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SECTION X: CORRECTION REQUEST - PointClickCare › help › clinical › Section_X.pdf· information is necessary to locate the existing record in the Quality Improvement and Evaluation - [PDF Document] (1)

CMS’s RAI Version 3.0 Manual CH 3: MDS Items [X]

October 2019 Page X-1

SECTION X: CORRECTION REQUEST Intent: The purpose of Section X is to identify an MDS record to be modified or inactivated. The following items identify the existing assessment record that is in error. Section X is only completed if Item A0050, Type of Record, is coded a 2 (Modify existing record) or a 3 (Inactivate existing record). In Section X, the facility must reproduce the information EXACTLY as it appeared on the existing erroneous record, even if the information is incorrect. This information is necessary to locate the existing record in the Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES) Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system. A modification request is used to correct a QIES ASAP record containing incorrect MDS item values due to:

• transcription errors, • data entry errors, • software product errors, • item coding errors, and/or • other error requiring modification

The modification request record contains correct values for all MDS items (not just the values previously in error), including the Section X items. The corrected record will replace the prior erroneous record in the QIES ASAP system. In some cases, an incorrect MDS record requires a completely new assessment of the resident in addition to a modification request for that incorrect record. Please refer to Chapter 5 of this manual, Submission and Correction of the MDS Assessments, to determine if a new assessment is required in addition to a modification request. An inactivation request is used to move an existing record in the QIES ASAP system from the active file to an archive (history file) so that it will not be used for reporting purposes. Inactivations should be used when the event did not occur (e.g., a discharge was submitted when the resident was not discharged). The inactivation request only includes Item A0050 and the Section X items. All other MDS sections are skipped. The modification and inactivation processes are automated and neither completely removes the prior erroneous record from the QIES ASAP system. The erroneous record is archived in a history file. In certain cases, it is necessary to delete a record and not retain any information about the record in the QIES ASAP system. This requires a request from the facility to the facility’s state agency to manually delete all traces of a record from the QIES ASAP system. The policy and procedures for a Manual Correction/Deletion Request are provided in Chapter 5 of this Manual. A Manual Deletion Request is required only in the following three cases:

1. Item A0410 Submission Requirement is incorrect. Submission of MDS assessment records to the QIES ASAP system constitutes a release of private information and must conform to privacy laws. Only records required by the State and/or the Federal governments may be stored in the QIES ASAP system. If a record has been submitted with the incorrect Submission Requirement value in Item A0410, then that record must be manually deleted and, in some cases, a new record with a corrected A0410 value submitted. Item A0410 cannot be corrected by modification or inactivation. See Chapter 5 of this Manual for details.

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October 2019 Page X-2

2. Inappropriate submission of a test record as a production record. Removal of a test record from the QIES ASAP system requires manual deletion. Otherwise information for a “bogus” resident will be retained in the database and this resident will appear on some reports to the facility.

3. Record was submitted for the wrong facility. If a record was submitted to the QIES ASAP system for an incorrect facility, the record must be removed manually and then a new record for the correct facility must be submitted to the QIES ASAP system. Manual deletion of the record for the wrong facility is necessary to ensure that the resident is not associated with that facility and does not appear on reports to that facility.

X0150: Type of Provider (A0200 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) This item contains the type of provider identified from the prior erroneous record to be modified/ inactivated.

Coding Instructions for X0150, Type of Provider Enter the type of provider code 1 “Nursing Home (SNF/NF)” or code 2 “Swing Bed” exactly as submitted for item A0200 “Type of Provider” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

• Code 1, Nursing home (SNF/NF): if the facility is a Nursing home (SNF/NF). • Code 2, Swing Bed: if the facility is a Swing Bed facility.

X0200: Name of Resident (A0500 on existing record to be modified/inactivated)

These items contain the resident’s name from the prior erroneous record to be modified/ inactivated.

Coding Instructions for X0200A, First Name

• Enter the first name of the resident exactly as submitted for item A0500A “Legal Name of Resident—First Name” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. Start entry with the leftmost box.

• Note that the first name in X0200A does not have to match the current value of A0500A on a modification request. The entries may be different if the modification is correcting the first name.

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October 2019 Page X-3

X0200: Name of Resident (A0500 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) (cont.) Coding Instructions for X0200C, Last Name

• Enter the last name of the resident exactly as submitted for item A0500C “Legal Name of Resident— Last Name” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. Start entry with the leftmost box. The last name in X0200C cannot be blank.

• Note that the last name in X0200C does not have to match the current value of A0500C on a modification request. The entries may be different if the modification is correcting the last name.

X0300: Gender (A0800 on existing record to be modified/inactivated)

Coding Instructions for X0300, Gender

• Enter the gender code 1 “Male,” 2 “Female,” or – (dash value indicating unable to determine) exactly as submitted for item A0800 “Gender” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

• Although a dash (indicating unable to determine) is no longer an acceptable value in A0800, a dash must be used in X0300 on a modification or inactivation request to locate a record if a dash was previously entered in A0800 on the original record.

• Note that the gender in X0300 does not have to match the current value of A0800 on a modification request. The entries may be different if the modification is correcting the gender.

X0400: Birth Date (A0900 on existing record to be modified/inactivated)

Coding Instructions for X0400, Birth Date

• Fill in the boxes with the birth date exactly as submitted for item A0900 “Birth Date” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. If the month or day contains only a single digit, fill in the first box with a 0 For example, January 2, 1918, should be entered as:

If the birth date in MDS item A0900 on the prior record was a partial date, with day of the month unknown and the day of the month boxes were left blank, then the day of the month boxes must be blank in X0400. If the birth date in MDS item A0900 on the prior record was a partial date with both month and day of the month unknown and the month and day of the month boxes were left blank, then the month and day of the month boxes must be blank in X0400.

• Note that the birth date in X0400 does not have to match the current value of A0900 on a modification request. The entries may be different if the modification is correcting the birth date.







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October 2019 Page X-4

X0500: Social Security Number (A0600A on existing record to be modified/inactivated)

Coding Instructions for X0500, Social Security Number

• Fill in the boxes with the Social Security number exactly as submitted for item A0600 “Social Security and Medicare numbers" on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. If the Social Security number was unknown or unavailable and left blank on the prior record, leave X0500 blank.

• Note that the Social Security number in X0500 does not have to match the current value of A0600 on a modification request. The entries may be different if the modification is correcting the Social Security number.

X0570: Optional State Assessment (A0300A/B on existing record to be modified/inactivated)

Item Rationale • This item contains the reasons for assessment from the prior erroneous Optional State

Assessment record to be modified/inactivated.

Coding Instructions for X0570A, Is this assessment for state payment purposes only?

• Fill in the box with the state payment purpose code exactly as submitted for item A0300A “Is this assessment for state payment purposes only?” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

• Note that the state payment purpose code in X0570A must match the current value of A0300A on the modification request.

Coding Instructions for X0570B, Assessment Type • Fill in the box with the assessment type code exactly as submitted for item A0300B

“Assessment Type” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

• Note that the assessment type code in X0570B must match the current value of A0300B on the modification request.

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October 2019 Page X-5

X0600: Type of Assessment/Tracking (A0310 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) These items contain the reasons for assessment/tracking from the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

Coding Instructions for X0600A, Federal OBRA Reason for Assessment

• Fill in the boxes with the Federal OBRA reason for assessment/tracking code exactly as submitted for item A0310A “Federal OBRA Reason for Assessment” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

• Note that the Federal OBRA reason for assessment/tracking code in X0600A must match the current value of A0310A on a modification request.

• If item A0310A was incorrect on an assessment that was previously submitted and accepted by the QIES ASAP system, then the original assessment must be modified or inactivated per the instructions in Chapter 5 (Section 5.7).

Coding Instructions for X0600B, PPS Assessment • Fill in the boxes with the PPS assessment type code exactly as submitted for item

A0310B “PPS Assessment” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. • Note that the PPS assessment code in X0600B must match the current value of A0310B

on a modification request. • If item A0310B was incorrect on an assessment that was previously submitted and

accepted by the QIES ASAP system, then the original assessment must be modified or inactivated per the instructions in Chapter 5 (Section 5.7).

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October 2019 Page X-6

X0600: Type of Assessment/Tracking (A0310 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) (cont.)

Coding Instructions for X0600F, Entry/Discharge Reporting • Enter the number corresponding to the entry/discharge code exactly as submitted for item

A0310F “Entry/discharge reporting” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

01. Entry tracking record 10. Discharge assessment-return not anticipated 11. Discharge assessment-return anticipated 12. Death in facility tracking record 99. None of the above

• Note that the Entry/discharge code in X0600F must match the current value of A0310F on a modification request.

• If item A0310F was incorrect on an assessment that was previously submitted and accepted by the QIES ASAP system, then the original assessment must be modified or inactivated per the instructions in Chapter 5 (Section 5.7).

Coding Instructions for X0600H, Is this a Part A PPS Discharge Assessment?

• Enter the code exactly as submitted for item A0310H, “Is this a Part A PPS Discharge Assessment?” on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated.

• Code 0, no: if this is not a Part A PPS Discharge assessment. • Code 1, yes: if this is a Part A PPS Discharge assessment. • Note that the code in X0600H must match the current value of A0310H on a modification

request. • If item A0310H was incorrect on an assessment that was previously submitted and

accepted by the QIES ASAP system, then the original assessment must be modified or inactivated per the instructions in Chapter 5 (Section 5.7).

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October 2019 Page X-7

X0700: Date on Existing Record to Be Modified/Inactivated – Complete one only The item that is completed in this section is the event date for the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. The event date is the assessment reference date for an assessment record, the discharge date for a discharge record, or the entry date for an entry record. In the QIES ASAP system, this date is often referred to as the “target date.” Enter only one (1) date in X0700.

Coding Instructions for X0700A, Assessment Reference Date—

(A2300 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) – Complete Only if X0600F = 99

• If the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated is an OBRA assessment or a PPS assessment, where X0600F = 99, enter the assessment reference date here exactly as submitted in item A2300 “Assessment Reference Date” on the prior record.

• Note that the assessment reference date in X0700A must match the current value of A2300 on a modification request.

Coding Instructions for X0700B, Discharge Date—(A2000 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) – Complete Only If X0600F = 10, 11, or 12

• If the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated is a discharge record (indicated by X0600F = 10, 11, or 12), enter the discharge date here exactly as submitted for item A2000 “Discharge Date” on the prior record. If the prior erroneous record was a discharge combined with an OBRA or PPS assessment, then that prior record will contain both a completed assessment reference date (A2300) and discharge date (A2000) and these two dates will be identical. If such a record is being modified or inactivated, enter the prior discharge date in X0700B and leave the prior assessment reference date in X0700A blank.

• Note that the discharge date in X0700B must match the current value of A2000 on a modification request.

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October 2019 Page X-8

X0700: Date on Existing Record to Be Modified/Inactivated (cont.)

Coding Instructions for X0700C, Entry Date—(A1600 on existing record to be modified/inactivated) – Complete Only If X0600F = 01

• If the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated is an entry record (indicated by X0600F = 01), enter the entry date here exactly as submitted for item A1600 “Entry Date [date of admission/reentry into the facility]” on the prior record.

• Note that the entry date in X0700C must match the current value of A1600 on a modification request.

X0800: Correction Attestation Section The items in this section indicate the number of times a record accepted into the QIES ASAP system has been corrected, the reason for the current modification/inactivation request, the person attesting to the modification/inactivation request, and the date of the attestation. This item may be populated automatically by the nursing home’s data entry software; however, if it is not, the nursing home should enter this information.

Coding Instructions for X0800, Correction Number

• Enter the total number of correction requests to modify/inactivate the record in the QIES ASAP system that is in error. Include the present modification/inactivation request in this number.

• For the first correction request (modification/inactivation) for an MDS record, code a value of 01 (zero-one); for the second correction request, code a value of 02 (zero-two); etc. With each succeeding request, X0800 is incremented by one. For values between one and nine, a leading zero should be used in the first box. For example, enter “01” into the two boxes for X0800.

• This item identifies the total number of correction requests following the original assessment or tracking record, including the present request. Note that Item X0800 is used to track successive correction requests in the QIES ASAP system.

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October 2019 Page X-9

X0900: Reasons for Modification The items in this section indicate the possible reasons for the modification request of the record in the QIES ASAP system. Check all that apply. These items should only be completed when A0050 = 2, indicating a modification request. If A0050 = 3, indicating an inactivation request, these items should be skipped.

Coding Instructions for X0900A, Transcription Error • Check the box if any errors in the prior record accepted into the QIES ASAP system were

caused by data transcription errors. • A transcription error includes any error made recording MDS assessment or tracking

form information from other sources. An example is transposing the digits for the resident’s weight (e.g., recording “191” rather than the correct weight of “119” that appears in the medical record).

Coding Instructions for X0900B, Data Entry Error • Check the box if any errors in the prior record accepted into the QIES ASAP system were

caused by data entry errors. • A data entry error includes any error made while encoding MDS assessment or tracking

form information into the facility's computer system. An example is an error where the response to the individual minutes of physical therapy O0400C1 is incorrectly encoded as “3000” minutes rather than the correct number of “0030” minutes.

Coding Instructions for X0900C, Software Product Error • Check the box if any errors in the prior record accepted into the QIES ASAP system were

caused by software product errors. • A software product error includes any error created by the encoding software, such as

storing an item in the wrong format (e.g., storing weight as “020” instead of “200”). Coding Instructions for X0900D, Item Coding Error

• Check the box if any errors in the prior record accepted into the QIES ASAP system were caused by item coding errors.

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October 2019 Page X-10

X0900: Reasons for Modification (cont.) • An item coding error includes any error made coding an MDS item (for exceptions when

certain items may not be modified see Chapter 5), such as choosing an incorrect code for the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) bed mobility self-performance item G0110A1 (e.g., choosing a code of “4” for a resident who requires limited assistance and should be coded as “2”). Item coding errors may result when an assessor makes an incorrect judgment or misunderstands the RAI coding instructions.

Coding Instructions for X0900Z, Other Error Requiring Modification • Check the box if any errors in the prior record accepted into the QIES ASAP system were

caused by other types of errors not included in Items X0900A through X0900D. • Such an error includes any other type of error that causes a record accepted into the QIES

ASAP system to require modification under the Correction Policy. An example would be when a record is prematurely submitted prior to final completion of editing and review. Facility staff should describe the “other error” in the space provided with the item.

X1050: Reasons for Inactivation The items in this section indicate the possible reasons for the inactivation request. Check all that apply. These items should only be completed when A0050 = 3, indicating an inactivation request. If A0050 = 2, indicating a modification request, these items should be skipped.

Coding Instructions for X1050A, Event Did Not Occur

• Check the box if the record accepted into the QIES ASAP system does not represent an event that actually occurred.

• An example would be a Discharge assessment submitted for a resident, but there was no actual discharge. There was no event.

Coding Instructions for X1050Z, Other Reason Requiring Inactivation • Check the box if any errors in the record accepted into the QIES ASAP system were

caused by other types of errors not included in Item X1050A. • Facility staff should describe the “other error” in the space provided with the item.

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October 2019 Page X-11

X1100: RN Assessment Coordinator Attestation of Completion The items in this section identify the RN coordinator attesting to the correction request and the date of the attestation.

Coding Instructions for X1100A, Attesting Individual’s First Name

• Enter the first name of the facility staff member attesting to the completion of the corrected information. Start entry with the leftmost box.

Coding Instructions for X1100B, Attesting Individual’s Last Name • Enter the last name of the facility staff member attesting to the completion of the

corrected information. Start entry with the leftmost box.

Coding Instructions for X1100C, Attesting Individual’s Title • Enter the title of the facility staff member attesting to the completion of the corrected

information on the line provided.

Coding Instructions for X1100D, Signature • The attesting individual must sign the correction request here, certifying the completion

of the corrected information. The entire correction request should be completed and signed within 14 days of detecting an error in a record accepted into the QIES ASAP system. The correction request, including the signature of the attesting facility staff, must be kept with the modified or inactivated MDS record and retained in the resident’s medical record or electronic medical record.

Coding Instructions for X1100E, Attestation Date • Enter the date the attesting facility staff member attested to the completion of the

corrected information.

• Do not leave any boxes blank. For a one-digit month or day, place a zero in the first box. For example, January 2, 2011, should be entered as:

1 0





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October 2019 Page X-12

X1100: RN Assessment Coordinator Attestation of Completion (cont.)

Coding Tip for X1100, RN Assessment Coordinator Attestation of Completion

• If an inactivation is being completed, Z0400 must also be completed.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.