her feel icky. She was a princess, sure, but she liked to feel as personable to everyone as she could. She turned to face her friends and ask Branch where they should go when she noticed him draped lifelessly over Cooper’s back.

“Branch!” She scampered over to him and inspected the unconscious grey troll. Her paws shook as she touched his face and inspected his body. She noticed his feet were now bandaged and her panic set in. He told her it wasn’t that bad! Did he lie? What happened while she was in front? Why wasn’t he awake? Was he sick? What—

“...Poppy!” Cooper brought her back to reality, as she realized he’d been calling her name a few times now. “Branch is fine, he’s just sleepin’, silly!”

“S-Sleeping?” Poppy squeaked, looking at Cooper desperately as he nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. She watched as Branch mumbled in his sleep. "Oh..."

“Yup, convinced him to rest on my back for a bit to take the weight off that ankle! Guess he needed a bit of a rest for his eyes, too.” Cooper smiled, craning his neck to look back at the sleeping troll who’d begun to stir.

“Oh, thank gumdrops... I was so worried.” Poppy whimpered. She was so overly sensitive about everything lately; she needed to get it together.

“Huh?!” Branch jolted awake, taking in his surroundings. “W-We’re here? Sorry, Cooper... Didn’t mean to doze off, is everyone alright?”

“Yup, everyone’s here in one piece, B!” Cooper chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, everyone naps now and then! I think everyone’s ready for one right about now.”

“Yeah, I think it’s time for everyone to finally get some shut-eye,” Branch nodded, furrowing his eyebrows together as he looked up and thought about something before he spoke. “I can’t see the pods super well since it’s dark, but we should pick a large one so everyone can at least spread out on the floor until we can make better sleeping arrangements when the sun is out tomorrow.”

Branch shot his hair up on the overgrown vines and used his arms to pull himself up instead of his legs. As he reached the pods dangling above. Poppy followed right after, flinging herself up high into the trees after him.

“Branch, up here!” She spotted a big pod and swung up to it. She watched as Branch climbed carefully wrapped her hair around Branch and pulled him up. A yelp came from the colorless troll as she caught him in her arms and smiled. “There’s a big one here, will it work?”

“Uh.” Branch gulped and then managed to tear his widened eyes from Poppy’s to squint at the pod in front of him, inspecting it the best he could before giving an indifferent nod at the pod she picked as if he didn’t have much of an opinion on the pod itself other than its size. “Yeah, this should be fine. We could always just go to a different one tomorrow when it’s light out, it’s hard to tell pods apart right now.”

The rest of the group made their way up to the two trolls and yawns followed one after the other as they entered the pod and sprawled out onto the floor. The pod wasn’t very dusty and it was too dark to see much else besides what the moonlight allowed them to see. They grabbed throw pillows and blankets from the couch they could see and huddled together on the floor.

“This is just like when we have sleepovers at Poppy’s pod!” Cooper exclaimed with a laugh as he settled in on the floor with his friends.

Poppy entered the threshold of the pod with Branch in tow, bridal style. She put him down gently on the floor, allowing him to sit, and scooted in next to Cooper and Fuzzbert who’d already gotten settled. Cooper looked at Branch knowingly and snickered.

“Cooper, don’t even.” Branch groaned, rolling his eyes as the four-legged troll burst into a fit of giggles, nudging Branch and the grey troll gently swatting Cooper away in response. Poppy didn’t know what that was about, but she was glad that Branch and Cooper were friendly with one another.

She smiled and sat down next to Branch as more of their friends huddled around and lay in a cozy pile. She was happy that everyone had made it there, safe and sound. Well, almost everyone. Her smile started to fade as she cuddled up with Branch who only sighed before he he put his arm under her head to support it.

Only ten minutes had passed before she heard the quiet snores of her exhausted friends all around her. She had shut her eyes, but her mind was racing. There was no way she could sleep like this. Every time she shut her eyes, she thought about something else. Thoughts she couldn’t push down and lay to rest like her body needed to. She tried to cuddle in more with Branch and shut her eyes even tighter. She was so exhausted, why couldn’t she sleep now that they were safe?

“Can’t sleep?” Branch murmured as he reached over and rubbed her shoulder with his free paw.

“Sorry, am I moving around too much?” Poppy replied quietly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Nah, it usually takes me a while to fall asleep,” Branch reassured. “Plus, I’m not really used to sleeping in a pod or in a group like this. Now, for the real question, what’s keeping you up?”

Poppy hesitated. The thoughts in her head nagged at her. She thought about what happened to her the evening before tonight. She’d almost died. Branch almost died the day after.Twice. She didn’t want to vocalize them, she wouldn’t be able to take them back once she did and they were anything but positive. “I’m scared to tell you.”

“Scared? Why?”

“They’re bad thoughts.” Poppy swallowed, looking him in the eyes when he gave her an innocent look of confusion. “I’m afraid of what you might think of me if I say them...”

Branch only blinked and stared at her for a moment before sighing with that gentle look of understanding that she loved so much. He motioned for her to come closer and he guided her head to rest on his chest. Her cheeks burned fiercely; sure, she had cuddled with him, but she’d never had her face pressed to his chest like this. She moved her hair to rest limply beside his face so he didn’t get buried in her tresses.

She felt Branch rub her shoulder to comfort her and he moved his paw to her hair but stopped himself. She caught his paw before he moved it too far away and then nodded, permitting him to touch her curly head of hair. She felt like his fingertips were ablaze as he trailed them through her hot pink mane. She sighed, settling into his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

“Poppy...” Branch’s gentle, melodic voice murmured to her, making the ear not pressed to his warm, fuzzy chest twitch in response to his speech. “There’s nothing that would make me think badly of you. Even if the thoughts aren’t... Happy. I think you know by now that bad thoughts are kind of my forte.”

Poppy chuckled, feeling much more relaxed as he ran his fingers through her hair. In her heart, she knew that Branch wouldn’t treat her any differently for how she felt, but it was so scary having such negative thoughts in her head. It was like she couldn’t stop thinking about them once they started.

“It’s just...” She exhaled, hugging him close as she braced herself for her confession. “I know I should feel really bad that Creek is gone, but the more I think about everything, I feel... Relieved that he’s not here anymore. It’s awful isn’t it?”

Branch opened his mouth to answer, but Poppy continued. “He was still a person, a life, a friend... I should at the very least miss him... But I don’t.” Poppy said, gripping him tightly as she waited for his answer. He probably thought she was so terrible for that. It was cruel to just not care about the life of one of her friends. Well, ex-friend.

“Oh yeah, I think that’s to be expected,” Branch said rather nonchalantly.


“I’m saying that it’s kind of understandable. I mean, I won’t sugarcoat it for you, Poppy... He nearly killed you.” Branch tensed up, putting a paw to rest on the pink arm draped over his chest. “I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t glad he was gone, but I can understand feeling conflicted if the troll I loved did something like that to me.”

“Yeah—” Poppy paused, her brows furrowed as she processed the second half of Branch’s words. “What did you mean by “loved,” Branch?”

“Huh? You... Had a crush on him, right?” Branch answered as if it were almost a given that she’d reply yes. Did she? Had she ever liked Creek that way? She tried to think about it, sure, Creek was a handsome troll and he made her happy when they’d hug or cuddle... But love? Could she even call their relationship romantic in the slightest?

She wasn’t sure. Maybe if no one else had come along, she would’ve settled for Creek, he used to be nice and respectful towards her. He was considerate and well-mannered and always knew what to say to make her feel calmer. He was pleasant, he made her happy and maybe she liked spending time with him a little more than other trolls and sure, he was cute. She couldn’t say that she loved him, though; it just didn’t feel like the right word.

She supposed that could’ve been considered a crush... But then she thought about how Branch made her feel. Her body felt on fire when they touched; like every nerve in her body was firing off all at once. She felt like her tummy was full of butterflies and Glitter Critter soda bubbles when he looked at her. She felt like she was floating on air when he kissed her paw or her forehead. Hugging him felt like the perfect fit every time. Kissing his cheek just felt like it was right... like her lips were meant to be on his. Not that it happened yet, but she would sure like it to.

Creek didn’t give her butterflies, not the way Branch did, anyway. She used to think that her feelings toward Creek were as strong a feeling of love and adoration could get, but now that she’d spent so much time with Branch and seen who he really was on the inside, she could see that stronger feelings for someone were possible. If what she felt for Creek was a crush, then Branch was a hydraulic press.

“Branch, I didn’t love Creek,” Poppy responded firmly. “I thought he was cute, and he made me happy, and sure, I had love for him, but I love all my friends. It wasn’t like that.”

“...Oh. O-Okay.” Branch stammered, tapping his fingers awkwardly against her arm. His heartbeat quickened a bit as an awkward silence passed before he continued. “Forget I said that part, then. Sorry.”

“It’s okay, I get what you were trying to say. Creek was special to me...” Poppy sighed. “But the more I thought about it, the more that I realized that Creek wasn’t someone I could see myself with. My entire bodywas setting off the biggest signals and I was ignoring them because it was too hard to face.”

“Hm? Signals?”

“...Remember that friend I was telling you about? The one that was giving me that bad, prickly feeling every time they touched me?” Poppy paused, closing her eyes for a moment as she settled her gloomy feelings by listening to Branch’s heart again. It had steadied and it calmed Poppy’s currently racing one just a tad. “T-That was Creek.”

“Oh, Poppy... That’s...” Branch sighed, caressing her hair and a whimpered sigh escaped her as she tried to keep tears from forming.

“I know... My gut was telling me from way before we left that Creek was bad news and Itotally ignored it because I wanted to see the best in him; even when he was being dismissive, rude, and even yelled at me...” Poppy groaned; she felt so dumb! Why didn’t she just trust her gut? “He wouldn’t even have come along if I hadn’t begged you, I’m sorry about all of this.”

“Poppy, don’t apologize for that absolute maniac. You trusted your friend, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Branch squeezed her paw and Poppy intertwined their fingers, he caressed her hair and sighed. “Feelings like this are...Complicated. You’re not a bad person for not missing someone who hurt you and your friends.”

“I’m not?”

“Of course not. Sometimes... I feel like I’m better off without my brothers, but other times, I feel like I could’ve done something to keep them from leaving and I’d do anything to get them back...” Branch paused. “Feelings about people you love that hurt you can be like that.”

“Wow, that sounds really difficult,” Poppy muttered, patting her tail gently against the plush floor of the pod.

“Yeah, but having others you trust around you can help at least a little bit,” Branch squeezed her paw, making her sit up a bit to look up at him. The pod was dark, but the moon’s reflection lit up his icy blue eyes, making her heart pound as he smiled at her. “Like you.”

Her heart was going to explode. She scrunched up her face trying not to cry, but to no avail. Branch wiped her tears and rubbed her soft, downy skin as she gave him a toothy grin in return. She really loved him; there was no doubt about it. There’sno way that Creek could've ever made her feel this secure when she was feeling so down.

“Thank you, Branch.” She whispered earnestly.

“No, thank you, Poppy.” He whispered back and wrapped his broad arms around her as Poppy flopped back down onto his chest, squeezing him into a tight hug. She was so glad he was still here, she couldn’t imagine losing him.

He caressed her hair for a while as they relished in the comfortable—almost—silence as the quiet snores of their friends were all that she could hear. Unfortunately, she was now the only one awake as Branch’s caressing paw had stopped a few minutes ago, his breath calm and steady as he cuddled his beloved princess.

Poppy felt a little bit better, but she just couldn’t get over what had just happened to her and her friends. Creek had tried to kill Branch... Over petty jealousy from a relationship that was never going to flourish in the way he wanted. He nearly killed herjust trying to be half of the hero Branch could be without even thinking twice about it.

What did he realistically think would happen; that she’d wake up from her nearly dead state and throw herself at him like a damsel in distress in dire need of rescuing? She thought back to her delirious state as everyone scrambled around to help her.

“Princess, you have to let me help you, just hold on, I’ll be the one to save you.”

Poppy shivered, squeezing Branch and making him coo in his sleep as he unconsciously pets her head. She could now fit the voice and that burning sensation to Creek. He had every intention of harming her just to make himself look better. Suki had told her about the blue itchy rash that was all over Creek’s paws and she couldn’t believe that he went so far, only to try and pin it on Branch.

It disgusted her, it made her stomach turn. That wasn’t her best friend Creek. He would never do something so evil and desperate; would he? What could’ve happened that made him this way? There was no way this was about Creek liking her; if that were the case, he could’ve asked her out a long time ago. But he was so laid back and felt no need to rush their relationship, he had said it himself that their relationship was “comfortable.”

So, then why was he so weirdly aggressive and desperate to have things go his way out of the blue? Had he caught on that Poppy loved Branch like the rest of her friends? Had someone told him that she did? She whimpered to herself, she just couldn’t believe that all of this had happened. Branch was such a sweet troll underneath all of his gruff. He didn’t deserve any of that.

Poppy felt like crying. She needed to cheer up and let this go, but she didn’t know how. Maybe she should get up and get some fresh air.

The pink troll gently wiggled her way out of Branch’s grasp, making him stir a bit before falling back into a deeper sleep. She walked over to a window of the pod, which was nothing more than a hole in the side of the pod’s structure. All pods were like that, but it was nice because Poppy loved to sit in them and look out at the stars properly.

She felt so sad and it felt like she’d just experienced a loss—no—she had experienced a loss, metaphorically and literally. Creek was gone. There was no going back to save him, they’d all left him for dead and there was feasibly nothing they could do about it. It was for the best, but Poppy couldn’t help but feel guilty.

Maybe singing a song would help.

She pulled out her ukulele from her hair and sat down on the sill of the pod window, one leg bent and propped up on the sill and the other dangling down on the inside of the pod. She began to strum a calm but chipper tune, but she just couldn’t bring herself to sing something upbeat. All she wanted to do was cry. Maybe Branch was right, some things just can’t be fixed by smiling through it, she felt horrible. A happy song just didn’t feel right at all.

She felt like singing something... Sad.

She strummed her ukulele gently, a more melancholic tune as she looked up at the stars and thought about the loss of her lifelong friend.

“When I'm away from you, I'm happier than ever...

Wish I could explain it better,

I wish it wasn’t true...”

Her heart ached, she felt like a part of her heart had been torn out. She wished she could’ve given Creek a piece of her mind.

“Give me a day or two to think of something clever,

To write myself a letter...

To tell me what to do... Mm-mmm...”

Creek had been her friend for as long as she could remember. Every birthday party, every sleepover, every day of her life, Creek was there for Poppy. He knew how to make her feel better every time Branch would reject her invitations. At least, that was until her official Princess Coronation.

“Do you read my interviews?”

When she’d tell him about all the things she had planned for the village that she wanted his input on, he seemed to be busier.

“Or do you skip my avenue?”

Creek had given her rainchecks more often.

“When you said you were passing through,”

He said he just had too many things to do now, which Poppy understood, she was busy too.

“Was I even on your way?”

But how many times can someone raincheck a hangout? Especially when she could see him walking around the village with not a care in the world when they were supposed to hang out that day.

“I knew when I asked you to...”

She thought about how she’d told Creek about the party location changing and tried to get him to come along only for him to yell at her.

“Be cool about what I was telling you,”

She thought about how she’d asked him a simple favor, just to ask before touching her and he’d thrown such a fit and accused her of hating him.

“You’d do the opposite of what you said you’d do,”

And I’d end up more afraid...”

He was going on about how Branch could but he couldn’t as if he were a child.

“Don’t say it isn’t fair,

You clearly weren’t aware that you made me miserable...”

She paused, tears rolling down her face. She didn’t need to care about him anymore, it was clear he hadn’t cared about her like he used to.

“So if you really wanna know...”

She wiped her tears as she looked up at the stars, letting a breath of release flow out of her.

“When I’m away from you, I'm happier than ever...

Wish I could explain it better,

I wish it wasn’t true...

Mmm... Mmm...”

She stopped her song, letting the last bit of her tears fall out as the rest of her remaining love for the troll she once knew, went along with them.

The Creek she knew wasn’t there anymore, he’d left a long time ago.

She scooted herself out of the windowsill and rested her ukulele against the wall beside it. She quietly walked back over to Branch who had a strained, panicked expression as he stirred. He was still asleep, but it wasn’t a peaceful one at all, was he having a bad dream?

Poppy quickly settled herself back in next to her secret crush and caressed his cheek, making him flinch and slowly start to settle as she shushed him and cuddled up against him, her ear pressed to his chest again. It was beating like crazy; he must’ve been having a nightmare.

“” He whined almost inaudibly. Poppy could only hear it since she was so close to him, she looked up at him and frowned. Was he dreaming about her? Branch had told her that the dreams he had were about the traumatic things he’d experienced in his life, was what happened to her one of them, now?

“I’m right here, Branch. It’s okay...” She whispered, pressing her cheek against his and clinging to him like a panda. He loosened up his rigid body and wrapped his arms around her, sighing a quiet breath of relief; settling back down and falling back to sleep, albeit a bit more soundly this time.

Poor Branch, she knew just how scary that dream must’ve been, she’d had it over and over the other night from her perspective. She felt Branch’s fingers running through her hair and she felt the tingling sensation burn into her brain as she snuggled in against his chest again.

She always felt so much better when he was there whenever she was feeling down. She didn’t have to hide her tears, he understood them. He’d dry them and tell her it was okay to shed even more if that’s what she needed. If she was angry, he’d be right there next to her cheering her on as she went on a scrapbooking rampage. If she was happy, he’d smile and tease her for all her silly songs and dancing.

Creek ripped out a piece of her heart, but Branch was right there with his toolbox, ready to fix it with all he had. She loved Branch, she didn’t care if it’d only been a few days... She needed to tell him, there was no way she could go back home without telling him how she felt. She needed to tell him at the right time when the mood was just right.

She needed to think up a plan, maybe after they made friends with the Bergens... That couldn’t take too long, could it? She tried to come up with a game plan, but as Branch played with her hair mindlessly in his sleep, her brain got all fuzzy and her eyelids grew heavy...

Maybe she could figure that out tomorrow, right now, all she wanted to do was stay safe right here in Branch’s arms.


I really wanted to have a chapter that focused on how Poppy was handling what happened to Creek. She feels a lot of guilt but a lot of relief at the same time. I wanted her to be able to process that a little bit on her own without someone else there to walk her through all of it. She's not 100% but she is trying to move on the best she can. She's growing a little bit :]

Edit: POPPY CARRIED HIM BRIDAL STYLE TEEHEE Cooper couldn't help himself but to tease Branch about it

Chapter 41: Relatives


Poppy finds out a bit more about what Branch has planned and they set it into motion.


This one is only slightly angsty, enjoy :] Plans are being put into action!! The next chapter will be a whole ton of fun! 💖💖💖

Hello - Zooey Deschanel

Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy woke up surrounded by her friends, but the warm, comfy troll that she preferred as a cuddle buddy wasn’t anywhere to be found as she opened her eyes and looked around. She felt a sense of dread as she looked around for him. He couldn’t have gotten too far, he shouldn’t even be walking around on that ankle, but he was so darn stubborn sometimes.

She quietly got up and scanned her surroundings, she noticed his first aid kit sitting on the crocheted table off to the side of the main room they were sitting in. The pod looked rather dated; macramé decor, crocheted blankets, and drapery covered nearly every square inch of the pod, and faint hearts were woven into the walls of it. This pod looked like it belonged to an old lady if she was honest. It must've been a very old pod if that was the case.

She noticed that the pod had other areas to explore if you climbed through the center part of the ceiling to another level. Poppy extended her hair, wrapping it around the climbing hook from the story above, and ascended to the next floor. The dated decor and walls continued, she wondered who the pod had belonged to, maybe it was an elder troll from the village that she knew.

Unfortunately for Poppy, there weren’t many pictures on the walls like there should have been in order for her to find out. In fact, it looked as though photos that had previously been there had been removed. The shapes of missing picture frame silhouettes were visible on the walls as she walked around the cylindrical hall. The hall was segmented into four pod rooms and whatever had previously been on the doors to label them had been removed.

Poppy could only assume that the rooms had to belong to children, as only taped corners of papers remained, likely hand-drawn signs from the children that occupied them. The only picture she saw was at the door beside one of the rooms; a photo of an elderly woman. She had purple skin and mint-colored hair. Her expression was gentle yet very tired. She seemed like she must have been very kind, but overworked. Sadly, Poppy didn’t recognize this troll at all.

She turned back around, and only then did she notice that one of the room doors was ajar, light pouring out into the hallway. She peeked inside and saw the troll she was looking for. He was sitting on the bed, his face forlorn but lost in thought as he stared at a picture frame he had in his paws. He had brought Mitsy along with him, and she was sitting in his lap as he stared at the frame.

She took a look at the room’s interior, it was that of a troll who must’ve been much younger, as the decor was something that an adult troll might have had. The walls were mostly bare; only the taped corners of posters that were ripped down had remained. The room had rather plain furniture, only the bare essentials and the bed was bigger than was needed for a single troll to sleep in.

Branch barely acknowledged her entrance, only his ears twitching from the sound of the door creaking as she opened it. She walked into the room, walking past him as she looked around the room. She noticed that there were old trophies and awards discarded in the corner of the room; they looked like they were for sports or other talents that this troll seemed to have. She noticed discarded toys that would've belonged to someone no older than the age of six scattered on the floor. Did this troll have a kid?

She made her way to the opposite side of Branch, away from the door. The other side of him was occupied by a well-loved, blue crocodile plush that was sporting a pair of orange goggles with tinted lenses. If she was looking at them correctly, they looked like ones that she’d seen somewhere before.

As she took a seat next to him, the familiarity of the goggles was quickly answered for her as she looked at the troll that was featured in the frame Branch was holding. It was a pale blue troll with forest green hair and the biggest toothy grin she’d ever seen on a troll. He was wearing a pair of stonewash jeans and a green bubble vest with a fluffy white fur trim around the neckline. Strapped across his head were the orange goggles in question, and she was quick to recognize the troll.

That was the leader of BroZone, John Dory! Were they in his room right now? Wait—Poppy had almost forgotten that John Dory was more than just a band member to the troll sat beside her.

“That’s your big brother, right? John Dory?” Poppy finally spoke, getting a nod from Branch as he stared at his brother with a doleful look.

“This is his room, yeah,” Branch explained, rubbing the frame with his thumbs. “I didn’t realize we’d chosen my grandma’s pod last night. It’s been so long since I’ve been here that I honestly couldn’t recognize it. Saved me a trip, though. I needed to get something that belonged to him from here.”

Oh, now the toys made sense, Branch must've been in John Dory's room a lot, he said that they were once very close. That broadened the scope of the situation; they were in his late grandmother's pod. Poppy internally cringed, she couldn't have picked a worse pod for Branch to have to wake up in. He probably had so much on his mind.

“For the memories, huh?” Poppy nodded. “Yeah, Dad said lots of trolls couldn’t take anything with them when we left the Troll Tree.”

“No, for his scent,” Branch corrected, getting a confused look from Poppy as he spared her only a short glance before returning his eyes to the frame, and then to the stuffed animal beside him. He gently placed the picture frame in between Poppy and himself and picked up the stuffed animal. “Mitsy is here for a reason... I asked Milton if he had any critters that could track down something if they had the scent.”

“You... Want to find them?” Poppy asked warily. She knew that Branch missed his brothers, but they also really hurt him and left him all alone. Was he really going to be okay unearthing all those hurt feelings by seeing them again?

“Well, only because I’m worried about something from my dream...” Branch sighed as he squeezed the plushie slightly. Was there something else he’d dreamed about? “John Dory came searching for us because Floyd was in some serious trouble; I figured, if I could get a head start on finding them, I could keep... S-Something bad from happening to him.”

Poppy didn’t respond, if Branch was telling her this, she knew that it was a possibility. He predicted Chef finding them and Creek being untrustworthy; if he was concerned about something happening to his brother Floyd, she would trust him on that.

“When we found Floyd, he was... In pretty bad shape and had needed help a long while before any of us were aware; so I figured I could find him before things get too bad.” He gripped the plush, his brows furrowing. Judging by the look in his eyes, Poppy could assume it must’ve been pretty bad. He made that same face when he told her about his grandmother.

“So, you’re gonna look for John Dory first? You think he’ll know how to find Floyd?” Poppy asked gently as she rubbed his back.

“If there’s a troll that knows his way around, it’s JD. I don’t think someone like him can get lost, he was always really into camping and living off the land.”

“Hey, like you!” Poppy exclaimed, smiling and looking at him with an earnest smile. He gave a small smile back.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, huh?” He seemed to be slightly comforted by that fact but then seemed to be returning to the original topic as his face returned to a serious one. “So uh, I was looking for something that Mitsy could get his scent from, but I got a bit distracted once I opened that drawer and saw all of his photos shoved in it."

Poppy looked over at the nightstand that was left hanging open; it was chock-full of John Dory’s photos. Honestly, it was the most pictures she’d seen within the entire home so far, why were they all stuffed in there like this?

“They’re actually the only pictures here that I could find; everything else was practically stripped bare from the entire pod. Well, maybe not everywhere, but I can’t bring myself to go into her room to check to see what was missing.” Branch continued. Branch didn't need to elaborate as to who the "her" was that he was referring to, Poppy knew he meant his grandmother and she couldn't blame him for not being able to handle it.

“I can only assume from all of mine and my brothers’ pictures being missing besides JD’s, all the ripped-off vines and plants all over the floor, and his old goggles on Croco that... JD had to have been here in the last few years at least to take things back with him.”

That seemed plausible to Poppy, but that left her with more questions. When and why did he come back? Did he expect his family to still be there when he returned? Did that mean he did come back for them, but took important memories from their home once he saw that the tree was completely vacated? Poppy opted to keep these questions to herself, she didn’t want to upset Branch or make him feel guilty for not sticking around to wait for his brothers to return.

“I needed to find something in here with JD’s scent and send a letter off with Mitsy to ask him to come back and help me find our brothers.” Branch sighed. “Problem is, I haveabsolutely no idea where to start when it comes to writing to him.”

Poppy sighed herself, she couldn’t imagine. If she was left behind by her friends for over 20 years, she wouldn’t know where to start either.

“While I miss my brothers a ton, I also feel like crap about possibly seeing any of them again. An even bigger fear is that JD won’t even care enough to respond or come back. Then I really won’t know what to do.” Branch wilted, making Poppy grab the grey troll’s shoulders and he faced her with wide, confused eyes.

“Branch, if John Dory came back here before, left all of his stuff behind in favor of his brothers’, I have no doubt that he still cares about you guys. He’ll come back, I can feel it.” She said, her voice full of determination. “No one does that if they don’t miss their brothers at least a little bit. If you want, we can write it together; how’s that sound?”

Branch nodded, relaxing a bit as Poppy ran off to find a pen and paper.

“Dear John Dory,

It’s Branch. I am safe and back at the Troll Tree for something important along with a group of my friends. Everyone escaped from the Troll Tree over twenty years ago. I and almost all of Troll Village escaped safely. Where the rest of you guys went, I wouldn’t know... But that’s the reason that I am looking for you; I need your help to find the rest of our brothers. I thought that you’d be able to help me the most. A lot of trolls were lost while you were gone, and I just want to find everyone and make sure that they’re okay. I understand if you don’t want to, but I’d really appreciate it if you could come back to the Troll Tree as soon as possible.”

“Should we tell him why we need him here?” Poppy asked as she stopped writing the words that Branch had been telling her to write. He couldn’t get his paws to stop shaking to do it himself, so Poppy kindly offered to do so herself. “Y’know, about Floyd?”

“No, no... I think that’d just be jumping to conclusions, I don’t know if he’s in danger or not right now. I’d rather not lie to him and then he doesn’t want to help me...” Branch fiddled with his crocodile plushie nervously. “J-Just end the letter there. Oh, and tell him that Mitsy will come back to me as long as he says “return.” Make sure that’s in there in case he didn't wanna come back."

Poppy frowned as she finished up the letter. She didn’t feel like that was enough to persuade someone, there needed to be something that would make John Dory understand just how much Branch needed him to be here and she certainly wasn't going to let him just have an out. If Branch needed his brothers here, she wanted to make sure he had to come, even if it was just to return Mitsy.

“I’ve been alone for a long time and it’s been hard without my family. Come back as soon as you get this, I miss you. Please bring Mitsy back with you, she’s my pet.

From your baby brother,


That was convincing enough, right? If it worked with the trolls back home to get them to come to Branch's party, it would surely work for his family, wouldn't it? Plus, she had some choice words for his brothers, she wanted to make sure that John Dory would show up. With that written, Poppy folded up the letter and handed it to Branch. He plucked some vines that had wrapped themselves around the frame of John Dory’s bed and tied the note to Mitsy by wrapping the vine around her shelled body. She jumped off his lap with a happy chirp and ran around in excited circles.

“Now, all I need is something for her smell to find him...” Branch scratched his chin as he looked down at the Croco plush with his brother’s goggles resting on its head. He picked it back up and studied it.

“Was that your brothers, too?” Poppy asked as she poked the crocodile's nose. She could tell that it must've been important to its owner considering its condition.

“Oh, no it's mine... Croco was my favorite stuffed animal as a baby. JD got it for me when I was two. I tried to take it when we left the Troll Tree but I dropped it in the panic of us jumping from the tree. He must've brought it back up here.” Branch sighed, thinking back for a moment before squinting at the plush. “It was honestly a lot rattier and dirtier than it looks right now...” Branch paused and Poppy watched as the cogs in his brain were turning.

“JD gave it to me as something to cuddle with when he wasn’t around to sleep next to him. He’d hug and snuggle it and put it in his hair so it would smell like it since I slept in his all the time. I’d sleep soundly as long as I had Croco. When everyone left, I refused to let Grandma wash him because he wouldn’t smell right anymore. It was kinda gross thinking back, he looks... Cleaner now, and it looks like the worst parts of his rips and tears were stitched back together...”

Had John Dory stitched it back together? It seemed like Branch was thinking the same thing as he removed the goggles, stared at them, and then placed them down on the bed. He seemed to be testing a theory as he hugged Croco to the side of his face and inhaled. His eyes shot open and his eyes were glossy from tears that he was trying to keep from forming.

“JD...” Branch whimpered wistfully as he pressed his lips into a flat line and then slid off of the bed in front of Mitsy, getting her attention. “Mitsy, find it.”

The critter’s ears twitched from the command and instantly sniffed the toy that Branch presented to her. Her tail shot up instantly and she yipped at him to confirm that she had the scent. He then picked Mitsy up and hugged her, getting a wet kiss on his cheek from her and he smiled. He then looked at Poppy with a confident look. “Then, once I tell her to “Go look,” she’ll run off to look for him."

Poppy was about to respond when Mitsy suddenly leaped from his arms after her ears twitched from the command. She yipped at him happily and ran out of the room to follow the order that Branch had accidentally set into motion.

“Oh no—Mitsy, wait!” Branch exclaimed as he tried to run after her, only to stumble from his ankle which seemed to be doing a little better. Poppy moved quickly, faster than her brain could think, and snatched Branch up and slung him over her shoulder with a grunt from the troll before running out to follow the small critter.

Mitsy had leaped down to the floor below and Poppy went right after her. She watched in horror as she saw Mitsy bolt right out of the pod’s entrance and jump right down. She let out a yelp as she looked out of the pod entrance, letting Branch down. He crawled over and they both looked down to the ground far below only to see nothing at all for a moment before a faraway yip was heard.

A moment later, they heard a whipping noise and then their eyes widened as Mitsy ascended back up to their location, using her tail like a helicopter propeller. Branch and Poppy were speechless as they watched the critter yip at them one last time before hovering away as she sniffed loudly to find her target.

“D-Did you know she could do that...?!” Poppy sputtered once the pair looked at each other with wide eyes.

“No... Not at all. Wish Milton would’ve told me that part.” Branch said, exasperated.

“Uhh...” Smidge said as she and the rest of the group woke up from the commotion from the animal. Branch and Poppy looked back to see their friends staring at them incredulously. “What the heck was all that about?”

Branch and Poppy gawked at each other stupidly. “...How about we discussed that over breakfast?"

That was something that everyone could agree on.

Once breakfast was over and Branch explained where Mitsy had headed off to, the group headed out of the Troll Tree to the King’s castle. As they descended from the tree, Poppy could see pods much more clearly and saw the Royal Pods up higher in the branches. She could see the one that was her father's, as it was possibly the biggest one there. She could see a smaller, bright pink pod with a green tip right next to his, she could assume that that was her baby pod! Aww, it was so cute!

What seemed to confuse her was the other pink pod on the opposite end of her father's, instead of green on the top part, it had a bright yellow. Why would there be more than one? Branch said that they could go looking at their old family pods later this afternoon once they talked to the Bergen they needed to befriend; so Poppy figured that would be the one she’d check first, she was incredibly curious about it.

But more importantly, they needed to focus on the reason they were really here. Poppy supported Branch much to his dismay as they sneakily made their way to the castle, wrapping him up in her hair like a burrito and tying it to her shoulders like a backpack. He was not thrilled whatsoever and made his complaints clear as they left the tree.

He quietly grumbled to himself after Poppy told him that he should've been more careful in the first place instead of walking on it for so long yesterday without help. She won that argument and it felt good. Branch was a lot lighter than she thought he was. Trolls were already much lighter naturally, as they could support their own weight with their hair but Branch was so light! It was so cute, she wanted to carry him around all the time now!

As they snuck in through a vent low to the ground, they made it inside the castle’s throne room and launched themselves into the light fixtures above. Poppy finally released Branch from his hair backpack prison and flopped to the ground muttering to himself, getting up and looking out at the stumpy Bergen occupying the throne chair. He was a lot smaller than she was expecting. Considering all the guards around him were much taller as well as all the other Bergens she’d seen along the way, he must have been smaller than normal.

“That’s King Gristle Jr.,” Branch whispered, making Poppy’s ears perk up.

“Dad said that’s who was going to eat me for Trollstice...” Poppy whispered. “That’s why he started to plan our escape months before.” She could hear DJ gulp from behind her as Branch nodded.

“Look,” Branch said, pointing to another troll on the smaller end. She was a light grey Bergen with pale, lavender hair tied up into two short ponytails. She wore a pink dress, pink Mary Jane shoes with white frilly socks, and a ratty apron tied around her waist. “See that girl right there? That’s Bridget.”

The grey Bergen girl was sweeping the throne room floors and dreamily ogling King Gristle. Poppy could identify that look well, it was obvious. “She’s in love with the King...!” She gasped quietly as she looked at Branch. He simply nodded in response and Poppy quickly looked away, her ears burning.

“That’s right Poppy, that’s who we need to help.” Branch whispered.

“Hey you,” King Gristle called out lazily, catching Bridget’s attention and she instantly ran up to the King with rapidly darkening cheeks with a smile. “Can you find someone to get Barnebis his breakfast?”

Bridget’s smile faded almost as quickly as it came, muttering a dejected and meek “Yeah” as she scampered away sadly to find assistance. The group of trolls continued to follow behind the young Bergen from above, Branch back into his hair backpack with fewer complaints this time. Bridget got someone from the kitchen to assist with the task that King Gristle had asked her about, but not without the staff around her treating her like an annoyance as they shoved her out of the way to assist the King’s wishes and sent her off with a handful of dishes to go wash.

She meekly complied, carrying a mountain of dishes through the kitchen doors and into a dark room. The group followed her down the spiral staircase, sliding down the banister after her. Bridget’s sniffles and sobs could be heard as the dishes she held clattered to the floor.

The trolls all huddled under a cart within the Bergen’s makeshift bedroom that doubled as a dishwashing room that had a hole in the ceiling that led directly from the kitchen. She sobbed sadly into her pillow as she flopped face-first into her bed further off into the room. Poppy retracted her hair, freeing Branch for the last time as they watched the sad Bergen in front of them.

“Why do you get your hopes up, Bridget?! He’ll never notice you, never!” The Bergen wailed pathetically into her bed.

Poppy and her friends looked at each other, hearts full of sympathy for the Bergen. All this time, she was told that Bergens couldn’t feel at all, which was why they had to eat trolls in order to be happy. But as she and her friends looked at the pitiful display before them, it was apparent that maybe that wasn’t entirely true after all...

They watched as Bridget sniffled and sat up, pulling open the curtain covering the bottom part of her nightstand and pulling out a ripped-out page of a magazine with “Bergen Beat” printed on it, the front page featured the King himself. She stared at it longingly as she began to sing.

“I’ve been alone with you inside my mind...”

Wait, Bergens could sing? Well, this one sure could. Bridget took a pair of scissors and began to cut out King Gristle’s photo.

“And in my dreams, I’ve kissed your lips a thousand times...”

Bridget walked over to the wall and looked out from her basem*nt window as she saw the King's legs strutting by as he took his pet alligator for a walk.

“I sometimes see you pass outside my door...

Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?”

Bridget serenaded as she caressed the King’s cut-out photo, her face strained with emotion. Poppy couldn’t help but relate to the poor Bergen’s longing.

“I can see it in your eyes,”

She waltzed over to the dishes in the sink, washed a plate, and then clutched it to her chest.

“I can see it in your smile...

You’re all I’ve ever wanted,

And my arms are open wide...”

Poppy looked over at Branch, who had his eyes locked on the singing Bergen, his eyes showing that look of compassion and understanding that he often looked at her with.

“You know just what to say,

And you know just what to do...

And I want to tell you so much...”

She finished more of the dishes, discarding them to flop down on her bed on her back, and picked up a pink pillow with a poorly cut-out photo of the King glued to it. She caressed it, getting lost in Photo Gristle’s eyes.

“I love you...” Bridget whispered to the pillow before bursting back into tears and burying her face into the pillow.

Poppy put a paw over her aching heart. Yearning for someone that you don’t think feels the same could hurt so much. She hadn’t thought about it much before, but she always felt that way when Branch would ignore her or decline her invitations. She wanted more than anything to have him pay attention to her and want to be her friend.

Now that he was her friend, she realized that she wanted more than just friendship from him, she wanted his heart, just like Bridget wanted King Gristle’s. She understood now why Branch wanted to help her; she was just a girl in love, just like Poppy was. She had to help, it was practically her middle name!

“Having some relationship blues, Bridget?” Poppy called out from under the cart, getting quiet gasps of fear from her friends.

“Poppy, hang on—” Branch whispered, a bit of panic in his voice.

Bridget stopped her crying instantly and searched around fearfully for the source of the voice. “W-Who said that...?”

“I did!” Poppy walked out from under the cart, putting her paws on her hips confidently with a smile. Bridget’s eyes widened in shock and cautiously made her way over to the pink troll, kneeling gently in front of her.

“No way...!” Bridget said in awe as her eyes sparkled, putting her hands out for Poppy. Poppy was about to step out to get on her hands, but Branch tugged on her dress a bit, making her look back at him in confusion. Didn’t he want Poppy to help her? He said she would be good friends with them if they tried.

Bridget tilted her head to see what Poppy was looking at and then pushed the cart back to reveal the rest of Poppy’s friends, making them gasp and huddle together nervously. Branch looked up at Bridget with a look as if he were caught red-handed.

“You guys are...!” Bridget gasped.

“Trolls? Yes, yes we are!” Poppy boasted, pulling her dress away from Branch’s grasp and giving him a nod to say it was okay. Branch still had a worried look on his face and tried to reach for her again, but she’d already hopped into Bridget’s hands, letting the Bergen study her excitedly with a smile. “It’s your lucky day!”

“Wow, a real-life troll!” Bridget exclaimed, making Poppy giggle and share her excitement. “It is my lucky day! If I show you to King Gristle, he’ll be able to finally eat a troll and become happy! He’ll have to notice me then!”

“Wait, what—” Poppy squeaked as Bridget wrapped her hand into a fist around the Princess.

“POPPY!” The Snack Pack exclaimed in fear, catching Bridget’s attention once more.

“He’d be even happier if I bring him more than one!” Bridget smiled as she reached for Poppy’s friends. They all scattered around the room screaming. Branch threw a spork at Bridget's forehead, making her yelp and scowl at Branch as she reached out for him, he couldn’t get very far with his ankle and he was caught in her free hand. He growled at her and whipped his hair at her face, making her exclaim as she dropped Poppy to shield her face. “Hey, stop that!”

Poppy was unsure of what to do, her heart beating out of her chest as she ran up to Bridget’s nightstand which was full of Bridget’s hidden photos of the King. She spotted another curtain up above her bed and jumped up to it with her hair. She peeked through it and her suspicions were confirmed.


Poppy’s scream got the young Bergen’s attention as she turned to face her, Branch stopping his assault as he looked over at Poppy as well. Her friends stayed hidden behind their objects of choice and watched Poppy from there.

“You’re in love with King Gristle,” Poppy said as she pointed at the Bergen with an accusatory tone.

Bridget’s eyes widened as she froze with a gasp, her eyes glancing at Branch as his wide eyes met hers for a moment before they both looked back at Poppy.

“Um... I don’t know what you’re talking about...?” She fibbed rather obviously.

Poppy turned around and flung open the pink curtain behind her to reveal a collage of King Gristle pinned to a corkboard. Poppy turned around in silence with a deadpan expression. Bridget gasped as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, dropping Branch on her bed as she ran over to Poppy.

“UM, EXCUSE ME!” Bridget frantically shut the curtains and darted her eyes around suspiciously as she clasped her hands together guiltily. “T-That’s not mine...”

Poppy only raised an eyebrow as she pulled the curtain back open to reveal just the poorly scrapbooked photo of a muscular man and shapely woman from a magazine with Bridget and Gristle’s cut-out portraits taped over top of the couple’s faces. Bridget stared at the collage and then down at Poppy before sighing in defeat.

“What does it matter?” She whimpered as she sat on the edge of her bed and looked at Poppy dejectedly. “It’s not like he even knows I’m alive...”

“Bridget, I can help you! We can help you!” Poppy exclaimed.

“Well duh! That’s why I was trying to give you guys to King Gristle to eat!” Bridget rolled her eyes as if it were obvious.

“You can’t give us to King Gristle to eat!” Branch interjected, making Bridget look down at the grey troll to her left.

“Why not?” She asked innocently.

“Because we can make him like you without him having to eat us!" Branch interrupted. "We’re kind of like... Uh...” Branch’s eyes searched the room for a good excuse before his eyes settled on Poppy.

“Your Good Luck Trolls!” Poppy spat out as she improvised.

“Good Luck Trolls?” Bridget scrunched up her face in confusion.

“Yeah! Think of like...” Poppy’s eyes darted around before continuing. “Having a Fairy Godmother, we can make your dreams come true!” Branch gave Poppy a look of disbelief, she kept a grin plastered on her face anyways. She had to see this through, she couldn’t back out now!

“My dreams will only come true if I can help King Gristle to become happy, and the only way to do that is by eating a troll, everyone knows that!” Bridget shook her head, she frowned sadly. That couldn’t be true, could it? Poppy refused to believe it. Plus, not every troll was happy, so who’s to say every Bergen had to be miserable?

“But wouldn’t you rather have King Gristle like you? Instead of just the trolls you give him? You love him, don’t you? I totally get that, what if there was a way where we could both get what we want?” Poppy bargained.

Bridget slammed her hands up against the windowsill and stared at Poppy intensely. “You love Gristle, too?! You better back off, girlfriend!” Bridget said as she hissed pathetically at the little pink princess. Poppy had to keep her jaw from falling off.

“No, Bridget... Just. No.” Poppy had to hold back from letting her breakfast come back up as she shook her head. “I’m saying I understand being in love! It’s a very beautiful thing, and when you’re in love...” Poppy paused, Branch shielded from her vision as Bridget stared at her. Her ears burned and she smiled bashfully. “You’d do anything to get them to notice you and for them to want you back.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly how it feels...” Bridget stared at Poppy's lovestruck expression and seemed to understand it, then she nodded. “I would do anything to get him to notice me.”

“Exactly! You should walk right up to him and tell him how you feel!” Poppy exclaimed, clutching her heart and feeling like a bit of a hypocrite as she smiled at the Bergen. “You don’t need him to eat a troll to tell him that!” Bridget scrunched up her face and gave Poppy a doubtful look as she scoffed.

“As if!” She shook her head as she raised half of her unibrow. “I can’t just walk right up to the King. His Royal Awesomeness would never talk to a scullery maid like me...” She toyed with her painted claws as she rocked back and forth on her feet.

“Well, what if he didn’t know you were a scullery maid?” Poppy inquired as the light bulb in her head lit up. “What if he thought you were this total babe?” Poppy persuaded the grey Bergen, framing out her paws as if to imagine the scenario as Bridget looked up at her in intrigue.

The rest of the Snack Pack had made their way over to Bridget, surrounding the shy girl as Branch flung himself up next to Poppy, making her come to his aid as he sat down next to her on the windowsill edge. He placated her worry with a pat to her paws resting on his shoulders and she retracted her paws with a sheepish blush. She just couldn't help but worry knowing he was hurt.

“What kind of total babe would be dressed as a scullery maid?” Bridget argued back, picking up her ratty apron in dissatisfaction. “I smell like gravy...”

“What if we made you a new outfit?” Satin added in excitement, making Chenille smile as she looked at her sister in excitement and she finished her sister’s thought. “I’m thinking...”

“Jumpsuit!” The twins said in unison.

Bridget looked around at the trolls surrounding her in bewilderment. “What’s the point of a jumping suit if I still have this hair?” She said as she touched at her messy bangs.

“Oh, we can fix that!” Poppy said confidently. Cooper, Fuzzbert and DJ Suki looked up at Bridget and nodded in approval. Hair was their thing, that was no trouble at all!

“What’s the point of a new outfit and new hair...” Bridget looked around, a bit overwhelmed at the sudden kindness. “If I don’t know what a total babe would ever say?”

“We can help with that, too!” Poppy was starting to get herself amped up as she pumped her fists and leaned in close to the Bergen with an excited smile.

Bridget leaned up against the windowsill and smiled, her eyes lighting up and her unibrow rising in excitement.“Really?”

“What do you say, Bridget?” Poppy asked, leaning over and placing her tiny paws on top of Bridget’s pinky. “We help you get a date with King Gristle, and you get him to give up on eating trolls.”

Bridget thought about it, looking around at the trolls smiling at her hopefully. She looked at the collage of her crush on her wall, pressed a hand to it, and looked down at the princess. “Let’s do it?”

Poppy could burst into glitter! She was so excited! Her plan actuallyworked! She looked over at Branch who was leaning back on his paws as he let his feet dangle. He smiled at her and nodded his head in approval. She felt her cheeks flush, he had faith in her plan, too! Maybe this is why he wanted her to come!

Everything was going to work out, she could just feel it!


Poppy adding some S-tier emotion into Branch's letter to John Dory made me giggle, we love that for her! She's going to get justice for her boo, he better show his face! 👊🏾

Backpack Branch my beloved 💖

Yay, makeover time!! Bridget can definitely see that Poppy has a special someone in her heart, too. I think they're going to get along great just like Branch said! :]

Chapter 42: Romance?


The Snack Pack helps Bridget with her date. Bridget also gets to know both Poppy and Branch a little better.


I'm back! Writer’s block was beating my ass, y’all… 😭 Anyways makeover time!! This one is kinda long, hopefully, it’s still interesting to you guys. I don’t really know how I feel about this chapter, but I’ve been working on it for too long!! I apologize for not updating at all, more of an explanation in the end notes!

Normally, I'd cut a chapter like this down, but I really wanted to get through this part, it's like, 8k words so uh... 😅😅😅 Enjoy?

I’m Coming Out / Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems – Zooey Deschanel, Anna Kendrick, etc.
Suggested Listen: They Don’t Know – Ariana Grande

Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Poppy was thrilled to discover that Bridget was a pretty innocent and gentle Bergen. She was just another girl in love with someone clueless about her love for him. Poppy could relate to that quite heavily; if Bridget needed a little cosmetic courage to get the guy of her dreams, Poppy was going to help her the best she could.

“A five, six, seven, eight—!” Poppy counted out the musical number cue to her friends as Branch sat relaxed as he watched all of his friends gather together.

“When you look in the mirror,

Let it disappear, all your insecurities—”

The Snack Pack grabbed makeup palettes and nail polish from Bridget’s vanity and returned to her to get started on her makeover.

“WAIT!” Bridget halted the musical number and everyone stared at the Bergen with wide eyes. Her finger then pointed to Branch, half of her brow raising. “Why isn’t that one singing?”

Branch’s eyes flicked around as if he were a trolling with their paw caught in the cookie jar. Poppy gulped; everyone in the room froze, their eyes locked onto Branch fearfully, not having much of an answer. Everyone but Bridget in that room had some inclination as to why Branch didn’t sing, whether it was his brothers or from Poppy’s more accurate knowledge, his grandma, he had a pretty sad and personal reason for it.

“Oh uhh... That’s okay, don’t mind me.” Branch said with a small smile.

“You don’t think this will work?” Bridget asked the grey troll desperately as she leaned in closer with a frown.

“Oh, no no. It’s not that, I just don’t sing.” Branch chuckled nervously.

“Yeah Bridget, it’s just—” Poppy tried to placate the rapidly panicking Bergen.

“No, he’s right. This idea is stupid...” Bridget sniffled, starting to tear up and Branch became visibly distressed. “King Gristle will never love me!” Bridget flopped down on her pillow face first, making all the trolls on her bed bounce up into the air and immediately go to comfort the Bergen.

Poppy gave Branch a worried look and he returned it, frowning deeply and hugging his legs. She crouched down to whisper to Branch and placed a paw on his shoulder.

“Branch, you really don’t think you could just—”

“I can’t, Poppy. I’m sorry.” Branch whispered back insistently.

“It’s okay, I understand. I’m not gonna make you do something you don’t want to do. I’ll figure this out, okay?” Poppy consoled Branch, making him slightly loosen his tense body as he nodded.

“Bridget, it’s okay!” Poppy called over to the sobbing Bergen. “Our plan is going to work, the rest of us can sing for you!”

“No way! It’ll never work, your friend doesn’t even believe it!” Bridget cried.

“Of course he does, it’s just—”

“No, he doesn’t, it’s impossible!”

“I HAVE A TERRIBLE VOICE, I CAN’T SING!” Branch blurted out a lie, cringing as soon as the words left his mouth.

Bridget halted her sobbing and looked up at the grey troll in bewilderment from his yelling. Her big magenta eyes flicked over to Poppy for confirmation. Poppy’s face was scrunched up in confusion at her friend before she noticed Bridget’s eyes on her. She grinned awkwardly and quickly nodded her head.

“That’s possible? I thought all trolls sang?” Bridget inquired, tilting her head.

“Not me, no good at it.” Branch fibbed, ignoring the scrunched-up, confused faces from his friends. Everyone in that room knew that Branch could sing. He might’ve been just a baby, but no one could deny that he had the voice of an angel. “I’m more of a thinker type of troll, not a singer.”

“So, you’re like, the brains of the group or something?” Bridget sat up, wiping the last of her tears away.

“Yeah, sure.” Branch shrugged, seemingly exhausted from just the exchange itself.

“Yeah, I guess you do look kind of serious,” Bridget tapped her chin, narrowing her eyes at Branch as she studied him. “I didn’t know there were smarty-pants trolls. Heck, I didn’t think there were different kinds of trolls at all!”

“Of course there are, Bridget!” Poppy cut in, smiling and nodding her head at the Bergen. “All of my friends are different! It’s what makes them all so special. Branch is better at coming up with plans, not songs. But that’s okay, he’s the one who wanted us to come here and make friends with Bergens!”

“Really?” Bridget’s eyes widened with a slight twinkle of amazement, her gaze locked on the small grey troll sitting next to Poppy. Branch simply smiled and nodded his head, making Bridget smile. “Wow, you guys are so nice... Sorry for freaking out, there’s just not that many nice people around here, so it’s hard to believe it when you said you wanted to help me.”

“That’s okay, Bridget. I understand that completely.” Branch consoled. “These guys are great at makeovers, you’re gonna get that date with King Gristle, I can feel it.”

With that, Bridget seemed to accept the reasoning that Branch presented to her. Poppy could tell that Branch was a bit overwhelmed by Bridget’s intense feelings, even Poppy was a bit blown away by how quickly Bridget could fly off the handle. “Anxious” would’ve been the word that Branch used to describe it.

She was surprised that Branch had managed to convince Bridget to drop the singing issue with such an excuse. Whenever Poppy had asked him time after time over the years, Branch never gave her a clear answer. It was either some insult about her and her friends being the weird ones for always singing or that doing so would attract Bergens. She felt like the second one was closer to the beliefs that Branch held even to this day.

It was an irrational fear that he had, singing wasn’t the reason why his grandma died or his brothers left. It was pure coincidence that both times he dealt with something so traumatic that singing happened to be what they were doing at the time. It made sense for a child to believe something like that, especially when no adults around him were equipped to handle his feelings or how to help him deal with them better.

She grits her teeth thinking about it; if Branch just had someone around who understood why he was so miserable, he could’ve bounced back a long time ago, instead, he was stuck in the mindset from when he lost everyone.

She wished he would believe her when she told him none of it was his fault, then maybe he wouldn’t be so afraid to be himself. She could see that he was really improving over just these last few days. Maybe one day, she’d get to hear his singing voice. It was one thing that she’d thought about ever since she found out that he refused to back when they were just kids.

It would never be something she’d force him to do, it had to happen when he was ready.

Poppy gave Branch a hug before she hopped down onto the bed below to help with the makeover. Branch swung up to the actual window with his hair and peered out of it wistfully. Poppy used to think that Branch was a bit of a mystery, but now that she was learning more about him, she realized that he wasn’t so dark and mysterious after all, he was actually kind of adorable. She smiled, thinking about how kind and playful Branch could be when he felt comfortable.

Poppy helped Cooper paint Bridget’s fingernails as they sang a medley of tunes that Bridget bopped her head to. Satin and Chenille had found a pink plaid tablecloth that they were using as the jumpsuit’s material and had been sewing away. It was always amazing to watch them work, but seeing them work with a larger project was even more amazing.

Biggie and Guy Diamond searched deep into Bridget’s closet for a pair of shoes that could match while Fuzzbert and DJ worked on Bridget’s makeup. Bridget kept glancing over at Poppy, which made the princess slightly nervous until Bridget worked up the courage to actually ask.

“So, Poppy… Earlier you said that you understood being in love and it got me to thinking…” Bridget tried to keep her tone nonchalant as she locked eyes with the pink troll. “Who’s the special someone that you love?”

Poppy froze, the smile on her face becoming more of a tense one as she stopped polishing the Bergen’s nails. Poppy wasn’t the only one stunned by the query. Everyone gave Bridget a deer in headlights look before silently looking up at Branch, then back at Bridget; unintentionally giving away the answer. Branch wasn’t listening to the conversation, as he scribbled away in his journal in front of the window. “Nobody!” They all quickly said in unison.

Bridget wrinkled her unibrow before raising half of it questioningly as her eyes followed where they had all been looking. Her eyes settled on the aloof Branch journalling away as they all chattered amongst themselves. Poppy groaned internally at herself and her friends as they were all terrible fibbers. She blushed heavily, mortified that they had all given it away despite their answer.

“The quiet one?” Bridget said, her eyes still on Branch before looking down at Poppy and narrowing her eyes in confusion. “Really?”

“What,” Poppy crossed her arms defensively, her face still burning. “I-Is there something wrong with that?”

“No, no, of course not!” Bridget shook her head. “It’s just he’s so... Quiet and broody. You’re all bright and sunshiney, I didn’t think he’d be your type is all.”

“Yeah, well neither did we until we saw the way she’s been lookin’ at him.” Smidge giggled as she held up part of the fabric for the twins.

“Smidgeeee...” Poppy whined as she pulled at her burning ears in embarrassment.

“What, it’s not like it isn’t true. You’ve been drooling all over him lately!” Chenille smirked, getting a giggle out of her sister and DJ.

“And you guys have been getting a real kick out of teasing me about it...” Poppy grumbled, pouting and flopping down to sit on the bed beside her new large friend. “And he’s not broody, he’s just... Different!”

“Different how?” Bridget inquired, becoming interested in Poppy’s love life.

“Well, for one, he’s possibly the smartest, most understanding troll I've ever met...” Poppy sighed as she looked back at Branch who had his brows furrowed in concentration. It was so cute now that she knew that most of the time that he was making that face, he was either faking it or just focusing on something else altogether rather than being angry. “He understands me when I’m upset and always knows how to make me feel better with just his words or a hug when words just don’t cut it...”

Bridget smiled as she watched Poppy gush about her crush. “So, how long have you guys known each other?”

“Oh, uh... Well, I’ve known him my whole life but uh...” Poppy chuckled awkwardly as she scratched her head. “We’ve only been friends for a little while.”

“Oh, how long have you been friends?” Bridget smiled, unfazed.

“I think it’s officially been...five days now...?” Poppy answered meekly, getting Bridget’s eyes to widen a bit. “But I only realized that I loved him about... Two days ago...?” She chuckled awkwardly as Bridget’s jaw dropped just a tad.

“How’d you figure it out, then?” Bridget leaned in, becoming invested, and lay on her belly; letting her fingernails dry.

“Well, she actually had to have it spelled out to her,” Smidge snickered. “She was in so much denial that she convinced herself that wanting to swap spit with him was a normal friend thing.

“Ugh, gross! Don’t say it like that, Smidge!” Poppy groaned, scrunching up her face. Smidge always had the most extreme way to word things. She was a rather intense troll, after all.

“How the heck didn’t you realize it sooner?” Bridget giggled from Smidge’s verbiage. “People don’t just suddenly fall in love, what did it for you?”

Poppy thought about it for a moment. What was the one thing that made her realize that she liked him? Was it his aloofness? His ability to stand out in a crowd even if all he wanted to do was stay out of sight? His weird, vast lexicon of insults alone that sometimes made her giggle because they got more and more ridiculous as the years went on? The pouty, grumpy look he wore and that silly stomping off that he’d do when she’d coat him in glitter from her invitations?

But those were all things from before she’d gotten to know him. It was what made him so intriguing and entrancing to her; why she hadn’t given up on being closer to him. It was why she kept inviting him to parties in the hopes that he’d show up. He was why her Super Sweet Sixteen had been so super; he might’ve complained the whole time, but he even gave her a present. A wooden whistle; well, Branch said that it was more of a rescue siren in case a Bergen caught her, but it was a gift nonetheless.

Poppy pulled the whistle out of her hair, smiling as she rubbed her digits against the grooves of the handcrafted whistle. She hadn’t realized it then, but now she could tell that Branch had definitely put his all into handcrafting the gift for her.

She’d used it a couple of times to get Branch to come and find her, but after she saw how much distress it put him through as well as him threatening to take it back if she kept treating it like a toy, she decided just to keep it on her person and bother him firsthand instead. It made her heart buzz with warmth knowing that Branch had always cared about her despite always being so prickly towards her.

“Now that I think about it, I might’ve always had a little crush on him,” Poppy finally spoke, making her friends perk up now that they had all stopped working and were actively engaged in whatever she had to say. “I guess I never realized it since he was more of a lone wolf sort of troll for most of my life and I hadn’t really gotten to know him personally.”

She thought about their encounter a few days ago when he was peering out at her and her friends during their morning song with such a pitiful look on his face. She had never seen Branch cry before, it was jarring yet it made her able to sympathize with him, to realize that he had feelings too.

“When he came out of his shell a few days ago to help me out, I started to see a whole new side of him.” Poppy continued. “A side of him that only I got to see, and he made me feel... Special in a way I never felt before.” Poppy giggled bashfully as a series of awww’s were heard.

“Ahh, I know right?” Poppy squealed as she gushed about her crush. “He’s so kind and sensitive and patient... I swear I’m on fire every time we cuddle, hold paws, or cuddle!”

“Wow, you two are already cuddling and stuff? That’s pretty serious, isn’t it?” Bridget asked in awe. “You’re so lucky!”

“Totally,” Poppy grinned, pressing her paws to her cheeks. “We do that stuff every day now!”

“Really? Wow... I’m surprised you guys haven’t already kissed already.” Bridget’s eyes were wide with shock.

“Well, I kissed him on the cheek once,” Smidge sputtered a bit at Poppy’s words, making Poppy exhale a laugh through her nose. She reminisced about the time she’d spent in his tent over the last few nights and her tail wagged at top-notch speed. “He only kissed me on the forehead and paws, though.”

“Whaaaat?” Bridget scoffed, making Poppy look at all her friends who’d now gathered themselves on the bed to be fully invested in her conversation with Bridget. They all shared the same incredulous looks. “Poppy, are you sure he doesn’t like you back? I mean, if he’s doing all that stuff, then...”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Poppy shook her head adamantly and smiled at the Bergen. “Everyone back home hugs and kisses each other all the time!”

“Oh please, Poppy,” Satin rolled her eyes and shook her head at the princess as Chenille raised a doubtful eyebrow. “Me and DJ are friends, but you’d never see us hugging and kissing each other’s faces like that, would you?” Chenille flinched, furrowing her brows at her sister and grimacing.

“Yeah, even friends don’t go that far back home, I think you’re making up excuses again...” DJ shook her head and she and Satin shared a slightly weirded-out look as Chenille rolled her eyes.

“Plus, this is Branch we’re talking about,” Guy added, laying on his side stylishly and propped up on one elbow. “He doesn’t do all that extra cuddly stuff with just anyone, we all know that. You could’ve lost a limb from trying to hug that troll a week ago.”

“Yeah, that’s like, running your fingers through each other’s hair levels of romance for him, dude.” DJ nodded.

“Whaaaat? That’s no big deal, I let him do that yesterday!” Poppy scoffed.

“WHAT?!” Everyone exclaimed in unison, making Poppy freeze up as Branch looked over at the group curiously.

“Guys shhh...!” Poppy whisper-yelled to her friends whose jaws were practically through the earth’s crust already. Poppy looked at Branch for a moment, giving him an apologetic wave. He only raised an eyebrow before returning to his journalling. “Seriously, stop making such a big deal out of it, he’s just being friendly! You guys saw his hair when we got back from our forest adventure, he let me touch his hair, too! You guys braid and brush my hair all the time, what’s the difference!?”

“The difference is that this is Branch, not just anyone from our village!” Smidge muttered back, shaking her head and getting wide-eyed glances from the rest of her troll friends. “Branch doesn’t even like to hug other trolls, but he’s letting you touch his hair and practically acting like your boyfriend already!” Poppy’s face burned red hot from the label Smidge placed on him.

“Yeah, those sound like pretty big steps to take even if I’m not sure how trolls live...” Bridget nodded, looking at Smidge and then at Poppy who looked away as her friends murmured in agreement.

“Next, you’re gonna tell us you’re linking tails or something. Jeez Louise, Poppy...” Chenille sighed in exasperation as she shook her head. An awkward silence passed as everyone stared at Poppy.

“Weeeelll.... About that—”

“Oh, come on, Poppy.” DJ gawked at her best friend in disbelief as Poppy’s face was an entirely new shade of pink. “There’s absolutely no way that Branch doesn’t like you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, we all do. Even you see how differently he treats you compared to us, and it’s not just as a best friend.”

“Honestly, yeah... He was always holding back from getting closer to me once we became friends.” Poppy nodded. She was having a hard time denying it anymore. Poppy knew that if she was feeling this way, Branch had to be feeling something too, right? Branch had been trying to hold himself from stepping over the friendship boundary, but as Poppy kept creeping past it, the more Branch had seemed to forget to keep himself in check.

“I don’t think he’s holding back because he doesn’t want to be closer to you,” Biggie piped up. “It’s more like he wants to be, but doesn’t know what you want.”

“Yeah, maybe he just doesn’t think you like him the same way.” Guy shrugged. “I mean, when we teased him about it at the party, he acted like it was impossible.”

“Ah, that’s true! Just last night, he was thinking that I was in love with Creek this whole time! He was so shocked when I said that I wasn’t.” Poppy shook her head.

“Maybe he thinks he’s out of your league or something,” Chenille added, getting back to sewing together Bridget’s outfit.

That set off the lightbulb in the young princess’ head. It was all making sense; Branch wasn’t even thinking that he was a possible contender for Poppy this whole time, let alone someone that anyone could love at all. His whole family had left him behind and the entirety of the village he lived just on the outskirts of treated him like his greyness was something to keep away from.

Branch seemed so ashamed of his appearance and scars when Poppy had seen him without his vest for the first time; so much so that he even apologized to her that she even had to see it. He gestured to himself when saying the two of them couldn't be together, and constantly made self-deprecating jokes and remarks about himself. That made it very clear that Branch wasn’t happy with the way he looked.

But Poppy didn’t care about something like that. After all, his colors weren’t of utmost importance to her cosmetically, it was him. His kindness, his patience and compassion; his heart. All she wanted was for Branch to see himself the way that all of her friends did. For him to feel like he belonged somewhere; that he was loved. And hair, did Poppy love him.

She’d be lying if she said she didn’t wish to know what Branch’s colors looked like, but she knew why they were gone, he was sad and afraid of the world around him. If there was any reason for her to want his colors back, it was because she wanted him to feel safe, happy, and loved again. Plus, he didn’t need colors for her to think he was beautiful, she already did.

If all of Poppy’s friends said that was boyfriend behavior, what did that mean in regards to Branch’s relationship with her in his dreams? Branch said that they were as close as they could possibly be, but he never gave her a straight answer as to what that meant. Could he have been holding back because they were more than just close friends? Oh sugar, that made Poppy’s heart beat way faster than it was healthy.

“Poppy?” Bridget finally interjected as the pink troll was lost in thought. “I think what your friends are trying to say is that you should just go for it; I think we’d all be shocked if he said he wasn’t interested.”

Poppy looked around at her friends and they all gave her words of affirmation and she puffed up her chest in newfound courage. “Yeah, maybe I will, guys. But I want to make sure I do it right, it needs to be special and right now, this is about you Bridget.”

“Oh-em-gee, Poppy...!” Bridget had a look of gratitude on her face and placed her large hand next to the small troll. “Look, if you can manage to get the King to like me, I want to help you with Branch, it's the least I can do for a new friend.”

Poppy was touched, she didn’t respond but put her tiny paw on Bridget’s large hand and smiled with a slight nod, getting a warm smile in return. Poppy sprung up from her seat on the bed, put her paws to her hips, and smiled big as she looked at Satin and Chenille who had now finished Bridget’s outfit.

“Hair we go, everybody!” With Poppy’s order, everyone had sprung into action to get Bridget date-ready and once everyone was secured on top of the Bergen’s head, the true magic began as everyone but Branch extended their hair and changed its color to a rainbow variety. The trolls all harmonized with Poppy atop the Bergen’s head. “You.... You gotta let it, shooow....!”

They whipped their hair around and settled on Bridget’s head in the style of a 70’s feathered blowout. Bridget gasped excitedly as her new troll friends started to sing; Branch sitting in his usual hunched sitting position, hugging his knees as their friends danced and sang together.

“I’m comin’!

I’m... Comin’... Out!

I’m comin’!”

Zipping on her jumpsuit, heels, and belt, Bridget made her way out of the castle through a back exit; she wobbled as she tried to steady herself on her high heels, walking nervously through the miserable town around her staring at her from the windows and passing by her on the street.

“I’m... Comin’... Out!

I’m comin’—!”

Bridget was nervous for only a moment as she looked around her, stopping and looking around before she locked in and cut in with her own verses.

“Yo! I’m comin’ out like the sun after rain,

Ready to shine, no time to be playin’,

Feeling good, gonna get, get what I, what I want,

Gonna show ev’ry, everybody how I, how I flaunt!”

Bridget was all over town, shooting hoops and interacting with the townsfolk as she rapped, getting wide-eyed, shocked yet impressed looks from the trolls upon her head.

“Look at me now, my confidence is soaring,

Dudes be impressed with the points I’m scoring like:”

“That ain’t boring!” Other Bergens called out as Bridget slammed dunked a basketball into the net.

“And it just don’t quit,

Watch the King drop his jaw when I’m shakin’ my hips, I’m sayin’—!”

“She’s coming out!” The Snack Pack sang, joining Bridget back in with the song.

It’s time to take a stand,

“And show the world that I’m—she’s—comin’ out!” Bridget and Poppy harmonized as they finished their song, Poppy poked her head out of the wig and Bridget put up her index finger for Poppy to high five, which Poppy happily gave her.

Bridget hadn’t realized she’d been standing on top of an alligator as she finished her song, promptly feeding him the sub sandwich that she had nabbed in all the excitement stepped off of his back.

“Oh! You fed Barney for me. At least someone around here seems to have some common decency.” A whiny voice complained as it neared closer. Bridget froze as a stout murky green Bergen with a crown atop his head came galumphing over to Bridget’s location from a few stores down. He was talking to her but hadn’t really been looking at her properly as he complained.

“Oh, it’s King Gristle...!” Bridget whispered to her hair as she sighed. “He’s so beautiful...”

“And so are you!” Poppy complimented. Though, it didn’t seem to calm the anxious Bergen girl as she fiddled with her fingers.

“He’ll know I’m a scullery maid—No, no, no! I gotta get outta here...!” Bridget panicked, pacing in place as the King got closer, his face grumpy and his breathing a bit labored.

“I’ll be right here for you, Bridget!” Poppy consoled Bridget. “We all will!”

“Y-You’ll tell me what to say, right?”

“Of course I will,” Poppy answered self-assuredly.

“Of course I will...” Bridget repeated with a sultry smirk.

“...Just... Wait until he walks over here.” Poppy said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Bridget nodded as King Gristle got closer and sighed exasperatedly.

“You would not believe the morning I’ve had. First, they get my order wrong at Grabble and Grum’s, then I go to pick up my new shirts only for them to fit wrong! Then they have the nerve to say that I must’ve gotten bigger since they took the measurements!” King Gristle huffed and puffed as Bridget stood almost catatonic as he complained and untied Barnibus from the parking meter “Now I look ridiculous in these new threads!”

“I think you look fat,” Bridget repeated from her hair as the trolls inside quietly scolded Cooper as he innocently said what was on his mind.

“What?” King Gristle recoiled a bit.

“P-H Phat and strike that pose!” Poppy managed to save the conversation, Bridget quickly repeating it and striking a pose as she was told.

“...Hot lunch...!” King Gristle’s eyes lit up as he stared at the Bergen in front of him. He got closer with a smile on his face. “Total honesty from a total babe... Who might you be?”

Oh sprinkles, Poppy hadn’t even thought of a total babe sort of name for Bridget to use! “Your name is... Um…”

“Lady...!” Biggie suggested.

“Glitter!” Guy Diamond chimed in next.

“Sparkles!” Smidge chirped.

“Seriously?” Chenille said with a disgusted look. She must not have been a huge fan of the name, but it seemed to get a snort of amusem*nt out of Branch, which was very much an indicator as to how bad the name combination was to him.

“Well, it’s not like anyone else had any better ideas!” Poppy whispered to a very amused Branch with a slight flush of embarrassment as Bridget repeated the string of words together robotically at the King who had now grabbed hold of her hands. “What about you, Branch? Could you have come up with something better on the spot?”

“Oh, of course I could, but I think this one is just perfect, Princess... Maybe even a bit iconic!” Branch smirked as he sat back on his paws. Poppy groaned, rolling her eyes, and returned to coaching her new Bergen friend.

Branch could’ve helped considering his foresight of events to come, but instead, he was kicking back and finding amusem*nt in it! Branch could be such a smart aleck at the worst times and unfortunately for Poppy, she was starting to find it infuriatingly endearing.

“Well, M’Lady Glittersparkles,” Gristle said as he bowed for Bridget. “Would you care to join me for an evening at Captain Starfunkle’s Roller Rink and Arcade?”

“Would I!” Bridget exclaimed excitedly before pondering and looking up introspectively at her wig. “Would I...?”

“Yes! You’d be delighted!” Poppy answered.

Bridget repeated Poppy’s words and the date was set! She was such a good wing-troll; she was great at romance, this would be so much easier than she thought!

As King Gristle and Bridget sat down at their booth, a particularly miserable-looking Bergen plopped down a tray of pizza and game tokens on the table.

“So fancy,” Bridget swooned as she stared at the pizza hungrily in front of her. “Good thing I brought my appetite...”

Both King Gristle and Bridget reached in for a slice of pizza when their hands met. They stared at each other for a moment longingly before Bridget snarled and slapped his hand away, snatching the pizza and scarfing it down.

“You’re fantastic!” King Gristle complimented the Bergen girl in awe once his shock wore off.

Noticing that Bridget was more focused on her pizza than her date, Poppy tried to nudge Bridget to compliment him back.

“I like your back,” Bridget repeated, exasperating Poppy as she clarified that she wanted Bridget to say something nice about the King. Bridget responded that she did indeed like King Gristle’s back, Poppy racked her brain trying to come up with compliments for King Gristle on her own; trying to list of features to speak on, but as Poppy stared at the King, she was having a hard time keeping her puke down in order to do so.

Her friends tried to help as well but ran into the same problem; leading all of them to just leave Bridget repeating body parts and King Gristle to feel more and more self-conscious of Bridget’s words until Branch shuffled on his knees over to where Poppy was commanding Bridget and stopped everyone’s floundering.

“Your eyes...!” Bridget repeated, getting Gristle’s attention. “They’re like... Two pools; so deep... I fear if I dive in, I may never come up for air.”

Poppy stared at Branch in astonishment as he went on, his face strained as he continued to speak. “And your smile. The sun itself turns jealous and refuses to come out; knowing it cannot shine half as bright.”

“Nothing in this world compares to the fire that burns within me once its radiance is unsheathed to the world. It nearly brings me to tears to know others take such a gift for granted; rather than to cherish the gift of its presence.” Branch sighed as Bridget finished repeating his words.

Gristle’s eye lit up, a bashful smile on his face. “I kinda do have a nice smile, don’t I?”

“Yes,” Branch said as Bridget repeated. Though when Branch said these words, he was no longer looking out of Bridget’s hair, and instead looking at the young Princess knelt beside him. “You do.”

Branch gave her a slightly somber, yet gentle smile before he shook his head, the smile fading and his eyebrows knitted together in focus like they often did as he turned his gaze back to the Bergen date taking place from outside of Bridge’s scalp. Poppy, on the other hand, was having a difficult time hiding the darkened hue of pink that the entire upper half of her body was sporting. Was he really talking about her when he said that just now?

There was no mistaking it, was there? Poppy had seen Branch look at her a million times like that over the last few days, but everyone around her was telling her that it was more than just a friendly gaze. Her friends were right, no one in The Snack Pack would ever look at her the way Branch did. Branch could give a kind smile to their friends, but it was always different from the ones he gave to her.

The way he held her when she needed comfort was different, the way he trusted her with his feelings was different, and the way he kissed her paws or face was different. She didn’t want to compare Branch to Creek; he was nothing like that traitor, but it was as close as she could understand a relationship like this.

Everyone around her always told Poppy how good she and Creek looked together and while the both of them always denied that they were together, Poppy knew that how she felt about Creek was a little different from others, but while she felt slight romantic feelings for Creek, Branch was different, too.

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this...” Bridget sighed, shaking her head slightly as she stared at King Gristle.

“Guys, she’s going rogue!” Biggie whispered urgently.

“But being here with you today...” Bridget paused as King Gristle grabbed ahold of her hand, staring into Bridget’s eyes. “Makes me realize that maybe... Maybe true happiness is possible.”

“Whoa...” Poppy said in awe from under her breath. That was quite the revelation to have, but maybe it was true. Who’s to say that they had to eat trolls to be happy, maybe they just needed someone to show them how to find it for themselves.

Happiness from a troll was always temporary and fleeting; a high that Bergens felt they had to chase because they felt like it was the only way. Seeing the way Gristle’s eyes lit up from Bridget’s words was proof that maybe that way of thinking was learned, not rooted in truth.

“Do you really think it’s possible? I mean, I thought you had to eat a troll to be happy.” King Gristle asked innocently as he seemed to be deep in thought. “At least, that’s what my dad always told me... Y’know, before he was banished and stuff, obviously.”

“I dunno, maybe?” Bridget shrugged and held King Gristle’s other hand from across the table, now both of their hands joined as they stared at each other. “I mean, being with you feels like, really good?”

“Yeah, it does feel good,” The young King replied. “I thought that maybe it was just gas, but if you feel it too, then maybe it’s more than that... How about we keep this date going, I kind of wanna see if we can be even more “happy” together. What do you say, m’lady?”

“I say bring it on, Your Majesty,” Bridget said in a sultry tone, making King Gristle swoon and smile.

“Please, call me Gristle.” He returned her flirty tone and she giggled agreeing and yanked him out of his seat and over to the roller skate rental counter.

Poppy was impressed, it seemed like Bridget had gotten over her fears of disappointing the King and was taking a lot of initiative. She didn’t even have to tell Bridget what to do, she was leading the date all on her own and skating along with the King as one of her favorite pop songs played on the radio; she loved Sorbet’s music! Wait, did Bergens really listen to troll music without even realizing it?

She had to let those wandering thoughts go as the young Bergens spun around and glided across the roller rink and the gang’s hair caught a gust of wind and sent Bridget’s troll-made wig flying back and nearly blowing their cover. Branch latched his legs around the crown of Cooper’s head and grabbed Poppy’s paw as her other gripped onto one of Bridget’s ponytails for dear life.

The rest of their friends, held onto each other as hard as they could, their tiny screams unheard over the loud catchy pop music. Bridget quickly spun King Gristle around before he could see the trolls flying from her scalp. Poppy yanked her friends down with all her might, bringing them all tumbling down to Bridget’s head once more and Branch fell into Poppy’s arms with his eyes wide from shock.

They quickly shifted their hair back to its proper wig shape before King Gristle could notice and sighed a breath of relief as their date continued without any further hiccups. Bridget was an incredible rollerskater and completely wowed the King as the song on the radio came to an end and joined both hands and leaned in... No way, were they actually going to...

Poppy was practically on the edge of Bridget’s scalp as she saw the two Bergens share their first kiss. She thought she’d be grossed out, but for some reason, she could only think about how easy it seemed to be for them. Bridget had a great outfit, her hair and makeup done spectacularly and the setting was just right and it just happened so... Naturally.

She grazed her fingertips over her own lips as her cheeks heated. Was this something that she could pull off, too? If she had the perfect date, would Branch want to... She bit her bottom lip and snuck a glance over at Branch who was once again sitting beside her. He was looking at the Bergen couple below without a clear emotion on his face until he looked up at Poppy and his cheeks instantly flushed.

“Um. G-Guess your plan worked, Poppy.” Branch said as he cleared his throat and looked anywhere other than where the pink troll was. “I knew you could do it, good job.”

“Y-Yeah...” Poppy chuckled nervously and patted her burning, freckled cheeks, looking away as well. “Thanks for believing in me, Branch.”

Branch froze for a moment and then turned back to face her, staring at her a bit more earnestly this time. Poppy flicked her pink irises back over at the grey troll but kept her face forward. “I’ll always be here to support you, Poppy. Always.”

Gumdrops, he was so kind, she didn’t know how long longer she’d be able to keep her feelings to herself if he kept this up.

With the date over, the new Bergen couple was having a hard time parting ways. They kept staring at each other with such sickeningly sweet affection that it could’ve rivaled a troll’s diet. Poppy was so glad that this worked out, she could see that these two Bergens were absolutely made for each other and she was almost jealous of how easy it seemed to click for them... Would it be like this for herself and Branch if she tried?

She shook off her own thoughts as she realized that Bridget had already said her goodbyes to the King and had skipped off to a grassy hillside on the outskirts of town. When they arrived, the trolls dispersed from the top of Bridget’s head, took in the scenery and expressed their excitement.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe how well our first date went... We even kissed! I kissed the King!” Bridget squealed as she sat down and rested her back against a large willow tree. It was a beautiful tree; Poppy had never seen a tree that wilted like this but was still so full of life and beauty. Bergentown may have had miserable residents, but it still had lovely scenery right outside of its perimeters.

“Wow, this is a super pretty location for a second date, I can’t believe you knew about a place like this outside of town, Bridget!” Poppy said in awe as she looked around the serene, grassy hillside. A clearing like this wasn’t anything like back home. They were always surrounded by trees and viewing the skyline in an open field was nearly impossible from her home surrounded by the dense wood.

“Oh yeah, it’s really pretty out here. I like to come here when I wanna think or like, sing as much as I want... It’s totally embarrassing when the castle staff hears me.” Bridget explained with a sheepish smile.

“You have a lovely singing voice, Bridget. Don’t ever be afraid to let it shiiiiine...!” Poppy harmonized with her friends, making Bridget smile in awe at the tiny performance that the trolls put on for her. “That’s how we stay so happy!”

Poppy’s friends asked her to join them in a game of tag while they were out in the fields, as they were seriously craving some fun and games. Poppy couldn’t help but humor her friends but knew that Branch wouldn’t be able to participate. She looked back at Branch and Bridget who were still placed at the willow tree’s base.

“Go ahead and play with your friends, Poppy,” Bridget smiled. “Me and Branch will be fine back here, I don’t think we’ve gotten a chance to talk, yet! Right, Branch?” Bridget winked at Poppy, which the princess was confused about at first until—Oh! She was trying to be Poppy’s wing-woman this time!

Branch looked up at Bridget before looking back at Poppy with a gentle smile. “Yeah, don’t worry about me Poppy, I’ll stay here with Bridget while you guys goof off for a bit. I think you guys deserve some downtime after our trip.”

Poppy smiled and nodded before taking off to participate in the very intense game of tag that was about to unfold. She didn’t want to admit it, but she really needed to cheer up after all that sad stuff lately. She hoped that Bridget could maybe get some information out of Branch as to how he felt about her, she desperately wanted to know!

Bridget seemed to think about Poppy’s words earlier as she looked over at Branch who was sitting nearby with an expression that didn’t really show whether he was impressed or not.

“Singing makes you happy, huh? ...Hey Branch?” Bridget said with a sweet smile as Branch looked up at the Bergen with an inquisitive look. “Are you a poet or something? That stuff you said earlier during my date... You’re really good with your words and stuff.”

Branch’s cheeks flushed a bit at her compliment. “Uh... Yeah, I do write from time to time. It’s no big deal, really.”

“Oh, but it is! It’s too bad you don’t sing, ‘cause like... You could be really good at making music. You could probably even win someone over with words like that.”

“Oh, please,” Branch furrowed his eyebrows in what looked like distaste and huffed as he rolled his eyes. “There’s no one who’d want me doing that of all trolls.”

“What? Why wouldn’t they? Your words were super romantic! I’m sure any troll you liked would love to hear something like that.” Bridget reassured. Branch, however, did not seem reassured. He gave her a look of doubt and sat back on his paws.

“Bridget, what’s the first thing you notice that makes me different from the rest of my friends?” Branch asked nonchalantly.

Bridget thought about it for a second. Branch did look different from the rest of the trolls with him. He acted differently, too. He didn’t laugh very much, he didn’t sing, kept to himself, not to mention all the teeny scars she could see all over his torso. None of his friends had a single scar to be found anywhere on their bodies. But there was one thing above all else that she noticed the first time that she saw him.

“You’re not very colorful, I guess?”

“Yeah, that.” Branch nodded curtly, his brows knitted in focus as he watched his friends frolicking in the near distance. “It kind of makes me a bit of an oddball back home.”

Bridget didn’t speak for a moment. Was he really treated all that differently because of that? She could somewhat understand that; she was unusually short for a Bergen her age. It was part of why she was so taken by King Gristle. She felt less alone knowing there was someone out there like her. But if Branch felt out of place, maybe he didn’t have someone like that.

She saw how giddy and playful trolls could be. She had never eaten one herself, as she was only a few years older than the King and she was working as a scullery maid even back then. She was so curious to know what trolls were like; what made them so happy and colorful.

From what she could see from Poppy’s small group of friends, trolls looked so friendly, fuzzy, and soft. Full of life, color, and sometimes glitter. They may have all looked different, but those were things they all had in common. Branch was nothing like that, the look in his eyes was hardened. His manner of speaking and behavior was similar to Bergens she’d seen her whole life; negative, disinterested, and distant.

Based on what Poppy had told her, they hadn’t even been friends with Branch for very long at all, and that Branch was a bit of a loner. If that was how things were, she could understand why Branch wouldn’t think very highly of himself and keep away from others. Bridget didn’t always feel too good about herself either because she felt the same way; out of place.

“I know it sounds kind of weird coming from me, but I’m sure that there are trolls you know that don’t care about something like you being a bit different,” Bridget finally responded, getting Branch’s attention once more. “You know that… Don’t you?”

Branch stared at the Bergen with wide eyes as he processed her words before looking away with hesitance to answer her question. Both of them knew what that answer was as Bridget watched Branch’s eyes trail over to the pink princess who was using Cooper as a steed to charge into tag battle as her friends let out screams of joy as they ran away.

Bridget could tell by the way that Branch looked at her what DJ had meant earlier. It was clear he loved her, but it was even clearer that he didn’t think of himself as worth her time as he tore his eyes away from her and wrung his paws together as he stared at them in his lap.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t care about it. But there’s nothing I can do about it, so I’m okay with things staying this way.” Branch sighed as he looked off into the distance away from his peers, his expression unreadable. “I’m lucky to even have everyone as a friend. They’re a good bunch, today was a testament to that. They’d do anything to help you, to help everyone back home.”

Bridget could see just how different Branch was from his friends with these words alone. Branch was very... Worldly. He wasn’t as innocent and optimistic as the rest of the group was, his thinking was less imaginative and more rooted in experience. Branch was definitely the one who must’ve led the group here, he was very level-headed. He did declare himself as a thinker type, and it was clear that he did that a lot, as he spent a lot of time alone.

Though his level of experience and knowledge was higher, his self-esteem was at an all-time low. This was why Branch hadn’t taken a chance and tried to pursue Poppy, he didn’t view himself as worthy of her affections; just like how Bridget hadn’t viewed herself as worthy of Gristle’s.

There was no way that Branch was going to tell Poppy how he felt, he’d just stay in her shadow like Bridget had done for all these years. That though, just wouldn’t work for Bridget; these two loved each other, and there was no way she was going to let them go back home without them working it out. That, she was sure of.


Feels good to be back! Sorry, no “singing killed my grandma” scene! While it was definitely a silly scene in the movie, I felt like it was a rather… Insensitive one considering how differently things went this time and since Branch wasn’t being pressured in the same manner, I think he’d be able to handle himself a bit better. It kind of sucked how he was forced to talk about it just to get people off his back, so I came up with something else! Sorry!

I was really struggling to write for Bridget; I’m not the biggest fan of her in the first movie and I’ve discovered that having to stick so close to canon absolutely sucks the fun out of writing this. Canon divergence can be difficult for me to work with bc sometimes, only a few things change and stick to the script otherwise, so it just feels like I’m watching the movies again rather than something new... I really don’t like this chapter because of it... Luckily, this is one of the small instances where things stick to canon, so hopefully I don’t get discouraged to write like this again!

In lighter news, because of my reluctance to work on this chapter and other external factors that kept me busy, I did end up drafting up future chapters as well as unrelated ROF oneshots. Let me know if you’d ever be interested in seeing those oneshots and maybe I’ll finish them up and publish them! :]

Chapter 43: Raw


Poppy gets a chance to explore the Troll Tree pods.


Hey y’all! I’m back and hopefully I can get back to my once a day schedule soon! Things have been a bit wild for me lately, I'm in the process of moving, trying to possibly work from home over the summer and I've been accepted into art school as well!!

On another note, I’ve seen people question the ages of Branch and Poppy and the 20th anniversary timeline quite a few time now. More about it in the end notes! (LONG, NEURODIVERGENT EXPLANATION so I saved it till the end LOL) No chapter spoilers though, so feel free to read it first if you'd like!

Fix You - Yellowcard
Rewinding Our Fate - Official Playlist
(This will be updated as songs are added with the chapters!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once Poppy and her friends were finished with their incredibly fun game of tag, they all made their way back to Bridget, who was now sitting alone with a solemn look on her face. Poppy was a bit confused and incredibly nervous about that; had Branch not liked her the way she did him? Bridget motioned her head towards the large willow tree above them, making Poppy's eyes follow and locate an even moodier troll than he had been before they’d all left. What could Bridget possibly have said to upset him so much?

Her question would be quickly answered as Bridget sighed, making Poppy’s head snap back towards her large friend. The rest of the Snack Pack gathered around as Bridget began to speak, sharing their own looks of concern.

“Poppy, there’s no doubt that Branch likes you, he clearly does, it’s just…” Bridget paused momentarily as Poppy’s stomach churned from excitement and anxiety as she processed the words told to her. “There’s no way he’d ever make the first move; like, at all. He thinks so little of himself and talks as if he should just be grateful that any of you are his friends at all and it’s like… It’s like he’s refusing to accept it.”

“That sure sounds like Branch,” Poppy muttered after a short silence passed. “He’s been acting like everything is his fault for most of the stuff that went wrong during our trip. Like he deserves nothing good when it’s just not true!”

Poppy’s heart ached, he blamed himself for more than just the incidents from their journey, he blamed himself for the death of his grandmother and his brothers leaving so much that he’d been making himself miserable and pushing his happiness away to punish himself for it. He never wanted to be alone; it was clear that he wanted anything but that considering how he was brought to tears over the idea that all of her friends wanted to consider him family.

He longed for affection, companionship, for connection with others; but because he’d been denied it so long, because the people in her village didn’t help him in the way he needed… He seemed to accept that it wasn’t in the cards for him and continued pushing Poppy and her friends away, thinking that it was what he was supposed to do.

Poppy wasn’t going to tell Bridget about the personal reasons as to why he was so unsure of himself, and it didn’t seem like she was going to ask which was relieving for her. She didn’t want to have to make up another lie, she was terrible at those, and Branch probably wouldn’t appreciate her telling Bridget about something so personal when they hadn’t seen eye to eye.

Looking back up at her especially moody crush in the trees, she knew that Branch’s feelings were, once again, complicated. She knew that she was going to have to take the lead here, Branch was perfectly content with hiding how he was feeling; he’d done it his whole life. Poppy, on the other hand, could not. Poppy shook off the negative feelings swarming about a possible rejection; she had been reassured by everyone that their feelings were mutual. Everything will be just fine!

“Thanks for talking with him though, Bridget!” Poppy said with a big grin, then turning and waving to her grey friend and catching his attention. “C’mon, Branch! Let’s get going, I wanna go explore the Troll Tree while we still have some sunlight!”

Branch’s ears perked up as he gave Poppy a slightly anxious look as he studied her face. She kept up a smile but tilted her head quizzically, making him shake off whatever he was thinking about, and scooted himself off the tree branch he had been brooding on. He gripped the ends of his hair, using it as a parachute back to the ground. Poppy happily skipped over to where Branch was anticipated to land and yanked him into a tight hug, making her friend grunt and return her affection, albeit a bit more gently.

They took a ride in Bridget’s purse back to the Troll Tree, rather than on her head as Bridget’s alter ego. As they sat inside, she heard exciting chattering from her friends; they were just as excited as her to learn more about their history. Poppy might not have had any siblings, but she was sure that she had other relatives considering that her dad had spoken about them.

Branch wasn’t very excited about the conversation and Poppy could understand why; his family brought on very negative feelings for Branch, and it made sense that he might not want to talk about it at the moment. However, it was certainly a conversation they would need to have if the plan was to locate them all and verify their safety.

There was an orange tint slowly cascading over the town around them, the sun deciding that it would soon be taking its leave. They had an hour at most before it would truly be dark and that was plenty of time to explore as Bridget discreetly dropped them off at the Troll Tree and everyone said their farewells and wishes for a restful sleep to their new, large friend.

Poppy and her friends camouflaged themselves as they made their way back up to the tree. Branch was bundled up tight in the hair of the young princess until they ascended back up to the pods and into the safety of the tree’s foliage.

It wasn’t long before everyone had started to wander about, discovering the pods of their families and finding things they could return home with. Poppy, however, stuck by Branch as they watched the excitement from their friends.

“Isn’t there anything you want to take a look at yourself?” Branch finally spoke again after his silence on the ride back. “Er—Well, only if you want to, I can understand feeling a little uncomfortable learning about your family so late in life.”

Poppy was a little confused by his words at first, what would she have to feel uncomfortable about? She shook her head with a kind smile, then rested her head against Branch’s shoulder as they now sat in a pod that had belonged to Smidge’s parents. Her friends were goofing around with all the discarded infant hairbows that had been left behind in her nursery.

“There’s nothing to be uncomfortable about, Branch! Yeah, I guess it’s a little sucky that I don’t know too much about my extended family, but to me, it’s more exciting than uncomfortable!” Poppy smiled, getting a hum from Branch as a response.

“Though, I guess I am excited to see some stuff from the old royal pods, maybe I’ll find all the baby pictures Dad had to leave behind!” Poppy shivered excitedly at the prospect of it.

“But honestly, my biggest question is why there are three royal pods instead of just two.”

There was a pause as Branch turned his head to face Poppy, making her lift her head from his shoulder to meet his eyes. His face was scrunched up in confusion, which made Poppy raise an eyebrow in response.

“That’s Viva’s pod, Poppy.” He almost scoffed, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. That only seemed to make Poppy even more confused.

“…Am I supposed to know who that is? Who’s Viva?” Poppy asked in the most innocent way anyone could imagine. Branch flinched in shock the moment she asked her second question, his face almost stricken with fear for a few seconds. He opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again, looking away from her, his eyes scanning the floor beneath him as if he was searching his brain for answers.

“Poppy? What did you and your dad talk about before we left?” His brows were furrowed in concentration, his eyes not returning to meet hers, making Poppy feel a bit nervous.

“Um… Well, he was talking about how much you seemed to care about me I guess…” She studied his face and body language, searching for any sort of indicator that she was giving him the answer he was truly looking for.

“Then we hugged, and he said he’d miss me and stuff, the usual… Then when I was about to walk out, he stopped me and said he had something important to tell me.” Branch’s ear perked up at this, prompting Poppy to keep talking, this meant she was on the right track to giving him the right answer!

“And he told me that I’d make a great Queen one day! It was so sweet! After that, I came to see you!” Poppy smiled wide, hoping that her answer was what he was looking for.

“Peppy, you son of a bitch.” Branch snarled, his face souring and morphing into a scowl that Poppy hadn’t seen much at all in the last few days. Okay, that was not the right answer.

“Branch, what the hair—Why did you call him that?! What’s your deal?” Poppy clutched imaginary pearls at the expletive that was directed at her father.

“He was supposed to tell you something—something important; but now I have to be the one to do it!” Branch said, raising his voice a bit. Branch was really angry; she could see that whatever was going on was really bothering him.

“What are you talking about, Branch? I’m sure whatever it is, it’s not something to get so worked up over—”

“But it is, Poppy! H-He was supposed to tell you about… About whose pod that was…!”

“About that Viva person? Who is that?”

Branch sighed, frustrated as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. What was the big deal? It couldn’t have been that bad, I mean, her dad told her everything. There would never be a huge secret that her dad would’ve kept from her—

“Your sister. Viva was your sister.”

Except that.

“W-What? My… Sister?” Poppy chuckled awkwardly as she put on a tense smile. “C’mon, Branch. That’s not funny, I thought you were serious for a minute there!”

Surely, he had to be joking; there was no way that she had a sibling, her dad would’ve told her something that important. But as she forced a laugh, she didn’t see Branch’s expression change from his frustrated, uncomfortable one. Poppy was starting to feel a bit nauseous as her stomach twisted in worry.

“I’m not joking, Poppy. She was your older sister; her name was Viva and that’s who the other royal pod belongs to.” Branch said in an irritated tone, clearly recalling something.

“Oh, c’mon Branch! You don’t seriously expect me to believe that, do you? I mean, why wouldn’t Dad tell me something like that?!”

“Because he didn’t want to, I guess being honest is just too hard for a lot of people. I don’t get it either, but here we are.” Branch shrugged, scoffing and crossing his arms.

Poppy frowned; she didn’t like whatever Branch was insinuating. This was her dad they were talking about. There was no way he’d hide things from her, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t… Right? Oh, Poppy was starting to feel sick. She wanted to throw up; she couldn’t handle something like this. Not now. Her friends not trusting her and Creek being a total snake in the grass was enough to grapple with, but not being able to trust her own father? That was a whole other level of stress she wouldn’t be able to handle.

“No, no… I-I don’t believe this,” Poppy stammered as her fingers gripped the hem of her dress, her claws poking at her palms through the material. “Dad wouldn’t lie to me about something this important.”

“Well, my conversation with him would say otherwise.” Branch rolled his eyes, obviously irritated by whatever took place during the conversation that Poppy wasn’t a part of. “In fact, he begged me to keep it from you.”

Poppy’s blood ran cold, she couldn’t believe her ears, but why would Branch need to lie about her father? What benefit would that even serve him? He’s been nothing but helpful this whole time and it was unlike Branch to refer to her father with such disrespect. Even when her dad did things that would irritate Branch as they grew up, he was still respectful and never spoke out of turn; he was the King after all. But for Branch to be this upset? Had her dad really… lied to her?

“…ppy. Poppy!” Branch shook Poppy’s shoulders. She hadn’t even noticed that anyone had been calling her name. Now, the rest of her friends were looking at her with concern and Poppy was attempting to get the lump out of her throat as Branch’s icy blue eyes scanned her face as if he were checking to see if she was okay.

“I need to see this myself.” She sputtered, her face tense and her teeth gritted. “Viva. T-The pod.”

Branch stared at her for just a few seconds, then his eyes flicked over to the rest of the group before he looked back at her with a look of empathy. Poppy had to look away as she felt her eyes and nose burn; she didn’t need to cry right now. It’s like he could always tell what she was thinking about. She quickly stood and blinked away the tears threatening to form in her eyes and exited the pod with a determined scowl on her face.

She heard Smidge call for her, but she was already making her way out of the pod they were in. She launched her hair out to swing her way up and over to the pod of her supposed sibling. It was full of overgrown vines and greenery, like all of her friends’ family pods besides Branch’s were; untouched and preserved from the day of the escape.

She felt her heart beating out of her chest as she scanned the pod’s pink walls. It was so similar to hers back home on the inside, but what made her world spin was what she saw all over the walls of the colorful pod. A bright pink troll who she could’ve mistaken for herself had it not been for the key difference; bright, wild, blonde hair that filled up most of the frame of each portrait she was in.

She felt like every nerve of her body was on fire but the world around her was frozen over. Every step she took towards the walls of the pod to inspect the photos felt like she was walking over a frozen lake with no skates, not even socks. Instead of comfort, lifting her feet from the soft, plush floor felt like trying to pry your tongue from a frozen pole in the dead of winter.

Her breathing quickened as her eyes scanned the photos that littered the walls just like her own photo frames did back home. The blonde troll had a huge smile and freckled face that matched her own, posing with various friends she must’ve had at some point. She was in a classroom posing with a lanky, dorky-looking troll with curly, lime-green hair and a sweatband around his forehead.

Whoever this “Clay” person was, they must’ve been school friends; good friends at the very least, as they had quite a few photos together, albeit Clay seemed a bit uncomfortable with the troll interrupting his studies. The name was familiar, but the troll looked nothing like anyone she knew so she moved on, finally spotting something that drew her attention.

A photo of the blonde troll hugging what looked like a much younger version of her father. Her mouth ran dry.

That wasn’t proof of anything, Poppy had photos of herself with all of the trolls from her village. So what if she was in a royal pod, that didn’t matter. Her dad wouldn’t hide something like this from her. He couldn’t. She managed to tear her eyes away from the wall and made her way over to the nightstand beside the bed. She sat on the edge and ripped away all the vines and leaves that had latched themselves to the bedside table.

She ripped vines off the wooden photo frame that occupied the center of the nightstand and could’ve puked up a lung from the sheer amount of nerves rattling around within her entire body. There it was, the proof she kept trying to deny, the truth that she didn’t want to face, the evidence of the words that came out of Branch’s mouth.

There she was, Poppy as a baby and in the lap of her father as he draped the other arm over the shoulder of the child troll that this pod belonged to. Poppy felt like her chest would burst, she was taking in such deep breaths without exhaling.

She could feel herself panicking as she shakily snatched open the drawer of the bedside dresser with a bit too much force, sending the drawer crashing to the floor at her feet. A pile of photos printed from an instant camera like she possessed herself scattered all over the floor.

She bent over, shakily clambering to pick up all the photos and read the labels of all the photos as she shuffled through them all. Photos of the blonde troll making silly faces and the images labeled things like “SILLY!” or “UPSIDE DOWN!” and the young troll within the photo doing actions or making faces as the labels described.

One written in different handwriting that looked like her father’s was simply labeled: “Viva” and displayed a pink, shimmery egg with green and yellow markings; a curly tuft of blonde hair poking out from the top. She had such a pretty egg, Poppy only knew what her egg looked like by description, never in person. That was until she took a look at the next photo in the stack she was holding.

Pink and shimmery, white spots, green and white markings and her curly pink hair poking out of the top. Then, there she was again, the blonde troll was proudly showing off the egg to the camera, the photo labeled “MY BABY SISTER!” and there was no use in denying it. That was Poppy’s egg in the paws of the troll who was posed with her father and looked uncannily like herself.

If that wasn’t enough, the photo of herself in diapers making silly faces with the older blonde troll made it incredibly clear. Poppy had a big sister. A real blood sibling, something she never thought she’d be able to have. Something that her dad always seemed to ignore whenever she whined about it as a child, begging for a sibling only to be ignored or redirected to a different subject.

All of a sudden, everything seemed to be so much clearer, why her father was so strange that day, why he said he didn’t want to lose “another one” when she declared that she was headed to Bergen Town with Branch. Why Branch had acted so strange when those words were said, why her father was so weirdly tense yet secretive while they talked…

All of this knowledge was starting to make more sense, all the weird things she'd noticed but brushed off now made sense. Not only did she have a friend who betrayed her and hurt her, but now her father had done the same.

Poppy’s father lied to her for her entire life, and she was none the wiser.

Branch had stopped the Snack Pack from chasing after Poppy right away, he knew that she would need a minute to herself to process all of her feelings, there’s no doubt that she would need a moment to really come to terms with the fact that not only did she have a sister, but her father had actively kept it from her and even lied right to her face when questioned during his slip-up.

To say that Branch was pissed was truly underselling it all, King Peppy had totally thrown Branch under the bus because of his cowardice. This wasn’t something he should’ve been in the middle of to begin with! Branch had just assumed that because of how miserable Poppy looked once she came back from her talk with her father, she was just processing everything he told her.

Branch understood not wanting to talk about things right away, and he wanted to give Poppy the time and space to do so on her own accord. Had he just asked a few days ago, maybe she wouldn’t have felt so blindsided right now. Branch had quickly explained what was going on and it seemed to confuse and frustrate the rest of his friends just as much; why would King Peppy go so far to hide Poppy’s sister from her?

Surely, some people knew Viva; she was old enough to be remembered, and who could forget the princess who came before Poppy? Was there some sort of rule put in place not to discuss her? How else would Poppy have gone her whole life not knowing a single thing?

Whatever reason, it was clear by the conversation with King Peppy that he didn’t see Poppy as well-adjusted enough to handle it; but who would be able to handle something like this when you make such an active effort to hide it from someone their whole life?

Branch was just about to head out to go and see how Poppy was handling such news, but as he poked his head out of the pod, he saw pink tresses swing by and watched as Poppy went past the pod they were all occupying and back to his grandmother’s pod where they had slept the night before.

“She’s back already, guys,” Branch called out to his friends, beckoning them to follow. “Let’s head back, that’s where she went off to in such a hurry.”

Cooper gave Branch some assistance as they all made their way back to the large pod and found Poppy standing near the downstairs window, looking out of it as the setting sun cast an orange light over her frame. Branch couldn’t see her face and she didn’t budge as they all flocked into the pod.

“Poppy?” Smidge piped up, taking a few cautious steps forward. “…You okay?”

Poppy didn’t respond at first, she remained as still as stone as her friends stood back at a distance until she let out a quiet sigh.

“Branch? You knew, right?” Poppy paused for a moment, making Branch flinch a bit as their friends’ eyes bounced back and forth between the two. “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner if you knew?”

“Poppy, I swear I thought that you and your dad had talked about it. I asked him to tell you because I knew that it would upset you if you had to find out like this…” Branch shook his head, wringing his paws together nervously. “When… When you came back to the room all upset, I thought it was because you guys talked about it… A-And you just needed time to process it… If I had known he chickened out and kept it from you, I would’ve—"

“I know, you would’ve told me sooner,” Poppy said in an unsettlingly calm voice. “That’s what’s upsetting me more, this had nothing to do with you, yet you had to be the one to tell me. Dad knew I would come here and once I saw this for myself, I’d feel upset and confused and still, he chose to say nothing. He said nothing my whole life about Viva. My sister, Branch. My family.”

The solemn silence felt like a quilt draped over the pod, the looks that Branch exchanged with his friends were obvious. They all knew what King Peppy did was wrong. Branch knew that this was what would happen.

“What happened to her, do you know?” Poppy spoke once again, making Branch’s ears twitch.

“Oh, um… I-It was during the Troll Tree escape… She um… She got separated from the rest of the group along with a lot of other trolls.”

“Wow, Dad. You sure followed that ‘No Troll Left Behind’ rule really well.” Poppy scoffed, shaking her head slightly. Was Poppy being… sarcastic? It was silent for a moment as Branch carefully walked over to Poppy as she stood at the window; still refusing to face any of her friends.

“…Branch?” Poppy asked, making Branch pause.


“Do you think I’m… Stupid?”

“What? No… No, of course not, Poppy.” Branch shook his head, tilting his head in confusion as he looked at her. She clutched whatever she had in her arms tightly, her ears drooping just a tad.

“Then how come everyone I’ve ever trusted keeps lying to me like I am? I have to be. Why else would they keep hurting me when all I want to do is believe that they wouldn’t? I have to be stupid, only an idiot would think the way I do.”

Poppy’s voice was way too calm compared to the words coming out of her mouth. It was honestly rather concerning to hear her so calm; Poppy had big emotions, she was quick to cry or laugh or yell when she felt overwhelmed by a feeling. Branch knew Poppy better than anyone else, this wasn’t normal upset, she was—

Branch had to blink a few times to make sure that his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. He watched as Poppy’s usually springy hair started to wilt, the tips of her ears were starting to desaturate, the ends of her hair doing the same as her bright pink palette took on a desaturated hue from the ends of her body and the greyness worked its way towards her core.

“Hey, wait—Hey, Poppy, no… No!”

Branch’s heart fell to his stomach as he rushed over to her, she couldn’t be. This shouldn’t be happening; he was trying so hard to keep bad things from happening and this was the worst it could get. He pushed past the ache of his feet and ankle and scrambled over to Poppy as she slumped down to the plush floor of the pod, dropping what looked like a collection of photos and a wooden picture frame. Branch was instantly by her side, grabbing her into a gentle hug.

“Listen to me Poppy, you’re not stupid. None of what happened here is your fault!” Branch wiped away the tears that were streaming down Poppy’s face. She snapped her head up to look at him with such a look of anguish that it broke his heart.

“Then why, Branch? Why is the only person who didn’t treat me like I couldn’t think for myself the guy I’ve only been friends with for less than a week?” Poppy hiccupped; her tears a stream that the dam that was Branch’s paws couldn’t stop. His heart was pounding, this was one of his worst fears. He never wanted to see Poppy like this, this was exactly why he needed King Peppy to man up and be forthcoming. His daughter had experienced some of the worst things in her life so far, and only within a week. This was honestly cruel.

“Creek tried to convince everyone I cared about that the one person looking out for all of us was bad news. I can’t trust my lifelong friends without them belittling me and my decisions, or others trying to kill me or a new friend; I can’t even trust my own father because he had no faith in me to be able to do this on my own and he LIED to my face about a sibling I never knew I had because he thought I couldn’t “handle it.” Of course I can’t handle this! If he hadn’t done everything under the sun to keep it from me all this time, maybe I would’ve been able to!”

Poppy sobbed, pressing her face to Branch’s chest, her tears dripping down against him. He’d never seen her so devastated, so hurt, so… Grey. Sure, he’d seen it in his dreams, but seeing it in a situation like this was painful to him. Seeing this in real life felt so… wrong.

“I can’t even trust my own father to be honest with me. How am I supposed to trust anything or anyone? What’s the point in any of this? How am I supposed to be Queen one day when I don’t even know about things that I’m meant to know? He covered up what happened to you, what happened to my sister… what else isn’t he telling me?”

There was so much that Branch needed to say to Poppy; anything to calm her down and say that everything would be okay, but he knew better than to lie to her. This was bad, it was truly horrible for her father to keep such important things from her when it was inevitable that she would be crowned Queen any day now. She had a right to know about everything.

“I can’t do any of this anymore. I’m so tired of this. It’s like I can’t trust the ones I’m supposed to.” Poppy muttered as the greyness spread to the entirety of her body, her colors nothing more than a dull pink. Their friends looked on in horror as Poppy’s bright enthusiastic spirit left with the last bit of her colors.

“Why is it that I trust your word over my dad’s right now because of this? It shouldn’t be like this. It’s wrong.

He couldn’t fault Poppy for feeling this way; it was as if how Poppy chose to live her entire life was being put into question. Poppy always believed that there was a way out of everything and that there was always a silver lining to any situation; but right now? How could she feel that way when she felt betrayed by the people she loved? The circ*mstances may not have been the same, but the prediction that something like this would devastate Poppy was no different from his dream.

“Poppy, you can’t give up, I know it seems like there’s no point, I’ve been there, but… There’s always something to keep fighting for...” Branch swallowed hard, rubbing her back to soothe her. “Or someone.”

“I don’t want to. I give up, there’s no point to this.” Poppy murmured, sinking into his arms and sinking deeper and deeper into her feelings of despair.

“No, Poppy, you can’t…!” DJ piped up, walking over and kneeling by the murky pink princess. “You… You can’t give up!”

“Yeah, things are by no means easy right now, but you can’t let those feelings win,” Smidge said as she walked over, her friends getting closer to Poppy and wanting to offer her comfort. She only groaned, rolling her eyes and hiding her face from them as she latched herself to Branch as if she were trying to hide. He brought her close, making her sit on his lap and he stroked her hair gently.

“You’ve gotta cheer up! We’ll be here for you, you know that.” The small troll said gently as she gave Poppy’s shoulder a gentle rub.

“I don’t want to cheer up right now, I want to be left alone!” Poppy snipped, brushing off Smidge’s paw. “Now I get how Branch feels all the time...”


This wasn’t what Branch wanted. Sure, Branch often liked to be on his own, but it wasn’t because he wanted to be lonely. Poppy being loud, colorful, and annoying was what made her so loveable to him. If she was like this, she’d be no better than himself; and there was no way that she could ever turn out like him, he wouldn’t allow it.

“Guys, I know you’re trying to help, but I think what Poppy needs right now is some time to think. I know it’s a big ask right now, but I think some quiet time and space will be better. I’ll look after her.” Branch spoke gently to their very concerned friends as they stared at Poppy’s muted state. She was hiding herself in Branch’s arms, her frustrated tears unending. Poppy was clearly not in a good headspace and trying to push through it rather than letting her feel her emotions as they came would only make things worse.

“Well… Okay, but… If you need us, we’ll be nearby, okay? Just call.” Though hesitant, Smidge seemed to be confident that Branch knew what he was doing. Branch nodded curtly with a small smile as they backed out of the pod; hanging out on the tree leaves nearby.

He felt bad for making them leave, but with the anger and hurt that Poppy was experiencing, he wouldn’t want her to make the mistake of saying something that she would regret. Branch knew that better than anyone; he’d been saying cruel things when he felt hurt or stressed for as long as he could remember, and he regretted it more than anything.

Once they left, Poppy shifted her body so that she was sitting between Branch’s legs horizontally, her shoulder resting against his chest and her head resting against his shoulder. Her legs draped over one of his bent legs. Branch lifted his chin to rest it on top of her now grey head of wilted, curly tresses. She lethargically lifted the pile of pictures she’d taken from Viva’s pod and stared at them forlornly as they lay across her lap.

Branch used his hair to grab a large pillow from across the room and propped it up against the wall near the window. He leaned back, allowing Poppy to truly rest up against him and she sighed. Branch knew this feeling; it was loss. Poppy had never met her sister, but she had to be feeling some regrets and frustrations about how she was left behind and her entire existence practically erased because her father wanted it that way.

“You know that I’m not gonna let you stay like this, right?” Branch spoke, his voice gentle and low.

“Why not? None of this matters; it feels pointless to try when it’s clear that he never truly had any faith in me to be honest about anything important.” Poppy scoffed, tossing the pictures to the floor.

“Dad decided to keep me in the dark about everything despite me being the future Queen of our village and by default, once again, he left you to clean up a mess that he should’ve handled himself. He treats me like a kid, but at the same time wants me to be responsible and rule a village? What a joke.”

Poppy scoffed as she rummaged through her hair, pulling out a glittery, purple envelope with a name written out in dark purple letters: “CREEK.” She stared at it, her face scrunching up in anger as she recalled something.

“Not to mention one of my closest friends thinking I was some idiot who needed his guidance to be a better leader; treating us all like idiots. I should’ve known by the way he yelled at me and refused to come to our party that he wasn’t really there for me or my friends, he just needed something out of it.” Her voice shook with rage as she took the envelope into both paws, preparing to rip it in half, but she just tossed it to the floor like the photos in defeat.

She choked back sobs, wiping the hot tears that dribbled down her grey face; her glimmering freckles shone no longer. She chuckled dryly to herself as she nestled into Branch’s embrace.

“Maybe if I go back home looking like this, he’ll finally get just how much he messed things up.”

“No, Poppy.” Branch’s voice was firm, making Poppy flinch. “I won’t let you end up like this, not like me.”

“But it hurts so much, Branch… I used to want to take on the future head on with no brakes, but now…? I’m scared of it. If I can’t even trust my dad to be honest with me, how can I even know where to start when it’s time for me to become Queen?” Poppy sniffled; Branch’s fingers ran gentle patterns through her hair as she spoke. He felt for her; Poppy had so many responsibilities, and finding out that your dad was keeping so many important things from you when there was something that could’ve been done had to be confusing; scary even.

“If he’s expecting me to keep being a silly girl who doesn’t pay attention to trolls in need or trusting the wrong people because they say their intentions are good, I’m going to ruin everything. I feel like I’ve already failed so many times, now. Like I failed you, like the whole village did.”

“That’s not true, Poppy. You did the best you could with what you knew. I can’t blame you for not knowing any better. I don’t blame you.”

Poppy stared up at him with dull, apathetic eyes. She opened her mouth to argue but seemed to reconsider and decided to concede instead and sunk into his lap, resting her head back on his shoulder. This was bad, Branch remembered this feeling way after the first few months of being grey. Everyone around him would try to get him to participate in activities or even become frustrated with his inability to be able to take it easy.

Eventually, his will to put up a fight dwindled and during his teen years, he felt that overwhelming feeling of despair and hopelessness that no one would ever truly understand him. He could see that look in her eyes and he knew he had to do something. Something that she would be comforted by, but also something more realistic than just telling her that she would be okay.

He took a deep breath, letting his nerves out as he exhaled. He started to hum gently in her ear, stroking her hair gently as she twitched in shock from what he was about to start doing. The one thing he felt like he shouldn’t do in front of anyone because of what his mind told him would happen. He pushed it to the back of his mind and continued to hum.

“When you try your best and you don’t succeed…

When you get what you want, but not what you need…”

Poppy’s ears perked up, her eyes widening with shock as she struggled to process what was happening.

“When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep…

Stuck in reverse…”

Poppy sat up, her eyes brimming with tears as she stared at him in disbelief. Branch cupped her cheeks in his paws, wiping her tears with his thumbs as they fell.

“And the tears come streaming down your face,"

Poppy sobbed softly as she bowed her head in his paws, putting her paws over his as they pressed their foreheads together.

“When you lose something that you cannot replace."

Poppy had faced so many acts of betrayal in such a short time by people she was meant to trust. Her friends, Creek, and now her father.

“When you love someone, but it goes to waste,

Could it be worse?”

Branch lifted her face; her pitiful, dulled eyes staring into his. He needed her to know that he would always be there.

“Lights will guide you home…

And ignite your bones,

And I will try to fix you.”

Poppy blinked at him, a twinkle in her eyes as if she were starting to pick up the meaning of the words he was trying to convey.

“And high above or down below,

When you’re too in love to let it go…”

Branch caressed her cheeks, studying the troll before him. She was beautiful, no matter the hue.

“But if you never try, then you’ll never know

Just what you’re worth…”

Poppy’s eyes shimmered with a spark of pink warmth as she leaned back in, letting herself be swaddled in Branch’s arms as he sang. Her body was relaxed as she listened to his gentle voice singing to her.

“Lights will guide you home…

And ignite your bones,

And I will try to fix you.”

Branch caressed her grey curls, bringing her body as close to his as he hummed. He wiped her tears as she silently cried. He knew that this would be hard for Poppy, but if there was anyone who could get back up again and take on the world like nothing was standing in her way, it was her.

Poppy could light up the darkest tunnel with nothing but her smile, her laugh could bring solace to even the grumpiest of creatures. Who wouldn’t envy the heart of a kind soul such as herself? Anyone who didn’t see how smart, dependable, and amenable she could be once given the knowledge she needed in order to compromise, was simply a fool. She was always willing to help and fix a problem.

She was a beacon of light in his world shrouded in loneliness and fear. No matter how many times he’d push her away, Poppy would be there at the same time every day to invite him to something else. Rain or shine, Poppy was the one constant in his life that he would never be able to live without; especially not now. He promised.

“Tears stream down your face,

When you lose something you cannot replace…

Tears stream down your face,

And I…”

Branch promised himself that he’d be there for Poppy no matter what, he would push down the feelings in his heart for her and focus on being the friend she truly needed right now.

“Tears stream down your face,

I promise you, I will learn from my mistakes…”

As he sang, he saw the rosy glow of the familiar pink he was used to, slowly but surely returning to his friend.

“Tears stream down your face,

And I…”

Poppy was almost back to her colorful state, other than the tips of her hair, ears, and other extremities as he looked down at her.

“Lights will guide you home,

And ignite your bones,

And I will try to fix you.”

Poppy didn’t smile as Branch finished his song, but he could tell that she was at least feeling a bit better than before. Branch noticed her eyes had returned to their usual magenta color as they stared at each other, to his relief.

“Your voice is… It’s beautiful, Branch…” Poppy’s voice rasped, exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster she’d just gotten off of. “Thank you for trusting me to hear it, I know that wasn’t easy for you.”

“Take it as my promise to you.” Branch sighed, leaning back against the wall and the pillow they were resting against. Branch glanced down at the photos that Poppy had discarded to the floor and his heart ached as he thought about Viva, then his own siblings. “That I’ll always be here for whatever you need, whenever you need it.”

Poppy only hiccupped as tears fell, touched by his sincerity. She snuggled in once more, her dainty, flocked skin brushing up against the scruff of his cheeks.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Branch.”

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Branch whispered in return, caressing her hair. She still had some greyness to her, but Branch was sure that his reassurance was helping greatly. He continued to talk to her when she spoke up, otherwise humming or reciprocating her need for closeness.

Poppy was always someone who preferred physical affection when she was sad, but now, she also needed someone who understood her need for quiet and patience as she worked out the hard truths on her own. This was something she believed Branch was capable of at the moment and refused to cling to anything else.

He’d let her have that; it was the least he could do as her friend after he had to drop such a bombshell on her. Branch could tell that while Poppy was sad now, she would surely have some other more intense emotions for her father once they got back to Troll Village. He told King Peppy that Poppy would be cross with him if he didn’t tell her; Branch refused to be responsible for whatever Poppy felt about her father.

He would just be there to support her as a friend; and right now, he finally felt like he had a purpose after so many years of being alone. He felt needed and appreciated and he would be satisfied if being a friend was all Poppy ever needed from him. He knew that she could never truly want more than that, and maybe he could live with just that as his future.


Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (6)


A sigh of relief left Smidge’s mouth as she saw the colors return to her best friend’s body. Branch had truly helped yet again. Maybe it was because Branch had been grey for so long, that he knew how to help better. Whatever he was doing, Poppy would bounce back because of it; she always did.

She and the rest of the group had been watching the pair from a faraway leaf in the tree from which they couldn’t hear the conversation, but could make sure that everything was okay. They had watched as Branch moved his mouth slowly, almost as if he was…?

“No way, is he singing to her…?” DJ gasped in awe as they all watched it unfold in front of them. Poppy’s awestruck expression only confirmed the theory further.

“It appears that way, Suki…” Biggie said quietly as he caressed Mr. Dinkles. “That’s a big step for him, isn’t it? I can’t believe he’s singing just to make her feel better!”

“Poppy just has that effect on people, doesn’t she?” Guy chirped, smiling warmly as he thought about their friend.

“Yeah…” The group of friends all said in unison.

That was very true, Poppy had a way of bringing out the best qualities in everyone, and it was apparent by how the two were clearly in love with one another, that Branch was becoming a different kind of troll himself. As Smidge saw them settle in and Poppy coiled her tail with his, her mouth moved, and a small smile formed on both of their faces.

As Smidge studied the pink and blue pair, she flinched at her thought. Blue? She rubbed her eyes as she looked at a smiling Branch once more. He was as grey as he was before, she must’ve been really tired, now that everything was settled, they could go back into the pod in a few minutes. She definitely needed to get some rest if she was seeing colors that weren’t there.

She really needed to brainstorm some way for her to thank Branch after everything they’d dealt with, he was truly a great friend.


A long way from the Troll Tree, as the sun cast a fiery orange hue over the dense woods, a forest-green tuft of troll hair bobbed about as the body it belonged to continued to scrub the shell of a much larger, shelled vehicle critter.


About the time and ages… I don’t really have an answer for you. DreamWorks kind of screwed over their own timeline from the start considering how old Branch was when Rosiepuff was eaten at the Troll Tree and how old he canonically is now based on Floyd’s post about Branch’s birth on the BroZone website, which is 25 as of January 2nd 2024 (He would’ve been 24 in TBT). The only mistake I've made was forgetting that Branch would only be 23 right now (I will go back and fix that.) If his brothers were gone for 20 years, that places him at the age of 3 or 4 when the breakup happened but leaves no room for the time that passed once Rosie died which was significant considering Branch was clearly a child rather than a baby when it happened. Even if I made him younger than 5-8 years old when they left the Troll Tree, it still doesn’t equal up to 20 years if we use Branch as a guide.

Branch would either have to be a different age (which isn't canon) or it had to be less than 20 years for the escape anniversary. No matter how I split it, nothing will add up properly and trust me, I’ve tried… (Don't get me started on how the holiday specials factor into this considering Branch is a winter baby)

Please if anyone can find a way to make it work with Branch’s canonical age, Rosie's death, and his brothers, then please let me know LOL. The best I can come up with is that when Branch claims they've been gone 20 years, it's a roundabout estimate.

All I can say is… Please don’t look into the ages so hard, I know it's annoying to not be 100% accurate but I'm doing my best and I promise there’s nothing important there for you to dissect. As much as I love everyone theorizing for what I have planned, I am 100% serious when I say there are no hidden meanings or allusions behind it, I was just trying to make Branch’s upbringing slightly more realistic, not fix what DreamWorks jumbled up from the start and keeps making more confusing. I'm using the canon as a guide, as his canonical upbringing still happened. What happened BEFORE Trolls 1 started, still happened.

It’s a plothole on DreamWorks’ end and I’m not going to make Branch 26-28 when he is clearly not that much older and neither is Poppy considering the Trolls 1 Artbook labels Branch “only a young adult.” Which makes Poppy a little younger than that. Gaping plotholes aside, Poppy is 21 and Branch is 23 as of this point in the story because Trolls Holiday hasn't happened yet and Branch's birthday is in January. I can’t fix that and stick to canon at the same time, sorry! I just cannot view Branch as 26-28 and neither does DreamWorks when they seem to consider both Poppy and Branch as younger. I’m trying my best okay?? Just… Imagine that trolls can’t count, their time frames are different than ours or something... I dunno! STOP ATTACKING MEEEE!!! (LOL)

Chapter 44: Revisit


Y'know, it's kind of interesting how many people have asked me if I planned to put BroZone in this, but it's been established since Chapter 21 that Branch had plans to look for Floyd and the others!

Also, the tags explain that this story will cover all of the movies (and things from the shows! That's why Milton is here! 😆), but they aren't in order.

Thanks so much for the warm welcome back, hope this chapter is suitable! 😁🙏🏾

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Deep within the humid, warm marshes of the Neverglades, a compact, shirtless blue troll with deep green hair and tinted goggles was rinsing the sticky algae off of a large Armadillo Bus. She trilled happily as she was washed, her troll owner cooing and praising her for being such a good girl.

It was a particularly sunny day, which made the swamplands that John Dory was currently in a lot more stuffy and hot. John Dory gave his pet/home a loving pet on the head before he stepped back from her, her bath completed. She shook off all the access water, drenching John Dory.

“Aww, c’mon Rhonda!” The lone traveler chuckled as she shook off some of the water on all fours in the same manner that his companion had. “Well, I guess that was sort of like a bath for me, but I think I prefer the one in the bathroom.”

John Dory entered Rhonda and made his way to his bathroom. It was a typical morning for John Dory; he had gotten up, went fishing, and even had time to sit down and read more of the book he had gotten while he visited Symphonyville. It was a book about loss and recovery after one. He had been embarrassed to purchase it, but he was relieved at how in tune Classical Trolls were with their emotions.

He couldn’t say the same for everyone back home, they were practically obsessed with happiness, staying positive, and having a good time despite their circ*mstances. John Dory had done a perfect job at keeping his own baggage at bay too, his brothers had been none the wiser, just seeing him as a nag. That was better than them worrying about who was up next for dinner.

He had been trying to find a way to bring his colors back more permanently and figured that finding something to help manage his emotions could help more than brushing them off did. He’d managed to keep his colors for a few months now, albeit a bit dimmer than they were meant to be, but it was hard to keep himself in high spirits when he was always alone with his thoughts, save for Rhonda, of course.

Mourning was by no means an easy task, that was clear as it was something he couldn’t shake off no matter how much he wanted to. The loss of his family had been hard on him; he was now the only one left of his family and he had so many regrets now that he’d never be able to see them again.

John Dory shook off the negative thoughts swirling within his head again; this was why he couldn’t get his color vibrancy to remain consistent. He attempted to clear his head as he stepped into his shower, turning it on and getting started on his usual washing routine.

He was always meticulous with the way he showered, he did things in a particular order, as it made him feel as though he was properly bathing. He always starts with his hair first, then works his way down from head to toe. He did his best to ignore the deep grooves and nicks on his skin from his many adventures and injuries over the long years he’d spent out in the world on his own.

He had been trying to undo his own strict habits for years now, trying to keep himself from needing everything balanced, flawless, or how he always phrased it, perfect. He’d done anything but live a perfect life while out on the road with Rhonda, and despite walking out and declaring a life without having to be in charge or having to do everything right to succeed, it was incredibly difficult not to judge himself in reality.

John Dory stepped out of the shower and dried himself off, slipping on a pair of briefs, and ruffled a towel through his pine-colored hair. He smiled as he grabbed a picture frame that sat on his dining table. It was a picture of all of his family; his grandmother was sitting in a chair as he and his younger brothers Spruce, Clay, and Floyd all sat between each other’s legs as if they were a rowing team and made heart shapes with their paws.

John Dory was doing the same but held up his paws for the youngest member of their family who couldn’t yet hold up his own, as he hadn’t even hatched. It was his favorite photo; it was a different time back then. All of them were wearing denim on denim; stonewash no less. It truly was an era.

John Dory’s paws made a heart shape around the baby blue egg nestled in the front of his hair with purple swirls decorating the shell and a deep blue tuft of hair protruding from the top.


John Dory took care of Branch’s egg with such care; he was used to it, he had a system down at this point and knew how to care for an egg better than anyone his age.

Their parents weren’t in the picture anymore; after they dropped off John Dory’s final sibling, he’d never seen them again. It was a cycle. His mom and dad would leave for months at a time and only return every now and then for a few months when bringing home a new sibling and taking off again a few months after the egg would hatch.

Despite that, they were good parents to John Dory, when they realized that his mother was expecting, his father settled in the Troll Tree with no hesitance and Grandma had no problems with helping the teen parents to learn how to raise a trolling. He felt loved, and cherished, and his mother always made sure to tell John Dory that he was truly perfect.

When John Dory was two years old, his mother and father had been away for a few months. He never knew where they were going, but his father always told him that they were visiting family and would be back soon. Sure, they had missed his second birthday, but now they were back, and they greeted him with a new addition. Spruce would be his baby brother and his mother assured him that he’d be the perfect big brother.

They were around more when it was just John Dory and Spruce; they had stuck around for quite a few years leaving sporadically, but were present more often than not up until John Dory was around twelve years old, Spruce being ten. Spruce and John Dory were very close then, and the twelve-year-old did everything he could to prove to his parents that he was a good big brother.

He stepped in to help look after his younger brother as soon as he was old enough to know how, and that was by the age of ten. They had often left Spruce’s care to John Dory, as he was just better at it than them, and that made John Dory swell with pride. Their parents left on and off again for a while, but when Clay’s egg was brought home, things started to shift.

They were at home less and less, claiming that Rock and Roll couldn’t stop and slow down. John Dory’s father was someone his mother had met after sneaking out of the Troll Tree when she was sixteen. According to her, she met him at a Rock concert and his vocals had blown her away. He was an up-and-coming rock star with his band, “Smooch” and his mother had never known any kind of music but her own.

Other music genres were more like an old troll’s tale that no one his mother’s age had ever experienced themselves to even know if it had any merit. She was swept off her feet by his voice and bass playing and when he spotted her bright-colored hue in the crowd of muted Rock Trolls, the rest was history. At least, that’s how they described it.

John Dory could see very clearly that his parents were very much in love and that they were inseparable, so when he noticed his parents disagreeing and fighting, it was a scary change for him. They were always sure to tell John Dory that he was perfect and did nothing wrong. It became yet another pattern that John Dory could recognize.

They’d be happy, John Dory would prove his ability to care for his brothers, and his parents would stay for a bit after an egg hatching only to become stressed by parenting yet again. John Dory would step up to help and they’d leave his brothers in his care while they left home to work on their relationship. They’d come back with another egg and the cycle would repeat.

All the while, his mom was sure to tell him just how perfect he was. She loved it when all of their brothers would sing together and have fun as a family, she was so happy when they returned home to find that John Dory had started a band with his three younger brothers and how perfect their harmony was. However, these happy times came to a halt once Branch’s egg was brought home.

Branch’s egg must’ve had a rough growing period, as his mother came back stressed and upset. John Dory was sixteen now, old enough for Branch to have been his own egg, as his mother was John Dory’s age when their family got started. He remembered Grandma getting angry at his parents, as they weren’t even planning to stick around for Branch till his hatch date.

Branch’s egg was instantly handed off to John Dory and while he was quite used to this process, it was different this time, as he’d never seen his grandmother yell the entirety that he’d been alive. She was hurt. They were angry. Grandma felt that they were avoiding their responsibilities as parents and pushing them onto others.

John Dory could barely hear whatever they were arguing about; all he knew was that Branch’s egg was beautiful and that he had the feeling that this time, his parents leaving might not be so temporary. It was a blur; harsh words were exchanged, tears were shed, and by the end of it, his mother disowned herself and left with his father.

He remembered running out after them, Branch’s egg clutched in his arms, begging for his mother to stay. She caressed his face like she always did, kissed both cheeks, his nose, and then his forehead; telling him that sometimes, families just can’t be perfect together, and that meant that it was time for her to go.

John Dory looked down at the egg in his paws and touched the tuft of azure hair that matched his mother’s, tears dripping down the side of its shell as the eldest sibling realized that his family had fallen apart. That wouldn’t discourage him, though.

His parents might have been gone, but that didn’t mean that John Dory would stop being the perfect guardian his brothers needed. Branch’s egg had such a perfectly cohesive color palette, it was even more amazing when John Dory was the first one to see Branch’s sweet little face, his big blue eyes scanning his surroundings to look for the one who he’d look to for guidance.

It was a crisp winter morning and the new year had just begun. John Dory had been all over the Troll Tree to handle the shopping that Grandma had asked him to take care of. Like he’d done every morning, with every single one of his brother’s eggs, he carefully picked up his baby brother’s egg from his hair nest and lifted it into the hair on his head.

It was typical for a troll parent to shed hair in order for their egg’s hair nest to be constructed. It allowed for the eggs to have a safe place to rest at night to prevent the parent from potentially harming the egg by sleeping with an egg in their hair overnight once it detached from the scalp. Unfortunately for John Dory, he didn’t have that natural process; he wasn’t his mother.

He had to make the tedious effort of cutting his own hair in order to craft a hair nest for the rest of his brothers after Spruce was born.

It was routine for John Dory to grow his hair out only to cut it when his parents would return, as he was used to expecting a new sibling at any point and wanted to be ready. And ready he was, he was a capable caregiver by this point in his life. He’d already been caring for three younger brothers with the help of his grandmother.

He might not have always had the right words to say, but John Dory had always done everything he could to care for his family. As Grandma got older, he wanted her to take a backseat as he provided for them all.

He was only sixteen, but so was his mother when she had him; he could do this. It had already been six months since his parents had left the Troll Tree for good. It was snowing and John Dory had bundled his hair up well as he went out to complete the shopping list that he had been provided by Grandma.

Branch’s egg was nestled deep in his hair and it was the first time that John Dory had sole responsibility for an egg for so long. Usually, his parents would stop through and provide basic care for the egg or Grandma would help, but after what happened, John Dory decided that he’d take care of Branch all on his own. Mom had told him to.

He'd never experienced holding a newly detached egg, let alone being the sole provider for one. He wasn’t even sure when Branch would hatch, he wasn’t even sure when he was conceived. That didn’t matter, though. He learned how much work he had to do just to incubate an egg. Especially one that wasn’t his. If the egg didn’t feel loved and wanted, it was a guarantee that it wouldn’t thrive.

There were many ways to conceive an egg. The old-fashioned way, gem growth, hair latching, or a combination of the three. Whether you had a partner or not, an egg has to be desired and wanted in order for one to sprout from a troll’s scalp. Though, like anything else, a troll could change their mind later on and an egg can feel such rejection.

Branch’s egg had a hard time adjusting to the fact that his parents were no longer around to nurture him the way they had for his siblings. John Dory had to go above and beyond just to provide the love and affection that a young egg needed to flourish. Though, it wasn’t as difficult as one would imagine for a teenager; John Dory truly adored Branch. He was the last piece of his mother that she entrusted him with and his sense of duty and Branch’s perfect egg coloring led to him gaining a special attachment to his youngest brother.

As he fumbled with the groceries, stopping now again as trolls walked up to him for autographs and photos, John Dory was feeling rather good about himself; albeit a bit tired from overwork from the holiday show they’d put on only a few weeks ago.

He only had one more stop to make to Plum Plimsy’s pod before heading home. He had kept his parents’ departure under wraps; especially the fresh egg they’d left behind. They were good friends, and she planned to be a childcare doctor once they graduated from Hair School.

She was helping John Dory navigate the complexities of egg care from such a sensitive developmental period all without requesting a thing in return but the experience. John Dory had taken a short break in the nook of a tree branch, sitting and tucking his knees as he huddled in close and pushing his scarf up over his purple nose and flushed, wind-whipped cheeks.

He always sat out there when he needed a breather from his brothers. As much as he loved them, they were all just a bunch of kids too, and moody teenagers still needed their private time to brood in peace.

The eldest sibling watched as trollings played on the wide-open areas of mushrooms that littered the Troll Tree. He chuckled to himself as he watched a snot-nosed troll shove snow down the back of a troll that had hit him square in the back of his head just moments ago.

He’d have to take his brothers out to play later, the snow was really piling up and they deserved a break now that the holidays were over and the Bergens stayed indoors from the bitter cold.

They always got lucky in winter, the Bergens didn’t have as many holidays as trolls did, therefore, holidays that involved gift-giving and New Year's weren’t special occasions. Trollstice always came in the fall and that was long over now that it was already the new year and the snow was falling.

John Dory closed his eyes as the wind picked up, letting the sounds of the swirling winter air settle his brain. Branch’s egg rattled for the millionth time in the last hour and the eldest brother wondered what had his baby brother so excitable lately.

Branch was reacting to John Dory’s touch much more than usual, leaping and rattling whenever he heard his voice according to his brothers, or his hair tuft wiggling whenever John Dory cuddled him and talked to him, which Plum had told him to do often.

He was going to ignore it for now, as it was far too cold to take his little brother out of his hair at the moment; that was until he heard a new sound. A cracking sound.

The teenager shot up with his eyes wide as he froze, unsure if it was his imagination but too afraid to remove the egg from its warm resting place on his scalp. A shiver ran up his spine as he felt the egg shifting, followed by more sounds of cracking. John Dory knew what was happening. Plum said that it could happen any time now and that dhe had very specific instructions as to what to do when it did.

– “Take the egg out of your hair, it’s very important that your brother sees someone once he hatches.”

John Dory cautiously took Branch’s egg from his green locks and his eyes widened even more as his ocean blue irises narrowed in on the cracks in the shell of his brother’s baby blue and purple speckled egg.

– “Make sure to encourage him to come out, but don’t remove his egg pieces yourself, he has to do it all on his own.”

Once the eggshell cracked more, he understood why his classmate had been adamant when telling him not to remove parts of the shell himself, it was incredibly tempting to do so as they loosely hung onto the rest of the egg.

“Come on out, little guy, you can do it!” John Dory whispered as he used his body as a shield from the whipping wind; his eyes remaining locked on the egg held within his nearly frostbitten paws. He was so nervous, he never had to be solely responsible for an egg-hatching; his parents were usually there for that at the very least.

But here he was and for some reason, it excited him. It was the reward of all his hard work to look after his baby brother. His mother had left him in charge of this life and he’d done an absolutely perfect job so far. He was proving himself as a great leader.

He watched as a tiny baby blue fist that matched his own complexion punched through the egg’s shell and pawed around to lift up the top part of the egg, finally allowing the small creature to poke his head out for the first time. John Dory’s eyes lit up as he saw the face of his newest sibling’s face.

He nearly burst into tears once his eyes opened. He was a splitting image of their mother; his baby blue skin and deep indigo hair matched their mother’s perfectly. However, once Branch opened his eyes and stared at the bigger troll in front of him and smiled a gummy, toothless smile, John Dory couldn’t stop his tears from flowing.

Branch truly looked just like her, the one John Dory had missed seeing for most of his life. She might not have been around anymore, but John Dory would always have part of her. Right then as he rushed over to Plum’s pod for further assistance, John Dory decided something. He’d do whatever it took to make his brothers succeed and become the perfect family that she didn’t believe could exist, no matter what it took.


As John Dory stared at the photo of his youngest brother, he felt the overwhelming, crushing guilt of the promise he couldn’t keep. He’d gone back to the Troll Tree three years after he’d left and found not a trace of anyone left at his old home and it was clear that no one had been there for at least a year based on the plant growth.

All of his brothers, his grandmother, everyone was gone. It was no surprise what happened to them; the Bergens had been eating them for generations and the population of trolls had been dwindling for ages.

How could they keep up when the Bergens would take any trolls regardless of age to eat and wouldn’t even respect their own holiday traditions, taking trolls at any time of the year?

He was overcome with so much grief and guilt that he couldn’t even stick around to look any further. He retreated to the Neverglades for years after that, opting to travel the world, discovering other types of trolls, and learning how to survive no matter where he decided to settle, but once he found Rhonda and she was big enough to live inside, he was able to head back to the Troll Tree and finally take his family’s belongings back with him.

It was all he had left.

John Dory shook off his overwhelming urge to cry again as he grabbed a handful of nuts and stuffed them in his mouth, sitting down the picture frame and flopping down into the driver’s seat of his vehicle companion and shut his eyes. It had been at least 15 years since he’d found out about his family, but for some reason, it hadn’t felt too much better other than the wallowing becoming less frequent.

Growling from Rhonda brought him out of his thoughts as he sprung up and quickly grabbed his machete which sat by the door and peeked outside of the door.

When he saw no one standing there, he cautiously walked outside, squinting and scanning his surroundings before coming across what was aggravating his pet. It was a smaller, shelled creature using its tail to propel itself in the air.

When it spotted John Dory, it yipped and hovered around him, sniffling him, and panted happily once it seemed satisfied. The creature finally settled and landed on the ground in front of him, looking up at him expectantly and lying down as if it were trained to stay put.

The troll would’ve questioned its strange obedience but then John Dory had noticed an envelope tied around its torso. He knelt down, cautiously reaching out to the small critter who seemed quite friendly and inviting as he untied the letter and opened it, reading its contents.

John Dory stumbled for a moment, falling back against Rhonda and making her chirp out of concern.

As he read it, it felt like his world was spinning. There was no way this was true, Branch was alive and looking for him? More importantly, his family hadn’t died at all, they had all left home prior to that. But where had they all gone that Branch couldn’t find them now?

Why was Branch by himself? Hopefully it hadn’t been for too long, how old would he even be now, in his twenties?

John Dory had so many questions, but he couldn’t keep himself upright as he collapsed to the earth beneath him. Branch was alive; he was alive and he missed him.

He wanted John Dory to come back home.

John Dory had to fight off the small critter who’d been licking away his tears, then the larger critter who’d followed suit and gave him a glittery, slobbery kiss of her own.

John Dory did his best not to be too emotional nowadays, but he couldn’t help but become a bit of a crybaby when it came to his baby brother; especially now that the eldest knew he wasn’t dead; none of his family was, they were just elsewhere and Branch wanted to locate them.

Once he settled himself and settled the critters around him, it was a no-brainer as to what he needed to do.

He would head back to the Troll Tree in record time; his baby brother needed him.

The sun was setting on the shimmery sheer canyons of the forest. A small, emaciated purple troll lay lifeless on the canyon floors, battered and entirely exhausted from strenuous activity. A blue, irritated rash spread from his fingertips and almost to his shoulders, scarred and blistered from scratching and a lack of medicinal treatment.

His breathing was raspy and dry from the lack of water or food over the last two days, and he had depleted all of his energy from the countless attempts to scale the slippery sleek walls of the canyons he found himself trapped in after his lifelong friends left him to die alone.

Maybe he would die here; perhaps it was fate for him to end up this way. Was it really what he deserved? Maybe, he wasn’t sure with the case of delirium setting in.

He’d been trying day in and day out to look for any way out of the silken prison, but he had to admit that the grey mongrel—the one he wanted to do anything but remember right now—had told him and his ex-companions that this would happen.

His eyes shut as he gave in for the night, maybe even forever at this point. This wasn’t even how he wanted this plan to go; but what choice did he have in the matter when trying to save himself, his actual plan was discovered by someone that he wanted nothing to do with?

It was this way or death, and he would do anything to have his second chance, but that plan went south as soon as he found his way out. As he continued to let in and out shallow, weak breaths, he heard thumping from far away, but it was getting closer.

Thump. Thump.

He couldn’t be bothered to open his eyes, his pupils slowly scanning the red light from the sun shining against his eyelids from the inside.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The sound was getting louder and as it did, his ears twitched at the sound of birds and other flying critters vacating the premises as the thundering thumping sounds crunched and snapped the limbs of the forest’s foliage.


As the sound of heavy, large footsteps approached him, he could no longer see the sunlight, whatever was in front of him had cast a large shadow. Maybe this was death finally coming to claim him after all he’d done.

He’d tried so hard to save himself, but no matter what he did, the words continued to ring in his ears from the last person he wanted to think about before he died.

“Newsflash, ‘Creep,’ life never goes the way you plan it, no matter how hard you try.”

His heart twisted in regret and burned as the words were branded to his very soul. His desperation was his downfall yet again. He felt it. The large presence looming over him, picking him up in its cold, clammy hands. For some reason, it felt familiar.

Was it because of his close calls before? His body slackened, waiting for it to come, he had no fight left in him as he was lifted from the earth beneath him.

“Hey, you’re not dead yet, are you?” A voice from a figure much larger than him spoke as fear rippled over his body from its familiarity to him. Wait, was this...?

He managed to lift his heavy lids enough to glance up at whatever was taking hold of him, a heavy feeling of dread washed over his entire being as he saw the practically glowing yellow sclera and red corneas from a familiar beast-like woman with muddled lavender skin and wiry blue hair.

He’d been in the clutches of these dreaded, clammy hands hundreds of times before, and at this point, he felt like he might never be able to escape her grasp; he let out a pitiful whimper, making her blink and smirk down at him.

He hated how she always looked at him as if he were a meal ticket.

“Oh, good, you’re still kicking,” She chuckled sinisterly to herself, her vile, hot breath wafting over his skin.

“Normally, I’d punish you for trying to run away, but it’s clear to me that you’ve learned your lesson considering the state you’re in, troll.”

He felt the large being stepping out of the crevice he’d been trapped in for days with such ease that he felt the typical feeling of complete uselessness that he always did around her.

There was never a point in running from that beast, she’d always find him, so why not call her himself? She paused for a moment, and he felt her looking around a bit before continuing to speak.

“Ah. So, you were with other trolls, when you decided to run, huh? Where were you all headed, tell me.” The voice snarled, making him flinch and attempt to squeak something out, but he was so tired, hungry, and thirsty. He simply couldn't think of what to say nor could his brain properly grasp his native tongue to form a sentence or even a syllable.

“Forget it, I know there are still trolls back at that village, there’s not enough tents here for a whole community. I’ll get you up and coherent again and then you’ll tell me where they’re all hiding.” The sinister voice spoke to him as she kicked and crushed plants beneath her feet.

“You have to know, you were that pesky Princess’ friend, weren’t you? You’re my key to baiting them out.”

He tried to say something else, but he had no strength left in him and his body gave out, finally conceding to his weary eyes that had been begging for him to close them. Now that he had called her out here, he was starting to regret it; he was regretting even more things than he had ever before. Death in that canyon sounded better than this again. He would always be her ticket out of hell.



That was weird... Wonder who those guys were 🤨

Anyways, John Dory is here! My darling, my sweetheart! My favorite brother besides Branch 💖💖💖 I figured he deserved a little backstory, I couldn't help but wonder why JD was always so fixated on perfection... Guess it runs deep.

Sidenote: God, it's seriously the worst having to refer to Bruce as his old name, I keep having to go back and rewrite it because it's practically automatic to use his chosen name! 💔

Rewinding Our Fate - trollsbuzz (thatbennybee) (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.